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Pokémon Dark Winter Night (One-shot)



Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
Putting up another old one-shot. This was a gift fic for @slamdunkrai written in December 2019. Again, if anyone actually decides to look at this for the blitz, know that I don't consider it representative of my current writing abilities. Enjoy!


On a calm, crisp winter night a murkrow hopped across snow-covered grass under the moon's pale glow. When that wasn't getting him through the cluster of barren, icy trees fast enough, he flitted forward until, at last, the trees gave way to a hill that gradually declined toward a shoreline. White from high tide's froth met the white of snow lying atop the sand, but Murkrow wasn't interested in that. Instead, he turned his attention toward the trees.

It was tough to make out, but he eventually spotted a darkened silhouette against a tree a few yards away. He fluttered toward it, chirping, "Hey, Darkrai! Darkrai! Darkrai!"

A single crimson eye poked open and sized Murkrow up. Then Darkrai abruptly rolled over. "What do you want, Murkrow?"

Murkrow glided to Darkrai's right side and touched down. "To keep company, of course! I managed to sneak away from flock again." He puffed his chest out. "Your stealthology lessons have paid off big time. Nabbed many sparklies!"

Darkrai groaned. Those "stealthology lessons" were nothing more than Murkrow giving chase to them… even when they blended into the shadows to try and get away. Darkrai ran claws through their white, spectral hair. "I'm not one for company tonight. Go away." They waved Murkrow off.

"Go away? But I just got here."

"And if you don't leave… you'll see exactly why flocks like yours fear my kind," Darkrai said. They raised their free hand and black goo bubbled up between their claws.

"No fear. No scary. I've got Insomnia. No spooky dreams for me," Murkrow sang, swaying from side to side.

Sighing, Darkrai lowered their arm and pivoted so they were lying on their back. "Fine. You can stay. But as I told you… don't expect much out of me."

"Aww, why so gloomy?" Murkrow leaned over. "Wait… you always gloomy. So, why super-gloomy?"

The response consisted of Darkrai pointing to the sky. Murkrow followed their gaze, only to tilt his head in confusion. "Did you happen to notice that the sun set awfully fast today?" Darkrai asked. The look Murkrow gave them suggested that they didn't. Darkrai rubbed their temples. "Look, the fact is that today is something humans call the Winter Solstice. It's the shortest day and longest night here in Sinnoh."

"That good thing, right? Darkrai like nighttime because pokémon go sleepy-bye." Murkrow held his wings up by his head.

"Not in this case." Darkrai looked Murkrow over skeptically. Perhaps they had overestimated the bird's age. "The Winter Solstice is a time where pokémon will often gather to offer thanks to Cresselia for protecting them during the night and blessing them with good, peaceful dreams."

Murkrow's eyes widened. "Ohh… you mean Moon Lady! Yes, yes, flock leader mention Moon Lady much times. Say she's good and you're bad… but lots of flock mates have Insomnia, too, so we safe from spooky dreams."

"I'm aware of that, thank you." Darkrai struggled to keep their impatience in check. Out of any night, why did Murkrow have to show up and bother them tonight? They just wanted the night to be over so they wouldn't be stuck on the island.

I never should've agreed to that stupid rule that I'd stay island-bound until the Winter Solstice ends, they thought, shoulders sagging. I'm going to lose my mind if I have to keep listening to him babble.

Taking a deep breath, Darkrai said, "Why aren't you with your flock, then? Shouldn't they be having some sort of special meal or gathering?"

"Oh, yes, yes. Of course. But it boring." Murkow swayed back and forth again. "I like being here with you. You're fun! You pop in and out of shadows. Don't think Moon Lady can do that." He shook his head.

Darkrai cracked their eye open again. "You think I'm… fun?"

Murkrow nodded so vigorously it almost made Darkrai dizzy. "I like your stealthology lessons. Big fun!" He looked around. "Shame there are no sparklies to make it more interesting."

Dare I ask what constitutes a 'sparkly' for him? Darkrai wondered. Still, it was strange to hear a standard pokémon refer to them as being fun. When they snuck around Sinnoh, the most they ever heard were superstitious whispers. Things like their kind trapping pokémon in endless nightmares. Or siphoning the joy and happiness from anyone they come across.

Every year, they'd sit on their little island mulling over the latest the rumor mill had spat out about them. All while Cresselia flew about the region, dropping Lunar Wings and listening to packs and tribes sing her praises. It wasn't fair. Darkrai couldn't stop their ability from activating. They tried their best. They avoided pokémon they knew were sleeping and they only used Dark Void in self-defense. But it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

Maybe somewhere out there was another darkrai that actively took pleasure in plaguing others with nightmares. But they weren't one of those darkrai. They just wanted to be free to do something other than hide.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Murkrow waved a wing in front of Darkrai, snapping them out of their thoughts. They looked at the bird… at the kid, most likely. Here he was, saying he wanted to be around Darkrai. And on the very night pokémon were meant to offer thanks to Cresselia. It was an odd sight as far as Darkrai was concerned.

And yet… one young bird willing to spend time with them was better than nothing. Even if he did have an obnoxiously squeaky voice. A tingle spread down Darkrai's arms at the realization that, no, they didn't have to spend another Winter Solstice alone with their thoughts. They could have company. For once, they could be like a normal pokémon.

A soft chuckle escaped Darkrai. "Hey, kid, how about we try a different kind of lesson, then?"

"Different? Oh, different can be good! Different can be fun!" Murkrow's eyes sparkled and he hopped up and down.

Shoulder joints cricking, Darkrai rose from their seated position. "You're a flier… but how good are you at dodging things in the air?"

Murkrow cocked his head. "Dodging… in the air?" He tapped his beak with a wing. "Never tried. Have to think hard when flying."

"I see." Darkrai ran their claws through the ground, scooping up soft snow. They packed it down with their free hand. "Think fast."

They tossed the snowball right at Murkrow. It struck his face and showered him in snow. Murkrow fell onto his back, coughing, sputtering, and beating his wings uselessly. "Hawk… plebth… how is this fun? Cold bad! Cold bad!"

"It's how you're going to learn to dodge while flying. Sinnoh is a cold region, after all. Not so good for fliers like you," Darkrai explained, scooping up more snow to make another snowball. "If you can learn how to dodge stuff in the air… you'll be much more fearsome and the weather won't have as big an effect on you."

"Flock leader protect me from bad weather."

Darkrai froze. Clearly, they'd need to try a different train of thought. "If you learn how to dodge… you'll be able to steal sparklies even easier."

That did the trick. Murkrow bolted upright and rifled off a salute. "Then toss the freezies! I'll learn the art of dodge." He assumed a fighting stance, wings raised to take to the air when necessary.

Darkrai hurled the snowball. Murkrow jumped up and beat his wings. They weren't very large, but he managed to get enough height to where the snowball only struck his foot. Though Murkrow winced, he successfully stayed airborne.

"Nice. But I wasn't even using a fraction of my strength," Darkrai said, scooping up more snow. "Think you're ready for more?"

"Very ready!" Murkrow cawed. With a soft chuckle, Darkrai hurled the next snowball.

Sure, the Winter Solstice might've been about Cresselia. But this year, Darkrai was the one who'd gotten a gift. The gift of a student… and a friend.


the cat is mightier than the pen
  1. dratini
  2. dratini-pen
  3. dratini-pen2
I'm always obligated to check out fics starring my favorite emo nightmare-blob, and this was a heartwarming one! Murkrow had a fun voice--young, simplistic and very single-minded. He's got his priorities straight when it comes to stealing shinies! I also liked his unquestioning acceptance of what his flock leader says and in his flock leader's power (to protect him from things as massive as bad weather.) The speaking style you gave him reminded me a bit of Kehaar, the seagull from Watershipdown. Probably an idiosyncratic holdover from childhood, but that made it feel particularly birdish to me. The stealthology thing was very cute, and I liked how it starts as something that only exists in Murkrow's head and ends in a mutual game of snowball.

Darkrai comes off as harranged and self-pitying. It's understandable that he'd be grumpy on a night that has become dedicated to Cressalia, but it was nice to see him dig himself out of his self-pity and acknowledge that one person at least wants to share his company. I found it interesting that your darkrai seemed to have more of a physical presence than I would have expected from Darkrai's appearance--he rolls over and runs claws through his hair. It's definitely a much less spectral take on the nightmare pokemon. I was struck by Darkrai's speculation about there being another version of himself that runs around the world giving nightmares and causing everyone to hate him. That kind of evil-twin fantasy is nightmare material in and of itself. A story about Darkrai traveling the world, following reports of nightmares and trying to track his hypothesized evil twin kind of intrigues me.

Thanks for a cute read!


golden scars | pfp by sun
the warmth of summer in the songs you write
  1. silvally-grass
  2. lapras
  3. golurk
  4. booper-kintsugi
  5. meloetta-kint-muse
  6. meloetta-kint-dancer
  7. murkrow
  8. yveltal
  9. celebi
"Your stealthology lessons have paid off big time. Nabbed many sparklies!"
Pen comes for the emo lurker; I'm here for best borb being a little shit (and to return the favor for your review to me!). By our powers combined.

I like your portrayal of Darkrai in this one. They're broody, anggy, and a little self-absorbed; I think it's sad but wholly realistic that they'd be angrily griping about how lonely they are to someone who has genuinely and repeatedly sought their company, lol. They're also a little lonely in the way that I associate most of your characters jk it's just Bahamut to be--kind of grumbly and irritated about it, but too proud to admit it, and trying to frame their efforts to help people as something a little more mean-spirited/removed such as throwing snowballs/teaching dodging, not that I like you or anything, baka. It's endearing in a sort of gruff old man way, not quite tsundere but definitely not in a position to be emotionally vulnerable about anything.

Which makes for a really cute dynamic with the ever-earnest Murkrow, who's having a great time and will say anything and everything that crosses his mind in the moment in his obnoxiously squeaky voice. I really liked his glee in general about how he's immune to Dark Void (cute reasoning for friendship among outcasts), and I'm a huge sucker for birds speaking in this particular way (although that raises a lot of questions--is this how they speak to each other as well, or is there a separate Murkrow language where they convey all the info/have all the words they're looking for?).

It's a nice framing and lesson for a short oneshot, and things feel developed within their wordcount without feeling like they're overstaying their welcome. Happy solstice!

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. quilava-fobbie
  6. sneasel-kate
  7. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya @Ambyssin ,

Was perusing for a short one-shot to read through for Review Blitz when I realized that I actually never did read any of your smaller stories outside of your big tentpole works. And this seemed short enough and had a cute theme from the summary, so I decided to give it a chance.

On a calm, crisp winter night, a murkrow hopped across snow-covered grass under the moon's pale glow. When that wasn't getting him through the cluster of barren, icy trees fast enough, he flitted forward until, at last, the trees gave way to a hill that gradually declined toward a shoreline. White from high tide's froth met the white of snow lying atop the sand, but Murkrow wasn't interested in that. Instead, he turned his attention toward the trees.

It was tough to make out, but he eventually spotted a darkened silhouette against a tree a few yards away. He fluttered toward it, chirping, "Hey, Darkrai! Darkrai! Darkrai!"

A single crimson eye poked open and sized Murkrow up. Then Darkrai abruptly rolled over. "What do you want, Murkrow?"

That's gotta be the world's most patient Darkrai, since I'm pretty sure a decent swath of non-legendaries would've shooed that crow away with a greeting like that. :V

Murkrow glided to Darkrai's right side and touched down. "To keep company, of course! I managed to sneak away from flock again." He puffed his chest out. "Your stealthology lessons have paid off big time. Nabbed many sparklies!"

Darkrai groaned. Those "stealthology lessons" were nothing more than Murkrow giving chase to them… even when they blended into the shadows to try and get away. Darkrai ran claws through their white, spectral hair. "I'm not one for company tonight. Go away." They waved Murkrow off.

... Looks like I spoke too soon.

"Go away? But I just got here."

"And if you don't leave… you'll see exactly why flocks like yours fear my kind," Darkrai said. They raised their free hand and black goo bubbled up between their claws.

"No fear. No scary. I've got Insomnia. No spooky dreams for me," Murkrow sang, swaying from side to side.

I saw him saying this while doing the BDSP idle animation. It's a cute mental image.

Sighing, Darkrai lowered their arm and pivoted so they were lying on their back. "Fine. You can stay. But as I told you… don't expect much out of me."

"Aww, why so gloomy?" Murkrow leaned over. "Wait… you always gloomy. So, why super-gloomy?"

The response consisted of Darkrai pointing to the sky. Murkrow followed their gaze, only to tilt his head in confusion.

"Did you happen to notice that the sun set awfully fast today?" Darkrai asked. The look Murkrow gave them suggested that they didn't. Darkrai rubbed their temples. "Look, the fact is that today is something humans call the Winter Solstice. It's the shortest day and longest night here in Sinnoh."

Which is exactly why you do something like have a giant lantern festival and blow up a ton of fireworks to make it a bit less depressing. Though I might be just a wee bit biased with that recommendation there.

"That good thing, right? Darkrai like nighttime because pokémon go sleepy-bye." Murkrow held his wings up by his head.

"Not in this case." Darkrai looked Murkrow over skeptically. Perhaps they had overestimated the bird's age. "The Winter Solstice is a time where pokémon will often gather to offer thanks to Cresselia for protecting them during the night and blessing them with good, peaceful dreams."

So wait, is this your headcanon for Pokémon and the Winter Solstice in general? Or something you created for GL and carried over to other settings since you took a shine to it? Either way, it's a cute and pretty believable-sounding practice.

Murkrow's eyes widened. "Ohh… you mean Moon Lady! Yes, yes, flock leader mention Moon Lady much times. Say she's good and you're bad… but lots of flock mates have Insomnia, too, so we safe from spooky dreams."

"I'm aware of that, thank you." Darkrai struggled to keep their impatience in check. Out of any night, why did Murkrow have to show up and bother them tonight? They just wanted the night to be over so they wouldn't be stuck on the island.

I never should've agreed to that stupid rule that I'd stay island-bound until the Winter Solstice ends, they thought, shoulders sagging. I'm going to lose my mind if I have to keep listening to him babble.

Hear me out, Darkrai. Get yourself a music player and just blast spooky tunes all night in peace. Does wonders for tuning out annoying little birds. :^)

Taking a deep breath, Darkrai said, "Why aren't you with your flock, then? Shouldn't they be having some sort of special meal or gathering?"

"Oh, yes, yes. Of course. But it boring." Murkow swayed back and forth again. "I like being here with you. You're fun! You pop in and out of shadows. Don't think Moon Lady can do that." He shook his head.

Darkrai cracked their eye open again. "You think I'm… fun?"

I mean, you're doing a pretty good job at that thus far, Darkrai. If not necessarily intentionally.

Murkrow nodded so vigorously it almost made Darkrai dizzy. "I like your stealthology lessons. Big fun!" He looked around. "Shame there are no sparklies to make it more interesting."

Dare I ask what constitutes a 'sparkly' for him? Darkrai wondered. Still, it was strange to hear a standard pokémon refer to them as being fun. When they snuck around Sinnoh, the most they ever heard were superstitious whispers. Things like their kind trapping pokémon in endless nightmares. Or siphoning the joy and happiness from anyone they come across.

I'm actually curious as to how picky Murkrow is about 'sparklies' myself. Since if he just cares about the sparkle and not the value... just get him a lot of glitter-covered objects and I'm sure he'll be in heaven.

Every year, they'd sit on their little island mulling over the latest the rumor mill had spat out about them. All while Cresselia flew about the region, dropping Lunar Wings and listening to packs and tribes sing her praises. It wasn't fair. Darkrai couldn't stop their ability from activating. They tried their best. They avoided pokémon they knew were sleeping and they only used Dark Void in self-defense. But it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

Yveltal: "Hey, join the party, pal." >v>

Maybe somewhere out there was another darkrai that actively took pleasure in plaguing others with nightmares. But they weren't one of those darkrai. They just wanted to be free to do something other than hide.

Nice Explorers nod there.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Murkrow waved a wing in front of Darkrai, snapping them out of their thoughts. They looked at the bird… at the kid, most likely. Here he was, saying he wanted to be around Darkrai. And on the very night pokémon were meant to offer thanks to Cresselia. It was an odd sight as far as Darkrai was concerned.

Murkrow: "But isn't Darkrai happy to have company on lonely, dark, night?"
Darkrai: "Look, I might be lonely, but I have standards." >_>;

And yet… one young bird willing to spend time with them was better than nothing. Even if he did have an obnoxiously squeaky voice. A tingle spread down Darkrai's arms at the realization that, no, they didn't have to spend another Winter Solstice alone with their thoughts. They could have company. For once, they could be like a normal pokémon.

Murkrow: "Yay! Darkrai happy after all!" ^v^
Darkrai: "Look, it's just because it's the longest and most depressing night of the year, okay?" >_>;

A soft chuckle escaped Darkrai. "Hey, kid, how about we try a different kind of lesson, then?"

"Different? Oh, different can be good! Different can be fun!" Murkrow's eyes sparkled and he hopped up and down.

Shoulder joints cricking, Darkrai rose from their seated position. "You're a flier… but how good are you at dodging things in the air?"


Doubt this portends well for that poor Murkrow.

Murkrow cocked his head. "Dodging… in the air?" He tapped his beak with a wing. "Never tried. Have to think hard when flying."

"I see." Darkrai ran their claws through the ground, scooping up soft snow. They packed it down with their free hand. "Think fast."

They tossed the snowball right at Murkrow. It struck his face and showered him in snow. Murkrow fell onto his back, coughing, sputtering, and beating his wings uselessly. "Hawk… plebth… how is this fun? Cold bad! Cold bad!"

"It's how you're going to learn to dodge while flying. Sinnoh is a cold region, after all. Not so good for fliers like you," Darkrai explained, scooping up more snow to make another snowball. "If you can learn how to dodge stuff in the air… you'll be much more fearsome and the weather won't have as big an effect on you."


Pretty sure you can't dodge weather effects, but okay there, Darkrai.

Murkrow: "Murkrow starting to have second thoughts of hanging out around Darkrai." ‧v‧
Darkrai: "No, you asked for this. So come on, time for those dodging lessons." :^)

"Flock leader protect me from bad weather."

Darkrai froze. Clearly, they'd need to try a different train of thought. "If you learn how to dodge… you'll be able to steal sparklies even easier."

That did the trick. Murkrow bolted upright and rifled off a salute. "Then toss the freezies! I'll learn the art of dodge." He assumed a fighting stance, wings raised to take to the air when necessary.

Wow, he was easy to talk into this. I can only imagine how he'd reacted if Darkrai had some polished spare change lying around. :V

Darkrai hurled the snowball. Murkrow jumped up and beat his wings. They weren't very large, but he managed to get enough height to where the snowball only struck his foot. Though Murkrow winced, he successfully stayed airborne.

"Nice. But I wasn't even using a fraction of my strength," Darkrai said, scooping up more snow. "Think you're ready for more?"

"Very ready!" Murkrow cawed. With a soft chuckle, Darkrai hurled the next snowball.

Sure, the Winter Solstice might've been about Cresselia. But this year, Darkrai was the one who'd gotten a gift. The gift of a student… and a friend.

Just make sure to actually get him some sparklies for chucking snowballs at him all night, Darkrai. >:V

Full disclosure, I got into this thinking that it was a GL one-shot, since I know that the Winter Solstice was a big deal in that setting. It wasn't quite GL, but I still found it a cute little pick-me-up story, and the dynamic of mopey and broody Darkrai trying to be a nice guy but getting thwarted by his nature coming across a dippy little child who is more or less the perfect companion mechanically for a night was fun to watch as Murkrow's innocence gradually got Darkrai's guard down.

Criticism-wise, I won't go too in-depth about the actual prose and format other than to say that I'd really love to see you take another bite at this apple with your more polished skills as a writer. Since it's a cute premise, even if it definitely shows some early-writer rust on it. I didn't quite fully agree with Murkrow's speech pattern, but eh. It still works with depicting a little child, and stylistic choices.

Congrats on the piece, and hoping your writing portfolio outside of PoV finds a loving home over here, since you've certainly got an audience for it. ^^


Multiversal Extraordinaire
Stranded In The Gaps between Multiverses
  1. froslass
  2. zorua-gojira
  3. salandit-shiny
  4. goomy
Hi! Hope you're having a great day!

Now onto the review:

This was a sweet and cute story. It provided a nice short read with an adorable premise.

I loved the portrayal of Darkrai. It feels rather similar to the one in the anime, seeing as they (the anime one) didn't want to cause distress but they couldn't help it with their ability. The fact that this one is a little envious of Cresselia was cute and their interactions with the child Murkrow were great.

The Murkrow was so adorable and cute. I loved how it treated everything Darkrai does as a game. The gradual pokes and prods in Darkrai's emo-ness was lovely and it showed how even the toughest person could still be a softie on the inside.

No fear. No scary. I've got Insomnia. No spooky dreams for me," Murkrow sang, swaying from side to side.
This was a cute imagery, Murkrow is so precious here.

Darkrai groaned. Those "stealthology lessons" were nothing more than Murkrow giving chase to them… even when they blended into the shadows to try and get away. Darkrai ran claws through their white, spectral hair. "I'm not one for company tonight. Go away." They waved Murkrow off.

"Go away? But I just got here."
Emo Darkrai is fun Darkrai. Love that Murkrow thinks that this was a game.
"Not in this case." Darkrai looked Murkrow over skeptically. Perhaps they had overestimated the bird's age.
Totally understand Darkrai here, I thought Murkrow would be a bit older than it actually was.
Darkrai cracked their eye open again. "You think I'm… fun?"

Murkrow nodded so vigorously it almost made Darkrai dizzy. "I like your stealthology lessons. Big fun!" He looked around. "Shame there are no sparklies to make it more interesting."
There's the crack in Darkrai's shell.
And yet… one young bird willing to spend time with them was better than nothing. Even if he did have an obnoxiously squeaky voice. A tingle spread down Darkrai's arms at the realization that, no, they didn't have to spend another Winter Solstice alone with their thoughts. They could have company. For once, they could be like a normal pokémon.

A soft chuckle escaped Darkrai.
Yes, be loved, Darkrai. You deserve more than loneliness.
Sure, the Winter Solstice might've been about Cresselia. But this year, Darkrai was the one who'd gotten a gift. The gift of a student… and a friend.
A wholesome end to a heartwarming story.

It was cute. It was fun. Loved the wholesome message of how even a small insignificant being can befriend a person dead-set on being alone. I loved these kinds of stories where a fun-loving, energetic person befriends the brooding loner. It never fails to brighten my day.

As always, take care of yourself, have a lovely day and keep doing what you love!


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Ohhhh this was delightful, thank you for sharing!
On a calm, crisp winter night a murkrow hopped across snow-covered grass under the moon's pale glow.
This was a lovely opening line, it sets a really nice tone of the scene

No fear. No scary. I've got Insomnia.
Oooo thats fun interpretation on abilities, to have Isomnia also mean they're immune to dreams...

Darkrai cracked their eye open again. "You think I'm… fun?"
I see you softening up Darkrai. Nobody can resist the lure of a plucky and precocious child for long

And yet… one young bird willing to spend time with them was better than nothing
You like him :sneaky:
I see." Darkrai ran their claws through the ground, scooping up soft snow.
Ooohhh this is going exactly where I hoped it would yesss
If you can learn how to dodge stuff in the air… you'll be much more fearsome
I like that his first attempt was to convince Murkrow how fearsome he'd be but that simply meant nothing to Murkrow. Felt also relevant consider Darkrai is the fear pokemon, its something on his mind

This both tragic and heartwarming. I've always preferred either tragic or non villainous Darkrai myself, as it seems like such a fascinating character. I like here how its established that Darkrai is basically exiled to (New Moon?) island for this time, and how his powers are unintentional. Its even more tragic that way, to be cursed to bear an ability you can't control.

Also the choice of Murkrow with isonmia is inspired, its really fun to think of how abilities influence pokemon and can interact with aspects of canon outside battle.

The story itself is delightfully sweet and short, and I think it does a great job in a limited time to set up this Murkrow character, and Darkrai and his internal conflict. The evolution of their relationship and Darkrai opening up to Murkrow felt really nice and believable. Not best buddies, but I feel like Darkrai made the first steps of a journey of being able to find companionship without fear of hurting someone.

Honestly I have exactly zero real complaints. Charming grumpshine vibes, pleasant prose, good characters, and cute dynamic and heartwarming story. Good stuff!!!

Starlight Aurate

Ad Jesum per Mariam | pfp by kintsugi
Route 123
  1. mightyena
  2. psyduck
Hiya! Here to shamelessly nab one last point for Review Blitz.

Just wanna say that I really like the opening lines you gave us here. I LOVE wintery settings, and the ocean, and so putting the two next to each other really makes for a beautiful scene.

"Stealthology lessons!" And "nabbing sparklies!" This Murkrow is so cute! In general, I like the stilted way that Murkrow talks; I can imagine him talking really quickly (like a character from some show or movie... but I can't think of who it is right now).

Ah, I feel for Darkrai. It's awful to have people assume the worst in you purely because of your nature causing things that you cannot help or control, especially when everyone is fawning over Cresselia. Neither of them are any better than the other due to actions or merit; it's just circumstance.

Shoulder joints cricking, Darkrai rose from their seated position. "You're a flier… but how good are you at dodging things in the air?"
I know Darkrai meant this innocently, but I can totally imagine him convincing Murkrow to play a game with him and then knocking Murkrow out :mewlulz:

Darkrai froze. Clearly, they'd need to try a different train of thought. "If you learn how to dodge… you'll be able to steal sparklies even easier."
By any chance, did you ever watch Dragon Ball Z Abridged? It's been years since I've seen it but this reminds me of Piccolo teaching Gohan how to dodge at the start of the series.

Sure, the Winter Solstice might've been about Cresselia. But this year, Darkrai was the one who'd gotten a gift. The gift of a student… and a friend.
Awwwwww my heart!

What a cute fic! I know you said it's not indicative of your current writing abilities, but I enjoyed reading this! I like quiet slice-of-life scenes (even if this one happened to include Darkrai, heh), and the "unlikely friendships" theme is something that also draws me. I think it was a really cute depiction of Darkrai preparing to spend the evening sulking and feeling sorry for himself, getting interrupted by Murkrow so he prepares to spend the evening upset, and then winds up having an unexpectedly great time! Thank you for sharing this little fic with us.
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