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Blitz 2024: Feedback and Reflective


House of Two Midnights
Review Blitz 2024: Feedback and Reflective

With this year's Review Blitz now over, it's time to sit back, relax, and reflect on how the event went! This thread is for you to express any feedback you might have about the event, positive or negative. In particular, I'm curious about people's opinions on:

- The new heat bonus. Did you like it? Do you think it could be improved, or would you rather we didn't use it again?
- Event timing. Several people on Discord have expressed that they would have preferred a Sunday (UTC) end to the event rather than Saturday. Would you prefer that Blitz run Sunday to Sunday instead of Saturday to Saturday?

However, feel free to talk about whatever you'd like here. Elements of the event that you enjoyed or didn't, things you'd like to see in the future or hope don't return! Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the Blitz and that we'll see you all again next year!


Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
I think Sunday to Sunday is more reasonable, yeah. No real opinion on the heat bonus. I didn't take much advantage of it — natch, given an overwhelming majority of my points came from a fic by someone who's mainly using TR to syndicate the fic — so I could take it or leave it. I don't really think it drew any new eyes to my stuff. It just got the people who were already saying they wanted to review my stuff to review it earlier on in the blitz.

I do think the changes to week 2 made a big difference for me, though. Having gotten fewer reviews over all, that week 2 bonus was likely a contributing factor to my fic getting the attention it did (week 2 was its best week). So, definitely keep that going into the next blitz.

Blackjack Gabbiani

Merely a collector
  1. shaymin
  2. dusknoir
The review logging site needs to be more stable. I'm not sure how to accomplish that though. I just know that I had to speak up several times when it wouldn't let me log in or keep me logged in. It didn't recognize basic information and at one point I needed to resubmit a review I had submitted several days before because it didn't "take" for some reason, though it had told me initially that it had.


Pokémon Trainer
Honolulu, HI
  1. minccino
  2. espurr
I don't have any reflections to offer since I ultimately wound up not participating this year, but there are two things I can offer an opinion on:

Event timing. Several people on Discord have expressed that they would have preferred a Sunday (UTC) end to the event rather than Saturday. Would you prefer that Blitz run Sunday to Sunday instead of Saturday to Saturday?

I would personally prefer Sunday as the end day! That way, it gives an extra day off from work, and starting on Sunday doesn't matter too much since you can still prep read the day before.


And then, this was on Discord, but I remember seeing a request to have an extra mini-blitz event added to the year? I would like to second this! If blitz stays in its usual December/January slot, and we have the anniversary mini-blitz in April, then adding an additional mini blitz in August or September makes it a nice round ~4 months-ish between each event.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
Def. Going to agree with a mini blitz later in tthe year. It'll give all those people with r.l. complications a fair chance to blitz and hopefully give some traffic to the stpries that aren't getting much attention past one month per year.

I didnt see the heat bonus in action tbh so i can't really call it useful or not. It didnt influence my choices at least in fic picks.

As for which day it ends... a sunday to sunday does make more sense and seems favorable to others so it might be a good idea nex ttime


That's "I come anon 6"
northern Virginia
  1. alakazam
If it makes the beginnings/endings of week-bonuses clearer and mathematically simpler (7 days each), I could see a Monday-Sunday cycle working. Concluding at the end of a full weekend seems to be more important than starting during the weekend.


House of Two Midnights
Okay, thus far a Sunday-Sunday schedule sounds like it has the most support! I will plan to go ahead with that for now, unless I hear that people would prefer something else.

If it makes the beginnings/endings of week-bonuses clearer and mathematically simpler (7 days each), I could see a Monday-Sunday cycle working. Concluding at the end of a full weekend seems to be more important than starting during the weekend.
Ah, yeah, to clarify, it would be Sunday-Sunday from my perspective (EST), but that would actually mean the event starts Monday (UTC). So we'd be looking at Monday-Sunday for anyone in a time zone aligning with UTC.

A few people now have mentioned the possibility of running an additional mini Blitz. That is doable, and like Mirage said, it would most likely take place in August or September. For anyone who might be interested in that sort of an event, is there anything in particular you might want to see from it to distinguish it from our other reviewing events? Or would something like "write 3-5 reviews, win a prize," like the anniversary mini Blitz, be what you'd like to see?

The review logging site needs to be more stable. I'm not sure how to accomplish that though. I just know that I had to speak up several times when it wouldn't let me log in or keep me logged in. It didn't recognize basic information and at one point I needed to resubmit a review I had submitted several days before because it didn't "take" for some reason, though it had told me initially that it had.
Sorry you had so much trouble with the app this year! We'll do our best to have it running smoothly for the next event.


Loony Moony
  1. scorbunny
  2. buneary
I don't really mind going between either Sunday to Sunday or Saturday to Saturday in the grand scheme of things, but I do have a slight feeling that Sunday would probably be the more practical day, especially if anyone is busy working late on Friday.

As for the heat bonus, I can definitely see the idea behind it, but I wasn't sure if it was really contributing that much to the reviews. A few of us did end up reaching 3.0 heat but then no one was biting after those bonuses for some time, and at the other end of the spectrum, those who were getting lower and lower, and probably couldn't rebuild their heat bonus afterwards. Perhaps allow the minimum heat bonus to stay at 1, then either increase the bonus you get from heat for a certain value or just allow heat to reach 5.0 or something. And that is not counting anyone who can't get that many reviews/chapters out on either end.

A mini-blitz down the line would be a nice idea. Maybe a weeklong or two week long event in the Summer?

Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, this one took me a bit longer than I anticipated to get to, but I figured that it was time to get in my own two cents for the upcoming year:

However, feel free to talk about whatever you'd like here. Elements of the event that you enjoyed or didn't, things you'd like to see in the future or hope don't return! Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the Blitz and that we'll see you all again next year!

All-in-all, I had fun with it. I felt like I got a bit more done in Review Blitz 5, but this Review Blitz happened at a bit of a tumultuous time in my life, so I can't really complain about how things turned out. I did think that the scoring was a little biased to "short with lots of chapter" stories again, but that's been a constant of Review Blitzes for a while now, and it might be kinda inseparable from the nature of the event.

- The new heat bonus. Did you like it? Do you think it could be improved, or would you rather we didn't use it again?

I actively attempted to earn it throughout the event, and there were some users where I pulled reviews that I planned forward or else went out on a limb to check out that I probably wouldn't have and then just run out of time to check them out later on. I did notice that some of the participants were stuck at higher heat bonuses for a while, but it mostly evened out. The main exceptions that I noticed were a couple of users like @Inyssa and @JFought who logged most of their reviews towards the end of the event when a lot of users were going back to pick up repeat bonuses and the like, and wound up ending the event with a max bonus.

A part of me wonders if the heat bonus would've have been more effective at eventually driving the numbers closer to zero towards the end (which is the ideal since it's implying a roughly 1:1 ratio of reviewed chapters given to reviewed chapters received) if it were redeemable once per week for authors instead of once for the entire event, since it might have helped the late-bloomers a bit more.

- Event timing. Several people on Discord have expressed that they would have preferred a Sunday (UTC) end to the event rather than Saturday. Would you prefer that Blitz run Sunday to Sunday instead of Saturday to Saturday?

I mean, I'll admit, I was one of those guys who liked the "mostly January" timeslots from past Review Blitzes a bit more, but splitting Blitz roughly 50-50 between 2024 and 2025 wasn't terrible. Though regarding the Blitz question, my preferred interval would actually be a Saturday to Sunday event kinda like Review Blitz 5 was, where Week 4 that year had an extra day to it. Since Review Blitz being a 29-day event last year helped out a lot for getting last-minute chapters in under my belt that this year I had to leave on the table for this Blitz.

That said, if all future Review Blitzes will strictly be 28-day affairs, then chalk me down for being on Team Sunday to Sunday.

Beyond that, the only other thing that I'll note is that Review Blitz as fun as it is seems to encourage a very lopsided distribution of reviews on this site through the year where a huge chunk of activity happens in the span of those 28-ish days. Like I get that people have lives and all, so it's not like we can just constantly be review factories, but it does make me wonder if it'd be worth having 2 or 3 7-day long mini-Blitzes as accompanying events during the year to try and spread things out a bit. It'd also give people that dip their toes in the water after January more of an opportunity to get prompt-ish feedback on this site beyond joining games like Catnip or else waiting until the next Review Blitz.

Just some food for thought, but altogether, I had a good time, and thought the mods did a pretty good job with hosting this year's Blitz. Here's to many more in the future.
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Venia Silente

For your ills, I prescribe a cat.
At the 0-divisor point of the Riemann AU Earth
  1. nidorino
  2. blaziken
  3. fearow
  4. empoleon
Good to see this kind of event still going.

This year for me Weeks 2 and 3 were the best ones in terms of what stuff could I do and how good it felt. Week 4... not anywhere near that much, but I can explain most of that below.

On Weekends: Was definitively affected by the timeline being partitioned across Saturdays instead of Sundays; it's not really a good idea to spend one day with some amount of focus to participate in the event, then detouring for IRL for the next 4-5 days and then getting back in a hurry to try and collect the pieces. Just about the only advantage I can see to Saturdays is that you can begin every week partition feeling that you can achieve something useful, in particular in cases such as the one-shot focus week where you can go for the good stuff bingo drabbles.

On Heat Bonus: I can't say I noticed it much, or at least it didn't really factor into my enjoyment of the event. I think it's a good idea to retain it tho in that it adds a bit of "keep paying attention to the community" factor rather than inducing you to withdraw to your desk to write reviews.

The calculation might need some slight dynamic adjustments, as from what I recall it weighs reviews you write (work you do) vs reviews you get (work you don't do) the exact same, meaning it unnaturally skews attention during the final week - the kinda sorta "everything goes" / "spread" week in RB notation, away from stories with low Heat and therefore more likely to have already gotten the least attention. If I got the correct vibes, it encourages minmaxing rather than spreading during the final week.

On Prizes: The prizes remain as usual, and it's always a surprise to see what people come up with. I mean, crotchet, really!!! Makes me feel like I am in a club of fancy literates, but unfortunately I don't have a monocle. Also the arts, review stuff, etc. I wanted to contribute something like a drabble or a review this year, but decided to forgo it considering this event already consists in having to do a lot of writing.

One thing that I feel is a major influential point to feedback on however is the general schedule of the event. Having this be the one big event of the year induces a sort of "dark pattern", of potentials such as reviews are hoarded during the year to post them during the event, as has been commented somewhat already. Now, this is not necessarily bad, but still, reviewing energy as well as other resources such as time are finite, after all, and concentrating that energy in just about the same weeks as the December and January festivities feels to me somewhat like being contractually obligued to at least a minimum amount of overtime.

I think the idea of having mini-blitzes across the year might help palliate this and other issues regarding the degree of participation severely, because one can also spread their other activities as a result. Tho I'm wondering if those mini-blitzes should be a partition of the main event, versus being their own separate things (ie.: sharing the same score or rules across the year, etc). I have no particular inclination either way, tho in my previous experience organizing events the former is just so much more peace of mind...

Finally, one aspect that drew me out of this event more than in previous years was what I think is an accidental combination effect of the mechanics for Week 4 and the Heat Bonus: I got enough points for a basic prize, but once that was accounted for there was no way to get enough points that was useful and healthy during the event proper on my own power, probably not even with Heat minmaxing. As such, once I got to Week 4 I felt pretty much "locked out" from the Blitz as an event, which is a weird kind of abandonment or de-commitment to be guided to feel as the event draws to a close.

I'm not even sure if it's a thing that needs fixing, or just a "geographical accident" of the event format, but just leaving in the record of how it grabbed me for the last week, as I had already commented on the Discord.

I think that would be all, for the most part.
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Unrepentent Giovanni and Rocket fan
I have to admit having smaller events to build points, to then apply to a bigger event,would be worlds less stressful then making one mad dash during (for me) the busiest tume of the year. Especially if the point to earn a prize stay as high as they are next time.

The only reason i netted all those points previously was one year i had time i scheduled off to blitz (and do other holiday themed things) and the other i was off due to being injured and had nothing else i could literally do.

This year i wound up unable to take any time off... and had i been aiming for prizes wouldnt of been able to get much.

Also the smaller events would be farer to those with end year scheduling conflicts. It seemed like there were a lot in my "pre blitz prep" forum.


House of Two Midnights
Lots of great feedback this year! Thanks, everyone.

As for the heat bonus, I can definitely see the idea behind it, but I wasn't sure if it was really contributing that much to the reviews. A few of us did end up reaching 3.0 heat but then no one was biting after those bonuses for some time, and at the other end of the spectrum, those who were getting lower and lower, and probably couldn't rebuild their heat bonus afterwards. Perhaps allow the minimum heat bonus to stay at 1, then either increase the bonus you get from heat for a certain value or just allow heat to reach 5.0 or something. And that is not counting anyone who can't get that many reviews/chapters out on either end.
A part of me wonders if the heat bonus would've have been more effective at eventually driving the numbers closer to zero towards the end (which is the ideal since it's implying a roughly 1:1 ratio of reviewed chapters given to reviewed chapters received) if it were redeemable once per week for authors instead of once for the entire event, since it might have helped the late-bloomers a bit more.
Thanks for the feedback on the heat bonus! I do plan to keep it in the future--comparing the stats from 2023 to 2024, we did have a closer ratio of reviews received to given for most people, so I hope it helped at least a little bit. I think we'll probably want to experiment with it a bit over the coming years before we settle on a final implementation, so I'll keep these tweaks in mind for future events.

Spiteful Murkrow said:
I mean, I'll admit, I was one of those guys who liked the "mostly January" timeslots from past Review Blitzes a bit more, but splitting Blitz roughly 50-50 between 2024 and 2025 wasn't terrible. Though regarding the Blitz question, my preferred interval would actually be a Saturday to Sunday event kinda like Review Blitz 5 was, where Week 4 that year had an extra day to it. Since Review Blitz being a 29-day event last year helped out a lot for getting last-minute chapters in under my belt that this year I had to leave on the table for this Blitz.

That said, if all future Review Blitzes will strictly be 28-day affairs, then chalk me down for being on Team Sunday to Sunday.
I'd prefer to keep the event to 28 days rather than 29 so there's no weirdness with one theme being "worth more" than the others, and the app is set up with an assumption of each theme week being 7 days (though obviously it is possible to do a 29-day event, it's just a little weird). I may think about doing something like having a 29th day that's some kind of "Blitz Madness" period that it's own thing, which would allow a Saturday to Sunday run... we'll see.

Venia Silente said:
Finally, one aspect that drew me out of this event more than in previous years was what I think is an accidental combination effect of the mechanics for Week 4 and the Heat Bonus: I got enough points for a basic prize, but once that was accounted for there was no way to get enough points that was useful and healthy during the event proper on my own power, probably not even with Heat minmaxing. As such, once I got to Week 4 I felt pretty much "locked out" from the Blitz as an event, which is a weird kind of abandonment or de-commitment to be guided to feel as the event draws to a close.
Thanks, I'll take a look at whether there's anything that can perhaps fill the gap between level 1 and level 2 prizes, although the higher-tier prizes will always be farther apart than the lower-tier ones by virtue of necessity: there are fewer of them to go around, so the cost for them also has to be steeper.

I think the idea of having mini-blitzes across the year might help palliate this and other issues regarding the degree of participation severely, because one can also spread their other activities as a result. Tho I'm wondering if those mini-blitzes should be a partition of the main event, versus being their own separate things (ie.: sharing the same score or rules across the year, etc). I have no particular inclination either way, tho in my previous experience organizing events the former is just so much more peace of mind...
I have to admit having smaller events to build points, to then apply to a bigger event,would be worlds less stressful then making one mad dash during (for me) the busiest tume of the year. Especially if the point to earn a prize stay as high as they are next time.
My primary concern with people having the ability to bank/roll over points from one review event to the next is that we ultimately don't have that many Level 3 prizes to go around, and I'd worry that we'd end up overtaxing our prize volunteers. (This was also why the cost of level 3 prizes was raised this year.) Some kind of prize or achievement for participating in multiple reviewing events throughout the year could be possible, though.
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