Connoisseur of Memes
- Location
- 'Murica
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
Hello everyone! BraviaryScout here to finally kick off something I've been working on for the past several months. If anyone has played the new games of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you'll know it's a buggy mess but has among the best storylines of any game in the franchise out there! I was definitely floored by both it and the subsequent DLC "The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero" Being part Portuguese myself, it was pretty great to see a Pokemon game finally based off a region where a part of me is from.
As such, my current novelization of Pokemon Moon is winding down. A Hui Hou Kākou has had its final Elite Four battle chapter posted as of this first chapter being published. A Life You Will Remember takes place in the same shared universe as A Hui Hou Kākou with the timeline being roughly ten years later. Highly recommend checking my other story out, though both of these stories can be read independently of one another. As such, both stories are also part of a shared universe with Brendan's Journey & Into the Storm by jmoul18 as well as Sinnoh's Heir by NameRedacted2. Highly recommend all of those, as they are fantastic writers and good friends of mine. Like AHHK and this one; all the other stories can be read independently with some things intersecting as crossovers.
This is my take on the events of Pokemon Violet. Like with A Hui Hou Kākou; the story is going to follow the general plotline on the established events of the game. However I'm going to be taking whatever creative liberties I see fit as I go. Chapters will be a bit on the shorter side, so hopefully this can translate to smaller but more frequent updates.
I always appreciate any feedback and support you guys give. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. A big thanks to Krolikb0t for his amazing work on the cover art!
Let's dive right in.

It was the landscape of another world. Situated in the very center of the large historic Paldea region was an area that few ventured into and fewer emerged alive.
The stories of the place passed down for generations were fascinating as far as the history books could go and there was the very possibility that many tales of both the former and the horrifying didn't receive the chance to grace the archived records.
Paldea was vast as it was mysterious; a peninsular large region that jutted out to the southwest of the continent it was situated. The defining features were many marvels of nature from rolling hills, wide grasslands, an enormous desert to the west to Glaceado; the region's highest point atop an icy summit of bitter winds, it had been the cradle of one of the oldest continuous civilizations with an incredibly rich history. Like all else in the world, it was teeming with an incredible biodiversity of the creatures known as pokemon.
The anomaly was situated in the center. Theories were cast around ever since getting around the ring of nearly impassive foothills and cliffs spanning a circular shape that was more than twenty miles in diameter was arduously difficult from steep cliffs lined with sharp rocks as if they were jaws of a gigantic mouth. Anyone who had gotten to the top of the ten thousand foot altitude peak was greeted by the sight of a thick soup of fog that spanned the entirety of the bottom as far as the eye could possibly see. There was no telling the mysteries and secrets lay at the bottom.
As the land of Paldea came to be, through unions, dissolutions, forging of an empire two millennia ago; the desolate uncharted lands that nobody recalled entering was called the Great Crater of Paldea or Gran Cráter. Around the time it had been officially dubbed as that had been when the Paldean Empire had continued its growth to the surrounding lands, islands and throughout the world. Through the rise of the Paldean Empire; the Age of Enlightenment to the Trade Wars into the modern period; the Great Crater had stood virtually untouched, unblemished in the region's center, remaining one of the few places that man dared not to venture.
There were numerous attempts to explore it. As the Age of Exploration progressed; Paldeans in the world became known for their fearlessness in journeying out to distant lands, establishing colonies in the name of their beloved empire, many had sought to go into the mysterious zone in their region's center. Gathering their best and brightest, the many emperors and empresses of Paldea funded many such expeditions to learn the secrets of the newly named Área Cero. While fascinating discoveries were made, many of the explorers who had gone never returned, with the survivors recalling outlandish hallucinations and vividly detailed experiences that were deemed as heresy in the eyes of the deeply religious aligned Paldean populace and the dynastic monarchs who ruled it with iron fists.
Though in the time of Paldeans turning their eyes and minds to much of the outside world, the mysterious Gran Cráter continued to remain an enigma for centuries, far too dangerous for the average man to enter. Still, its mysteries continued to fascinate. Fueling the people's thirst for adventure, wonder and understanding of what secrets lay within the impenetrable pit.
"I'm sorry! This is too much for you! You must run! Seek safety! Hurry! GO!"
The lab was a scene of chaos and carnage. Klaxon alarms wailed, overhanging lights flickered in an erratic pattern. Thick layers of dust and smoke choked the interior, covering every surface in a chalky white and gray. Large heaps of twisted metal, plastic, damaged by a mixture of sharp claws and scorch marks from white hot lightning littered the tables. A massive set of ghostly blue crystals had shattered into tiny shards. It had happened so fast, the attacker again wandering from its normal territory and expressing outrage at its presence. While the Trainer and his assistant that often accompanied it were able to defuse the situation, the assailant was not to be deterred.
Protocol One and Two upheld. Protocol Three enacted.
It was not meant to be like this. The creature's attacker had shown no regard or remorse after the unexpected happened. It had no choice or urgency to move, even when its Trainer urged it to run. The human had been its longtime pokemon trainer, taking it in, caring for it, teaching it about its mysterious world and looked at it not just as something from a distant time or place to be studied, but as a dear friend.
Variables unknown. Failed. I have failed. I am the cause for failure.
It had been told…no ordered to run away as fast as possible. To escape immediately and seek safety.
Situation critical. Unable to abandon Trainer. Unable to stay due to directive issued. Conflicting directives to proceed. Blatant direct violation of established Trainer's Protocol Three. Status: Calamitous.
The serpentine creature had to willfully force itself to ignore the mounting chaos below where its attacker in the midst of launching another attack towards it before vanishing inside a tiny purple and white capsule sphere. Another passing moment and it was gone. It spread a large pair of yellow white wings, using its aft legs to launch itself up. Each one doubling as a pair of maneuvering engines that produced shimmering vortexes of invisible thrust.
Directive: Seek safety. Protocol One upheld. Protocol Two enacted. Protocol Three incomplete, currently in conflict with Protocol Two due to circumstances.
The ascent within the Gran Cráter took less than a minute, the creature's turbine devices attached making a soft, but noticeable droning roar that had still disturbed the wildlife from the bottom caves to the upper levels. Several beings turned to the source of the rare sound, seeing the small object that was distant and scanning it with a mix of both organic and artificial optical organs.
The Gran Cráter's entire perimeter was surrounded by near-impassable jagged mountain peaks that stretched almost as high as the region's famed Glaceado Mountain that had formed whenever Paldea came to be. They stretched impossibly into the sky, covered by a thick dense white fog that hung just underneath the peaks that obscured what could be seen on the other side.
Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Unable to abandon trainer companion, direct violation of Protocol One and Three. Unable to stay due to Protocol Two directive issued of seek safety. Conflicting directives to proceed.
Yet every instinct despite the processes had told it to run. To escape and never return to Área Cero and re-experience this whole thing all over again.
Safety from hostile threats advised. Sternum sustained extensive damage. Mobility of limb R1 impeded by 44%. Structural exoframe damage extensive. Recount of incident inconclusive. Functions impeded in location. Offensive subroutine execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.
The creature continued to rocket out of the depths of the crater, passing the open underdepths. Its mounted engines sputtered and whined, straining to keep it going.
Adjusting for wind resistance and humidity increase. Weight 240 kilograms. Trims centered and locked.
The dense cloud overhangs were quickly upon it and to anyone that would have been looking at it ascending, it was as if it had merely disappeared into the cover. The only reminder of its presence was a low roar of the jet engines.
It had no idea how long it was in the dense clouds. Winds changed rapidly, forcing it to constantly adjust its wings and pivot its aft thrusters to avoid a midair stall.
Visibility unsatisfactory, switching to instruments.
Soon enough, the fog parted and gave way to an azure sky with the sun hanging overhead.
Syncing with internet sources…Sync complete. Date: 19th of August. Time: 0655 hours. Location:..triangulating new position. Gran Cráter de Paldea. Directive unchanged by trainer. Protocol One is no longer attainable. Upholding Protocol Two. Protocol Three is no longer attainable.
Seek safety. It had to find somewhere safe. Seek safety.
Navigation functions impaired. Error code: Cabbage. Unable to follow directive "seek safety" without established "safety" destination. Status: Calamitous.
Searching databases. Match found for "safety" Luz Sur. Source: word of mouth from trainer companion and records associating Luz Sur and safety in 249 instances. Unable to set navigation course to Luz Sur. Error code: Cabbage.
Recommended action: acquire Luz Sur visually.
All of the processing occurred in nanoseconds as the creature changed its flight path and zoomed down, turning left. It accelerated in a swoop just over sweeping green fields.
Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"
The low altitude allowed it to pass just over a rumbling herd of quadruped bovine pokemon that were moving east.
Pokemon identified: Tauros. Paldean variant. Current status docile. Avoid interaction due to records of species' possible hostility. Uphold directive "seek safety"
Though while the fields and rolling grasses teeming with other pokemon were inviting, it wasn't in its current interest at the moment.
More warnings of multiple problems continued to echo in its processing drives. As a bit in the navigation became functional for just a moment, it had realized that its own vector was este and not sur. It executed a ninety degree turn, tilting its right side down and getting a small visual on the next group of buildings. One in particular in the center stood out, still too far to discern any of its defining features.
Visual of Luz Sur acquisition possible. Continue course to determine possible destination.
It took a few more minutes of steady flying until more visible landmarks could be acquired. The creature was approaching a town that was vastly spread out along the eastern grasslands, a large windmill situated in the center.
Luz Sur match negative. Building match identified in city of Artazon. Triangulating position. Heading due east at one hundred fifteen. Course change advised to two seven zero due west.
Protocol Two upheld. Directive of seek safety remains unchanged. Locate Luz Sur.
At the lower altitude, the creature swooped low over Artazon, passing mere feet above a gigantic windmill and causing its slow and steady spinning to abruptly rotate. The few people outside on the ground only had a chance to blink and see an oddly shaped object zip right across the sky with the roar of jet engines being an only reminder.
The creature's altitude gained as it ascended once more and moved on its new heading.
Navigation functions offline. Unable to restart. Error code: Cabbage.
Location estimated. Southern Paldea. Navarro Province. Luz Sur location determined east of Cabo Poco, Navarro Province.
Adjusting orientation. Landmark sighted.
The creature's flight took it next to a larger city, multiple times bigger than the one known as Artazon. Nearly five times as many notable landmarks stood out among the different brown and tan shades of buildings in an urban sprawl that stretched over the winding canal that encircled the metro area. In the center were several taller buildings, all with unique shapes.
Its eyes scanned the mass of buildings clustered together as far as they could see. Luz Sur match negative. All landmarks match identified in city of Mesagoza. Adjust heading to one eight zero. Cabo Poco location determined.
By now, the low altitude and quick speed of the creature flying over had spotted another building of interest. Standing on top of a grand hill and visible for miles in the city was a structure with a worn gothic exterior and gigantic spires that spread out into hallways and dorms at its base. It was incredibly majestic as it was rustic.
Building identified. Known to Trainer. Source: notes and artifacts of personal value. Cannot determine exact number. Uva Academy. Trainer's former base of operations.
Adjusting heading to one eight zero. Course for Cabo Poco charted.
Now this time around, even more onlookers were hearing the mysterious noise and looking up to find the source, likely some kind of aircraft. The creature's low pass less than a hundred feet up was strong enough to kick up dust and a blast of wind that nearly took the hat off a man's head.
Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30% and decreasing. Protocol Two upheld. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"
Flight options increase by reverting to Ultimate Form "God Mode" Offensive subroutines offline…execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.
The flyover was long gone, but the presence of a mysterious flying object was about to cause a lot of buzz. Even the air traffic control center operators had been puzzled with the blip unexpectedly entering Mesagozan airspace, circling around the north section of the city before disappearing and heading south.
Reaching the area of Cabo Poco didn't take long. As it scanned the horizon for the Luz Sur, it had spotted an object of interest out of its field of vision. When it had begun a turn to the left, there was an abrupt rumble from the engines, followed by multiple alarms.
Warning! Aft engine L2 compromised! Engine failure contained. Airspeed decreasing! Error code:.
The creature's current airspeed was still too fast. Bringing itself around; it finally settled its sight on a tall white tower with a wide brimmed observation deck and two red stripes at the base, just above a wider building on the ground. A nanosecond to search through its databases gave a ninety nine percent confirmation on the structure's shape, color and position based on images on the internet that this building was the Luz Sur.
Location confirmed. Extensive history of time spent in area. Exact amount is indeterminate.
At last. It could follow the directive it was given by the trainer that it was ordered and forced to abandon in that damned crater.
Directive: seek safety.
Even as the creature felt a bit of satisfaction that despite its immensely weakened and impaired state, it had managed to still complete the assigned task. More processes went through its mind, wondering if the trainer companion would eventually be reunited with it.
As powerful of a being it was, the creature had been distracted long enough to ignore several other alarms that were beginning to crop up.
Altitude decreasing! Stall imminent!
Pull up!
Brace for impact!
Hadron Engine functionality 22% and decreasing. Fatigue levels significantly exceeding normal limits. Energy reserves fully depleted. Reverting to emergency standby mode.
The exhaustion from the flying and the wear and tear from before was beginning to catch up at long last. Digital eyes slowly faded away and the emergency standby mode had detected its lapse in consciousness, automatically engaging the still active reverse thruster in its undamaged aft engine due to it sensing that it was still airborne. The cowling split open, redirecting airflow through the other direction of the engines while it was still in midflight to decelerate. This caused a loud roar to reverberate in the area, rolling over the sleepy town of Cabo Poco.
Under normal circumstances, it would only need to do this process for a couple of seconds to be able to glide for a smooth landing.
Not this time.
Shutting down all nonessential functions. Remaining airborne with an estimated uncontrolled drop of 15 feet. Margin of survivability with maximum favorable circumstances 56%.
The creature hit the water just before the shoreline with a loud crash, tumbling end over end in the wet sand. Most of the velocity and speed of its uncontrolled descent was cut when it broke the ocean's surface, entering into a roll that splashed everywhere, sending nearby fish pokemon scattering. The spin almost looked as if the creature was thrashing on its own agonized death throes. Only a few seconds had elapsed from the crash landing, but had felt like an eternity when it finally screeched to a bone crunching halt that left a scarring of skid marks along the sandbar right where the edge of the calm waves lapped against the beach.
Weakly raising its purple and gray head, it scanned the surroundings, having crashed in an enclosed bay that was below the ground of the Luz Sur. Nobody else was nearby, it detected no close proximity of humans or pokemon observing. Seeing that the building of interest was meters away on an above elevated cliff, the creature judged that the distance was satisfactory.
Everything was hurting, needing repairs, needing rest.
But at least it was safe.
Essential functions compromised. Hadron Engine functionality 14%. Hadron Engine unable to sustain essential functions. Directive override. Attain energy source to regain Hadron Engine functionality to restore basic essential functions.
Separated from Trainer. Reunite again? Reunite?
Shutdown initiated.
With the final command issued; the creature's sensors dialed down to the bare minimum in an effort to conserve as much energy as it could.
All it could do was hope that something would be able to give it enough aid. Or someone.
Directive: Seek safety.
Directive Status: Completed.
Spanish Translations:
As such, my current novelization of Pokemon Moon is winding down. A Hui Hou Kākou has had its final Elite Four battle chapter posted as of this first chapter being published. A Life You Will Remember takes place in the same shared universe as A Hui Hou Kākou with the timeline being roughly ten years later. Highly recommend checking my other story out, though both of these stories can be read independently of one another. As such, both stories are also part of a shared universe with Brendan's Journey & Into the Storm by jmoul18 as well as Sinnoh's Heir by NameRedacted2. Highly recommend all of those, as they are fantastic writers and good friends of mine. Like AHHK and this one; all the other stories can be read independently with some things intersecting as crossovers.
This is my take on the events of Pokemon Violet. Like with A Hui Hou Kākou; the story is going to follow the general plotline on the established events of the game. However I'm going to be taking whatever creative liberties I see fit as I go. Chapters will be a bit on the shorter side, so hopefully this can translate to smaller but more frequent updates.
I always appreciate any feedback and support you guys give. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. A big thanks to Krolikb0t for his amazing work on the cover art!
Let's dive right in.
BraviaryScout presents:
A Life You Will Remember

Chapter 1: Pilot
It was the landscape of another world. Situated in the very center of the large historic Paldea region was an area that few ventured into and fewer emerged alive.
The stories of the place passed down for generations were fascinating as far as the history books could go and there was the very possibility that many tales of both the former and the horrifying didn't receive the chance to grace the archived records.
Paldea was vast as it was mysterious; a peninsular large region that jutted out to the southwest of the continent it was situated. The defining features were many marvels of nature from rolling hills, wide grasslands, an enormous desert to the west to Glaceado; the region's highest point atop an icy summit of bitter winds, it had been the cradle of one of the oldest continuous civilizations with an incredibly rich history. Like all else in the world, it was teeming with an incredible biodiversity of the creatures known as pokemon.
The anomaly was situated in the center. Theories were cast around ever since getting around the ring of nearly impassive foothills and cliffs spanning a circular shape that was more than twenty miles in diameter was arduously difficult from steep cliffs lined with sharp rocks as if they were jaws of a gigantic mouth. Anyone who had gotten to the top of the ten thousand foot altitude peak was greeted by the sight of a thick soup of fog that spanned the entirety of the bottom as far as the eye could possibly see. There was no telling the mysteries and secrets lay at the bottom.
As the land of Paldea came to be, through unions, dissolutions, forging of an empire two millennia ago; the desolate uncharted lands that nobody recalled entering was called the Great Crater of Paldea or Gran Cráter. Around the time it had been officially dubbed as that had been when the Paldean Empire had continued its growth to the surrounding lands, islands and throughout the world. Through the rise of the Paldean Empire; the Age of Enlightenment to the Trade Wars into the modern period; the Great Crater had stood virtually untouched, unblemished in the region's center, remaining one of the few places that man dared not to venture.
There were numerous attempts to explore it. As the Age of Exploration progressed; Paldeans in the world became known for their fearlessness in journeying out to distant lands, establishing colonies in the name of their beloved empire, many had sought to go into the mysterious zone in their region's center. Gathering their best and brightest, the many emperors and empresses of Paldea funded many such expeditions to learn the secrets of the newly named Área Cero. While fascinating discoveries were made, many of the explorers who had gone never returned, with the survivors recalling outlandish hallucinations and vividly detailed experiences that were deemed as heresy in the eyes of the deeply religious aligned Paldean populace and the dynastic monarchs who ruled it with iron fists.
Though in the time of Paldeans turning their eyes and minds to much of the outside world, the mysterious Gran Cráter continued to remain an enigma for centuries, far too dangerous for the average man to enter. Still, its mysteries continued to fascinate. Fueling the people's thirst for adventure, wonder and understanding of what secrets lay within the impenetrable pit.
"I'm sorry! This is too much for you! You must run! Seek safety! Hurry! GO!"
The lab was a scene of chaos and carnage. Klaxon alarms wailed, overhanging lights flickered in an erratic pattern. Thick layers of dust and smoke choked the interior, covering every surface in a chalky white and gray. Large heaps of twisted metal, plastic, damaged by a mixture of sharp claws and scorch marks from white hot lightning littered the tables. A massive set of ghostly blue crystals had shattered into tiny shards. It had happened so fast, the attacker again wandering from its normal territory and expressing outrage at its presence. While the Trainer and his assistant that often accompanied it were able to defuse the situation, the assailant was not to be deterred.
Protocol One and Two upheld. Protocol Three enacted.
It was not meant to be like this. The creature's attacker had shown no regard or remorse after the unexpected happened. It had no choice or urgency to move, even when its Trainer urged it to run. The human had been its longtime pokemon trainer, taking it in, caring for it, teaching it about its mysterious world and looked at it not just as something from a distant time or place to be studied, but as a dear friend.
Variables unknown. Failed. I have failed. I am the cause for failure.
It had been told…no ordered to run away as fast as possible. To escape immediately and seek safety.
Situation critical. Unable to abandon Trainer. Unable to stay due to directive issued. Conflicting directives to proceed. Blatant direct violation of established Trainer's Protocol Three. Status: Calamitous.
The serpentine creature had to willfully force itself to ignore the mounting chaos below where its attacker in the midst of launching another attack towards it before vanishing inside a tiny purple and white capsule sphere. Another passing moment and it was gone. It spread a large pair of yellow white wings, using its aft legs to launch itself up. Each one doubling as a pair of maneuvering engines that produced shimmering vortexes of invisible thrust.
Directive: Seek safety. Protocol One upheld. Protocol Two enacted. Protocol Three incomplete, currently in conflict with Protocol Two due to circumstances.
The ascent within the Gran Cráter took less than a minute, the creature's turbine devices attached making a soft, but noticeable droning roar that had still disturbed the wildlife from the bottom caves to the upper levels. Several beings turned to the source of the rare sound, seeing the small object that was distant and scanning it with a mix of both organic and artificial optical organs.
The Gran Cráter's entire perimeter was surrounded by near-impassable jagged mountain peaks that stretched almost as high as the region's famed Glaceado Mountain that had formed whenever Paldea came to be. They stretched impossibly into the sky, covered by a thick dense white fog that hung just underneath the peaks that obscured what could be seen on the other side.
Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Unable to abandon trainer companion, direct violation of Protocol One and Three. Unable to stay due to Protocol Two directive issued of seek safety. Conflicting directives to proceed.
Yet every instinct despite the processes had told it to run. To escape and never return to Área Cero and re-experience this whole thing all over again.
Safety from hostile threats advised. Sternum sustained extensive damage. Mobility of limb R1 impeded by 44%. Structural exoframe damage extensive. Recount of incident inconclusive. Functions impeded in location. Offensive subroutine execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.
The creature continued to rocket out of the depths of the crater, passing the open underdepths. Its mounted engines sputtered and whined, straining to keep it going.
Adjusting for wind resistance and humidity increase. Weight 240 kilograms. Trims centered and locked.
The dense cloud overhangs were quickly upon it and to anyone that would have been looking at it ascending, it was as if it had merely disappeared into the cover. The only reminder of its presence was a low roar of the jet engines.
It had no idea how long it was in the dense clouds. Winds changed rapidly, forcing it to constantly adjust its wings and pivot its aft thrusters to avoid a midair stall.
Visibility unsatisfactory, switching to instruments.
Soon enough, the fog parted and gave way to an azure sky with the sun hanging overhead.
Syncing with internet sources…Sync complete. Date: 19th of August. Time: 0655 hours. Location:..triangulating new position. Gran Cráter de Paldea. Directive unchanged by trainer. Protocol One is no longer attainable. Upholding Protocol Two. Protocol Three is no longer attainable.
Seek safety. It had to find somewhere safe. Seek safety.
Navigation functions impaired. Error code: Cabbage. Unable to follow directive "seek safety" without established "safety" destination. Status: Calamitous.
Searching databases. Match found for "safety" Luz Sur. Source: word of mouth from trainer companion and records associating Luz Sur and safety in 249 instances. Unable to set navigation course to Luz Sur. Error code: Cabbage.
Recommended action: acquire Luz Sur visually.
All of the processing occurred in nanoseconds as the creature changed its flight path and zoomed down, turning left. It accelerated in a swoop just over sweeping green fields.
Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"
The low altitude allowed it to pass just over a rumbling herd of quadruped bovine pokemon that were moving east.
Pokemon identified: Tauros. Paldean variant. Current status docile. Avoid interaction due to records of species' possible hostility. Uphold directive "seek safety"
Though while the fields and rolling grasses teeming with other pokemon were inviting, it wasn't in its current interest at the moment.
More warnings of multiple problems continued to echo in its processing drives. As a bit in the navigation became functional for just a moment, it had realized that its own vector was este and not sur. It executed a ninety degree turn, tilting its right side down and getting a small visual on the next group of buildings. One in particular in the center stood out, still too far to discern any of its defining features.
Visual of Luz Sur acquisition possible. Continue course to determine possible destination.
It took a few more minutes of steady flying until more visible landmarks could be acquired. The creature was approaching a town that was vastly spread out along the eastern grasslands, a large windmill situated in the center.
Luz Sur match negative. Building match identified in city of Artazon. Triangulating position. Heading due east at one hundred fifteen. Course change advised to two seven zero due west.
Protocol Two upheld. Directive of seek safety remains unchanged. Locate Luz Sur.
At the lower altitude, the creature swooped low over Artazon, passing mere feet above a gigantic windmill and causing its slow and steady spinning to abruptly rotate. The few people outside on the ground only had a chance to blink and see an oddly shaped object zip right across the sky with the roar of jet engines being an only reminder.
The creature's altitude gained as it ascended once more and moved on its new heading.
Navigation functions offline. Unable to restart. Error code: Cabbage.
Location estimated. Southern Paldea. Navarro Province. Luz Sur location determined east of Cabo Poco, Navarro Province.
Adjusting orientation. Landmark sighted.
The creature's flight took it next to a larger city, multiple times bigger than the one known as Artazon. Nearly five times as many notable landmarks stood out among the different brown and tan shades of buildings in an urban sprawl that stretched over the winding canal that encircled the metro area. In the center were several taller buildings, all with unique shapes.
Its eyes scanned the mass of buildings clustered together as far as they could see. Luz Sur match negative. All landmarks match identified in city of Mesagoza. Adjust heading to one eight zero. Cabo Poco location determined.
By now, the low altitude and quick speed of the creature flying over had spotted another building of interest. Standing on top of a grand hill and visible for miles in the city was a structure with a worn gothic exterior and gigantic spires that spread out into hallways and dorms at its base. It was incredibly majestic as it was rustic.
Building identified. Known to Trainer. Source: notes and artifacts of personal value. Cannot determine exact number. Uva Academy. Trainer's former base of operations.
Adjusting heading to one eight zero. Course for Cabo Poco charted.
Now this time around, even more onlookers were hearing the mysterious noise and looking up to find the source, likely some kind of aircraft. The creature's low pass less than a hundred feet up was strong enough to kick up dust and a blast of wind that nearly took the hat off a man's head.
Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30% and decreasing. Protocol Two upheld. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"
Flight options increase by reverting to Ultimate Form "God Mode" Offensive subroutines offline…execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.
The flyover was long gone, but the presence of a mysterious flying object was about to cause a lot of buzz. Even the air traffic control center operators had been puzzled with the blip unexpectedly entering Mesagozan airspace, circling around the north section of the city before disappearing and heading south.
Reaching the area of Cabo Poco didn't take long. As it scanned the horizon for the Luz Sur, it had spotted an object of interest out of its field of vision. When it had begun a turn to the left, there was an abrupt rumble from the engines, followed by multiple alarms.
Warning! Aft engine L2 compromised! Engine failure contained. Airspeed decreasing! Error code:.
The creature's current airspeed was still too fast. Bringing itself around; it finally settled its sight on a tall white tower with a wide brimmed observation deck and two red stripes at the base, just above a wider building on the ground. A nanosecond to search through its databases gave a ninety nine percent confirmation on the structure's shape, color and position based on images on the internet that this building was the Luz Sur.
Location confirmed. Extensive history of time spent in area. Exact amount is indeterminate.
At last. It could follow the directive it was given by the trainer that it was ordered and forced to abandon in that damned crater.
Directive: seek safety.
Even as the creature felt a bit of satisfaction that despite its immensely weakened and impaired state, it had managed to still complete the assigned task. More processes went through its mind, wondering if the trainer companion would eventually be reunited with it.
As powerful of a being it was, the creature had been distracted long enough to ignore several other alarms that were beginning to crop up.
Altitude decreasing! Stall imminent!
Pull up!
Brace for impact!
Hadron Engine functionality 22% and decreasing. Fatigue levels significantly exceeding normal limits. Energy reserves fully depleted. Reverting to emergency standby mode.
The exhaustion from the flying and the wear and tear from before was beginning to catch up at long last. Digital eyes slowly faded away and the emergency standby mode had detected its lapse in consciousness, automatically engaging the still active reverse thruster in its undamaged aft engine due to it sensing that it was still airborne. The cowling split open, redirecting airflow through the other direction of the engines while it was still in midflight to decelerate. This caused a loud roar to reverberate in the area, rolling over the sleepy town of Cabo Poco.
Under normal circumstances, it would only need to do this process for a couple of seconds to be able to glide for a smooth landing.
Not this time.
Shutting down all nonessential functions. Remaining airborne with an estimated uncontrolled drop of 15 feet. Margin of survivability with maximum favorable circumstances 56%.
The creature hit the water just before the shoreline with a loud crash, tumbling end over end in the wet sand. Most of the velocity and speed of its uncontrolled descent was cut when it broke the ocean's surface, entering into a roll that splashed everywhere, sending nearby fish pokemon scattering. The spin almost looked as if the creature was thrashing on its own agonized death throes. Only a few seconds had elapsed from the crash landing, but had felt like an eternity when it finally screeched to a bone crunching halt that left a scarring of skid marks along the sandbar right where the edge of the calm waves lapped against the beach.
Weakly raising its purple and gray head, it scanned the surroundings, having crashed in an enclosed bay that was below the ground of the Luz Sur. Nobody else was nearby, it detected no close proximity of humans or pokemon observing. Seeing that the building of interest was meters away on an above elevated cliff, the creature judged that the distance was satisfactory.
Everything was hurting, needing repairs, needing rest.
But at least it was safe.
Essential functions compromised. Hadron Engine functionality 14%. Hadron Engine unable to sustain essential functions. Directive override. Attain energy source to regain Hadron Engine functionality to restore basic essential functions.
Separated from Trainer. Reunite again? Reunite?
Shutdown initiated.
With the final command issued; the creature's sensors dialed down to the bare minimum in an effort to conserve as much energy as it could.
All it could do was hope that something would be able to give it enough aid. Or someone.
Directive: Seek safety.
Directive Status: Completed.
Spanish Translations:
- Este- East
- Sur - South
- Gran Cráter de Paldea- Great Crater of Paldea
- Luz- Light (Luz Surmeans "southern light" in Spanish)
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