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Pokémon Another PMD2 Ending (oneshot lol)


Custom title:
The Moon
This was made for practice before anything else. That is why it has a somewhat abrupt ending, and starts at the end of a story. However, I am working on a sequel using the characters and universe, so I will post it regardless. I do not see this story as 100% representative of my current skills at writing, but regardless, I hope people enjoy it.

“Focus Punch, Violent Seeds and bam. Easy money.”

A male Riolu sat in front of a campfire, doodling on a small canvas. The world around that fire was unknown under the night sky, and the Riolu worried for his companion. A female Vulpix, and she was constantly spewing embers into the burning wood.

“Rian, where did you get that canvas?” she said, taking her attention off the light for once.

“Well, Spinda told me they didn’t need it, so I bought it for 50P. Why, Kuzu?” Kuzu sneered at him.

“You know how much I hate when you buy things without telling me. It’s our money, not yours.” Rian could only sheepishly laugh that off, though he internally had to curb his anxieties. “Haha, understood, please don’t kill me.”

“Of course I won’t kill you. I’ll just buy something for 100P without you knowing. Oughta’ teach you to be considerate.”

Rian huffed. “What are you, my Mother?”

“Will be if you don’t cut that attitude, young man.” Finally, the two broke down into laughter. It was all for laughs and giggles- until she got really mad. Thankfully, Rian could see it wasn’t one of those nights.

“Anywho,” Kuzu got back Rian’s attention, “what is your plan again? I didn’t really pay much attention.” It was the fire fox’s time to look sheepish, and Rian couldn’t help but think she was adorable. He waved his paw back to the baby-Pokemon sized canvas, Kuzu blanked out at the crude drawing on it. “Here is the plan-”

“Hahahaha!” Kuzu broke down into laughter, this human-turned-Pokemon was definitely not an artist. Rian attempted to make a Vulpix, and ended up with what looked like a log with two triangles for ears. The Dialga was smaller than Rian’s interpretation of himself, of which took around fifty-percent of the paper- and of course, he got things like eyes and more. Kuzu would feel a bit insulted if she wasn’t on her back dying from obscene giggling.

“It’s not funny.” Rian had a hurt face, and as Kuzu noticed, she felt bad. “... sorry.” Rian crossed his arms and pouted, plopping himself back down to the ground. Kuzu knew she went too far. Well, more like she went another three laps around the line.

Rian stared idly into the campfire while she slowly walked over to him. The fire would run out soon, but she had a one-track mind. She could tell he was trying to not look towards her, and she didn’t blame him. She wasn’t the best at showing affection, could be mean, and she sometimes wondered why he stuck with her. Kuzu felt a bit fuzzy in her chest as she thought of what to do, and ultimately decided to do what a lot of quadrupedal Pokemon were good at- being a means to relaxation.

“Uh…” If she didn’t have similarly colored fur Rian would be able to see a blush. Rian gave her a look of trusting, and as he consented, she curled around in his lap like a pet.

“I’m sorry, Rian. I was just mean, and that’s not right.” Rian smiled a bit down at her. Part of him, the small human part, told him to slowly stroke her back. Her fur was soft, almost royal in how clean it was kept. Her body shuddered to the alien touch- again, lack of affection, but she started to enjoy it rather quickly.

Rian knew what she did had no caveats, was just rude and mean, but he couldn’t stay mad. He knew that after they beat Dialga and saved the world, he’d lose his ability to be with her- the one he lov- liked. Yeah.

The fire went out. Neither of them really minded though, Kuzu’s warmth was enough for them to share.They both closed their eyes and drifted off to a land where they weren’t at Temporal Tower’s base.

That world was short lived, they woke up curled next to each other, and it felt like they had a soothing portal closed off. Today was the day they were going to fight the insane Dialga, and all that was in the way was a large tower, many Pokemon, so many floors, and a limited item pool.

Kuzu was quick to start up a fire- even though it was day, Rian still found this land in the sky to be dizzyingly cold. Lapras should’ve warned him, he thought.

“So Rian, uh… Plan?” Kuzu asked the Riolu. This was awkward, but Rian sighed and got to it.

“So, we found those documents that said Dialga is a Steel-type, right?” Rian started. Kuzu nodded so he continued. “Well, I’m a Fighting-type of course, and I have the move Focus Punch. So, what if I use a Violent Seed, and you distract the Dialga as I charge up? Bingo bango, that’s a dead… steelo.”

Kuzu face-palmed, which served to make Rian laugh. He needed that, his spirits needed to be at an all-time high tonight- he had the hardest part physically and mentally.

The Vulpix didn’t make it easier for him. “Hm. If only Grovyle was still here, we need all the power we can get if we”—Kuzu stopped herself, remembering Rian’s connection—“s-so! Anyways, I scouted before you woke up. Right at the entrance is a Kangaskhan Statue, so we can get anything we need. I suppose you’re in charge of that as always, right?” Rian nodded.

“Yeah, lemme take a look.” Kuzu followed Rian, pushing her warm, clean fur up against his comparatively dirty hairs. World of difference, but it wasn’t the uncleanliness that made Kuzu’s heart thump at that moment. Rian thanked her mentally for that, and he also needed her bag to take everything he needed. Maxing out their equipment stash.

“So, what are we gonna bring, Rian?”

That was a good question. Of course, the aforementioned Violent Seed was his plan, but they had a long way to go before they made it to the top. Its shadow went down the islands behind them, and anyone for miles could see the spires- yet never the top.

Reviver Seeds were always good. “-so are Oran berries, and for scarves we should bring Weather types… and, oh.” Rian noticed Kuzu slumping more against him- his rambling must have made her nap. “I’m not that boring, am I?” Kuzu woke up and yipped, “A necessary boring, but boring nonetheless.”

It took about five minutes for Rian to sort out the items they would be taking. Kuzu was bored as her leader made her stand by the entire time. He snatched her bag without a second thought to fill it up with goodies, all that appeared with some weird properties. As Kangaskhan once told Kuzu: “bla bla bla, Hoopa helping, bla bla.” Good info.

“Well then, we’re ready to enter.”

Kuzu dragged herself off of his warm pelt, groaning like she slept for only an hour last night. Reminded Rian of alarm clocks, but he didn’t quite remember what those were- only that humans hated them. She took back her bag and had Rian help put it around her back, which only made her pout. She hated getting help like that, but they didn’t have time for a silly argument.

Without word, they both entered the dark tower, unaware of the horrors that would await them. A floor later, they already hated this place.

“Okay, these Porygons are really ticking me off.” Rian used a Force Palm against the wall by accident, only to recoil… Hurt. Kuzu huffed. “You think those are bad? At least you can deal with them with a Fighting-move, I have to deal with these Solrocks and Lunatones.”

Many Pokemon surrounded the two- they alerted their presence to the entire floor. “Permission to shut up and not die?” Rian asked. “Agreed.”

The room was pretty small, but so were all of the Pokemon involved. Solrock and Lunatone stacked against a Western wall, Porygon with a dizzying amount of electricity floated in front of the two heroes, forcing them to split up. Rian who was already on the left was given the Rock-type twins, and Kuzu was given a Bronzor and Golbat to face off against.

Rian used a Quick Attack in attempt to lead into a kick to the Solrock, but the Porygon from afar stopped him in his tracks- it sent a Psybeam to his trajectory path, which it calculated with precision. “Ugh.” He was winded by the super-effective hit, laying face-first on the ground with the two Psychic Pokemon hovering towards him.

Kuzu tried to aim a continuous Flamethrower towards the Golbat, only for the one Pokemon she presumed as weak to stop her. The Bronzor that retreated to the hallway entree used Psychic to stop her. She rushed towards the Steel-type in retaliation, her mouth filled with fire… Only for the Porygon in the middle of the room to use Psybeam, pushing her into the hard wall. “Oof!”

Both Riolu and Vulpix caught each other's eyes, they nodded in agreement. They stood up and glared at the Porygon- it was their current target. Rian had to jump to the side from two Psybeams aimed at his back. He flashed the two enemies a smirk. The Riolu charged after the floating Normal-type, his paw glowing in potential. Rian spotted his partner running too, a Flamethrower charged for so long would hurt even more.

Just as Kuzu’s muzzle couldn’t take its own scorching heat, she released a massive Flamethrower- no, a Fire Blast towards the Porygon, which expected an easy to dodge Fire-attack. With its focus on the Vulpix, Rian jumped towards it from behind, pushing his charged palm into the Porygon and sending it flying down to the hard floor.

Even Kuzu cringed. But only for a second, she had other things to do, like half-hazardly sending another Flamethrower into the Bronzor’s tunnel, “That ground is your new place. Hmpf.” Soon, scorched bat hit the floor.

Rian had a bit more struggle, but with complete knowledge on how hard the environment was, he Quick Attacked onto the Solrock’s face. After a hard kick into the wall, he did the same to its counterpart. They stayed down.

“Well, glad that’s over with.” Rian dusted his hands. There wasn’t dust, he just wanted to look cool.

“Yeah, nice moves back there. That Force Palm made me want to hide behind my Mother.”

Rian laughed, “Your Fire Blast made me want to get a restraining order.

Kuzu laughed, “You make it sound like we’re a bickering, old couple.

Rian fell into a laughing fit. “Yeah, that’d be funny! But eh, we’re nothing like that.”

Grovyle felt a disturbance in the force, like someone said the biggest bullshit he’d never hear.

“Anywho, we need to keep going. I don’t think there is anything else on this floor of note.” Rian nodded to Kuzu, she of course agreed with her leader. “Let’s find the stairs already, I think that was every enemy…”

It was a bit easier from there. With the knowledge that the two hated Porygons with a passion, they swiftly took them out with their combo attacks. Bronzor were light annoyances that made Kuzu laugh disturbingly, almost making Rian regret his life choices, until she realized one had Heatproof, and then he did regret his life decisions. Golbats frightened Rian until he realized that these dungeon-Pokemon were never actually smart enough to use their flying advantage, and he Force Palmed them into Kuzu’s annoyed attacks. Solrock and Lunatone gave them troubles, but only because in groups they were dangerous.

By the time they stopped counting floors, they reached the second half of the dungeon. Temporal Spire. They didn’t realize it at first, though.

“Kuzu, I think your data is incorrect. Your ability is certainly not Flash Fire, it’s definitely Motherly Annoyance. Boost of attacks when the slightest thing bugs you the wrong way.”

“Oh yeah? Well, you supposedly have the ability Inner Focus, but you can’t focus on anything other than weird strategies. Maybe all humans are weird like that- why don’t you just punch everything instead of making those plans?”

“Oh, we’re in a new part of the dungeon now.” Kuzu huffed. “Hey, don’t try to disrupt my comeback- Oh, you’re right.”

The appearance of the reiterating terrain had changed, and out the small windows littered in rooms was a light red hue. “Must be getting closer to night,” Rian noted.

“Wait- we have to hurry up then. We only have by tonight to get the Time Gears into place!” Kuzu was freaking out, before Rian hugged her tightly.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make it,” he cooed, trying to calm her down. They’d have to go faster than the first half- less chit-chat, more running.

That didn’t make Rian, who knew that this was his last day alive, happy at all. But, he’d do it… Part of his Riolu half told him that doing the right thing at all costs was always the correct strategy.

The next fifteen floors were a mad dash to the top. Riolu with his hands flying behind him, charging his signature move at all times. All to save time. Special, sacred time. What he wished he had more of.

Kuzu noticed he had a very serious look on his face, he didn’t seem like the usual Rian she knew. He seemed like a stereotypical, knightly Riolu. He also had a face that she could only describe as a “I know something you don’t,” and she already started making her guesses.

The human started to give into the dull yet thrilling fast and effective Riolu tendencies, pulling off graceful attacks with much respect for the foes he mowed down. Kuzu could only watch from behind, panting as he seemed to be an unstoppable force- only asking to eat an apple every few floors. Some floors were filled with weather-setters, Pokemon that put up weather, and he just kept a berry in his mouth at all times. It was a useful tactic, and Kuzu stole it- great way to save… time. Rian seemed like a madman, but one dedicated to one sole mission. But it wasn’t just Dialga, Kuzu noticed. He made sure to not stare directly into his partner’s eyes… He was ignoring her. She deduced the reason by the last floor.

They entered the last staircase and found themselves in a spiraling world, it felt like the dimension itself was croaking for attention. It needed help, and the red and glowing Dialga was not ready to give it said attention.

Kuzu knew Rian hated the cold, and despite even her sneezing, Rian, no, Riolu walked up to the Dialga with the utmost confidence. He was completely enshrouded with his goal of not letting himself fail by seeing her.

“Violent Seed.” He knew there would be a fight, and when Kuzu tossed one from her maw to him, he grabbed it without even looking back. While she would normally think that was cool, the context made it the opposite.

The Riolu would quickly run straight towards Dialga, and Kuzu thought he had a death wish. He was fighting like an animal. The Violent Seed went down his gullet.

Kuzu rushed to the scene, the purple clouds told her there was little time before the world collapsed. But, as soon as she took her footing- she was mortified. Rian tried to punch the head of Dialga, only to bounce right back- and he seemed more hurt.

“Fucking armor.” Riolu growled. It didn’t take more than a second for him to stand back up. “Dialga!”

Kuzu ran to the Dragon-type that towered over her- easily twenty times her height. Only a Flamethrower would hit it’s head, but she had a plan.

“Rian!” She charged a flame and leapt for more height. Dialga turned to her only to take a face full of fire, the steel seemed to melt a bit. Riolu took the cue. Another leap was interrupted, but this time by a mighty roar.

“CROOOOAAAWWOOO.” Dialga used their signature attack and blew the partners to the edge- while Kuzu kept herself up, Riolu with his lowered guard did not.

“Rian!” She saw him fall off the tower and sobbed. Dialga seemed indignant about the Fire Blast that hit it right on target. After it’s roar it could barely move.

As she wailed on her adversary, Riolu jumped his way up. He got ahold of one of the tower’s many window sills. Each jump gave him the thought that this was it- he clinged onto his adrenaline with each swing up.

“Kuzu!” Rian yelled as he finally made it up. He saw that she was still attacking the monster despite it being ready to attack.

“Kuzu, stop!” She turned to him as he jumped in. They were close to the ledge, she was a quadruped and he didn’t have the strength. They wouldn’t make it. He wanted to protect her so much. Rage and grief tore through him before a dignant laugh escaped his muzzle.

“No!” Rian stood in front of Kuzu with his hands up- Dialga yelled once more, but Kuzu found herself unaffected. But that wasn’t her worries- she jugged the battered Riolu from behind. “H-how?! Thank Arceus!” She wondered how he got back up the most.

The Dialga’s attack did nothing as Rian learned a new move- Protect. The power to defy the fated attack and push on.

Once the attack ended, Dialga was stunned. “Kuzu, go, Time Gears!”

Her questions could wait. She ran around the beast as Rian stared him on. “Fuck you… for stealing my time away.”

Something hit him.

“No. That’s wrong. Without you, I wouldn’t have met Kuzu. Without this all, I’d never have gotten any time. Wel, even if I have to give up my time, I am giving it all to the one I love the most.”

The Dialga seemed to nod… Rian didn’t take any time to think about that. The armor was gone, and he took a few steps forward. It put it’s head to the ground, as if accepting Rian.

A charged up punch with all of his focus hit spot on- Dialga fainted. The weight made so much noise that Kuzu, who was putting the Time Gears where they belonged, nearly dropped them.

He watched Kuzu from afar. And when the last one clicked in, he felt the effects instantly. Kuzu and Rian’s fur respectively rattled, blasts of wind that were supposed to be there came all at once. Color restored to the ocean that they rarely noticed.

“Kuzu! We did it!”

A shared hug. The warm embrace made Mark smile. The smile was accompanied with tears, just as Kuzu’s. For different reasons.

“THANK YOU.” Dialga stood up and scared the partners.


Mark muddled over those words as they both respectively went down the tower. No enemies, as dungeons go on the way back. If Dialga was how Rian was there, wouldn’t it know that he can’t return? Well then, maybe it was to keep a facade for Kuzu…?

“Well… Here we are. The bridge.”

“Yeah.” Mark’s body began to twinkle, somehow, he knew time was all up now.

“Kuzu, I need you to promise me to do one thing for me.”


House of Two Midnights
Hey, Anthony! I saw you posted this earlier, but didn't get a chance to check it out until recently. The PMD2 ending is a great choice to focus on for a one-shot; it's a really emotionally-charged sequence, and there's a lot you can do to expand it by focusing on the characters' thoughts and feelings in a way the games themselves can't.

One of the ways to make this scene your own is by putting a different spin on the protagonist/partner dynamic, and you definitely did that here! It's interesting to see a kind of semi-adversarial relationship between the hero and partner. Like you say, Kuzu can be mean and self-centered, and that gives an interesting edge to the hero/partner relationship that you don't often see. If anything, I would have liked to see you lean into this more! What does Rian really like about Kuzu, that makes her jabs seem worth it. They certainly seem to be able to make each other laugh... But is there more that makes her the one Rian loves most? Or, on the flip side, would focusing on the negatives of their relationship be one way they might try to numb the pain of realizing they're never going to see each other again? (And what does that revelation mean to Kuzu in particular?)

Another thing that I liked in particular about this piece was the humor. Rian dusting his hands off despite them not being dusty, his quips with Kuzu, a number of silly moments--there's a lot that's entertaining about this story on top of the drama. The PMD games have their funny moments, but there's a more consistent humorous tone to this one-shot that gives it a distinct flavor. It's great to see you taking this familiar canon scene and giving it your own sense of style.

A few quick notes from while I was reading:

“Well, Spinda told me they didn’t need it, so I bought it for 50P. Why, Kuzu?” Kuzu sneered at him.
I was confused here--the "Kuzu sneered" bit made me think Kuzu was the one saying this. I think maybe you want to move that sentence to the beginning of the next paragraph, where Kuzu's actually speaking.

He waved his paw back to the baby-Pokemon sized canvas, Kuzu blanked out at the crude drawing on it.
Not sure what you mean by "blanked out."

Rian gave her a look of trusting, and as he consented, she curled around in his lap like a pet.
A "look of trusting?"

The Bronzor that retreated to the hallway entree used Psychic to stop her.
Maybe you meant "entry?" An entree's food, heh.

Rage and grief tore through him before a dignant laugh escaped his muzzle.
Hmm, maybe you meant indignant? But I don't know why he'd be laughing indignantly here.

The warm embrace made Mark smile.
Mark? Hmm, and then Dialga also calls him Mark...

I know you aren't much for grammar stuff, but I do think it would help if you made sure to start a new paragraph each time a different character speaks. At times I was confused as to whether Rian or Kuzu was talking, and having that visual signpost that the speaker was switching would have helped me keep track of things a bit better. Same deal with the narration, too; consider this paragraph:

Kuzu dragged herself off of his warm pelt, groaning like she slept for only an hour last night. Reminded Rian of alarm clocks, but he didn’t quite remember what those were- only that humans hated them. She took back her bag and had Rian help put it around her back, which only made her pout. She hated getting help like that, but they didn’t have time for a silly argument.
It's a bit jarring here to have an entire paragraph focusing on Kuzu's point of view, only to have one sentence where we get Rian's thoughts on things. At least here I can tell that Rian's the one thinking about alarm clocks since you use his name, but at other places in the story there were sentences where I couldn't really tell who they were referring to. Focusing paragaphs on just a single character or topic helps the reader keep track of what's going on.

But I won't bang on about that for long. Like you said, this story ends sort of abruptly, and before we get to what I would probably consider the really good part, the emotional fallout of Rian disappearing. So I'm looking forward to when you post the follow-up! I think this segment does a nice job both in making the reader really anticipate what's coming next, and also give them an interest in what came before, too. Rian and Kuzu have a more unusual friendship than a lot of the hero/partner pairs I see, and it makes me wonder how they got here. I imagine they didn't get along at all at first! There's a real sense of there being a larger story here, and one we only just got a glimpse of. I think you have a solid foundation here for a longer work, so I hope you've been having fun putting that together! Best of luck with your writing, and thanks for sharing this sneak peek.


Custom title:
The Moon
O: Thank you! I will likely talk a bit in Discord DMs, and I'll fix up those errors.

... when I'm not being lazy, haha
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