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Clues and Things - OOC


Flygon connoisseur
  1. flygon
  2. swampert
  3. ho-oh
  4. crobat
  5. orbeetle
  6. joltik
  7. salandit
  8. tyrantrum
  9. porygon
Hello everyone, and welcome to the clues thread! Because the next phase of the mystery is beginning soon, I am introducing this thread. The primary purpose of this thread is to have a single central spot for players to post anything they think is a clue or seems relevant to the mystery. I myself will not be adding to this thread. This is expressly for players so that nobody misses anything important that someone else finds.

Generally, I recommend this thread be used to compile and centralize clues, while discussion will be easier done on the Discord. You may add clues however you see fit: linking to the post, screenshots, or quoting etc. You can also theorize on their meaning.

Good luck!


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
"So this might sound like a silly question, but hypothetically, would you leave the island here right after you arrived, before even eating? Like say, you came here but then left right away? Before doing anything?"
"Sorry for the weird question, but I was thinking the same thing. Why leave suddenly before doing anything. Thank you though, for your honest answer. I figured you seemed the sort to give an honest response. I don't want to take up any more of your time, so enjoy yourself! The food here is amazing."
Officer Jenny kinda passively spoke to Wes about the bug type dudebro leaving…

Drampa, who had been resting his head against his trainer, looked up as the Mightyena approached. "Oh, hello!" he rumbled, his voice deep yet gentle. "Apologies. My trainer is just sad today. She was really looking forward to meeting one of the other trainers you see. However, it seems they had to leave unexpectedly. I am sure her mood will lift soon..." He smiled reassuringly. A small part of him felt a little bad. Cheering up Reena was his job, he hadn't meant to disturb anyone else's festivities.
Drampa, however, outwardly mentions it.


Novice Ornithologist
  1. rowlet
  2. koraidon-apex
Just off one of the trails in the forest, caught in a bush, was a single feather. The base was white, followed by a thick red stripe and a black tip. Clearly its from the wing of a bird, but what kind? If one is familiar enough with different pokemon, they may recognize it as the feather of a Xatu...

But is it from a wild Xatu, or is it from a trainer's pokemon...?
Might not be important at first glance, but there's always "What If".


  1. sableye
I feel like speculating tonight.

Officer Jenny kinda passively spoke to Wes about the bug type dudebro leaving…

Drampa, however, outwardly mentions it.

In regards to the drampa thing... can't help but think there's some significance behind the line 'he hadn't meant to disturb anyone else's festivities'. The quote implies that his trainer was sad because the other trainer left. But I think that line implies that drampa is the reason the trainer is sad? So would that mean that drampa has something to do with the scizor trainer leaving/going missing?

I will add that that it could also mean that drampa is simply sad that he isn't able to lift his trainer's mood, while Mightyena does, but this conversation takes place before Mightyena interacts with the trainer herself, so how could the drampa know she'd suddenly be happy to see Mightyena?

I also considered, maybe it means drampa is sad that it disturbed Mightyena's festivities, by failing to cheer up his trainer and being forced to leave that task to another pokemon, but that just feels like I'm grasping at straws. I only mention it because I considered it, not because I think it has any merit.

Also worth considering, taken from the signup post:

Franklin and Scizor: A prominent bug trainer renowned for being able to ‘speak’ to bugs.

Not sure how relevant this could be, since there's no bug legendaries and no NPC trainer besides the missing one has a bug-type. I don't thiiiink anyone else brought along a bug, either?

So if we're going to assume foul play... what would be gained from removing The Bug Whisperer in a setting with No Bugs...?

Edited after catching up on some of the location scenes...

Saw this one in the infirmary, courtesy of Wallace and Victoria:
Other than that, there wasn't much else to see. On the desk was a sticky note that mentioned a favorite berry for a trainer's Scizor.
The sticky note seems to have been written by Nurse Joy as a reminder. It mentions a boy named Franklin and and his Scizor stopped by briefly yesterday to see if he could get some fresh Watmel berries, Scizor's favorite. The time note on it shows it was probably written after dinner yesterday. A box on a table nearby seems to contain a watmel berry, as if it was never picked up.

Also I vaguely recalled a scene talking about some kind of berry tree/bush (water veil cove? overgrow forest?) but I couldn't find it when I went back through.
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  1. sableye
Thoughts on this:

Might not be important at first glance, but there's always "What If".
Scanned the trainer/pair list a second time and no NPC nor player owns a xatu, and I didn't see any obvious connection of note between xatu and any of the legendary pokemon other than shared psychic-typing, so... I'm not sure the context of why this is being presented as important, but my first guess would be 'wild xatu'?

Edit for context, now that I've read the post itself:

Foresight used by Hanafuda/ Jack revealed this in Overgrow Forest, so it's definitely significant in some fashion. Literally no other information here that I could see, so. There was, at some point, a Xatu in the forest. That's all I got.
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  1. sableye
And one final thing that caught my eye, taken from Xavius' announcement in the main hall (sorry for triple post) :

A bright spotlight came on, shining on the upper balcony and revealing a man who was unquestionably their host, Xavian Montorzi.
“Now I must introduce the very Pokemon who made this whole event possible, Hoopa! Now, his full name is quite long, so he has asked me to use his nickname, so you may call him Orzo.”

I am 100% willing to accept that I am a tryhard looking too much into this, but it stuck out to me that "Montorzi" and "Orzo" are pretty similar names. Again, this could easily just be one of those "like trainer, like 'mon" naming things that's completely irrelevant, but given how early it is, I'm willing to point out anything that draws my eye.
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  1. butterfree
  2. mightyena
  3. charizard
  4. scyther-mia
  5. vulpix
  6. slugma
  7. chinchou
Fearow chirped and bobbed its head. “Wow,” Windi murmured. “I wonder if there’s more me’s out there... Is everyone here from different universes then?”

Xavian frowned briefly in thought before speaking. “Correct! I believe most everyone may be.”
I'm catching up and noticed this in the café - could just be flavor/characterization, but I feel like the way this makes a point of showing Xavian frowning and saying "most everyone" suggests some significance to the idea some people (presumably NPCs) are actually native to this universe, or else from the same universe as somebody else here.

Shiny Phantump

Through Dream, I Travel
  1. sylveon
  2. absol-mega
  3. silvally-psychic
  4. ninetales-phantump
  5. cosmog
  6. gallade-phantump
  7. ceruledge-phantump
Mind Reader has revealed something! Xavian is telling the truth about why he's holding this Festival.

Xavian is telling the truth! The exact nature of why they were chosen isn't something he can explain, but no malice or ill will can be found in his behaviour. Nor does he seem to know anything about the personal lives of his guests, beyond their names.
Pushed Xavian a little

He's gonna die isn't he? He's too naive to live.
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
But the first floor seems to hold something unusual. The scent of a boy and Scizor, heading into a room (judging by the door it must be one of the grass dorms) but no scent leaving. Did some trainer stay in his room all day?

There's something else strange as well. Another scent, in front of the door. A Hypno and a womans scent. Whatever that means. A visitor or something? The scent seems to stop outside the door, as far as one can tell. However, the door is locked from the inside.

Sleet's Odor Sleuth picked up some interesting info.


  1. sableye
Pushed Xavian a little

He's gonna die isn't he? He's too naive to live.

We also questioned Xerox, for anyone who hadn't wanted to read my five pages of text walls in the cafe, lol:

Xavian smiled brightly when she approached. "Ah, Miss Kimiko! I am delighted that you are enjoying everything so far. And to answer your question, why of course they came willingly!" He chuckled, almost as if to himself. "I cannot fathom how I'd force such beings to come here." He smiled wryly. "Although at the risk of sounding pedantic, the pokemon Clink invited are classified as 'mythical' pokemon in my world."

He paused, taking a sip of his drink. "I'll tell you a little secret though. The real reason the mythical pokemon agreed to come is because..." he leaned a little closer. "-they too wish to meet unique humans. You see, Clink explained to me that much in the same way humans try to seek legendary and mythical pokemon, they sometimes try to seek out good people. People who truly care deeply for their pokemon, and are quite close to them. So this Festival is a as much a chance for trainers to see mythical pokemon as it is a chance for mythical pokemon to meet those special trainers."

"I hope that eases your concerns?"

Mind Reader allows you to see through any deceptions. Xavian is telling the truth! The mythical pokemon are here of their own free will, and are truly here to meet unique trainers.

(As I mentioned on the discord thread,) I have to keep reminding myself that this is a Tetra campaign and therefore this may actually be the case.


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Okay, so Franklin and Scizor have suddenly "gone home without warning" after arriving. What I'm gathering thus far.

-Officer Jenny was trying to prod Abra!Wes about it.

-Falkor (Drampa) mentions to Mightyena that Reena is a little sad because she was supposed to meet with Franklin that morning so he could teach her about talking to bugs, but he suddenly left.

-Nurse Joy had a note about Franklin's Scizor's favorite berry. The box of berries was never picked up.

-Sleet found that Frankln and Scizor's scent never left his room. Then it seems staff member Amara and her Hypno went to his room, scent stops outside the door, but it's locked from the inside.

-Seemingly unrelated, but Jack found a feather that looks like it belongs from a Xatu, but might also belong to another Pokemon? Do Scizor have feathers lmaoooooooooooo

-Xerox is not lying and seems sincere so far. Might die.


  1. So basically I am convinced that Franklin and Scizor are either dead in their room, or were kidnapped out of their room. Or they snuck out of their room at night, got caught, and "disposed of" (like, hmmmmmm why are we confined to our rooms at night??? Is this some creepypasta shit where some anomalies roam the island at night and we're told to stay in our rooms to stay safe from them????? Hmmmmmmm)
  2. The fact that a staff member went to Franklin's room either tells me that she A.) Just went looking for him because he never left his room or B.) Absolutely helped dispose of his body


Hoenn around
  1. aggron
  2. lairon
The fact that a staff member went to Franklin's room either tells me that she A.) Just went looking for him because he never left his room or B.) Absolutely helped dispose of his body
Going to toss this out there but Amara and Hypno were the ones to bring us to this island's dimension. Why could they not also be the ones to send us away for whatever reason?

It didn't seem like there was any other way off the island (the boat dock we at which we arrived is empty), and at the beach where the dock is, Aggron's odor sleuth didn't pick anything up (like the presence of a Scizor).

Safe to say if they left the island, it wasn't via boat.

(Also note I am fully prepared for this Franklin business to be a red herring and we're going to get blindsided by something else)


Cosmic Guardian
The Circle
  1. luxio
Then it seems staff member Amara and her Hypno went to his room, scent stops outside the door, but it's locked from the inside.

just want to throw this out there randomly, but although the description does specify a Hypno and woman, that doesn't mean it has to be specifically Amara! It could be any other female NPC who could have somehow convinced Hypno to go along with this whole thing. 🤔


Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Fine... I was near the beach and I heard the scream and I glimpsed something through the trees. Something yellow or gold colored. Right near where the scream was from. Maybe a yellow-ish pokemon, I don't know. Didn't get a close look. I freaked and got scared and ran before I could see anything else though.



Or wit’s Alakazam lmaoooo in which case RUN WES RUN



Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Listen. I don't trust you, I don't trust anyone here. I just came to this island to battle strong trainers. Not party, not relax, not to play around and make friends. Whatever happened to her isn't my problem. And I didn't see anything, so leave me alone." He stared calmly back at Wes and the girl. He could feel Alakazam beside him, waves of annoyance pulsing from his mind.

"Are we done letting these trainers play amateur detective?" he asked privately. "I grow tired of their questions."
Okay well just confirmed here that Noro is telling the truth about all this, but he just said he didn’t see anything, not that he doesn’t know anything. Still on my radar, but a little less than Hypno and Grumpig rn. Waiting for more from Blair provided Odette didn’t fucking scare her off by chasing her.


  1. sableye
Okay well just confirmed here that Noro is telling the truth about all this, but he just said he didn’t see anything, not that he doesn’t know anything. Still on my radar, but a little less than Hypno and Grumpig rn. Waiting for more from Blair provided Odette didn’t fucking scare her off by chasing her.

Would just like to put this on hold a sec until we actually get confirmation, because Yellow and I noticed a detail that as of yet remains unresolved:

Hmm. A ping from Neo told him that this boy wasn’t lying. Still, he only said he hadn’t seen anything. Not that he didn’t know anything.

Edit: Nevermind, you said this already, I need to stop jumping the gun.

Edit2: Okay, essentially confirmed now.
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Angy Tumbleweed
In Guzma's Closet
  1. sylveon-shiny
  2. gothitelle
  3. froslass
  4. chandelure
  5. mimikyu
Would just like to put this on hold a sec until we actually get confirmation, because Yellow and I noticed a detail that as of yet remains unresolved:
Yes I mentioned that 😂


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui

"Flown off?" Jenny paused for a long moment. "Theoretically I suppose. The sand was so disturbed its possible some kind of flying pokemon could have tried to take her somehow... Although how would it get away without being seen?"
So. This right here got me thinking. What Pokémon is psychic type, is yellow/gold, can fly, and turn itself invisible?

Shiny Latias.

Now it might be a reach, but let’s not overlook how common shiny pokemon are on this island. Above all, I want to direct everyone’s attention to the name of one of the locations: Dragons’ Maw.

Not Dragon’s Maw. Dragons’ Maw. Plural. Latios and Latias almost always come as a pair.

Idk I could be totally off-base here but I wanted to throw it out there.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
A few shirts were left in the drawers, a jacket hung in the closet, and even toothbrush still by the sink. And beside his bed lay his backpack, seemingly still full of supplies. He hadn't even bothered to steal the complimentary coffee before leaving. Outside looked normal enough. Scizor scent, indicating he'd lingered or slept out here, and tracks in the ground. No signs of a struggle.

At first, sniffing around only revealed the expected scents - earth and grass, the scent of the boy, and the faint steely scent of a Scizor. But a thorough, deep sniffing reveals something else in the air... Something odd. It's not a scent you can properly place. A little bit chemical-like, but a little sweet too? But still unpleasant. And distinctive. It's very faint by now, but there's enough to make note of.

Even if you can't figure out what it is now, you'll definitely know if you smell it again!

Other than that, it seems to be only other scent in the room.
The results of investigating Franklin’s room. Aura Reader yielded no results. I suspect some form of drug was used and then they were teleported away, since there was no struggle, there’s an odd chemical smell, and the door was still locked from the inside.


Gym Leader
  1. suicune
  2. umbreon
  3. mew
  4. lycanroc-wes
  5. leafeon-rui
Amara stared at her evenly, but decided to ignore the comment. "I came to the forest to search for precisely the reason I told you. This is the most likely spot on the island to try and hide. And the last spot Honzo detected Kalo was at the forests edge, on the path to the Main Hall. By all intents it seemed he'd stopped, turned around, then vanished a few steps later with his Xatu by teleporting. I supposed that if the trainers were taken or being hidden, it might have been here. Truly, that is all I know. And as for suspicions..." She stared into the distance for several seconds.
Confirmation that Kalo & Xatu disappeared in Overgrow Forest. Sounds like something caught their attention before they vanished.
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