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Author's Notes and Chapter One - Welcome to Hell


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Hey there! This is a story that's an AU of my characters from Hunter, Haunted and its sequel The Bringer. However, this is entirely original fiction with no Pokémon to be seen. No knowledge of HH or its sequel is necessary as I have written this to work as a standalone (though it may be made into a series later on, depending on how things go), nor will this contain any spoilers for those stories.

The premise is that Andre and Red are now an angel and a demon respectively, and they're sentenced to a criminal rehabilitation program in Hell. Red is abrasive and hard to work with, but through several experiences together, the two grow closer. However, people seem to be mysteriously disappering in the program, and Red and Andre may be the ones that need to figure it out before it's too late...

This story skirts the line between teen and mature, but let's rate it mature to be safe. More precisely, I would say that this story is suitable for readers aged 16 and higher. It is not as gory as HH if you're worried about that.

However, it does contain the following things:
  • Strong language (including some slurs)
  • Blood and violence, minor gore, possible* body horror, death
  • Sexual themes and discussion of BDSM (but no explicit sexual content, such as sex scenes)
  • Substance abuse (in backstory)
  • Domestic abuse (in backstory)
  • Fantasy xenophobia, homophobia and possibly* other forms of bigotry to a lesser extent (misogyny, ableism)
  • Depictions of mental illness
  • Mentions of or backstory involving sexual harassment and sexual assault
*The story isn't entirely planned out yet, so I can't be certain about this

Then, also, a word about feedback preferences:
I'm very lax when it comes to the type of feedback I want - I'm happy with reactions, impressions, concrit, speculation, grammar/typo fixes (seriously, if I have typos, please tell me so I can fix them post-haste), memes, whatever your reviewing style is as long as you're not outright mean. However, as this is my first time writing romance and one of my first times writing mystery, feedback on how this story fares in terms of the goals of those genres is highly valuable and appreciated.

Also, a note about the first chapter: at the time of writing this, it has received three reviews, all of which make good points. I am aware that it is very long and rather exposition-heavy in the beginning, and it is something I would like to do edits on, but for the time being, I have decided to leave it as is in order to focus on later chapters. This doesn't mean that further feedback on it isn't valuable and appreciated, but it does mean that it can take time for those to be reflected.

With that out of the way, thank you for your attention thus far and enjoy reading Cor Daemonis!




Cor Daemonis


Andre, an angel from Heaven, is sentenced to an experimental criminal rehabilitation program in Hell. He is paired together with Red, an abrasive yet attractive demon with whom Andre must learn to work together in order to pass the program and avoid being sent to a real prison. Things get strange, however, as individual inmates start disappearing, and it may just fall on Andre and Red to figure out why.

Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Mystery




Welcome to Hell



Say it. Say it, say it, say it.

“...hereby sentence the defendant to the Woe State Young Adult Rehabilitation Program.”

The colossal weight that had been with Red ever since he’d first showed up in that courtroom took off like a cheerful embertit flying into the wide red sky. Finally, he thought. It’s over.

Of course, he already knew it was likely that he’d be sentenced to the YARP. The court had been discussing it, and his lawyer had been arguing for it. Still, to hear the judge announce it meant that it was official. That it could no longer be changed. Red hoped so, at least.

“What?” snapped a shrill voice, that of the woman. “You’re sending him to summer camp? He killed me!”

“Ms Chambers, settle down,” the bailiff said, raising a palm.

“No!” the blonde demoness screamed, standing up. Her lawyer tried to whisper something to her, but she ignored him. “He’s a monster! He’s a danger to everyone! He’s --”

She stopped briefly as she noticed the court security officers approaching… then locked eyes with Red.

“You!” She pointed a finger at the younger demon. “You little shit! I hope your body rots!”

Red felt too much anger to register the fear. He was, fortunately, also too tired to start arguing.

A hand touched Red’s shoulder. He turned his head to see his lawyer smiling at him. Red relaxed somewhat.

Once Ms Chambers was removed from the room and the hearing wrapped up, though, Red remembered the full context of his situation.

Even once - if - he completed the YARP, he had nothing left.



Heaven was a lovely place.

Yeah, well, of course it was a lovely place. Of course the realm good humans were sent to after their first death was wonderful - they had to be rewarded for their virtuous deeds on Earth. Andre simply hadn’t fully realized how great the place was until he’d been sentenced to leave it.

The city of Paradise, the capital of Heaven, was an even mix of radiant white, inoffensive pale gray and vibrant green. White were the buildings, made of the finest marble; gray were the streets, impeccably smooth; green was the lush vegetation that thrived in the warm sun and pure, fresh air. It was a sight that the people of Earth only knew in their collective imagination, unaware or at least uncertain that it was very much real.

The cars here were not growling beasts that spit noxious gas, but pleasantly humming vehicles that ran only on pure holy energy supplied by Arukei Himself. They drove themselves, safely and intelligently, upon a simple command - the ideal that the humans down below were certainly trying to replicate, but were still some decades away from.

Further yet were the automatons that walked the streets, built by angels to ease their burden of caring for the humans this place had been created for. Andre saw from the window of the car as one such ‘aut’ waved back to a cheerful little angel walking alongside her father. At least she was having a good time.

Andre sighed and leaned back in his seat. He realized how comfortable it was. While it was no more or less comfortable than any other seat in Heaven, it was practically guaranteed to be leagues better than whatever he’d be sitting on in Hell.

Uncomfortable seats were the least of his worries, though. Hell was… well, Hell.

The prison escort next to Andre cleared her throat, bringing the young angel back to the present. Right. Maybe being in the present was the best thing Andre could do right now. Arukei knew he had to savor every second he had left here.

Andre took a deep breath and leaned onto the window again, appreciating all the green, knowing there would be nothing of that color in Hell…


They arrived at Andre’s apartment complex in Blisstown, a district of Paradise in the southwest. The complex was a pristine white building like all the other ones, ten stories tall. Andre lived on the third floor, and that’s where he headed, one prison escort walking ahead and one behind.

At the door, Andre’s handcuffs were finally taken off. Andre relished his freed wrists for a moment, then fished out his keys and unlocked the door. He’d barely taken three steps into the apartment before Ellie, his sister, hurried out of the bedroom to see him.

She looked terrible. Her hair, the same shade of caramel brown as Andre’s, was a mess, and her eyes were puffy and reddened. She wore just a hoodie and sweatpants - which people were free to wear as far as Andre was concerned, but it was still unusual for a member of the Duval family. Even the usually golden light that formed the wings and halo of an angel was now dim and sickly pale on her. Had she been like this the entire time he’d been in custody? She had sounded tired in the phone calls. How long would she be like this after he was gone?

Ellie stood there with an unreadable look on her face, utterly silent. Then, without a warning, she rushed to Andre, practically pouncing on him to wrap her arms around him in a hug. She squeezed him tight, and Andre squeezed her in return. Even if there was a smell to Ellie by now, he didn’t want to let go.

His sister. His little sister. Would she really be fine without her big brother to watch her back?

“It’s good to see you,” she suddenly spoke up, with a terribly croaky voice.

“It’s good to see you too,” Andre said.

They stayed like that for at least a full minute. It was only once one of the prison escorts cleared his throat and said that they were on a schedule did the siblings dare to let go.

“Right,” Ellie said quietly. Andre adjusted his glasses, which had gotten a little crooked from the impact of the hug.

Ellie sniffed, then looked at Andre again. “I’ve been packing for you,” she said, heading for the bedroom, and Andre followed. “And I got you some stuff that I think you’re gonna need in Hell, like a toothbrush. You're not gonna have holy mouthwash there, you know?”

“Right,” Andre said. He hadn’t even thought of how his dental care would be different. “Thanks. I’m sure that’ll come in handy.”

Ellie nodded. They entered the bedroom, where a large black duffel bag, large enough to fit a person, sat on the bed. It was almost full. The topmost item was Andre’s current sketchbook. Would Andre even be allowed that where he was going? Well, it was worth a try.

“I put in plenty of clothing - lighter stuff, since I know Hell is warm - and all the toiletries,” Ellie said, “and aspirin, too. And the case for your glasses, with the cloth for cleaning the lenses inside. And your sketchbook and drawing utensils, obviously. I left some space, though, if you have anything else you wanna put in, like books or whatever.”

“Thank you. You’ve been a big help.”

Ellie nodded, sniffing again.

Andre sighed. Alright. What would he want with him in Hell, in the rehabilitation center? Books were a good starting point. Was there anything else he’d like to have? He couldn’t think of anything. Books it was, then. But which books?

He moved out of the bedroom and into the living room to study the bookcases. There were so many good books to choose from. After weighing his options, though, he decided to go for his copy of History of Earth - a massive book, more to read - and a couple of his favorite stories, including the book Katie had written, Girlfiends. It was a lovely and hilarious story about two competing female private investigators on Earth whose incredible sexual tension eventually led them to become a couple.

God, Katie. Katie had been furious with him. Like they’d never even been friends. Like the Andre she’d known had been revealed to be a total fabrication, and since the truth had come to life, he had ceased to exist. But no, Andre was indeed the person she had known - had been ever since they’d met. He just also happened to be a Blackwing.

Andre hoped she would one day forgive him, whether he found out about it or not.

He brought the books he chose to the bag in the bedroom and packed them. After taking another minute to think very hard about if there was something else he needed after all, he decided that was it, and zipped up the bag. He lifted it up - good god, it was heavy - and brought it to the living room.

“Alright,” said the male prison escort, “are you done?”

“You might wanna hit the bathroom,” the female prison escort said. “It’s a long trip.”

The man gave the woman a disapproving glance.

“It’s just more convenient for everyone,” she said back, voice lowered.

Right. Andre knew that they hated him. Of course they would - they were on the opposite side of the law. And if they knew only that he was a Blackwing and not what he’d actually done in the organization, they could have thought that he’d done far worse things than he really had. But those Blackwings were a blight. It was a great injustice that they’d all been lumped together by the general public.

Either way, he took the woman’s advice. After he emerged from the bathroom, a sense of finality filled him - more than it already had. He took a long look at his apartment, his home for three years. He’d furnished it with care, to really make it a space he felt was his, yet to also make it inviting to the many, many men, women and enbies he’d brought in.

God. Sex was another thing he’d have to leave behind. He couldn’t ever see himself sleeping with a demon, even less so in what was still essentially a prison. If they really were as violent as they said, there’s no way the sex could be safe.

The image of a demon, gender irrelevant, putting their hands on his bare chest flashed in Andre’s mind and he buried it. No. It wouldn’t be safe, so it was bad. Dangerous. He shouldn’t be thinking of it. It was self-destructive.

Another clearing of the throat from the male prison escort brought a merciful end to that train of thought. Okay. It was time to go.

He placed his keys, phone and wallet on the living room table. He wouldn’t be needing those anymore. Then, he turned to Ellie. Ellie understood and walked over to hug him again. This time, though, both of them knew not to draw it out too much. The hug only lasted five seconds. Andre took a few more seconds afterwards, though, to really get a good look at Ellie. His last look ever. He had to memorize every detail, even if she wasn’t in the most presentable state. He’d rather have that than forget.

Then he picked up the duffel bag and headed for the door.

“Wait,” said Ellie. Andre turned to her, and the male prison escort sighed. “You remember my address, right? So you’ll know where to write.”

“Don’t worry,” Andre said. “I wrote it down in my sketchbook. And memorized it anyway, just in case.”

A small smile appeared on Ellie’s lips. “Okay. Good.”

Andre paused for a moment, then took a deep breath in and let it out. This was it. While there were still many things he would have liked to say, it was simply time to go.

“Goodbye,” he said.

“Goodbye,” Ellie replied.

With that, Andre and his escorts left.


The prison escort vehicle brought Andre to the portal facility. It was a white building, but not like the white buildings of the city ten kilometers away in every direction. It was a large concrete block whose only windows were tiny ones right below the roof. It was surrounded by a parking lot, which was surrounded by a tall metal fence, which was surrounded by a second metal fence fifty meters further, and a final, third fence another fifty meters further. Guards, angel and aut, patrolled the barren ground while heaven-hounds soared above.

Needless to say, the portal was very well protected. It had to be if Heaven and Hell were to be kept separate, which was the will of Arukei. Andre understood why… to an extent. He knew that sinners had to be restricted to Hell as a sanction and to keep them away from the virtuous people of Heaven. He also knew that demons were said to be violent and selfish and difficult to coexist with, but… if they were simply born that way, was it really their fault? Should they really be locked away to suffer in their own dystopia? Heaven always said that helping others was the greatest virtue, but when anyone ever said anything about helping demons, they were shamed and ridiculed for being so naive. That demons would just drag you down with them. And then you’d get in trouble with the law for discussing Hell so openly…

Why did it have to be that way, anyway? Why couldn’t they talk about Hell, when Earth had horrible things happen every day, and they could discuss those? Admittedly, they couldn’t discuss even those excessively lest the virtuous be ‘demoralized’...

At least they were given the basics about Hell in that one lesson in school in ninth grade. Thank Arukei Andre was allowed to attend. Otherwise, he might have never found out things such as the fact that Hell was a democracy. Or claimed to be a democracy. Apparently, the real power came from money. Capitalism was rampant and regulation was minimal. As a result, the lower classes often turned to crime, which made daily life rather dangerous. Nothing like Heaven, where any crime came as a shock, and something like this Blackwing bust that had led to Andre’s arrest was a historical event.

Would Andre even be able to survive in Hell? What would happen to him if his body was killed before his soul could expire? Would anyone care to bring him to a regeneration center? Did they even have those there? Well, if they did, they certainly wouldn’t be cheap…

Andre’s rumination was cut short by the stray observation that the parking lot had quite a few vehicles parked there. Andre figured it must have been because they were transporting a bunch of Blackwings at the same time. Maybe he’d see a familiar face or two? Then again… Blackwing was a large organization. And Andre had only had regular contact with about ten of them.

He wasn’t even guaranteed to meet any Blackwings at the rehabilitation facility he had been sentenced to. He’d been told before that he wouldn’t be going to the angel penitentiaries of Hell like the others since they were over capacity due to the Blackwing bust, but instead this experimental one meant for demons, which was similar enough in its level of humaneness. Andre didn’t know if it was better or worse than the angel prisons, but at least he was thankful that they hadn’t just said ‘fuck it’ and thrown him in the torment facilities.

They exited the car, Andre still in handcuffs. The male prison escort took Andre’s bag to carry. They made their way to the large metal doors of the facility and, after one last identity check by a guard, passed through.

The first room of the portal facility resembled the waiting area of an airport, only more oppressive with the aforementioned tiny windows so high up. Andre waited there until he was called to another room for a vaccination, and then he was taken to the next room, where he and his belongings were checked for metal. He passed, and they took him to the final room, where the portal itself was.

The portal was like a glowing, vertical pool of dense gases of various shades of red, slowly swirling. A decorative frame, made of gold with little figures of demons carved on it, encircled the pool. Frame included, the portal was three meters in diameter, but still comfortably fit in the five-meter-tall room, which this time had no windows at all. It emitted a low hum, and the air in the room seemed a bit warmer than in the waiting area. Some wires ran along the floor from the portal to a machine that an official stood by. It didn’t look like Heaven tech, rather more like the computers that Earth had had about forty years ago. Must have been from Hell, and hooked up to another Infernal machine on the other side of the portal.

The official pressed some buttons. “Andre Duval,” she then called out. “Your turn to go through. Close your eyes when you do so. They may become irritated otherwise.”

Andre sighed. Right. With the female escort in front and the male escort in back, he walked up to the portal. The woman didn’t even flinch as she stepped through - this was routine to her. Encouraged by that, at least somewhat, Andre took a deep breath, closed his eyes and stepped through himself.

The portal felt like a warm, dense fog against his skin and a bit tingly. As he passed through, though, it suddenly felt cool. When the feeling left entirely, Andre dared to open his eyes.

What he saw wasn’t very shocking. It was a room that was basically the same as the one he’d just left, except the walls were dark gray instead of white and the lights above were a bit warmer in tone and buzzed quietly. Andre followed the female escort until she stopped and turned around. Andre also did the same and noticed that the portal appeared white - with faint tinges of all colors of the rainbow - from this side. He squinted to view the golden frame and saw that the figures were now angels instead of demons. Made sense.

The male escort had also passed through without trouble. Once he caught up, the official in the room - an angel, Andre had been expecting a demon - looked up from their machine, one identical to the machine from Heaven’s side. “Name?”

“Andre Duval,” the female escort said.

The official checked their machine, then nodded. “You’re good to go. Welcome to Hell.”

The female escort nodded back and began heading for the door. Andre and the male escort followed her and exited the room with the same opening of the door. There was another metal detector in the next room, and Andre and his belongings were subjected to yet another check. Come on, overkill much? He did find it interesting how much more rudimentary this detector looked, though. Another electronic device instead of something that ran on holy energy - well, obviously, as holy energy didn’t work in Hell. He hoped it wasn't carcinogenic or anything.

The next room was the waiting area, but there were far fewer seats here than on Heaven's side, and they were red instead of blue. The walls were dark gray and the lights above were electric, like in the portal room, but now there were windows again. They, too, were small and just under the ceiling, but what shone through was not a blue sky, but a crimson one. Its glow made all the colors and shadows in the room look just a little bit… eerie. But Andre would just have to get used to that. He would be seeing a lot of it.

The three of them walked straight through the room and out of the building. Once the outside hair enveloped Andre, he noticed two things - the heat, which Andre guessed to be somewhere around 30 degrees centigrade, and the stench. Rotten eggs. Must have been sulphur - more archaically known as brimstone. His nose wrinkled, but he couldn’t exactly pinch it with his hands cuffed. Whatever. The more he breathed in, the sooner he’d get desensitized to it, anyway.

Like the Heavenside facility, this facility seemed to be situated in a barren zone. It was also encircled by three tall fences and patrolled by guards, though now they were only angels, no auts or flying hounds to be seen, and the ground was dark red instead of pale. At the very edge of the zone, some gray skyscrapers rose from the horizon.

They circled to the parking lot, where one car was leaving, its gasoline-powered motor as loud as Andre knew them to be from what he’d seen of Earth. Must have been the previous prisoner. Andre wondered which ride would be theirs until he spotted someone leaning on his car, its doors open, while smoking a cigarette and checking his watch. Someone with no wings or halo, but red skin and horns. A bona fide demon.

Immediately, Andre reminded himself not to stare. He didn’t know the exact social etiquette of Hell, but he couldn’t imagine even demons appreciating someone gawking at them. The escorts didn’t seem fazed, however. They must have seen countless demons by now. The female escort led them to the driver, and Andre’s nose wrinkled further from the reek of the cigarette.

“Lessee…” said the demon, his voice rough. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and dug a piece of paper from the pocket of his loose t-shirt. “Andre Duval,” he read. “Is that your scrawny boy’s name?”

Scrawny boy? Andre had to feel a bit indignant at that.

The demon looked at him and squinted. “Is that even a boy?”

Andre’s expression became sourer, and the demon laughed. It didn’t seem good-natured.

It wasn’t like Andre was insecure about the fact that he looked androgynous, though. In fact, he’d always liked that about himself - he liked being ‘that pretty boy’. He’d grown his hair out to chin length, used the nicest conditioner and brushed his hair carefully to bring out the best in its waves. He even wore vanilla-scented perfume…

Well, he used to maintain himself like that. In police custody, it hadn’t been possible - hell, he hadn’t even been able to clean his glasses in a long time. Nevertheless, from that glimpse he’d gotten of himself in the mirror back at his apartment, he still looked good. Thank Arukei for that small comfort.

The female escort cleared her throat. “Yes. This is Andre Duval. You will be transporting us to the Crimson Plains Criminal Rehabilitation Center, correct?”

“Yup,” the demon said. “Gonna be about three hours. We’ll take a pit stop around the halfway point, eat somethin’. Sound good?”

“Sounds satisfactory,” the female escort said.

The demon laughed again, more subdued this time. “‘Satisfactory’. You angel folk and your fancy words…”

He took one last drag of his cigarette, then raised his tail - a thin, red, scaly tail - up to waist height and pressed the cigarette against the hardened, arrow-shaped tip before tossing it on the ground. From the numerous circular black marks, it seemed that he did this a lot.

Self-destructive… just like you, a thought taunted Andre. He shook his head and forced himself to focus on other things.

They boarded the car. It seemed that the chauffeur smoked near it, or even inside it, often. Andre sighed, but told himself the same thing again - he would get used to it. He wasn’t sure if the lack of air conditioning would pan out, though…

As they drove out of the lot, Andre also wondered where exactly the chauffeur kept his tail when he was driving. Actually, maybe demons could just make their tails disappear at will. Angels could hide their wings and halos if they wanted to. Not that those things were made of anything tangible to begin with. But he certainly wasn’t going to ask the chauffeur about his tail, no. He didn’t think that would go over very well.

They made it through the three gates without trouble. Andre was identified each time like he’d been in Heaven, and then they were on their way to the actual city. Slowly, the skyscrapers grew in size until Andre saw what those strange colorful squares on them were - advertisements.

Right. This would be the capitalism Andre had heard about. He'd seen it on Earth before. It depressed him to know that a large number of both humans and demons had fallen into the same trap of giving into their greed and made it their mission to accrue as much currency as they could with little regard for others.

Currency existed in Heaven, too, sure. Two of them, even - one for necessities and the other for luxuries. But you received necessity currency, N-credits, from the government no matter what you did, and it was calculated to be enough to let that person or family live a healthy life. Only luxury currency, L-credits, was something you had to gain through work. And there were no companies - only the government and individual citizens.

Andre was sure that it would sound nightmarish and authoritarian to some on Earth and likely also Hell, but they were simply used to their own society’s way of functioning to see the benefits of the Celestial model. In Heaven, no one lacked food or water or shelter or medical care, but the angels still had incentive to go out and do the jobs that were necessary to keep Heaven operational. Well, it was helped by the fact that angels, as was widely known, had a stronger natural sense of justice and duty than humans and, presumably, demons. If there was a shortage of workforce in some essential field, angels would happily volunteer.

The car slowly reached the city. Like in Heaven, the buildings existed like the barren zone wasn’t there at all - no petering out, just buildings as densely as anywhere else and then suddenly nothing. The sounds of traffic surged from a distant hum to a cacophony of growling motors and honking horns. Sometimes people yelled, to go already because the light was green or to notice that one was walking on the crosswalk. A police siren blared out in the distance. How did the demons bear all this noise?

Andre tried to focus on the sights instead. The advertisements that did their best to try and persuade the viewer to consume their products via garish colors and lights and animations. Eat our burgers. Drink our cola. Smoke our cigarettes. Look at -- wait, what?

Was that porn? And not just porn, but hardcore, degrading pornography in the full view of the public? Was this… a special part of town?

Andre looked at the citizens walking around. Demons with red skin, demons with goat legs, demons with bat wings, demons with snake heads, demons that seemed to be a collection of wriggling tentacles in humanoid form… some wore ragged clothes, others very colorful clothes, others very revealing clothes, others nothing at all, their breasts and/or genitals on full display. Some of the demons, thankfully still clothed, looked like children. But surely they couldn’t be children, not with these… obscenities around, right?

“Excuse me, sir,” Andre spoke up, leaning forward towards the chauffeur. Screw being cautious, he needed to know. “Does Hell not have laws against… public nudity and display of obscene material?”

“Whah?” The chauffeur glanced over his shoulder, then back to the road. “No, why would we?”

“Well, because… the children might see.”


Andre couldn’t think of a way of explaining why he thought that was bad to a person who was so clearly unbothered by it. “Never mind,” he said.

“Tch. Angels,” the chauffeur muttered.

The ride continued in silence. As time passed, the skyscrapers outside Andre’s window disappeared, the advertisements let up and the buildings, gray and red, became smaller and further apart. Actual vegetation began to show in places on the ground in colors of red and yellow, but never green. Their travel speed grew as the traffic waned, and soon they were in what seemed like an industrial area with factories and warehouses. Tall smokestacks rose up high, spewing dark smoke into the otherwise clear red sky. Andre sighed - that couldn’t have been good for the environment. Then again, he didn’t know enough about Infernal ecology to be sure.

Out of the industrial area, there were acres and acres of crops. They resembled wheat and corn, the former of which was actually the normal yellow, though the corn, still growing, was brown in its stalk and leaves.

The stage at which these crops were seemed to suggest the end of summer, which made sense, as it was the same season in Heaven as well. Although… did Hell actually have seasons? It was always warm, right? It could have been slightly less warm during the winter, though. Andre supposed that was determined by what kind of planet Hell was… if it was even a planet, and not just a flat plane floating somewhere. Was the sun a real sun, or just a light that moved? How about the moon? Did they have a moon?

God. He’d have a lot to read about once they made it to the rehab center - if they had books there to begin with. If this place was supposed to be more humane than the other ones, then Andre would put his hopes in that.

Eventually, the time came for the pit stop. Andre was very grateful for this, as his stomach was empty and his bladder was full. The pit stop was a gas station with a restaurant named ‘Snake Pit Stop’, which Andre may have chuckled at if he were in a better mood. He was escorted to the men’s bathroom - Hell still had that distinction, it seemed - and thankfully had his cuffs taken off, but something he wasn’t thankful for was the absolutely rancid state of the bathroom. The pungent stench in the room of grimy, cracked tiles threatened to made Andre vomit, but he managed to do his business nevertheless. He wasn’t sure, though, if the yellowish water really washed his hands. Andre did smell them afterwards once he was out of that horrid room, and they seemed fine, so hopefully they were. Getting sick would make his stay in the rehab center even worse.

After that, it was time for lunch. Andre looked at the menu of the restaurant at the counter and noticed a significant lack of greens - well, they weren’t green here - even compared to Earth’s past. Maybe demons had a more protein-rich diet, or maybe there was a culture of toxic masculinity that belittled the consumption of plants. The latter did sound like Hell to him. Regardless, he got a cheeseburger. He could use some comfort food, anyway.

It was only when he was halfway through eating it that he realized something.

“Oh, fuck,” he said, placing the burger down on his plate like it was diseased.

“What?” the chauffeur asked before sipping on his coffee.

“This meat is from real animals, isn’t it?” Andre said.

The chauffeur looked confused for a second, then laughed. “Good one!”

Andre’s stomach twisted further. “It’s not a joke! H-Heaven uses ethically cultivated lab meat so that no real animals have to be --”

The chauffeur laughed harder. “God, you’re serious?”

“Yes, he’s serious,” the female escort said flatly.

Andre looked at the angel, then the burger on her plate. “You aren’t bothered by this?” he asked.

She shrugged. “It’s Hell. They’re like Earth. They don’t have the technology to do differently yet.”

Andre did know well that Earth still ate real animals, even if more and more people had realized the ethical problems with it. He just hadn’t put two and two together. He’d been too hungry.

“Don’t worry about it,” the female escort said. “It’s not up to you. They don’t have any plant proteins on the menu, and you’re gonna have even less choice once you’re at the rehab center. And you can’t starve yourself.”

“I wouldn’t object to that,” the male escort muttered.

Andre thought about the woman’s words. He supposed she was right. While it still disgusted him to think that the piece of meat on his plate had come from something with an actual nervous system that felt stress and pain… he needed to eat, and he just didn’t have any options.

He picked up the burger and began eating again. He almost gagged a few times, but he managed to finish it nonetheless. It haunted him that it had still kind of tasted good.

“Atta boy,” the chauffeur said, then got up with a grunt. “I’m gonna go ahead so I can have a smoke.”

“Acknowledged,” the male escort said, at which the chauffeur snickered before taking his tray and leaving.

The rest of them left not long after. It was then back to the car that reeked of smoke, which didn’t help Andre keep down his horrid food, but he managed nonetheless. After fifteen minutes, they arrived in the state of Woe, its flag bearing a white crying peacock - maybe a reference to local folklore, Andre didn’t know - and after another hour, they arrived at a place called the Plains of Despair, which the chauffeur announced. Apparently, they were the ‘crimson plains’ of Crimson Plains Criminal Rehabilitation Center. Looking around, there certainly were plains and they certainly were crimson. Not a tree in sight.

“Lovely names these places have,” the male escort said.

“It’s Hell,” the chauffeur said. “We have a brand.”

Fifteen minutes passed in silence. Then something appeared in the horizon - buildings. As they approached, Andre saw that it was a complex of ash-gray buildings surrounded by a tall metal fence topped with barbed wire.

“Is that the place?” Andre asked the chauffeur.

“Yup,” the demon answered.

Andre’s dread surged.

This was the place. This would be his prison. He would not be able to leave before four months, and if he fucked things up, he’d only be leaving for a much worse place.

The thought occurred to him that he could attempt an escape. That would have, however, only stayed an attempt, and Andre was aware of that. There was no way he was going to succeed, not when there were two escorts way more athletic than him tasked with making sure that he’d only go wherever he was allowed to go.

So that was it, then. The indisputable beginning of his new life. He didn’t know how miserable it would be, but he wasn’t naive enough to think that it wouldn’t be a massive downgrade from the life he’d known before.

All he could do was watch as they approached the gates of the facility, his unease growing by the second.

Eventually, they arrived.

At the gates of the facility, Andre was identified for what he hoped by now would be the last time that day. This time, however, it was a demon that identified him rather than an angel. Andre had the time to think about how he might not see another angel for a very long time if ever after his escorts left - but driving past the entrance of the first building, those worries were put to rest.

An angel stood by the front door. Judging by the card hanging by his neck, he was part of the staff. Must have been someone sent from Heaven to supervise what was going on. Though Andre couldn’t see why. He’d thought this experiment was Hell’s own. Why would Heaven be interested in this?

The car entered the parking lot beside the main building. The chauffeur parked the car, and Andre and the escorts got out, the male escort carrying Andre’s luggage. The chauffeur stayed put, though. He’d wait for the escorts to return and then take them back to Heaven.

Andre was escorted to the angel by the door, and he finally got a better look at him. The angel was a white man, somewhere in his thirties, with gray-blue eyes and blond hair neatly combed back. He was tall and somewhat burly with a square face, though his imposing figure was sharply contrasted by his friendly smile. His halo was thick and hexagonal, spinning in a relaxed manner with a healthy golden glow. He wore casual clothes - a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. Not a uniform? Was that allowed?

“Welcome!” he said. “You’re Andre, right?”

“That’s me,” Andre said. “Can I, uh, ask something?”

“Sure thing! What’s on your mind?”

“Are you… I mean… what do you do here? As an angel in Hell, I mean.”

“Well, I’m here as a missionary,” he said. “Right now, though, they want me to help out at this rehabilitation center. Name’s Samson, by the way. Pleasure to meet you!”

Missionary. Andre realized then that the staff card wasn’t the only thing hanging from the angel’s neck - there was also a golden pendant shaped like the head of a mountain goat with horns that connected in a loop. Arukei’s symbol.

Well, in any case, it was nice that at least someone was being friendly towards Andre. Then again… it was unnerving. Shouldn’t any angel who knew that he was a Blackwing hate him?

“It’s… nice to meet you too,” Andre said nevertheless.

“You know, you’re not the only angel we have in this program,” Samson said. “Maybe you two can become friends! He seemed like a nice enough boy.”

“Was he a, uh, Blackwing too…?”

Samson shook his head. “Not that I know of. He’s in here for something else. It would be rude of me to disclose that without his permission, though, so you’ll have to ask him yourself.”

Andre nodded. “Right.”

Samson looked like he was about to say something else, but his eyes veered past Andre. Andre turned around himself and noticed that another prisoner had shown up with his own escorts.

This prisoner was another demon, but this demon… was different.

This demon, an Eastern young man - Hojoan, perhaps - was exactly like the type of studded-leather-jacket-wearing bad boy heartthrobs Andre had drooled over in his teenage years. Only with, you know, long curved white horns, the ears and feet of a black-furred canine and an arrow-tipped tail that whipped in annoyance. He had long black hair that crashed into his broad shoulders, and his jacket was open to show a white shirt with a low neckline resting on top of some well-trained pecs.

Andre realized he was staring and averted his gaze. Damn it. Hadn’t he just hours ago decided that it was dangerous to be attracted to a demon?

“Can you two bird boys quit your chirping?” someone said. Andre looked back as he spoke - it was the prisoner. “I don’t have all day.”

Well, that definitely helped in making him less attractive. “W-we’re done,” Andre got out, glancing at Samson. “Go ahead.”

Samson was no longer smiling, but he stepped aside nonetheless. “Welcome to the Crimson Plains Criminal Rehabilitation Center,” he said in a neutral tone.

“Sure,” the prisoner muttered and walked past Samson through the door. His escorts, both male demons in uniform, followed after. One of them carried a duffel bag similar to Andre’s own, but green.

Samson sighed. “Well, you’d better head in, too. The assembly is beginning soon.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Samson,” Andre said, and Samson smiled in response.

Andre and his escorts walked through the door. There was another metal detector at the end of the room they entered, and it seemed that the demon prisoner was having some trouble.

“You’re gonna need to take off everything with metal in it,” the demoness attending the detector said - for the second time, judging by the emphasis.

“And I told you that that’s everything I’m wearing,” the prisoner growled. “Can’t you just pat me down like everyone else before this?”

The monitor shook her head. “Take them off.”

The prisoner’s fists clenched. His escorts and the monitor tensed up. Andre tensed up, too. Was he going to get violent?

Eventually, however, the prisoner sighed. “Fine,” he said, releasing the tension in Andre’s body before quickly returning it by looking directly at Andre. “You are going to look away, though. I don’t want any queers eyeing my body.”

Well, then. Thoroughly unattractive now.

Andre turned around. He was already going to do it before, anyway. It wasn’t right to stare at someone who was being forced to strip against their will. Even if that person would probably look really --

Holy Arukei, Andre thought. Do not think like that.

It took a minute or two for the prisoner to make it through the metal check, and then came Andre’s turn, which passed much more quickly. His escorts were left behind, along with his handcuffs, and he now had to carry his own luggage. He was given directions to the gymnasium by a guard, and he found his way there without issue. The gymnasium, which actually looked pretty normal, had about thirty demons standing and chattering there - and one angel.

He was thin and boyish with well-groomed blond hair like Samson’s, and he wore neat clothes. His halo was a smooth ring and his wings were small and shaped like those of a songbird. He struck Andre as… eighteen years old, or younger. But minors would go to a different place, right?

Regardless, Andre began making his way towards the angel, thinking he’d be safer with him - but then he saw a demon climb onto the stage at the front of the gymnasium. Given the brown suit he was wearing, he was clearly someone in charge. Andre stopped and turned to the stage.

The demon, a tall black man of sepia complexion, had short black hair, a trimmed beard and large red-black-striped horns, but his most striking feature was his eyes, which had deep red sclerae and yellow irises. Despite the demon’s eerie gaze, Andre found himself fighting off even more indecent thoughts. Damn it, was there something in Hell’s air making him more amorous than usual? Besides, even if dancing with demons wasn’t dangerous, trying to flirt with someone in charge would probably end poorly for him. In fact… should he keep his sexual orientation a secret in general? He didn’t like the idea of hiding it, but if that demon from before was any indication, homophobia was still alive and well in Hell…

The demon on the stage cleared his throat, and Andre told himself to focus. This would likely be important.

“Everyone,” he said, his voice deep and masculine, “settle down.” As the chatter trailed off and the crowd turned to face the stage, he continued. “Thank you. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Gideon Ronove, and I am the head supervisor of this program. I will be supervising the operations of this facility for the duration of the program, or the next four months. I hope that these four months will pass smoothly.”

A pause. “Now, more about the program. You likely know this by now, but in case you don’t: the Woe State Young Adult Rehabilitation Program, or the YARP for short, is an experimental program meant for first-time offenders between the ages of 18 and 25 whose crimes were severe but committed for quote-unquote ‘understandable’ reasons. Unlike traditional prisons, this program seeks to rehabilitate you rather than punish you. There will still be restrictions placed on your daily life, but these are for reasons of security rather than an attempt to discourage you from further criminal activity through applied discomfort.”

Andre nodded to himself. This seemed alright so far.

“However,” Mr Ronove said, raising his voice, “do not take us for fools. The guards of this facility are trained and experienced professionals, and so am I. I have worked in corrections for fifteen years, and I know all the tricks. So don’t try them. Step out of line, and it’s off to my old workplace West Woe Penitentiary, where you’ll be sewing jeans for twelve hours a day.”

Well then.

“To move on to more practical matters…”

Mr Ronove went on to explain that the inmates would be divided between four supervisors, each of them getting eight inmates to be responsible for. This supervisor would be the one to answer their assigned inmates’ questions and act as a confidant in any sensitive matters, and they would also be the one to evaluate the inmates’ conduct during their stay and report their observations to the head supervisor.

They would not be responsible solely for their own conduct, however - this program involved a pair system. Every inmate would be paired with another, and one’s conduct would influence whether or not the other passed. This was to encourage cooperation.

Andre immediately started to worry. What if he got some jackass who couldn’t behave? Could he be doomed to forced labor just because of who his pair was?

He sighed. He hoped he’d get paired with the angel even if it seemed highly unlikely.

It looked like he at least wouldn’t need to worry for long, though. After Mr Ronove finished mentioning some of the things the program would involve - there would be education regarding social and emotional skills, ethics, law and general knowledge as well as physical education - the time to assign the supervisors and pairs came. The supervisors had climbed up on stage, and one of them was Samson. Andre wished that he’d be assigned that friendly angel, and he was pleased to hear it when Ronove announced the following:

“Under Mark Samson, your ethics teacher and priest: Thomas Powell, Yardley Tucker, Jenny Hale, Trevor Lawrence, Ichiro Akai, Miguel Franco, Jian Cheng and Andre Duval.”

The people whose names had been called out, Andre included, made a line aligning with their supervisor like the others had done. To Andre’s great dismay, one of them was… that leather-jacketed guy from before.

He seemed to notice it, too, as he and Andre made eye contact. The demon looked away and huffed to himself.

Once all inmates had been assigned to their supervisors, these supervisors stepped down from the stage and gathered their group’s members in their own huddles.

“Well, then,” Samson said, still smiling, “it seems that I’ll be your shepherd, so to speak. Everybody feeling alright?”

The group’s members glanced around at each other, then mumbled affirmatives. Andre simply nodded. He wasn’t feeling alright, but he didn’t want to make a scene.

“Great to hear! But if you ever get something on your mind, find me and talk to me, alright? I wanna make sure you’re all as comfortable as can be.”

More mumbled affirmatives.

Samson nodded. “Alright. Let’s get to the pairs, then…”

Andre blinked. The pairs would be from this group? Well, it made sense, but he’d been hoping otherwise…

He glanced at the leather-jacketed demon, who glanced back. He seemed nervous, but was trying to hide it under a veil of cool indifference. Andre hoped he’d get paired with someone else. The other angel wasn’t in this group, so that ship had sailed, but maybe he’d get paired with the girl of the group, that blonde with the horns arranged like a crown? Then again, she had kind of a mean look on her face…

Samson had pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket while Andre had been looking away. He cleared his throat, and Andre prepared himself to listen.

“Okay, once you hear your name, raise your hand,” Samson said. “That way your pair will know who you are. Now! Our first pair is…”

Andre held his breath.

“Andre Duval…”

Already? God. Sure. Andre raised his hand, then drilled his eyes onto the leather-jacketed demon.

“...and Ichiro Akai.”

The demon didn’t have to raise his hand in order for Andre to find out that was his name. His face said it all.

Samson looked around, not seeing a second hand. “Ichiro Akai?”

‘Ichiro’ huffed and raised his hand, giving a nasty glare to Andre.

“Alright,” Samson said. “You two play nice, now.” He returned to the paper in his hands --

“It’s Red,” the demon said.

“Hm?” Samson looked up.

“It’s Red,” the demon repeated, annoyed, and lowered his hand. “Everyone calls me Red.”

“Alright-y,” Samson said, smiling again. “I’ll keep that in mind. Now, for the second pair…”

The rest of the pairs were announced without issue, and they left the gymnasium to begin a tour of the facility. They were shown the communal dining area, or ‘chow hall’, the yard, the rec room, the gym, the library, the laundry room, bathrooms and showers and finally their quarters. They were given their keys and allowed to place their luggage in their rooms - good, Andre was getting tired of hauling that thing around - after which the tour ended and it was time for dinner. They were escorted to the chow hall again in case anyone had forgotten where it was. It seemed that the other groups had finished their tours as well, as the hall was full.

Andre got in line like the others and received his serving of mashed potatoes and… beef stew. Great. More dead animals on Andre’s conscience. He didn’t have a choice, though, so…

“Hey! Angel boy! Over here!”

Andre flinched and looked towards the voice. He saw a thin and pale Eastern demoness smile and wave at him from a table across the hall. She had long, sandy brown hair and rectangular glasses as well as the nose, ears and wings of a bat. She wore a sleeveless magenta top and colorful little string bracelets and a similar necklace. Next to her sat another demoness of a heavier build, who was Western in turn and had darker skin. She had short brunette hair and a green bandanna pierced by two little crimson horns, and her bare arms had scars that Andre made a point not to stare at. She didn’t appear very enthusiastic.

The first demoness’ shout, however, seemed to also grab the attention of the other angel in the hall - the one Samson had mentioned and Andre had almost spoken to before. He was sitting in another corner of the hall when he saw the demoness waving, then followed her stare to Andre, then began waving at Andre himself.

“O-over here! Hey!” he shouted. “I wanna get to know you!”

“She called first!” the red-horned demoness shouted at the unnamed angel, her voice louder and deeper. The bat-demoness flinched and raised her palms at her companion, who rolled her eyes, then looked to Andre and made a beckoning motion. The angel frowned, but kept gesturing himself and mouthing the words ‘come here’.

Andre’s gaze jumped between the angel and the demonesses. Which one should he pick? He really wanted to stick with the angel, but… the entire hall was watching by now because of all the shouting. If Andre chose to go with the angel, they might think that he thinks less of demons… which he maybe did, but he knew was a very stupid idea to show.

Andre made his decision. Heart pounding, he walked over to the demoness’ table and sat down.

“Yeah!” the red-horned demoness cheered. “Suck it, little man!” she shouted at the other angel right after. The angel made an indignant face, then shook his head and resumed his eating.

The bat-demoness sighed, but then turned to Andre and smiled. “Hi! I’m Alice,” she said, offering a hand.

Andre took her hand and shook it. “I’m Andre,” Andre said. “Pleased to meet you.”

“I’m Camila,” said the red-horned demoness, pointing to herself with a thumb. “Me and Alice are girlfriends. Got a problem with that?”

Andre raised his palms, heartbeat surging. “Oh, no, not at all. I’m… pan myself.” Oh god. He’d already blabbed it. Or… did they even know here what that meant?

“Huh.” Camila crossed her arms. It seemed like they knew what it meant, then. “I thought they hated sexual minorities in Heaven.”

“N…no?” Andre said hesitantly. “Where did you hear that?”

“It’s a common rumor about Heaven,” Alice explained. “Is it not true?”

Andre shook his head. “O-oh, no. In Heaven, it’s okay to be any orientation or gender.”

The demonesses exchanged a look. “Well, that sounds great,” Alice said, smiling, and she sounded like she meant it. Andre dared to smile back.

“Hmm.” Camila didn’t seem as pleased. “Yeah, I bet you have a wonderful place over there, with your equality and your robot servants, but when are you gonna share that prosperity with Hell?”

“Uh…” Andre hadn’t prepared himself for this conversation.

Alice lay a hand on Camila’s shoulder. “Mila, take it easy. We don’t know if angels like him have any say in what Heaven’s government does.”

Camila looked to Alice, then to Andre. “Well, do you?”

“Well…” Andre shook his head, glancing away. “No, not really. In terms of Hell, anyway. You’re not even allowed to talk about it.”

Camila scratched her cheek. “Huh.”

“Yeah, well, you can talk about it a little as long as you don’t do it publicly,” Andre amended. “If you do, though, they can charge you with ‘demoralizing’.”

“What happens then?” Camila asked.

“Mandatory sensitivity training program,” Andre said. “And if you do that, and then still talk about it… prison. In Hell.”

“Is that what happened to you?”

“Huh? Oh, no. I did, uh… something else.”

Camila frowned. “Did you rape somebody?”

“Wh-” Andre’s eyes widened. “No! I would never do something like that!”

Never? Even with the thoughts you’ve had?

The demoness relaxed. “Good.”

There was a spell of uncomfortable silence.

“Ah… yes, well…” Alice began. “Why don’t you tell us what your impressions of Hell are so far? I’m curious.”

“Uh…” Andre looked around, his eyes falling on the windows up by the ceiling - was every building he went to going to have their windows high up like that? Regardless, the clear red sky still shone through. It hadn’t changed in these few hours.

“It’s very… red,” Andre then said. “Heaven is more white and green.”

“Green? Is it the plants?” Alice asked.

“Yeah. Though they can have yellow and brown parts too, like here. But the leaves are almost always green.”

Alice nodded. “Like on Earth, then.”

Andre paused, gathering up his courage to ask a question. “How much do you know about Earth around here?”

“Things,” Alice said. “The sinners get milder sentences if they provide us with information about Earth. We owe a lot of technological advancements to them.”

“Uh… hmm.” Andre wasn’t necessarily a fan. Could evil people worm their way out of the consequences of their actions just by knowing more things?

“You must be thinking that that’s unfair,” Alice said. “It figures for an angel. Unless the rumors about angels having a stronger desire for justice are untrue?”

“No, I’d say they’re true,” Andre said. “Though, I mean, depends on how strong we’re talking. It’s not like it’s overpowering. We still have different personalities, much like I’m sure you demons do even though…”

Andre realized his mistake and quieted.

“Even though what?” Camila asked, offended.

Andre cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. I spoke without thinking. I shouldn’t go assuming that the rumors Heaven has about demons are true.”

“What do they say there?” Alice asked.

Andre glanced away. “Well, that… demons are more… well…”

“Well, spit it out,” Camila said.

“...That demons enjoy violence,” Andre finally got out, fidgeting. He hoped he hadn’t just signed his death warrant.

“Oh, that? That’s just true,” Alice said. “We need to enjoy violence to be able to torment sinners. Don’t worry about that.”

Andre sighed in relief. “Whew, okay. I just really don’t want to offend.”

“It’s fine. So, back to your impressions of Hell?”

Andre explained his experiences in Hell from emerging from the portal to arriving at the facility, and Alice listened with keen interest. Even Camila seemed to be curious, though she tried to conceal it. Upon Andre’s mention of how needing to eat real animal meat was a shock to him, Alice immediately asked him about lab meat with a gleam in her eyes. Andre explained what he knew, though this was less than what the demoness seemed to want to know as a self-identified science lover. After this tangent, though, Andre could resume the recount of his experiences and got to his interaction with Red at the metal detector.

“God, I’m sorry about that,” Alice said, then sighed. “There’s still a lot of bigotry here, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going away any time soon…”

“But we’re gonna fight it anyway,” Camila said with a grin, wrapping her arm around Alice. “Ain’t that right, Lis?”

Alice smiled at her girlfriend. “Of course!” She turned back to Andre. “Oh, but I should mention, I actually know that guy.”

“You know Red?” Andre asked, glancing around the hall and spotting the demon at the other end of the hall. He was sitting alone.

“Yeah, we went to the same university,” Alice said. “I was in physics and he was in biology. Always wore that same jacket, that’s how I recognize him.” She frowned. “He was never nice, but I didn’t think he was a call-people-slurs kinda guy.”

Andre kept staring at Red. A university student. He didn't seem like the type - he seemed like the type to have too much trouble with authority to go into further education. And, well, it was judgmental, but Andre didn't think he'd have the smarts for it, either.

“Well, anyway,” Andre said, turning back to the demonesses, “I should mention that I also got paired up with him.”

“No!” Alice said. “Oh, that sucks so much.”


“Maybe you can ask for a reassignment. Who’s your supervisor?”

“Samson, the angel guy.”

“Yeah, he seems nice. I’m sure he’d understand, especially if Heaven is more progressive like you said.”

“Hmm…” Andre thought about it. He’d like to get someone other than Red, but what if he got someone even worse? Or he’d be branded as some kind of princess who can’t handle a bit of rudeness?

“I think I’ll wait a bit first,” he said. “Maybe he was just… posturing before, or something.”

“Maybe,” Alice said. “Keep me posted, alright?”

“Will do,” Andre said. So she wanted to talk again later. That was alright. She seemed nice, and her girlfriend didn’t seem that bad, even if she was kind of scary.

Alice nodded, then looked at Andre’s plate. “I should probably let you eat. Your food’s getting cold.”

“Ah! Right. Thanks.” Andre took a forkful of beef, but then froze. Right. Real animals. Well, he’d managed to get Hell food down once before…

He began to eat. It did not taste good, especially now that it was cold, but it was food.

“Well, while you’re eating, I should tell you stuff about that other angel,” Camila said.

“Hmm?” Andre vocalized, his mouth full. That other angel that had tried to get his attention? He looked over to where the angel had sat, but it seemed like he was gone already.

“Yeah, I got paired up with him. His name’s Eric, and he does not like demons. Every time one gets close to him, he makes a face like he’s smelled something bad.”

Andre swallowed. He… understood that to an extent, but to be so openly averse… just wasn’t polite. Unbecoming of an angel, really. “That’s unfortunate,” Andre said, then got the idea for something that would surely make him appear more demon-friendly. “But hey, maybe he’s just been told a lot of bad things about demons. I can talk to him, see if he’ll come around.”

“You can talk to him, sure, but just make sure you don’t make it sound like I asked you to,” Camila said. “Because I’m not. Got that?”

“Uh, y-yeah, I’ve got that,” Andre said. “Besides, even if you had asked me to talk to him, I wouldn’t tell on you. I’m not that kind of person, I swear.”

Camila huffed. “Good.”

Andre resumed his eating, and so did the demonesses for the little they had left. Once done, they brought back their dishes and each headed into their quarters to unpack. Andre arrived at the room number he was assigned, 112C, and unlocked the door. He stepped in, and unsurprisingly, Red was also there. The demon was on his bed, lying on his back with his hands behind his head. His horns seemed to be gone. He'd probably made them disappear the way Andre assumed the chauffeur had made his tail disappear.

Red stared at Andre for a moment, his expression mostly blank with a tinge of irritation, then directed his gaze back to the ceiling.

Andre sighed quietly. He supposed he should try to talk to him, no matter how little either of them wanted it, no matter how there was a non-zero chance of a mauling.

Andre cleared his throat. “You know,” he began, “if we're gonna be pairs, I think we should try to get along.”

Red frowned, but didn't look at Andre. “We'll get along as well as we get along.”

Andre frowned in turn. He let something slip before thinking. “You could make at least a bit of an effort.”

Red looked into Andre's eyes. Andre’s stomach sank. What had he done? Why would he give a demon lip? Was he stupid?

Then again, he knew he couldn’t just be a doormat. There was always a chance that demons would think even less of someone for not standing up for themselves. Andre just wished he wasn’t so afraid. Or have that other feeling, that feeling he knew he shouldn’t have because it wouldn’t lead to anything good…

“I'll do what I want,” Red said, returning his gaze to the ceiling.

Andre slowly took a deep breath in and out. “Alright,” he said.

Silence returned to the room, and Andre determined that the conversation was over. He walked over to his bag, began unpacking, unpacked, and finished unpacking. Not that there was much to do - just place the items in the chest of drawers at the foot of his bed.

When the bag was empty, he gave Red another look. He was still staring at the ceiling.

Andre figured that staying here was going to be bad for his mental health. He didn't know if going out was much better, but he could at least try.

“I'm going to the rec room,” he said, ready to exit the room.

“Why do you think I care?” Red said.

Andre sighed quietly. “I just figured that we, as pairs, would like to know where we're going.”

“Well, I don't. And I'm not gonna be telling you shit about where I'm going.”

God, what a jackass. “Alright, then,” Andre mumbled and left the room.

Andre, being someone with a sharp memory, had no trouble finding his way back to the rec room. Unlike the first time, it was now in active use - demons sitting on the couches, the beanbag chairs, the floor or by the table and playing with cards or the pinball machine or just watching the TV by the ceiling. Andre stepped closer to the TV to make sense of what was going on - looked like some kind of… arena fight? A crimson-furred bull with four horns and tusks pawed at the ground, then charged at a large draconic demon - was that demon a person or an animal? - only to be grabbed by the skull and -- oh Arukei. Andre quickly looked away so that he wouldn’t subjected to another gory nightmare.

Instead, he looked around, trying to find either the angel inmate or Alice or Camila. He couldn’t spot any of them, but he did spot someone else that caught his attention.

In the far corner of the room stood a lanky Eastern demoness with short black hair. Bangs with a navy blue streak covered her forehead, and she wore a hoodie and jeans in other, even more inoffensive shades of blue. She had the ears of a black cat at the top of her head, partially flattened, and her eyes were yellow with slit, albeit dilated, pupils. Her tail, all black, brushed against her legs, tucking itself between them every now and then.

Even without the feline body language, it was obvious that the girl was distressed. She was grasping her arms, her black-furred thumb stroking up and down, and she was even… shaking? Good Arukei, she must have been feeling terrible. And there was no one to comfort her.

Well, Andre could help with that. Andre should help with that.

Andre walked through the room, weaving past the groups of demons, and arrived before the cat-demoness. She noticed him, but avoided his gaze, possibly hoping that he wasn’t there for her. Andre hesitated for a moment, wondering if his talking to her would actually bring her even more distress, but ultimately decided to speak.

“Hey,” Andre said with a friendly smile. The demoness glanced at him, then past him, then at the ground, then at him again, then at the ground again, then past him again. Eye contact was clearly uncomfortable for her.

Still, Andre continued. “I’m Andre. What’s your name?”

“...Suki,” she said quietly.

“Nice to meet you, Suki.”


Andre looked away himself. Maybe that would make her more comfortable. “You don’t know anyone here, I take it?”

Suki shook her head. “No, it’s just me…”

“Not even your pair?”

“No, he’s… we don’t get along.”

“Mm. I know the feeling. My pair doesn’t like me either.”

“What’s your… pair like?”

She was getting a bit more confident. Good. “Did you spot that guy with the dog ears and the studded leather jacket?”

Suki looked Andre in the eyes long enough to nod. “Yeah.”

“Well, he’s not very nice.”

“Mm…” She nodded again. “My pair’s not nice either.”

“Who’d you get paired up with?”

“Jake,” she said. “I don’t remember his last name. But he’s the guy with the pig head.”

Andre remembered seeing someone like that around. “Don’t know him,” Andre said, “but now I’ll know to avoid him.”


A spell of silence. Andre was about to break it, but to his surprise, Suki was the one to speak next.

“Are you from Heaven?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Andre answered.

“Is it nice there?”

“It was nice there,” Andre said. “Or, well, probably still is. I can’t go back, though.”

“Oh,” she said. “Was that your punishment?”

“In addition to this program, yeah.”

“Right, yeah…” Suki nodded again. Then she shuddered.

Andre tilted his head. “Are you cold?”

“No, it’s just withdrawal from --” Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth. “Oh, no, no. No, I shouldn’t have said that, oh…” She grasped her head next, sharp claws emerging from her fingertips.

Andre froze. “Are you okay?”

“No, I’m -- yes, I’m okay, I’m --” She began breathing heavily. “I-I have to go!”

She dashed past Andre, squeezed her way through the groups of demons with feline agility and exited the room. Andre contemplated going after her, but maybe it was better not to. He didn’t want to upset her any further.

Not too long after, though, a pair of familiar women walked through the door - Alice and Camila. They noticed Andre, too, and made their way to him.

“Hey, Andre!” Alice greeted. “Long time no see.”

“Hey there,” Andre said. “Did your unpacking go well?”

“Yeah. They have more storage room here than I expected.” She paused as Andre nodded, then continued. “How’d it go with Red? If he was there, that is.”

“Yeah, he was there,” Andre sighed. “He made it pretty clear that he’s not interested in being civil.”

“Oh, sorry to hear,” Alice said. “Will you be asking for a reassignment, then?”

Andre crossed his arms. “Mm… no, I don’t think I will. I mean, I’m pretty sure I can still handle this. Plus, if I ask for a reassignment, someone else will be stuck with him, and I might get someone worse. I think I’m just gonna try making this work.”

“Well, you do you,” Alice said. She glanced at Camila, since she’d been quiet, and saw that she was occupied with watching the battle on TV. “Camila?”

“Yeah?” Camila turned around. “Sorry, they got a pack of bonecrushers tearing apart a sinner.”

“Ah, okay.”

“What's a bonecrusher?” Andre asked. He almost glanced at the TV before he remembered he didn't want to subject himself to that.

Are you sure? It’s a sinner. He was probably a rapist or something. You’ve already helped send a lot of them here. You know they deserve it. You know you want to revel in their pain.

Camila looked to Andre. “A breed of hellhound.” She grinned. “I love hellhounds. My family breeds ‘em, so I’ve been around them my whole life.”

“Hellhounds,” Andre repeated. He realized that the top Camila wore had a stylized horned canine skull on it. “I’ve heard of those. What are they like? Are they like dogs with horns or what?”

“You can see for yourself,” Camila said, gesturing to the TV, but Andre raised his hands.

“No, thank you, I think I’d prefer a verbal description. What’s playing on there is too much for me.”

“Huh.” Camila scratched her chin. “Right, angel.” She cleared her throat, and her grin returned. “So, yeah, hellhounds are like dogs. We don’t have dogs here, but the sinners have told us about them - drawn pictures, too. The difference between a dog and a hellhound is that the latter has horns and a whiplike tail with an arrow-shaped tip, like many demons.” It sounded like she was reciting some text she’d read many times. “I love them. They’re awesome. Do they have dogs in heaven?”

“Well, not regular dogs, but we do have heaven-hounds.”


“Yeah. They’re also like dogs, but have halos and wings, like angels. Only they can actually fly with them. We angels can’t. Arukei’s decision, for whatever reason.”

“Oh, yeah. I was wondering about that,” Camila said. “The fences they have here wouldn’t be very effective if you could just take off, I guess.”


Alice nodded and spoke up again. “So, could you tell us more about Heaven again?“

“Oh, sure thing,” Andre said. “Let’s see. Where to begin…”


At 10:24 PM, Andre took off his glasses and lay down on his new bed for the first time. He let himself simply breathe for a moment while staring at the white ceiling.

Well, here he was, at the end of his first day in Hell. A lot had happened. Maybe he should write it down? He might forget to tell Ellie about something interesting later when he wrote his first letter.

No, it was fine. He could do it tomorrow. Right now, he just wanted to rest.

He took one last look at Red. The demon was lying in his own bed, facing the wall, probably already asleep. Hopefully he wouldn’t snore.

Andre took a deep breath and let it out. However uncooperative Red would be, he’d just have to deal with it. And, hey, it would probably work out. After all, Red had been rude - very rude - but not actively malicious so far. He could have been a lot worse.

Clinging onto that, Andre shut off his bedside lamp and nestled under the blanket. It was thinner than the one at home, just like the mattress, but Hell was warmer anyway. He’d be fine.

He closed his eyes and began waiting for sleep.


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Pokémon Trainer
  1. koraidon-apex
  2. miraidon-ultimate
  3. skitty
Hey, here for Blitz! I was pretty curious about this original AU you've been writing lately so may as well check it out!

We start right in the middle of things, at the very end of the trial. I find it kinda funny that the victim is literally sitting at the trial; I assume being killed has some consequences for demons and angels because it sounds like it's still considered a pretty serious crime, but she also looks to be "fine", so... I'm curious to know more about that, if it will get elaborated upon.

We get a similar in media res switch to Andre's POV, which does a nice enough job to establish the setting he lives in, I think.

If the story isn't going to be set in Heaven anyway we don't need any big infodump, but it's still nice to get a broad depiction of it so we can see how the difference with Hell is going to impact Andre.

God, Katie. Katie had been furious with him.
If I understood right from other paragraphs, the deity here is named Arukei ("Arukei knew that ... "), so I think you missed it here. Or I misunderstood. There's another instance when Andre lifts his duffel bag ("good god, it was heavy")

So there seems to be some prejudice against "Blackwings", so I'm curious to see more about what makes someone one. Since he's getting banned to hell, and with Blackwing my mind immediately went to fallen angels/demons, maybe it means he has one in his "lineage" and it came up only now? And Blackwings get booted out because Heaven has to be kept all pure? There was a mention of a little kid angel with their father and Andre has a sister so they obviously have families.

I guess we'll see!

I like that Andre is questioning how people in Heaven see demons by drawing a parallel to humans actions. Also love the idea of "heaven-hounds" to contrast the usual "hell-hounds".

Oh alright, so Blackwings an organisation.

He took one last drag of his cigarette, then raised his tail - a thin, red, scaly tail - up to waist height and pressed the cigarette against the hardened, arrow-shaped tip before tossing it on the ground
Love the completely mundane yet really believable use of that tail. I would probably do that too, ahah
Andre wondering about where the tail goes to drive is a really good point. I'm also always wondering about that in any kind of media with anthropomorphic animals and chairs. I like that even in the situation he's in, he's kinda curious about demons and wants to know more.

I liked the description of Hell during the car ride: I remember you talked about it on the Discord, but once again, it says just enough to paint the picture that things are extremely different from Heaven, but not too much to become too long. It does its job.

He was escorted men’s bathroom - Hell still had that distinction, it seemed - and had his cuffs taken off, thankfully.
Ahah, another little nice worldbuilding detail here, nice.

And yep, the ethical dilemma of eating meat. Though I am a bit surprised that angels need food at all, but this setting seems to be going for a very down to Earth (pun intended) depiction of both angels and demons. They both obviously mirror humans and I'm curious to see the characters realize how similar (or not) they are in the end.

I kind of expected for the two to meet by the end of the chapter, but things would have probably gotten too long: much better to leave the meeting proper for a separate chapter by itself.

As a first chapter, it works really well, and I will definitely check out future chapters because I always love a good culture clash/opposites interacting story, and I'm really eager to see how it will develop here!


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
If I understood right from other paragraphs, the deity here is named Arukei ("Arukei knew that ... "), so I think you missed it here. Or I misunderstood. There's another instance when Andre lifts his duffel bag ("good god, it was heavy")
The deity is indeed named Arukei - however, all instances of "god" like this also refer to Arukei. I just wanted to make sure to refer to Arukei by name a few times so people understand that I'm not writing a version of the Christian God but something else. Whether or not a given phrase will replace "god" with "Arukei" or not is something I'm going to have to figure out a consistent rule for as I go further.

I kind of expected for the two to meet by the end of the chapter, but things would have probably gotten too long: much better to leave the meeting proper for a separate chapter by itself.
Yeah, that due to the first chapter ending up 11k words long and needing to be split down the middle - Red and Andre first meet each other right after the split point. That's why I added the "Part One" to the chapter name, actually: to try and signal that it should be read together with Part Two if possible (which it isn't yet, but will become soon once I post the second chapter).

As a first chapter, it works really well, and I will definitely check out future chapters because I always love a good culture clash/opposites interacting story, and I'm really eager to see how it will develop here!
Thank youuuu! I was really worried about whether or not I'd get any readers on this non-Pokémon story on a Pokémon forum, so I'm really glad you want to stick around for more.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
‘The cars here were not growling beasts that spit noxious gas, but pleasantly humming vehicles that ran only on pure holy energy supplied by Arukei Himself.’

I don’t know if this was meant to be funny but this was a really absurd and charming piece of description that reminded me a little of The Good Place. What brand of cars would be in heaven? I bet they all drive Priuses.

His sister. His little sister. Would she really be fine without her big brother to watch her back?

“In case I forget,” she suddenly spoke up - with a terribly croaky voice - “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Andre said.’

I’m not sure if this was needed since it’s inferred that they love each other anyway, kind of reads as clunky exposition.

‘“I put in plenty of clothing - lighter stuff, since I know Hell is warm - and all the toiletries,”’


‘He moved out of the bedroom and into the living room to study the bookcases. There were so many good books to choose from. After weighing his options, though, he decided to go for his copy of History of Earth - a massive book, more to read - and a couple of his favorite stories, including the book Katie had written.

God, Katie. Katie had been furious with him. Like they’d never even been friends. Like the Andre she’d known had been revealed to be a total fabrication, and since the truth had come to life, he had ceased to exist. But no, Andre was indeed the person she had known - had been ever since they’d met. He just also happened to be a Blackwing.’

I would’ve liked a little bit of description about what Katie’s book was about, even if it’s just to add some flavour to her character. The stuff about the Blackwing organisation is fine, the name alone is quite evocative and makes me ask just enough questions about Andre’s involvement in it.

‘holy energy didn’t work there so they had to rely on electricity, they had a democratic society where only demons could be elected, but capitalism was rampant and regulation was minimal so you were more likely to pay to get your way than vote, and on top of that, crime was abundant.’

So just like earth, then.

‘The next room was the waiting area, but there were far fewer seats here than on Heaven's side, and they were red instead of blue.’

Lmao, I love how petty hell is.

‘They circled to the parking lot, where one car was leaving, its gasoline-powered motor as loud as Andre knew them to be from what he’d seen of Earth.’

Hell is a place where everyone drives an SUV.

‘He even wore vanilla-scented perfume…’

I love Andre already.

‘He was escorted men’s bathroom - Hell still had that distinction, it seemed - and had his cuffs taken off, thankfully. What he wasn’t thankful for was the absolutely rancid state of the bathroom.’

The first sentence read as really clunky aside from the missing article, and could’ve used more detail about the bathroom. I mean, it’s a bathroom in hell. Where are the toilet snakes? Does it flush stuff out with fire instead of water? Are there wall tiles crumbling off everywhere? Or is it like that ‘Worst Toilet in Scotland’ scene in Trainspotting?

Hi, Canis! It’s nice to return to reading your stories. It was interesting to read one of your original works after being so familiar with your TPP works, though it has little bearing on my impressions on this even if the characters share the same name.

So far, I like the potential of it, especially with a story that explores how heaven and hell operates and how it differs from its biblical depictions. My most interesting takeaway was seeing heaven and hell as these really mundane settings where it’s just a nicer/shittier version of earth. Heaven feels really insufferably like a suburban yuppie neighbourhood where the cars literally run on god’s energy, while hell is basically just New York except with 10% more debauchery. Kind of reminds me of the saying ‘Los Angeles is a shitty heaven while New York is a fun hell’.

I think this sets a good tone for the rest of the story to follow. There’s a nice undercurrent of black comedy running throughout it once Andre reaches hell, and I’m excited to see how crappy the state of the correction facility will be and his inevitable meeting with Red.

I have a couple of gripes with this introductory chapter. I felt this chapter was lacking in a few details that would’ve really made certain scenes come to life. There were some sections I highlighted which could’ve benefitted from some extra bells and whistles.

I also think the pacing just draaaags as soon as Andre gets escorted to hell. There’s a lot of setting establishing which is necessary but since Andre doesn’t have a lot of agency in this situation, and doesn’t resist any step of the way, there’s not a lot of immediate conflict aside from the minor annoyances that Andre encounters while he’s there.

As mentioned, hell is a fun setting, but I also kind of wish it was played up more, especially if you’re depicting it as an even sleazier version of earth. You don’t have to make it so absurd that it slides fully into comedy if you don’t want to, but some extra obstacles that Andre has to go through just merely existing in hell would’ve spiced this chapter up.

As it is, I am excited to see more of it, and am hyped for Red and Andre’s bromance. Thanks for the read as usual.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Hello everyone! So, I took some time to think about things, and I've decided to merge the first and second chapter after all. They were originally the same chapter, but I split it in two because of its length. However, I figured now that it would really be important that the two leads meet in the first chapter, so I've recombined the two even if the result is more than 10k words.

For those that have read/reviewed the first chapter already, the additional content starts at the following line:

"Eventually, they arrived."

As for the Blitz, I have confirmed it with a mod that reviewing this added material counts as a point! So don't be shy about catching up on, say, week 2 for the bonus.

Thank you for reading, and happy holidays!
Last edited:


Back on Her Bullshit
a Terrace of Indeterminate Location in Snowbelle
  1. espurr
  2. fennekin
  3. zoroark

Since you were talking about some sort of OG HH spinoff, I thought I would drop by to see what’s up.

I think you have an overall interesting, if simple, premise set up – angel and demon must inhabit the same place as prisoners of a rehabilitation centre for a while, presumably Romance Will Ensue (do they tolerate gay people in heaven? Andre does, but then he’s an Outcast™).

The dynamic you have between Heaven and Hell is interesting – Heaven is basically a socialized utopia, but presumably at the cost of being kinda sterile and weirdly dystopian in areas. The people in heaven don’t seem to be all that interesting from what little we’ve seen, and kinda weird things from the censorship of hell to the unquestioning attitudes many heaveners seem to have towards life in general gives off vibes of like, a glass dome. Meanwhile Hell is full of interesting characters, grit, and furries, but is pretty much America unrestrained capitalism at its worst. It is, I guess, a basic underdog/overlord setup that a lot of heaven/hell stories use, but it makes me wonder if you’re going to do anything with it down the line – especially since Andre and Red both seem to be outcasts in their own way, and Heaven/Hell resemble two entwined societies more than places where people go to be rewarded or punished. In general I think it’s just an interesting look and wonder what you’re going to do with it down the line. In particular I think it's funny that Hell pretty much just cribbed a bootleg version of America, whereas Heaven just Had It All Figured Out from the beginning I guess. Wonder what's going to happen when Earth catches up with Heaven :V

Not much to say on Andre or Red for the most part. They Sure Are Those Characters. Though I do wonder what Andre did to get labelled a ‘blackwing’ here – I’m guessing blackwings are angels who are later found out to have committed sins? But at some points they’re referred to as an organisation and Andre insists whatever he did isn’t as bad? It’s kinda muddled, especially since I would expect he’d just have gone to hell if this is about the murders he committed.

Of course Samson is an angel, lol

Now we wait for The Beast cameo :V I suppose he’ll be a hellhound?

I will say that I felt this chapter was a bit long for the wear. It is roughly 14K, after all, and so much of it is spent on description and worldbuilding and introductions. Part of me thinks it might be better to break it in half somewhere after getting into hell, since it was A Lot. By the time Andre actually got to the rehabilitation centre, I was waiting for it to end.

The other, non HH characters are interesting, though I don’t fully know what role they play, or if they’re just side-characters to populate the place. I suppose we’ll see. Red hasn’t had much time to shine, either – I guess that’ll be for future chapters, especially since he and Andre will be rooming together Wicked style :copyka:

Overall, an interesting start! I think you set up a good beginning, and though the chapter ran on a little, the descriptions and worldbuilding of everything are vivid and capturing of everything as per usual. They stuck around for a while after reading. Great work, and I’ll be interested to sink my teeth into this again once some more is out! :eyes:



you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Thanks for the chooonky review!

Not much to say on Andre or Red for the most part. They Sure Are Those Characters. Though I do wonder what Andre did to get labelled a ‘blackwing’ here – I’m guessing blackwings are angels who are later found out to have committed sins? But at some points they’re referred to as an organisation and Andre insists whatever he did isn’t as bad? It’s kinda muddled, especially since I would expect he’d just have gone to hell if this is about the murders he committed.
There may be a misunderstanding here - angels and demons are both born in Heaven and Hell respectively, and have no prior lives. The "virtuous" in Heaven and the "sinners" in Hell are the humans that are having their afterlife, and they remain as humans (though with some modifications that I don't think the story has gotten to yet and will perhaps not get to at all depending on whether it becomes relevant). Angels are separate from the virtuous and demons are separate from the sinners, not just as races but as classes, which is why, for example, only demons get to vote in Hell.

I will say that I felt this chapter was a bit long for the wear. It is roughly 14K, after all, and so much of it is spent on description and worldbuilding and introductions. Part of me thinks it might be better to break it in half somewhere after getting into hell, since it was A Lot. By the time Andre actually got to the rehabilitation centre, I was waiting for it to end.
Closer to 12k, but point taken. Thing is, I originally wrote this chapter as one chapter, but decided to split it due to its length and only uploaded the story up until Andre has just arrived at the facility as the first chapter. However, the reviewers above mentioned that they expected Red and Andre to meet or for more things to happen in the first chapter. I decided to merge the chapters again and uploaded the rest, though I did try to cut things... unsuccessfully. It just felt like everything was something that would logically be divulged when Andre was the POV character and reducing it to a summary would feel inauthentic - even have people go "hey, why couldn't we see that firsthand?".

Having thought about it a bit, I think a possible remedy that would moderately please all parties would be to simply start the story at a later point when Andre has already left Heaven and the capital of Hell and is reminiscing about what he's seen by now. Still, that does seem like a whole lot of telling instead of showing... I don't know. In any case, I feel like I should probably not touch the first chapter anymore until I'm at least a few more chapters in, or I'll risk obsessing over it and never progressing with the story - something that is apparently painfully familiar to a lot of fanfic authors based on Discord conversations :p

Great work, and I’ll be interested to sink my teeth into this again once some more is out! :eyes:
Glad to hear it! I can say that the second chapter shouldn't be too far off, as I'm having a pretty good pace writing this and I still have a few days off until the new year begins.


Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
Chapter 1, second half review

So, I read the new chunk of this chapter you’ve posted! It was definitely fun seeing more of your TPP characters in new roles, and their personalities are more or less similar to their Pokemon incarnations, except Red really seems to be hamming it up as the closeted badboy. This reads like a high school AU of your TPP works, not in a negative way, just funny seeing how it contrasts with the tone of your works, especially now it’s set in hell.

Taking this chapter in as an introduction, it does what it should, introducing the main cast and the story expectations to come as a paranormal romance tinged with horror and mystery.

However, it pains me to say that my criticisms with the previous half of the chapter being slow are doubled with this new section, to the point where it hampered my enjoyment of the chapter as a whole. I’m being more critical about this than I usually would since this is an original story that will presumably be published on RoyalRoad, so I’m more aware of an original story’s pitfalls compared to fanfiction and want to give some perspective as someone who has tried unsuccessfully to branch out into original fiction.

This being a first chapter at 12k words where most of it is exposition, setting establishment and character introductions, is a bit of a tall ask. While I think your prose has been wordy at times with your fanfiction, it’s compensated for by being deeply rooted in the protagonist’s POV and giving a lot of detail.

Looking at the writing style in a vacuum with this chapter, I felt a lot of distance from Andre, especially since it was lacking in detail in places where more of his thoughts would’ve grounded it, and where it would’ve been more interesting to read about. It’s a rehabilitation facility in hell, so I expected him to be more critical about his living conditions, especially his own room, but there’s little introspection to be had there.

It’s simultaneously lacking in detail while also being wordy. The character descriptions also halted the momentum of this chapter for this reason as he didn’t seem to have much of an opinion of them aside from Red serving as eye candy. The dialogue scenes stuck out to me in a bad way here since character exchanges often played out like this:

“I’m Andre. What’s your name?”

“...Suki,” she said quietly.

“Nice to meet you, Suki.”


Andre looked away himself. Maybe that would make her more comfortable. “You don’t know anyone here, I take it?”

Suki shook her head. “No, it’s just me…”

“Not even your pair?”

“No, he’s… we don’t get along.”

There were a lot of back and forth conversations that could’ve been trimmed down to be made more concise for the sake of fiction, and other conversations like this felt like info-dumps that didn’t feel like something the character would naturally say:

“It’s very… red,” Andre then said. “Heaven is more white and green.”

“Green? Is it the plants?” Alice asked.

“Yeah. Though they can have yellow and brown parts too, like here. But the leaves are almost always green.”

Alice nodded. “Like on Earth, then.”

“How much do you know about Earth around here?” Andre asked.

“Things,” Alice said. “The sinners get milder sentences if they provide us with information about Earth. We owe a lot of technological advancements to them.”

“Hmm.” Andre wasn’t necessarily a fan. Could evil people worm their way out of the consequences of their actions just by knowing more things?

“You must be thinking that that’s unfair,” Alice said. “It figures for an angel. Unless the rumors about angels having a stronger desire for justice are untrue?”

And information also tends to be repeated through dialogue, like Gideon’s introduction to the YARP programme (was that a Hot Fuzz reference?) or Alice’s later conversation with Andre about how his talk with Red went, which could've been condensed as it's already been shown through the plot. What’s most baffling is the hellhound description that’s just outright repeated by another character. I get that Andre was still sensitive to the violence playing on the TV, but that compounded the problem of characters being a vehicle for exposition.

Speaking of Andre, I really wished there was more for him to do in this chapter aside from being herded around from place to place. He felt very passive and submissive, which would’ve been a great source of drama if Red exploited that, but I got none of that here.

The only glimpse I got at any real flaw of his was perhaps his sanctimonious attitude towards demons, but the issue gets resolved as soon as Camila showed any pushback, and it didn’t feel like a strong enough element of his character to be something he’d have to grow from. The fact that he’s a Blackwing as well doesn’t get expanded on, since that’s something I feel would be very important to him as a character and something he would use against the angels.

Compounding this issue, it didn’t feel like there was anything at stake. They’re implied since Andre has to be on good behaviour to pass the programme, otherwise he’ll be damned to an eternity in a sweatshop, but not enough went wrong in this chapter for me to feel that. Usually, when you set rules like this in such a setting, you need to have a character demonstrating what the consequences are for breaking the rules, like if Red gets tased for refusing to go through his metal check, or if someone else in the programme actually gets kicked out, or if the demons’ roughhousing gets too far if they enjoy violence so much.

All of this to say that writing an original story is freaking tough, especially when you’re building a setting from the ground up. It’s important to establish the rules of a setting and what they mean to the characters when they’re broken, but I think you might’ve overcorrected by sharing too much while not leaving much room for negative space. Considering you’re basically writing original fiction with your TPP works, just Pokemon-flavoured, I would lean more into the deep POV and the psychological character studies that made those works so engaging.

Apologies if this review has sounded harsh. I wanted to give an in-depth critique not as a naysayer, but as a fan of your works, so I hope this is all helpful. I hope you see this story to its conclusion since I can picture it being fun, especially once Red and Andre start bouncing off each other more.


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
@NebulaDreams Thanks for the review!

While I am disappointed that the "good half" of the first chapter also appears to have had substantial flaws, I am thankful for the honest and constructive feedback. I will likely, though, still leave the first chapter alone for now in order to focus on continuing the story.

You make a good point about the character introductions - I hadn't really realized how many there were. I think they mainly happen to be that way since I figured it made sense for Andre to meet all these characters at this point (except maybe Suki, but there's actually a secret plot reason why she needs to be introduced before the second chapter), but you're also right in that trying to go by what would happen realistically isn't always or even often the best course for story events to take.

I also hadn't really realized that keeping Andre's crime that landed him in Hell secret for now rendered him too perfect a character. From Kills-Other-Humans, you already know that (that) Andre's character flaws mostly have to do with his serial killer persona, so when I take that away / cover that up / not telling yet, he's pretty blah as a result. Keeping the secret also means that I'm not able to dive as deeply into his mind as I can in my other works, which I suppose does lock me away from one of my strengths - but I also think that I should maintain some level of mystery with my POV characters regardless in order to create intrigue and, later on, revelations.

I think I could work to introduce some character flaws to Andre, though it will take some thinking to come up with things that both make sense for an angel from the (mostly) utopian Heaven to have and aren't too contradictory to his existing character (since the story should still be consistent with what's been written so far, and I have to admit I'm also a bit stubborn when it comes to larger changes to my characters).

I can tell you that there will be more tangible conflict in the next chapter already, though thinking about that, I'm not sure if Andre has much agency there, either. I think I just kinda have to write to find out, though.

In order to keep this thread from ballooning, we could take this to DM's from here - if you have responses, I mean. Until then, thanks again.
Chapter Two - Squealer


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Okay! It's time for the second chapter. Before that, though, I should mention a few changes I added to the first chapter after it was first uploaded:
- Andre is now more apprehensive when it comes to demons, even afraid.
- Heaven is now more restrictive about the kind of sexual material it allows, criminalizing things that they deem "dangerous" or "abusive" or "degrading", such as pornography with BDSM elements. Andre agrees with Heaven's justifications even if it means feeling shame and fear about his attraction towards demons, who must surely also be "dangerous".
They're not huge things, but I think they help make both Heaven and Andre more interesting. Also, I'm aware that the exposition and structure still have problems, but as those would require a lot more work to change, I'm leaving them be in order to focus on continuing the story.

Now for the actual chapter. Content warning for implication of sexual assault in backstory, homophobia, fantasy xenophobia and sexual themes. Rating is mature. Enjoy!





Red walked through the narrow hallway, its walls off-white in the warm light of the lamps buzzing above. Doors and noticeboards and framed posters detailing theses passed him one after another on both sides. Red only cared about the numbers painted onto the upper right corners of each door. 204H, 205H, 206H and so on. His destination was 213H. He’d never been there before, and he hoped he’d never have to go there again, but who fucking knew…

Okay. There. There it was. Ms Chambers’ office. He should knock. But… the door was cracked.

Red breathed in and out. It was probably still better to knock. He didn’t want to make her angry. He needed to pass this course for his degree, and he needed to pass on her terms, since she was the only one who taught it. No matter what it took.

He knocked.

“Come in, it’s open,” Ms Chambers’ voice said from within.

Red pushed the door open and slipped inside. Ms Chambers was sitting at a desk with a computer and neatly organized stacks of papers. She seemed to be writing in a notebook. The blinds of the window were shut, but the evening sun was still shining through.

Ms Chambers looked up and smiled. “Close the door, please,” she said.

Red did as asked. When the lock clicked, though, everything came back as if with a strike of lightning.

He’d been here before, he’d had this conversation before, he’d --

He tried to twist the lock, but the handle came off and flew out of his hand onto the floor, shattering like sugar glass.

Ms Chambers chuckled, and every exhalation was the lashing of a whip. “Surely I’m not that scary?”

Red turned around slowly. The woman had stood up and was approaching, the talons of her avian feet clacking on the floor, echoing unnaturally. Her serpentine tail slithered from side to side, relaxed.

“Let’s just talk, Red,” she said, arriving right before him.

Red remembered how this had played out, and it certainly hadn’t been just talking. Would it end up the same way this time? Would he have to relive all of it?

No. If it had already happened, if he couldn’t change it anymore… he had nothing to lose.

He’d skip to the end.

Red snarled and swiped at the woman’s face. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t dodge - but she didn’t take the hit, either.

Her form dissolved into dust.


Everything in the room dissolved to dust, then the room itself. Red was left standing in a dark void.


That was a voice Red didn’t recognize. It sounded masculine.

“Who are you?” he asked, trying to figure out where the voice had come from, but it seemed like it was coming from all around.

“My name is not important. What is important is what I can offer you.”



“Yeah, no, I don’t want anything,” Red said, annoyed.

“You haven’t even heard my offer.”

“I don’t need to. It’s gonna fuck me over anyway. Piss off, devil.”

”Think about it, though. Freedom. Power. Vengeance. That woman can die a permanent death, and you can walk. Just imagine i-”

The voice cut himself short as Red raised his middle finger.

“Very well, then,” the voice said. “Enjoy your pathetic, worthless life.”

“Can’t be very worthless if you’re here to suck my dick over it,” Red muttered.

The voice didn’t respond. He’d probably left. Red wondered how long he’d be stuck in this voi-

He awoke.

Red sat up in his bed, sighing. It was dark in the dorm room but not quite pitch black thanks to the lightposts glowing outside.

He looked over to his angel roommate. Andre seemed to be sound asleep. His halo and wings were gone, though. Maybe they just turned off automatically when sleeping, just like demons’ horns and tails and such withdrew.

Well, whatever. Just because there was a…

There was a…

What exactly was there? He’d dreamt about something. But if it had been a dream, then it wasn’t really there, right?

Red sighed again, rubbing his forehead, feeling furless fingers with simian nails instead of canine claws. Whatever. He should just go back to sleep. Who knew how rough tomorrow would be.

He settled back into his bed and closed his eyes.



A series of ascending dings woke Andre up.

“Good morning, everyone!” spoke a voice through the speaker above the dorm room’s door - Samson’s voice. He sounded cheerful. “It’s 8 AM, so time to rise and shine! Breakfast will be served in thirty minutes, at half past, and at nine o’clock, the morning assembly will begin in the gymnasium. It’s important that everyone shows, so don’t forget about it, and make sure your pair doesn’t forget either! Samson out!”

Andre sat up and stretched. He’d barely been able to register what Samson had said - he’d barely realized where he even was at the beginning. Fortunately, it was information that they’d all been told yesterday as well, so he didn’t miss anything.

He looked over to Red, who had also sat up and seemed to be simply processing things just like Andre at the moment. Andre contemplated saying something, but decided against it. He’d probably just be an ass again.

The two got up and fetched their toiletries to bring with them to the bathrooms. Red brushed his teeth, and Andre brushed his for the first time ever, glancing at Red to see how it was done. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice.

He did say something afterwards, though, looking directly at Andre with a stern expression.

“You are not showering at the same time as me, by the way.”

Andre frowned. He decided he could afford to stand up for himself a little bit. “Because I’m a queer, right?”

“You catch on fast,” Red said and left the room.

Andre sighed. He supposed he would just have to kill some time before Red was done.

He decided to go back to his room and begin working on his letter to Ellie. He’d had time to list yesterday’s events in his notebook in preparation for the first draft before he realized that he actually didn’t have the proper kind of paper for a letter. Maybe Samson knew where to get some. Or it would simply be easy to find in the library.

The library, yeah, he could visit that today. He was curious as to what kind of books they wrote in Hell, anyway…

The door opened, and a damp-haired Red walked in. Andre glanced at the clock - 10 minutes left until breakfast. He’d have to shower quickly if he wanted to have time to groom himself properly. Or maybe it wouldn’t matter so much if he was a bit late to breakfast. Would they really run out?

Well, he’d better stop sitting around wondering about it when time was limited.

Ultimately, Andre ended up being about five minutes late. It seemed that he was correct in it not mattering much, though, as there was still enough food left. Oatmeal. It didn’t look very appetizing, but Andre didn’t have very high expectations for prison food to begin with.

When the time came to choose where he would sit, he scanned the hall for Alice and Camila, but couldn’t spot them. He could, however, spot Eric, who was sitting alone.

Andre felt a little conflicted. He finally had the opportunity to talk to the only other angel inmate in the program, but Camila had suggested yesterday that he wasn’t a great person. Still, he supposed he had sort of promised to talk to the angel and try and make him act a bit nicer towards demons, even if he’d said it mostly to appear more demon-friendly. Andre made his way to the table and cleared his throat to catch Eric’s attention.

“May I sit here?” Andre asked.

“Oh, by all means,” Eric said, smiling.

Andre took a seat. “So, you’re Eric, right?”

Eric nodded. “That’s correct. What’s your name?”


“Nice to meet you, Andre.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Andre replied. Well, so far Eric didn’t seem so bad, even if Andre knew that his friendliness didn’t extend to demons. The angel also reminded Andre of Samson in both appearance and behavior. Andre briefly wondered if the two were related, but decided they likely weren’t, as Samson could have brought that up before had that been the case.

“So…” Andre continued. “Camila tells me that you don’t really get along with demons?”

Eric huffed. “Well, obviously. They’re demons.”

At least he was direct about it. “May I ask you to elaborate?”

Eric raised a brow. “Is there something confusing about it?”

“Well, I know what they say in Heaven about them, but don’t you think there’s a chance they’re mistaken? Us angels aren’t exactly well-informed about Hell.”

“Arukei’s word is rather unambiguous on the matter.”

“Word?” Andre thought back to what he knew of Arukei’s announcements. Even Arukei had been quiet about the goings-on of Hell since the Uprising 2000 years ago… and he’d mostly just said that he condemned the mutiny and that a demon’s duty was to maintain Hell just as it was an angel’s duty to maintain Heaven. Nothing about demons being particularly evil, really…

“It’s stated very clearly in the Shimmerbrook Scrolls that demons are --”

Ah. “You’re a replacionist,” Andre said.

“You say that as if it’s a bad thing,” Eric said, offended both at being cut off and what Andre had said.

Andre sighed. “If that’s the case, I don’t think we’re going to have a very productive conversation here. See ya.” He got up and took his tray with him, deaf to the noises of disapproval coming from Eric, and looked around. Alice and Camila had arrived, good. He walked over and sat by them.

“Hi, Andre,” Alice said with a smile. “I take it that didn’t go very well?”

“He’s a fucking replacionist,” Andre sighed, his shoulders slumping.

“What’s that?” Camila asked.

“They think that Arukei was replaced by an impostor a long time ago because some guy forged some old scrolls that said so. That, and that the real Arukei actually thought that being gay was a sin and that women were supposed to be property. Really dumb shit that the vast majority of Heaven’s population knows is a grift.”

“Wow, sounds like some of the politicians here,” Alice said.

“Heaven’s been trying to stamp it out, but it’s a very persistent conspiracy theory,” Andre continued. “And we are supposed to have freedom of speech, at least to an extent.”

“Hmm.” Alice took a sip of her glass of milk. “Freedom of speech is considered pretty important here, too. A nice thought, except the corporations don’t agree. If you shittalk them enough, they can sue you for defamation, even if what you said was clearly just an opinion or even a demonstrably true fact. Anything to protect their reputation in the eyes of customers.”

“And they’ll win the case, too,” Camila chimed in. “If the more expensive lawyers don’t do it, the bribes will.”

Andre nodded. It matched up with what he knew of Hell.

“You know, we actually ended up here because of a freedom of speech issue,” Alice said.

Camila laughed. “Lis, please. I punched a cop and you sprayed another with acid.”

“Only because they were interfering with the protest,” Alice said dismissively. She looked to Andre. “We were going to protest peacefully, but, well… things got a little out of hand.”

“No regrets,” Camila interjected.

“What were you protesting?“ Andre asked.

“The acquittal of this one CEO,” Alice replied. “He sexually harassed and/or assaulted at least 40 women working under him in his company.”

”Sounds like a piece of shit,” Andre said.

“That’s putting it lightly.” Alice sighed. “Of course, these protests never seem to accomplish anything…”

“But we gotta keep trying, right?” Camila asked, laying a hand on Alice’s shoulder.

Alice smiled at her girlfriend. “Yeah. We can’t let them keep us down.”

Andre nodded again. A lot of angels would have probably frowned upon violence at a protest, but Andre understood. Sometimes drastic action was needed to ensure the realization of humanoid rights. That’s what Blackwing was about.

They continued discussing Heaven and Hell until the clock began to near 9 AM. They left for the gymnasium together, though had to split up into their own groups once there.

Mr Ronove was the one speaking to them again, but this time he simply announced that they’d be given their timetables. Once those had been passed out alongside some study equipment and bags to carry them in, the assembly wrapped up quickly and the time came for the first lessons. For Andre, it seemed that his first class was ethics. Once he made it to the room listed in the timetable, he spotted Eric immediately. Oh boy. Ethics class with a replacionist.

The classroom filled up gradually, and then the lesson began. This lesson was, after roll call, mostly Samson explaining what their curriculum would cover - it seemed very Arukei-flavored, which didn’t surprise Andre - but he did have time for some warmup questions at the end. Of course, he didn’t get far before Eric interrupted him to spout his misinformation. Samson attempted to deflect this by saying that Eric was allowed to have his own opinions, at which Eric insisted that his opinions weren’t opinions but fact, at which Samson sighed and played the authority card, saying that Eric would be removed from the class if he would continue to act disruptive. Eric almost proudly walked out before Samson reminded him that such behavior could get him thrown in real prison. That shut up the younger angel, though he wore a sour expression for what little remained of the lesson.

After ethics, there was health education with a different teacher. Judging by the curriculum, it was largely similar in subject to what Andre had learned growing up in Heaven, but with a larger focus on emotional and social skills, likely because these facilitated rehabilitation.

After health education, there was science. Andre was most interested in this as the books they were given detailed things about Hell’s biomes and wildlife. He knew he’d be reading that later on in his room, maybe also trying to sketch some of the strange animals like the lava bear or the lesser spotted wyvern.

After science, it was time for lunch. Andre sat with Alice and Camila, talking about what had gone down in his ethics class, until a shout cut him short.

“Hey, dog boy!”

Andre looked over to see three demons approaching Red at the other end of the chow hall. The largest one, the one that looked like the leader, had the head of a monstrous pig - Suki’s pair, Andre recalled. The two others following him had heads that looked like a middle ground between human and insect, the taller one resembling a locust while the shorter one resembled a house fly. Andre fought against his initial reactions of disgust as he knew that a person not being easy on the eyes had no bearing on their character - unless Hell worked differently - but he also had a feeling that these three weren’t exactly going to subvert his gut instincts.

Red glanced over at the demons, then looked back at his meal, trying to ignore them.

“I’m talking to you, mutt!” the pig-headed demon said, his voice gruff, arriving by Red’s side. “Don’t ignore me!”

Red continued to ignore him. He cut a piece off his fish stick and placed it in his mouth.

The pig demon grabbed Red’s glass of water and splashed it on his face, making Andre wince. The insectoid friends laughed. That’s what it seemed like, anyway, though the noise was more of a strange chittering.

Red got up, pushing back his chair so forcefully that it fell over and clattered against the floor. He spat away the piece of fish stick in his mouth before baring his fangs in a scowl, his hands balling into fists. Surprise flashed across the pig’s face, but it was quickly replaced by amusement. He opened his mouth to say something - something infuriating, no doubt - before a shout cut through the chow hall.

“Hey! Behave!” a tall and muscular demon with a card hanging from his neck barked from the corner of the room. A guard.

“We’re just playin’,” the pig said, raising his palms in feigned innocence.

“Doesn’t look like it,” the guard said. “This will affect your record, Mr Manning.”

“Tch. Fine.”

The pig and his friends left the chow hall, and the usual murmur of the room returned. Red tried to dry off his face as well as he could with his napkin, then resumed eating.

“What a dick,” Andre said.

“Yeah,” Alice echoed. “The rumors around Jake suggest that he’s just your typical high school bully that never grew out of it.”

“Now I really feel bad for Suki,” Andre said, turning to the demonesses. “That shy feline demoness, you know? I talked to her yesterday in the rec room before you two showed up.”

“She got paired up with him?” Alice asked.

Andre nodded. “Uh-huh.”


“Well, I wouldn’t worry about it,” Camila said. “This is prison - essentially, anyway. Sooner or later, Jake’s gonna pick a fight with someone who’s not fucking around and get his shit kicked in.”

“Even if whoever did that would have to go to real prison for it?” Andre asked.

“Some kids aren’t scared,” Camila explained. “And some kids want to do time for the cred.”

Cred. Street cred, street credibility. Right. Andre did know that from what he’d learned of Earth, now that he thought about it. It just hadn’t occurred to him, coming from a place where next to everyone thought criminal activity was shameful. He nodded. “I see.”

“And some kids just can’t control themselves,” Alice added. “Did you see how Red reacted? If that guard hadn’t interrupted, he might have gone feral.”

“Gone feral,” Andre repeated. “Does that just mean to get brutally violent, or is there some kind of thing with demons where you --”

Alice waved a hand. “Just an expression,” she said. “Although…”

“Although what?”

“Beasters,” Camila said.

“Beasters…?” Andre repeated.

“Yeah, some demons are what we call ‘beasters’,” Alice said. “Or ‘werebeasts’, more officially. They can turn into a monster if they get angry enough, but usually lose control in the process. They… end up in prison pretty often as a consequence.”

“That sucks,” Andre said. “Is anyone trying to make things better for them? Get them rehab instead of jailtime or something?”

“Well, you might be in the very program that’ll serve as a starting point,” Alice replied. ”I wouldn’t be surprised if there was already a beaster here.”

Andre looked around, apprehensive. Someone in here could turn into a monster? Become even stronger and more aggressive?

“You can’t tell who’s one based on how they look,” Alice remarked.

“I know that,” Andre said. He didn’t, actually.

They were quiet for a while, enjoying their food - if one could call it that - before moving on to discussing Heaven and Hell again. Eventually, they finished their food and headed to their next classes.

That day’s final class was physical education, and it was a class Red was also present in. Unfortunately, so was Jake. Andre, whenever he wasn’t busy trying not to get trampled, witnessed several instances where Jake acted disruptively towards Red - bumping into him, taunting him, even yanking his tail. Red seemed to be doing his best to control his growing anger and succeeding in it, though only barely. Andre could spot him closing his eyes and taking deep breaths multiple times.

Andre found himself with an assortment of feelings. He was angry at Jake and how no one seemed to be stepping in, then ashamed as he realized he was one of the passive onlookers, then uneasy as he considered what Jake might start doing to him if he aligned himself with Red, then ashamed again as he realized what a coward he was and would continue to be. Then he felt pity towards Red as well as a surprising emotion - respect. Despite Red’s flaws, the dog-eared demon was still trying his best not to stoop to Jake’s level. That showed Red wasn’t completely immature.

There was also curiosity towards that large scar on Red’s right arm, bare for the first time since Andre had seen him. Judging by the shape, he’d been slashed by something. But it had probably just been an accident or the result of a fight he got in as a kid. Andre knew better than to ask.

After PE and dinner spent again with Alice and Camila, Andre decided to check out the library. It wasn’t anywhere close to the size of his local library in Blisstown, but it still housed more books than he could possibly get through in his four months here. He asked the librarian where they might keep their papers and envelopes as well as other questions about the mail policies of the center, and he was sufficiently satisfied with the answers. Having fetched the materials for his letter, he decided to check out the books there.

The books didn’t look horribly different from what they had on Heaven or Earth - adventure, fantasy, rom… oh.

Right, yes. It followed what he’d seen in the city that they wouldn’t have a problem having pornographic material here. He’d looked away from the ads of the city rather quickly, but now that the shock had passed - and it wasn’t so large and loud and in-your-face - his morbid curiosity got the better of him, and he took a closer look. He couldn’t deny the fact that it was a bit exciting to him even if the addition of horns and tails and other animal parts was… new.

No, no, this was degenerate. Pornography should not be on full display like this, and it should not be degrading, which was a condition several books already failed by including words like ‘slut’ and ‘whore’. And those women that were bound? Gagged? Appealing to the most sadistic urges humanoids could have?

There was no ‘romance’ about this. This was just abuse. This was evil. No wonder they called the angels caught lusting after this ‘demonhearts’.

Don’t forget that you’re one of them.

He quickly moved on from that section and went through the rest. Sci-fi, mystery, thriller, horror… horror in Hell must have been pretty extreme with the way gore was already normalized. He’d stay away from that for the sake of his own sanity.

The door to the room opened, and Andre looked over - Suki. The demoness noticed him, too, and froze. Andre realized he was making her uncomfortable and resumed his browsing. He kept listening, however.

“Hey,” the librarian said. “Need anything?”

“Uh, I’d just like to browse, please,” Suki answered.

“Sure thing.”

Andre pretended to look at the horror section’s books. Suki didn’t seem like the kind of person who’d enjoy that genre, so he’d be best out of the way like that. He was surprised to see Suki arrive next to him, but then figured out that she was looking at the thrillers.

Thrillers, too, were likely more hardcore in Hell. Maybe she had a stronger stomach than he expected. Well, she was a demon. Come to think of it, Andre was probably the most sensitive inmate this center had. After Eric. Hopefully.

Eventually, Suki picked a book, borrowed it and left. Andre resumed his browsing, and upon finding a whodunit set in whatever demons thought Heaven was like, he did the same. With this and the science textbook, he wouldn’t be bored for a while.

On his way back to his room, he spotted Red staring at something in the hallway. Andre followed his gaze and realized he was looking at a security camera by the ceiling.

Was he… planning something?

Sounds of conversation then arose from behind the corner. Andre recognized Jake’s voice and decided it was better to keep moving. Red seemed to have the same thought and began heading in the same direction as Andre.

“Hey, look, it’s Red!” Jake shouted behind them.

Red and Andre kept walking, not looking back.

“Running away? What are you, a pussy?” Jake taunted, drawing more chitters from his insectoid friends that were apparently with him.

Red didn’t react, continuing his walk. He was almost at the end of the hallway. Andre breathed slowly, hoping he’d keep that up, for both their sakes.


Red stopped. Andre stopped, too. He knew he wouldn’t like what was about to happen, but as Red’s pair, he had to keep an eye on him regardless.

Red turned around and marched for Jake, who wore an unbearable smirk on his snout.

“What’d you fucking call me?” Red growled.

“You heard me,” Jake said. ”What are you gonna do about it?”

Red’s fists tightened. Andre saw what was possibly his only opportunity to salvage the situation.

“Red!” he shouted. “You can’t fight him. You’ll get us both in trouble.”

Red glanced back angrily, then at the camera by the ceiling.

Jake snorted, looking to the angel. “Oh, who are you, his boyfriend?”

Having Red punch Jake didn’t seem like such a bad idea all of a sudden. Regardless, Andre forced himself to keep his cool. “My pair. We have pairs here, remember?”

Jake was about to say something, but Red interrupted.


Jake turned back to Red and cocked his head. “Yeah?”

“Tomorrow in the northern yard, during lunch hour.”

“Huh?” Jake raised his brow.

“Tomorrow. In the northern yard. During lunch hour,” Red repeated with emphasis. “We’ll settle this then.”

“Psh! Why not now? You chicken?”

“Because there’s a camera right here, you fucking moron.”

Jake looked around and spotted the camera.

“There’s a blind spot in the northern yard,” Red continued. “We’ll have at least five minutes there.”

Andre’s stomach sank. Goddammit, Red. This will obviously backfire!

The pig’s eyes narrowed. “And why wait until tomorrow?”

“The heat’ll be off. Right now, they’re seeing us talking, and they’ll be expecting us to take this somewhere else.”

Jake stood up straight, combatting his usual hunch, and cracked his knuckles. “Alright, then. Not that I need five whole minutes to fuck you up.”

“We’ll just have to see,” Red said, then turned around and headed for the end of the hallway. Jake began speaking with his friends, but Andre wasn’t paying attention to him anymore.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Andre hissed as Red passed him, beginning to follow the demon. “You’re gonna get caught!”

Red glanced over his shoulder, tucking his hands in his pockets. “Calm down. They’re not gonna find out.” He didn’t sound too convinced, though.

Andre had to think of something. “Well, if you don’t call this off, I’m gonna…”

He hesitated. Did he really want the brand of snitch? Would it be worth the presumed goodwill from the supervisors?

He didn’t notice Red approach him before the demon grabbed him by the collar.

“You’re gonna tell on me?” Red growled, staring into Andre’s eyes.

Andre wasn’t expecting Red to get so up close and personal with him. He wasn’t expecting the twisting of his gut, that kind of twist.

Oh god, no no no. Don’t let it show.

Unfortunately, Red’s eyes widened, his nose wrinkling an instant later. He shoved Andre away, and the angel only barely managed to keep his balance.

“Don’t fucking look at me like that,” Red said, keeping his voice low.

Andre adjusted his collar, then hurried after Red who had already rounded the corner.

“And don’t follow me,” Red said, not looking at Andre.

“Our dorm room is this way,” Andre said.

Red sighed. “Fine.” His tail whipped the air, and Andre flinched. The tip seemed sharp…

They made their way to their dorm room in silence. Andre placed down his book and letter writing equipment as Red lay down own his bed with his hands behind his head.

Andre took a moment to think about what to do next. Did he or did he not want to go to Samson about the upcoming fight? It made him a snitch, but he had a good reason to do it - preventing the fight wasn’t just in his own interest, but Red’s as well.

But how bad would it exactly be for Andre if Red got caught in a fight? Instant failure? Fifty percent into failure? Twenty? Ten? That was data that he didn’t have. He should obtain it in order to make a more informed decision.

He made to leave the room, but Red’s words stopped him.

“Where are you going?” the demon asked - demanded.

“Thought you didn’t want to know where I went,” Andre muttered back.

“I have to make sure you aren’t gonna snitch on me.”

“Well, I’m not. I’m going to the rec room to hang out.”

Red narrowed his eyes and stared into Andre’s. Andre’s expression didn’t waver. He could be quite good at lying, at least whenever he was prepared. He couldn’t have been a Blackwing for several months otherwise.

“Fine,” Red muttered and returned his gaze to the ceiling.

Andre left the room and made his way to where he recalled Samson had pointed out his office was. He knocked on the door.

“Come in,” came Samson’s voice from the other side.

Looks like the door was unlocked, then. Andre opened the door and stepped into the office. It was somewhat cramped, but neatly organized. There was a noticeboard on the wall with photos of a family of angels - Samson, a woman, a teenage boy, a little girl that couldn’t have been older than six years and finally, a black-and-tan heaven-hound. There was also a drawing from what Andre supposed must have been the daughter, depicting her family. Their names were scribbled in - ‘Daddy’, ‘Mommy’, ‘Eli’, ‘ Mary’, ‘Rocco’. It looked rather good for a child’s drawing.

“Admiring my daughter’s handiwork?”

Andre looked to Samson, who was sitting at his desk with some documents in front of him. He was smiling.

Andre smiled back. “As a matter of fact, yes,” he said. “She can draw very cleanly.”

Samson grinned, and his halo spun a little faster. “Yep, she’s our little artist.” He paused, staring adoringly at the drawing, then turned back to Andre. “Did you have something on your mind?”

“Yeah, kinda,” Andre said. “I was just wondering… how much your pair’s behavior influences your chances of passing, exactly.”

“Hmm.” Samson scratched his ear. “Well, that’s something I can’t go into too much detail about. This was decided beforehand. Can’t share the exact grading criteria with the inmates or someone might start purposefully skirting the line, you know.”

“I understand,” Andre said. He’d been prepared to hear that, but he wasn’t happy about it. “Still, would you say that a pair’s mistake will have as big of an effect on the other pair’s record as their own, or is it lesser?”

“Oh, lesser,” Samson said. “But it also depends on how realistically the other pair could have convinced the first pair not to go through with it. If, say, a beaster beasts out, that’s nothing on their pair. Do you know what a beaster is?”

“I do,” Andre said. He scratched his cheek. He supposed he could shoot a certain question about that. “Are any of the inmates we have now beasters?”

Samson shook his head and raised a palm. “‘Fraid I can’t tell you that, buddy,” he said. “Whether someone is a beaster or not is a private, confidential matter. It’s like… medical conditions in Heaven. Except you’ll find that Hell isn’t so accepting of beasters.”

“Was also told that, yeah,” Andre said.

Samson leaned back, crossing his arms. “So, did you… have a reason to ask me about grading?”

Andre sighed. “Well, I just wanted to have a bit of a clarification, that’s all…” He should decide quickly if he wanted to reveal Red’s plans.

“Has Red done something? Or is he going to do something?”

Andre crossed his arms and looked elsewhere. After a pause, he spoke. “You know that my telling on someone who was going to do something would make me a snitch, right? Hypothetically speaking.”

“I do understand that,” Samson said, “but you should also know that things will pan out better for the both of you grading-wise if you let us know about any planned infractions. Hypothetically speaking.”

Andre had thought so. He pursed his lips.

“He doesn’t have to find out it was you,” Samson said. “Grading criteria are kept secret for the duration of the program, and even after the program, inmates will only know about their own score.”

Samson made a good case.

“Someone will see that I visited your room,” Andre said.

“You came here to ask about grading,” Samson said. “You needn’t have done anything more.”

Andre took a moment, then unfurled his arms and looked directly at Samson.

“Alright,” he said. “But you didn’t hear this from me.”

Samson nodded with a smile and took out his notebook and pen.


Andre lay on his bed in the dark of his dorm room. It was time to sleep, but Andre was having an even harder time falling asleep this night than the previous one.

Had he done the right thing? Would it come back to bite him in the ass? Would his reputation be ruined forever? What would Alice and Camila think?

He’d spent time with them after his conversation with Samson, but Andre hadn’t said a word about Red’s plans or his own snitching. He figured that the fewer people knew of either, the better. He wouldn’t be dragging the demonesses down with him.

He’d also, minutes ago, attempted to convince Red one last time to not go through with the fight, but he hadn’t listened. At least he didn’t seem to suspect Andre any more than before, perhaps even less so. And Andre only had about fourteen hours left of needing to keep the secret, eight of which would be spent asleep. Unless Red had some kind of dream-invading powers, he’d be fine. Probably.

Andre sighed and rolled onto his other side. He couldn’t change anything about things now, so he should just forget it until the morning. Think of something nice instead. Like the animals he’d seen in the science textbook, and how he’d already managed to sketch some of them pretty nicely.

Yeah, that was a better thought. That would help him sleep.


The next morning eventually came with another greeting by Samson through the intercom. Andre had managed to fall asleep at some point during the night, but it didn’t feel like he’d slept enough. Still, he pushed through his morning chores and his breakfast - there was no morning assembly today, as the timetable had promised and as Samson had reminded everyone - and arrived at his first class of the day, history. His excitement for the subject helped him shake off some of his drowsiness.

Andre’s classmates arrived in the room, then his teacher. Once the clock hit 9 AM, the teacher cleared his throat and began roll call. He was an elongated humanoid with a head and neck like those of an earthworm, but with an unsettlingly human mouth on the end and a row of four beady eyes on both sides. Andre tried his best to suppress the primal reaction of disgust that came over him whenever he saw the teacher’s slimy skin glisten in the electric lamps’ light. He hated earthworms. Always had. But that wasn’t their fault, and it certainly wasn’t Mr Lambert’s fault. It was simply something inside Andre’s soul-marble.

Still, the roll call proceeded as expected. The only surprise came when Mr Lambert called out the name of Jake Manning, and no one replied.

“Jake Manning?” Mr Lambert repeated with his nasal voice - Andre didn’t know how it was possible to have a nasal voice without a nose - but the room remained silent. Andre glanced around the room, and there was, indeed, a distinct lack of any pig-men.

Mr Lambert shook his head, which wobbled from side to side. “Missing first class,” he said, then clicked his tongue. “Not a good sign.”

Andre took a little bit more time to think about the situation and decided that he wasn’t actually surprised in the least. Of course Jake would skip class, especially a class that was as ‘boring’ as history. Typical high school bully behavior.

Mr Lambert marked down Jake’s absence, and the lesson continued as normal. Nothing strange happened during the next two lessons of the day, either. At lunch, though…

“So, Andre, you hear about Jake yet?” Camila asked Andre, who’d just sat down at the table with her and Alice.

“What about him?” Andre asked. Had he done something to Red? Had… Red done something to him? An eerie feeling began to emerge…

“He escaped.”

Huh? “Escaped?” Right, obviously, yeah. If you went missing in a prison, the first assumption was that you’d escaped.

“Yeah, they can’t find him anywhere. Crazy shit, right?”

“Yeah,” Andre said, grasping his chin in thought. “I wonder how he pulled that off. I know this place isn’t, like, airtight, but it seems secure enough to me.”

“Yeah.” Camila sniffed, then glanced around before leaning in. “You, uh, wanna try it?”

Andre froze, and so did Alice. “Like… getting out of here?” Andre asked.

Camila held an inquisitive stare at the angel.

“...No,” Andre said, frowning. “I’ve only been in Hell for two days. I couldn’t survive on my own out there. Besides, a fugitive angel in Hell? As good as caught. I’d rather take my chances here where I at least have a chance at freedom.”

Camila closed her eyes and nodded sagely. “Mmm. Very smart, very smart.”

Andre grimaced. “What, that was just a test?”

The demoness smirked. “They say you only learn who a person really is by putting them in dramatic situations.” She waved a hand. “Anyway, I agree. It’s not worth the effort to try and bust out of this daycare. Not that I’d really think it was wrong in any way. Right, Lis?”

Alice chuckled nervously. “Yeah,” she said. “You gave me a bit of a scare there, though…”

“What?” Camila seemed actually offended at that. “Lis, you know me better than that. I’m not stupid.”

“I didn’t mean to suggest you were, Mila, I just --”

“You just what?”

“It’s just that, sometimes, you can be . . .”

As their argument continued, Andre decided this wasn’t for him to hear and tuned out, resuming eating his food. At a point, he realized that he’d already managed to forget about the real meat in this spaghetti sauce and briefly felt bad before reminding himself that it wouldn’t accomplish anything.

Lunch concluded, and Andre headed to his next class. On the way there, however, a series of ascending dings rang out from the speaker in the hallway.

“Andre Duval, report to Mr Ronove’s office,” spoke an unfamiliar woman. “Repeating: Andre Duval, report to Mr Ronove’s office.”

Andre raised a brow. What did they want with him? Had Red done something?

He navigated to the head supervisor’s office and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Mr Ronove’s voice said.

Andre entered the room and closed the door behind him. Mr Ronove’s office was much more spacious than Samson’s, which made sense - he was the guy running the place, after all.

Speaking of Samson, he appeared to be here as well, sitting on a stool by Mr Ronove’s desk with arms crossed. Seeing Andre, though, he gave a friendly smile and nod.

“You wanted to see me…” Andre began, then remembered something that may have been important. “Sir.”

“Yes,” Mr Ronove said, sitting behind his desk. It looked like it was made of fine wood, more expensive than Samson’s. “I suppose you’re wondering why.”

“A little,” Andre replied. He glanced at the second, unoccupied stool in front of the desk.

“Please, have a seat,” Mr Ronove said. Andre couldn’t tell if he’d noticed his interest in the stool or if that was just something he would have said anyway. Regardless, Andre took his seat before returning his gaze to the well-dressed demon.

“Have you heard that an inmate by the name of Jake Manning has gone missing?” Mr Ronove asked.

“Yes,” Andre said. What did that have to do with him? “He escaped, right?”

Mr Ronove leaned back in his chair. A very comfortable desk chair, it appeared. Had he brought all this nicer furniture in, or had it simply been here when he’d arrived?

The demon spoke again, and Andre told himself to pay attention. “One could not be faulted for reaching that conclusion,” Mr Ronove said. “However…” He ran his fingers across his well-trimmed beard. “Mr Manning has a certain medical condition. I will respect him enough not to disclose which one, but it is one that requires daily treatment through medication. Were this medication forgotten, severe symptoms would occur. Symptoms that would cause great discomfort and pain and, if left untreated, death.”

Andre nodded to show he was listening, though he still didn’t see where the demon was going with this.

Mr Ronove leaned in, steepling his fingers. “Now, if I told you that Mr Manning appeared to have left behind his medication, what conclusion would you arrive at?”

Now it made sense. “You’re suggesting he didn’t escape,” Andre said, “or, if he did, it wasn’t of his own volition.”

Mr Ronove smiled. “Good.” He sat up straight. “Now, it is, of course, possible that Mr Manning simply forgot. A mistake he would be sure to regret. Enough to return here, as this is the only place within miles and miles that will provide him with that vital medication. If that ends up transpiring, this conversation can be safely forgotten.”

“And if it doesn’t?” Andre asked.

“It could mean multiple things,” Mr Ronove said. “It could mean that Mr Manning succumbed to his symptoms out in the plains. It could mean that he had people waiting for him with that medication on hand. But for you, the relevant option is that someone has done something with Mr Manning.”

Andre tilted his head. “How is it relevant to me?”

Mr Ronove looked to Samson, who looked to Andre and spoke.

“Well, the gist of things is that we need someone to keep an eye on what’s going on among the inmates. Listen to rumors and report back, that sort of thing.”

“You mean an informant,” Andre said. He didn’t quite like the idea. He was already a snitch once over - now he’d have to be one for who knows how many times?

“That’s a good name for it,” Samson said. “In any case, we figured that you’d be the best person to ask.”

Andre frowned. “What, did you tell the other staff that I came to you yesterday to report something? You promised me you wouldn’t.”

Mr Ronove raised his brows as he looked at Andre, then Samson, then Andre. “I can assure you, Mr Duval, that that is news to me.”

It was Andre’s turn to be surprised. “Oh.” Unless Mr Ronove was simply pretending, and this was a ruse.

Samson shook his head. “I’d never break a promise I made to one of my group members. Well, unless someone’s life depended on it. You understand.”

Andre nodded. Of course, one could interpret a multitude of situations as fulfilling that criterion…

“Either way, I just let everyone know that I think you’re a stand-up kid,” Samson said. “And, well, the angel part doesn’t hurt. You know how we are.”

“Hm.” Andre glanced at the floor. “You know what I’m in here for, right?”

“I’m aware,” Samson said. “But even if you were a Blackwing, it was precisely because of your sense of justice, wasn’t it?”

Andre stared at Samson. Had he…

“Yes, I was briefed quite well about you beforehand,” Samson said. “While I don’t agree with what you did, I don’t see why it would make you want to work against us. I trust you find that we have been fair to you and your peers here?”

“Well, the food sucks,” Andre muttered.

Samson chuckled. “Budgetary concern, I’m afraid.”

Andre glanced at the furniture again. Okay. “Fair enough,” he said anyway. “I do appreciate what this program is doing. I’d much rather be here than --”

A thought flashed in Andre’s head like lightning. It was quite likely that he wasn’t allowed to say no.

He glanced at Mr Ronove, who held a stern, knowing gaze. He glanced at Samson, who was smiling obliviously.

Andre sighed. “Alright. I’ll be your informant.”

“Wonderful!” Samson said. “You really are a good kid, Andre.”

I’m twenty-one, thought Andre.

“Yes, this is indeed most agreeable,” Mr Ronove said. “You will also find that this is not all so difficult a task. Simply keep an eye and an ear out for things that could have something to do with Mr Manning’s disappearance, and report back to us.”

“Alright, but won’t it be suspicious if I keep visiting your or Samson’s office?”

“Accounted for. You will report to the librarian, who will relay your messages to us, and ours to you. You seem like a bookish young man, so it would only be natural for you to be seen at the library, correct?”

Did Mr Ronove actually know that, or had he just assumed that because Andre had glasses? “Alright.” After a pause, he turned to Samson. “Not to sound greedy, but will this reflect positively on my grade?”

“Well…” Samson glanced elsewhere. “It will, but that doesn’t necessarily mean protection from consequences were you to commit an infraction of some kind. That just wouldn’t be fair to the other kids, you know?”

It was like that, then, huh. “I see.”

Samson nodded, still smiling.

“I do want to express one thing,” Andre began.

“Go on,” Mr Ronove said.

“I would like to be kept up to date about the investigation,” Andre said. “You probably agree that I’ll be of more use if I know better what information might be relevant.”

“Hmm.” Mr Ronove blinked. “That is true, but it is also true that divulging sensitive information to more parties than necessary is foolish. We will let you know what we need, but no more.”

Andre sighed silently. Yeah, that figured.

“One detail that we can tell you,” Mr Ronove started, “is the fact that all security cameras went static for roughly fifteen minutes at around 2 AM last night. This could very well merely be ordinary technical difficulties, but it’s something to keep in mind. Let us know if you find out about any inmate who would have sufficient knowledge of electronics to pull something like this off.”

Dead security cameras… Andre wished he knew much technological knowhow orchestrating that would require. At least he knew Eric was off the hook, and so was he. No one who’d just arrived from Heaven could know that much about Hell tech.

“I haven’t heard of anyone like that yet,” Andre said, “but I’ll keep that in mind.”

Mr Ronove nodded. “And have you heard anything else so far that might be of interest in the Manning case?”

Andre’s thoughts drifted to Red. He decided to explain what he’d explained to Samson the previous day.

“I see,” Mr Ronove said, stroking his chin again. “Thank you for this information.”

“And Red won’t be finding out about this, right?” Better make sure.

Mr Ronove shook his head. “He will not hear of this.”


“Anything else?” the demon asked.

Andre thought of all the conversations he could remember at the moment. “Nothing comes to mind.”

“Very well, then,” Mr Ronove said. “You are dismissed. I apologize for taking time away from your class, but I have faith that you’ll be able to catch up.”

Andre nodded and got up. “Thank you. I’ll be in touch.”

He walked out as Samson gave a pleasant little wave for goodbye.


Andre didn’t have trouble catching up. In fact, the rest of the day went by without greater difficulties in general. He did have to lie about the reason he was called to Mr Ronove’s office to Alice and Camila at dinner - ‘just clearing up some records’, he’d said. Camila had dared to take the opportunity to ask what exactly Andre had done to get sentenced to prison in Hell in the first place, but Andre had deflected the question by saying that it was a sore subject for him and that he didn’t want to talk about it. Camila had, luckily, respected that.

Later in the day, Andre withdrew to his room in order to continue writing to Ellie. He realized, however, that he couldn’t write certain events down when he shared a room with someone that could read them while he was gone and find out things that needed to be kept secret. After a bit of thinking, Andre determined that the solution to the problem was to write in Cherubian script. Every angel was taught that holy script in school, but demons surely had no reason to learn it. It took a bit for Andre to recall all of the characters, but he was fairly certain that he’d got them right. Heaven had the technology to help someone quickly figure out what the text must have been trying to say, anyway.

After finishing and triple-checking his first letter, he dropped it off in the mailbox he’d been told about by the librarian and returned to his room. By this time, Red had returned. He was lying on his bed, reading a book on hellwolves, which Andre supposed were what hellhounds had been domesticated from. Andre found this odd for a moment - Red didn’t seem like the reading type - until he remembered that Red was a university student and specifically in biology.

Andre still didn’t want to talk to Red, but after his talk with Mr Ronove, he practically had to.

“You know,” he started, “you’re very lucky that Jake happened to disappear. This way, you don’t have to fight him.”

Suspiciously lucky, even. Andre didn’t really believe that Red had something to do with Jake’s disappearance, but that coincidence was certainly something.

“Tch,” Red responded, not looking away from his book. “You think I wouldn’t have been able to take him?”

“I don’t really know how demons work,” Andre said, sitting on his bed. “Maybe the guy half the size of the other guy has a fighting chance here.”

“Hm.” Red turned a page. “I’m quite certain I’m a better fighter. I have… my reasons to believe so.”

The words Red had said wouldn’t have been strange, but the way he said them… Andre’s halo began spinning a bit faster. “Oh yeah?” he asked.

“Yeah. I just think he’s the type to be oblivious to what’s behind him, the type to react slowly, the type to squeal when shit actually gets serious. Unless he’s kept silent, of course.”

A smile had crept up on Red’s lips as he spoke. The hair stood up on the back of Andre’s neck.

No, he was full of shit, right? He’d just seen the opportunity to make himself sound hardcore and was taking it, right? Or maybe this was a demon’s idea of a joke?

“Are you suggesting something?” Andre asked, blood rushing in his ears. No, he shouldn’t be prodding. Red was still highly capable of killing him, possibly even more so if what he was saying was true.

“Hm?” Red locked eyes with Andre, and the angel froze. “Nothing at all,” the demon said with that eerie smile still on his face.

Okay. Okay. This was… this was a joke. No one who’d actually committed a murder would be so nonchalant about it.

Still… it wouldn’t hurt to pay the librarian a visit tomorrow. This was something suspicious enough to warrant sending a message to Mr Ronove.

“Right,” Andre said. “Well, I’m turning in for the night.”

“Suit yourself,” Red said, returning to his book.

Andre picked up his toiletries and pajamas and headed for the bathroom. The more he told himself that Red had been kidding, the more he believed it, until he returned to his room and went to bed with little enough fear in him to be able to fall asleep.

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Ace Trainer
  1. luxray
  2. hypno
”Think about it, though. Freedom. Power. Vengeance. That woman can die a permanent death, and you can walk. Just imagine i-”

The voice cut himself short as Red raised his middle finger.

“Very well, then,” the voice said. “Enjoy your pathetic, worthless life.”

“Can’t be very worthless if you’re here to suck my dick over it,” Red muttered.

Ah yes, the classic ‘doomguy’ approach.

Red brushed his teeth, and Andre brushed his for the first time ever, glancing at Red to see how it was done.

Wait, do angels not need to brush their teeth? Why does Andre need to now? I guess he’s been stripped of his powers, but this still made me pause for a moment.

Ah. “You’re a replacionist,” Andre said.

Something about the term ‘replacionist’ sounds really clunky, though I’m struggling to think of a better alternative.

“They think that Arukei was replaced by an impostor a long time ago because some guy forged some old scrolls that said so.”

Something something Mandela Catalogue.

“You know, we actually ended up here because of a freedom of speech issue,” Alice said.

Camila laughed. “Lis, please. I punched a cop and you sprayed another with acid.”

“Only because they were interfering with the protest,”

Wasn’t this in the previous chapter? I might be misremembering, but if it isn't, this moment made me warm up to Alice and Camila.

Andre nodded again. A lot of angels would have probably frowned upon violence at a protest, but Andre understood. Sometimes drastic action was needed to ensure the realization of humanoid rights. That’s what Blackwing was about.

Finally, stuff about Blackwing!

He spat away the piece of fish stick in his mouth

Look out for redundancies like this in your prose (where else would the fish stick be other than his mouth if he's spitting it out?).

“Beasters,” Camila said.

I can’t wait until they make an anime out of this!

‘The books didn’t look horribly different from what they had on Heaven or Earth - adventure, fantasy, rom… oh.

Right, yes. It followed what he’d seen in the city that they wouldn’t have a problem having pornographic material here.’

I said this before in the chat but it was an interesting tidbit that there’d be very little porn in heaven, which would suck. It’s such a human thing for Andre to go ‘oh look, I shall peruse this pornography– oh shit no that’s screwed up even for me’. That being said, I do wish this section leaned a little more into the humour of the situation. It’s in character for Andre to look at it somewhat objectively, and of course you’re trying to avoid being too explicit, but still, a little more specificity into what Andre’s looking for would’ve enhanced the scene.

Red didn’t react, continuing his walk. He was almost at the end of the hallway. Andre breathed slowly, hoping he’d keep that up, for both their sakes.



He didn’t notice Red approach him before the demon grabbed him by the collar.

“You’re gonna tell on me?” Red growled, staring into Andre’s eyes.

Andre wasn’t expecting Red to get so up close and personal with him. He wasn’t expecting the twisting of his gut, that kind of twist.

Oh god, no no no. Don’t let it show.


Looks like the door was unlocked, then. Andre opened the door and stepped into the office. It was somewhat cramped, but neatly organized. There was a noticeboard on the wall with photos of a family of angels - Samson, a woman, a teenage boy, a little girl that couldn’t have been older than six years and finally, a black-and-tan heaven-hound. There was also a drawing from what Andre supposed must have been the daughter, depicting her family. Their names were scribbled in - ‘Daddy’, ‘Mommy’, ‘Eli’, ‘ Mary’, ‘Rocco’. It looked rather good for a child’s drawing.

Samson my beloved

"If, say, a beaster beasts out, that’s nothing on their pair."

I loved it when the beaster said ‘it’s beastin’ time’ and beasted all over the place.

Andre crossed his arms and looked elsewhere. After a pause, he spoke. “You know that my telling on someone who was going to do something would make me a snitch, right? Hypothetically speaking.”

Oh noooo, Andre. 😱

“Wonderful!” Samson said. “You really are a good kid, Andre.”

I’m twenty-one, thought Andre.


You seem like a bookish young man, so it would only be natural for you to be seen at the library, correct?”

Did Mr Ronove actually know that, or had he just assumed that because Andre had glasses?

Just waiting for Red to give Andre his makeover where he takes the glasses off to reveal the beauty hidden behind those frames. 🤓

So right off the bat, this is an improvement on the first chapter. It’s still quite long and it’s hard to see whether that long-winded nature is earned or if it could use pruning, but you are balancing multiple characters here and lots of moving parts so some of that is necessary. In any case, there were more stakes here, not just because Jake is going ‘it’s jaking time’ and jaking all over the place, but because the exposition is handled better, reveals more about the characters and its world, and Andre starts making decisions that have consequences.

Of course, the moment where Jake is revealed to be missing already adds a layer of tension since it shows that the rehab facility isn’t a safe haven, though I don’t quite buy Andre dismissing Red’s comments as a joke, especially since he’s just been hired as an informant and is living in the same room as him.

However, his decision to implicitly rat Red out feels justified because he’s trying to get in Samson’s good graces, and bites him in the ass when he’s scouted as an informant. This is already a good change in the dynamic of the story that has me excited for how Andre will deal with his newfound role, and what happens to him when Red finds out.

The scene where Red gets called a ‘maggot’ with the ‘f’ and ‘m’ swapped out was particularly striking. If it isn’t obvious that Red is kind of closeted at this point, then it’s laid out openly that he’s putting on some sort of front. That, and I kind of see why Andre has the hots for him in the moment where Red grabs his collar. I would usually cringe at moments of sexual tension like that in stories since it often feels tropey, and I know this follows the ‘enemies to lovers’ format, but it worked for me since it struck a good balance between being scary and horny.

Anyway, excited to see chapter 3, when you get to it!
Chapter Three - Take a Hike, Part One


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
Hey all! Now that the Blitz is over, I'd like to thank everyone who gave this story a chance. I hope the story will continue to entertain!

This chapter is a two-parter with Chapter 4. Big thanks to @NebulaDreams for betareading.

Rating is mature for sexual themes, violence (plus mention of gendered violence), speculation of stalking, discussion of drug addiction, mention of sexual assault, mentions of suicide, misogyny and homophobia, including a homophobic slur. Wow, that's a lot! I hope it's not too bad, though.



Take a Hike, Part One


God. Andre was tired.

He’d woken up in the middle of the night in cold sweat from a dream he couldn’t remember. Probably a nightmare about his whole snitching thing coming to light.

Should he really have become an informant? He’d said yes because he’d been worried about the consequences of saying no, but… would there really have been consequences? Would Samson have allowed that? He surely would have protested it, but would it have done anything? He was still under Mr Ronove…

Andre placed the clothes he’d just taken off into the locker. He’d decided to take a quick shower to wash himself off. He entered the showers, footsteps smacking against the tiled floor. He chose a showerhead and turned on the water. Warm. Quite nice, really. Calming. That’s what he needed right now. He stepped into the water, letting it run down his head and body, and realized only moments after that he’d forgotten his shower cap. Damn. Well, whatever. He’d just sleep with a towel on his head. Couldn’t be that bad.

He washed himself with the soap provided and soon finished up, but didn’t yet feel like leaving. The water was so nice. So nice…

The door to the showers was shut.

Andre flinched. He couldn’t see who was there due to the partition next to the door blocking his sight, but he heard the clacking of claws against the floor tiles… just like Red’s.

Andre’s heart beat faster. Why was Red here? Had he followed him? Had he found out about Andre’s snitching? Was it just someone else and he was just being paranoid?

The footsteps rounded the partition and the demon Andre had first expected emerged.


Andre saw for the first time where the fur of Red’s legs stopped. Very close to this crotch, apparently. They were almost like stockings, if stockings ended in digitigrade paws.

Of course, Andre saw other things in that area as well. He looked away quickly to avoid his own thoughts as well as Red’s anger. The demon couldn’t be happy about Andre’s eyes wandering given the things he’d said before.

“Andre,” Red said. Andre glanced at the demon’s face. There was something unnerving about his stare, about the little smile on his lips. Andre shut the water off.

“I just finished,” Andre said, a little waver in his voice. “Shower’s all yours.”

“I’m not here for that,” Red said, his voice staying level. He’d only ever spoken like this when joking about Jake’s disappearance.

He’d been joking, right?

“What are you… here for, then?” Andre asked. He wanted to make his way past Red, get to the lockers and get dressed, become less vulnerable, but the demon’s stare was paralyzing.

Red approached Andre. The angel’s pulse skyrocketed. Red didn’t stop until he was right next to Andre, forcing the angel to look slightly upwards to compensate for the difference in their heights.

Terror found a companion. Arousal.

Frustrating as it was, there was really no way Andre could be so close to an undressed man with a well-trained body without getting turned on. Even if that man was a demon. Which was really bad. He shouldn’t have been attracted to a demon in the first place, let alone one with ambiguously ill intent.

Yet that somehow made it --

Don’t finish that thought.

“I’m here,” Red began, breaking Andre out of his contemplation, “for you.”

He backed Andre against the wall. The demon planted one hand, then another, and Andre was frozen, unable to do anything but feel Red’s breath against his face.

It made sense now. The posturing. The temper. Red had been attracted to him all along. He’d only been hiding it because Hell was Hell and being openly gay made you a target. He’d been trying to cover it up. Get people off his tracks. Keep Andre far away so he wouldn’t stumble and reveal his real self.

But now, in the dead of night, with no one around…

“You’re a very pretty boy, Andre,” Red breathed.

A flood of emotions came, mostly amorous. But it was wrong. It was dangerous. This couldn’t work. An angel and a demon simply weren’t on the same playing field. There was no way to have safe sexual relations with someone who was --

“It’s a shame to have to kill you.”


Wait, fuck, what?

Furred hands shoved themselves onto Andre’s throat, squeezing, crushing --

Andre gasped.

The hands were gone. Red was gone. The shower was gone. He was in the dorm room. Things felt… real, now. Properly real.

A dream.

Andre allowed his breathing to gradually calm down. His heartbeat would take some time to follow.

Stupid fucking dream. God. As if he didn’t have enough to ruminate on.

Couldn’t even be a regular nightmare. Had to be one of those dreams. Dreams where his lust led him instead of simply following. Dreams of danger, of courting injury and trauma. Why couldn’t he dream about the safe, properly consensual, wholesome sex he’d had countless times?

It had to be some deep underlying self-destructiveness. Something made him want to get hurt. Why? What could have made him this way? Something in his childhood he’d repressed? A deep sense of shame that made him want to punish himself? He didn’t have --

Well, he had shame, but it was about this whole thing itself, so it couldn’t have been its origin. And he should be ashamed. Not about the part about wanting to be hurt - that clearly showed he was a victim of some kind - but the part that sometimes made him wish to hurt others. He was like the people those books at the library catered to. Dark and twisted. He had to repress it. He couldn’t let that side take over. He couldn’t give in to evil.

Andre took a deep breath. Maybe he’d forget this before the morning came. He certainly hoped so.

He rolled over in his bed, away from the demon on the other side of the room, and waited impatiently for slumber to return.


Andre visited the librarian the next morning right away. He let her know about Red’s odd ‘joke’, and she wrote it down on her computer, presumably somewhere secure. Andre asked if there were any messages for him, but the librarian had nothing to relay. Andre nodded and left for breakfast.

At chow hall, Andre had barely sat down before Alice asked him something.

“So, Andre, has Red told you anything about what he’s in for?”

“Hm?” Andre tilted his head. “No, he hasn’t. We still haven’t talked much.” He was very curious now, though…

“Well, I heard a rumor…”

A rumor? Andre was all ears.

“They say that he killed someone. At the university.”

Killed someone.

Oh, fuck. Red actually had it in him to kill. That joke was seeming a lot less like a joke now…

“What else?” Andre asked. Maybe Red had had a good reason to do what he’d done.

“Uh…” Alice paused. “That’s the extent of what my source knows. Sorry.”

“Who’s your source?”

“Why do you wanna know?” Camila asked, leaning in. “Are you a snitch?”

Andre blanched.

Camila laughed. “Relax! I was just kidding. You don’t have to be so scared of me all the time.”

Andre forced a chuckle. “Alright…”

“Anyway,” Alice said, “my source prefers to remain anonymous. For now, anyway. I’ll let you know if they change their mind.”

“Mm.” Andre nodded. “Thanks.”

“I gotta wonder who Red killed, though,” Alice said. “A fellow student? A professor? Someone else? I’m assuming this happened after Mila and I got detained, so we didn’t hear about it. Unless they covered it up really well. Can’t imagine the university wanting to be honest about a murder happening on their premises.”

“I could see that.” Even in Heaven, it’d likely play out that way…

The conversation came to a lull until Camila spoke up. “I wonder what Eric’s in for.”

“You haven’t found out?” Andre asked. He looked around the chow hall and spotted the angel at another table, still eating alone.

Camila shook her head. “Don’t talk to that jackass much. And that’s as much because of me as it is because of him.”

“Well, that’s better than him yelling slurs at you,” Andre said.

“Psh. Sticks and stones.”

Words can actually be very hurtful, Andre thought, but left it unsaid. “Well, in any case,” he started, “I do find it surprising that someone like him got thrown out of Heaven. He’s very… abrasive, but he doesn’t seem violent.”

Camila looked at Eric. “With that physique, it’d be suicidal,” she remarked. “Especially here.”

Andre nodded. He’d experienced the strength of demons relative to angels himself - Camila had insisted on him and Alice arm wrestling at one point, and he’d been utterly humiliated. At least Alice had been happy.

“Maybe he was a stalker,” the bat-demoness in question suggested. “He kinda has that… creep energy.”

“Maybe,” Andre said. He could see it. Getting a crush on some girl, feeling like it was your right to follow her and give her unwanted attention because your stupid fake scrolls said women were too stupid to know themselves who was right for them…

They finished their breakfast and moved on to their next classes, which passed without surprises for Andre. As he was leaving for lunch, though, Suki called his name.

“Hey,” Andre said, somewhat surprised. “What’s up?”

“Well,” Suki said, hands clasped, “I wanted to apologize for how I acted the first time we met. I shouldn’t have run out on you like that.”

Andre found her demeanor strange for a moment before he realized that this was probably how Suki actually was. She wasn’t actually the stuttering, shivering nervous wreck she’d been before when she’d been new to what was essentially prison, not to mention in severe withdrawal. She was even holding eye contact now, showing no signs of discomfort.

“It’s fine,” Andre said, smiling warmly. “I haven’t had withdrawal before, but I’ve heard that it can be pretty intense.”

“Oh, it is,” Suki said, chuckling.

“I’m glad you seem to be doing better now,” Andre said. Was she taking medication? Andre knew not to pry, instead changing the subject. “So, how’s your -- oh, right. You were Jake’s pair, but he’s gone since.” He tried not to imply it wasn’t of Jake’s own volition.

“Yeah,” Suki said, crossing her arms. “It’s weird. He was there when I went to sleep, and then he wasn’t there when I woke up. I just thought he was out doing something already. I didn’t hear about him escaping until later in the day when my supervisor asked me where he was.” She scratched her cheek, though not with her claw extended, thank goodness. “Some pair I am, huh?”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Andre said. “I know my pair and I don’t look after each other much, and I just finished hearing someone else describe their pair the same way at breakfast.”

“Mm.” Suki nodded. “They haven’t assigned me another pair yet. I think I’m gonna have to be a third for some existing pair since there’s an odd amount of us now. I hope I don’t have to share a room with them… it’s nice and quiet in mine now.”

Andre nodded. “I can imagine.”

Suki smiled. It was nice to see her smile. Not just because that meant she was happy, but also because she did look very cute that way. Her big cat ears looked very soft, but Andre knew much better than to ask to touch them. Still, she reminded Andre of the catgirls popular in Zipan of Earth. Maybe he could draw -- no, that was weird.

“So…” Suki began. “Would you like to have lunch together?”

Huh. That was more forward than Andre had expected of her. “Sure thing!” he said, though. He was always excited to make new friends.

They made their way to chow hall, got their meals and settled on a table. Andre could spot Alice and Camila at another one - the girls stared at Andre for a moment, but then Alice smiled and Camila gave a thumbs-up with a smirk.

Hey, it’s not like that! Andre thought, but then wasn’t so sure. Suki could very well have had a crush on him. But he didn’t feel that way about Suki. He hadn’t really felt that way about anyone - his sexual relations had really all been either with strangers or friends with benefits.

“So, Andre,” Suki began, snatching back Andre’s attention. “What was your life like before you ended up here?”

“Oh, in Heaven? Well, I hope you don’t get offended when I say that I think that it was a much nicer place than --”

“No, like, what did you do?” Suki interrupted. “Were you in college or something?”

Huh. Andre supposed not necessarily everyone wanted him to blab about the wonders of Heaven. “Well, I went to a university,” Andre answered. “In monitoring. That’s, uh, the field in which the angels who monitor the humans on Earth go.”

“Oh, interesting. Why’d you choose that field?”

Andre chuckled awkwardly. “Well, I didn’t really choose it, per se. It’s sort of what’s expected in my family.”

“Aw. Did you not want to do it?”

“No, it’s not… quite that. I definitely wanted to do it when I was a kid. I wanted to be the one who helped judge humans, make sure good guys get to Heaven and bad guys go to Hell. But…” He sighed.

“But what?” Suki asked.

Andre thought back to what he’d seen on those monitors in his tutorship program. The men of that village, shot. The women, violated. The children, forever scarred. All for money and power.

He wasn’t supposed to see it. They’d told him not to mess with the coordinates. He was supposed to just stick to the Usonian suburbs. The happy families there. Not the massacre he stumbled upon. The massacre that Heaven could have prevented, just like all the countless atrocities before it.

“Arukei says that people need to be tested in order to see who they really are,” Andre began. “It sounds sensible until you actually see how bad that testing gets. And not just that. Different parts of the world, different people in them… how much each gets tested is just left up to chance. Some people suffer more in a year than others do in a lifetime.”

“Earth’s just as bad as Hell in that regard, huh?”

“I don’t know if it’s as bad… but maybe. In any case, I started seriously considering changing fields despite my parents’ demands. Then…”

Andre quieted. Should he really talk about this?

“Then what?” Suki asked. “Did something change?”

…No. He shouldn’t talk about it. “Sorry. I actually don’t think I’m comfortable sharing it after all.”

“Oh.” Suki glanced elsewhere. “Well, that’s okay. Do you mind if I talk about how I got here, then?”

“By all means.”

She smiled. “Okay! So, I was in pre-med before I ended up here. I wanted to go into forensics.” Her smile wilts. “Guess that’s not happening anymore.”

Andre frowned. “Sorry to hear.”

“But!” she said, her smile returning. “I still have my writing. I think I might have a shot at making it work as a profession.”

“Oh, what kind of stuff do you write?”

Suki’s eyes lit up. It reminded Andre of Katie. God, Katie. Does she still hate me?

Suki went on to explain her very, very complicated fantasy story and all the bizarre creatures she’d made up for it. Her persistent excitement only served to twist the dagger in Andre’s heart further. Katie could go on about her stories for hours just like this.

Fifteen minutes later, Andre glanced at the clock and figured that he was allowed to enforce boundaries. “That’s great,” he said, meaning it, “but I think you were going to tell me about how you ended up here?”

Suki gasped. “Damn. I’m sorry. I just get really excited about my stuff…”

“No harm done. So, please, tell me what got you into this joint.”

“Right.” She cleared her throat. “So, I already told you about my withdrawal, so I don’t think it’s any surprise that I’m an addict. Or was. I don’t want to be one anymore.” She scratched her cheek. “How I ended up becoming one, though, was because of my anxiety. I think it came from school when I started lagging behind. Or, well, I mean lagging behind by my standards. A’s turning into B’s and such.”

“I know the feeling. I was an overachiever myself. Raised that way.”

Suki nodded. ”Yeah. So, as you can guess, I didn’t take it well. I thought it meant I was just lazy, that I was a bad person. Anyway… the anxiety got bad, really bad. So I finally got help for it. They gave me Paxezepam, that’s a nervous depressant. It worked. It made the anxiety go away, and I could actually relax for the first time in forever. But… I kept using it, and it started losing its edge. I… unwisely started taking more than I was prescribed. And then I became an addict.”

“So how’d you end up here? Did you buy some illegally?”

Suki huffed, amused. “I wish. I got my dad’s gun and tried to rob a drug store. Tried. They disarmed me because I was a weak little girl they knew couldn’t pull the trigger. And then I got arrested, and then, eventually, I ended up here.”

“Sorry to hear,” Andre said. “But, well, it is lucky that you ended up here rather than someplace worse, right?”

Suki smiled and nodded. “Definitely. I’m honestly really grateful.”

Andre didn’t think she needed to be grateful when this was the bare minimum she deserved, but he didn’t want to argue.

Suki sighed. “Well, we better eat. Though the food’s probably cold now. Sorry about that.”

“It’s alright,” Andre said. “Bon appétit.”


“It means ‘have a good meal’, essentially. It’s Rancian. Earth language.”

“Oh, I see. You have a good meal, too.”

Andre nodded and dug in. The meal was, indeed, cold now, but that didn’t matter. The company made up for the food.


Time passed. Andre’s studies progressed well even if he needed to ask a clarifying question every now and then to receive context the demons already had. This was very good, as the purpose of the education in the program was to provide inmates with a certificate that they could mention on their résumés and hopefully improve their chances of getting employed, and Andre needed all the help he could get in that regard. His education in Heaven, while surely of higher quality than whatever they had in Hell, likely didn’t help his chances with Infernal employers when they’d have to use snail mail to verify it instead of simply making a call or exchanging email. That’s what Alice had said, anyway.

His free time Andre spent either alone, reading or sketching or writing to Ellie, or with Alice and Camila - or with Suki. They’d started to talk more between classes, getting to know each other better. For instance, Andre had mentioned his art, which Suki had been excited to hear about. She’d made Andre promise to show her later, which he eventually had done. Andre hadn’t thought his sketches were very good, but Suki had been seriously impressed. It made him feel nice.

As for Andre’s informant business, there hadn’t been anything new to report. Red and Andre hadn’t spoken to each other outside the tiniest of mundane requests and acknowledgements - roommate stuff. Andre had still visited the library every other day in order to find out whether there’d been anything new in the investigation of Jake’s disappearance, but there hadn’t. It had, however, become more likely that Jake hadn’t escaped on his own as he hadn’t shown up to retrieve his life-saving medication. Meaning the chances of there being a murderer between these walls had also gone up, meaning the chance that Red had done something had gone up. Troubling. But Andre supposed that if Red hadn’t killed him by now, he wasn’t going to. As long as he didn’t know about the snitching.

Eventually, Monday came, and with it, another morning assembly. Andre couldn’t hazard a guess as to what kind of announcements they would have, so he was prepared to be surprised. He was right.

“Over the course of this week and the next,” Mr Ronove said from the stage, “you will be getting some fresh air. Your supervisor will take you on a two-day hike through the Plains of Despair in groups of four.”

The crowd of inmates collectively groaned.

“It sounds tough, I’m aware, but your supervisor will make sure you advance at a reasonable pace,” Mr Ronove continued. “He will also make sure that you are properly fed, hydrated and safe from wildlife.” He narrowed his eyes. “He will also make sure that you will not escape. He and the ankle monitors you will be provided with. And don’t think about cutting those. If their loop is broken, they will alert us at once, and you will be caught. And then you already know what’ll happen.”

12-hour workdays in real prison, Andre filled in.

Mr Ronove adjusted his tie. “I do apologize for springing this on you on such short notice, but this was always something that was going to be decided by the weather. Since there’s a cooler period now, we have to seize it. Unless you’d like to march in 100-degree weather.”

A hundred degrees? It gets that hot? Andre thought, panicked, until he remembered Hell used different units. The road signs on the way to the center had, after all, expressed distances in miles instead of kilometers.

“That would be all that I have to say for now,” Mr Ronove concluded. “Your supervisors will shortly brief you on when your hike is scheduled. Thank you.”

With that, he stepped down from the stage and the supervisors gathered their group members. Samson divided their group of eight in two, and Andre sighed heavily when he heard that he shared a group with Red. It made sense, of course, as they were pairs, and the other two in their group also seemed to be pairs - Yardley Tucker and Jenny Hale. Yardley was a black cyclops while Jenny was a white blonde with a crown of horns. It was too early to get any impressions from either of them as they both stayed silent with just some annoyance on their faces.

Andre’s group, as it turned out, was first. Samson led Andre and the three others to a room where a demoness was waiting - a demoness that seemed to be made of wood and other plant matter, her hair being crimson vines with blooming flowers. Andre wondered if he was ever going to stop being surprised by the diversity of demons.

The demoness introduced herself as Mrs Akerele and explained that she would be the one to teach them the important things to know to stay healthy and safe on this hike. They were mostly things that applied to regular hiking on Earth, like wearing hats to prevent sunstroke, rationing your food and water and first aid, but there were also some things that would only apply in Hell. They were warned about ghouls in particular and introduced three objects that helped in dealing with them: the maloscope, the hallowed beacon and the hallowed dagger.

The maloscope looked like a black compass with a red needle, but instead of pointing to the magnetic north - which Andre actually knew by now that Hell had, being a planet with a molten metallic core - it pointed towards ‘unholy energy’, which creatures like ghouls possessed. Apparently, there was also a massive reserve of unholy energy underneath the planet’s surface, which is why the maloscope would always point down in an otherwise neutral space were you to tilt it. Andre was skeptical and asked if that was simply because of gravity, but Mrs Akerele showed him the compass up close and Andre understood. The needle was larger on the side that pointed upwards, and would not flip over despite jostling. That shut him up.

The hallowed beacon looked like a featureless cylinder attached to a tripod. Apparently this thing repelled creatures that possessed unholy energy, though it required electricity. It was solar-powered, however, so it could be charged during the day and used during the night. The hallowed dagger, in turn, was for the cases when the beacon was off or broken. Turned off, it was simply its handle, but turned on, it was a sight to behold. The blade was formed of golden light with periodic waves of rainbow streaks traveling from its base to its tip.

“Is that… holy energy?” Andre asked. It really looked like some new form of it. But holy energy couldn’t exist in Hell, right?

Mrs Akerele shook her head. “Just an imitation,” she said, “but still the next best thing. It will slice through a ghoul’s flesh and bone like hot butter.”

Jenny, then, spoke up, pointing at Andre. “Hey, if your wings and halo are made of holy energy, does that mean you got natural weapons against ghouls on you?”

“Oh. Uh, probably not,” Andre said. “They’re not holy energy. They’re just magic. Different thing.”

“They’re like demon parts, then?”

“Maybe?” Andre looked at Samson.

“Well,” Samson began, “demon parts are magic, but a bit different from angel parts. Both are created by magic and can be removed by magic, and both angels and demons know how to do that on instinct, but demon parts are tangible while angel parts are intangible. I believe Arukei made it that way so that demons can use their parts to roughhouse sinners while angels’ parts are purely aesthetic.”

Andre rolled his eyes stealthily. Of course he had to work in Arukei somehow, he thought.

There was little material left to go through after that. The most notable part was that Samson explained that he’d be wearing armor throughout the hike in order to make sure no one could do anything to him and that he would have the strength to keep the peace if necessary. Andre’s first thought was a full suit of medieval armor, but he knew it couldn’t be that with how silly it sounded.

His judgment was validated when Samson looped some kind of amulet around his neck, one made of silvery metal with a red gem in the middle that glowed when it activated. A faint red light of the same hue coated Samson’s skin and clothes, then disappeared, but Samson demonstrated it was still active by trying to stab his palm with a letter opener only for the blade to clink against his skin with a ripple of the aforementioned red light. I’m glad he’ll be safe, at least, Andre thought.

The briefing wrapped up, and they were given thirty minutes to get ready - hit the bathroom, fetch important medicine, so on. After that, they were fitted their ankle monitors, escorted out of the building and placed into two cars: Samson’s and some other guard’s. Andre chose Samson’s and luckily didn’t have to share a car with Red, but Jenny and another guard.

As they exited the gates of the center - after another identification, of course - Andre decided it would be a good moment to try and get to know Jenny as a person. He turned to the demoness, who already seemed bored as she looked out the window.

“Hey,” Andre began, smiling. “Your name was Jenny, right? I’m Andre.”

“Okay,” Jenny said, warily eyeing him up.

Not the warmest reception, thought Andre. “How’s the program been treating you so far?”

Jenny frowned. “Are you some kinda snitch?”

Andre froze. Is it that obvious? he thought. I wasn’t even asking for snitching purposes…

“I think he just wants to get to know you,” said Samson from the driver’s seat.

Great, now Samson was acting like his dad. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” Andre said to the demoness.

“Then I won’t,” she replied.

“That’s… alright,” Andre said. “I’ll just… be quiet now.”

Jenny turned back to her window. Andre turned to his, sighing quietly.

They drove on a highway splitting the plains, not much to look at outside but crimson soil, maroon bushes and the occasional creek of yellow water or cluster of gangly, red-leaved trees. The other car followed close behind. At some point, Samson turned on the radio, which played some music reminiscent of Earth music from forty years ago. It was a bit manufactured to Andre’s ears, but listenable enough.

Eventually, they drove off road and didn’t stop until the highway was well out of sight. They parked, unboarded and got out their backpacks, packed beforehand. Samson gave Andre a noticeably smaller backpack compared to the others, and while Andre knew why that was, it seemed that the demons didn’t and gave them some nasty looks for it. Great.

The guard in Samson’s car moved to the driver’s seat and drove off alongside the other car, leaving the two angels and three demons alone. After a few seconds, Samson gasped.

“Almost forgot!” he said, then lowered his backpack and began digging. He produced a stack of red caps with some logo on them Andre couldn’t recognize. “Gotta wear hats. Don’t want anyone to get sunstroke!”

With sighs, the group collected one cap each and put them on. Andre saw the demons withdraw their horns in order to get the hats to fit. He simply placed his own on, knowing it must have phased through his halo.

Everyone sufficiently hatted, Samson clapped his hands together.

“Alright!” he said. “Nothing else to do than get a move on. Let’s go!”

He marched past his group, full of energy, and the group begrudgingly followed.

It was a cooler day than the one Andre had arrived in Hell on, about 20 degrees. The sky was more clouded this time, too. Andre had seen clouds in Hell before when he’d gone in the center’s yard for some fresh air, but he still thought it funny how their regular white color had been strange to him. He’d become so used to nature being in strange colors that something being the same as in Heaven was a surprise.

“It’s a fine day for hiking,” Samson remarked, looking back at the group. “Any of you gone hiking before?”

Andre didn’t want to be the first to answer since he already seemed like the teacher’s pet, but when no one else piped up, it fell on him to give a reply. “A few times,” Andre said. “When I was a kid, my parents were worried about how little I was exercising, so they got me into a hiking group.”

“Oh, where was that? Any place I’d know?”

“Verdancy,” Andre replied.

“Oh! I’ve been there once. Beautiful place. But I suppose that’s what Arukei had in mind, right?”

“Right,” Andre said. Again with Arukei…

“I was there with my family. Would have been over six years ago, since my daughter hadn’t been born yet. My son must have been… somewhere around eight. Anyway, a friend of my wife’s had been there and recommended it to her…”

Samson recounted everything he remembered of his trip to Verdancy before moving on to talking about other places in Heaven he’d visited. Every once in a while, he asked Andre a question, and Andre gave a short answer before letting Samson continue. Periodically, the younger angel would glance at the demons of the group and see how bored they seemed. Samson seemed to be having a good time finally getting to talk to another angel, though, and Andre didn’t want to burst his bubble.

Samson especially liked talking about his family. It made Andre reflect on his own. How soon would it be until his letter reached Ellie? It would reach her, right? Andre didn’t know how trustworthy Hell’s postal system was. Well, he supposed he’d find out through whether or not he got a letter back. He hoped it would be soon.

Then there was the rest of his family. Oh boy. The last time he’d spoken to them was the call he’d gotten in police custody. He’d been informed that there was one waiting for him, then he’d been brought to the phone room, then he’d taken the phone given to him and brought it to his ear…

”Andre speaking.”

His mother’s voice responded. ”Oh, thank Arukei. Andre, what’s going on? Ellie told us you’d been arrested. That you were one of those ‘Blackwings’. That’s not true, is it? This is just a misunderstanding, right? It is, obviously. Well, don’t you worry about it. Your father will clear everything up. With the amount of influence he has, you’ll be out of there in no --”


A pause. “What is it?”

“It’s true. I’m a Blackwing.”

Another pause. “No, that’s not right. You can’t be a Blackwing. You aren’t that kind of person. My son isn’t that kind of person.”


“Did they trick you into it? Did you not know who they were?”


“Do you know who they are now?”

“I know.”

No response.

“I know all about them,” Andre continued. “I’d wager I know more than you, even.”

“...Why? Sweetie, why? Why would you work with such horrible people?”

“They’re not horrible. You’re thinking of those dirty ones, the ones that assassinate humans for money. The ones I worked for --”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Let me finish. The ones I worked for
saved people, Mom. Prevented rapes and murders.”

“Is that what they told you?”

saw it. I watched them do it.”

“What… what did they do? What did you see?”

Andre swallowed. This was the hardest part.

“They --”


Samson’s voice yanked Andre out of his thoughts.

“Sorry, what?” Andre asked. “I got… distracted.”

Samson looked back with a smile. “Oh, that’s alright. I was just asking about your family - if you had any nice memories with them to share.”

Andre took a deep breath - not easy when walking with a full backpack - and let it out. “Sorry. That’s kind of a touchy subject for me.”

“Oh.” Samson’s smile wilted. “Well, that’s alright. I won’t press you on it.”


Samson didn’t say anything after that, and Andre sighed. He glanced at the other demons, and right after he did, Red directed his gaze elsewhere. He’d been staring at Andre, though. Andre was sure of it.

Well, it was probably nothing. Andre hoped it was nothing, at least.

Jenny abruptly sighed. “I have no family.”

Andre looked over. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I don’t need your pity,” she spat.

Andre paused. He didn’t really know how to talk to her, but she wanted to keep trying. “What happened to them?”

“Mom died of cancer, Dad got shot. Brother killed himself.” She sighed again. “Ran out of money. Landlord drove me out on the street. Had to start mugging people. That’s how I ended up here.”

That was… rough. Really rough.

“Well, it’s better here than sleeping on a bench,” she said. “Got a roof over my head and food that won’t poison me. Get to shower, too.”

Andre was silent for a moment. “What’s gonna happen once you’re out?”

“Who fuckin’ knows,” she said.

“Well,” Samson piped up, “once you clear the program, the hope is that you’ll be able to use the skills you’ve learned here in order to get a job. If you tell your employer to call me for a reference, I’ll be sure to make you sound like a good pick.”

“Whatever,” the demoness muttered.

Samson exchanged a look with Andre. Andre shrugged.

“I’m just here because I kicked someone’s ass,” Yardley said. “He said he’d fucked my girl. Yeah, right. My girl isn’t like that. Had to teach him a lesson.”

Samson hummed. “I can definitely understand feeling like you need to protect the honor of your partner,” he said. “Arukei knows that I’d be angry if someone insinuated something like that about my wife. But we’ve got to solve our problems with words instead of violence. Or, better yet, by not even giving those people the time of day.”

“I can’t just let someone shittalk like that,” Yardley protested. “I’d look totally dickless!”

“You want to look strong,” Samson said. “But isn’t it much stronger to be able to solve problems without even lifting a finger?”

“Tch.” Yardley looked elsewhere. “Maybe for you angels, but this is Hell.”

Samson didn’t respond. He probably didn’t want to overstay his welcome.

After a pause, the cyclops then turned to Red. “What about you, leather jacket? What are you in for?”

“Murder,” Red said, without missing a beat.

Chills crept up Andre’s back. So it was true.

“Oh, shit,” Yardley replied. “Who’d you kill?”

“Some broad who didn’t know her place.”

So that was misogyny added to homophobia. Bad enough misogyny to kill. Did Andre really have to be his pair?

“Hold on,” Jenny said. “They said that they only let in people who committed their crimes for ‘understandable’ reasons. You couldn’t have killed just because she ‘didn’t know her place’.” She spat the last words with venom, which to Andre was entirely justified.

‘Understandable’. Had the woman tried to do something to Red first?

“Got connections,” Red said. “Used them.”

“Bullshit. You’re no elite. Look at yourself. You dress like some fag who thinks he’s hard.”

Andre flinched a fraction of a second before the explosion came.

“What’d you fucking say?” Red growled. He caught up to Jenny with a few angry steps, and the demoness backed away. Andre, Samson and Yardley stopped advancing.

“God, thin-skinned much?” Jenny spat back. “If you can’t handle comments like those, wear something else.”

“That’s fucking it,” Red hissed, throwing down his backpack. “I’ll shut you up myself.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Samson said, rare authority in his voice, and stepped towards the quarreling demons. ”No fighting.”

“Fuck’s it to you?” Red snapped. “You think you can stop me, bird boy?”

Andre winced. This was not good for their record.

“When I’ve got this on, I certainly do,” Samson said, pointing to his amulet. “I’d tell you to try me, but for your own sake, I’d rather you didn’t.” He put his hands on his hips. “So, what’s it gonna be?”

Red’s fists tightened. He glared at Samson. Every onlooker held their breath.

Red sighed and relaxed. “Whatever,” he muttered and backed away to pick up his backpack again.

Samson turned to Jenny. “You alright?”

Jenny huffed. “Didn’t need you to rescue me.”

“As long as you’re alright.” Samson resumed his position in front of the group and began moving again.

Andre stared at Red. Red met his eyes with a mean look, and Andre looked away, his heart skipping a beat. Were they all going to be alright, sleeping in the same camp as Red tonight? Andre sighed through his nose and resumed walking. He just had to hope for the best.

One long, tense and silent march later, Samson announced that it was time for lunch, and it certainly felt like it. The group took off their backpacks with sighs of relief and sat down on the dusty ground. They had ham and cheese sandwiches. Andre wasn’t sure if it was just his hunger, but they were very nice.

“Tastes pretty good,” he decided to mention - compliments to the chef. “Far better than what chow hall serves.”

Samson smiled. He already seemed to be over what had happened before, or he was at least very good at pretending. “That’s ‘cause they were made with love!”

Jenny groaned. “Seriously? Are all you angels like this?”

“Hey, I’m just kidding,” Samson said, raising his palms with a chuckle. “That’d be sappy even for me.”

Once they finished their sandwiches, Samson got up and stretched and asked if any of them needed to ‘do their business’. No one seemed to have that need, but Samson did, so he excused himself and walked off towards a tree twenty-ish meters away. Once he was sufficiently far, Yardley spoke up.

“So, uh, anyone wanna escape with me tonight?”

“What?” Andre said.

“You heard me,” the cyclops said, then pointed to his ankle monitor. “I’m cutting this shit off tonight and making a run for it, probably with some supplies with me. Anyone’s free to come along. Shit, I’d prefer company.”

Jenny stared at Yardley. “Are you fucking stupid?”

It was rude, but she had a point. “Yeah,” Andre said. “Didn’t you hear? The ankle monitor has a loop in it that --”

“No,” Jenny said. “I mean that he must be fucking stupid to tell us about it with you listening. You’re obviously gonna tell the supervisor now.”

“I am not,” Andre said, indignant - though he stopped to think about it. He did want to tell Samson… but he obviously wouldn’t be able to do that during this trip without the others seeing, and then no one would tell him anything anymore, ever. It was more sensible as an informant to stay silent about this. The escape attempt would fail in any case. Or… if Yardley made it to the highway, and someone picked him up, got him away fast enough…

“See, he’s thinking about it,” Jenny said, pointing at Andre.

Andre was about to protest again, but a new voice cut him off.

“Go ahead.”

Andre, Jenny and Yardley turned to Red with surprise.

“Go ahead,” Red repeated. “If one-eye here is stupid enough to have that kind of plan, he deserves to get caught for it.”

“Hey, fuck you, man,” Yardley snapped. “Least I’m tryin’ to think of something.”

Andre held his breath - would Red get angry again?

Fortunately, it didn’t look like it. “You really want to trade four months in the program for the rest of your life as a fugitive?”

“It seems to be working out for that Jake kid!”

“Jake, huh?” Red smirked. “You really think he escaped?”

Andre glanced towards Samson, but the man was still behind the tree, facing away.

“Fuck’s that supposed to mean?” Yardley asked.

Red crossed his arms, the smirk still on his face. “I wonder.”

“No, seriously, dude, what are you saying? Is there something I don’t know?” The cyclops glanced at Andre and seemed to notice his uncomfortable expression. “Something you know?”

“I don’t know anything about this,” Andre said.

“Bullshit,” Yardley said. “You got that look on your face. You know someth-”

“Samson’s coming back,” Jenny said.

They all quieted and looked towards Samson, who was indeed approaching them.

Yardley pointed at Andre. “You’re not saying anything.”

“I wasn’t going to,” Andre growled.

“Everything alright over there?” Samson called out.

Andre sighed. “We’re alright,” he called back. “Just chatting.”

“As long as you’re alright,” Samson said, reaching the group soon after. He took some of the hand sanitizer whose bottle was still on the ground and applied it to his hands before packing the bottle away again. “So, you all rested up? Ready to keep moving?”

The group exchanged tired glances. “Yeah, let’s go,” Andre said, faking a smile.


Andre and the demons got up, picked up their backpacks and resumed walking. The angel kept his eye on Yardley, who wore a sour expression. Whether he’d try escaping that night or not, Andre didn’t know. He just hoped the demon wouldn’t succeed.

Andre sighed. The long walk had become even longer.



Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
hi, here to cat nip. Lets get started.

Red's as goal driven as ever it seems. Art and misc information is utterly irrelevent when trying to find ones way around. I initially thought that Ms. Chambers was going to be pulling a helix fossil but it was all just a dream.

Or perhaps a temptation. Yeah red and andre rooming together in any universe is a recipie for bad times for anything in a 90 mile radius.

As this carries on i am getting a mix match of 60 days in and hazbin hotel vibes from this premiss. All we need is a deer shapped radio demon.

Lovely slice of homophobia Red. Realy makes a reader want to shove a sock in there. Thougg considering the slant of his own dreams it might be a cover for his own issues.

Andre reaching out to Eric might backfire actually. Between personality and racism/afterlifeism? ... yeah this feels like it might not go well.

Well at least he had the wits to bail out of what was likely going to be a bad situation. As andre explains... yeah he basically bailed on a consperecy thereoyist.

Totally understandable.

And his dodge has been thwarted by the joys of a timetable stepping in. This is going to go well.

Red being preyed on by mini ganon and his bug squad definitly had highschool bully vibes. The introduction of each faction (forshadowing Red as a beaster) is going along at an interesting pace...

Though since a number of cast have had earth experience i am wondering how no one corrolated beasters to mental health issues/executive function issues/and shifted focus from punishment to treatment... i get the ideal of this place is social progress disguised as a prison program, bit still...

Ah wait.. Setting being hell and all, and considering how r.l. handles these thingd... nm i take it back....

Ah andres fallen into the moral quagmire of "i hate bystanders" but realizing he's doong the exact same thing himself and havong a dose of good old fashioned hypocracy as a side. Him and Red are not goong to have a good time in close quarters after all this.

I suspect if andre scrapes up the guts to appologize Reds going to rip into him. Pride and all that. Amd i motice the subtle shift in tone as this goes on, topped by Amdre having a small a-ha moment about Red.

Now all he has to do is dip into the romance section post revelation and all the under the table hint hints are going to line up...

Excuse me the porn section. Oh dear... you can see that conservative upbrining screaming to the fore. Also he's making some broad assumptions about the material per setting without opening a book. I get judging a book by its cover and needing to not... and really see Andre is going to struggle with this.... but yeesh.

Stop dickering, pick something, and see if its as bad as you think its going to be instead of assuming everything you crack open is going to spit brimstone and require brainbleach.

And we have the bully round 2. Reds got the cameras memorized as well as thier blackout patterns... and this isnt jingling Andres red flag? Also he just confessed to Red he's going to rat Reds scuffle out... Andres nievetti is showing here.

Wait. He didnt decide whether he was going to rat red out or at least outline causes where he might or might not before starting this convo... and he didnt just report jack instead. Andre saw the threatening and assault, he could of played it off as red stalling so andre could report...

But nah lets talk point systems...

Also i didnt quite expect such an overt title drop as samsons and andres convo but alright..

Huh so the plot thickens. I suspect jack didnt make a break for it. Miniganon isnt that smart. His reliancd on his medicine adds a level of complexity that i rwally doubt he'd be able to accomidate.

Out of curiosity, why isnt andre writing this at the library?

Yeah. Red is an angel andre. Really, the hell part of his descriptor is just decorative, and he's not ticking off all the boxes of 'I did it" in bright glitter marker.

Suffice to say things are bound to get interesting as they go.

Thanks for sharing
Chapter Four - Take a Hike, Part Two New


you should've known the price of evil
  1. inkay-shirlee
  2. houndoom-elliot
  3. yamask-joanna
  4. shuppet
  5. deerling-andre
  6. omanyte
And we're back to conclude the two-parter! Big thanks again to @NebulaDreams for betareading.

Rating is mature for violence and internalized homophobia.



Take a Hike, Part Two



Samson was talking. Samson was still talking. It had been hours and he was still talking.

He’d started innocently enough, breaking the tense silence by talking about his dog and asking if any of the group members had pets - they didn’t, or if they did, they didn’t admit to it - before talking about the different kinds of animals Heaven had that Hell didn’t. When he got to pterippi, he went on a tangent about how much his daughter loved them, what her favorite breeds were, how they had to try and tell her that she couldn’t have one because a pterippus was a lot of work to take care of… and Andre couldn’t remember where he’d gone after that. What was Samson talking about now? Something about the history of rock and roll on Earth?

Oh, never mind. It was hard enough for Andre to stay on his feet and keep moving now that the hours and hours of walking with a moderately heavy backpack were catching up with him. He glanced up at the sky. The sun was still a ways away from the horizon. They’d stop with the sunset, right? Or at least when it got dark? Samson wouldn’t make them march in the dark, right? When did it get dark in this part of Hell? Andre wanted to ask, but he dreaded the answer. Maybe it was better not to know.

And, hey, there was something to be thankful for. Red hadn’t been causing any problems since the break. Any time Andre looked over his shoulder, the leather-jacketed demon had at worst given him the stink eye. It never escalated, but Andre also didn’t want to push his luck. After another such look, stolen after probably fifteen minutes had passed since the previous one, Andre decided he might as well try to listen to Samson again while watching his own feet traipse forward.

“... and while I think they did make some great hits, I don’t believe they were actually as influential as the history books --”

Samson stopped. Andre raised his gaze to look at the angel. Samson stood still for a moment, squinting his eyes, before he raised a hand to signal the group members to stop - though they all already had, puzzled by their supervisor’s reaction.

“What is it?” Andre asked.

“I think I saw something move near those bushes,” Samson said, pointing to some dry-looking shrubs a few meters ahead. “Could be a ghoul.”

Andre tensed up. A ghoul. He hadn’t been told in much detail what they were like before their departure - just that they were dangerous, unsightly beings that possessed unholy energy and attacked humanoids to try and siphon away their life force. But those shrubs were small. How dangerous could something that could hide behind them be?

Samson took an object out of his pocket - right, the maloscope. Samson looked at it, wiggling it a bit, before looking back at the shrubs.

“It’s a ghoul, alright,” Samson said. “Stay where you are. I’ll see if I can scare it off or slay it.”

He pocketed the maloscope and drew out the hallowed dagger from the scabbard attached to his belt before turning it on. The blade of golden light formed in a flash. He approached the bushes - but as a black creature emerged, Samson stopped again.

It moved like… a rabbit. It looked like a rabbit, one with black fur. Sure, it had some tiny horns protruding from its head and its eyes were red, but this was normal for animals in Hell.

“Are you sure that’s a ghoul?” Andre called out. “Just looks like a rabbit to me.”

Jenny scoffed. “Don’t you know anything?”

Andre gave the demoness a glare. “No. I literally just got here a few days ago. From Heaven, where they don’t even let you talk about Hell. Excuse me for not knowing trivia about hell-bunnies.” Andre was too tired to be polite.

Someone snorted - Red, surprisingly. Jenny, though scoffed again and rolled her eyes. Andre turned back to Samson. Whatever, he thought.

The rabbit’s nose twitched before it took another hop forward. Samson responded with a sharp yell and a brandishing of his dagger. The rabbit didn’t seem to react. Andre didn’t know much about rabbits, even less about hell-rabbits, but it felt like a small herbivore like that should have at least flinched.

The rabbit hopped closer again, and Samson stood where he was. The rabbit blinked…

… and pounced in a heartbeat, latching onto Samson’s throat.

Samson yelped, and Andre froze up - but the latter realized soon that the yelp was only one of surprise rather than pain. Samson’s neck glowed with a coating of red light as the rabbit kept gnawing on it without drawing blood. Right, he had magical armor.

Samson gripped the ghoul’s scruff with his free hand and pulled it off with little effort, leaving it fiercely flailing in the air while it let out some squeals that were quite harsh on the ears. Andre saw that it had become something that looked much more like a ghoul - skin and bones with elongated limbs ending in sharp talons. And its teeth were like needles.

The plunging of the hallowed dagger into the ghoul’s gut drew out one final screech before it dried up and eroded into black sand that poured down onto the ground and lay there in a pile, motionless.

Samson sighed, relieved, and sheathed his dagger. “That takes care of that,” he said. “Unless…” He took out his maloscope and jiggled it a bit. “Yeah, no, looks like it was the only one. Everyone alright?”

“‘Course we’re alright,” Jenny said. “It didn’t touch us.”

“I know,” Samson said, smiling. “Just… mentally speaking. That could have been quite a scare!”

The demons groaned. Andre sighed. “I’m fine,” the younger angel said.

“Good to hear!”

“Although…” Andre started. “I didn’t know ghouls could do that. Disguise themselves as animals.”

Samson blinked, seeming surprised. “Oh, right,” he said. “The debriefing didn’t say that, did it? Ah.” He shook his head. “Of course. Will have to let the staff know. They must have forgotten that the existence and behavior of false-rabbits isn’t common knowledge for angels. Sorry about that. I hope I can get them to amend the material before the other angel has his trip!”

Andre wouldn’t have really minded it if Eric got bitten in the neck by a ghoul.

“Do you happen to know anything else about ghouls than the things taught to you at the debriefing?” Samson asked.

“Well, nothing I didn’t just learn in the past five minutes,” Andre said.

Samson smiled. “Well, that’s grand! I get to be the one to teach you, then.”

Andre sighed. He’d have to listen to Samson talking for even longer.


Samson’s explanation of what ghouls were wasn’t that long in the end. They were constructs made of black magic that looked and acted somewhat like true lifeforms, but in actuality were more like the automata in Heaven - lifeless machines acting according to pre-written instructions, mimicking creatures with actual souls and the capacity to think and feel.

What they did with their prey was to incapacitate them, usually through mauling, and then start to suck out their prey’s life force. They would not stop until their prey’s body was lifeless. Then, if physically strong enough, they would crack open their prey’s skull, take their soul-marble, crush it and suck out the remaining energy. Whether these souls still made it to Terminus, the final resting place, was actually unknown, which made for a great reason to stay away from ghouls.

What took Samson slightly longer to explain was the answer to Andre’s follow-up question about who had created these ghouls. Apparently, the ghouls that existed today were replicated by other ghouls through a process somewhat analogous to asexual reproduction, but the original ghouls were created by the Seven Devil Kings of Hell. Andre remembered hearing somewhere that these were the demons responsible for the Uprising and mentioned this, to which Samson replied that this was indeed the case.

The Seven Devil Kings were, as their name suggested, seven devils that ruled over Hell as kings 2000 years ago. Devils, Samson explained in a tangent, were demons proficient enough at black magic to make magical deals that provided the counterparty something they desired in exchange for their servitude to the devil. These deals allowed devils to rise into power all across Hell, but only with the discovery of an even more powerful form of black magic, sin magic, did seven of the strongest practitioners conquer the rest.

Sin magic, however, was corruptive, gradually transforming its practitioners into agents of evil and whittling away any good left in them - not that there was much of it in these tyrannical devils. Still, a regular tyrant would have had little reason to create ghouls, constructs that did nothing but suck the life force out of anyone that crossed their path. For a sin-corrupted tyrant, though, anything that caused more misery in the world was a worthwhile goal.

“So…” Andre said. “What happened to the Devil Kings in the Uprising? They were defeated, right?”

“Sure were!” Samson replied.

Red scoffed behind them.

“What?” Andre asked flatly.

“Birdboy here doesn't seem to recall the last part of the story,” Red said. “The Devil Kings’ bodies were never found.”

“Ah, but their deals had been broken, and people were no longer in their thrall,” Samson said, holding up a finger. “That always happens when you kill a devil.”

“Or they broke the deals themselves in order to disappear,” Red said.

Samson shrugged. “Well, whatever happened, they haven't been seen for two thousand years. They wouldn't be as powerful, anyway, what with the muting of magic Arukei did. And if they were to come back, Arukei could simply defeat them again.”

“Only if they threatened Heaven. Arukei didn't step in until that happened, no matter how much Hell suffered under the Kings’ rule. He just doesn’t care about us demons.”

Samson looked visibly bothered.

“Cat got your tongue, birdboy?”

Andre had his own doubts about Arukei, but seeing someone as friendly as Samson in distress made him feel bad.

Samson sighed. “I hear what you're saying, and it's something I've certainly thought about myself. But the fact of the matter is that Hell is Hell. It's not supposed to be nice here - this is the place where sinners go as their sanction. I wish that it was nicer to demons, though, and I've been trying to do my own part in making that happen, but…” He shook his head. “Well, I can't claim to always understand Arukei's behavior.”

Red huffed. “And you still swear by him? You made it your profession to defend him? What do you even get out of it?”

Samson looked up into the sky. After a moment, he smiled. “I get to comfort people. Help them find light in the darkness. Teach them to help others. That sort of thing.” He looked back at Red. “That's what Arukei's teachings stand for. His teachings I never doubt.”

“Mm.” Red seemed too indifferent to provide a more substantial response.

The conversation did not continue, and silence reclaimed its reign after a long wait. Not too long after, they had another break to rest and eat. Before, during and after their meal, Andre noticed that Yardley seemed to be glancing at Samson as if the cyclops was waiting for the supervisor to leave again. Andre’s suspicions were confirmed when Samson indeed left to do his business and Yardley said what Andre expected him to say, though had hoped that he wouldn’t.

“Okay. So I know my escape suggestion didn’t go over that well the first time, but I really think y’all should reconsider.”

Jenny groans. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously. There’s a great opportunity here and you’re all letting it go to waste.” He gestured to Andre. “And Wings here hasn’t ratted me out so far, so I don’t think he will.”

“Thanks…?” Andre said.

“Well, as I said before, I think you should go for it,” Red said. “Might be funny.”

“Why do you even want to escape so badly?” Jenny asked.

“Uh, because being free is better than not being free, obviously,” Yardley said. “And my girl’s out there. I wanna see her again.”

“Doesn’t the program allow visitors?” Andre said.

Yardley made a face. “Well, she’s in a little bit of trouble. The kind where you can’t go see officials and tell them who you are.”

“Ah. So… you’d both be fugitives if you escaped?”

“Yeah,” Yardley replied, nodding. “Two young demons on the road, running from the law, having no one - yet needing no one - but themselves. Ain’t it romantic?”

“I suppose,” Andre said. Yardley did seem quite young, and the young were idealistic. “But if both of you are wanted people, that’s twice as dangerous. If one of you stays clean, they can shelter the other.”

Yardley scoffed. “She doesn’t need my help. She’s made it just fine on her own so far.”

Andre wanted to keep arguing, but Jenny shushed him, her eyes on something behind him. Andre looked and saw that Samson was coming back again.

“Okay,” Yardley whispered. “I’m putting you all down as a ‘no’. That’s fine. Just don’t get in my way tonight.”

Having gotten those words out, he turned to Samson and grinned with a wave. Samson waved back, seeming delighted by the sudden change for the better in the cyclops’ attitude.

The break soon came to an end after that, and more walking followed until the sun finally dipped under the horizon. It was actually the first sunset that Andre had properly seen since he’d come to Hell. It wasn’t quite as beautiful as the sunsets in Heaven as there was no spectrum from red to blue - only red and more red - but it was still decently pretty.

Samson told them they could finally call it a day and set up camp. Limbs aching, they did their best in setting up the tents - Red seemed strangely adept at this - before Samson gathered some twigs from a nearby shrub to set a bonfire. They had their final meal of the day, drank their thirst away, did their business and then got ready to turn in for the night. Samson, though, made them watch as he erected the hallowed beacon and let them all know where the hallowed dagger would be kept in case they needed to go out at night and protect themselves from any ghouls.

When they were moving into their tents - as it turned out, Andre would be sharing his with Red - Andre took one last look at Samson. He thought about the possibility of telling Samson about Yardley’s plans, but dismissed them again on the same grounds. The others would overhear him talking to Samson and tell everyone they knew back at the program facility that Andre was a snitch, and that would make him useless as an informant. Yeah. He could defend himself like that to Samson and Ronove afterwards.

He entered his tent, where Red had already crawled into his sleeping bag and lay on the floor facing the wall. Andre had a feeling he wasn’t asleep yet, which made him a bit uneasy now that he knew Red was in the program for murder and was thus likely to also have killed Jake as the demon smugly kept suggesting. But, well, Andre had already spent a few nights in the same room as Red before, and he hadn’t done anything to him those times.

I’m sure it’ll be fine, Andre thought to himself as he slipped into his own sleeping bag and closed his eyes. I’m sure it’ll be fine.



Darkness. Rapid breathing. Cold sweat. Another wakeup from another nightmare.

He waited for his breathing to calm, his heartbeat to slow down. But he couldn’t just lie back down and risk ending up in the bad dream again. He had to get away.

But he couldn’t go far. He was still on the Crimson Plains trip with a monitor tied to his ankle. He’d have to stay within… did he know how close he had to stay? Well, surely he could be forgiven for accidentally straying too far if it was no further than a piss trip away.

He emerged from his sleeping bag like a moth from its cocoon, careful not to wake up Andre - not because he any gave any kind of a shit about his beauty sleep, but because he’d just be an annoyance. He put on his leather jacket, grabbed the flashlight on the floor and exited the tent into the clear night, a waxing crescent moon and dozens of stars shining down on him.

He breathed in the air. Cool. Fresh. Refreshing. Yes, a walk would do wonders.

He fetched the hallowed dagger from Samson’s backpack and shined the flashlight around, trying to see what was in the distance. He saw a small hill some way off and decided to make his way there. Having reached the apex, he sat down with a sigh, turned off the flashlight and looked up at the stars.

On Earth, those would have been distant suns, many of them even bigger than Earth’s own. In Hell, a pocket realm that didn’t expand much beyond its lone solar system, they were only glowing orbs of magical energy set in the ionosphere. Most were white, but some were red or golden, and they vaguely twinkled. The longer Red stared at them, the more of them he could see.

He supposed that, no matter what happened in his life, those stars would always be there. Overpowered by the sun’s light or covered up by clouds, they still remained, waiting for the next clear night to be seen.

But would that mean anything to him if he ended up with no place to go? Would he have to sleep under these stars, growing to resent them as hunger gouged his gut?

Samson promised to give Jenny a good reference if she ever needed it when she was applying for work. He’d probably do the same for Red, too. But would that and some obscure education certificate from prison really be enough to work as a substitute for proper education? The curricula of the courses in the program were just barely above high school stuff… and what Red had lost was an actual biology degree in the making. The best animal-related job he was going to get now was that of a pet sitter. And considering there was no shortage of teens doing that for dirt cheap, he was not going to get by with that profession.

Red sighed again. So this was what it was like to be the lowest class of Hell before sinners. Sure made him feel like he took his well-off background for granted. Not that his family was anything to be thankful about…

He set down the flashlight and hallowed dagger in his hands and leaned back. Pet sitter. Hellhounds. Hellcats. Hellpigs? Some people had started getting hellpigs as pets, he’d heard of that. Well, pigs were surprisingly smart. Smart enough for Red to sometimes feel bad about eating them, but not too bad in the end. They did, after all, go to Terminus after they died, just like everything else in Hell or Heaven. And Terminus was a nice place, at least compared to the idea of simply disappearing. Still, in Terminus, you lost your body and you lost your sense of self. Even if it wasn’t a total death, it was a partial one. Significant enough to be something you should try to avoid.

Back to pigs. There certainly was one pig that was relevant to Red - Jake. He wondered where that guy was now. Long gone, of course, but where would he head? How was the life of a fugitive lived? How did Yardley’s girlfriend do it? How did Yardley think he was going to do it?

Right, Yardley. That idiot would probably try his escape at some point. Red would have to be careful not to look like he was assisting him. Maybe the others would back him up…

Well, no. Nobody liked him. They might just give him a taste of his own medicine by justifying a false testimony with ‘might be funny’. Even Andre might hate him enough to go against his own nature as an angel. Part of Red, a very stupid part, actually hoped he would. That would make Red retroactively justified in treating him so poorly.

Actually, no. There were plenty of reasons to dislike Andre already. He came from Heaven, never having known any hardship or what life in Hell was like, and he just… made friends immediately on his first day. As if making friends was easy. As if he could just go up to them and charm them with his fucking neat clothes and perfect hair. And he did. That’s exactly what he did.

How does he get away with it? Looking the way he does, acting the way he does? Being so fucking gay? You could smell it off him. Why hadn’t that made him a target? Why hadn’t Jake gone after him instead? What was so fucking magnetic about Red to bullies? Was there actually something wrong with him?

Well, he had his attitude. But it was the exact same kind of attitude as the bullies had. Was that it? Was he a threat to them? God, he’d like to think that. If he couldn’t get others to respect him, his next best option would be to make them fear him. That’s why he’d spun that shit about killing Jake in the first place. That, and it was satisfying to freak out Andre. Stupid pansy.

He closed his eyes. What a mess he’d gotten himself into. And it was probably all his own fault.

He stayed like that for a while. It was nice, just feeling the slow cool wind.

Hey. What was that? That noise that sounded like something being dragged, approaching him from behind?

Red opened his eyes, grabbed the hallowed dagger and turned aroun-

A skeletal hand slapped the dagger out of Red’s grasp, while another pushed his chest back, pinning him down on the ground. It was pressing all too hard, barely allowing Red to breathe. The light of the stars and the moon were barely enough to let him see what had attacked him - a large, floating skeletal monster with bloody flesh hanging off its bones. Its eye sockets, blacker than the night around them, contained tiny pupils of crimson light, and under their stare, Red felt paralyzed. It was as if everything had gone quiet, as if he could only perceive that ghoul anymore. Everything else was silent darkness.

The ossigula exhaled a hissing breath, noxious in its stench, not that the rest of it smelled good. Then it changed its grasp, sliding its hand from Red’s chest to his neck, pinning it down next. Its touch was freezing. Red could no longer see what the ghoul was doing, only seeing emptiness above him, but he had a bad feeling he knew what was coming.

Talons tore through his clothes and flesh as the ghoul dragged them from Red’s chest to his abdomen. Red tried to scream, but the hand on his throat made him unable. It dawned on him that he would not survive. His body could maybe be found in the morning with his soul still intact, and the others would bring him to a regeneration center, but that would still leave him with debt for the rest of his life. And what if that didn’t happen? What if the ghoul broke his soul-marble and sucked out the energy inside? What would happen to his soul then? Would it find its way to Terminus, or would it… disappear entirely? What would that be like? It couldn’t be good.

Red heard another hissing noise, but given that this one came with a motherfucker of a chill all throughout his body, he knew the ghoul was breathing in. Breathing in his life force.

With all the cold and the pain, it became hard to think. Red’s vision blurred and darkened. This was it. His first and possibly last death.

He couldn’t come up with anything profound for his last thoughts and passed out.



Andre awoke into darkness. It took him a while to realize where he was - not at the program facility, certainly not back home in Heaven, but on the Crimson Plains hike.

He didn’t know why he’d woken up. He couldn’t remember any nightmares. He supposed, then, that it was just something random.

He nearly rolled over and went back to sleep, but curiosity overcame him. He sprouted his halo for a little bit of light to see Red…

…but he wasn’t there.

Probably taking a leak,
Andre thought, but then the doubts emerged. What if Red was the one that was going to try and escape tonight? Yardley certainly hadn’t - Andre was sure that it would trigger some kind of loud alarm. So… where was Red, then?

Andre crawled out of his sleeping bag. He made a note of the fact that the flashlight was gone, but this didn’t bother him much. He had his own source of light.

He emerged from the tent and looked around. In the glow of his halo, first alone and then combined with his wings, he couldn’t see the demon anywhere near the camp. Without a light he could point at something, though, he didn’t have much chance of seeing further away. Unless…

He withdrew his halo and wings and waited. The darkness around gradually became brighter as his eyes adjusted to the dim light the moon and the stars provided, and he spotted a silhouette of something on top of a nearby hill. That must have been Red. He seemed to be… sitting still. So, not escaping. But maybe considering escaping. If that was the case, Andre needed to talk some sense into him. It was no skin off his back if Yardley tried - and likely failed - to escape, but Red was another story, being Andre’s pair.

Andre checked Samson’s backpack. The hallowed dagger wasn’t there - good, Red had some sense of self-preservation - but the maloscope was. Had he forgotten about it, or was he so confident in his vigilance that he wanted to take the chance with slaying ghouls before they could slay him? He could have been that stupid, honestly. Andre sighed and took the maloscope, checking it with a jiggle. The arrow didn’t seem to point anywhere in particular. No ghouls around… or no ghouls around so close that the maloscope could tell.

He began making his way towards the hill. Red didn’t move. He must have been deep in thought, maybe had his eyes closed, as Andre figured it was likely that Red had the same level of night vision as him by now. Or maybe Red was ignoring him. Didn’t matter that much.

Looking for something to fiddle with to pass the time, Andre took another look at the maloscope. It certainly was a curious device. Reacting to unholy energy… of which there was apparently tons underneath the planet’s surface. But from what he’d learned of it during his time here, it was not something easy to use. Being the polar opposite of holy energy, exposure to it was hazardous to one’s health instead of healing. Only strong magic could contain it safely, and magic had been muted in the past 2000 years, so… Hell was better off trying to handle electricity and base its technology on that instead.

Hm. The maloscope’s needle, which had been spinning lazily before, had started hovering near the front for a while. Was that just random movement, for was that…

Andre looked up, and there it was. A large, dark figure attacking Red.

“Red!” he yelled. He looked back. The camp was further than he was from Red at this point. If he went back and tried to call for help, Red could already be a goner. He had to try and rescue him. And it was possible, it had to be, because he knew Red had the hallowed dagger with him, wherever it had gone.

Andre ran for Red, praying that the ghoul wouldn’t notice. As he arrived, his breath and pulse rapid, he took in the scene. Red was lying on the ground, immobile, while the ghoul - the massive floating skeleton with no lower body and a terrible smell - loomed on top of the demon, doing… whatever it was doing. Probably sucking out Red’s life force. Andre didn’t know how long it took for that to kill a demon, but he assumed time was of the essence.

Andre circled the ghoul and scanned the ground for the dagger, but it was too dark. He sprouted his wings and halo, then flinched as he realized that it could possibly set off the ghoul… but it didn’t, luckily. He looked at the ground again with this new source of light and located the dagger. He grabbed it and turned it on.

That set off the ghoul.

It turned its head to Andre, staring with red pupils from empty sockets of black. Andre froze. That stare was… petrifying. The light around him seemed to wane, and he felt a sinking feeling. What was happening? Was this something ghouls could do? Something this particular kind of ghoul could do?

No, he would not let this monster win. Andre would not allow it to kill anyone, be it Red or Andre himself.

He took a deep breath and looked past the ghoul, almost willing his surroundings to brighten, the spell to weaken. He took a step back, then another, then another. But once the ghoul turned back to Red and sucked in another breath, Andre ran at it and jammed the dagger into the ghoul’s spine.

Andre expected the ghoul to screech like the false-rabbit had, but it was silent. He worried for a moment that his attack had done nothing, but then saw the bone darkening. The black color spread, making the bones begin crumbling wherever it advanced, until the whole ghoul collapsed into grainy chunks on top of red, further eroding into loose sand in the seconds that followed.

But Red, motionless when Andre last caught a glimpse of him, was now buried under that sand. Andre placed down the hallowed dagger and quickly dug out enough of Red to pull him out from under the pile. He then checked Red’s breathing, Red’s pulse. There was none of the former and only a weak ticking of the latter. He’d have to try and resuscitate, right? God, how was it done again? Okay, no, he remembered, or he thought he did. This better work on demons the same way, he thought to himself…

He assumed the position he recalled being the correct one. Rate of compressions… he couldn’t remember the number, but he’d heard that you’d get the right pace by thinking of the song Fever by Ragu-Ragu. He performed thirty compressions - Red was so cold, god - and then… okay, he always knew this part would be awkward, but that was no excuse. He tilted back Red’s head, opened his mouth, closed his nostrils and covered his mouth with his own. God, Red had some nasty-tasting breath… but so did all of them, not being able to brush their teeth on this trip. He blew into his lungs once, then let the air out, then blew again before returning to the compressions. That wasn’t so bad. Well, for Andre. He didn’t know how properly he’d actually done it. Red could even die because of him if he didn’t do it right… but it was better to try than leave him unbreathing, right? Andre hoped so…

He kept resuscitating, and to his great relief, Red seemed to be warming up a bit. Or maybe he was just getting used to the cold. Still, after a few minutes, when Andre was getting quite tired… he could see Red’s chest moving on its own. He held his hand above his mouth and felt air streaming in and out. Andre sighed in great relief - could he stop now? Should he stop now? Well, he could at least try to call for help now. Or… should he? Could there be other ghouls lurking around that would hear him shouting and know there was prey nearby?

Red coughed, and Andre turned back to him in a heartbeat. The demon’s brow wrinkled as he coughed some more before opening his eyes.

“Red!” Andre whisper-yelled. “Are you okay?”

Red coughed some more before responding. “What?”

”Are you okay?” Andre repeated more clearly.

Red shivered. “Oh, yeah. I feel great.”

“Now’s not the time for sarcasm,” Andre hissed. “You almost died!”

Red didn’t respond at first, trying to sit up. Andre didn’t know if he should stop him. He did have to get Red to the camp somehow. He decided to help him upright.

Red looked at his abdomen and winced. “Fuck. There’s sand in my wounds.”

“Ghoul sand,” Andre said. “I don’t know if that makes it worse.”

“Hope not,” Red said, sighing. “Are we gonna have to walk to the camp?”

Andre nodded. “Yeah. Let’s be quiet. We don’t know what else is lurking around here.”


Andre picked up the hallowed dagger, turned it off and pocketed it. With great effort, he helped Red up, and the two began hobbling back towards the camp. Andre kept an eye on the maloscope, but it seemed like it was no longer picking up anything. The ghoul’s unholy energy must have dissipated the same way holy energy did without proper containment.

He looked at Red. The demon seemed lost in thought with an occasional wince of pain. Andre wondered whether he should try to make conversation, but maybe it was better for Red not to strain himself right now.

“Did you…” Red suddenly began.

“Hm?” Andre tilted his head.

“Did you… save my life?”

Andre blinked. He’d done that. He’d actually saved Red’s life without even thinking twice about it. Even when he was such an asshole - a murderer, even…

“...Yeah,” the angel replied.

Red was quiet for a few steps.

“Okay,” he eventually said.

’Okay’. Not ‘thank you’. Seriously?

Whatever. Andre shook his head. Maybe he was just too confused to say the proper thing at this time. Or maybe he actually was such a jackass that he didn’t feel like thanking the guy who put his life on the line to… no, better let it go.

Eventually, they made it back to the camp. Andre set Red down on the ground and woke up Samson. Samson was drowsy at first, but woke up properly right away once Andre explained the situation to him. He took his communicator and called the program staff immediately, asking them to call an ambulance and bring a car of their own to get the other members of the group back to the program facility.

After the call ended, Samson performed his own first aid on Red, cleaning his dirty wounds as best as he could before wrapping them up. It seems they weren’t that deep in the end, or Red would have passed out from blood loss by now. When Red heard Andre say that, though, he laughed and said that it took more than that to do in a demon. Andre didn’t know if that was based on anything actual, but it did seem very lucky that Red had survived in general.

Eventually, the ambulance and the other ride came. Paramedics lifted Red into the ambulance and the car drove off, headed for the hospital. The others, in turn, got into the remaining car and started their trip back to the program facility. In the backseat, Andre could notice a very sour expression on Yardley’s face. The angel supposed that the cyclops actually failed to wake up to try his escape, and now he wouldn’t have that kind of chance for the rest of his time in the program. Well, maybe he’d learn to like it here. Or at least not detest it.

Once they arrived at the facility, all the inmates headed straight to bed. Once Andre made it to his own, he no longer had the energy to dwell on the night’s events, so he fell asleep rather quickly. The night passed peacefully.

The following morning, the other hikes were announced as cancelled on the grounds of there possibly being more ossigulae around, to the great relief of many. Everyone would, however, still have to attend class normally. That was fine with Andre, honestly. A return to normalcy after such a drastic event was welcome.

At breakfast, though…

“Is it true?” Camila asked Andre as soon as he sat down at the table. Her eyes nearly sparkled.

“Is what true?” Andre asked.

“Did you slay an ossigula?”

Andre paused. Had word of what had happened already spread through the facility? He looked at Alice and saw that even she seemed to be waiting for his answer in awe.

“...Yeah,” he said. “I don’t know if I’d say ‘slay’, but --”

Camila gasped with a grin, turning to Alice in shared glee. Andre had never seen Camila so excited.

“What’s the big deal?” Andre asked. “I basically just stabbed a ghoul when it was distracted.”

“Oh, no no no,” Camila said, holding up her forefinger. “That kind of story doesn’t do your heroism justice. You need to work on your delivery.”

“I’d rather just tell the truth, thanks,” Andre said.

Camila was about to say something, but Alice put a hand on her shoulder. “What you did was very impressive,” Alice said to Andre. “An ossigula is one of the most powerful species of ghoul still found in Hell.”

“It did look the part…” Andre mused.

“Oh, describe it, please,” Camila said, leaning forward. “Tell me everything.”

Andre sighed. “Well, if you insist…”

Andre recounted the events of the previous night in as much detail as he could remember, and Alice and Camila listened intently. After breakfast, Andre began to wonder if it was smart of him to fan the flames by putting more material out there. It wasn’t long before he found out - demon after demon approached him at random, asking to hear the rumored tale from the ‘Slayer’ himself. He told them what he’d told Alice and Camila, though with the foresight not to tell them about the mouth-to-mouth he’d given Red, as he felt it might have been taken the wrong way.

At first, it was annoying. Then, he realized what a fantastic opportunity it was for an informant. People were talking to him, completely voluntarily, with no accusation of being a snitch. Mostly they did this to hear about Andre, but they were also open to talking about themselves, each yearning to make friends with the famous Slayer. All of that put together, Andre now had access to a lot more information.

Andre seized that chance to revisit a thread of investigation he’d neglected so far and inquire people about whether they had any electronics experience - some that would allow them to tamper with security cameras. He didn’t say that latter part directly, but he fished for it. Unfortunately, he couldn’t seem to find anyone to fit the bill. If anything, the closest match was Alice, but her expertise lay with physics instead of electronics - not to mention Andre just couldn’t see her as an accomplice to murder. But, then again, many had said the same about him…

In any case, on the morning after those few days that had passed, Andre was informed by Samson that Red had returned and could be found in the infirmary. Since the supervisor promised Andre it was fine for him to be a bit late to his next class, he headed there right away.

He’d been shown the infirmary before on the tour on his first day. Now, though, the door was locked, so he knocked. A guard - a tall, green-scaled reptilian man - opened the door, and Andre explained who he was and who he was here to see. The guard nodded and let him in.

The infirmary was quite typical - a long room with beds against the walls. On the furthest one lay Red. He stared at Andre as the angel approached him, a conflicted expression on his face. He had the white gown of a patient on, and he’d withdrawn his horns to be able to fit into the bed and rest his head properly on the pillow underneath.

Andre reached Red’s bedside. He pulled up a stool and sat down on it. “Hey.”

Red looked at the angel for a moment. Andre had time to worry about him completely shutting him out, but he did eventually respond. “Hey,” he said, his voice quiet.

Oh. Well, that’s better. Andre wanted to keep talking, but he looked over his shoulder first. It seemed that the guard had stayed back at the door. Andre turned back to Red. “How are you feeling?”

“Alright, I guess, considering,” Red said. “I was lucky, really. The wounds didn’t get infected. That would have been nasty. Might have needed regeneration.”

Andre hummed. “How does regeneration work in Hell, anyway?” He’d theorized before that it was expensive…

“Well, how does it work in Heaven?”

“Holy energy. Its presence heals you. But Hell doesn’t have that.”

“Right. Well, it works with a combination of magic and electricity. But it takes a ton, so it’s expensive. If your body dies and they regenerate you, you’ll likely be in debt for the rest of your life.”

“Ah.” It figured.

“Is that not how it goes in Heaven?”

Andre shook his head. “No, regeneration is free, like all healthcare.”

Red huffed. “Of course. Everything’s just given to you up there.”

“Not exactly, but… it is Heaven. People’s lives are supposed to be easy there.”

“And Hell is supposed to be Hell, huh?” Red gave Andre a disapproving look.

“That’s not what I meant,” Andre said. “I don’t think it’s fair that demons have to live in a society like this. I’d change it if I could but, well, it’s not like I have that power. They’re not gonna let me back into Heaven, and I’m not sure if angels in Hell can vote or run for office. Especially ones that are here because of criminal activity.”

“Criminal activity,” Red repeated. “What was your crime, anyway? Littered?”

“I would never litter,” Andre said, perfectly seriously.

Red’s eyes widened. Then he burst into laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Andre demanded.

“Just… the way you said that,” Red said, still grinning. “Like littering was as bad as murder.”

“Littering is a selfish act that puts one’s small comfort over the health of the ecosystem and the beauty of the landscape,” Andre explained. “It’s a small infraction in the grand scheme of things, but it indicates an antisocial --”

“Alright, birdboy, calm down,” Red said, waving a hand. “I don’t litter, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

Red didn’t litter. It was hard to imagine the demon caring about the environment, but Andre did then recall that he was a biology student at university. Clearly, he had to have some attachment to nature.

“Anyway… your crime. What was it?”

Andre sighed. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

Red held a stare before relenting. “Alright.”

The young men were silent for a while. As Andre kept watching Red, though, it began seeming like he had something on his mind.

“Is something bothering you?” Andre asked.

Red stared at his hands for a moment. “Can I tell you a secret?” he then said, not raising his gaze. It looked like it strained him to say those words.

Andre glanced at the guard at the other end of the room. The guard stared back. Andre leaned in towards Red and spoke in a lowered voice. “Sure, but you’ll have to say it quietly.”

“I know,” Red replied, quietly as instructed. Then he sighed. And didn’t say anything afterwards.

“Are you gonna tell me or what?” Andre asked.

“Yes,” Red hissed. “Just… don’t rush me.”

“Alright,” Andre muttered.

Red waited yet another moment, fidgeting with his hands, looking around the room. “Okay,” he finally said. “Here it is.” He sighed again, then finally looked into Andre’s eyes. “I didn’t kill Jake.”

Andre blinked, then drew back to briefly process this confession.

So Red hadn’t killed Jake. He wasn’t the kind the kind of psycho he was pretending to be. But…

Andre leaned back in. “Why did you say you killed him, then?”

“Because…” Red exhaled through his nose and looked away. “I wanted… people to leave me alone.”

“I mean, your personality was already enough to do that.”

“You don’t get it. Being an asshole doesn’t get everyone off your ass. I mean, you saw how Jake treated me. I didn’t want to deal with that kind of shit.”

Yeah, that was understandable.

“So… when Jake went missing,” Red continued, “I saw my chance and took it.”

Andre grasped his chin. So this was why Red had been acting out.

Actually, while Red was speaking truthfully…

“What about the murder that landed you here?” Andre asked. “Did you really kill a woman because she ‘didn’t know her place’?”

Red frowned. “I don’t wanna talk about that.”

“Yes or no.”

“I said I don’t wanna talk about it,” Red growled. “So I won’t. Besides, you said you didn’t wanna talk about your crime, and I respected that. You should do the same for me.”

Andre sighed. Fine. He’d switch back to the original subject. “So… you didn’t do anything at all to Jake?”

Red calmed right away. “No. I didn’t touch a hair on his porcine body,” he said, staring at his hands.

Andre quirked a brow. “Porcine?”

Red flinched. “It’s… it’s just a… word I heard on TV.”

Andre squinted. “Are you… ashamed of knowing a word like that?”

The demon scratched his arm. “I’m not… I’m not a nerd.”

“You’re a university student. In biology. You’ve got to be some kind of nerd.”

Red gave Andre a surprisingly distressed look.

“Wh…” Andre blinked. “Red, it’s fucking fine to be a nerd. I’m a nerd. Alice, that bat-demoness, she’s a nerd. Nerds are great.”

Red held a gaze, but then huffed. “Whatever. I’m not a nerd, though.” He glared back. “Don’t go telling people I’m a fuckin’ nerd.”

“I won’t,” Andre said, holding up his palm. He would have to tell Samson and Mr Ronove that Red confessed to not having killed Jake, though. It felt a little rotten breaking that promise when Red had shown such vulnerability, but a murder investigation came before Red’s feelings.

“Good,” Red said, then sighed. He appeared to struggle with some emotion for a moment, then sighed again and spoke. “Thanks, by the way.”

“For what?”

“For…” Red gestured to himself. “For saving my life, obviously. Dumbass…”

Andre smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Red crossed his arms. Andre figured soon that it was time for him to leave.

“Well, I better get going,” he said, getting up. “I don’t wanna be too late for my class.”

“Alright,” Red said. “See ya.”

“Yeah, see ya.”

Andre made his way back to the door and exited, heading straight to class. Halfway there, he realized that this was the first conversation he’d had with Red that had left him feeling nice.

Maybe it was one of more to come.


As lunch hour came, Andre went to the library. As he entered, he saw that the librarian was present. Good.

Wordlessly, Andre circled through the library to make sure that no one was there. Then he approached the librarian again.

“Could’ve told you that it was empty,” the librarian said in a friendly tone before Andre could get a word in.

Andre smiled with a huff. The librarian was a nice person. She was a heavier middle-aged woman with round glasses and curly gray-brown hair and, oddly, no visible demonic features. She did, however, have some kind of small black device strapped around her neck. Andre didn’t know what it was, but thought it might have been medical. And that’s not something you just ask about.

“I can just tell you what it is,” she said.

Andre flinched. Right. He had been staring. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“That’s alright,” she said. “You’re an angel. You wouldn’t know what it is.” She tapped on the hard plastic cover of the device. “It’s a suppressor. It’s so that my demonic features can’t come out.”

“Do they come out when you don’t want them to?”

“Not really,” she said. “It’s just that my features are… hazardous to be around. My demon form is that of a large toad with skin poisonous to the touch. Wouldn’t want that to come out accidentally. And, well, it’s a security measure as well.”

Andre nodded. “Ah.” He paused. “Does it… bother you, not being able to be in your demon form? Almost everyone seems to be in their demon form whenever they can help it.”

“Well, for demons, it’s a pride thing,” she explained. “And keeps you from getting confused with sinners. You don’t want to look like a sinner, no. You can get mauled on the street for that.”

Andre frowned. While he had no sympathy for the worst of the sinners, those ones were locked up, right? The ones walking on the streets were just assholes. If Blackwing didn’t consider those guys worthy of death on Earth, then they shouldn’t just be mauled at random in Hell. And what happened to them afterwards? Did anyone care enough to have their bodies regenerated? Or was their soul left alone to sink into stasis until its timer expired?

“I don’t like it, either,” the librarian said. “But I’m not sure what I can do about it. Anyone who campaigns for sinners’ rights gets laughed out of running. Sinners themselves can’t even run.”


“Oh, but we don’t have to talk about this,” the librarian said. “You’re here to exchange information, right?”

Andre nodded. “Yeah.” Just to be sure, he looked around again before speaking. “I spoke with Red this morning. He’s saying now that he didn’t kill Jake. That he was just acting like he had to scare people away.”

The librarian typed on the computer as she listened. At the end, she hummed. “Always thought that boy was putting on some kind of front.”

“I also tried to look for people with the knowhow to disable security cameras, but couldn’t come across any. So far, anyway.”

The librarian nodded, typing again.

“That’s all I have this time,” Andre said. “Anything for me?”

“Hold on a second. This thing can’t write and read messages at the same time.” She typed some more. “Alright, that’s your message sent. Let’s check the inbox…” More typing. Andre realized at that moment that the computer had no mouse. He supposed they hadn’t yet been invented - or at least popularized.

“Oh!” the librarian said. “New message. Exciting.” She paused to open it. “It’s from Mr Ronove,” she said. Then she read the message. She frowned and looked back to Andre.

“What is it?” Andre asked.

“Well…” she began. “It seems that another inmate has gone missing.”

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