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Pokémon A Life You Will Remember - a Pokemon Violet novelization

Chapter 1: Pilot


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello everyone! BraviaryScout here to finally kick off something I've been working on for the past several months. If anyone has played the new games of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you'll know it's a buggy mess but has among the best storylines of any game in the franchise out there! I was definitely floored by both it and the subsequent DLC "The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero" Being part Portuguese myself, it was pretty great to see a Pokemon game finally based off a region where a part of me is from.

As such, my current novelization of Pokemon Moon is winding down.
A Hui Hou Kākou has had its final Elite Four battle chapter posted as of this first chapter being published. A Life You Will Remember takes place in the same shared universe as A Hui Hou Kākou with the timeline being roughly ten years later. Highly recommend checking my other story out, though both of these stories can be read independently of one another. As such, both stories are also part of a shared universe with Brendan's Journey & Into the Storm by jmoul18 as well as Sinnoh's Heir by NameRedacted2. Highly recommend all of those, as they are fantastic writers and good friends of mine. Like AHHK and this one; all the other stories can be read independently with some things intersecting as crossovers.

This is my take on the events of Pokemon Violet. Like with A Hui Hou Kākou; the story is going to follow the general plotline on the established events of the game. However I'm going to be taking whatever creative liberties I see fit as I go. Chapters will be a bit on the shorter side, so hopefully this can translate to smaller but more frequent updates.

I always appreciate any feedback and support you guys give. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. A big thanks to
Krolikb0t for his amazing work on the cover art!
Let's dive right in.

BraviaryScout presents:

A Life You Will Remember

violet2 (1).jpg

Chapter 1: Pilot

It was the landscape of another world. Situated in the very center of the large historic Paldea region was an area that few ventured into and fewer emerged alive.
The stories of the place passed down for generations were fascinating as far as the history books could go and there was the very possibility that many tales of both the former and the horrifying didn't receive the chance to grace the archived records.

Paldea was vast as it was mysterious; a peninsular large region that jutted out to the southwest of the continent it was situated. The defining features were many marvels of nature from rolling hills, wide grasslands, an enormous desert to the west to Glaceado; the region's highest point atop an icy summit of bitter winds, it had been the cradle of one of the oldest continuous civilizations with an incredibly rich history. Like all else in the world, it was teeming with an incredible biodiversity of the creatures known as pokemon.

The anomaly was situated in the center. Theories were cast around ever since getting around the ring of nearly impassive foothills and cliffs spanning a circular shape that was more than twenty miles in diameter was arduously difficult from steep cliffs lined with sharp rocks as if they were jaws of a gigantic mouth. Anyone who had gotten to the top of the ten thousand foot altitude peak was greeted by the sight of a thick soup of fog that spanned the entirety of the bottom as far as the eye could possibly see. There was no telling the mysteries and secrets lay at the bottom.

As the land of Paldea came to be, through unions, dissolutions, forging of an empire two millennia ago; the desolate uncharted lands that nobody recalled entering was called the Great Crater of Paldea or Gran Cráter. Around the time it had been officially dubbed as that had been when the Paldean Empire had continued its growth to the surrounding lands, islands and throughout the world. Through the rise of the Paldean Empire; the Age of Enlightenment to the Trade Wars into the modern period; the Great Crater had stood virtually untouched, unblemished in the region's center, remaining one of the few places that man dared not to venture.

There were numerous attempts to explore it. As the Age of Exploration progressed; Paldeans in the world became known for their fearlessness in journeying out to distant lands, establishing colonies in the name of their beloved empire, many had sought to go into the mysterious zone in their region's center. Gathering their best and brightest, the many emperors and empresses of Paldea funded many such expeditions to learn the secrets of the newly named Área Cero. While fascinating discoveries were made, many of the explorers who had gone never returned, with the survivors recalling outlandish hallucinations and vividly detailed experiences that were deemed as heresy in the eyes of the deeply religious aligned Paldean populace and the dynastic monarchs who ruled it with iron fists.

Though in the time of Paldeans turning their eyes and minds to much of the outside world, the mysterious Gran Cráter continued to remain an enigma for centuries, far too dangerous for the average man to enter. Still, its mysteries continued to fascinate. Fueling the people's thirst for adventure, wonder and understanding of what secrets lay within the impenetrable pit.

"I'm sorry! This is too much for you! You must run! Seek safety! Hurry! GO!"

The lab was a scene of chaos and carnage. Klaxon alarms wailed, overhanging lights flickered in an erratic pattern. Thick layers of dust and smoke choked the interior, covering every surface in a chalky white and gray. Large heaps of twisted metal, plastic, damaged by a mixture of sharp claws and scorch marks from white hot lightning littered the tables. A massive set of ghostly blue crystals had shattered into tiny shards. It had happened so fast, the attacker again wandering from its normal territory and expressing outrage at its presence. While the Trainer and his assistant that often accompanied it were able to defuse the situation, the assailant was not to be deterred.

Protocol One and Two upheld. Protocol Three enacted.

It was not meant to be like this. The creature's attacker had shown no regard or remorse after the unexpected happened. It had no choice or urgency to move, even when its Trainer urged it to run. The human had been its longtime pokemon trainer, taking it in, caring for it, teaching it about its mysterious world and looked at it not just as something from a distant time or place to be studied, but as a dear friend.

Variables unknown. Failed. I have failed. I am the cause for failure.

It had been told…no ordered to run away as fast as possible. To escape immediately and seek safety.

Situation critical. Unable to abandon Trainer. Unable to stay due to directive issued. Conflicting directives to proceed. Blatant direct violation of established Trainer's Protocol Three. Status: Calamitous.

The serpentine creature had to willfully force itself to ignore the mounting chaos below where its attacker in the midst of launching another attack towards it before vanishing inside a tiny purple and white capsule sphere. Another passing moment and it was gone. It spread a large pair of yellow white wings, using its aft legs to launch itself up. Each one doubling as a pair of maneuvering engines that produced shimmering vortexes of invisible thrust.

Directive: Seek safety. Protocol One upheld. Protocol Two enacted. Protocol Three incomplete, currently in conflict with Protocol Two due to circumstances.

The ascent within the Gran Cráter took less than a minute, the creature's turbine devices attached making a soft, but noticeable droning roar that had still disturbed the wildlife from the bottom caves to the upper levels. Several beings turned to the source of the rare sound, seeing the small object that was distant and scanning it with a mix of both organic and artificial optical organs.

The Gran Cráter's entire perimeter was surrounded by near-impassable jagged mountain peaks that stretched almost as high as the region's famed Glaceado Mountain that had formed whenever Paldea came to be. They stretched impossibly into the sky, covered by a thick dense white fog that hung just underneath the peaks that obscured what could be seen on the other side.

Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Unable to abandon trainer companion, direct violation of Protocol One and Three. Unable to stay due to Protocol Two directive issued of seek safety. Conflicting directives to proceed.

Yet every instinct despite the processes had told it to run. To escape and never return to Área Cero and re-experience this whole thing all over again.

Safety from hostile threats advised. Sternum sustained extensive damage. Mobility of limb R1 impeded by 44%. Structural exoframe damage extensive. Recount of incident inconclusive. Functions impeded in location. Offensive subroutine execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.

The creature continued to rocket out of the depths of the crater, passing the open underdepths. Its mounted engines sputtered and whined, straining to keep it going.

Adjusting for wind resistance and humidity increase. Weight 240 kilograms. Trims centered and locked.

The dense cloud overhangs were quickly upon it and to anyone that would have been looking at it ascending, it was as if it had merely disappeared into the cover. The only reminder of its presence was a low roar of the jet engines.

It had no idea how long it was in the dense clouds. Winds changed rapidly, forcing it to constantly adjust its wings and pivot its aft thrusters to avoid a midair stall.

Visibility unsatisfactory, switching to instruments.

Soon enough, the fog parted and gave way to an azure sky with the sun hanging overhead.

Syncing with internet sources…Sync complete. Date: 19th of August. Time: 0655 hours. Location:..triangulating new position. Gran Cráter de Paldea. Directive unchanged by trainer. Protocol One is no longer attainable. Upholding Protocol Two. Protocol Three is no longer attainable.

Seek safety. It had to find somewhere safe. Seek safety.

Navigation functions impaired. Error code: Cabbage. Unable to follow directive "seek safety" without established "safety" destination. Status: Calamitous.

Searching databases. Match found for "safety" Luz Sur. Source: word of mouth from trainer companion and records associating Luz Sur and safety in 249 instances. Unable to set navigation course to Luz Sur. Error code: Cabbage.

Recommended action: acquire Luz Sur visually.

All of the processing occurred in nanoseconds as the creature changed its flight path and zoomed down, turning left. It accelerated in a swoop just over sweeping green fields.

Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"

The low altitude allowed it to pass just over a rumbling herd of quadruped bovine pokemon that were moving east.

Pokemon identified: Tauros. Paldean variant. Current status docile. Avoid interaction due to records of species' possible hostility. Uphold directive "seek safety"

Though while the fields and rolling grasses teeming with other pokemon were inviting, it wasn't in its current interest at the moment.

More warnings of multiple problems continued to echo in its processing drives. As a bit in the navigation became functional for just a moment, it had realized that its own vector was este and not sur. It executed a ninety degree turn, tilting its right side down and getting a small visual on the next group of buildings. One in particular in the center stood out, still too far to discern any of its defining features.

Visual of Luz Sur acquisition possible. Continue course to determine possible destination.

It took a few more minutes of steady flying until more visible landmarks could be acquired. The creature was approaching a town that was vastly spread out along the eastern grasslands, a large windmill situated in the center.

Luz Sur match negative. Building match identified in city of Artazon. Triangulating position. Heading due east at one hundred fifteen. Course change advised to two seven zero due west.

Protocol Two upheld. Directive of seek safety remains unchanged. Locate Luz Sur.

At the lower altitude, the creature swooped low over Artazon, passing mere feet above a gigantic windmill and causing its slow and steady spinning to abruptly rotate. The few people outside on the ground only had a chance to blink and see an oddly shaped object zip right across the sky with the roar of jet engines being an only reminder.

The creature's altitude gained as it ascended once more and moved on its new heading.

Navigation functions offline. Unable to restart. Error code: Cabbage.

Location estimated. Southern Paldea. Navarro Province. Luz Sur location determined east of Cabo Poco, Navarro Province.

Adjusting orientation. Landmark sighted.

The creature's flight took it next to a larger city, multiple times bigger than the one known as Artazon. Nearly five times as many notable landmarks stood out among the different brown and tan shades of buildings in an urban sprawl that stretched over the winding canal that encircled the metro area. In the center were several taller buildings, all with unique shapes.

Its eyes scanned the mass of buildings clustered together as far as they could see. Luz Sur match negative. All landmarks match identified in city of Mesagoza. Adjust heading to one eight zero. Cabo Poco location determined.

By now, the low altitude and quick speed of the creature flying over had spotted another building of interest. Standing on top of a grand hill and visible for miles in the city was a structure with a worn gothic exterior and gigantic spires that spread out into hallways and dorms at its base. It was incredibly majestic as it was rustic.

Building identified. Known to Trainer. Source: notes and artifacts of personal value. Cannot determine exact number. Uva Academy. Trainer's former base of operations.

Adjusting heading to one eight zero. Course for Cabo Poco charted.

Now this time around, even more onlookers were hearing the mysterious noise and looking up to find the source, likely some kind of aircraft. The creature's low pass less than a hundred feet up was strong enough to kick up dust and a blast of wind that nearly took the hat off a man's head.

Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30% and decreasing. Protocol Two upheld. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"

Flight options increase by reverting to Ultimate Form "God Mode" Offensive subroutines offline…execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.

The flyover was long gone, but the presence of a mysterious flying object was about to cause a lot of buzz. Even the air traffic control center operators had been puzzled with the blip unexpectedly entering Mesagozan airspace, circling around the north section of the city before disappearing and heading south.

Reaching the area of Cabo Poco didn't take long. As it scanned the horizon for the Luz Sur, it had spotted an object of interest out of its field of vision. When it had begun a turn to the left, there was an abrupt rumble from the engines, followed by multiple alarms.

Warning! Aft engine L2 compromised! Engine failure contained. Airspeed decreasing! Error code:.

The creature's current airspeed was still too fast. Bringing itself around; it finally settled its sight on a tall white tower with a wide brimmed observation deck and two red stripes at the base, just above a wider building on the ground. A nanosecond to search through its databases gave a ninety nine percent confirmation on the structure's shape, color and position based on images on the internet that this building was the Luz Sur.

Location confirmed. Extensive history of time spent in area. Exact amount is indeterminate.

At last. It could follow the directive it was given by the trainer that it was ordered and forced to abandon in that damned crater.

Directive: seek safety.


Even as the creature felt a bit of satisfaction that despite its immensely weakened and impaired state, it had managed to still complete the assigned task. More processes went through its mind, wondering if the trainer companion would eventually be reunited with it.

As powerful of a being it was, the creature had been distracted long enough to ignore several other alarms that were beginning to crop up.



Altitude decreasing! Stall imminent!


Pull up!


Brace for impact!

Hadron Engine functionality 22% and decreasing. Fatigue levels significantly exceeding normal limits. Energy reserves fully depleted. Reverting to emergency standby mode.

The exhaustion from the flying and the wear and tear from before was beginning to catch up at long last. Digital eyes slowly faded away and the emergency standby mode had detected its lapse in consciousness, automatically engaging the still active reverse thruster in its undamaged aft engine due to it sensing that it was still airborne. The cowling split open, redirecting airflow through the other direction of the engines while it was still in midflight to decelerate. This caused a loud roar to reverberate in the area, rolling over the sleepy town of Cabo Poco.

Under normal circumstances, it would only need to do this process for a couple of seconds to be able to glide for a smooth landing.

Not this time.

Shutting down all nonessential functions. Remaining airborne with an estimated uncontrolled drop of 15 feet. Margin of survivability with maximum favorable circumstances 56%.

The creature hit the water just before the shoreline with a loud crash, tumbling end over end in the wet sand. Most of the velocity and speed of its uncontrolled descent was cut when it broke the ocean's surface, entering into a roll that splashed everywhere, sending nearby fish pokemon scattering. The spin almost looked as if the creature was thrashing on its own agonized death throes. Only a few seconds had elapsed from the crash landing, but had felt like an eternity when it finally screeched to a bone crunching halt that left a scarring of skid marks along the sandbar right where the edge of the calm waves lapped against the beach.

Weakly raising its purple and gray head, it scanned the surroundings, having crashed in an enclosed bay that was below the ground of the Luz Sur. Nobody else was nearby, it detected no close proximity of humans or pokemon observing. Seeing that the building of interest was meters away on an above elevated cliff, the creature judged that the distance was satisfactory.

Everything was hurting, needing repairs, needing rest.

But at least it was safe.

Essential functions compromised. Hadron Engine functionality 14%. Hadron Engine unable to sustain essential functions. Directive override. Attain energy source to regain Hadron Engine functionality to restore basic essential functions.

Separated from Trainer. Reunite again? Reunite?

Shutdown initiated.

With the final command issued; the creature's sensors dialed down to the bare minimum in an effort to conserve as much energy as it could.

All it could do was hope that something would be able to give it enough aid. Or someone.

Directive: Seek safety.

Directive Status: Completed.

Spanish Translations:
  • Este- East
  • Sur - South
  • Gran Cráter de Paldea- Great Crater of Paldea
  • Luz- Light (Luz Surmeans "southern light" in Spanish)
Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter. Plenty more to come! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose.
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Chapter 2: Accepted


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update where we're going to get a first look at our heroes. Yes heroes. I'm very pleased at the feedback I got for the pilot chapter especially since I wasn't sure how well the idea of the game's opening sequence with the 'raidon running away from Area Zero was going to go. So thank you all for letting me know you all enjoyed it even if it's a little bit cryptic at the start.

This story is going to continue the trend of using Spanish and Portuguese motifs, phrases and words as it goes along. Now my knowledge of both those is far less than that of Hawaii, so bear with me if it's a bit clunky. It's been a while since I remember what I had learned in Spanish class.
Anyways, onto the chapter.

Chapter 2: Accepted

An unexpected booming noise shook Juliana out of her daydream at her desk.

The young sixteen year old girl was just beginning to rub away the edges of sleep, first spurned by the sound of her father downstairs in the family kitchen turning on the coffee maker and milk frother at precisely seven in the morning. It was an indication that he would be leaving for work within the next half hour to arrive at eight. Until the noise, things had been an otherwise uneventful, relatively peaceful morning in the quaint Paldean town of Cabo Poco. The place they had called home for so long.

Juliana was a rather light sleeper, in contrast to her twin older brother in the next room over. Adrenaline and surprise had surged through her gut and she breathed out slowly to calm her rattled nerves after the sound of some sort of machine had abruptly cut out as quickly as it had started. It took a few seconds as she repeatedly reassured herself that nothing was out of the ordinary. She was still trying to wake up.

What was that?

Knowing that there was little sense in going back to sleep now that she was more awake, she slid her legs off her chair and eased her feet onto the floor to head into the bathroom she shared with her brother.

Today's the day. I think. A few minutes later she had finished to refresh herself, slipping on her newly issued Uva Academy uniform. A light gray short-sleeved polo with a white collar and a light pair of shorts that were colored in a dark violet. A matching tie was cinched underneath the collar. Admittance letters should be here any day now.

Juliana was just finishing the braid in her hair with a red clip before heading downstairs into their family kitchen and dining area. She passed the childish sign that was nailed on top of the door threshold to her room with a spelling of her full name Juliana Renata Almeida-Araújo. A glance into the next room over with a similar sign hanging over the door labeled Florian Joaquim Almeida-Araújo showed that her twin brother Florian was still sound asleep, not awakened in the slightest by the crashing noise earlier. Along the painted trim of both doors were a series of lines struck into the side by markers, followed by dates that had measured their heights as they grew up from small toddlers to their present teenage selves. She was currently an inch and a half taller than her brother, but he had yet to enter his final growth spurt that would likely put him above.

Like the rest of their house, the kitchen shared the usual rustic Paldean architecture of mixed yellow, gold and bronze colorations, combined with vibrant reds and greens to give it a warm and vivid appeal. A couple of elegant and simple paintings in a few colors were mounted on the wall. The house's air conditioning unit softly clicked on, providing a cool waft compared to the warmer humid and salty air outside. It wasn't the largest or the most modern house in the vacation getaway town of Cabo Poco, but it had been their same home for as long as she could remember.

"Buenos dias Jules." Her father sat at the dining table and had glanced up when he sensed her presence, his favorite brown porcelain mug full of the usual café con leche at his lips. His daughter was nearly a splitting image of him; clear skin that was ever slightly tanned, amber brown eye, chocolate colored hair and the same angular jaw structure. He wiped his finely trimmed mustache and took a bite of toasted fresh bread that was topped with a slice of cheese. His other slice was sitting on a plate, instead spread with dark berry jam. Behind him was a rather large brown pokemon with a yellow tuft of fur that lined the back of his head. The gumshoos growled happily at her before returning to wolfing down its own bowl of pokefeed.

A familiar chime sounded from his datapad played the morning news before she could greet her father. Juliana played little attention to it until the plucky voice of the famous Mesagoza reporter carried through the airwaves.

"With Mesagoza Civil News, I'm Jisu Calerondo coming to you live. Residents of Mesagoza reported an unexpected loud and fast object accelerating over the cityscape early this morning before turning south with similar claims at Artazon just hours before. Initial belief was that this was a test flight for a military or new supersonic aircraft. The flying object temporarily caused a noise disturbance in local residential areas and a brief ground stop at Balthazar International Airport. A spokesperson for the Paldean Ministry of War has said that no aircraft of that capability were scheduled for any flights over the city area today. The Ministry of Aviation has opened an inquiry into the matter of what appeared to be a purple dragon-like pokemon and asks that any eyewitnesses to please contact the local police station to give statements. Mesagoza Civil News will provide updates when they become available. This is Jisu Calerondo signing off."

She stopped hearing the report. Could that have been the loud noise from this morning? Like over here?

"Buenos dias Papá." Juliana kissed his cheek. She didn't care for her formal first name and eventually the shortened variant "Jules" had stuck by her brother and parents since childhood. "I thought you and Hector were leaving already."

"Later." Gustavo Angeles Almeida-Araújo waved a hand towards the desk drawer where he kept his detective badge and service pistol. "There's no way I'm going to be at the station to do paperwork when we still have to see your mother off. Or with you two supposedly starting school."

Right. That is today. Jules glanced at the entrance of the house where a pair of enormous blue and gray camouflage pattern duffel bags lay.

Their mother was a ranked officer in the Paldean Navy. Better known as the Armada, it was one of the oldest waterborne organized military forces in the world dating back to the rise of the nation as its older empires centuries ago. Today was the day she would be leaving for her ship to participate in a pre-planned set of annual wargame exercises with the navies of the neighboring nations Kalos and Galar.

"And look at you! Already in your new uniform and ready for your first day at your new school!" He finished off his toast and drained the last of the coffee before going over to the desk drawer to retrieve his detective badge and gun. Inside was also a pack of his favorite cigars that came from the region's westerly Pinhiero Province.

"Where's your brother?" Jules saw him lock it once more. Gustavo took great care in keeping the weapon restricted to necessary access only and both she and her brother knew all the basics and rules.

"He's still asleep." She wrinkled her nose, but moved over to the kitchen counter to start making herself breakfast. "I think he was up for a good portion of the night playing video games."

Her father chuckled. "Sounds like him. Won't be able to do that much longer now that school is right around the corner. And I'm not surprised that the noise from earlier this morning didn't come close to waking him up."

Jules almost laughed at that. Unlike her; Florian could probably sleep through their mother's military live fire exercises without any issue.

"Your mother's going to be leaving soon." Gustavo told her. "Why don't you go and check the mail before you wake him?"

Jules thought that was a good idea. She pecked her father on the cheek, snagged the keys from the basket where they were always kept and gave Hector a friendly scratch on the top of his blond hair before bounding out the door. The gumshoos growled in happiness as she left outside.

The Paldean sky was a bright blue and the morning sun immediately warmed her up the moment its rays hit her skin. She nearly gasped in surprise as her foot stepped on a pebble and hit warm cobblestone. In her haste, she had forgotten to put on some footwear.

She took a moment to marvel at the view. Their house at Cabo Poco was up on a hillside west of the main town that sprawled before them hugging the coastline. Like the interior, the slated hacienda style of the homes was a bright reddish contrast to the rolling greens behind them. On the other side of her house was a small garden and backyard that her mother worked on. It was a hobby that she had while not at sea or duty. Fresh fruits and vegetables grew perfectly in the warm climate and the view out to the ocean was absolutely breathtaking. Flocks of bird pokemon soared overhead to compliment the picturesque morning.

At least the mailbox isn't far away. With a little haste, Jules crossed the front porch and down the pathway to the mailbox erect at the edge of the street. She opened the lock with the key and leafed through the dozen letters. Each one had their address stamped in the middle;

Calle Arcega 1505

11207 Cabo Poco

Province Navarro, Paldea

Most of the mail was addressed to her parents be it bills, junk mail, qualifying offers for credit cards. None of it was really anything that caught her interest. She remembered her father and Florian joking one day that they'd make a tall pole to put a mailbox specifically designed for the never-ending stream of bills they had to pay.

Finally she got to the last two letters, the ones most recently delivered.

She stopped seeing the bushel of grapes in a purple and silver seal.

Uva Academy.

The prestigious institution was known all throughout Paldea and quite possibly the world. It drew in students within the region and abroad thousands of miles away. Ever since they were kids, it had been both her and Florian's dream to one day don the uniforms and walk the halls of the same school their parents did many years ago. They had always spoke fondly of their time there. Now it was their turn.

No. It can't be!

With haste, Jules spun on her heels and sprinted back into the house.

"Dad!" Her exuberance caught Gustavo and Hector off guard as she bounded back inside the house, practically slapping the bundle of letters at his empty breakfast plate. "Dad look! Uva Academy mailed something to us!"

"Did they now?" Her father was just slipping his badge and gun holster onto his uniform. "You better go wake your brother and see what it's all about."

Dropping the letters, Jules practically ran up the stairs into his room. Unlike hers which had posters of various vacation scenic parts of regions and Palafin the Pelagic Protector, Florian's was decorated with a mix of La Liga futbol, PalMoto Racing, some swimsuit models and a collage of famous pokemon champions. At the opposite end of a worn gaming chair was his Switch OLED console connected to the large flatscreen television mounted on the wall.

Her sixteen year old twin brother Florian was still sprawled on his back, perfectly centered in his bed. His smooth hair was the exact same shade as Jul's though much shorter with bangs covering most of his forehead. Despite him sleeping heavily; Florian seldom snored and she saw his mouth slightly open. His chest rose and fell under the covers.

"Rian." Like her and the rest of their family, Florian didn't particularly care for his formal name. In his case; while she shortened her own from the first part, he found he liked the latter half himself, which was much like their father. Jules had to agree with his reasoning that Flor sounded girly and she used it to annoy him all the time when they were younger.

Jules reached over and nudged his shoulder. "Riiiian."

It still blows my mind how he can sleep like that.


The boy's brown eyes snapped open in panic and he bolted upright, stopping for a split second to realize there wasn't any danger. Jules yelped and nearly fell backwards, clearly not expecting her brother to startle her so abruptly when he awoke.

"Ay por dios! J-Jules!" He stammered, glancing down and realizing he was shirtless in the company of his own sister. He shook, covering his bare chest and finally managed to calm his nerves much quicker than her. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Don't scare you?!" She exclaimed, still startled by his reaction. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Rian blinked as if he was still trying to process everything. "Wait, what the hell are you doing in my room?" It wasn't like she was forbidden, she just didn't come often unless it was to play video games together, a hobby the two of them shared.

"We got letters for us from Uva Academy!" His sister was practically beaming, the awkward moment between them already passed, "And I think Mom is leaving today!"

Rian's brow wrinkled in confusion. "Today? Oh how could I forget?!"

I better not miss Mom leaving. And this letter might mean we're finally ready to start at Uva Academy!

"Okay, give me a few minutes. That uniform awaits!" Rian whipped off the covers as Jules turned around to practically jump with excitement out of the room. "I'll be right down!"

He was just that, skipping every other step on the staircase zipping downward while finishing up buttoning the top of his shirt. He smoothed out the last of the wrinkles, appearing in a virtually identical unisex uniform to his sister. Hector rumbled at seeing her brother and Rian pat him on the top of his head before he went to the table.

"Buenos dias Rian," their father greeted, exchanging a knowing look with Jules. He was done with his breakfast and now had begun scrolling through a laptop. "Sleep well?"

"Just fine Papà." He gave Tavo a curt hug. "Aren't you supposed to vamos?"

"Not until your mother is gone. She's going to leave shortly."

As if on cue, the door to the master bedroom opened and Gabriella Christina Almeida-Araújo stepped out. With a trim figure and her dark brown hair styled into a bun per Navy standards, she gave a strikingly sharp demeanor that would be complete once the broad brimmed white officer's hat was on top of her head.

However her softened expression at seeing her twin children betrayed this as she gave off a huge smile as she approached. Both Rian and Jules received affectionate kisses on the cheek while her husband cradled her in his arms.

"So soon," he lamented. "School right around the corner for Rian and Jules. You going off to do pretend battle with the Galarians and Kalosians. It's going to get very lonely around here with just me and Hector."

"Ah but orders are orders Tavo." She smiled up at him. "And it's just a few months. Capitán Diaz emailed me last night saying that they will be slipping our moorings early due to incoming weather."

Gustavo nodded and slipped his arms away chuckling before whispering softly. "You should have told me, Gabby. I would have made last night a little more…something memorable."

Rian and Jules took the opportunity to slip away as their mother had a sultry chuckle, not needing to pay attention to the details. Like her daughter, Gabriela kept her own name shortened with the beginning to simply; Gabby.

"Ah mi amor!" Gabby went into the kitchen after them, hugging both siblings under one arm each again. Despite her average figure at five nine, she was quite strong for her size just one inch shorter than Jules and half an inch taller than Rian. "I cannot believe how much you two are growing! The first day of your new school is coming up and I hope you are both ready for your life's next chapter!"

"We're going to miss you Mom." Rian said.

Gabby beamed at seeing both of them together in their new outfits. "You looking adecuada in your uniforms! Did Uva mail you anything yet?"

"Actually they did." Jules wriggled out of her mother's arm and went to the table where she held up the gray envelopes. The Uva seal seemed to shimmer in the sunlight that filtered through the kitchen. "We were about to open them before you got here."

"Well there is no sense in wasting any more time on it." Rian took both letters and an opener blade. He cut through the top in one swift motion and carefully unfolded the papers inside.

Dear Master Florian/Miss Juliana Almeida-Araújo,

Let me be the first to congratulate you on hereby accepting your admission into Uva Academy! This is a very high honor to have you at our esteemed facility where you will begin to take the next steps to enlighten ourself and those around you with knowledge, understanding of the Paldea region, the world and the wonderful creatures at our side known as pokemon!

Pokemon are all around us, they grow with us as partners, help us in labor and everyday tasks. I also imagine you know about how many of us use our pokemon to grow and battle one another in competition. The research of pokemon continues to this day as we continue to make new discoveries and breakthroughs. The possibilities are endless, with new species continuously being discovered!

At Uva Academy, we open the halls for students of all ages who wish to learn more about themselves, the arts and pokemon. It is our hope that once you graduate with a diploma or degree, whichever you choose, that your time in this institute was well spent in enriching yourself and the world around you!

Enclosed with this admissions letter are your student IDs, which are what you will be required to carry with you at all times while on campus and can be used to access areas permissible to you and your peers. The Uva Academy app is available to download on your Rotom Phone, should you choose to do so and your specific ID will be required to access your assigned dorm room. If you ever lose your ID or come across another student's that has been lost or stolen, please report this to the nearest staff or campus security member so we can reunite it with its owner. Also enclosed are your trainer license cards, which have been approved and activated immediately upon the opening of this letter.

School approved uniforms are mandatory while on campus public grounds during regular campus hours with the exception of the student commons areas in the academy dormitories. There are four differing garments in each uniform set depending on the season. However you are free to wear any of the seasonal uniform garments at any time of the year if you wish.

I have informed our student council president of both your arrivals and to assist you in moving into your dormitories. You are both assigned in Sector V which also falls under her resident advisory, who will present you with the dormitory Sector's rules and regulations upon arrival. With your expected arrival and orientation date, there will be one week's worth of getting accustomed to campus life and two days of Uva's Society and Club Fair Expo before class schedules are distributed based on your curriculum of choice.

Pokemon are allowed and encouraged to be out alongside their trainers in the designated areas as long as they demonstrate the appropriate behavior and follow both the height and weight limits as permissible. Students are liable for their pokemon's care and actions within campus grounds. Pokemon battles, while encouraged; are only allowed in sanctioned fights in the schoolyard. Any pokemon showing tendencies of wanton violence are strictly prohibited and their responsible trainer may be subject to disciplinary action. Large and destructive pokemon such as gyarados will not be allowed inside rooms and residential Sectors where the space required to reside is insufficient. Additional rules and policies of pokemon conduct will be in your student handbook which can be accessed in your dormitory when you arrive or downloadable on the Academy app of a RotoPhone.

Taking lessons from tradition to grow stronger and greater. It's time for you too, to dive into the world of pokemon. Paldea is a sprawling region bursting with lush nature and magnificent landscapes. It is also home to the mysterious creatures known to us as pokemon. They reside here in great numbers. Pokemon can be found living all over; in the seas, skies above us, even in our cities and towns. We humans coexist with pokemon, as we both help one another to live and thrive. Uva Academy is here to help you learn even more about these precious partners. Within these halls, people from all regions gather to study together. And as pokemon trainers, they have their pokemon to do battle and grow alongside them. While our robust curriculum of coursework helps our students draw forth their fullest potential, it is within these halls that you will find your friends, your pokemon and your true self. Myself and all the faculty and staff here at Uva Academy can't wait to welcome you with open arms!

Those who seek knowledge look no further than the grapes of Paldea.


Director Nicolas Clavell

Rian and Jules' mouths fell open. No way!

"We got accepted?" He looked at her in disbelief.

"We finally got accepted!" She flung her arms around him, unable to contain her excitement as the siblings cheered loudly. Though they already had the uniform sets and figured it was just a prelude to the real thing, the confirmation letters had fully pushed the fact into their minds. "We did it! We got into Uva Academy!"

"I can't believe this!" Rian pumped a fist. "Yes! We did it! We actually did it!"

"Congratulations!" Both Tavo and Gabby were proudly beaming at the display from their children. "You both worked so hard to get here and we as your máma y pápa couldn't be more proud of you."

"We couldn't do it alone." Jules told them, going to both parents for a hug. "Gracias…thank you so much."

"We love you both so much and can't wait to see what you two end up doing over there." Tavo said. "But remember that being a student at Uva is a privilege and a distinct honor. Your acceptance means that other students who applied may not have gotten in themselves. Be proud that you are pupils in their halls and that the opportunities that lay before you should not be squandered."

Rian felt his father's eyes on him. He knew that his particular fondness for distractions such as video games, PalMoto and watching futbol had caused his grades to fall behind his diligent sister's on occasion.

But he knew that in order to fulfill his own dream of becoming a champion class trainer and traveling the world like his idols, he had to pay attention and study extra.

I don't want to be a dropout. Not after I worked so hard to get in.

"You got it pápa."

"Hold on a second," Jules' eyes lit up again. "If we got accepted into Uva, does that mean?"

"A pokemon?" Rian paused as well, also seeming to understand when his eyes lit up. "We're gonna get our trainer licenses?"

He reached into his envelope and drew a pair of cards, one that said "Uva Academy" stamped on the back with his student identification and a profile photo they had taken just a couple of weeks ago. The second card had the compass signet of the Paldea Pokemon League.

"I can't believe this!" Rian nearly shoved Jules in excitement. "We're gonna be trainers! And then I'm gonna train as hard as I can to become champion!"

"Woah let's slow down there." Gabby patted Rian on the shoulder. "Why don't you get the basics of pokemon battling first before you talk like you're going to own the leagues?"

"At least let me have my fun." His face fell. "I mean, guys like Brendan, Michael, Lucas and Elio did it before."

Tavo chuckled at his son's exuberance. Those were four of the champion posters in Rian's room that he had grown up idolizing. "Yes. Very true. They did indeed. And they also had to put in the effort which measured their success. Neither of those champions were gifted with the strength of a champion overnight."

"They also went and finished school." Jules smirked, joining in the fun at jabbing her brother.

Rian sighed, knowing they were right. "Yeah I know. I'm just excited."

"You should be. This is just the first step."

They were interrupted by the sound of an approaching car as it pulled next to the Almeida-Araújo's driveway. The engine shut off and they heard the muffled sound of footsteps on the cobblestone path up to their front door.

Hector slinked forward, eyes set forward sensing someone approaching.

"Stand down." Gustavo ordered his alert pokemon, knowing that it wasn't a threat. If someone were to be breaking into their home, they'd be far more inconspicuous and less revealing of their presence.

Still, the family wasn't expecting visitors.

"I wonder if it's about that loud crash?" Jules asked out loud.

Gabby checked her RotoPhone. "I've heard nothing from my CO about it yet. Couldn't be anything big, otherwise I'd know about it by now."

Knuckles rapped on the door as the family exchanged uneasy glances. After a few moments of hesitation, Tavo stepped forward and unlocked the knob, swinging the door open.

"Cuprimentos," on the other side revealed a tall slender man with white hair and wire-rimmed glasses. His firm jaw and mouth looked as if it were set in a permanent scowl, yet his posture was relaxed and nonthreatening. "I'm here to ask if this is the Almeida-Araújo residence?"

"Yes." Their mother said as everyone around had relaxed a little bit. "Who is asking?"

"Ah, pardon my straightforwardness. Do forgive the intrusion." The older man tapped his glasses and bowed his head slightly in apology. "I am Nicolas. Nicolas Clavell, Director of the Uva Academy to be specific. I have come to speak with Master Florian and Miss Juliana."

Director Nicolas Clavell was about what Rian and Jul expected. He stood nearly as tall as their six foot father with carefully groomed silver white hair and the beginnings of a trimmed beard. A dark purple jacket and pair of trousers was freshly clean, pressed and starched, complimented with a belt of six white and red premier balls. He studied the twins with sharp hawkish gray eyes as their own lit up in recognition at hearing his voice on early acceptance videos for Uva Academy.

"Greetings to both you Master Florian and Miss Juliana. I do apologize for the rather early appearance, but I have those late enrollment documents for yourselves and your parents. I was fortunately able to get both your student IDs processed and complete. You should have received them in the mail this morning."

"Óla Director." Rian was the first to step forward and clasp his offered hand in a firm grip. The older man was surprised at the strength, but allowed the ends of his lips to curl upwards in a smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Florian, but I…I like Rian better. It's what I've been called almost my whole life."

"Same. Mine's shortened to Jules." Jules followed suit to shake his hand, a little more gingerly than her brother. "We're very very excited to finally start attending Uva Academy."

"I'm glad to hear it." Clavell nodded, still thoughtfully smiling which put the family more at ease. "Rian and Jules. I'll be sure to remember that."

"Good to meet you as well Director." Both Tavo and Gabby shook his hand afterwards. "It's very thoughtful of you to come all the way over here to help both our son and daughter with their very first day!"

"Well I am responsible for the entire academy. Which does include any failures on its part."

Clavell produced a pair of folders that he had been carrying in his other arm. "So at last, here are the papers to finalize everything and I once again apologize for any delay or inconvenience it may have caused." He adjusted his glasses again. "Though it appears I did just that."

"Don't worry about intruding on us, Director. Gabby is leaving later today to go on month long exercises out to sea with the Armada." Gustavo explained. "Though since you've come all this way, can we offer you something? Tea? Café?

"I see. No need to trouble yourself on that. I shall not keep you long. However, that requires me to discuss some things with the both of you in private."

"Rian, Jules, why don't you grab your backpacks and hats while your mother and I speak to the director." Their father glanced at Clavell. "If so, I insist you please come on in and join us for a drink. Café con leche?"

"I suppose I can't refuse such a kind offer." The Director smiled again, knowing it would be rude to refuse a second insistence. He did have a discussion to make with them after all. "Please lead the way."

"C'mon," Jules poked Rian on the shoulder as their parents gestured towards the family kitchen. "Let's go get our stuff."

The twins scrambled up the stairs into their rooms. Right at their desks were two large dark nylon backpacks that they had used ever since they grew into them years ago. They had a large compartment in the front for books and a smaller secondary pocket on the back, flanked by three others on the sides for writing utensils and smaller supplies. Embroidered across the back top and a keychain on each had their shortened names of choice.

Next came the uniforms. Unlike other academies in other regions, Uva's had unisex uniforms with both male and female students having identical garments. Since it was still summer outside, they had both opted for light wear to stay cooler.

After slipping their packs on, they each grabbed a wide brimmed white sunhat with the Uva Academy seal stamped on the top.

A perfect fit. Rian set it on his head, easing it backwards so that it rested on the aft, leaving his bangs exposed. He took one long look around at his room, diligently tidied up with older action figures and other toys boxed up to be put away. The posters of famous PalMoto racers, bikini girls and pokemon champions throughout the years were still on his walls. Guys like Brendan Maple, Lucas Drake, Elio Northstar and Michael Orison; all people he had watched growing up battle their own hearts out with pokemon in epic rises to stardom. His ultimate goal.

One day…one day I'm going to be like you guys.

Rian heard Jules going down the stairs and sighed. It was probably going to be the last time in months he'd ever see his room again. He gave himself one final look in the mirror as if he could find a wrinkle on his newly steamed shirt that needed to be etched out.

"Ah, that was many years ago. When these two were barely able to walk." He heard his mother reminiscing, likely a picture that lined the family's hearth in the living room. "The Third Fleet of Hoenn was visiting Paldea and that was when I had gotten to shake the hand of the famous Admiral Drake aboard the Almirante Alvero."

He knew the picture she was talking about. Admiral Drake was formerly the final member of Hoenn's Elite Four. Though he never saw him battle live, he knew stories and videos of the historic Pokemon League battle between him and Hoenn champion Brendan Maple.

"He's lived quite the accomplished life." Clavell agrees. Both him and their parents sat on the couch sipping mugs of their father's favorite breakfast beverage and looked up when the twins approached.

"Ah magnifico!" Tavo grinned at them. "Rian looks just like myself when I was your age! The sombrero never changes!"

Clavell turned to see them and nodded in an approving agreement. "Indeed. The full uniform of our storied academy fits the both of you quite well."

Gabby had her RotoPhone out, snapping a series of quick pictures as both Rian and Jules tried not to look too flustered.

"This is so exciting!" She practically squealed. "Our babies are finally leaving the nest!"

"Mama," Jules had to restrain herself from groaning out loud. "We're going to Uva Academy, not kindergarten."

"Just put on a face for her and Dad." Rian shrugged. "She's not going to see us for a long time."

No arguments here. Jules thought to herself as she put an arm behind her brother and felt him do the same. Unlike most siblings they knew their age, the Almeida-Araújo twins were known to be very tight knit and close despite the teasing and fighting that was common among children. Jules knew that while they were on their own, she could trust him to look out for her.

She'd do the same for him.

Besides, there was bound to be new friends to be made. The thought of it filled her with excitement.

Clavell stood up just as Gabby was done snapping a dozen or so photos. No doubt one of them was going up on the family's album hearth. "Oh goodness, how very careless of me to nearly forget. I have something else for the both of you. Something very important indeed."

What could it be? Rian let go of Jules and they both stared at the director with curiosity. Even his parents seemed suddenly interested.

"However, your living room is hardly the place for it. Why don't you follow me outside?" Before anyone could ask further on it, the director strode to the front door and opened it to let himself out.

"I wonder what it could be?" Gabby asked before nodding at them. "Let's follow him outside and check it out for ourselves."

Jules was first, followed by Rian as they met up with Clavell who stood at the driveway next to a rather expensive-looking convertible car that had a sharp looking birdhood ornament on the front.

A Bentley. Rian recognized it right away. Made in Motostoke of Galar.

"Right then," The twins watched like a pair of eager fletchinders as Clavell reached into his pockets and took out three familiar sphere shaped devices. The iconic poke balls shined bright in the Paldean sun as he tossed them upwards. "Time to come out of your poke balls, you three."

No way! Both young teens' eyes went wide as the pokeballs opened in their usual clamshell manner and expanded to reveal three small pokemon creatures in a flash of light. The starter pokemon of Paldea!

"We provide each student entering the academy with a pokemon of their own. Or at least the means to catch one." The director explained to them. "I will ask that you both choose one of these three to be your partner."

Clavell gestured to the one on their left; a green feline with wide reddish eyes and tufts of darker shaded fur lining its ears and collar. "Sprigatito, the grass cat pokemon."

"Aww!" They knelt down as the pokemon yawned softly. "He's adorable!" Jules' smile was contagious and Rian was pretty sure that was most likely the one she'd be picking.

"Fuecoco, the fire croc pokemon." Clavell moved to the reddish orange crocodilian pokemon in the center which stood on two stubby hind legs. Its face and belly were a pasty white and a small tuft of orange plumage stuck out from the top of its head. Fuecoco opened its mouth to show off a couple rows of shredders in a toothy smile of its own.

That could be who I want. The fire one. Rian thought to himself. As aspiring trainers themselves, they had known about the Paldea region's three starter pokemon and there had been a slight quarrel between him and Jules from time to time as kids from which starter was better to the ones they'd end up getting to pick.

"Lastly but most certainly not least, we have the duckling pokemon, quaxly." The final pokemon was a small avian that resembled a wide-billed duck with a bluish white body and small wings. A large blue coif resembling a sailor's hat was on top of its head. Quaxly shook its head promptly and brushed it on its head with a wing.

"All of them are very good company," Clavell told them. "Why most of the time they're out at my home, they refuse to leave my side. My wife believed that she had some competition."

Rian and Jules laughed, stopping when the three small pokemon took notice of them and cautiously approached. Fuecoco was the first, followed by the other two.

The move took him by surprise. "Oh what's this? It seems that they have taken a bigger interest in you two than familiar old me."

"Hiii!" Jules' grin got even bigger as she held her arms out. Almost immediately fuecoco and quaxly ran over to nuzzle her. "My name's Jules! You two are soooo cute!"

"Hey buddy," Rian gently rubbed sprigatito on the top of the head, who purred happily in delight. "It's great to meet you. I'm Rian."

"I'm glad you all are becoming fast friends," Clavell allowed a curt smile. "I do wish I could see the one you end up picking as your partners, but I'm afraid I must be off on my next home visit. I do believe your mother is set to leave any minute. Come and find me once you've made your decision. And take your time in making a decision, this is your partner for a very long time."

"O-okay." Rian half laughed as the sprigatito nuzzled his chin with the top of its head. It looked over to Jules and leapt out of his arms towards her. Similarly it seemed that the quaxly had taken a newfound interest in the boy, leaving her and standing next to him. He smiled and picked him up in his arms.

"Until then." Clavell gave a formal bow as Tavo and Gabby walked out of the front door to join them. Their mother had her RotoPhone in her hand from snapping pictures of them greeting the pokemon. "I will be seeing you shortly. Señora Gabriela, good luck on your deployment and be safe."

"Thank you so much Director for everything." She waved back at him along with the rest of their family. "You take care now."

As Clavell got back into his car and drove down the street, giving a wave as he sped off, their parents approached and knelt down next to their kids. Hector followed his trainer, folding his hands behind his back to assume the role of protector as he scanned the neighborhood for any possible threats.

"Wow, what impressive looking pokemon and they look so fond of you both!" Tavo told them. "Have you two decided which ones you'll want?"

Rian and Jules exchanged uneasy glances. I haven't yet. I love them all and I wish I could keep them all…but that would be unfair.

"I'm not sure," Jules pursed her lips. "I want them all. But sprigatito, fuecoco and quaxly are amazing too!"

"Same." Agreeing with his sister, Rian sighed, knowing how heavy of a decision this was going to be from the Director's words. One of them was about to be his longtime partner and a historic milestone in his trainer career he had waited so long to start. "It's going to be so hard to choose and who does first."

"We could do a number of other things." She suggested, to him. "Spin a bottle, flip a coin on who gets to pick first. Maybe even like how they do it in Alola; let the pokemon pick who they want to go with?"

The last one doesn't really sound very appealing. Rian wanted to choose his pokemon, not the other way around. "I dunno about that."

"Or the way you've always done it how we've taught you." Gustavo said. "Remember?"

"Right." Being twins meant that sharing fairly was something their parents had emphasized often whether it came to turns at the arcade, toys to splitting their favorite dessert. One sibling would make the split and the other would choose first. Of course that didn't stop quarreling, but it ensured that they would make things as even and fair between them as much as possible.

But there would be no splitting of starter pokemon. Whoever picked first would have a greater variety to choose from than the other.

"We'll flip a coin." Rian finally decided. "That way neither of us can argue."

Jules nodded in agreement. Tavo reached into his pocket and gave them a hundred pokeuro coin which Rian held between his fingers. On one side was the number 100 to signify its value while on the other side were a trio of flowers.

"Heads or tails?" He asked Jules, since he was the one flipping.


Rian spun it in his hands onto the back of his thumb and flicked it into the air, the silver disk spun rapidly before falling down and he caught it in his fist. Slowly, he opened it to reveal the 100 number on the top. Tails.

Jules was going to pick first.

"Yes!" She smiled triumphantly and made a fist of her own. "Picking first! I love it!"

Rian nodded in agreement, still disappointed in the result, but it was a fair decision and he had to accept it. There was a chance Jules could pick the pokemon he wanted. Even though his mind had previously been set on fuecoco, the thought of having other options made him second guess himself.

Guess I'm picking second.

"I'm very glad you two are able to decide between yourselves in something like that. Your father and I have taught you well" Gabby smiled and hugged each sibling. "I know for a fact that you'll both make the right decision and be very pleased with your very own pokemon partner."

"Me too." On the other hand, Rian was just purely excited to actually get his own pokemon in general. Whether it was his choice or not.

"These three are so lovely, but the both of you have to choose only one." Tavo reminded them, glancing over at the eager looking pokemon. "Not an easy task! I don't envy you in the slightest."

Definitely not.

"Why not take the opportunity to walk about and get to know these little ones while you go and meet the Director?" He suggested, Gabby next to him nodding in agreement. "While you're out there, your mother and I have something else for you."

He let go of two thin metal objects in his hand as they automated flew over to hover in front of Rian and Jules. Their eyes went wide again, recognizing the electronic devices immediately.


"Si. Now that you will both be gone from home for a while, it's imperative that you find the means to speak with one another and with us." He took a second to think. "As well as any other friends and familia you might make along the way."

"This is great! Thank you!" The phones quickly floated in front of one twin to make a pinging noise before syncing their data. It took a matter of seconds to complete.

Their parents nodded and smiled. Gabby gestured down at the little starter pokemon watching them carefully. "Why not take this opportunity to walk with the pokemon? I'm sure they will have much to teach you!"

Rian and Jules nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Maybe that'll help us decide on who to pick. Okay papa, mama. Bye!"

Gustavo hugged them tightly. "I'm so proud of you both. I know you will make the right choice in whichever pokemon. The academy is very special, you're going to learn so much and make friendships there that last lifetimes." He gave a smirk. "Perhaps you will find love there too as I did."

"Papa!" Jules' face flushed red in embarrassment. It was true though; he had met their mother while they both were in attendance at Uva Academy. A photograph of when they were younger also adorned the living room where he had asked her out as a date to the Baile de Finalistas, a formal ball that took place at the school year's final week before the three month summer break.

Gustavo chuckled. "But focus on your studies and we'll be sure to wait for you in Natal-Navidad."

That was the three week-long break between midterms and the second semester in a celebrating holiday that marked the near end of the year and often spent time with families and gift exchanges. Uva Academy was no exception and students would be leaving their dorms to return to their families wherever they may be while the staff spent a couple of days after the actual holiday to prepare for the latter half of the school year.

"We will. Thank you papa." Rian did feel a bit of sadness of being away from his parents…but like Jules, the prospect of meeting new friends and being on his own excited him.

Gustavo and Gabby returned inside the house, closing the door and leaving the twins on their own. The pokemon cooed again, watching the family separate and glanced up at the two young teens with inquisitive expressions.

"Ready to go for a walk?" Jules asked her brother.

"Y-yeah." Rian exhaled a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. "I can't believe it. Once they're both gone…we're actually on our own."

"It's crazy," she agreed with him. "We felt like it would be forever."

"And now it's actually happened."

Silence lapsed over the group as they began their trek down the sidewalk. The three pokemon curiously followed and gave out various cries of interest as they looked around with that same type of wondrousness of a new child exploring the world before them. Bird pokemon chirped as they flew in flocks above and in the very distance they could hear a rhythmic lull of waves crashing against the shore. A gentle breeze wafted through the area, carrying a faint salty tang of the sea.

With the pokemon in tail, the Almeida-Araújo twins stepped forward together, ready to plunge headfirst into the new adventure that beckoned and awaited them.

And we're off alongside our heroes on this new adventure!

But yes, it's heroes as opposed to hero. Instead of one protagonist like in A Hui Hou Kākou, this one is going to give us two protags which are both the male and female avatars of the Scarlet/Violet games. The moment I saw their official art, it screamed twin brother and sister hence which spawned this idea.

Spanish Translations

Adecuada - Proper

Magnifico - Magnificent

Familia - Family

Café con leche - Coffee with milk. Coffee is extremely popular in Spain as it is with much of Europe with this particular beverage using espresso and scalded milk to create a foamlike consistency at the top. A small amount of sugar or sweetener is added. Café con leche is enjoyed at any time throughout the day although it is most often drank at breakfast.

Portuguese Translations

Cuprimentos - Greetings

That'll do it for this chapter! Up next we'll be having the big choice of which twin picks which starter pokemon as their very first partner! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose!

Chapter 3: Amigos


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! We've got a lot to cover, including a very important character and a very important decision for both the twins to make! The original part of this third chapter was too short and my attempts to combine both this and the fourth made for an update that was too long. Found a medium that was to my liking. There's a few things that I've changed up from AHHK that I will explain at the closing AN.

Without further ado.

Chapter 3: Amigos

Rian and Jules had been to other places in Paldea before, but when they were far younger as kids. Each place had to have changed since they were previously there and the idea of potentially seeing something new was just as exciting as it was revisiting.

Jules giggled as the sprigatito and quaxly looked as if they were trying to race one another. The fuecoco hung back in between the two humans, glancing at each one. "They're so adorable. I'll admit that I'm having trouble picking."

"Uh huh," Next to her, Rian was only half listening as he kept up, already on his new RotoPhone to explore the new features. So far the only accessible features had been just the barebones with a phone, text message, calculator, weather and a handful of other apps that he'd make sure to check out later. Just Jules's number and that of his parents were on his contacts. He was sure that eventually that list was going to expand.

I'm sure they're all gonna be handy on a journey. Just don't get caught using the phone's calculator in math.

A soft quacking noise brought him out of his thoughts when he realized that Jules was already several steps ahead with the sprigatito and fuecoco. She was in the middle of telling stories and promising all the adventures they'd be going on in the school year.

The quaxly nudged the side of his leg and he couldn't help the giggle escaping his mouth. The pokemon's down was extremely soft and had some sort of glossy film to keep it moist as he pet it.

"My sister's the one who loves to explore and go on the adventure." Rian explained with the small duckling listening eagerly. "I just want to become the strongest trainer I can be. Be an amazing trainer who can go toe to toe with a champion in La Liga."

It was hardly much more he wanted to do. A lot of Champions were among the strong trainers walking today as well as many being incredibly rich and famous. He had already decided in school earlier that if he had the amount of money a champion did, he'd be giving enough to provide for both his parents and sister.

Not to mention all the girls that would fight each other just for your attention. If only I could have the chance to impress Le…

"Rian are you coming?!" Jules was waving and nearly at the end of the block, the sprigatito and fuecoco practically glued to her ankles. The quaxly was halfway between them and glancing back at the boy expectantly.

He shook his head and ran off to join his sister, who was shaking her head in disappointment.

"I was talking to myself for minutes before I knew you fell behind! Rian, are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm okay Jules. I promise." He sighed. "Just maybe…trying to process this whole thing still."

His sister wasn't totally buying it, but her expression softened. "Right. It's a huge step. But I don't think you can wander off into whatever you were daydreaming about again. The crowds in Mesagoza don't alto."

That was true. Compared to the small town of Cabo Poco where they grew up, Mesagoza was easily many times its size which meant a lot more people and a far different lifestyle. The urban sprawl capital and largest city in the Paldea region existed since the tenth century; Mesagoza was well-known both within and outside as a world-class metropolis with big opportunities for business, families, tourism and education. It was also the seat of the Figueiredo family, the ruling royal dynasty of Paldea for nearly a thousand years before their unexpected disappearance.

There was rumor that spending an entire month in Mesagoza doing something different every single day would not be enough to see and experience half the things it had to offer. It was about to get even more exciting.

It didn't take Rian or Jules very long to locate where Clavell had asked them to meet up with him again. Growing up in Cabo Poco, they knew almost the entire town by heart. They lived in the western residential area which was mixed with locals and wealthy vacationers from big cities who had winter homes with easy access to the beach and scenic ocean views from atop the higher points. Closer to town were the main streets where a lot of businesses were located as well as the preliminary school that they walked to since they were both seven. Occasionally one of their parents would drive them over, most of the time it was their father Gustavo on his way to work but also Gabriela when she wasn't on duty with the Armada.

Closest to the beach however, was a strip of nightclubs and bars that got rather lively during the evenings. Cabo Poco was a vacation town and known for having a very eccentric nightlife with parties at the said establishments that sometimes went into the wee morning hours.

At the very other end of the city, just beyond downtown Cabo Poco was the Luz Sur or literally South Light. Each of the four furthermost points of the Paldea had tall distinct lighthouses that could shine a powerful beam to approaching ships dozens of miles away. Cabo Poco didn't have a large port, so rarely anything larger than a billionaire's occasional luxury yacht ever visited. Most other marine traffic instead went to the ports of Porto Marinada or Levincia.

They took the famous Poco Path, which was a trail that went above the main part of the city and offered another breathtaking view. Parts of it had wound north heading further up the hillside where there was a sign to warn people of encountering abundant numbers of wild pokemon. Wind lightly breezed on their faces and both teens had to adjust the chin cords on their hats to keep them from getting blown off. The starter pokemon kept up, still looking and wandering around with curiosity.

Rian and Jules kept the conversation lively; showing them all about their home and where they grew up. He pointed out their favorite seafood restaurant Plato de Marde that the family would frequently eat at during comida when they were all together. She talked about all the times they had walked along the trail and pointed out all the things they could see, flocks of small wingull birds soaring on the drafts and different buildings in the town.

Both of them agreed on one thing, they had hiked the Poco Path trails hundreds and possibly thousands of times and still continued to see things that they had never seen before.

The pokemon seemed very interested and stopped to admire the view just like they had many times as they were kids.

"It's amazing huh?" Jules used the momentary pause to stop walking and they took a break. Rian unscrewed the cap of the water bottle in his backpack and took a swig, suddenly aware that it was already quite hot in the morning.

And it's a good thing we're here wearing our Academy's summer uniforms.

He nearly drained his bottle and then offered the last bit to sprigatito. The small green kitten gulped a couple, meowing happily and wiping its mouth with a small paw. There was a little left still, so he offered the rest to the quaxly who happily drank the rest. Nearby, the fuecoco was similarly happy to accept a drink from Jules's bottle.

With the break over, the twins crushed the plastic and slipped it into a pocket on the outside of their backpacks. When they came across a recycling can, they'd dispose of it there.

Their map feature on the RotoPhones showed them the location of where Clavell would meet them, just on ahead. Though they just got the new devices, Rian found them to be more like smart assistants in a jump ahead of the older technology of handheld cells. The pokemon was first discovered in the Sinnoh region as a ghost prankster that possessed electronic devices, however their use was popularized recently when they could use their services to improve machinery and daily life.

Rian led the way on his map while Jules opened the application for newsreels, scrolling through the articles for anything about a loud noise hours ago. While their father was in the loop when something eventful came up, he didn't get notified while with them. Nothing besides Jisu Calerondo's live report just a few hours earlier.

Maybe he's looking into it at work. She thought to herself.

They couldn't be the only ones wondering either.

Another fifteen minutes of silent walking on the upper path and shepherding the small pokemon, they made it to the next residential area. Homes in this part of the neighborhood were a little more elegant, many of which featured manicured lawns, gardens and painted metal fences. They spotted Clavell's Bentley parked in front of one such house in a stone circle drive that surrounded a big gray fountain that had to have cost thousands.

"Looks like this is the place." Jules stared at the open gates, wondering if they were going to be intercepted by someone in a security uniform if they stepped through. "I hope."

"I hope so." Rian echoed and walked past her, looking cautiously around. "It would be a shame if we went to the wrong spot to lose the pokemon."

"Uh Rian?" Her voice's concern caused him to spin around. "About that,"

Behind him, Jules was frantically looking up and down. The pokemon that had been quietly following at their side were nowhere to be seen.

Oh no. Crap! The boy's face blanched. Nonono! The Director is gonna be pissed at us! That wasn't even a joke!

His stomach dropped. Not even a few hours with them, one of which would be his; had already gone missing.

"We're gonna be in so much trouble," Jules cupped her hands to her mouth to shout for one of them when they heard the quaxly from someplace nearby.

Glancing at the opulent fountain, they spotted the little duck as it playfully splashed water around with zero care at all. Movement rippled in the garden next to it and the sprigatito emerged from behind the fountain, sniffing the brightly colored petals in the garden eagerly.

Wait, where is the fuecoco?

The wind picked up and blew several petals away towards the half bushes lining the cobblestone walkway. Moments later, she heard the pokemon in question and a blast sizzling noise as a puff of smoke curled from an orange that had fallen. The fire croc had appeared interested in it and inadvertently sneezed, blackening it to a crisp. They felt a pang of sympathy at its fallen expression in ruining a perfectly edible fruit.

There will be plenty more opportunities for food mi amigo.

"Aww! Oh hola! Bienvenidos! It's been a while yes?" A girl's voice sounded from up the stairs, hidden behind the trimmed hedges over where the fuecoco was standing. The twins saw a hand give an assuring pat to the croc's head before nudging him back towards them.

The three pokemon gathered at the bottom in front of Rian and Jules as the girl walked out from behind the hedge bushes.

Rian's mouth nearly dropped open at the sight of her. She was slightly taller with a trim, athletic frame and a poise that radiated confidence. Like the both of them, she was dressed in the standard purple Academy shorts and gray polo with the seal on the left shoulder and long dark leggings. Her black hair was tied in a ponytail with a dyed green streak in front. Light brown eyes held an open friendly expression as she smiled at them with a hand on her hip. He saw it was in something that looked to be a sleeve or an arm brace, ending in a fingerless glove. As she approached, they could see a light dusting of barely visible freckles against her caramel colored skin. He spotted a small dark piece of jewelry on a finger of the open hand without the brace. Was that a ring?

Rian. Jules glanced over at her brother and it took everything not to laugh at the dreamy look on his face. Before he or the new girl could say anything more, she stepped close to intervene and dug her elbow into the side of his hip. Look at you always being the sucker for love at first sight.

Rian nearly flinched, but snapped out of his smitten daydream and looked away.

Dios mio!

"Are you these three's trainers?" The girl asked as she bounded over to face them directly. Jules tried her best not to look shy, but at the same time the stranger's upfront exuberance made her feel a little bit uneasy. Rian shifted his feet uncomfortably, not sure if he had been caught staring.

The door to the house opened and the twins relaxed a bit, seeing the familiar figure of Director Nicolas Clavell step onto the front. He gave them a wave and started walking over.

"Ah not quite yet senorita." He put a hand to his chin in thought once reaching them. "Master Florian and Miss Juliana here have yet to make their choice, you see. I do wonder which ones they will end up picking."

The pokemon gathered in front of the people. The fuecoco took a moment longer, carrying the charred orange with it. As they stopped and glanced at the humans, it took a nibble and made a throaty gagging noise, dropping the fruit.

Both Clavell and the stranger girl chuckled as the observing quaxly shook its own head in disappointment.

"Well then." The girl started putting a confident hand on her hip and looked straight at the Almeida-Araújo twins. "Buenas! We haven't met yet, have we?"

Clavell cleared his throat. "I must say, I wasn't expecting to see either of you this soon."

Jules nodded. "Yeah, but our parents had to go and get ready for mama's deployment. They wanted to stay and watch, but couldn't."

The girl squinted her eyes at them in recognition. "Hold on a sec. Director, are they who I think they are?"

"Yes you would be correct Miss Nemona. These are brother and sister Master Florian and Miss Juliana, our academy's newest students. They'll be starting the school year as of today."

"Oh so you're the ones living on the west side of Cabo Poco! I've been dying to find out more about who I was about to take under my wing! Anyways, I'm Nemona!" The girl beamed at them again. "If you want to go for a more elaborate name, it's Nemona Valerie Ozuna-Guererro! Normally I live in the school dorms in Mesagoza, but home is here right in Cabo Poco!"

She lives here? Jules wondered. How come neither of us have seen her before?

"It's uh a pleasure to meet you." Rian cleared his throat and shook his head. "Really it is."

Jules nearly rolled her eyes, knowing the real reason behind his apparent shyness. "Don't mind my brother. He's…a little nervous when he meets new people, at least I think. I'm Juliana, but I just like it shortened to Jules. This is my brother Florian and like me, he prefers to be called Rian."

"Easy to say and easy to get along with. Love it!" Nemona exclaimed, stepping forward and offering a hand for them to shake. "So whaddya say? Wanna be friends?"

I like her. Jules enjoyed her enthusiasm as she returned the gesture. "Sure! We both do! Right brother?"

"Heh…yeah let's be friends." Rian shook her hand firmly, allowing himself to look up and smile. His sister glanced at him and tried her best not to laugh out loud.

Wow. She's really pretty. Okay, now that that's been established…stop looking and talking like you're a nervous wreck.

Nemona was about to bounce up and down with excitement. "I love your enthusiasm. Both of you! We're gonna get along just fine!"

"Miss Nemona here is the president of the Uva Academy Student Council and a champion-class trainer in her own right." Clavell explained. "She's also the residential advisor of your dorm's sector once you two move in. If you have any problems regarding your stay, you'll report them to her."

"Wait, you're the region's champion?" The words blurted right of Rian's mouth before it registered in his brain. It wasn't a far-fetched ask either, some trainers attained the region's champion when they were barely into their teens.

Nemona almost laughed. "Well yes and no. I'm a champion-class trainer, but I'm not THE champion of Paldea. Not yet at least."

Great. Rian thought to himself. Not only is she insanely strong, she's way out of my league to begin with.

"What's your major of expertise?" Jules asked her.

"Battle studies!" Her hands clasped together. "I looooove pokemon battling! In fact we should battle! Right here and now!"

Clavell chuckled, watching the exchange. "Easy now. You may share some classes together, so I'm sure you all will have a chance to battle in due time. And to get to know one another better of course."

"You'll be my classmates too?" As if her excitement couldn't get any more giddy. "That means we'll get to battle all we want! Share strategies and teach all the ropes! I can't wait!"

Jules was pretty sure this Nemona person was ticking off all the boxes in Rian's mind. Not only was she extremely pretty, but she shared her brother's ambition to become an extremely strong trainer. He wanted to become a champion and there was one standing right before him in the flesh.

"In any case, on that note. Master F…I mean Rian. Miss Jules." Clavell gestured to the pokemon before them. "Have you both decided on which pokemon you would like to be your first partner?"

Rian and Jules's heartbeats started to pick up.

It's time.

"Who's gonna pick first?" Nemona clutched her hands to her chest as she practically gushed at them. "This is so awesome! I love seeing this!"

"Jules gets to." Rian told them. "We weren't sure which one we wanted yet and our parents have told us to always make things fair between us our whole lives. Figuring the probability of a random coin flip was the best way and Jules guessed it right." He gestured to her. "So she has the right to pick first."

His sister agreed. "Yeah. The decision was fair. As fair as we could make it. I just hope that I'm not picking the one Rian really wants."

I want them all. He thought to himself. But that's not fair to the other pokemon and definitely not to Jules.

She breathed in slowly and breathed out.

This has to be hard. I imagine Rian wants all of them like I do. But I have to choose.

In a way, she felt that having the first pick between the two felt like she put more pressure on herself. More choices and options meant that there was potentially more regret and chance she made the wrong one. Her eyes furtively darted between the three Pokémon that looked up to her with equally anticipating gazes.

No, I can't think that. None of these pokemon are going to be bad choices.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm taking so long." She stammered, suddenly feeling hot from everyone's eyes on her.

"Don't be." Clavell allowed a small smile in understanding. "This isn't something you can decide on lightly. I know."

"Oh yes, trust me, it's hard." Nemona added. "But also trust when I say the payoff and rewards are absolutely worth it! You're getting a lifelong amigo here!"

"Jules it's okay." Rian patted his sister on the shoulder, trying not to look too discouraged himself. "Don't worry about me okay? I know you'll make the right choice when you pick your first pokemon."

Okay. Jules walked in front of each pokemon, slowly petting them all on the head. The fuecoco lolled its tongue out to savor the scratching sensation while the quaxly puffed out its chest proudly.

Jules stepped forward to the sprigatito. "Hey." As she reached out to pet it, the feline gently rubbed its head against her palm, purring in soft delight. She laughed at its affectionate gesture.

"That's sprigatito! A grass-type pokemon! It can use its plant powers to soak up any water you throw at it!"

"You seem to pick much like how they do in Alola. Where the pokemon has to willingly accept the trainer too." Clavell remarked.

"That was the idea." Jules replied. I want the partner that wants to be with me. She stood up and glanced at them once more. "And I've made my decision."

Her finger fell down and pointed directly at her left. "I choose sprigatito."

"Excellente!" The director nodded and produced a poke ball from his pocket, which he handed to Jules. Beside him, Nemona clapped her hands together. "A wonderful choice!"

"Hey buddy. You wanna be my first pokemon?" Jules knelt on her knees as the grass kitten slowly walked forward. She held her hands out and it bounded straight into her arms, eliciting a giggle. "Yes, we're gonna be great together!"

Rian almost breathed out a sigh of relief. Out of the starters, he was fairly certain that sprigatito was the one he wanted the least.

Should I think that? What if Jules picked the one I wanted the most and I had to feel like settling?

"You two look so adorable together!" Nemona told Jules as the sprigatito immediately rubbed its head against the girl's chin. "I know you're going places! What about a nickname? Giving him one?"

"Well of course!" Jules said. "Of course he deserves one…he is a boy right?"

Clavell nodded. "Yes, all the pokemon you see here in front of you are male. Very close friends I might add with one another. However you can inspect your trainer license on your RotoPhone's app to manage your pokemon in your team. You'll be able to see their statuses and other info which also does include gender. Any other pokemon you may catch will be automatically registered to your license, negating the need of the old days where you had to fill forms out by hand to add to a database."

Nemona scoffed. "It's a good thing we don't have to do that now."

"Right." Jules stroked the sprigatito on his back. "I have the perfect nickname for you too. Basil."

The now nicknamed Basil cocked his head to the side before giving off what seemed to be a coo of approval before snuggling close to his new trainer once again. With her free hand, Jules had her Rotom Phone out, giving off a smile to take a selfie picture. Basil seemed to enjoy the attention.

"I'd say he likes it." Rian remarked, genuinely delighted for her. "Congrats sis."

"Gracias! And now it's your turn!"

Right. He glanced at the two remaining pokemon. My turn.

In a way opposite Jules's, Rian felt like the decision was harder now that he had fewer choices. More pressure to pick the right one because of a greater chance it would be wrong.

Don't think that. Just don't. Maybe he had to do what his sister did and see which pokemon seemed to choose or want him more.

"If you did like sprigatito," Clavell cleared his throat after the boy kept his eyes shifting between his options. "I can see if,"

"No gracias Director." Rian told him. "Because of the fairness in our earlier decision between us, I'd like to make my selection of what's been given."

"Very well." He said nothing more, but found that his own personal respect for the boy had grown. The Almeida-Araújo twins reminded him very much of his own nephew and niece when they were kids themselves.

Rian reached out with one hand towards each pokemon. Like his sister, they were very excited and positive. Fuecoco's eyes were lazily half shut while the quaxly brushed its coif and eyed the boy carefully.

I…I can't. I can't decide.

"That's fuecoco! A fire-type pokemon! The burning hot sparks it scatters will fry any and all plants in a flash!"

Fuecoco was his early decision. Knowing the basics of typing, he would have the advantage over Jules if he ever battled her. But at the same time, quaxly would put him at a disadvantage instead. Through it all, he couldn't base his own decision just because of a favored mismatch against his sister. He had to go with what was right for him.

"And that's quaxly. A water-type pokemon! It may seem quiet, but its mighty streams of water can put out any fire! You'll see!"

But he did remember how the quaxly had that innate determination. While not an outgoing pokemon, it seemed more goal oriented and he felt as if their shared goal could take them farther. Maybe?

"I'm sorry," Both Jules and Nemona gasped. Rian shook and hung his head in shame, frustrated at himself for his indecisiveness. "I don't know. I'm worried that I'll be making the wrong choice."

"Rian," His sister set Basil down and walked towards him, the grass cat trotting eagerly at her side. "I'm sorry. I should have picked someone else if this was going to upset you."

"It's not that," He glanced over at her, worried about her genuine concern. Argh! Why does this have to be so hard?! "Please don't feel bad for me Jules…I see you happy and I don't want you to put that aside for me."

Nemona stepped forward to Rian's other side and gently put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey…it's okay…it's okay if you don't feel decisive."

He refused to meet her gaze.

"Look at me."

Still looking away.

"Don't make me make you."

Wow. Okay then. Knowing she wasn't going to stop, Rian carefully turned, staring up into Nemona's light brown eyes.

"You want to know how hard it was for me to pick my very first partner years ago? It was nerve wracking. Just as hard as it is for you now. So let me give you a little piece of advice."


"I know you were looking forward to this moment." She started, "In fact, a lot of pokemon trainers that get to pick starters feel it's among the hardest decisions they have to make. Even those champions you see at the top of their game had once started where you are at yourself at this moment. So maybe don't think about the here and now. Don't think about all those fundamentals of battling...there's going to be plenty of time for that. Think about yourself as you go across this region on all sorts of adventures, meeting new people and tons of other new pokemon. There's so much to see and do! Now which partner pokemon do you see at your side? You don't have to tell me, your sister or anyone else. Think about the things you'll do together, experience and grow…and pick from there."

Rian closed his eyes and sighed, doing what she asked.

A pokemon at my side on this journey. Try to see it.

I got it.


"Yes better." Rian's voice had a newfound firmness to it as he opened his eyes once more. His mind was made up as best he could and he could only hope that it was right. "And I've made my decision."

I hope I don't regret this. He pointed at his partner of choice. "I'm going to choose quaxly."

Clavell's reaction wasn't the same as Jules' surprise, but he appeared to understand how more thorough and thoughtful he had been to sway his decision. Another poke ball was taken from his belt and he handed it to Rian, who cradled it in his hands. Quaxly stepped forward carefully before tugging its white colored wings at his leg.

Rian giggled and scooped him up. "Hey there buddy. I'm sorry that I looked so worried there. Guess it's you and me."

Quaxly shook its head and used a wing to proudly smoothen out its coif as it sat on his elbow. For a small pokemon, it was a bit heavier than he expected.

"Are you going to nickname yours too?" Nemona asked.

"Yeah of course I am!" Rian hummed in thought. "Hmm,"

Shoot this might be harder than actually picking the pokemon. He did see out of the corner of his eye that the fuecoco had a rather dejected expression and he did feel a pang of regret in not choosing the one he had originally wanted.

If I chose fuecoco, what's to say that quaxly here wouldn't be bummed?

"And I got the best one." Rian saw his pokemon look at him expectantly. "How about Baron? Or more formally; Baron von Quaxly?"

The pokemon cocked its head to the side, almost the same way Basil had with Jules when she gave him his own nickname. He softly quacked and nodded, accepting it.

Nemona laughed as Clavell gave a nod of approval. "You two picked great nicknames! And they're like both a perfect fit!"

"Yes, sprigatito and quaxly have taken quite a liking to the both of you." The director said. "As your first pokemon, please treat it with love and care. And of course be sure to keep it safely tucked away in its poke ball that I have given you."

"Si Director." Rian and Jules said at the same time. "Thank you. We won't let you down."

I can't believe it. She looked down at Basil, rubbing his head against her ankle in a gesture of affection. My very own pokemon.

"Director," Nemona started. "Can I choose to take this fuecoco too?"


Clavell was clearly not expecting to be asked that. He faced her with a frown. "Oh, I was led to believe you had received a pokemon when you first entered the Academy."

"Well not back then, I was raising other pokemon at the time. But now I think I'd like to raise a new one as Rian and Jules here grow with their own partners!"

They all watched as the Director closed his eyes, to think it over. Rian secretly hoped that he would agree, especially after seeing the distraught look in the fuecoco's eyes after both he and Jules had passed him over.

He is gonna be in good hands with a champion trainer raising him.

"Very well." Clavell finally said. As he agreed, the fuecoco growled in delight and jumped up into the air. "A splendid idea indeed. If you wish to raise a pokemon on equal footing with Master Rian and Miss Jules, then I will allow it."

"Sweet!" Nemona pumped a fist as Clavell handed her another poke ball. "Alright buddy, you're gonna have a home after all! I'm gonna call you Saeta! Welcome to the team!" Fuecoco nodded in agreement as he accepted his own nickname.

She turned around to the twins. "So now that we all have a pokemon, we HAVE to battle! I'll wait for you guys down at the beach!"

"But we do-" Rian started, but Nemona was already out of earshot, sprinting towards a flight of stairs that looked to lead down towards the sandbar. She disappeared faster than he could even get the words out of his mouth.

Don't know how to battle…now I have to face a champion trainer with a pokemon I just got?

Clavell broke the uncomfortable silence. "As you two may have noticed, Miss Nemona is quite fond of pokemon battling. But I do hope you will join her for one. It is a very good opportunity to get to know your pokemon after all."

"Oh we've noticed." Rian said.

"That sounds exciting, but neither of us know how to battle." Jules pointed out. "And we're supposed to go up against a champion ranked trainer?"

"Yes. That is true. I'll have to remind her of this fact."

"So which one of us is gonna battle her?" She asked. Basil squeaked softly and nuzzled his trainer's leg.

Jules pointed at Rian. "I think you should. You've always dreamt of having a proper battle as a trainer."

"And not you?"

"Maybe one day. Besides, I got to pick first so it's only right you get to use your pokemon in battle first."

And totally not because of other reasons.

"What do you say Baron?" Rian looked at his pokemon, who still sat diligently on his shoulder. The small duckling pokemon proudly puffed its chest out in agreement. His brand new partner. Maybe he wasn't the wrong choice after all. "Are you ready to battle and start to be the greatest trainer we can be?"

A lot went through Rian's mind as he and Jules walked down the circling flight of stars that led to a platform just over the sandbar. The water was even closer now and the weather was just warm enough to feel like it would be inviting for a swim. Before heading down, he had wanted to get a feel for how to return them back to their ball, done by pressing firmly down on one of two panels on the upper rim of the device's clamshell design.

Nemona was sitting on one end of the long battle court eagerly talking to Saeta, her new fuecoco. The fire croc seemed lazily paying attention, but she didn't seem to care. She rubbed it on the head and returned it back to its ball as the twins approached.

"Yes! This is gonna be so fun!" Nemona said as Rian hesitantly approached. "Your very first pokemon battle! Anyone can be a pokemon trainer as long as they have pokemon by their side! And it's our duty as trainers to help those pokemon grow stronger through battling!"

"I…I don't really know how to battle," Rian softly said.

"Oh come on, it's easy. You stand on one end of the court," Nemona gestured to the flat surface she stood on. Rian saw within the largest square there were two halves, each extending towards one side and a divided circle painted in the center. "And issue commands. As you get stronger and form bonds with your pokemon, eventually they'll be able to battle more autonomously on their own."

She gestured towards his RotoPhone and he pulled it out, scrolling to his Trainer ID as instructed.

"So when you open the standard trainer's app; you'll be able to see the status of each of your pokemon here on hand. It's got health markers that's fairly reliable and accurate; something we didn't have years ago and you'll also be able to see the list of moves your pokemon has learned."

Rian looked at Baron's ID, it showed that the quaxly was male and knew the moves pound, growl and water gun. He thumbed over each move and a separate tab popped up to indicate the move's power, typing and effects, similarly another description was available to be read on Baron's passive ability.

"Each pokemon has an ability that innately can be used." Nemona explained. "Some have abilities can become much more powerful because of it while come in handy at the right time. Keeping mind of abilities is just as important as moves and other things. Don't forget that sometimes abilities can be a hindrance as much as they are helpful!"

"Got it." Rian saw that Baron's was Torrent, which gave a power increase to water type moves when he was significantly damaged.

Interesting. I'd rather not purposefully hurt him to do that, but it's definitely a helpful little thing if we're ever on the ropes.

"So Rian. Do you think you're ready to battle me?" Nemona asked after he sorted through his phone for a couple more minutes.

"Y-yeah. I think so."

"Perfect!" Nemona pumped a fist and jumped into the air. "Then let's do it! I'm so excited! So go and take your spot over there! We'll throw out our pokemon and battle once we're both ready to start!"

Rian saw a small painted box at the end of the court's floor, guessing that was where the trainer would stand. Jules watched him walk over and slowly turn around to face Nemona standing opposite him.

"Let's have us a fruitful battle! Now I think I'm going to use-"

"Miss Nemona." They heard the stern voice of Clavell as he slowly descended the stairs where they had come down just a few minutes earlier. "Do take into account that Master Rian has become a trainer as of a few minutes ago. He is wholly inexperienced in pokemon battling."

Wait what?

On the other side, Nemona gave a wistful sigh. "Heh…that's a good call Director."

She turned back to him, "I was about to send in one of my usual partners right off the bat."

I was this close to being a dead man. Rian did his best not to let the color drain from his face. Next to Clavell, Jules nearly stifled a laugh.

"But you're right. This is probably a good chance to try out my new buddy!"

"I shall officiate the battle." Clavell stepped forward and glanced at the twins. "Should no person be present to do so, there is also an added application to all standard issue RotoPhones that can act as one itself."

He gestured his arms to both sides. "The battle between trainers Rian and Nemona is to begin. It will conclude once one sides' pokemon is incapable of battling further. One pokemon per side. Trainers, do you accept these terms?"

"Yes." Nemona said. Rian wasn't sure what to say and remained silent.

"Rian," Jules said. "You're supposed to give some sort of acknowledgement."

"Huh? Oh right. Uh si, I'm ready."

"Very good. Both parties accept. I want a fair and clean fight. Send out your pokemon. Battle begins on my signal."

"Okay Saeta, let's go and do this!" Nemona grunted, using her right hand in an awkward tossing up motion. The ball sailed off course, but split open to reveal the fire croc pokemon. He landed on the ground, acting lazy like before, but snapping to attention quickly.

"Heh," The trainer opposite him giggled in a bit of embarrassment. "Even a champion ranked trainer like myself still has a little bit of a hard time in perfecting a poke ball throw. I've even caught one of my longtime partners because I was aiming for the wrong pokemon."

The twins found themselves laughing at that. Funny how things worked.

Rian gripped Baron's poke ball in his fist. Glancing down at the device, it was made of a synthetic material that was a mixture of some plastic and metal bits, reinforced over the years due to the constant wear and tear on them. Like many trainers starting out, he knew the basics of throwing and activating at the same time, hitting the button in the center to release the pokemon from the capture matrix inside. Baron's had no scuffs or dings on its smooth surface.

"Okay Baron let's go!" He threw the ball in a sidearm pass, but like Nemona, his aim was off and it went to the left side a bit.

Okay yeah, I have to get some more practice in. That's only my very first time as a trainer.

Yet he was still successful. Baron landed on the ground deftly on his small feet and he bristled for battle, a little surprised that his opponent was his close friend that had walked with a new trainer and his sister just a half hour ago. Rian felt the ball return to his throwing hand as if it were a boomerang, nearly flinching in surprise.

Clavell chopped his hand down. "Begin."

"I know this is our first pokemon battle together, so let's just aim to have some fun!" Nemona gestured. "Saeta, tackle!"

Uh oh. Rian didn't realize that battling was going to go at this fast of a pace. "Baron, uh."

Oh no.

Before he could issue a command of his own, Saeta had charged forward on two small stubby legs and threw his entire body weight into Baron's side. The quaxly let out a cry of pain as he hurdled backwards.

"Rian!" Jules called from the side. "Your phone gives you a list of moves that Baron can use! Pick one and call it out! Communication is key!"

Communication. Right. The boy brought out his phone and quickly opened the trainer app. Baron knew pound, leer and water gun.

"Baron use pound!" Woah...that was my first move as a trainer!

Saeta was still retreating when Baron dashed forward, raising his small wings and delivering a blow that was powerful enough to send the other pokemon reeling.

"Don't let him get away with that!" Nemona said, her stance clear that she was very much into the action. "Ember!"

Woah these are faster pace than I expected!

"Baron look out! Dodge!" Rian called as Saeta opened its large mouth to shoot a small glowing ball of fire. Baron glanced up just in time and jumped to the side to avoid it. Could I even tell it to dodge if it's not even a move? "Good! Now use water gun!"

No sooner had he fully dodged when he opened his own mouth to shoot a small thin stream of water. Nemona countered with another ember attack, which hit and blocked the majority of the water, all evaporating into wisps of white steam.

"Tackle again!"

"Use pound!"

Both pokemon charged at one another, but the fuecoco was quicker in using his heavier weight to strike first. Baron got a hit in as well, but Rian could tell that he wasn't going able to last much longer.

I gotta do something.

"Water gun!"

Saeta was still somewhat close when Baron opened his bill and blasted him with another fine stream of water. The fire croc yelped in pain, a much more noticeable effect in toppling over, but it was still in the fight.

"You've been studying up Rian, smart move!" Nemona called out to him. "Water is strong against fire!"

"Go Rian!" Jules called from the sides. "You got this!"

Nemona too, was encouraging her pokemon to stand, which it did. Saeta was first; his entire body beginning to glow a crimson red as his mouth gathered up fire again to launched another ember, this one coming too quick for Baron to dodge or counter himself. The flames splashed over his down as if they were liquid of their own as it knocked the duckling back onto the ground.


Rian's heart fell when he saw his first pokemon tumble backwards, spinning around to lie on his front. His eyes were shut, feathers slightly tattered and it was evident the blow had knocked him out and caused him to faint.

His heart dropped.

No…My very first battle. I lost. Water strong against fire and I still couldn't win?! Did I make a mistake on my choice?

"Baron is incapable of battling further." Clavell said with an emotionless manner, waving a hand towards Nemona's side. "Saeta is the winner, clinching the victory to champion Nemona!"

Rian saw her make a victory fist as Saeta turned around, dashing back to his trainer for praise.

As Nemona was busy exclaiming how proud she was of her pokemon winning his first battle, he didn't have any to give to his own.

But it's not like I can yell at my pokemon for losing like that. That's on me too. Still. Quaxly isn't as powerful or what?

Jules saw her brother step up to cross over the battle court while she absentmindedly scratched Basil on the back of the head as he meowed softly in concern for his own friend.

Rian gently put his arms down and cradled his pokemon. Baron started to regain consciousness and he looked up at his trainer. He could feel the disappointment. Was it aimed at him or something else?

I…I don't know what to say.

Nemona took a step forward, but was quickly stopped by Clavell, who held a hand out to prevent her from going further.

Rian didn't notice the gesture.

"It's okay buddy." He whispered softly. "It was only our first battle."

Would this mean I picked wrong?

"Here." Clavell now approached and held out an item Rian recognized as a potion. "This will fix him right up."

The boy took off the safety seal and sprayed the medicine onto the quaxly's wounds. Within moments, the small pokemon perked up and looked like its optimistic self once more.

"Rian," Nemona finally walked up, an unusually worried frown on her face. "Are you going to be okay?"

Rian swallowed as everyone looked to him expectantly.

I'll be okay. I promise.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll get over it." Despite the overwhelming embarrassment of losing his battle and tears threatening to spill over his eyes, he had to take it in stride. No sense in trying to take it back now. There would be many more battles to win and lose and he couldn't judge his entire career as a trainer just by his very first match. "I just became a trainer, so I can't be too hard on myself for not losing."

"I was worried that I crushed your spirits," Nemona said quietly. "But you weren't bad for a rookie trainer starting out! Really! You're gonna be strong for sure! I know it!"

"Uh thanks. I guess?" Saeta had walked over on his stubby legs, growling softly at Baron. The duckling pokemon patted the fuecoco's blunt snout and seemed to be in good spirits, showing no hard feelings from earlier.

"Care to try one more battle? I wanna do another strateg-"

"Miss Nemona," Clavell interrupted her with a stern voice tone that allowed no room for debate. "Master Rian is still processing his most recent defeat at your hands. And I believe his pokemon are still recovering from that last battle."

"Ay por dios," She sighed with her face falling, her upset quite apparent. "I'm sorry. I tend to get caught up when I'm excited to battle someone strong. Siento Rian. Same to your quaxly too."

He slowly nodded, feeling a bit better from her sympathy. She's actually really cute like that. "It's alright. Let's battle again soon!"

"Oh definitely!" Nemona's expression brightened once more. "We'll absolutely be battling again!"

"You three seem to become fast friends even though you just met." Clavell ushered Jules over. "Miss Nemona, can I entrust you to see our newest students under your wing? I am sure both will be learning a great deal from a Champion-class trainer such as yourself."

"You bet! Oh by the way, since you're new to training pokemon, there's an app you'll both definitely need. I'll share it from mine!"

Nemona's Rotophone whipped out of her pocket and floated in front as Rian and Jules had theirs out.

"And done!" The twins saw their screens light up as a new application was installed in the blink of an eye. "This is the pokedex app, accessible right from your Rotophone! Quite the nice advancement from those older clunky ones."

Huh. Jules opened the newly downloaded app to explore the features.

"The pokedex app will automatically record every pokemon you encounter and register any that you catch." Nemona explained. "It's a must have for all pokemon trainers! A very handy app, made by our very own Mister Jacq, who's gonna be our homeroom teacher!"

"Oh cool!" Jules grabbed her phone, "Let's check it out!"

She opened the app and set it to scan mode on Basil. Rian did the same, showing the pokemon in the front camera.

Scanning…match found. Sprigatito. Grass cat pokemon. Grass type. The sweet scent this pokemon's body gives off is mesmerizing. The scent grows stronger when this pokemon is in the sun.

The app showed the average species' height, weight and pokedex number in Paldea's official system. Additionally there was another page that showed the range of habitat where that particular pokemon could be found in the wild. Of course Sprigatito's entry showed that it had no data on its habitat range.

That's not surprising. Starter pokemon are incredibly rare to find in the wild anyways.

Additionally, the 'Dex app also had a feature that could instantly swap over to the trainer data where she could see the individual characteristics and summary of the species she had scanned.

Basil is a male and knows the moves scratch, tail whip and leafage. His ability is overgrow which increases the power of grass moves when at low health.

Rian turned the camera to Saeta. Scanning…match found. Fuecoco. Fire croc pokemon. Fire type. It lies on warm rocks and uses the heat absorbed by its square shaped scales to create fire energy. Fuecoco enjoy eating fruits and a laid back behavior.

Lastly was Baron. Like Basil and Saeta, Baron's own habitat range had no data.

Scanning…match found. Quaxly. Duckling pokemon. Water type. Its strong legs easily allow it to swim around even in fast flowing rivers. This pokemon migrated to Paldea from distant lands long ago. A thin film of water and grime repellent gel is secreted from its feathers.

Clavell chuckled while watching them. "Back in my day, we had to use ordinary pen, paper and handwritten notes to compile our pokedexes. It is quite the age we live in now."

"Filling out a pokedex by hand?" Jules asked, looking a bit horrified at such a task. "I can't even imagine how much work that would take." Behind her, both Rian and Nemona voiced similar agreements.

Clavell smiled thinly again. "Heh. No I suppose you can't. Yet no matter how much time changes, the wonders of meeting new pokemon never does. That is a truly timeless pleasure. And the more pokemon you meet, the more you'll find yourself growing and changing. I do hope you will all work towards the goal of completing your pokedexes."

"Yes sir."

"You can count on it." Jules told him.

"Very good." Clavell nodded and turned around. "Miss Nemona, I still have a few matters to continue discussing with your parents. Can I depend on you to see Master Rian and Miss Jules to Uva Academy safely?"

"Si. You can depend on it." She stood a little taller and sharply nodded in affirmation.

"Very well. Then I leave them in your capable hands." The director gave a short bow. "Until then."

"Maybe I outta make more time to work on my pokedex along with my battling." Nemona muttered to herself as Clavell climbed the stairs until he was out of sight. "Oh well. Schedule's always busy."

"So what now?" Jules asked. By then, the trainers had recalled their pokemon into their balls. Nemona had shown them that their school uniform belts included integrated clips where the backside had a set of small sockets where they could be magnetically attached at a trainer's hip. The sockets could also be customized to a wearer's preference so that an entire pokemon team could be fitted to one side.

"Now," Nemona started back the way Clavell had just left and waved an eager hand for the twins to join her. "We make our way up to Mesagoza where our Academy awaits, and I'll also show you guys on how to catch your very own pokemon! We'll do that before we head over. Vamos, come on!"

That wraps up this chapter! Rian and Jules have their very first pokemon and prepped to be on their way to their very first day at their new school! All seems nice, but somehow even a regular trip up isn't without an adventure or other shenanigans of their own!

Now the first major difference I'm inputting in compared to AHHK is that the twins don't have a sassy haunted PokeDex following them around. The RotoPhone is silent for the most part with a lot more functions than its predecessor. In addition, I'm also going to compile a list as well to touch base on which pokemon species that have been logged for 'Dex entries. This is more for myself than anything so that I don't end up putting in the same pokemon twice on different occasions.

Logged 'Dex Entries
  • Sprigatito
  • Fuecoco
  • Quaxly

Spanish Translations
  • Buenas - Hello!
  • Senorita - Miss. Refers to an unmarried girl/woman.
  • Amigo - Friend.
  • Dios Mio! - Goodness gracious!
  • Alto - Stop/Halt
  • Por Dios! - For heaven's sake
  • Siento - Sorry
  • Vamos - Let's go!

As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose!
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Mew specialist
  1. mew-adam
  2. celebi-shiny
  3. roserade-adam
Hey there. I was assigned your fic for this week’s round of Catnip so here I am. For this review I’ll be going through the first chapter and providing my thoughts.

I found it curious how the story opens with a blurb telling us about the region of Paldea and shedding a bit of light on its history. There was a couple of interesting things brought up in there such as how Paldea was born through unions and dissolutions on top of being an Empire at one point. As someone who hasn’t played Scarlet and Violet, I wonder how much said here is canon and how much of it is made up of original concepts you decided to include.

In the next scene that follows we cut to a lab falling into chaos and a trainer commanding his pokemon, one I assume to be Miraidon, to run away and seek safety. The way you described Miraidon’s computer-esque reasoning and thought process has to be my favorite part of this portion. If I’m being honest though it sorts of dragged a bit since the events of this scene can be boiled down to “Miraidon flies around and crashes on a beach”. Though to be fair we do get more than just meandering. The scene tells us Miraidon’s objective and even Luz Sur, who I assume will be the focus character in the chapter that follows this one. To that I think the scene is fine if you look at the sum of its parts.

Overall, I’d say this first chapter does what it set out to do well in introducing the reader to the narrative.


Connoisseur of Memes
Hey there. I was assigned your fic for this week’s round of Catnip so here I am. For this review I’ll be going through the first chapter and providing my thoughts.

I found it curious how the story opens with a blurb telling us about the region of Paldea and shedding a bit of light on its history. There was a couple of interesting things brought up in there such as how Paldea was born through unions and dissolutions on top of being an Empire at one point. As someone who hasn’t played Scarlet and Violet, I wonder how much said here is canon and how much of it is made up of original concepts you decided to include.

In the next scene that follows we cut to a lab falling into chaos and a trainer commanding his pokemon, one I assume to be Miraidon, to run away and seek safety. The way you described Miraidon’s computer-esque reasoning and thought process has to be my favorite part of this portion. If I’m being honest though it sorts of dragged a bit since the events of this scene can be boiled down to “Miraidon flies around and crashes on a beach”. Though to be fair we do get more than just meandering. The scene tells us Miraidon’s objective and even Luz Sur, who I assume will be the focus character in the chapter that follows this one. To that I think the scene is fine if you look at the sum of its parts.

Overall, I’d say this first chapter does what it set out to do well in introducing the reader to the narrative.
Hey man, thanks so much for the feedback!
One of the main things I'll do when starting out is a bit of a crash course of the region's history which leads up to the events happening in the story in the present day. Only things we really know is that the Paldean Empire was established through wars, bloodshed and unions between nomadic tribes about two thousand years ago. It's about right considering Japan's Chrysanthemum throne is the longest running monarchy in history going back as far as 600 BC.

Fair enough about that on the flying scene. I wanted to give a little more to a scene that most people overlooked at the very beginning as well as what I interpreted from it. I thought that Miraidon's whole flying around while panicked and disoriented was because of its association with Luz Sur as somewhere safe like how it's frequently mentioned. The lighthouse is also where it spent a lot of time, so it serves as a familiar place as well.
Appreciate the review and feedback!
Chapter 4: Fundamentals


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! I do apologize for the bit of tardiness on this one. That plus the final champion battle of A Hui Hou Kākou taking extra time. Trying to balance things out best I can with a hectic schedule that I have.
Anyways, onto the chapter.

Chapter 4: Fundamentals​

The twins found Nemona at the front gates to her manor next to their parents who had stood outside the family car.

For a moment Rian had wondered to himself if his parents were also catching on to his obvious crush on the upperclasswoman. He was still contemplating his loss and getting used to the fact he was now a trainer. Lifelong dream achieved.

I lost even with a type advantage. That's not good. Not good at all.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jules asked him after a few minutes of silent walking. Rian was the quieter sibling of the two, but when he caught onto a subject that he enjoyed, he was a nonstop chatterbox.

"I dunno." He shrugged. "The battle I guess?"

"Don't be so hard on yourself. She's a champion ranked trainer and you just battled for the first time ever."

"I know. But I got distracted. Wondering if I was making the right decisions."

His sister furrowed her brow. "Rian, what are you talking about? Like your choice of pokemon?"

"No it's not that." Dammit she knows. "Okay maybe I did choose the wrong pokemon. Like I wanted to be careful and I'm not even sure why I chose quaxly when I had my mind all but completely set on fuecoco," he let out a slight laugh, remaining a bit annoyed with himself. "I guess I was probably overthinking things."

Woah. I didn't realize it's eating at him this much. I've never seen him like this when we split stuff. Did I really mess it up for him by picking first? Jules watched him knock his temple with his knuckles. "Can't be going around doing that huh?"

She did agree that he had a point, but there was clearly more to it than what he was letting on. Allowing it to pass for now made sense.

"How come you didn't want to battle Nemona?" He asked her. It was an effort to dodge his own problem on hand.

"I don't really know either. Maybe I'm just overthinking things too. I'm just excited to have my very own pokemon." Her smile came back. "It's not like we're playing with Hector and pretend battling at recreo like we're still kids. This is really happening. We're trainers. Basil and Baron are our own pokemon now."

"I know. It's an awesome feeling and we've waited our whole lives to seize whatever opportunities we get. Whether it's being the strongest trainer in all of Paldea…or completing the pokedex…or whatever floats the boat."

"It seems like you've made up your mind already." She knew that the competitive scene was his goal.

"That's why I have to get as good as Nemona! Can't be a champion if you can't beat one."

"And estar segura that I'll be sure to look after them at Uva Academy! They are both in good hands!" Nemona beamed at their parents and put a hand on her hip. "They chose some really great pokemon and I know for a fact they'll become strong trainers!"

Standing opposite her, both Gabby and Tavo gave a thoughtful nod. Their mother was now in her full Navy whites uniform that was clean and pressed with no visible wrinkles present. The left side of her chest had several medals pinned and her hair was neatly tied back in a bun that was in the regulation for the Armada.

"Ay, mi amor!" Gabby smiled at seeing her two children approach behind Nemona. "I hear Seniorita Nemona will be taking the two of you to school tomorrow! How exciting!"

"Si. Leave it to me!" Nemona declared beside them. "And we made sure that they both picked a pokemon partner to accompany them!"


"Shall we show them?" Jules asked, with Rian hesitantly nodding in agreement.

They're going to see me dissatisfied.

Both twins tossed out their pokemon. Basil mewled softly and stretched his forelegs, enjoying another dose of warm sunlight while Baron immediately went over to stand right next to Rian's leg at rapt attention.

"Oh tan lindo!" Gabby gushed, leaning down to pet them on the head. Basil nuzzled her softly and Baron nodded. "They're amazing! I'm so glad that you are now finally trainers. Such fine choices!"

"Indeed." Tavo gave a thoughtful nod. "And you are both happy with the pokemon?"

"Yes! Very much so!" Jules said, giggling as Basil jumped up on her shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm happy." Rian's expression didn't mirror his words, but he didn't want to give away that he still felt like this wasn't what he had in mind when he became a trainer.

Losing my first battle. Not my greatest start.

"So you finally got your pokemon and managed to make a friend." Tavo's voice was much more measured, though they could see that he was just as happy for his children as his significant other. Gabby giggled at seeing Baron continue to stand erect at attention, reminiscing on something of her earlier days in naval school.

"We've been reading about all the wonderful teachers you'll have looking after you at school. Plus so many handy facilities you can use as much as you like!"

"Add in your new friend Nemona and school life is already shaping up to be a wonderful time!" Gabby clasped her own hands together, just briefly breaking her prim and proper attitude when she usually donned her whites. "Now you'll be staying in the school dorms, so I want you both to promise me you will eat proper comidas. Your father and I have a little bit of spending money for you. And also a packed lunch for your first day!"

Rian and Jules each accepted a brown lunch sack along with a wad of pokeuros and peered inside. Just like when they had gone to school from time to time, each one held a well-wrapped homemade sandwich, a bag of baby carrots and a small bar of chocolate.

Jules had opened hers when the smell of grilled meat and fried pepper hit her nose. One of the things she shared in common with her brother was their favorite sandwich being the serranito, among the most popular types available in the Paldea region.

Grilled jamon, fried peppers, tomato and garlic aioli. Can't beat that.

"And you better take these as well." Tavo reached into a bag at his side, handing each twin five small white and purple colored bottles with spray nozzles. "Be sure to use them on your precious little partners!"

"We will!" Rian and Jules had said in unison. Nemona laughed, unaware that such a thing was not uncommon when hanging around them at all.

"I know every day, your school life is going to be full of exciting experiences far from home. Your father will admit that the casa is going to be very lonely now that we are all gone!" Gabby said. "Just remember to always savor them all, the good times and the hard ones too. But if either of you ever want to come back home for a break, your beds will be waiting for you!"

"We'll be back Mom!" Rian laughed. "There's still Natal-Navidad!"

It would be many months, close to the end of the year's holiday Natal-Navidad to celebrate the creation to be before they would return to school. While their mother unlikely going to be back in time for that; their father would be home and they planned to spend the three weeks off gift giving and relaxing until the second semester started just after the new year.

Tavo stroked his moustache. "You three better be off then, take care on the way to school!"

He gave each twin a hug and kiss on the cheek before Gabby stepped forward.

"I'm going to miss you both so much!" She held them tighter than their father had. "Not one day is going to go by where I don't think about what you are up to and the wonderful adventures you will be having while at the Academy."


"It will be challenging, but always remember what I've been taught while in the Navy. Focus."

"Plan." Their mother's motto was drilled into them since childhood and Jules recited the second part.

"Attack." Rian said to finish it.

Focus. Plan. Attack.

One last set of goodbye hugs and kisses from their parents and they watched them pile into the car, igniting the engine and driving off down the road towards Cabo Poco's port. Rian, Jules and Nemona waved until they turned the corner and disappeared.

"Your parents are so nice!" The upperclasswoman said before something dawned on her. "Oh wait a second! I forgot to show you guys on how to catch a pokemon! Come on! Vamos!"

So many memories. Jules glanced at the kitchen, reminiscing when she was a little girl as her mother's kitchen helper preparing things like her signature gazpacho or torta de Basque. Other than the occasional vacations to places like Mesagoza, Levincia or even that trip to Unova, neither sibling spent quite as long of a time away from home as they were about to be.

Am I going to get homesick? Rian asked himself. What if I realize this isn't what I wanted?

No. It is.

They knew that once they got back, they'd see the newly taken picture of both of them in their school uniforms added to the wall of carefully displayed frames showing key moments in their family's history. From their own parents' meeting to their wedding, to a joyous expression on both Gustavo and Gabriella's faces as the latter proudly cradled a newborn swaddled Rian and Jules in her hospital bed.

Time to make new memories to add.

Like she had said, Nemona led them at the beginning of the Poco Path; a natural walk beside a main road that went to the next town over, Los Platos. Through all the years of living in quaint Cabo Poco, they had never walked it before, instead using the family's car to drive over in less than an hour. For those trips, Los Platos was home to the various transportation options through Paldea including rail, roads and the airport that served both cities for those traveling by air.

The afternoon heat was starting to set in as Rian and Jules took a drink from their water bottles. Nemona looked fresh as ever, standing with a confident hand on her hip and awaiting their arrival with a good amount of patience.

"All right!" She pumped an excited fist above her head as the twins stopped at the entrance next to her. "You made it! This here is Poco Path, the place where adventure will begin for you and me!"

"We're not gonna take the road?" Jules asked in curiosity.

"Nope!" Nemona grinned. "Now that you're trainers, you get to walk the path of one! So things are gonna be a little different than when we were back in town. You're gonna see wild pokemon out and about."

"Wild pokemon?" Rian asked, peering behind her down the dirt path as if he could see some. There was no movement as far as he could tell, but that didn't mean there was none.

Calm down. It's just wild pokemon. Not like there's a shortage of them I'll be missing anytime soon.

He had to just guess he was eager to see and try to catch one for himself.

"Yup! They'll be on the paths, grass and such. Now if you get too close to one, you'll have to battle it! But now you both have your pokemon!"

She knelt down to unsling her backpack and reached inside. "So to catch, you'll need some good ol' fashioned poke balls. I've got plenty on me at all times! Have a few! You never know when you'll run across a pokemon that's too good to pass up!"

She handed them five each. Like the ones they had kept their starter pokémon in, they were smooth with a fiberglass, metallic coating. The bottom half was white and included the base and capture/release button and the top was a bright cherry red.

Rian opened one of them with a tap on the button, showing the inner workings of a peculiar nest of metal and wiring. On the sides of its clamshell design, there were two smaller buttons that could be pressed in while holding where it would activate the recall feature to put them back inside the capsule.

Nemona laughed. "You're very curious Rian, it's really cute to see!"

The light blush that went across Rian's face didn't escape Jules' notice. She knew already.

Oh I'm starting to sense he's got a bit of a crush!

"Once you go into Battle Studies, I'm sure Miss Dendra is going to teach you a lot more about how to capture a pokemon and give you the best chance! But here are the basics!"

She started down the path. Rian and Jules glanced at one another before nodding together.

This is it.

First steps as a trainer.

They took that first step together.

Jules held her breath as the first few paces through the treeline seemed no different, but the farther they went away from civilization into the backcountry, the more evident it became that this was home to more wildlife than any humans. Twenty feet of walking and the vegetation got thicker, quickly covering up any sight of Cabo Poco's buildings on the other end of the thicket.

Before long, they heard the wild pokemon everywhere. From cries unseen to the crunching of grass and vegetation, it felt as if the reality of being a trainer was setting in more and more with even greater anticipation.

Nemona led the way, her head furtively scanning left and right as she hunched over slightly. Together the trio trudged down the path, heading deeper into the brush. The trees got taller and their leafy branches crisscrossed overhead, blotting out patches of the sun that filtered through the gaps. Jules sighed with relief at the much more abundant cool shade.

On the next round, Rian and Jules gasped.

Before them in the clearing, they saw dozens of wild pokemon moving about. Some by themselves, some in groups.


Nemona flashed another toothy grin at them. "Pretty hala isn't it? The world of pokemon is something else!"

She gestured to her RotoPhone. "Like when I explained back at my house; you can use your pokedex to scan wild pokemon and gain data on them. Once you've run across them in the wild, you'll come prepared for every other chance you run across another!"

Rian pulled his own out, pointing the camera to a familiar quadruped pig pokemon that was brownish gray in color with a long pink snout. On four stubby legs, it held its head down, sniffing the dirt furtively.

Lechonk. I know that one everywhere.

Throughout Paldea, lechonk were among the most abundant in the entire region. Renowned for its superior sense of smell, it was just as important to their culture. He knew back from basic school that lechonk have been domesticated and relied on for a mixture of labor, battle and it was an important source of food for both humans and other pokemon on the food chain.

Scanning…match found. Lechonk. Hog pokemon. Normal type. It searches for food all day with its keen sense of smell, but seldom uses it outside foraging. This pokemon gives off an herblike scent that bug pokemon detest.

"I guess that makes sense," Jules had read the information scrolling across his screen and gestured to the other end of the path, where there were two different groups of bugs milling about at the trunks of trees. One was an eight legged arachnid creature with a bright yellow body and an entire mound of silk finely spun into an orb on its back. She centered the camera on it first.

Scanning…match found. Tarontula. String ball pokemon. Bug type. The ball of thread wrapped around its body is strong enough to deflect the blades of its natural enemy scyther. The strength of the thread is as strong as braided wire and research into its durability is ongoing.

Jules moved her phone so it centered on a gray larvae pokemon that seemed to be trying to go by the tarontula, likely some prey not wanting any trouble.

Scatterbug. Scatterdust pokemon. Bug type. Any poison this pokemon takes on is converted into black powder and secreted. Because of this ability, scatterbug can eat various poisonous plants and roots without suffering harmful effects compared to other bug types. This pokemon will consume different plants depending on where it lives.

"I see you're having a lot of fun with the new pokedex app." Nemona told them. "Be sure to log every new pokemon you see. You'll never know when you'll have to see it again."

She crept forward some more. The closest pokemon, notably a scatterbug and a couple lechonk sensed the humans and quickly vanished into the brush. It seemed that a lot of them didn't particularly welcome their foreign presence and chose to hide or flee.

"Ah perfect." She stopped, opposite of a small rodent pokemon that stood on all fours. Its orange fur waved in the wind and small sparks of electric energy crackled along the circular sacs on its cheeks. It spotted the humans and tensed, sensing that it was about to be challenged.

Rian already had his new phone out to scan the pokemon.

Scanning…match found. Pawmi. Mouse pokemon. Electric type. The pads on its paws contain electricity discharging ducts. Pawmi can fire electricity with its paws outstretched while standing unsteadily on its hind legs.

"So! In order to catch pokemon," Nemona started while awkwardly throwing out Saeta again. The fire croc landed on its feet and growled softly at the pawmi. "You have to arm the capture mechanism on the ball. Hit the button until it clicks and the rim glows green! Then you throw it. Once the ball recognizes the signature of your target pokemon; it'll activate that capture matrix and pull the pokemon inside. If it shakes three times and the button snaps, it's a successful capture!"

She gestured and on command, Saeta opened his mouth to shoot an ember. The pawmi squeaked and was thrown back upon getting struck. However, it was quick to roll up and rush forward at blindingly fast speed to hit Saeta back.

"Oh wow, that's a feisty quick attack!" Nemona was already getting excited. "Ember again Saeta!"

The fuecoco once more opened his mouth and launched another small ball of fire that was once again on target. This attack took a lot more fight out and the pawmi showed a bigger struggle to continue the fight.

With her free hand, Nemona showed them an empty poke ball, holding down the center button with her thumb. The twins heard an audible clicking noise and a faint green glow in the dark spot surrounding the button's front. The device was armed.

She threw it, not exactly in a swinging overhand throw like most of them had seen trainers do, but rather in an upward motion as if shot putting. While it looked rather awkward to do, her effort had gotten the job done. The poke ball spun as it sailed into the air, landing on the ground as the clamshell action opened up. The capture matrix recognized the target pokemon, drawing it inside in a flash of light before sealing shut.

All three watched as it settled upright, wobbling on the ground as the pawmi inside attempted to break free. The ball bobbed to the left, then the right and back to the left a second time and then the button made an evident snapping sound; an indication that the capture attempt was successful.

"Woah." Jules's eyes were wide with excitement. "You caught it!"

"That was amazing," Rian whispered. His blood was already flowing and he was raring to give it a try himself. "I've seen videos on how to do it properly, but Nemona made it look so easy!"

The upperclasswoman stepped and scooped up the ball, patting Saeta on the head for a job well done. "And that's that. Again, you can throw a ball right away, but you'll have a much better chance by battling and weakening it! You'll get a lot more insight on how to capture a pokemon when you take Miss Dendra's battle studies course!"

She laughed, "Because actually I'm pretty crummy when it comes to catching pokemon…heh, you know with throwing balls and stuff. But man, when I catch it and train it, that's where it gets awesome!"

Nemona scanned the captured pawmi for a second with her RotoPhone. "Oh, it's a boy and I can tell he's going to be very strong! I think I'm gonna name him Palmer. So what do you guys think? Want to battle some wild pokemon or catch them?"

"I…uh yes!" Rian answered almost immediately. "I'm ready to go!"

"That's the spirit! I know you're really wanting to go too, Jules!"

"You bet I am!"

Nemona and Jules watched Rian immediately take off onto the side where a scatterbug frantically tried to run and escape. Baron appeared in a flash of light and the duo immediately went to work. The scatterbug's fight or flight reflex caught on and it spat a long thread of gooey clear spit that ensnared the duck's wing and stopped it from using a pound.

"Baron, use water gun!" Rian cried.

Baron opened his bill and shot a fine stream of water that blasted the scatterbug into the brush. Rian grabbed one of the empty poke balls from his pack and flung it forward. He didn't see it open or anything and waited for a few seconds. Nothing happened.


"I don't think you caught anything bro." Jules almost laughed out loud. "Baron was a little trigger happy."

Rian knelt down by the bushes and peered inside, seeing the poke ball lying in between a couple branches. Careful not to cut himself if there were any thorns, he slowly reached down and drew it out, face falling in disappointment when there was no pokemon inside and the capture matrix depleted. Baron puffed his chest out proudly for his first official win against another pokemon with his trainer.

Ay por dios! The fact didn't register with Rian. Still feel like picking this pokemon was a mistake!

"Ah, que fuerte." Nemona sighed from behind them. "You won't be able to catch everything."

"I guess I should give it a try." Jules said. Though she hadn't done much with Basil other than pet him, she was itching to see how well she could battle.

I've watched Rian and he makes it look almost as natural as Nemona, even though he's just as new as me. How hard can this be?

Basil emerged from his poke ball as she threw it and he immediately stuck to his trainer's side, nuzzling her ankles with his head and meowing softly.

"Hey buddy," She greeted. Similarly, Baron walked over and the two pokemon seemed to enjoy their company as well. "How about we try our hand at battling?"

Basil squeaked for a moment before he gave a firm nod.

"Perfect." Jules and Rian started walking again. Nemona had already gone ahead, telling them to go at their own pace and that they would meet at the base of the Luz Sur in about an hour.

"What should I try and catch? Or should we try to battle?"

"Maybe battle?" Rian was suddenly pulled away as Baron seemed to start one with a lechonk. The large swine barreled into his side with a powerful tackle. Baron didn't seem to like that, so Rian ordered a retaliatory pound. The lechonk grunted and tackled him once more.

"Finish him with water gun!" Rian called. The pig was struck by another blast from Baron's bill and slumped over in the dirt, knocked out.

"Oh man!" He made a fist in frustration, his other hand about to go for a poke ball just as Baron had made the final blow. "I was about to catch it!"

Baron quacked softly and turned around, putting his wings on his hips and puffing his chest out proudly. After losing their very first battle

The boy shook his head as Baron maintained his posture. "You saying you're the only pokemon I need?" He got a nod from that. "Heh. Maybe. But I want to catch some other partners and friends. As tough as you may be, we won't be able to be champions alone." And keep convincing myself that I made the right call in picking.

"Basil use scratch!" He heard from his right. Looking over, he saw Jules and her pokemon locked in a fight with a small pink floating pokemon. The sprigatito lunged up, slashing with claws on his forelegs. The other creature gave a cry of pain before the leafy stem on the top of its head began to spin rapidly, causing a gust of wind to batter him. Basil hissed loudly as he skid across the ground and shook it off once he was able to regain his footing.

A new pokemon? Rian brought up his phone to scan it.

Scanning…match found. Hoppip. Cottonweed pokemon. Grass and flying type. Aside from cold regions, hoppip can be found nearly anywhere in the world thanks to its ability to ride wind which carries it to wherever.

He realized that it was the first dual-typed pokemon they had encountered. Though just taught the basics so far, he knew that dual-types could play a part in helping or hurting different strategies in battle based on which combination of two types the pokemon possessed.

"Okay, time to throw the poke ball!" Jules hurled the device straight at it. The hoppip braced to be captured, only for the ball to smack it on its side. The impact actually ended up knocking the creature out and the ball's top half cracked as soon as it hit the ground.

Rian jogged over as his sister gave a defeated sigh. Basil meowed softly, looking up and trying not to feel bad for his trainer.

"Dang, I thought we would've had it." Jules almost laughed at herself in spite of her own failure. "But I forgot to arm the capture matrix!"

"You what?! Ha!" Rian was just as surprised, yet he couldn't help but laugh himself. The exact same mistake he had made, aside from possibly Baron just being too powerful and knocking out the scatterbug outright. Jules could only smile and shake her own head in embarrassment.

"I guess it's a lot harder than I thought. Nemona made it look so easy."

"Well look on the bright side," Rian told her. "That probably wasn't a missed catch worth crying about anyway. I mean if you did, you'd have two grass types. It'd probably be better if you balanced out the typing of pokemon in your team."

Jules nodded. Minus type specialists, it was good as a trainer to remain versatile. "That's true. Is that why you haven't caught anything yet?"

"Nah," he gestured down to Baron who was busy chasing Basil around their legs. "He just wants to show off his strength and how good of a fighter he is. But give yourself some credit there sis. You're just as good of a battler as me."

"We're rookies, so that doesn't carry much sentiment." The twins laughed for a moment before settling down.

Okay that was good.

"But no, I'd like to at least capture one pokemon before we reach the school today." Rian declared. "But I'm gonna be selective. I'd rather get a few pokemon on my team rather than try to catch everything in sight."

"Funny you say that." Jules said. "I had the exact same thought."

The twins decided to call it and head through the path with their pokemon following loyally behind. By now, the sun had shifted to the late afternoon and they had walked enough that their hometown was just a small dot in the distance. Neither of them had put any thought into how far they were from home, there was just too much to learn about being a trainer. The path quickly cleared of dense trees and ended much quicker than they had expected, joining up with the main road that ran to the north on its way to Los Platos.

"Hey you two!" Nemona waved at them a ways up the climbing hill. Further up the slope, they could see the tall red and white structure of the gigantic lighthouse that overlooked Cabo Poco and much of Paldea's southern coast. The Luz Sur. "Did you two catch any pokemon?"

"Uh no?" Rian said quietly, but she didn't seem to hear.

"At least you're getting the hang of battling! Jules I saw you fighting that wild hoppip with poise!" Nemona grinned again. "You may have not fought against a trainer like Rian yet, but I know you'll be just as good!


See? Her brother shot her a knowing glance. I wasn't wrong.

"So let me see, you've caught," Nemona narrowed her eyes as they approached and only saw just one ball on their belt and the two starters beside their respective trainers. "Nothing?! Neither of you caught a pokemon?"

"Well first up," Rian turned away to hide the growing redness on his face. "Throwing an empty poke ball is a lot harder than I ever expected. Second, Baron just wants to plow through anything that stands in his way. He's knocked out anything that he's come across in two or three attacks."

And at this rate, it'll be single hit knockouts.

"I tried to catch that hoppip. But same problem. I forgot to arm the matrix." Jules sighed, remembering that it wasn't that much of a missed opportunity. If she wanted another hoppip, running into one was almost guaranteed in a windy area.. "Next time."

"I'd think you'd have at least two or three apiece." Nemona told them. "But staying with one is completely fine too! Just so you know, there are good and bad parts to having fewer pokemon. You can devote a lot more attention and care to them for sure."

Rian looked to be deep in thought after hearing that. "And I'm assuming that's the good part?"

"Yeah. It could be better for you to have a stronger pokemon at your side. However if either of your only pokemon is seriously hurt, you can be in a lot of trouble. I've seen trainers train the crap out of one pokemon and neglect the rest. Then during a battle, once that big strong pokemon goes down, the rest fall like dominoes. So it's probably for the best to keep things balanced."


"Mhmm. And so you know, there's going to be a lot of people who like to challenge others to battles at the Academy and even around Paldea. Moiself included!" Nemona pointed to herself proudly, causing Rian to laugh at her little Kalosian anisomorphism. "So make sure you have more pokemon ready to be used. On equal terms of their strength, a trainer with five pokemon often wins against a trainer with two or three.

"We can carry six pokemon maximum right?" Jules asked.

"On hand, si. Some trainers have special licenses and permits to carry more such as breeder specialists. Though if they're battling, they're still limited to six."

"Oh," Rian almost groaned. "I guess that can't really be much of an advantage after all."

No doubt that rule had to be put in because someone tried to circumvent it.

"But enough of that chit chat, let's get going to U-"

Nemona was abruptly cut off by an earsplitting roar suddenly pierced through the air, startling the three trainers. Everyone visibly flinched. Rian felt his heart stop.

What was that?!

Jules had jumped before her hands instinctively grabbed onto her brother's arm. "Rian what was that?"

"I'm not really sure." Glancing at Nemona, the look of surprise on her face told him she had no idea either.

"I've never heard that before." She whispered as if whatever made the noise was capable of overhearing them. "Could it be a really strong pokemon or something? Let's take a look around."

There wasn't much else to do yet, so they agreed and started searching.

Jules was pretty sure that something that made a cry that loud wasn't going to be small. She glanced up in the sky, expecting to see a large pokemon, but the only thing that happened to be up there were some orange and gray birds that had taken off from being startled by the noise. She had seen them before, but they were too far away for her to scan with her dex's camera.

"Do you think it's the same thing that made that loud crashing noise this morning?"

"I don't know. We'll keep looking. Be careful, there's a dangerous cave somewhere around here too."

"The Inlet Grotto." Rian said. Jules knew of it too; home to some of the more aggressive wild pokemon species that lived in south Paldea and they were taught to stay away from it since childhood when they went to play in the fields and beaches.

The Inlet Grotto was located underneath them at the end of a long cove that was a bit of an open secret among the locals. It was far from the touristy area of Cabo Poco, but right next to the Luz Sur. Rian could see the sand below and smell the salt from the ocean already as he neared.

The boy slowly approached the edge, having a hunch that the loud roar he heard had come from somewhere down below.

"Rian be careful," Jules warned, seeing him out of the corner of her eye approaching the cliff. "Please."

I will.

He slowly moved so that he was right along the edge, keeping a little crouch in case something spotted him. Aside from the dark specks in an otherwise flawless sandbar and a couple of tall palm trees, the Inlet Beach was deserted. Since the pokemon were kind of dangerous living in the cave behind and its seclusion being surrounded by the tall cliffs, people rarely ever went down despite its popularity for being much more low profile.

More softer growls caught his attention as he saw motion out of the corner of his eye.


A pack of small dark quadruped canine pokemon were surrounding a much larger pokemon that Rian didn't recognize. He had to blink and refocus before finally seeing that the creature was lying down on its belly, just out of the surf.

Huh? I've never seen anything like it.

Maybe if he could get a closer look.

The pack of dogs closed in and the larger pokemon finally extended an elongated neck and roared again in that same warbled revving noise that sent chills down Rian's spine. It didn't matter that the temperature was quite warm either.

"Rian," Nemona's voice took on an urgency that he hadn't heard before. She and Jules were approaching behind him, worry evident on their faces. "Get back from the cliff."

"Y-yeah." The boy took a step backwards.

Just as the rumble shuddered underneath and he felt the ground give way, no longer able to support his weight. Thankfully, his swift reflexes let him be able to reach back and grabbed onto a rocky outcropping and hold on. Like a switch flipped, adrenaline coursed through his veins before his own mind could register it was falling down.

"Rian!" Jules cried, almost running to him. "Hold on!" At the same time Nemona ducked underneath the railing, sliding onto her belly to try and grab him.

"I'm trying!" The fright was replaced by the fear, there was nothing to stop him from a sixty foot drop and he was pretty sure it would seriously mess him up once he fell.

If he survived.

Hurry Jules.

Nemona was above him in a matter of seconds, one hand on the railing and the other reaching down towards him. Both his own hands clung to the small rock and he feared it would give way if he shifted his own weight. To help, he planted his feet lower on the cliff, finding less than an inch of purchase. He hoped that it would alleviate some of the pressure off his arms, because not even a few seconds elapsed and they were already beginning to burn with lactic acid and he visibly shook.

"You have to grab my hand!" Nemona cried, fear etched on her face. "I can't go out any farther!"

Slowly Rian took one of his hands away, fearing that his only arm clinging to the rock now would have to support his entire weight.

He grit his teeth, reaching up and leaned forward. Her fingers were just inches away. Nemona grunted and strained as she stretched as far as she possibly could.

Hurry! I can't hold on!

Then the rock finally gave way.

Rian shared one last look with Nemona and Jules. The fear on both their faces was going to be one that would haunt him for the rest of his short life.

I'm sorry.

"RIAN!" Jules gave a horrified scream as he plunged out of sight down sixty feet to a crushing death.

A thousand thoughts raced through Rian's mind as gravity took ahold of his body and he plummeted down. The wind felt as if it was rushing out of his mouth and despite the overwhelming fright, he refused to scream.

Jules was another story and he'd never forget the terrified look on her face and her own reaction as she saw her brother for the last time.

The air rippled at his clothes and his own instincts took over, curling himself into a ball for a drop that would only take a couple of seconds and his best chance of surviving.

What would my parents think?

He felt something move in his pocket and instinctively reached down to find that his RotoPhone suddenly yanked itself free and hovered in the air. His fingers tightened around the edge and the sudden arrest in momentum had just about ripped his arm out from its socket and it caused a yell of pain to burst from his lips.

Rian let go of the phone, still dropping several feet and landing on the sand with an explosive whoosh that knocked the wind out of him.

Sand burst in his face, falling all over his school uniform and went straight into his eyes and mouth. Despite his body trying to cough it out, his lungs still hadn't reinflated and he doubled over in pain.

Ah por dios! Did the phone just save me from an embarrassing death?

Despite the overbearing pain, Rian couldn't have been more relieved. If he was hurting, that meant he was still alive. What was more relieving was the fact he and his sister had just gotten those RotoPhones earlier in the day.

"Rian!" Jules cried from somewhere up top. She leaned over, but couldn't see him. "Rian, please be okay!"

I'm not dead. His limbs shook as he croaked like a frogadier with his mouth partially open in trying to answer. With his uninjured right arm, he managed to brush the rather irritating grains of sand out of his eyes and face as he finally began to catch wind again. A few more blinks cleared them out.

"Ah!" His body shuddered as he rolled onto his back and sat up, now able to cough out the wet sand that had gotten into his mouth. "That really hurts." Even trying to spit didn't seem to get rid of it entirely.

The RotoPhone hovered just above him, showing a red warning screen with a wall of text highlighting dangers of standing close to sheer cliff drops. It shook back and forth as if trying to emphasize a point. He took a closer look at what the smart phone was showing him.

While RotoPhone's SkyDrop feature is intended to save the user from long falls; it is not meant to be used for recreation or horseplay. There is a chance of an incomplete save which involves severe trauma, massive internal hemorrhaging and compound fractures. Dismemberment and permanent extremity damage is also possible along with multiple other various environmental hazards. If you are satisfied with your RotoPhone's life saving capabilities, be sure to give a like and a review. Huh?

"Rian!" He now heard Nemona joining in with his sister. "Rian!"

"I'm okay!" He tried to yell, but descended into another coughing fit from more sand. "I'm okay!"

"He's okay!" Nemona told Jules. They must've heard him. The two girls sighed with relief before the younger one embraced her in a firm hug.

"Thank you."

Nemona was just as relieved knowing that her new friend wasn't seriously hurt.

"He's alright. We'll be right."

"But now what?" Jules asked her. "Is he trapped down there? Or," her voice trailed off when she saw the cave at the end of the beach.

Inlet Grotto was a spot the locals tended to stay away from due to particularly fierce wild pokemon inhabitants from the cave. It wasn't like some of the gentler ones like lechonk, scatterbug or hoppip like they encountered earlier. A lot of species that lurked inside were a lot less welcoming to humans wandering into their home.

Three dark furred dog pokemon wandered close to the stranger's front, growling and lunging to attack, but none seemed to dare strike it. They wouldn't be seen on Poco Path, instead lurking within the grotto.

Rian saw them too and finally mustered enough strength to stand once his breathing rate had calmed down. His limbs still shook, whether it was from adrenaline or the buildup of lactic acid, he couldn't quite tell.

The dogs yipped and darted in between one another, snapping their small jaws at the larger pokemon. One moved a little too close, which provoked a reaction. It raised a smooth head and growled loudly, almost as loud as the one that nearly sent him toppling to an early death.

The noise was both bestial and almost sounded like it was synthetically warbled. It was unlike anything Rian had ever seen or heard. Clearly the noise the creature had made spooked the dogs as they quickly retreated back towards the cave.

Rian managed to snag a scan of them with his RotoPhone.

Scanning…match found. Houndour. Dark pokemon. Dark and fire type. It communicates with others of its pack in a variety of cries and hunts their prey together. They are known for being loyal and obedient pokemon.

He took a closer look at the other pokemon that was still laying in the sand. It was primarily a dark violet color with hints of gold and silver trim. Its neck was long, ending in an ovoid shaped head that seemed to lack proper eyelids. The most striking feature was the fact he didn't see any scales or organic body parts. A mix of purple and silver surfaces gleamed in the sun and he thought he could hear it giving off a soft humming noise.

Definitely a lizard or dragon of some sort. As if it were a machine built to resemble a pokemon that came from a laboratory. When the word dragon had crossed his mind, he immediately saw its striking likeness to a pokemon that was very familiar to most Paldeans.

It looks like a cyclizar. Like a cyclizar that took a trip through time into the future.

He figured maybe the pokedex would have some information.

The device scanned the target pokemon for a few seconds, but the app told him that no match was found, locked in a loading state with a spinning icon.

"No data?" He looked over at it, a mix of confusion and wonder. "What exactly are you?"

Rian didn't want to approach in case of danger, but curiosity got the better of him.

The mysterious pokemon sensed him coming, giving off a soft rumble and looked up at him observantly upon detecting his presence. He saw the top of its eye squint and its expression looked a bit more threatening.

Probably thinking I'm here to pick a fight too.

"Hey there amigo." Rian said nervously. Almost as if it was studying him. "Are you okay?"

Analyzing. Human male. Age: Unknown. Age estimated adolescent. Current status unknown. Possible threat. Directive: Seek safety. Directive status: completed. Directive update: Seek safety. Reposition to Luz Sur.

He took a step forward and the pokemon's intense gaze seemed to get more threatening.

Human male threat status heightened. Initiating offensive subroutines. Offensive subroutines offline…execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.

"It's okay." Arms were held up, showing that the boy had nothing to hide. He had no idea how to approach a pokemon like this and every instinct was telling him that this was a very bad and dangerous idea.

Avoid looking at it directly in the eyes. It doesn't trust me. There's no reason to yet.

For the most part, the mysterious pokemon seemed too weak to move on its own.

Maybe I have something I can use to help.

The pokemon tried to move, but its limbs twitched sluggishly in response.

Mobility of limb R1 impeded by 44%. Hadron Engine functionality 12%. Emergency standby mode. Replacement energy source required.

Under its watchful eye, Rian knelt down in front of it, ruffling through his new school backpack, specifically the side that held the potions and medicine. But somehow he didn't think that was what was needed. Some sand from the beach had gotten in through open pockets and he made a note to clean it out later when he had a chance.

There's got to be something else.

Of all places, Rian's mind went to the beach. When they were kids, their parents took him and Jules down to the water in Cabo Poco where they'd spend hours on end playing around in the water. Their mother was constantly frustrated by their unwillingness to sit still so she could apply sunblock.

But often he remembered being so fixated on all the playing and running, by the time he was hungry, he was starving. Practically laying down in the sand like this pokemon in a dramatic need of food. Luckily his mother would pack their favorite serranito sandwiches for a scenario just like that ever happening.

Maybe it's hungry?

Rian took the bag out, unwrapping his sandwich. Already it was getting more of a reaction from the mysterious pokemon who sniffed the air and centered its eyes on the food. Already it was more of a reaction than before. Maybe food did solve all the problems.

Analyzing. Source of sustenance located. Analysis indicates a match to Trainer's identification of "sandwich" Acceptable source of energy. Reunite again?

"Want a bite to eat?" He held it out, watching as the pokemon moved its head closer. It sniffed the sandwich again, then opened its mouth wide and snatched the entire thing out of Rian's hands.

"Woah!" He flinched, yanking his hand back in time as if it was going to snap at his limb.

The pokemon snarfed the sandwich down, bobbing its head from side to side. It ate rather noisily as Rian watched his serranito disappear in a matter of seconds whereas it would take his much smaller mouth several minutes to finish it off.

Aaaand there goes my lunch. I said a bite, not the whole damn thing! He supposed he could get by with the carrots and chocolate bar for now. If the latter hadn't melted already.

Sandwich energy accepted. Hadron Engine functionality restored to 28% percent. Rebooting all critical systems. Initiating repairs to limb R1 for mobility restoration. Upholding Protocol Two is now possible thanks to sandwich offered by human male.

But the food seemed to do the trick. The pokemon's reaction was slow and it shakily stood up, where he now saw that it moved on all fours just like a common cyclizar would. The forelegs were counter locked with hinges while the hind legs were larger and contoured cylindrical in shape, almost as if it seemed to look like functioning booster engines. The pokemon purred softly, shaking off the sand that clung to its underside.

"Heh, feel better?" Rian asked.

Analyzing. Human male's clothing matches uniform worn by students of Uva Academy, Trainer's former institution. Poke ball attached to hip belt indicates a Trainer. Enaction of Protocol One possible. Separated from Trainer. Trainer status unknown.

It ignored him and slowly took a step forward and then another. When it looked as if it could walk properly, it sauntered past him with its gaze fixed on the Inlet Grotto entrance at the end of the beach.

Course set for Luz Sur. Must uphold Protocol Two.

"I don't know if I'd go in there if I were you." Rian called after the creature. "There's some stronger pokemon that don't like visitors."

To his credit, the pokemon actually stopped and reared back on its hind legs to let out another bass boosted earsplitting roar. While still loud, the sudden shout had caught Rian off guard and his hands flew to his own ears to cover them.

Sandwich energy providing drastic influx. Hadron Engine functionality 72%. Flight capabilities online. Initiating Ultimate Form "God Mode" Initiating offensive subroutines. Execution successful, commencing transformation. Error code: Sneasel. Status: Resolved.

He saw it close its eyes and begin to glow.


Bright lances of energy surrounded the pokemon as it jumped into the air, the glow turning harsher and shaping into a surrounding sphere as parts were heard shuffling and locking with relative ease. The huge amount of sand that suddenly billowed up and the glare was harsh enough that Rian had to shield his eyes with his arm. Within moments the shell of light had burst open and the new form of its metamorphism was much more formidable looking than when he had just encountered it.

The legs had folded inwards, staying close to its body with the outward ends forming nozzles of long jet engines. Its neck went upward and the silver bulge was now bluish white in color. The gray accents on the sides of its head now had changed into wicked looking lightning bolts to further add on to its already intimidating appearance. Despite the engines looking like they would be used on supersonic planes; they made hardly any noise, possibly around the same volume as the engine of an everyday car.

Critical systems nominal. Running diagnostic check…nominal. No abnormalities detected. Status: Combat ready.

The pokemon roared again, proudly with its newfound power. Rian's mouth hung open as he gaped in amazement. It sounded much more powerful, enough to make him involuntarily shiver.

Wow. This is awesome! And strange…almost like it's not supposed to be here. I've never seen a pokemon like this at all.

He shared one last look with the pokemon as it glanced back at him before moving effortlessly towards the cave using its jet engines. The smooth, effortless way it hovered off the ground reminded him of some of the aircraft his mother worked around while she was onboard her ship in the Armada.

"Woah," he ended up whispering to himself. "I guess papa's sandwiches even perk up pokemon we've never seen before."

Was that a legendary pokemon or even a pokemon? Rian wondered to himself. Legendary pokemon were present in every known region, some as just extraordinarily powerful beings while others were integrated into the culture or legends passed down from old. As far as he knew, not many existed in Paldea.

Surely if that was a legendary pokemon then Rian's dex app would've identified it when he tried scanning earlier.

The creature halted at the entrance of the cave and he saw it crane its elongated neck around to observe him.

Course set for Luz Sur. Duty bound to Protocol Two. Reposition to Luz Sur. Sandwich received from human male Trainer suggests trustworthiness. I wait until Trainer accompanies through cave system. We will do this together.

"Is…is it wanting me to follow it?" The boy kept seeing that it remained at the mouth and swiveled its claws in place idly.

"Rian!" He glanced up to see Jules waving at him from the top of the cliff. "Rian!"

"Jules!" She got a wave back. "I'm okay!"

"Thank goodness, but how are you going to get back up?"

I…I don't know. Well he did know, but it wasn't going to be a way any of them were going to like.

"I'll head into the Grotto." Judging from what his sister had said, she hadn't seen the mysterious creature. "There might be a way up from there!"

"Okay! Nemona and I will see if there's an exit up here and we can guide you out! Be safe, please!"

Right. Rian watched her dash off in search of any access to the cave. Now to follow this…thing…whatever it is.

"Follow that thing," He gave a nervous chuckle and let Baron out. The quaxly stretched its small wings and glanced up at his trainer expectantly. "Sure. Into the cave. The cave where we were explicitly told not to go for the longest time. Perfeito."

He glanced down at Baron, who stood rigidly at attention and was already eager to battle again. The time to decide on whether he was the right choice all along was past. Now they'd have to work together in order to get back up to the others. "Let's go." With that, the two of them took off towards the mouth.

The mysterious pokemon saw them approaching and lowered its head.

Sandwich offered qualifies as link. Enaction of Protocol One possible. Proceed?


Protocol One: Link to Trainer. Status: Complete.

That's gonna be it for this chapter! We've got yet another very important character formally introduced with another one in the very next chapter!

Logged 'Dex entries
  • Lechonk
  • Tarontula
  • Scatterbug
  • Hoppip
  • Houndour

Spanish Translations
  • Estar segura - Be certain/have faith
  • Casa - House
  • Tan lindo - How cute
  • Recreo - Recess
  • Que fuerte - Too powerful/strong
  • Comidas - Meals
  • Armada - Navy
  • Hala - Great/awesome

Portuguese Translations
  • Perfeito - Perfect

Spanish Food & Drink
  • Serranito - A warm sandwich popular in Seville. Fillings include grilled chicken or pork, cured ham, fried green peppers and tomato slices. Often served with a spread of mayonnaise.

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing! You give my writing purpose!

Chapter 5: The Dragon


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to our next update! I'm also glad to announce that this story has officially gotten some cover art thanks to the ever talented Krolikb0t! Be sure to check out his ArtStation profile for more awesome work!

There's a lot to cover here, so let's get to it! I hope everyone enjoys the chapter!

Chapter 5: The Dragon

Rian couldn't help but feel a bit taboo when he stepped through the cave's entrance. On one hand, the heat from the sun quickly disappeared, replaced by an inward damp breeze that caused him to shiver despite the muggy air. The salty smell of the sea was also changing to something musty and the visibility was dropping fast in absence of a source of light.

He groped around for his phone in the dark, thumbing the lock screen and remembering a button that could activate a small but powerful flashlight. Quick rapid footsteps echoed from behind the boy as Baron followed his trainer closely, eyes scanning the dark corners for threats.

At least I'll have something instead of walking through blind. Rian thought to himself as he continued to follow the path in front. Up ahead he could see the glow of the mysterious pokemon's twin engines as it explored further into the cave.

So where are the pokemon we were told in here that didn't like trespassers? Were those the houndour that the big guy scared off? They didn't look that tough.

"Hey! Rian!" He heard a girl's voice echo come from the top of the cavern that opened up. There was also faint traces of light from a pinprick opening to the outside. Sprinting up ahead, he saw that the path began to twist up in a circular spiral ending in a wide opening of light at the top. Blue sky behind.

The exit.

Two tiny figures of Nemona and Jules were up there by the mouth, trying to look down into the murk to find if he was anywhere to be seen. Rian held his Rotophone's light in front of him and waved it, hoping the blur of motion would attract their attention.

Hopefully nothing else.

"Rian! You sure you're okay?" Nemona was the first to spot his signal and it looked like she was the one shouting now. "You're not hurt right?!"

Her voice boomed and echoed across the cavern to the point where the words blended together to be shouted by six more "people".

"A few minutes ago I was!" Rian shouted back, his voice echoing similarly. "But I'm fine now!" Managing, I guess.

"Oh good! I was really worried since I was the one who got you into this mess when I said we should look around for whatever that thing is that made that cry!" Nemona shook her head. "Never mind that! We gotta get you outta there! If you can get close enough, I'll try pulling you up with one of my pokemon's moves!"

Trainer update: Name determined. Ree-in. Match for Trainer potentially found and noted for records. Protocol One established, enacted and upheld. Remain at my side and we will move out Trainer Ree-in. Name pronunciation unclear, visual of Trainer name spelling required.

Rian assumed that his best bet was to stay with the large purple pokemon. It hovered idly just ahead on the path, looking at him as he approached before continuing as he caught up to it. As he got closer; the jet blast from the leg mounted engines began to whip up at his uniform and he had to cover his eyes with a sleeve to keep dust from getting caught. After brushing sand out of them a few minutes ago, he had no desire to further irritate them.

"Hey, that's a really strong looking pokemon!" Nemona exclaimed, still watching as he made his way up from the top. "Could that be the thing that made a cry that powerful?"

"I wonder if this was the thing that made that loud noise this morning." Jules mumbled to herself. She kept scanning the dark, likely knowing that her brother and the mysterious pokemon were not quite out of the woods yet.

Rian and Baron kept pace until he was side by side with the large pokemon. The engines whined softly as he moved forward like oil over water. There were no differing movements or idle sway from side to side even from modern helicopters or the surveillance drones that her mother often worked alongside while on duty with the Armada. It was almost as if it had the flight capabilities of something both entirely alien and strangely familiar.

Oh mierda. Rocks.

He wasn't sure when it had occurred, but a large rock slide had buried the entrance in front of them with large chunky irregular shaped boulders. Some of them were as big as himself and probably weighed several times more. No way he was getting through on his own.

Scanning. Rocks obstructing path further in cave. Average mass, three tons. Destruction of one certain rock should cause the remainder of the pile to fall apart. Weak point found. Destroying target.

Rian cupped his chin in thought at the obstacle. Could backtrack. See if I can go along the shoreline until there's a spot where I can climb back up? Maybe this is where I can use my Pokémon to help.

"Okay, Baron." His quaxly standing next to him snapped to attention and proudly puffed his chest out. "Let's get through here. Try a water g-"

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud crunching noise. Jumping in fright, he and Baron readied for another battle, but were surprised that the mysterious creature had instead lashed out with its long silver tail, striking several of the boulders and cleaving them in half in a single stroke. The others on top of the blockage were no longer supported from below began to quickly collapse and roll over the edge into the previously unseen pond of water on the other side with loud splashes.

"Rian!" Jules cried. Fearing the worst.

"I'm okay sis!" He yelled back while waving the air in front of him to clear the dust away. "That pokemon just opened a new entrance and we're going farther!"

Glancing back at Baron, he gestured to their other compadre for the moment. "Let's go."

As they walked along the path that slowly began to spiral upwards, Rian saw that part of the passageway curled along the wall and he'd end up just underneath the cliff where Nemona and Jules were watching. Even if he made it to that spot, there were several outcroppings that he had to scale in order to completely get out, all of which were far taller than whatever he could hope to jump for.

We'll worry about that when the time comes.

Movement caught his eye up ahead and he saw something dart back into the darkness. Baron tensed, knowing they were being followed and about to be challenged.

Their intuition was right as a small brown quadruped mammalian pokemon growled at their intruders and leapt to attack. It had a stripe of yellowish brown fur that ran down its back and sharp teeth that were bared in a rather menacing grin.

"Baron, water gun!" Rian shouted. The very eager duckling thrust his head forward and expelled a blast of clear water that struck the pokemon in the midsection. It growled in anger and launched itself into Baron in a vicious tackle. The two pokemon tussled on the ground before separating.


Baron sidestepped another flying tackle and slammed his wings into his foe's head. The attack was too much and the pokemon fainted.

"What was that?" Rian didn't have anything to scan afterwards, but he wondered if the dex app could have picked it up.

Searching…match found. Yungoos. Loitering pokemon. Normal type. It spends its waking hours in search of food. When yungoos is hungry, its ferocity gains a certain edge.

He knew that pokemon anywhere. Yungoos was the pre-evolution stage of Hector, the gumshoos that was his father's pokemon partner at the detective precinct.

Well done Trainer Ree-in. Your combat skills with pokemon Baron and overall as a trainer are improving.

"Rian heads up!" He heard Jules shout. "You two are about to have company!"

He heard them too, frenzied growls and barks from up ahead. The same ones from the houndour that were harassing the pokemon with him. Baron tensed, knowing a fight was right around the corner.

"Stay calm," Rian knelt down to look at his pokemon. "We're gonna get out of this okay?"

Just as they were warned, the houndour were back to confront them. Only this time there were nearly a dozen juvenile pups, all less than a couple feet tall. They yelped and growled, baring fangs of sharp teeth, some of which sparked with fire. While they were overall weak on their own, they had the advantage of superior numbers.

"We don't want any trouble." Rian stood behind the large pokemon but held his hands up to try and show that he wasn't a threat like he had done with the mysterious dragon creature next to him. "We're just getting out of here. Trust me, we want ourselves to be out of this cave as much as you do."

His words didn't seem to persuade any of the houndour, not like they would listen to him in the wild. They snapped their jaws in the air, the front three hunching down as if they were about to pounce.

Pokemon identified. Houndour. Appear to be juvenile stage. Threat status: slight, due to sheer numbers. Determining countermeasure actions. Accessing behavioral patterns for relevant information. Young houndour pups easily dissuaded and intimidated by show of force. Pack appears to obstruct Protocol Two. Enaction of Protocol Three a possibility.

Baron seemed ready to meet the confrontational pack's challenge. He stepped forward and Rian was about to utter a command when the large pokemon beside them roared once more. The revving synthetic noise echoed through the cave with enough power that he swore the ground trembled. The houndour pack's bravado was rapidly fading and their strength in numbers did little to the ones that stayed for just a moment. More than half immediately turned and hastily retreated, yelping in high pitched barks as they fled. The couple that remained quickly decided facing the intruders in the cave on their own was a bad idea.

"Let's not stick around for them to try their luck a third time." Rian told his pokemon as the pups disappeared further into the depths. The quaxly agreed.

"Hurry Rian!" Nemona shouted. "I think something's coming!"

He picked up the pace, jogging up until he finally saw both her and his sister standing at the top waving. Though they were much closer, it still felt so far away. In front of Jules, Basil crouched next to his trainer, no doubt ready to lend a hand.

"Aguas! It's behind you!"

Rushing footsteps from where they had just been caused Rian to spin around in time to see a much larger dog pokemon approaching with a taller, stronger frame that was built for chasing down prey. Like the houndour before it, its fur was primarily black and silver trim. Large horns curled along its back and it had a thin sharp tail.

"Oh no."

Scanning. His pokedex flashed in his hands. Match found. Houndoom. Final evolved form of houndour. Dark pokemon. Upon hearing its eerie howls, other pokemon get the shivers and head back to their nests. It was feared long ago that a houndoom's howl was the call of the grim reaper.

"Comforting." Rian's heart jumped when he saw the large pokemon still continued forward, not particularly paying attention. There was no telling how incredibly strong the houndoom confronting them was but he was determined to defend himself as the larger canine kept its focus on him.

He tried the reasoning first, knowing it was probably even more likely to not work as it hadn't with the houndour pups. "Look, I don't want trouble. Tell your pack mates I'm sorry for wandering in here and I'll be out just as quick."

The houndoom snarled and continued moving forward, causing the boy to be frozen in a moment of fear. At the same time, Baron jumped in between them, staring the much more powerful dark pokemon down and daring it to make a move.

Rian gasped at how his pokemon was undeterred by the wild hound's evident show of strength, yet stood his ground.

Baron?! He's got guts.

That behavior seemed to irk the houndoom as it reared its head back and roared loudly, enough that Baron was sent right back into Rian's poke ball. The boy blinked in surprise, a sudden feeling of dread creeping up.

Oh no. He was defenseless. The houndoom's eyes narrowed sensing its advantage and pressed forward, baring teeth that sparked with fire.

I survived a fall only to get burned to a crisp or ripped to shreds by some angry dogs. What a day.

Only for the large pokemon to spin around after hearing the houndoom. It studied the newly appeared foe with analytical eyes.

Pokemon identified. Houndoom. Evolved form of houndour. Threat status: mild…correction, imminent to Trainer Ree-in.

Warning! Trainer Ree-in endangerment likelihood increased to imminent! Enacting Protocol Three: Protect the Trainer.

Determining countermeasure actions. Accessing behavioral patterns for relevant information. Houndoom yield to superior shows of force. Offensive subroutines standing by. Status: combat ready.

The processes of the creature had gone through its system in less than half a second. Rian jumped as flashes of brilliant white light struck the ground in front, discharged lightning bolts. His mysterious ally suddenly appeared from above, landing between him and the attacking houndoom to roar back in equal ferocity as before and the long silver tail whipped about, causing the houndoom to hastily jump back in reflex.

"Can you just let us leave in peace?" Rian almost had to cough from the acrid burning smell that the electricity had left behind.

Meanwhile he could barely see the shadowy silhouette of the houndoom as the attack had thrown it further back into the dark recesses of the cave. The manner in which it moved its legs showed an apparent injury after getting struck by the beast's tail, but the way it glowered at the two intruders indicated that it had gotten even more displeased at their presence. Rian saw that it threw its head upwards in a bone-chilling howl, followed by a cacophony of more yips and frenzied barks.

Of course it'd have a backup plan. Rian cursed himself for tuning out the cries of the girls above him to use that opportunity to escape and start climbing up.

But something nagged away that had prevented that if he had listened anyway. After all he and this mysterious pokemon had gone through a dangerous cave together and stuck side by side. It would have been selfish for one of them to abandon the other if given the chance.

The growls of other houndour as they rumbled past the large houndoom told him the other side's answer. Rian threw his poke ball again and Baron stood ready to defend. The quaxly kept its proud stance, but was clearly worried and the reluctance caused him to look back at his trainer for guidance. The large pokemon was surrounded yet again by more houndour, but curiously it didn't seem to use any of those powerful electric type moves.

Warning. Outnumbered four to one. Drift Core advised to deter threats. Drift Core execution incomplete. Error code: Sneasel. Secondary offensive measures advised.

Rian moved to help it, but three of the houndour pack had quickly cornered him and Baron. This time, none decided to take their time to harass him from afar, one of which immediately ran forward, jaws open to snap at the duckling.

"Water gun again!" Baron leapt into the air and sprayed the three houndour from side to side, causing two to faint with a super effective attack. The third one barely hung on, rolling back onto its feet and growling in annoyance. At his trainer's command, Baron shot it with another water gun that sent it packing straight into the wall, knocked out cold.

Okay, maybe I'm starting to get the hang of this.

"RIAN watch out!" Nemona cried from above.

Her warning made Rian glance up just in time as he turned around to see the large houndoom making a break for him at a full sprint, bypassing the dragon that was preoccupied with trying to goad back several more houndour. He didn't have time to issue another command to Baron, instead grabbing the first poke ball on his belt and fumbling with arming the matrix.

The houndoom was mere feet away from sinking its teeth into his side when the ball activated, drawing the canine within its confines. Rian was already up and running with Baron at his heels when it hit the ground.

I doubt a poke ball is going to hold a fully ready strong pokemon like that for long.

To his surprise, the purple pokemon had spun around to look at him as he reached the edge of the rock wall before it launched itself forward with a growing lull of its engines. A huge arm suddenly wrapped itself around Rian's waist as it held onto him like a doll. For the second time that day, the wind was nearly knocked out of his lungs and he barely had time to scoop up Baron to hold him tight against his body.

The pokemon's limb felt hard and metallic, as if it were artificial armor, but up close with the extremely fluid movements and whirring of machines as it did move those limbs felt more like a drone.

"Hey! Up here!" Nemona shouts echoed from the top of the cave. Both him and the creature looked up to see her frantically waving her arms to get their attention.

Protocol Three enacted. Protect the Trainer. Objective updated. Cavern entrance beside human female suitable safety. Edge of hostile houndour and houndoom territory and will not follow.

Initializing flight mode. Primary thrusters online. Status: 65%. Warning! Power levels unstable…experiencing unexpected decrease. Approaching minimum self-sustaining levels. Replacement energy source will be required.

The pack of houndour had begun to regroup, now running to the wall where they'd be surrounded again in seconds. Rian saw the poke ball that he had thrown earlier burst open; the houndoom had effortlessly broken out and visibly angered that their prey was about to escape.

Instead of yielding, Rian saw its engines rotate on its body until they pointed directly at the ground. With a growing swell, the thruster output increased like a jet and they quickly ascended off the ground, leaving the furious houndoom and its pack behind. He felt the strap of his hat go taut against his neck, almost getting blown off. They accelerated up, slowing down to another idle hover at the mouth of the cave as Nemona and Jules rushed to greet them.

Rian felt the pokemon slowly release him and his joints were wobbly to the point he practically collapsed stomach first into the grass, barely able to inflate his lungs again with another croak. Anyone else listening would've assumed he was in the middle of suffocating.

"Rian!" Frantic footsteps were heard as Jules appeared ahead of him. She was visibly panting and out of breath while sliding by his side and turning over his prone form so he lay on his back. "Rian are you okay?!"

She got a pained moan in response. Baron nudged him with a wing.

"You're alive," his sister breathed with quavered relief. She remained distressed nonetheless. "I thought I was going to lose you!"

He finally found his wind again and practically gasped for air, sitting up abruptly and startling Jules.

"Sis," his breathing was still labored and his limbs shook as if they were made of gelatin.

"Rian I was so worried!" Despite normally having a fun-loving attitude, she looked like she was about to openly cry. Made sense given his recent life or death experience. He finally began to stand, wobbling slightly on his legs. Jules threw her arms around her older twin brother, hugging him fiercely which almost got him knocked down again.

"Please," she mumbled softly into his uniform shirt. "don't scare me like that ever again."

"I'll try not to sis." His words came out like a squeak. Despite his efforts, he couldn't help a few shedding a few tears of relief as he clung to her. Two near-death experiences he did not want to repeat at all.

"Rian!" He parted from Jules and Nemona swallowed him up in her arms as she embraced him as well. Despite meeting her only a few hours ago, he felt warm and relaxed as his arms gently snaked around her back to return the gesture.

I hope she can't see me blushing.

""I'm so sorry about that," Nemona whispered. "I didn't mean for that to happen to you."

"It's okay." Rian told her. "I'm…I'm just thankful that I'm alive."

Trainer Ree-in exhibiting an increase in heart rate when in close contact with fellow female trainer. Protocol Three enacted a possibility. Override. Trainer is not in any apparent danger.

He turned to the mysterious pokemon, who was inherently watching the interaction with a look of curiosity on its face.

"Thank you."

Trainer expressing gratitude. Unsure how to react due to merely carrying out Protocol Three.

He didn't see any indication that the creature understood. Instead its head pivoted towards the open path behind them and slowly moved towards the Luz Sur.

Must uphold Protocol Two. Seek safety within area of Luz Sur.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"That's one weird pokemon," Jules said, her and Nemona finally getting the chance to see Rian's savior up close. "It doesn't even look like a pokemon. Almost like a robot."

The older girl shook her head. "Yeah but those moves and power it had while in the cavern were amazing! I wonder how strong it will be if I battle it?"

Warning! Power depleted below self sustaining levels! Hadron Engine functionality 29% and decreasing! Status: Calamitous. Offensive subroutines offline. Error code: Sneasel. Replacement energy source required! Essential functions compromised. Emergency shutdown initiated.

The pokemon only made it halfway to the dirt path before it cried out. Its leg engines sputtered as if experiencing a flameout before it collapsed onto the ground in a mess of limbs. Energy began to burst free around its metallic body, the flashes of light reverting it back into the form when it had been originally found laying on the beachhead.

"Woah! What's wrong?" Nemona asked as the three of them ran to its side. The pokemon growled weakly, its digital eyes flickered before fluttering closed. "Maybe it used up all its power?"

"I don't know. Should we take it to a pokemon center to get looked at?" Jules asked.

"I'm confused at what this pokemon is anyway."

Nemona cupped a hand to her chin. "Yeah. What kind of pokemon is this?! If it's even a pokemon? It looks kinda like a cyclizar. But not like any I've seen before."

"Yeah it kinda does. The big throat sac, that reptile head." Rian scanned it with his dex app, but again like before, it showed that the data was inconclusive. Cyclizar were popular transport pokemon and used in his favorite PalMoto Racing. "It's like out of those movies where robots turn into people or pokemon to spy on us."

Jules groaned off to the side, knowing that those types of movies and races were her brother's thing and he annoyed her to no end.

"Ooh!" Nemona clasped her hands together and smiled. "You mean the Shifter series?!"

"Heck yes!" Rian's giddiness was contagious as he finally felt the stress and building pressure in his chest subside, but he tended to go overboard with things like this from time to time. "I got a poster of it in my room! The ending of the second one is soooo good!"

"I know! I can't wait for the fourth one later this year!" The student council president exclaimed. "That and the movies of Palafin: The Pelagic Protector!"

"Guys please," Jules sighed, knowing they would launch into a conversation that could last hours. Shifter and Palafin were among the most popular movie series in Paldea as well as much of the world. "It looks so much different than a minute ago when it took off like a jet to save Rian."

"He's tired." He gently put a hand on the top of its head. "It's hard to say if it's suffering from some illness or injury." The boy's eyes scanned it over, hoping he missed something.

If this thing even is organic. The whole time I felt it was cold like it was made of metal or some carbon fiber thing. Almost like those Shifters.

"You can't tell either huh Rian?"

No. But I feel like I at least owe it to help get better since it used what little power it did have to save me from those houndour. He glanced back at the mouth of the cave. It would be perfectly fine for him to never step foot in there again, now realizing that his parents' warnings over the years had a bit of merit.

"Well, I'm really really grateful that you and Baron are back up here in one piece." Nemona said to him. "I…don't know what I'd do when I'd have to face the rest of your family knowing I lost you under my watch."

Rian fought the blush that went across his face. "It's okay…Nemona. Don't worry about it. I'm really glad you care and all."

Jules smirked when he gave a nervous chuckle after silence fell over the group. He's like that all the time when he comes across a girl he has a crush on.

"You know Rian, that battle you did down there was really something." Nemona went on to him. "I'm starting to wonder if me winning against you back at my house was a fluke. Like you really know what you're doing and both you and this pokemon were perfectly in sync against that houndoom!"

Huh? "But I didn't even say anything."

"What?! You didn't even tell it what to do? I guess that makes sense, especially since you're not exactly its trainer."

"Does it even have a trainer?" Jules had asked everyone's thoughts aloud.

If it does, then where are they? Surely a pokemon this size would've been noticed missing.

Behind them, they heard the grass rustle and turned to see the pokemon in question had rolled back on its feet.

Jules sighed with relief. "Oh that's good. It looks like it perked up a little."

"Do you think this fella's the one that made that cry and that crash sound this morning?"

"Had to be. Hardly anything around here is that unusual sounding."

Critical system functions meeting minimum operating standards. Executing offensive subroutines. Failed. Status: Calamitous. Error code: Sneasel. Hadron Engine functionality: 33%

"Oh man, oh man, oh man!" Nemona smiled. "The more I look and be around this pokemon, the more mysterious it seems! If you do become its trainer, you gotta let me battle against it!"

I'm with Jules. Does this thing even have a trainer?

"Let's go ahead and exchange numbers so that we can get in touch in case we get separated again!"

Rian blinked as all of their RotoPhones whipped out of their pockets to hover in front of their trainers. A catchy chime sounded from each as their screens flashed with a notification that a new contact was added to their list. With RotoPhones being much more advanced and smarter than others, the days of having to read off individual numbers was a thing of the past.

This might be the easiest I've gotten a girl's number. Rian thought to himself as he opened Nemona's contact information. Her profile picture made him chuckle a bit; a pose of herself giving off a two-fingered peace sign and sticking out her tongue.

Nemona laughed a little at seeing his reaction. "I know...silly selfie! But seeing how you're only going to come across stronger opponents, let me give you a little something to help!"

She reached into her backpack and handed both of them a small silver disk object that was about the size of the one they used to play games on their consoles back home.

Are these Technical Machines? The things that can teach a pokemon specific moves? Or are we going backwards?

"Technical Machines," she said as if reading their minds. "It teaches your pokemon new moves if it's compatible. Not every pokemon can learn every move. And make sure you think twice before you use them though! TMs can only be used one time."

"We can get more right?" Jules asked. Rian was next to her, examining the new item he had received. TM032 which contained Swift. Now that they were starting to collect TMs, a good investment would be in a holding case to catalogue what they'd eventually obtain.

"Si. I'll show you how later. For now, we've all been through a lot lately. Let's just relax and take a breather at the lighthouse."

"Yeah, I'd rather not waste any more time." Luz Sur was just ahead, on the top of the slope. It was even taller than he had imagined, even though he and Jules had been close to it many times when they were younger. Currently it was off since it was well in the afternoon, but the beam it shone out to sea was incredibly powerful and sometimes when they saw it cutting through the night sky like a scythe. When they were younger, the twins wondered if it could also be seen by their mother at times when she was out to sea with the Armada.

The thought of her mother gone yet again made Jules feel just a little more homesick, but she shook that thought out of her head.

Not even a day in the Academy and I'm missing home. Can't think like that.

Nemona led the way as Rian and Jules followed closely behind with Basil and Baron in tow. Occasionally some more wild lechonk and scatterbug challenged them to battles, but like before their pokemon were already strong enough to deal one or two hits to take them out.

They did encounter another pokemon, an orange and gray bird that was originally native to the Kalos region located to the north. It chirped and was nimble enough to make itself a small target and a peck struck Basil and sent him sprawling on the ground.

"Jules watch out!"

She kept her poise as Basil rolled back onto his feet and swiped at the bird with another commanded scratch, knocking it out.

"Got it." Rian's phone scanned the pokemon as the rest of the bird flock had scattered after the battle, not wanting to be the next victims.

Scanning…match found. Fletchling. Tiny robin pokemon. Normal and flying type. This pokemon is normally calm, but once it enters battle, it's hormonal and it becomes aggressive. The flocks in Paldea have large territorial disputes with squawkabilly.

"Improving even more!" Nemona said, stopping to watch. "I like it! You'll be catching pokemon left and right. Just…make sure you don't beat them outright."

"I'm trying," Rian said as his quaxly went after another lechonk. He had hit it with a single pound, which was enough to send the small pig pokemon fleeing back into the brush. "But he doesn't want to stop fighting."

As much as I like Baron wanting to get stronger and level up, I can't rely on just one pokemon.

Not even at school and the twins were already loving their new adventure. Aside from the scare of Rian nearly dying earlier, the prospect of everything in their quiet life in Cabo Poco changing for the better was exhilarating.

According to Nemona at their current pace, they'd be reaching Mesagoza by nightfall. Though if they took longer, she had said that she'd be able to get them a place to stay for the night at Los Platos, which had small hostels that were free for up to two nights to students traveling on their journeys.

"Though if we don't make it tonight, we can most certainly start tomorrow morning."

"I wonder how much Mesagoza has changed since we were last there?" Jules asked aloud. "It's been years since we've last been."

Follow mode engaged. I will stick by your side Trainer Ree-in.

Strangely, the mysterious pokemon followed them loyally close behind as they returned their pokemon. It rumbled with content as Rian and Jules gave it head scratches and Nemona stood behind, gushing at how cute the two trainers looked taking care of a pokemon that seemed awfully friendly despite its incredible power transformation just a few minutes ago. As it trudged along, they noticed that it had a fixated gaze on the Luz Sur just up ahead.

What's it wanting with a lighthouse?

As they approached, they noticed someone was staring at the door to the left of the main building that had begun to turn around to leave. He didn't pay them any attention off a quick glance, but suddenly stopped and whirled around again to face them, his glare moved towards the mysterious pokemon that accompanied them. His expression turned into a scowl.

"Why that little!"

Analyzing. Recognized. Trainer Ar-

Before any of them could react; the boy took off across the ground and stopped right in front of the mysterious pokemon, jabbing a finger at its snout. "What do you think you're doing out here?"

They all got a good look at him. He was roughly Nemona's height, maybe a little taller with a mix of flaxen and blond hair that was rather messily cut with long bangs obscuring the side of his face. His jawline tightened in a grimace as he glared at the pokemon, muttering something under his breath.

Rian was still processing the fact that the pokemon that saved him was being scrutinized that he then noticed the tailored pants and dark gray polo with the Uva Academy seal on the shoulder. Though the difference in he was also wearing the yellow gold vest that went with the school's autumn issue uniform.

Another student?

The boy stopped and must've realized he had bystanders watching. He looked back at the three dumbfounded expressions.

"I'm not talking to you guys, you can shove off."

Rian saw his sister's eyebrow twitch in venomous anger and she was about to step forward when he slowly reached out and stopped her. He'd seen it too many times at recrero where Jules would get fired up coming to the defense of someone.

"Don't sis. He isn't worth it."

Jules opened her mouth to plead her own reasoning but knew he was right.

"This pokemon saved your life!" She hissed quietly, "And this jerk thinks he can belittle it like it's a kid after meeting it for just a few seconds."

That can't be all of it. The way he looked at this pokemon means they've got some sort of history.

"Hold on," Nemona ignored the twins for a moment to regard the boy with a curious expression. A hint of recognition flashed across her face. "I know you…you're…you're Arven? You're enrolled in the humanities track at Uva Academy right?"

The Student Council President folded her arms and gave off a rare frown. "And aren't you the son of that world renowned pokemon researcher Professor Turo?"

That elicited a much more of an angered reaction from him as Arven finally acknowledged them formally for the first time rather than flippantly telling them off.

"Yeah?" He seethed with clenched fists and teeth. "Well it doesn't matter shit who my father is! Why would the student council prez who does nothing else besides battle care anyway?"

Nemona gasped, unable to muster much of a reply. If anything, Rian thought she seemed more perplexed than offended.

"The real issue here is what is this brute doing out here! And what's with this form it's in?!"

"Brute?" Off to their side, Jules couldn't help herself this time and shook her head in disbelief. "It's thanks to this thing you call a brute that my brother is alive!"

Rian nodded in agreement. "Right." He said, barely loud enough for Arven to hear them. "This guy saved me from a tight spot. Some houndour and a big houndoom in the Inlet Grotto. Y'know, the cave nobody's supposed to go into?"

"Yeah," Nemona didn't seem too down about his earlier outburst or condescending behavior. "See we heard this strange cry and went to investigate. I was taking Rian and Jules here to Uva when I heard this mysterious cry. Rian accidentally fell off the cliff. That pokemon saved him, but it got itself worn out in the process. Kinda slumpy afterward."

Arven made an unimpressed "hmph" and crossed his arms. Jules once again squashed the urge to drop some sense into him.

And I know she's probably looking to deck this asshat in the jaw with a mean right cross.

"But you totally should have seen it earlier!" Her excitement was undeniable. "It looked way different and insanely strong!"

"Well yeah. As it should be. But it can't fight like this. About time it does something with its worthless self."

Who does he think he is having the right to say that?! "Hey!" Jules shouted. "That thing is not worthless at all. You take that back right now!"

Arven huffed. "Make me."

She stormed forward just as Rian finally grabbed her backpack. He immediately knew what was going to happen. "Sis, no! Enough! Both of you!"

"Rian what the hell? You should be helping me!"

"He's not worth wasting your energy. Someone must've put mayonnaise in his morning juice today."

"Wow, real mature you." Arven's grumble meant he had heard what he said.

"Speak for yourself." Rian shot back and gestured to the creature behind them. "But there is no way I'm going to stand idle if you're going to jab this guy for saving my skin like that."

To his surprise, the boy relented. "That's fair enough."

He gestured to the violet dragon. "But again, it's not supposed to be out here. The form that Miraidon takes in battle. That's its true form."


"Wait, Miraidon?" Nemona glanced at the pokemon in curiosity. "Is that this pokemon's name? And how'd you know it?"

The aptly named Miraidon whined softly, but it turned towards the building.

Objective complete. We have arrived at Luz Sur. Attempting access to interior.

"Can't go into the lab. It's locked." Arven crossed his arms and turned to the twins beside Nemona. His frown never disappeared. "The student council prez is bad enough. You two have the Uva uniform, but I've never seen either of you around anywhere. You must go to the academy too."

"Well yes," Jules said while rolling her eyes sardonically. "We were on our way like perfectly normal students and then we got swept up in what seems to be no end to your drama."

Arven ignored her jab. "Miraidon isn't just some run of the mill pokemon that any trainer can hope to command. It's special."

"How is it special?" Nemona asked him. "What kind of pokemon is it?"

Her words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Arven put his hands on his hips and scrutinized Rian and Jules again. "You guys think you're up to ordering Miraidon around? Then how about I test your worthiness?"

I don't need to order it around though. I just need people to not treat it like dirt.

To his surprise, it was Jules that stepped forward, boldly facing Arven and brandishing Basil's ball.

"Alright jerk." Her face turned dead serious. "You're on."

"Look at you, a little buddy go-getter." Arven readied a poke ball on his side. Next to his sister, Rian and Nemona exchanged a confused look.

For a journey just starting, he had to admit that it was starting to be even more eventful than he had expected.

"You better let me battle it once it goes back to that true form Arven talked about." She whispered to him and gave him a knowing wink. "Once your sister kicks this pendejo's rear."

He nodded. Deal.

Miraidon stuck to Rian's side as Arven and Jules took up opposite ends of the dirt path that would serve as their brief fighting ground. Nemona stood in as a referee despite Arven's chagrin, giving a brief layout of the rules. Each contestant uses one pokemon and the victor is declared when their opponents' pokemon has fainted and unable to battle further.

She lowered her hand after the explanation.

"Jules, you don't have to do this. Again, if he wants to pout like that, let him. He got some growing up to do."

"To hell with letting him fester," Rian knew that his sister's temper sometimes got the better of her when she saw people getting picked on. Though they hadn't really encountered any bullies in school per se, there had been a member of their peers that had found themselves on the wrong end of how quick Jules was to snap at people if she believed she or someone else she cared about was being treated wrongly. "I'm teaching this jerk a lesson whether he likes it or not!"

Not to mention I'm not going to be a pushover when it comes to battle. Right Basil?

Her poke ball throw was smoother than his as she tossed Basil out of his ball. She threw with her right hand upward, which was more or less the main technique used by trainers. Basil landed in front of her, meowing softly and hunching down to a battle ready position.

"I've been feeling all out of sorts, so I'm gonna use this battle and blast these doldrums away!" Arven patted himself on the temple and stretched before throwing a poke ball of his own in the same throwing technique as Jules.

The device burst open to reveal a small tan rodent pokemon that had two sharp front teeth and a long brown bushy tail. Rian scanned it with his phone.

Scanning…match found. Skowvet. Cheeky pokemon. Normal type. It stores berries in its cheeks and tail. When there are no berries to be found, Skwovet will stuff pebbles instead to stave off cravings.

The sound of pokemon clashing brought his thoughts out of reading from the dex app. Basil and the skwovet, which was affectionately named Gordo, already had begun to battle on their trainers' orders. Basil spun around, unleashing a small flurry of leaves that hit the squirrel midair. Gordo staggered, but Jules gasped, still a bit surprised that her opponent was still on its feet.

"These memories are leaving a bad taste in my mouth and I want them gone!"

Jules said nothing, continuing to shout orders at Basil. Rian could tell that the latest jab had gotten into her head.

"Leafage again!" She refused to back down. Basil gave another cry and spun around, flinging a handful of glowing leaves. In response, the skwovet stayed low to the ground, darting from side to side to dodge the majority of the attack.

"Gordo, tail whip and then bite!"

At his command, Gordo had flicked its tail from side to side. The movement caught Basil's eye and he stopped to watch. Jules saw a downwards cascading aura before Gordo launched himself forward, sinking his teeth into Basil's left foreleg.

Oh no. Rian could see that Gordo had let go and Basil hissed in pain as he put pressure on the bit leg. The small cat had instead shifted so more weight was on its right side.

"Basil! Are you okay?" A cry of affirmation was all she needed so he could jump back into the fight. Though the injury caused a bit of pain, Jules' own pokemon was showing its resilience. "Use scratch!"

Basil winced as he had to run forward, but he lashed out with his good leg and swiped his claws against Gordo's front. The skowvet reeled back, snapping his jaws in a bite that Basil had avoided just in time.

"That tail whip from earlier means one of Basil's stats was lowered." Nemona explained to them. "If you ever see that in battle, you have to watch out. Tail whip lowers physical defense, so Basil getting hit by something like bite again is going to take slightly more damage."

This'll probably be taught more in some battling class at the Academy.

"I'm not giving up yet." Basil struggled to his feet as Jules pointed with her hand. "Leafage!"

""Again?" Arven almost laughed. "I guess you really don't know shit about battles."

Yes. Keep thinking that jerk.

Basil launched another flurry of leaves that both Arven and Gordo saw coming. "Move out of the way and close in with another tail whip and bite!"

Jules smirked, perfect. "Move to the side and attack with scratch!"

It all happened in a flash, Basil's attack finished and he quickly jumped down as the skwovet charged forward, unflinching as the leaves fluttered past. As it stopped; Basil lunged forward himself slashing with its forepaws and much quicker than Gordo could react with his bite attack. Arven gasped as Gordo stumbled and fell headfirst into the ground.

Jules' sprigatito proudly held his head high, walking back as she saw her phone chirp with a new notification on her trainer's app. Off to the side, Miraidon revved as he observed with rapt attention.

Trainers and linked pokemon sync in combat with one another. This appears invigorating. Trainer Jul-es' combat efficiency with pokemon Basil has increased.

"Oh look at you Basil, you learned bite!"


"Clover is incapable of battling further! Basil wins and the match is clinched in Jules's favor!" Nemona waved her hand as part of her officiating, though it was clear who was the victor. On the other end, Arven scowled again and recalled his defeated pokemon. Though she had won, Rian did appreciate that Jules had refrained from sticking it up to him in her victory.

"Seems you actually do know a thing or two about battling." He finally said and gave an annoyed huff. "Hmph."

"That was awesome to watch!" Nemona's professional demeanor disappeared and she smiled over at Jules. "You rocked out there!"

At her side, Jules smiled at the praise as Basil ran across the field and jumped up and down in front of his trainer. He winced again at his injured paw.

"Great job Basil! You're amazing!" She scooped him up and hugged him happily as he licked his injured leg. "We're gonna be so great together!"

She won. Rian thought to himself, a little bit bittersweet that his sister seemed to be getting the hang of pokemon battles quicker than him. I'm proud of you too sis, but this Arven kid doesn't seem like he knows much more about battling either.

The boy sighed and threw his arms up after pocketing the poke ball. "Ugh. I guess I was never going to stand much of a chance with a pokemon that I caught not three days ago."

"Thank you Basil." Jules petted him playfully on the head and returned him to his own ball. "You did great out there. I'll be sure to get you fixed up!"

"Well if you really think you can take Miraidon off my hands for me, you're gonna need this." Arven took out another poke ball from his rather large backpack and tossed it towards them. Rian caught the object and stared at the worn dings and scuff marks all along the smooth red and white surface. Compared to the mint ball that Baron belonged to, this one looked as if it had seen quite a bit of use.

The other boy seemed to read the question that went across Rian's mind before he could think of it. "Yeah it's a poke ball, more specifically the one that the brute's kept in."

"Its poke ball?" Nemona asked him, her tone taking on something a bit more argumentative. "So why did you even have it? And why are you giving away a pokemon if it's that strong?"

Arven shot her another uninterested look. "Y'know, not everyone is as obsessed with pokemon battling as you. Besides," he jerked his thumb toward Rian and Jules. "That thing's now your problem. Not mine anymore. Good luck."

"Hey!" Jules and Nemona shouted at the same time, but Arven suddenly had turned tail and ran down the north trail, not bothered in the slightest in passing on the responsibility of Miraidon to him. Rian was just as astonished, looking at the direction Arven disappeared without as much of a second thought. For a few moments, he believed it to be a prank and the boy with the odd haircut would come running back to them. Instead, all he got was palpable silence. Even the talkative Nemona was at a loss of words.

"Well." He broke the silence. "He seems like a real charmer."

"Does he not hear me or what?" Nemona asked, shrugging her shoulders. A look of realization flashed across her face and she cupped her mouth with her hands.


Rian and Jules almost flinched at her shout and furrowed their eyebrows.

"You know him too?"

"I think so. Arven…uh…sometimes didn't show up to his classes. He's kinda a weirdo. Interesting considering he's Professor Turo's son."

"Turo?" Jules asked, a bit of curiosity in her voice. "I swear I've heard that name before."

"Yeah. Nestor Turo, the world famous pokemon researcher from Paldea. He's actually a graduate from Uva Academy as well." Nemona put her hands on her hips, still not fully over Arven's flippant behavior. "That Arven guy knows a lot more than what he's letting on for sure. Next time he and I battle, I'm wringing some answers out of him!"

Miraidon glanced back at the path Arven had run down before it made a soft whine and ambled over to Rian, who still held its ball.

"Heh!" The boy laughed when its long neck softly nuzzled him on the chin. He was amazed that such a powerful pokemon was this playful and approachable just several minutes later. "It's gonna be okay buddy. We'll get you checked out and back to that awesome battle form in no time at all!"

Your encouragement and positive attitude can only improve our situation. With Trainer Arven relinquishing possession of my poke ball and an establishment of Protocol One, I am obligated as a pokemon under your possession Trainer Ree-in.

Accessing Paldea La Liga Trainer database files. Match found. Florian Joaquim Almeida-Araújo. Age, sixteen years. Trainer Rank: Novice. Elder twin brother to Juliana Renata Almeida-Araújo. Age, also sixteen years. Trainer Rank: Novice.

Possible nickname? Ree-in derived from latter half of Florian's name. Rian. Name corrected.

Possible nickname? Jules derived from former half of Juliana's name. Jul-es…one word. Name corrected.

Saving Rian and Jules spelling and pronunciation for Trainer preference.

Accessing Paldea La Liga Trainer database files. Match found. Nemona Valerie Ozuna-Gurrerro. Age, eighteen years. Trainer Rank: Champion.

With its designations complete, Miraidon whined softly while maintaining closeness to the twins.

Still though. Rian thought to himself. If Miraidon is such a powerful pokemon, why doesn't Arven want it? Or rather me? I barely just started out as a trainer and now I guess I have this robot cyclizar looking thing as my own responsibility. It can't battle, at least not in this state.

"Thanks buddy. Back to your ball." Rian hit the return function and Miraidon was recalled inside. He slipped it onto his belt, but thought for a second and instead put it in a small pocket in the side of his backpack.

"Hey Nemona, uh if I have Miraidon and it can't battle…does it count as a pokemon in my party? Or can I have that maximum of six and still keep it?"

The class president cupped her chin in thought. No doubt she was still thinking about the cryptic encounter with Arven. "Hmm. Honestly, that might be something you'd have to take up with La Liga. If we can get that pokemon to its battling form like in that cave, then I'd imagine Miraidon would take up a spot on your team's roster. Otherwise, if it's like a companion…assuming that's what it is, I don't think so?"

"Like what?" Jules asked. They'd discuss it later, but considering Miraidon was bonding with both twins, her brother would be the primary caretaker as the one to hold onto its poke ball.

"Probably some special paperwork. Forms that give you permission to carry a seventh pokemon on hand. It's complicated and sometimes it takes weeks for it to get pushed through."

"I'm with you Nemona," Jules softly said as her hand clenched into a fist. "That Arven guy is a jerk for leaving and shoving Miraidon and all its problems on us like that. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind next time I see him."

"Uh sis, let's not go there." Rian said. "Guy like that had made up his mind long before he ran into any of us. Though I agree with Nemona, there's definitely more to Arven and Miraidon's history than he was letting on."

And like you sis, I intend to find out what.

He looked up at the afternoon sky and then the clock on his Rotophone; it was starting to get closer to the evening and he found his stomach starting to rumble from having not eaten for a bit.

"But let's just focus on getting to the Academy or at least Los Platos, where we can get a bed. Didn't you say that it would take a few hours to get to Mesagoza anyway?"

"Depends on how fast you walk. Or if you want to stop and smell the roses. I remember doing that when I first started my own journey."

Jules rubbed her arms. "Sounds good. Let's do that and take our time."

"I have to get you to Mesagoza by tomorrow," Nemona told them. "The school year's opening assembly is the day after and classes will start next week. Not to mention a ton of other things."

She spun around to face Luz Sur, "But there is one thing I want to show you before we start heading out. Come follow me to the top."

Rian and Jules had never been there before, but they waited until Nemona had disappeared up Luz Sur's ladder before following.

Whew. Chapter done! The plan from here is to take a bit of a step back and focus on A Hui Hou Kākou for a little bit on getting a very important champion battle. Next update for this one might be a little while longer before I get it out. Appreciate everyone's patience!

Logged 'Dex entries
  • Yungoos
  • Houndoom
  • Fletchling
  • Skwovet

Spanish Translations
  • Aguas! - Watch out! While it literally also means "water" Aguas can also be referred to warn of potential danger.
  • Recrero - Recess
  • Pendejo - Idiot

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose.
Chapter 6: Catching Feelings


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! Going to a little bit of a quicker turnaround with this update and hopefully the next since I'll have a bit of a vacation coming up and will resume writing when I return.

I'll be shifting focus to this story more for a while as I had just concluded the base story of my Pokemon Moon novelization; A Hui Hou Kākou which has clocked in 92 chapters from the beginning of Elio "Sun" Northstar's journey to when he finally ascends to the throne of Koa as Alola's very first champion. As I've explained in the beginning chapter, A Life You Will Remember does take place in the same universe albeit about a decade later. AHHK is still not fully finished and I'm expecting about 5-6 more chapters to go before I can finally stamp the "complete" status and close the books on it. Do check it out if you can!

Still quite a bit to cover here, so let's get to it. Enjoy the chapter everyone!

Chapter 6: Catching Feelings

Ladders were just as much of a task to climb as large flights of stairs. Jules was first after Nemona, followed by Rian as she made her way up, grabbing rung after rung enough that she had no idea if it was spinning and leaving her in place.

Don't look down.

Her arms and legs ached as if her body knew it was farther away from solid ground and it took more effort to cling to the side since she realized a slip and fall would end up like Rian earlier in the day.

I have no desire to test out the Rotophone's capabilities to save me from a fall that high up.

Finally the daylight filtered through the doorway beyond the platform at the top, additional railings were installed on the side to help someone climb as well as prevent accidental slips. Jules grabbed one and pulled herself onto the top floor, a large sturdy concrete circular disk that was even bigger standing on it than when they would see it all the time from the ground.

"Over here!" Nemona was leaning against the railing, looking northward.

Passing the peligro warning signs, the twins joined her on either side, almost too short to comfortably lean against the rail like Nemona was doing. A flock of fletchling scattered as they approached, chirping as they flew away.

The wind was much more fierce up there compared to the ground level. For a moment, it had taken them by surprise as they finally found out how high up they were. Situated on a narrow cliff that jutted out to sea, they could view almost the entirety of their home of Cabo Poco and the neighboring town of Los Platos. And in the background, the sun sparkled off the deep sapphire blue of the ocean that stretched beyond what the eye could see.

"Wow." Jules was breathless, both from the trek up and the sight. "It's amazing. Beautiful."

Rian didn't say anything, but he marveled at the sight just the same. He squinted, trying to pick out their house from the neighborhoods. Nemona pointed out her own manor in the affluent central part just west of downtown.

There's the precinct. He spotted their father's workplace at the end of Cabo Poco's main street. A thought went across his mind imagining him preoccupied with mundane paperwork the entire day after dropping their mother off.

Jules snapped a picture of the view with her new phone. "I'm gonna send that to mom and dad. We're already seeing some crazy cool stuff!"

"But there's another reason I brought the two of you up here." Nemona's voice softened. "I went right at this spot, on the top of Luz Sur when I found out that my very own pokemon adventure was about to begin. I took a look down where I pointed out my house in Cabo Poco and then back over there," she gestured out towards the vast expanse of Paldea. Rian and Jules saw large cliffs, rolling hills, grasslands, treelines and grand valleys all ahead. They were already excited to see what new things awaited them, what new pokemon they could see.

"I knew there was so much to explore, but there's some bit of calmness, some serenity from everything that has happened up here that you can't get down there."

She sighed. "It really felt like it was yesterday that I set out on my own journey. Now it's both of your turns. Over in that direction is our destination; Mesagoza where we still begin our school year. Everywhere as far as you can see! Mountains, grasslands, rivers, woods! You can even see some of the Diablo Badlands from here!"

The twins followed Nemona pointing to the east where there was the beginning of a rusty orange hue and large craggy rock outcroppings. The variety of terrain they could just see from atop the observation deck of the Luz Sur was incredible.

"It's gonna be so hala and great to have you two in the same class!"

"Agreed! I'm looking forward to it!" Jules said.

Rian had to agree, though there was one other thing on his mind. "But all that schoolwork,"

"Oof yeah, sometimes I forget that we're still technically in school and it's a lot of it." Nemona gave a defeated sigh. "There's no way around it either, but hey, you work hard so you can play hard!"

Rian and Jules nodded, understanding where she was going. Yeah, I guess that is a good way to look at it.

"We're gonna learn so much and get to battle so, so, so, SO much!" The upperclasswoman was practically brimming with excitement. "And you know what's all over in those natural areas that I told you about? Tons and tons of pokemon! Consider this me officially telling you, welcome to Paldea!"

"Well, actually more of Paldea than what we've seen as kids…right?" Rian smirked at her. He was already getting excited about the idea of getting to battle a lot more. Nemona paused for a second before she and Jules burst out in laughter. His composure and smile couldn't be kept in long and he ended up joining them.

"Oh man." She wiped a few tears from her eyes. "That was really funny, Rian! You're a really funny guy! I forgot that you said you and your sister have lived here pretty much your whole lives!"

And it's already shaping up to be eventful. We have our first pokemon and a weird robot dragon that was more or less given to us by some jerk. Maybe Jules and I haven't seen all of Paldea, but there's no better time!

A few more minutes to marvel the view and the trio were heading back down the ladder in a tedious one by one process. Jules felt relief as soon as her shoes touched down on the solid concrete floor.

Heights like that aren't something I'm super comfortable with.

"So what's the plan?" Rian asked as he finally slid down the final rungs and joined her and Nemona at the front of Luz Sur.

"You can kinda see it's a bit of a hike to get all the way over there from here. We'll make it into Los Platos by evening. I'll get us reservations at a hostel and we'll be off for Mesagoza in the morning. We'll get you settled into your dorms just in time for the opening assembly and the first days of class!"

"And maybe catch a pokemon for real this time!" Jules made a fist. Oh yeah, she was definitely eager now.

"Yes! I love it! Come on, vamos!" Nemona led the way. "Off we go!"

And thus, their journey began. Nemona in the front with the twins close behind. They kept a reasonable pace, not exactly dawdling, but also taking the time to soak in the grand feeling of adventure. The longer they walked down the path towards Los Platos, the less civilization could be seen and soon enough, they couldn't hear any sounds of cars. Said sounds were replaced by the cries of pokemon, both visible and not.

Conversation was lively. Rian and Jules told Nemona all about how life was in their quaint home at Cabo Poco. Their mother, while currently on active duty for the Armada, favored gardening in her spare time whenever she was home and had an expansive one in their front yard which she used to frequently grow vegetables and fruits they used to cook. On the weeks she was ashore on leave, Gabby would take the excess harvest during the summers and fall to the downtown market. Nemona wasn't a gamer, but she listened to Rian talking about how much he loved his console and playing online with friends and other people around the world. His fascination with the PalMoto Racing League almost made Jules roll her eyes. Her brother really got excited talking when it was about something he was super passionate about. Of course he'd talk about his favorite racer, Maximiliano Págan.

It wasn't for another hour when they finally came across someone else on the path, a young boy that looked to be a year or two younger than the twins.

"Hey there!" The kid wore a pair of brown suspenders and a yellow shirt with a hat. "You guys look like students at Uva! How about a quick battle?"

Nemona looked like she was about to jump on his offer when she stopped herself, looking towards the twins. "I feel like this is more your time than anything! As much as I'd like to take you up, I feel like it's the new trainers' turn to try!"

Jules won one match with that haircut, so it's only fair now it's my turn to try and win.

Rian agreed to the challenge and they established an area off the main path where they could properly battle. Nemona acted as an officiant, holding her arms up and calling for them to send out their pokemon.

Baron's ball was thrown, still a little awkwardly though it had did the job as intended. The quaxly brushed his coif and bristled for a battle.

"Check out my new and awesome pokemon!' The boy threw out his own pokemon, a small tarontoula. "You ready for an awesome battle!"

Rian nodded and Nemona excitedly signaled for the battle to begin.

"Let's start this off buddy, use tackle!" As the other trainer's bug rapidly scuttled across the ground to close the gap, Rian froze.

Wait. Phone to see moves! He fumbled with the device, nearly having it slip out of his grasp before it floated at eye level to his left, allowing both a glance at the information on-screen as well as a clear view of the battlefield. Baron cried out as the tarontoula's threw its entire body into his.

"Okay, um…use pound!"

The tarontoula was still in the middle of his retreat when Baron went after him, his small webbed feet quickly running across the ground. It gave out its own cry of pain when Baron brought his wings down. His opponent lashed out with another tackle and when he stumbled away, had launched a thin sticky thread of webbing that instantly adhered to Baron's side.

Nonono! This is not how I was expecting to be able to battle! "Water gun!"

The younger kid was a bit slow to react when Baron's stream of high pressure water severed the connection and blasted the tarontoula into the grass. It rolled on top of its woven silky sphere and fainted.

"Tarontoula is unable to battle! Baron is the winner!"

"Yes!" Jules jumped up by Nemona's side. "Good job big bro!"

Huh…I won. I won my first battle. Rian sighed with relief as Baron walked back, jumping up and down with excitement and proudly puffing his chest out. I wasn't in control of the entire match. How come this whole thing of being a trainer is going so smoothly for Jules while I'm having nothing but problems?

"Aww man," the boy gave a bit of a pout. "Darn, I lost!"

For a moment, Rian felt a pang of sympathy. He wasn't the greatest trainer he could be and still couldn't give his opponent much of a proper fight.

Still. A win is a win.

"Good battle." He managed to stride up and extend his hand out. The boy looked confused before enthusiastically shaking hands. "You fought really well."

"It wasn't enough to win." The kid sighed. His spirits were dampened for just a moment before perking up again. "But you're pretty good with that quaxly! I bet you're gonna be a super strong trainer! If you battle as good against others like you did with me, you'll get there super fast!"

That is true, there's going to be plenty of other trainers to challenge and battle on our journey.

"But we don't always know if you're wanting to battle. That's why we usually ask both sides."

"Makes sense." Jules said from next to him. "You never know who's in a hurry when you stop someone walking."

"There was some boy who ran really fast down the path towards Los Platos." The boy said. "I tried to see if he was wanting to battle too, but he was gone before I could even finish talking. He had long hair and wore an Uva Academy uniform too, is he also a student?"

Nemona stepped forward. "I think so. Don't worry, we'll keep that in mind."

Jules sighed as the trio had bid the youngster farewell and kept walking down the trail. From when they had last seen him, the only person she could see fitting the description was Arven. After abruptly putting the care of this "Miraidon" in hers and Rian's hands, he had vanished and couldn't care less about them.

I have no idea what his deal is, but something tells me we're going to be finding out very soon. Jerk.

It was another half hour of walking when they reached the outskirts of the town of Los Platos. Along the way, the sun was shifting to the afternoon and the twins found their stomachs starting to growl relentlessly. Because Rian's serranito had been gleefully devoured by the gigantic cyber dragon that was now with them, Jules gave him half of hers and they both ate while trudging along. There was hardly room to complain and they each would have preferred half of a sandwich compared to nothing at all. The chocolate was semi melted in the wrapper, so the twins ate their bars peeling bit by bit back to prevent it from getting on their hands.

Not long after and they reached a creek that flowed downstream under a sturdy wooden bridge. As they crossed over, Rian and Jules could see more hoppip and fletchling flying lazily overhead. However upon closer inspection, there were several new pokemon species they hadn't seen before. Many of them frolicked around the banks of the creek, oblivious to the humans' presence.

"Check it out." Rian flipped his RotoPhone and opened the PokeDex app, centering it on a small blue creature with a long black and large rounded blue tail.

Scanning…match found. Azurill. Polka dot pokemon. Normal and fairy type. Its tail bounces like a rubber ball and it flings that tail around to fight opponents bigger than itself. As he registered the new species in the 'Dex, two more undocumented entries were added next to azurill's dossier. Hmm. Maybe to show that it can evolve twice?

He aimed it again at a large golden yellow pokemon with a cream colored wide bill that was floating absentmindedly in the river. Scanning…match found. Psyduck. Duck pokemon. Water type. If its constant chronic headache peaks, it may exhibit odd powers. It seems unable to recall such an episode.

Passing through the creek, they made it to the other side where more familiar pokemon species were around. Pawmi, lechonk, fletchling, scatterbug. Jules saw a group of wooper sensing their approach by a pond that was close to the creek. They perked their brownish heads up before quickly diving into the mud to perfectly camouflage and hide. She sighed in disappointment. Wooper was a pokemon she had seen many times and thought about catching one for herself.

Scanning…match found. Wooper. Paldean subspecies. Mud fish pokemon. Poison and ground type. After losing a territorial struggle, wooper began living on land. The pokemon changed over time, developing a poisonous film to protect its body.

"There's so many pokemon around here." Rian said as he walked next to her. "How hard can catching one be?"

He decided to take a look off the path and wandered into the grass. Fletchlings chirped at sensing his presence and took off into the sky. Jules could see him as he slowly crept down a slope that surrounded the pond. At first, she thought he was going after one of the wooper, but his eyes were fixated on something on the far end.

Then she saw it. A bowl-shaped haircut that was minty green with a pair of horns on the center of its crown. As it walked on concealed legs, it shifted and stiffened.

She was about to say something when Rian held a finger up. Nemona came up next to her, ready to talk again when she saw what he was trying to do.

"A ralts." She saw it across the pond. She doubted it remained oblivious to the human trying to sneak up from behind, but the young chico was doing the right thing in keeping a low profile. "They're very powerful pokemon. Or at least if you train one right…they can become very powerful."

Jules knew. Some of the posters of champions in Rian's room had said trainers in possession of a gardevoir or its male exclusive gallade. Brendan Maple of Hoenn was commonly believed to have trained the strongest gardevoir ever known. Gwen was rarely used in any of Brendan's battles, but on the occasion she did step on; she had never lost a match.

Scanning…match found. Ralts. Emotion pokemon. Psychic and fairy type. It is highly attuned to the emotions of people and pokemon nearby. The horns on its head provide a strong power allowing it to actively sense this.

Finally the ralts had sensed the human's presence enough to make it turn around and tense. Knowing his jig was up, Rian tossed out Baron's poke ball and the quaxly bristled while taking up a position that put himself between his trainer and the wild pokemon. The ralts must've sensed that the battle was inevitable.

"Okay, water gun!" As Baron jumped forward and blasted the emotion pokemon back with a fine spray, he reached into his pack and found an empty poke ball. His fingers brushed the arming button and prepared to throw it.

Just don't mess this up.

The ralts dodged a second water gun before it let out a shrill cry and sent a pulse of pinkish energy that struck Baron and nearly caused him to lose his balance.

"Disarming voice." Jules quietly said from where she was standing next to Nemona. She had read it while scanning the pokemon with her Dex app. "It's a move that is guaranteed to hit its target."

Baron took a second to refocus and rushed forward again. Instead of using pound, his wings went wide and he slammed them both into the ralts' side, sending it flying into the grass. A notification on his RotoPhone indicated that Rian's pokemon had learned wing attack.

Another move is always useful. "Wing attack again!"

The duckling pokemon dove forward as the ralts was picking itself up. Rian was expecting it to hit when he didn't hear anything. Instead, the small green and white pokemon had suddenly split itself into several identical copies that surrounded Baron.

The boy swore under his breath, holding his tongue out of habit in case his parents were around. Baron looked confused on how to proceed as he glanced back at his trainer for guidance.

What am I supposed to do? I gotta make a move! "Uh, water gun as many of them as you can!"

Baron quacked softly and spat another fine stream of water out of his bill. Three of the copes were hit and instantly dissolved, leaving two of them left. They were both decently close together and he was ready to make his first catch by pitching the ball in between them. His hope was that the ball would lock onto the real one's signature.

Okay…ready and- Baron was hit by another disarming voice, but quickly recovered and ran forward with his wings spread out for another wing attack.

"Baron no!" The cry was halfway out of Rian's mouth when the ralts stood still and the left copy winked out. The real one had been on the right and it illuminated itself in a flash of blue before vanishing.

"W-what?!" Both the quaxly and his trainer were stunned, with Rian just starting to pitch forward and grabbed the ball in time before it would basically find no pokemon at all. He clicked the button again to disarm it and looked back to where the ralts had been before it disappeared.

Baron spotted it first leaning on a branch in a tree that was definitely out of their reach. The ralts shook its head and let loose another disarming voice that homed in. Baron had tried to dodge, but the bright pink and red soundwave automatically adjusted its course to damage and fling him backwards.

"Baron wait! We need to catch it!" Rian said. His pokemon nodded in agreement, but he saw that it jumped and flipped through the air to shoot another water gun. Another flash of light and the ralts was gone. The water hitting nothing but thin air.

"No! Argh!" He hissed in frustration. "Mierda, I was this close!"

He rounded on his pokemon, both angry that a potential catch had gotten away as well as maybe looking around to see if it lingered somewhere out of his sight.

"Come on! I was this close to getting another pokemon!" Baron cocked his head quizzically and proudly puffed his chest out again. "What was that all about?"

"Rian," Jules whispered. Nemona said nothing next to her, but did pity the boy's situation. She may have been a bad thrower of poke balls, but she would've caught at least something at this point in her own journey.

"Maybe it was just chalked up to bad luck." The older girl started, getting up and walking over. Out on the grass, Rian was still tense and shaking his head while Baron jumped up and down in front, trying to get his attention.

"I'm sorry about that Rian." Nemona said quietly. Honestly, she wasn't sure what to really say to help ease his frustrations.

I can't tell him I easily caught another pokemon this early on in my journey…that'll just make him feel worse.

"It's not your fault Nemona." Rian ignored his pokemon's dancing behind him and faced her. "I…I guess I'm not ready yet to catch a pokemon if this one keeps going the way it does. Miraidon doesn't count."

"I thought I taught you all the basics of how to catch a pokemon. It shouldn't be this difficult."

Rian studied her as she closed her eyes, deep in thought. Great. Way to feel like you're already a failure if a champion can't even teach you something so basic.

"I won't give up." He finally said after a few moments of thinking. "It's like when I lost my first battle and then won my second. I can only improve."

But I really don't know if this was the right choice. I don't know if Baron was the pokemon I should've taken. Maybe he's better suited to Nemona. Something to think about.

"That's the spirit!" Nemona's smile returned and Rian didn't feel as bad for losing sight of the ralts. "To be fair, you can see that I'm not the greatest at throwing poke balls, even though I'm a Champion ranked trainer. So at least you have something I don't! No tengas miedo! I have faith in you!"

Nemona's encouragement didn't completely dry up his downed hopes. He did have to admit hearing she had her own struggles, some of them apparent now. Her less than stellar throwing skills did make Rian feel as if maybe his own different shortcomings weren't just an anomaly for him exclusively.

"Gracias Nemona. For what it's worth, I'm really glad you're here to show us how things are done. You're right, I'll get the hang of things!"

"Faster than you know." The older girl flashed him a supportive grin and put an arm around his shoulder that caused him to look away and hide his blush. "I bet you and your sister are gonna catch some great pokemon!"

Another hour of walking and the sun was starting to shift in the evening when they had made it to Los Platos. A small town that was slightly larger than Cabo Poco, it sat at the proverbial foot of Mesagoza just shy of thirty kilometers south. A fair number of residents lived here and took the commute to the larger city either by road or by the established Mesagoza Metro station that connected it to the huge metropolis. There was plenty of space in the fields and surrounding hills to grow and already some housing projects were already being set up in anticipation for an influx of people looking for a more affordable cost of living that was outside the city. Because it was situated at the bottom of multiple steep slopes, buildings were rarely more than three stories tall. In fact, at the city's west end was the tallest structure; a control tower of the only airport servicing the town and that of Cabo Poco. Also noticeably visible with a tall post with a large poke ball icon was a building that was rather close to them.

Rian and Jules followed Nemona on the trail which gave way to a concrete sidewalk as she led them to that building. Looking at it closer and larger, they saw that it had a large disc-like roof raised up and out to block out the sun overhead. As soon as they stepped into the shade, they felt a cool rush of relief that was aided by mounted fans under the eaves that wafted a gentle cooling wind from above.

"Oye you two! Over here!" In their marveling and taking in the sights of Los Platos' calm atmosphere, the twins had miraculously missed Nemona bounding off towards the side of the building, taking up one of the tables that sat on the concrete foundation pad it had been built upon. "So this here is a Centro Pokémon! Or just Pokemon Center, for everyone else that speaks Basic! This is gonna be your best friend and resource while you're out there exploring all of Paldea!"

Rian and Jules spoke both dialects of Paldean as well as Basic. They had also seen centro pokemon many times when they visited other places, but kept out of them. Most of the time, non-pokemon trainers seldom had business that involved visiting.

Now that we are trainers. Jules thought to herself as she took it all in. Up above were several screens that scrolled various advertisements across for both local and big businesses as well as a multitude of entertainment arts that included music and movies.

We'll be seeing these a lot more. They're almost as common as restaurants and shopping places.

Nemona leaned against the table as she explained things further. "You can come here to take care of a lot of things when it comes to the care of your pokemon! I'd do more explaining, but I think I should best leave the essentials to the pros here."

There wasn't a lot of activity as they approached the front counter. One trainer took her three poke balls from the woman at the middle manning and headed back into town. The staff member had paused from her work and glanced up at the three of them approaching.

"Bienvenidos a la centro pokemon!" She greeted them with a cheery smile, flawlessly switching to Basic. "Welcome to the pokemon center! How may we be of service to you today?"

Jules stepped forward, holding out Basil's poke ball. "You guys take care of tired pokemon right?"

"Si, very much so." The woman asked for her trainer license and showed her a spot where she could scan it. "We document every transaction from the standard healing of a pokemon to something that might require more extensive care to make sure that each centro pokemon in Paldea is operating to the same high standard."

"La Liga oversees all of them like most of the other Pokemon Leagues in other regions." Nemona explained further. The nurse had finished healing Basil in just a few seconds, handing Jules her poke ball back on a tray. "Healing your pokemon is and always has been completely free of charge. It's their main and most important service."

"How do you know if a pokemon needs extra care?" Rian asked. He had followed Jules' actions, presenting his trainers license and handing her Baron's poke ball.

"We run a quick diagnostic which tells us the best course of action." The nurse explained to him, while sliding the ball into an enclosed tube that pulsed with blue lighting. Rian saw an icon of a quaxly above the space where the ball had been set and a digital health bar quickly crept up from the yellow and orange status back to a full green. "Most pokemon that faint from battle or have status conditions can be cured and fully restored in a matter of seconds. It's when bones get broken or wounds getting infected that might prompt those. If it does happen to be something serious, we'll administer the proper aid and advise you on the proper measures to make sure your pokemon makes the quickest recovery it can."

Ah okay. That makes sense. Rian nodded his thanks, taking Baron's ball back and slipping it onto his belt. A few seconds later when Nemona had her own pokemon restored at the center, they thanked the nurse and moved down the counter to a man wearing a blue polo in a similar logo to the nursing services.

"So this here is the Mercada Pokémon. Or again, Poké Mart for the Basic speakers. You can buy all sorts of useful items like potions, poke balls and other things!"

"Hola! Bienvenidos a Mercada Pokémon! Welcome to the Poké Mart! We accept payments in both pokeuros and LPs! With the current exchange rate; one LP is worth one pokeuro!"

Nemona stepped forward. "Well actually, I'm going to buy something while I'm here. Can I please get a dozen ultra balls?"

"Of course!" Rian and Jules watched the clerk ring up her purchase. Nemona had opted this time to pay in cash before pocketing them. Ultra balls looked similar to regular poke balls except for a gold and black design on the top half of the clamshell. His eyes nearly bulged in surprise when he saw the overall cost.

More than ninety six hundred pokeuros?! These things cost so much more than what I see here for a regular poke ball! Diving that number by a dozen and based on how much he saw on the pricing, a single ultra ball cost as much as four of its standard counterpart. Additionally they could see several vending machines on the far end that offered a variety of different food and drinks that trainers or anyone paying could help themselves. Rian saw that it was a pretty good selection and variety. He'd have to check it out later.

"And last, but not least is the TM Machine!" Nemona said, showing them the third section of the centro pokemon services counter. "Technical machines can help teach your pokemon to use new moves! But you remember how I said they're a one-time use thing?"

Rian and Jules nodded.

"Oh yeah, so it used to be that way. They were incredibly rare and expensive, but the companies that make them have found a way to make certain ones you can use as many times as you want. Here in Paldea, they're all one use…but this machine here lets you make as many TMs as you'd like! Each new TM you pick up saves the pattern and you can make it at the machine using both pokemon materials and LP!"

"I've heard you mention LP quite a bit now." Jules said. She let Basil out of his ball and he immediately jumped into her arms. "But what exactly is it?"

Nemona smirked and laughed. "Sorry, I get caught up in showing you everything around that I never even mentioned! LP is basically a new virtual currency that Leagues around the world are trying to circulate. Since trainers may be visiting foreign regions that aren't of their home, sometimes it can be a little hard to get your hands on other currencies like Pokepounds or Pokedollars! The idea is that having one that's universal to trainers nearly everywhere will make it less stressful. Just keep in mind that the same items in another region…say Galar, aren't going to have exactly the same prices as you find them here. As a matter of fact, I think Galar is more expensive."

She brought out her RotoPhone. "Here! I'll go ahead and give you both some LP!"

The twins did the same and their screens flashed as they received an LP transfer from Nemona that numbered five thousand. It was enough for several of the expensive items that they could see were immediately available.

"So always remember this…had enough of an adventure? Get to a pokemon center!" She laughed slightly. "It doesn't really work when you try to say it in Paldean though."

"I can tell. A for effort though." Rian told her. Nemona blinked at him before she burst out in laughter. It wasn't long before they did too.

"Cômico! You're really funny, Rian!" Her compliment didn't go unnoticed by the young boy, who had to once again turn away to hide his blush. It was the second time she told that to him today.

Not only is she super pretty, loves to battle…basically my type of girl…but she's laughing at some jokes that I made and super easy to get along with! I'm either getting lucky or I'm in for it when her boyfriend finds out.

"My brother tries his best." Jules sighed. Basil squeaked for her attention and she calmly stroked the top of his head.

"Now while you have him out, I should also tell you about Let's Go! Compared to times from earlier, you can now have your pokemon walk alongside you and battle wild pokemon in auto-battles! They're determined by both how strong your pokemon along with how strong the wild pokemon happen to be! Auto battles don't let you catch pokemon though, so make sure you step in and take control if it's something you want!"

"Sounds easy enough." Rian threw out Baron and the quaxly waddled up, jumping up and down in excitement after being fully healed.

Though the display was adorable, he couldn't help but frown in disappointment at his own dissatisfaction of Baron being rather stubborn and hotheaded when it came to trying to battle and catch his own pokemon.

What kind of a trainer am I if I can't even handle a single quaxly? Looking at Jules and Nemona as they waved a farewell to the centro pokemon staff and headed down the street, he couldn't help but feel a growing sentiment of envy at how his younger sister and her own starter pokemon had immediately hit it off.

Baron trailed the girls and stopped, turning around to glance at his trainer when he noticed wasn't following.

Rian snapped out of his thoughts and quickly ran towards them in order to catch up.

The evening was beginning to set in when Nemona led them to the other end of the street where she checked in for three guests. She explained to them the place was an albergue or a hostel. They were smaller lodging that had communal dining and dormitory type sleeping arrangements. Paldea was very popular for traveling and albergue offered a less expensive, no-frills place to sleep for a night or few. The man at the front desk gave them room and bed assignments in the dorms that were exclusive for the younger students that attended Uva Academy.

"And most of them here in Paldea let Uva students stay free for one night. Longer stays, you can get a discount if you book online or show your student ID."

In the common area was a well-kept kitchen and big table. Rian and Jules could see a coffee maker and empty platters that Nemona explained this particular place would provide fruit and pastries in the morning for breakfast.

They had been lucky enough that no other students were staying in the shared dorms, so Rian had the boys' section to himself and both Jules and Nemona would be the only ones occupying it for tonight. Small pokemon were allowed as long as they did not make a large mess and battling while inside the building was prohibited.

Baron kept dancing around as Rian stowed his backpack in his locker, setting aside sleepwear. Luckily, this albergue provided biodegradable disposable toothbrushes, toothpaste and a cotton towel so that he was able to use the bathroom to clean himself up before going to sleep. His stomach growled and he had been so absorbed in trying to understand all the new things he was learning on how to be a trainer.

Shower first. We've got a couple hours of daylight left.

A few minutes later, he put on the spare set of clothes that he brought and met Jules in the common room. Aside from an older couple that were beginning to head out, the albergue was fairly empty. The staff members running the place said now that school was going back in session; visitations dropped drastically. Come the summertime and the place would be packed with people.

Like him, Jules had long finished her shower and left her braid undone. Her chocolate brown hair flowed out down to her shoulders. Anyone else looking for her would likely have passed over, but Rian had known his sister for far too long and immediately could see it despite the differences.


"Hey," she smiled and waved from the other side of the table. "I was thinking of going to get a bite to eat and maybe actually try my own hand at catching a pokemon for real this time."

"Yeah sounds great. Nemona around?"

Jules' lips curled up in a smirk. "She's in the shower currently and was saying she had something with the school to do once she was done. Why? Care to stare some more?"


"Oh come on." The teasing smirk widened. "I can clearly see it all over you. You have a massive crush."

Rian made to deny it, but couldn't find the words which only served to Jules that she was right on the money.

"Okay, maybe I do find her really pretty and she loves to battle! What more is there to say or do sis? If she's already a champion class trainer and the student council president, then there's no way she'd ever give me the time of day!"

"What are you talking about? All this talk of being out of someone's league is all stuff people say to scare you! If you really like Nemona, you should try to get to know her a little better."

"And when her boyfriend finds out?"

"Oh," Jules face fell, she hadn't thought of it the same way he had. "Yeah, I guess that's kind of important."

"I'm not going to do anything to come between anyone because of my own jealousy. No way Nemona is single with how popular she apparently is at this Academy."

"And this is my free pass to get you back at all the times you've teased me." Jules led the way out the door with Basil at her heels. Rian and Baron followed close behind as they made their way further into town. Clearly she was enjoying teasing him back about his obvious crush on their new friend.

Rian sighed and rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smile at the display. "Keep dreaming about finding that prince fo yours sis. That's all I'll say on that."

Dinner was a light affair. They had found a small bar where they quickly downed a couple of tapas and water before heading back towards the albergue. But instead of returning to where they were going to spend the night, the twins moved towards the taller treeline and wilderness that was a kilometer to the west. Night was beginning to fall, so they opted to stay just at the edge of the nearest road where there was a little bit of activity from a few pokemon that inhabited the brush.

"Wow. It's crazy how you can just walk a little further inland and see so many new different types of pokemon."

"Yeah." Jules felt almost overwhelmed by the amount of different species and options she could have as potential partners. It's okay. You don't have to have an entirely full party here. She saw more movement in the trees, finally able to make out small rounded pokemon that had a pink and white body. Four green sepals in a calyx were on top of its head.

Never seen that one before. She raised her phone and the Dex app automatically scanned it to provide some information.

Bounsweet. Fruit pokemon. Grass type. Its sweat is sweet, like syrup made from boiled-down fruit. Because of this, Bounsweet was highly valued in the past, when sweeteners were scarce.

Jules shook her head. Though they were cute pokemon, she felt the need to diversify different typings on the team she carried to help cover their weaknesses. It was actually a bit of a shame since most of the pokemon living here seemed like they would be easy catches.

It didn't help that though appealing, none of them really stood out as a pokemon she had to catch. Passing them over was hardly a big of a deal.

Rian saw his sister get a bit dejected and tried to think of something to cheer her up. It didn't help matters that they were already exhausted from traveling all the way from Cabo Poco in the morning and his near-death episode where they met Miraidon.

"Hey, we can always try tomorrow if nothing really catches your eye." He told her. "We did just become trainers today and we have all the time we want to plan and look out for something."

Jules was about to agree when she saw that Basil had tensed on the ground next to her. There was something in the brush that he had detected moving towards them. Rian noticed Baron had as well.

A threat? Should we go and get Nemona?

A tiny yellow and pale white head poked out of the taller blades of grass and bristled at the sight of Basil. The sprigatito hissed softly, ready to defend his trainer.

The pokemon came into view, it was a small puppy on four stubby short legs. It blinked at them with dark beady eyes and shook its rounded head. For some reason, the feeling of missing out on catching a pokemon had went away as soon as Jules set her eyes on this one.

"Rian, look at it! It's so cute!"

He followed her gaze to the source of the commotion and laughed lightly, seeing the puppy and Basil get ready to square off. "Isn't that a fidough? Their ears look like the pastries we see in bakeries."

"It is." Jules brought out her RotoPhone to scan it and prepared for battle. I'm gonna catch this one.

Fidough. Puppy pokemon. Fairy type. This pokemon is smooth and slightly moist to the touch. This pokemon's breath contains a yeast that induces fermentation and is extremely useful for cooking.

The wild fidough didn't wait around for either of them to get ready before it suddenly ran forward to slam into Basil in a tackle.

"Basil!" Jules cried out. She quickly got her phone out to keep in front as the grass cat scrambled to his feet and hissed a little more urgently at his foe.

Okay, don't worry about catching just yet. Let's weaken it a little first.

"Alright Basil, use leafage!" At her command, he had twirled around to fling a flurry of leaves that battered it from all sides. The fidough yelped, using its backwards tumble to jump onto its feet and run at him again for a tackle.

Jules called for another leafage, but she was a little too slow and Basil cried out when the fidough struck him again. It had interrupted his attack and she could tell that the second tackle was starting to wear him down.

"Use bite! Get in close!"

The fidough was just breaking away when Basil had gotten back up on his feet and chased the puppy down. He growled and sunk his teeth down into the first part he could find, it's midsection. The fidough yelped even louder, its small limbs flailing as it was tossed away. Jules' heart raced as it tried to limply stand and continue the battler.

This could be my chance!

"Jules now!" Rian said, watching the action from next to her. She immediately took out a poke ball, making sure the capture matrix was armed before throwing it towards the downed pokemon. The ball had a little bit of a spin, but stopped as it neared and locked onto the fidough's signature. They watched as it opened and sucked the target in with a flash of light.

She held her breath as it bounced on the ground and began to bobble. Three shakes and a snap to indicate a successful capture.



And then they heard an audible click and the poke ball settled. She let out that breath she was holding. Her very first pokemon catch.

"Wow." Rian said as she walked over and proudly held it up for him to see. "Look at that…your first capture. Congrats sis."

"Thank you!" She brought up her RotoPhone and examined the summary of her newest member of the party. Since Rian hadn't caught anything yet, he stood next to her to see how it worked scrolling through the statuses of her new team.

This fidough is female and has the ability own tempo.

"Are you going to nickname her?"

"Yeah. I gotta think of something first." Jules felt as happy as could be. For what it was worth, Rian felt similar and proud of his sister, even if it was as if she was effortlessly accomplishing the things he thought he would've picked up by now.

"Let's head on back to the albergue. I'll think of something on the way."

"Oh there you guys are!" Nemona waved from her spot in the kitchen. She was just finishing to wash a plate and flatware in the sink before placing it on a metal drying rack. "I'm sorry that I got caught up in school stuff. Life can get real crazy sometimes when you're Student Council Presidente!"

"It's okay." Jules smiled, showing that she didn't want her to feel bad. Rian said nothing, having to do a double take.

Stop staring.

Nemona must've showered while they were out. Her hair was undone out of the ponytail he had seen earlier and it glistened in the light from a dampness. It was enough to force him to look away.

Wow. She's even prettier like that. Just stop…it's already established in my mind that.

"And we actually caught a pokemon! Or…well I did at least!" Jules held her new fidough's ball up. "Here, I'll show you!"

She let it out and the small puppy looked around in curiosity before settling its dark beady eyes on Jules and scampering towards her. Both Nemona and Rian laughed lightly at the affectionate display that was far from the fierce behavior they had seen while it was in the wild.

"Aww it's a fidough!" Nemona knelt down and gave it a gentle pat on the head. Basil then walked in front of Jules, its own expression a bit sullen that his trainer was giving the other pokemon attention. "They're a really good beginner pokemon and fairy is a great type to have!"

"Well good!" Jules said. "I've been hoping that my first catch was a good one and she's really really playful!"

Rian watched the display, finally getting a chance to pet her newest pokemon. The fidough was eating it up, hardly standing still for one of the three to be able to give her pats and head scratches.

"Sis, didn't you say you were gonna nickname her?"

"Oh yeah." Her face contorted in thinking and she cupped her chin with her hands. "A good name? Now that I've actually had time and given it some thought, vacía."

Her eyes brightened and she knelt down as the fidough had enough of Rian and went back to her trainer.

"How about Daniela? Dani for short!" They couldn't really tell if the fidough liked the name or not, but she had walked next to Jules' feet and nuzzled her ankles.

"Congrats again sis." Rian said a little quieter than he had liked. Jules had been even more delighted when Basil walked over, giving the other pokemon a sniff. "Dani's a great name and I bet it's going to be a great pokemon. I can already tell Mom is gonna love her."

His sister was still smiling as Basil and Dani played by chasing one another around her legs. "Thank you. That really means a lot. And I bet! If we're here catching pokemon, I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to do something about them running around in the house when we go back."

Yeah. We will.

She stifled a yawn, "As much as this day has been huge for me, I think I'm going to turn in for the night. I'm guessing we'll be off to Mesagoza tomorrow?"

Nemona nodded. "Yup. Bright and early! They'll have some breakfast for us that we can take before hiking up the hill! We're almost there!"

"Okay. That sounds good. You two sleep well." Jules bade them goodnight and headed down the hallway, both Basil and Dani following close behind.

Rian and Nemona watched her go and stayed quiet for a few seconds until she broke the silence.

"You know, you're a really awesome big brother. For you two being new trainers to meeting me just today, you've come along so far! I knew you two were going to be very strong!"

"Yeah." His own reply was less than enthusiastic. "Maybe."

I couldn't even catch a pokemon and Jules did it first. She's cruising through this trainer stuff and I'm still trying to walk so to speak.

"What's wrong?" Nemona asked. "I know you're tired too, but you look like something's bothering you."

She had been right about that. His first battle lost, his failed attempt to capture a ralts that afternoon and the fact that his quaxly seemed to be rambunctious all on its own and he was having a hard time convincing himself this was the right pokemon for him.

He'd heard of some trainers often having personality clashes with their starter pokemon before. Some being bad enough that their trainers ended up bringing them back to the professor or whoever had bestowed it to them. Though it was focused so that the pokemon would be at a young age to increase the likelihood of bonding with a newly minted trainer, the occasion did happen.

And if he was going to become a champion like the ones he idolized; it felt like Baron's own preference to take things relaxed and jump around to dance just didn't feel like what Rian was looking for in his first pokemon. It wasn't that he hated Baron. If it was just to be a trainer, he'd make a great pokemon partner.

But if Baron wasn't willing to help his trainer out, to continue to do things his own way…he wasn't sure on what to do.

He didn't even know if this was the right thing either.

"Nemona, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Her features softened and Rian fought the blush on his face as she pushed aside a stray lock of hair that covered her ear.

"We can also trade pokemon with other students right?" When she nodded in affirmative, he sucked in a breath. This is it. Here goes nothing.

"Then…I'd like to make a trade offer. Baron for Saeta."

So! Taking a little bit of a different direction with this one! I've always been intrigued by the whole concept of a trainer being dissatisfied with their starter pokemon that might not quite mesh with them right away. I've always kind of wondered how a young trainer would respond to something like this where a starter pokemon doesn't turn out to be as agreeable as expected. I find it to be an interesting contrast to Jules who clearly gets along with Basil extremely well and caught herself a new pokemon of her own!

Logged 'Dex Entries
  • Azurill
  • Psyduck
  • Bounsweet
  • Fidough

Spanish Translations
  • No tengas miedo! - Fear not!
  • Albergue - Hostel/Inn
  • Vacīa - Empty/Nothing

Portuguese Translations
  • Cômico! - You are funny!

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose.
Chapter 7: A Crown of Crystals


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! I had a little bit of changed plans, but was able to find time to finally get this shorter bit of a chapter done and dusted! We're moving along, I promise!

I'm fairly glad the big thing last chapter got the reaction I was expecting. So far, everything is going to plan!

Not as much here as some of the previous chapters, but still important as we'll be introducing the big game gimmick! I hope everyone enjoys the chapter.

Chapter 7: A Crown of Crystals​

The sound of fletchling chirping from outside the window of the hostel roused Rian from his sleep.

He had been lucky enough to have the entire student dorm room for boys to himself, so he hadn't had to keep to himself with other student guests around. Sunlight filtered through the blinds and he knew that if he wasn't up in the next half hour, the position would move it so that it shined right on top of the pillow he was using. And thus into his eyes.

Might as well get up. After all, our first day of school is today. He eased his feet over the edge of the bed and ambled into the dorm's bathroom to refresh himself.

It was a routine he always had done while at home and something his mother had instilled in him with the military diligence she had been trained with. Rian figured sticking to the regimen meant that he and his sister's morning ritual was clockwork compared to someone less organized.

A quick wash of his face and brush of his teeth, he examined his reflection in the mirror. No sign of facial hair, neither a mustache or a beard. His chocolate brown hair had grown a bit longer than his parents had liked, but the bangs had covered most of his forehead. What was most bothersome was the little tuft wing that stuck up almost at the top of his head. It would refuse to be matted down regardless of how much water or gel he'd apply.

Good thing I have a hat. Rian thought to himself, finishing up in the hostel's bathroom and going back out to slip the accessory in question on top of his head. I hate going somewhere like school looking unkempt.

It took him just a couple more minutes to get the rest of his uniform on and slip on his belt with the lone poke ball that belonged to Baron.

He sighed with bitter disappointment at the conversation he had with Nemona last night where she declined his trade offer. She said that she understood his stance and that he wasn't overly satisfied with his starter pokémon in the same way as Jules. But she herself had thought that Rian had made the right choice, regardless if he felt on the contrary.

"Sometimes a proper bond and getting along take time. Don't compare yourself to your sister so much as making the best for both you and your partner pokemon."

It was sound advice and he did have to remind himself that he had only been a trainer for less than a full day. There was a lot he still had yet to learn.

"A trade?" Nemona's face paused in curiosity. "But why?"

"I…I don't know fully." Rian sighed. "It's just that I'm not sure if I'm cut out to be Baron's trainer."

"What makes you think it'd be better if you had Saeta?"

Rian felt the question drive home and shrugged more out of frustration than anything. "Anything! He runs off on his own, goes and does what he wants…I guess I'm okay with that…but this wasn't anything I thought was going to happen."

The older student studied her new friend's agitation. Sure enough, they had gotten to a rocky start when Baron had gotten some inner resolve to train as hard as he could. Since they had lost their battle against a pokemon he had a blatant type advantage against, the rambunctious quaxly had went to train on its own terms.

"I look at my sister…Jules is so happy with her pokemon and they're working so well together that she caught another that already adores her. I see that and I feel like…I'm falling behind when I should be getting the hang of things."

"Hey," Nemona walked over to stand beside him. "Rian, there's no solid concrete way when you start out as a trainer. You're not the first novice rank to have some difficulty bonding with your starter pokemon."

"I know."

"And you won't be the last one either. Give it some time, you've only been a trainer for less than a day. That's like your parents saying your sister being a fussy baby and unsure they could've handle her."

He had to laugh at the analogy, though she was wrong about one thing. "Actually I was the one that had been agitado if you ask mi madre."

Nemona smirked at him before she turned serious back to the matter. "I believe it. So here's what I'll say…back at my house when you picked your very first pokemon, I still believe you made the right choice, but you have yet to see it for yourself. Give yourself some time to adjust to how handling pokemon with different personalities can be and let Baron…just be Baron. He's trying to find his footing as your first pokemon. Try to do the same as his trainer."

Rian wasn't sure what to make of it, but found himself nodding. Nemona made it sound fairly simple and uncomplicated.

"All right."

"That's the spirit! You're in this together!"

In this together.

It hadn't again been what he had wanted as a trainer and Rian had to definitely think on the positive especially with the first part of his dream of becoming one already achieved. School was starting up, another reminder of how much he had worked his butt off in order to be satisfactory for admission. It wasn't the everyday average student that could get into Uva after all.

He couldn't remain grouchy because things didn't work out the way he wanted, but he did feel as if he was able to voice his own displeasure.

One last check of the room and he was out the door, walking down the hall into the main lounge where Jules and Nemona were already up in their uniforms along with a handful of other guests helping themselves to breakfast. None of the others were students.

"Oh you're up!" Jules smiled at her brother and held out a plate for him. "I wasn't sure when you'd be around and miss breakfast!"

The smell of freshly cooked food made Rian's stomach rumble and he thanked her, quickly grabbing a bottle of jugo before joining them at the table.

Breakfast was eaten in relative silence before they quickly gathered their things to check out of the hostel. The first day of school awaited.

Thankfully, the weather had predicted a slightly cooler temperature and the trio were grateful to not have the heat of the open sun on their skin. Gray clouds wafted overhead, moving lazily in the northeastern direction. A breeze had picked up, further making the day's journey a bit more pleasant.

Though Los Platos had a station of the Lombriz metro connecting to greater Mesagoza that ran through the entirety of the larger city, they opted to take a more casual stroll up the hillside that hugged the outskirts of the city. Within a couple hours of walking, they began to see some of the taller buildings peeking over the horizon. An even better view was made when they crested the first set of hills and took a break under some trees to drink some water and catch their breath.

There it is! Situated in the middle of the Rio Narixa which wound around the southern area, the greater part of Mesagoza could be seen on the distant horizon. The buildings were shorter in height until the city's center where some of the taller more iconic towers could barely be made visible. Most of the finer details couldn't be made out from the heat waves shimmering, but the destination was indeed within sight.

"So how long has it been since you've gone to Mesagoza?" Nemona asked while they sat at the base of a large tree in the shade. They were making good walking time; their RotoPhones indicating that on foot, they would reach the south gates of the greater city area roughly around noon. All three trainers had let out their pokemon to play. Saeta slept soundly next to Nemona while Baron, Basil, Dani and Palmer were busily engaged in their game of tag in the grass next to a large pond that was close by.

"It's been what, four or five years?" Jules asked the open question to him. "Rian and I were born there, but we only lived in the area for maybe a year, so we don't remember that much."

"What I do remember is how to ride the Lombriz and some parts of getting around." Rian also added onto his sister's remarks. "It's going to take a little bit to get used to a busy city compared to quiet Cabo Poco. As long as we've got a friendly face and Pokeuros, we'll make do."

"You guys will be fine! There's so much to do and see! Mesagoza gets tons of tourists from all over the world every year. I may love battling, but the history of Paldea is just as interesting to me. If that's your thing, you'll love Miss Raifort's class."

"Miss Raifort?" Rian asked.

"Yeah. She's the main history teacher," Nemona was launching into a whole spiel about the Raifort individual and Rian was listening intently. Jules rolled her eyes, not sure whether it was the history part her brother was interested in…or the girl herself telling it.

Her 'Dex app detected a new pokemon and she glanced over at the nearby ponds to see a small quadruped insect creature that skated along its smooth surface with long thin legs. Three more followed close behind.

Scanning…match found. Surskit. Pond skater pokemon. Bug and water type. They usually live on ponds, but after an evening shower they may appear in puddles around towns to feed on microscopic organisms.

She was amazed at how they could just stay still and tune in to the natural habitat of the pokemon and see so much more than they could have before. Another small rodent pokemon scurried at the other edge of the pond, easily recognizable as a pichu from its black tipped ears and pink colored electric sacs on either side of its cheeks. Her 'Dex app managed to snag it in time.

Scanning…match found. Pichu. Mouse pokemon. Electric type. It is unskilled at storing electricity. Any kind of shock causes it to discharge energy spontaneously. Despite this pokemon's cute appearance, it is capable of shocking adult humans.

Jules found it interesting. She may not have known many pokemon, but one of the world's most popular was that of pichu and its evolutionary relatives of pikachu and raichu. It was easily recognizable from shows, advertisements and other motifs seen. While they were found in Paldea, they were not fully native as compared to some speculated relatives such as Nemona's pawmi.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but both Rian and Nemona finally stood up and stretched their arms and legs. The pokemon had spotted them all starting to get ready to go and sprinted back, jumping at their trainers' feet. Basil and Dani were looking a bit tired from playing together, the latter having grass clippings in her short cream colored fur.

Jules laughed as Dani refused to sit still while she tried to brush them off. Next to her, Rian saw that Baron was quacking softly and jumping up and down to get his attention while side eyeing more wild pokemon nearby. His eagerness was no doubt having the itch go and battle them.

Just let Baron be Baron. Give it a chance.

"You want to battle some more, don't ya?" He asked his pokemon softly enough that their older classmate couldn't overhear them. Baron flapped his wings and twirled around in place multiple times. Rian definitely could tell his rather animated pokemon definitely enjoyed dancing.

He was most certainly an enigma and though it wasn't the exact thing he had in mind, Nemona's words continued to echo in his head about being patient and maybe he could come around to help see eye to eye with his pokemon.

"Okay, let's go and see what we can knock out." The boy led the way with the girls and his quaxly following closely behind.

"Oyee!" Nemona was right behind them, sprinting the last of the way before stopping right in front of the twins. She stopped with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Did ya both battle some trainers along the way? Maybe it's time I see how much you're growing by a battle of my own!"

Rian and Jules exchanged a glance. About halfway to the front gates, Nemona got an urgent call from the school. She answered and talked to someone for a while, but motioned for the twins to keep on going. The rest of the journey was made in relative silence save for the couple of trainers each twin battled and won along the way.

"But I already battled you yesterday,"

"Oh come on, just one?" The older girl had clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture while flashing them a toothy grin.

With a smile like that it's gonna be hard to say no. Rian bristled and his hand brushed Baron's ball. Okay, time to see if maybe she was onto something. We've been training a bit. Why not put it to practice?

"You're on." He finally said.

"Yes! Toma ya! Nothin' like having a friend around!" Nemona pumped a victory fist and was practically ready to bounce off the Mesagoza gate walls. "You seem like you're starting to get better at this, so I'm coming at you with two pokemon this time!"


"Actually Rian," Jules had spoken up. "I…I kind of want to battle her."

"Huh?" Both other teens stopped and stared at her. "What do you mean?"

His sister gave a shrug. "I want to battle Nemona. It'll be a more fair fight since you only have one pokemon."

Rian stopped to think about it. "Yeah you do have a point sis. Okay, I'll uh officiate?"

Nemona nodded. "You can do it or you can also set your RotoPhone to record and officiate pokemon battles. Muy fácil to set up!"

"I'll try my hand at it this time. After all how hard can it be?"" Decision made, he found a good area that had looked a little worn from previous battles as the girls took up their spots equidistant from him. Baron waddled after him and pointed towards the middle. He wasn't participating, but Rian had to guess that he wanted to watch. They both did.

And more time for us to see how Nemona battles. She's tough, but nobody is unbeatable forever.

He raised his arms up towards each trainer. Funnily enough, Baron had stood by his trainer's side, imitating his gestures. "This is a two on two battle between Jules Almeida-Araújo and Nemona Ozuna-Gurrerro! The battle will conclude when all pokemon of one trainer's side are unable to continue further! Ready?"

"Ready!" Nemona grinned and hunched down, putting her hands on her knees as she leaned forward. Rian had to guess that it was sort of a stance where she could acutely observe the action from multiple different angles.

"Ready!" Jules didn't have the same confident affirm as the older girl, but her face was a mask of determination and she bent her elbow in a fist held slightly out.

Sort of her own battle stance. I'm sure I'll develop one of my own as time goes on and I battle people more.

Rian nodded and spoke again. "Okay, send out your pokemon and let the battle begin!"

"Come on, Jules! Let's have us a fruitful battle!" Nemona's voice got more excited as she tossed a poke ball out onto the ground. Her posture was still awkward and Rian almost laughed at how silly it looked from another perspective.

Still this good and she can't throw a poke ball properly. Yeah…not to be underestimated.

Saeta growled softly and prepared to face whatever Jules was going to send out.

The female twin stopped short of using Basil. Saeta has the type advantage. Maybe I should save him for whoever is next. Perfect time to really try things with Dani.

"Okay Dani!" Jules called out, throwing her own pokemon as Saeta's opponent. "Let's go and do this!"

Upon being released from her ball, Dani sniffed the ground and sensed this had been a battle. She crouched low, analyzing her opponent carefully.

"Uh," I hope I'm doing this right. Rian thought to himself. "Begin?!"

"Don't mind if I do!" Nemona's excitement was building by the second. "Saeta, use ember!"

Jules sucked in a breath as Saeta suddenly spat out a small ball of flames that struck and splashed over Dani. The small dog cried out in pain and fell back, but held her ground.

Oh no, I forgot to see the moves Dani used! She quickly brought out her phone just as Saeta was getting ready to fire another ember at Nemona's command.

"Dani, look out!" Now she was starting to tune in to how the battle was being paced. When Saeta launched his second attack, Dani quickly jumped to the side as it flew harmlessly by and vanished in a puff of smoke. Jules only had a couple of seconds to make a counterattack. Her eyes read the moves available on Dani's summary as quick as she could.

"Tackle, Dani!" She shouted the first one that her eyes managed to pick up. Dani shook off the hit from the first ember and rushed forward, her speed being a bit quicker than either battler expected. Saeta heard Nemona call for it to dodge, but reacted too late as Dani threw her weight and knocked them both over.

"Get her off you! Use leer and round!" Saeta growled softly and squirmed as he managed to shake Dani off him. His eyes flashed, causing her to stop short of moving while an aura flared around Dani cascading downwards.

A stat drop. Jules thought to herself. Leer lowers physical defense and it caused Dani to stop for a moment, I think.

While Dani was still, Saeta took a deep breath and shouted loudly, causing everyone except Nemona to jump. A cone of energy erupted from the fuecoco's mouth that caught her in the middle and flung her back. Jules flinched, knowing that Dani was in trouble if she didn't do something.

"Uh," Look at the damn phone! What moves does she know?! Jules eyes darted, seeing a list finally scroll past the summary screen. "Got it Dani! Ready? Use covet!"

Saeta was readying another round when Dani dashed forward with a fervent gleam in her eyes. She threw her full body into another tackle that knocked the fire croc over. He was slower to get up as Dani crouched low to the ground, ready to move on her trainer's orders.


"Oh no! Dodge it Dani!" She was too close to effectively do so, but Jules had to try. Dani moved, a little too early as Saeta turned his head to launch another projectile of fire.

Before it sailed through the air and was promptly intercepted by a blast of water that canceled out both it and Saeta's attack.

Both Jules and Nemona stopped short, the former in surprise since she hadn't expected something to come to her pokemon's rescue. Nemona had been even more perplexed, well aware that a fidough wasn't able to learn any water attacks as far as she knew.

Rian had to shake his head out of being taken aback when Baron's own excitement had gotten the better of him and he had raced onto the battle area between the two girls to jump in the action.

What?! No! "Baron! Come back!"

Jules and Nemona were confused on how to continue the battle with the unexpected interruption, but Saeta was the first to act in shooting another ember that hit Dani square in the chest. She yelped and tumbled backwards end over end to lay still.

"Baron stop!" Rian yelled, his officiant duties forgotten as he ran in the middle to try and get his pokemon under control. Saeta cocked his head in confusion as the quaxly jumped up and down, still proud over his actions. Nemona put a hand to her own mouth in surprise.

Rian caught up just as Baron took his own battling stance and moved to attack Saeta. The fuecoco's expression remained unchanged in its nonchalant laziness, but Nemona had quickly gotten over her surprise to prepare to continue battling the new entrant.

"Return!" Baron was in the middle of lunging with his glossy white wings spread apart when the targeting beam had captured his signature to draw him back into his ball. The boy sighed with relief and clipped the ball to his belt. His RotoPhone beeped with an indication that Baron had now learned the move wing attack. He paid little attention to something that would've excited him normally. But this had gone too far. Baron was out of control.

"I'm sorry sis. Nemona." He softly said. "I…I didn't mean to."

The bitterness of failing to keep his own pokemon in line kept eating away at him, rising like hot bile in his throat. Right as he was beginning to have a new and improved outlook on how to be a better trainer, he felt like he was more disconcerted than before. As if the longer of a time he spent with Baron, the less he knew him.

"It's okay." Knowing how much she got into battles, Rian was completely taken aback when Nemona appeared to shrug the intervention off without so much of a pause. "Don't worry about it."

"But I should." He turned around to look at his sister, who had finished returning a defeated Dani back to her ball. If there was anyone he failed and let down; it was her. "I'm so sorry sis. I cost you and it's my own damn fault."


"I…I'll let you guys finish the battle." They watched as he took his spot over at the midpoint and gestured to Nemona. "Dani is unable to battle, Saeta is the winner. Two on one, Nemona has potential to win with her next knockout."

Jules frowned at her brother's sullen attitude beginning to surface. No kidding how hard he's having it with his pokemon. "Rian, it's okay. We're battling just for fun and Baron wanted to jump into the action."

"It's not that!" He snapped irritably, "I should have better control over how my pokemon acts! It's a reflection of me…but I just don't know what to do."

Nemona felt him glancing at her and she inhaled sharply, concerned that her declining of his trade proposal earlier was ending up becoming a catalyst to the entire situation.

"I had a plan, a plan I was so excited to finally become a trainer and this…having a starter like Baron. This was nothing of anything I dreamt of. Why is it that Jules has it so much easier?"

Nemona opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words. She didn't have an answer.

Training pokemon always came easy to me. Rian's difficulties were something I never had to deal with. I honestly thought that maybe if him and Baron had a chance to bond, maybe something will come out of it.

Nemona didn't have time to say anything else before Rian gave another heavy sigh and gestured to both girls. Though there was a lot on his mind, he was determined to see his own job of properly officiating through. The battle was to continue.

Jules stomach knotted as she picked up Basil's ball and threw him out on the field. Rian tried his best not to have any reaction upon seeing him.

No. I'm not going to ruin Jules' enjoyment of being a trainer just because I can't cope. I'll find a way…I have to.

Receiving a nod from both sides ready to continue the battle, he waved to commence the match.

"Dani did her best, so let's finish what she started!" Jules formed a fist. "Scratch!"

Basil squeaked and dashed forward. Unlike Dani, he was far quicker and Saeta barely had time to even register in his mind that his opponent was attacking. He opened his mouth for an ember, but Basil's claws slashed at his face and he stumbled down.

"Get it off you! Round!" Nemona cried. Saeta shook his head and let out a loud shout that caught Basil as he jumped past and sent him hurdling. The sprigatito was quick to land on his feet, hissing in protest.

"It only gets more powerful the more you use it in a row!" Nemona's excitement quickly reached her normal level. "Round again!"

"Basil, dodge and use leafage!"

The first round had knocked Basil back enough to where he was able to quickly dart low to avoid Saeta's second round scream. He spun around and launched another cluster of leaves that hit the fire croc right while his mouth was still open. Saeta had coughed and sputtered, giving Jules a chance she was waiting for.

However she saw that Saeta began to glow a bright orange in a thin, but undeniable aura that surrounded his entire body. His scales flickered with a fiery energy that burned hotter than it had before.

"That's blaze." Rian whispered to himself. "Fuecoco's ability to make fire attacks stronger when its health is low." Over on her side, Jules tried to not give away her sense of nervousness and knowing that Saeta's fire attacks would do even more super effective damage against Basil.

At least I still have a speed advantage. One good hit and Saeta is gone.

"You better watch out! Blaze is up!" Nemona flashed a wolfish grin and refocused. Jules said nothing, waiting to see what her opponent was going to do.

"Basil, get in close and use bite!" At his place, Rian sharply inhaled. What is she doing?

Her pokemon seemed a little confused, but he sprinted forward. Nemona called for an ember that would hit him dead center.

However as the fuecoco moved to spit it out, instead of an ember fireball, it coughed out several puffs of black smoke.

"Oh no Saeta!" It was too late for him to get his bearings as Basil lunged and sank his fangs into his opponent's tail. Though it had last ditch attempt to dislodge him, Basil held on with a surprising amount of tenacity until Saeta's movements slowed and finally ceased upon fainting.

"Saeta is unable to battle!" Rian felt a sense of happiness that his sister was able to fight and eke out a win with what she did using a type disadvantage. Jules was just as quick on instinct as she was in learning the ropes of pokemon battling.

I'll have to start planning myself. Once I get my pokemon under control.

"Saeta is unable to battle!" Rian said. "Basil is the winner. Next knockout wins the match!"

"Haha!" Nemona let out a light laugh as she returned her pokemon. Though her current pokemon had been defeated, she didn't let it dampen her spirits. "Thank you Saeta. You fought well. And great going Jules! That's some sound strategy! You and Rian are legit for sure!"

She slipped his ball back on her belt. "Battling you is a blast! I guess I better pull out my ace in the hole!"

"Uh Thank you?"

"Oh stop being modest!" Nemona smiled again. "Just because we're battling doesn't mean we still can't be friendly!"

"Unless you're trying to get my guard down!" Jules retorted. She returned the smile and gave Basil a nod of praise. The grass cat squeaked in happiness, but had understood that there was more to battle than just Nemona's fuecoco.

"Nope! But if the advantage presents itself, I'd be an idiota to say no!"

Rian spoke up. "Hey Nemona, what's your ace in the hole?"

He saw her turn to him and flash a knowing smile. "You'll find out soon enough in just uno momento. Okay Palmer you're up!"

The little pawmi was released from his ball and he landed on all fours, immediately tensing at Basil. Likewise, Jules got herself mentally ready. She and Basil had to work together, first succeeding in winning against a pokemon with a type advantage and now it was whatever trump card Nemona was about to use.

"This is gonna knock your socks off!" Nemona told them, while reaching to another object on her belt. She held it out and tossed it up and down in her hand. The twins could see that it had a shiny obsidian surface that had a thin silver band around the centerline and a prism of multicolored lights glittering in the center. "Palmer! Terastalize!"

Her thumb hit the small button in the center and they all heard audible pops and a sparkling sound as large tendrils of brilliant white dazzling light began to coalesce in a vortex that was almost hypnotic. The energy swirling around within looked as if it were difficult to control as Nemona tightened her grip and through the harsh glow and a fierce wind kicking up, the champion class trainer still managed to flash a wolfish grin at her opponent.

"What is-"

With a grunt, Nemona's awkward throw with the sphere now pulsating bright arced directly over Palmer, showering him with enough glowing sparks that the twins couldn't even see him underneath and had to look away to shield their eyes from the sheer brightness. Crackling noises could be heard and they jumped as a large growth of gigantic crystalline rocks suddenly sprouted from the ground with the same radiant light as before.

No sooner had they appeared when cracks spread on the surface and Palmer was broken free of his encasement.

Jules swallowed nervously and Rian's mouth dropped open in utter shock at what they had all just witnessed.

Palmer was now shrouded in a layer of crystalline glass across his entire body. And on top of his head was a glittering crown of a gigantic lightbulb that was rather comically disproportionate to the rest of the tiny pokemon's body. Though he stood a fair distance away, both Rian and Jules felt the tiniest hint of some static current that ran through the air. It had to be the awesome power that Palmer had been strengthened from the crystals.

"You can do this Jules!" Rian got his bearings after shaking off his barely concealed surprise at what Nemona had just done. "I believe in you!"

"A fancy lightbulb hat isn't gonna stop us!" For someone who had blanched a little at seeing the phenomenon in action, Jules was quick to snap out and regain her composure. Basil hissed in agreement, readying himself for battle again.

"Hit it with leafage!"

"Palmer, quick attack!"

To his credit, Basil was quick on the draw to summon another bunch of leaves to fling at his foe, but Palmer lunged and was even quicker. The small pokemon acted faster than the blink of an eye as he slammed his tiny body into Basil.

How?! How is it able to move that fast? It's like the crown on its head weighs nothing!

Palmer stopped on the ground and easily spun around to launch another quick attack. This time, Basil was prepared at Jules' insistence. When he struck again, it was met with a vicious bite that caught the small mouse in his jaws. Though he was able to get loose, the damage had been done.

"Let's show them your true power Palmer! Use thundershock!"

The pawmi squeaked loudly as more light and energy quickly pulsed out of the lightbulb's crown. He raised his hands to discharge two thin blasts of electricity. Basil yelped, fighting it off but despite the ineffectiveness of the attack, it seemed to have done far more damage than a normal thundershock. An acrid smell of burnt leaves filled the air as he brushed smoke off some singed fur.

Electric doesn't do much damage against grass and that nearly put Basil out! Jules tried her best not to panic. What kind of power is this?!

"Terastalizing is always a great option!" Nemona seemed to enjoy the variety of emotions playing across the twins' faces, chief of them being astounded. "It gives moves that match the pokemon's tera type even more power! Even if it's not very effective, see how hard it can hit?"

If it hits hard, I'm going to have to beat it fast!

"Thundershock again!"

Jules was fast to go back on the attack herself, undeterred by her opponent's sudden advantage. "Quick Basil, I know you're in trouble, but dodge and close in with another bite!"

Though the pawmi was fast in a quick attack from before, the thundershock's own increased power was much more easily avoided. Palmer's lightbulb crown pulsed with more energy as it gathered its attack and launched the jolt of electricity. Basil jumped to the side and used his hind legs to propel himself forward with his mouth wide open. Rian and Jules cringed as his fangs made contact, making an indescribable scraping noise. The pawmi's fur could still be felt with the same texture as before, but it had taken on the glistening properties and appearance as the rest of the massive crown atop its head.

Basil's second bite was enough to cause Palmer to faint. As he released him, the lightbulb suddenly shattered into thousands of tiny fragments that quickly dissolved. The tingly sensation in the air from the electric type crown faded as Palmer collapsed on the ground.

"Palmer is unable to battle! Basil is the winner and the match win goes to Jules!" Rian declared. "Awesome job sis!"

"Woohoo we won!" Basil had turned to bound up to his trainer. She scooped him up and hugged him tightly. "Incrível! Basil, you really are the best!"

Rian saw Basil mewl happily while nuzzling his sister's chin in affection, causing her to laugh. While happy for her, he still couldn't help that little pang of envy from welling up. It could've been him too.

"Man, I can't believe how fast you two are improving!" Nemona was still in high spirits after returning Palmer to his ball and walking over to meet them. "That was amazing, Jules. You took on a terastalized opponent and won with no problem!"

"Eh," Jules smiled sheepishly. "Well it wasn't easy."

"Nonsense. Terastalization can really throw a wrench into some battle plans!" Nemona stopped for a second in thought and gasped in surprise. "Come to think of it, you can't terastalize your pokemon yet huh? Neither of you can!"

Rian almost laughed out loud. "Probably not if this is the first time either of us are hearing that something like this exists. Which by the way…was amazing! How do you even do that?!"

"It's called terastalizing! A weird phenomenon where pokemon can crystalize and take on properties of a completely different type! And it's only found here in Paldea!" Nemona explained to them. She held out the small black sphere she had used to start the transformation process. Compared to earlier when it had been active, it was now remaining dormant and lifeless. "This is a tera orb, which is what we can use to initiate the terastalize process. All you do is activate it and toss it over the pokemon and voila!"

"It's not really doing anything." Jules took the sphere from Nemona's grip and held it in her hands. She passed it to Rian, who turned it over and stared at the dimly flickering light from the center. He noted that it had roughly the same size and shape of a regular pokeball, but it felt a bit heavier...denser.

"Yeah, I depleted the charge, but it's easy to get jugo for it again! I'll explain more of that later and don't you worry about not being able to terastalize. I'll get you taken care of in no time!"

She laughed lightly. "You're both so good at pokemon battles, I forget how new you are to this stuff sometimes!"

"Buttering us up huh?"

"Rian, I mean it." Nemona laughed again. "You guys have only been trainers for a day and you're doing better than me when I was starting out!"

I guess that is a plus.

"Here, have some revives as thanks. If you are far from a centro pokemon, these come in real handy!"

Rian and Jules accepted a handful of small yellow squarelike objects, putting them into a compartment in their backpacks where the other potions and medicine were stored. While they were relatively empty and had enough space for quite a few things, Nemona had warned them that carrying around too much meant the backpacks would get exponentially heavy.

And probably restrict movement.

They heard Nemona sigh and glance over at the wooden gate they were standing in front. "Now, the inner part of Mesagoza's waiting past this gate! At least, the city where our school is!"

"Right!" Jules was still full of energy from winning her last battle. Basil and Dani shared the excitement as she returned them to their balls and stored them on her belt. "Let's get going!"

Rian followed her and was about to enter through the gate when he noticed Nemona was still standing behind them, a hand cupped to her chin deep in thought.

"Oye Nemona!" He waved to help get her attention. Her head snapped around at the direction of his voice and she smiled while waving back. "Are you coming with us?"

"Yeah! There's a ton of hills and stairs and stuff in the city. It's kinda big! So I'm gonna take a quick breather, heal up my pokemon and then catch up with you both soon! You sure you and your sister know your way around?"

Know our way around? Rian laughed and jerked a thumb behind him at the gate. "You already forgot? We were born here!"

And now we've finally reached the main city of Mesagoza! Slowly but surely we're gonna make our way to the Academy and really kick this story off into gear!

Logged 'Dex Entries
  • Surskit
  • Pichu

Spanish Translations
  • Agitado - Temperamental/Fussy
  • Jugo - Juice
  • Muy Fácil - Easy
  • Uno Momento - One moment

Portuguese Translations
  • Incrível - Incredible/Amazing

Stay tuned for the next update coming soon! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose!
Chapter 8: El Foro


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello and bienvenidos to the next update! Got another long chapter as we get to see the grand Mesagoza! We've got a lot to cover, so let's keep this short and head on into El Foro!

Chapter 8: El Foro

The city of Mesagoza was a sprawling metropolis built around the banks of the Rio Narixa located roughly at the center of Paldea. Among the oldest cities in the world, there had been records of its existence dating back to the early ages of the Paldean Empire nearly two millennia ago. Though much of it had been sequestered behind elevated walls and foundations in a series of curves from the Narixa that flowed from the west to the east, the rapid growth of the country in the last couple of centuries had caused the greater area to expand even more.

Now the greater metro was home to nearly two and a half million people, a truly unique place that held a blend of old historics and cutting-edge modernity that was unlike anything else found in the world.

And it's sort of home. Or rather where life started. Jules thought to herself as they emerged from the gates after passing through the outer city. Much of the development on the outer section of the Narixa were suburban areas and smaller towns that sat along the border. But much of what Paldeans truly considered as the original Mesagoza lay here.

Roughly taking up around a hundred and ten hundred square miles, the city was built into the rolling hills, having a sense of layers with walkways, bridges and roads winding in a manner some would consider had been hastily constructed in a rush.

While navigating might prove a challenge; Mesagoza's infrastructure was as modern as any other city its size and through its sophistication, getting around was relatively simple. Much of it was walkable, with the addition of RotoPhones being an everyday item amongst city folk made navigating easy. For trips that would take longer or less of a convenience to walk, the option of an intricate system of buses and the underground Lombriz were both fast and relatively inexpensive alternatives.

Just a few minutes of walking past the south gate and the twins found themselves in the are of the Casille Sundial. A massive park of several big fountains surrounding a large triangular stone with a shadow cast on the ground to indicate the time of the day.

The amount of people here was far more numerous than Los Platos of all ages. Families walked in the park area with strollers and young kids while an elderly couple took a seat at a table underneath a colorful umbrella that was part of a cafe.

What the twins noticed almost right away had been a couple of teenagers around their age wearing identical gray polos and purple shorts. Other students of Uva Academy?

"Heh, wow. We're actually back home in a sense." Jules breathed. "It's so new."

"I know."

"All right, here I am!" Nemona called out from behind as she skipped over to the twins. "We finally made it huh? I know you're both familiar with it, but welcome! This is Mesagoza, also known as El Foro; the capital and biggest city in Paldea!"

And a lot more people too. Even for a midday time where such a thing as a siesta was very much real, it was still busy with people going about their day. A handful of other teenagers that were around their age wore the same gray polo and purple shorts that recognized Nemona and waved to her. Though she was enthusiastic about returning the gesture, it took the twins a couple of seconds to realize they were indeed fellow students of their new institution.

Potentially classmates of ours.

"It's been a big trade hub since a long time ago. Dating back thousands of years. Now it's a big city where lots of folks come here to learn about advances in technology and all kinds of other stuff. It's got everything you'd ever want in a big city like Wyndon, Lumoise or Castelia!"

Rian blinked at the buildings, placing only a little bit of familiarity. But he and Jules hadn't been back in so long.


"Different." She finished for him after he had initially trailed off. "Feels like both, I know it all, but there's a lot that wasn't here the last time. At least I know most of the Lombriz before they had their current expansion plans."

"It took me a bit to get used to the city and just how big it really is." Nemona said. "The good news is that I'm not like Leon the Unbeatable and can easily find my way around! But you got everything here! There's a hair salon where you can change your look, plus places with tasty food and fixings. Cultural centers, plenty of shopping at Placa Central de Fundador and a bunch of other stuff. What do you guys want to see first?"

Rian and Jules glanced at one another, the same thought immediately coming to mind.

"Tasty food."

Nemona burst out laughing and crossed her arms. "Ha! I didn't have either of you pegged for being big eaters!"

"You think we eat like birds?" Rian shot back, just to tease. "We might not be fat, but we can damn well put some food away."

"That's still smart." Nemona noticed that neither twin was overly skinny or heavy. They were about average for someone their age. "You can't battle or learn well with a growling tummy right?"

She saw the twins exchange a look and nod in agreement. It was a valid point.

"Oh and speaking of battling, I wanna make sure you're able to terastallize your pokemon too! There's a few things that gotta get done for that to happen, but I'll take care of it all! You two have fun looking around the city while I do that, maybe grab a bite to eat, get some accessories to spice up your uniform, all that jazz!" Nemona paused to take a deep breath from talking so much. "If you want my recommendation, you gotta see Delibird Presents. They sell handy items for pokemon!"

I think we'll do that later. Plenty of time to get used to big city life when we're gonna be spending however many years here at the Academy.

"Once you've seen and eaten your fill, let's try and meet up again in front of the school at, say thirteen hundred! You know where it is right? Just be ready, the stairs up to the front are no joke at all!"

As she said that, both of them glanced to see the school in the distance from the highrises of downtown Mesagoza. Uva Academy sat on a hill overlooking much of the city on the north side, the outer facade preceded by a grand set of staircases that could easily be seen from here to be hundreds of feet up. The Academy building was one of the other top well known landmarks.

"Well, I'll leave you to it! Adios! And get pumped for some terastallizing!" Nemona gave them both a cheery wave and sprinted off in that direction. She was gone in an instant to the crowds.

"Okay then." We'll get to terastalize our pokemon? Consider me excited. Rian turned to his sister. "So where to go first?"

Food was most definitely the answer.

After wandering the streets for a little while, the twins settled on a small tapas restaurant that sat along a narrow street close to Plaça de Figueiredo. Named for the current Paldean royal family that had ruled the country for over four hundred years, it was one of the major squares of Mesagoza that was popular with tourists and locals alike. Just to the northwest was the Estadio Real, where football matches and sometimes pokemon battles for La Liga would take place. On weekends of big games, the place's bistros, bars and shopping venues would be packed with people.

Today wasn't bad as the restaurant wasn't that busy. Rian went to order while Jules let out all of their pokemon. Basil and Dani kept up their tag game close to their table, while Baron hopped up on Rian's chair to look around and take in all the new sights. Many restaurants used olive and canola oil as their main cooking fats, so the light smell of fried food would always send someone's stomach's growling.

I can't believe it. We're finally here. Jules leaned against the table, looking in the direction of where the Academy lay behind the layer of the immediate buildings. She had grown up hearing her parents reminisce all the time about their experiences while attending and it excited her greatly she would be making memories of her own.

Just how much of it has changed in the years…decades since Mom and Dad graduated?

They had even found each other. A light blush crept up her cheeks as she realized some of the new friends and classmates she'd be meeting might be very handsome boys.

"Thanks for saving the seat." Rian's voice interrupted her daydreaming as he set down a small number at their table along with two bottles of water. He slid the green one towards her and kept the blue one for himself.

"Did you tell them to split the potatoes in half?" She asked.

He nodded. "Yours with a regular amount and mine with extra. I gotcha Jules."

Now relaxing, the twins opened their bottles and took a relieving sip of water. Hers bubbled as she tiled it up from the carbonation. While she preferred her água com gás, he wasn't as much of a fan and instead drank it água sim gás without the fizzy bubbles.

While setting their backpacks by their feet, a waiter passed by, offering them complimentary pokefeed for their pokemon, which they gladly accepted. Rian was glad to have tipped, as in Paldea it often was reciprocated by a light meal for pokemon to consume if they were trainers. A bowl was given and he emptied the pouch before gesturing to Baron. He was quick to join both Basil and Dani to eat their own lunch.

"So, thoughts?" Jules leaned forward to study him. Rian tried his best not to giveaway his expression, but sometimes his sister was able to see right through his poker face.

"Thoughts about?"

"About everything. Being a trainer, moving here to Mesagoza," he saw her face twist into a smirk. "Nemona."

Rian narrowed his eyes on her. "Yesterday I fell off a cliff, nearly had my throat ripped out by a pissed off houndoom and ran into this Miraidon thingy which turned into some snake jet and out of all that's happened you want to talk to me about Nemona?"

"I'm just saying like yesterday. It's written all over you. It's funny seeing you flustered like this."

The eyes remained narrowed. "And like I said yesterday, I'm not going to touch another guy's lady."

"You're assuming she has a boyfriend."

"How would she not?" Rian shook his head and put it in his hands in embarrassment. "She's super great and pretty. Boom. I said it. C-can we talk about something else?"

"Alright." Jules sighed, suddenly feeling a bit bad over how much she riled him up. "I'm sorry. Look, maybe you'll be lucky and she doesn't have a boyfriend or someone else she's seeing. You might have a shot after all."

I'm not even sure if that's better or worse.

The waiter for the restaurant finally stopped by to check on them and deliver a trio of plates to the twins. In the middle was the largest with four large circular orange egg yolks with the surrounding whites over golden brown strips of salted jamon. The two smaller plates had the same dish, patatas bravas; cubed white potatoes that were deep fried in oil and drizzled with a mix of a spicy scovillain sauce and a mayonnaise aioli. Rian had made the order set in two halves since he preferred extra scovillain sauce on his portion. Jules on the other hand, wasn't as comfortable eating heat intensive foods as him.

This conversation was one for another time. With hot food, their pokemon by their side and a cozy Mesagoza summer day, the twins divided up the eggs and dug in.

Rian stopped short as he savored the first bite. Damn. I might have to come back here later.

They still had another ninety minutes before Nemona said she'd meet them at the front of Uva Academy, so after finishing up their lunch and putting their empty plates in the center of the table; the twins returned their pokemon and opted for a walk in browsing the multiple shops around Fundador Plaza.

One of the oldest areas and well known in Paldea, it had been widely claimed by historians to be the city's epicenter when Mesagoza had been nothing but a few shelters in a desolate land clustered together. Over the years and establishment of the Paldean Empire, it was considered the "heart" of the city having first been built approximately four hundred years ago. The name of the Emperor who had authorized and oversaw its construction eluded him.

I'll probably learn about it in history class.

Tall buildings lined the Plaza in a rectangular pattern, stretching for nearly a whole kilometer surrounded by roads and five entrances that allowed both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. On the east and west sides just beyond the road encircling the perimeter were stairs that led down to the Lombriz station of the same name. Each of the buildings held a wide variety of shops, boutiques, eateries, offices and a multitude of other things. Much of it was high-end, as the cost to be able to run a business in Mesagoza's best known square was not cheap. The appearances of the businesses' interiors and exteriors here varied, some appearing as rustic and old-fashioned as the buildings they were housed in while others had a sleek contemporary design. Much of the latter further owed to Mesagoza's charm of blending both history and future together.

Overhanging lights and small multicolored flags draped off tall gothic lamp posts that would bathe the whole area in a soft warm light when the sun dipped below the horizon. While it was quiet as was the norm for the siesta period, Fundador Plaza had a much different vibe during the evening and nighttime.

The most easily recognizable feature was the enormous battle court in the center. Beautiful pearly white ceramic stones were arranged neatly until the center court where they were laid in a much wider circle on the ground to enclose the full sized battle court. One eighteenth of the full circumference had a different color and signet that had been carefully carved to where hundreds of years of age hardly had worn their shapes. Eighteen stones in eighteen colors and symbols, one for each of the eighteen known pokemon types.

Up ahead at the Plaza's north entrance, Jules and Rian could see the tall basilic structures of Uva Academy, easily recognizable by the gigantic stone pokeball situated on the middle spire. A few blocks beyond the Plaza, from this distance the amount of stairs needed to go up to its entrance already looked daunting.

The walk up the stairs is gonna suck, but I bet the view of everything from up top is so worth it.

Rian got distracted by a shop that specialized in riding helmets, complete with a poster advertisement of several well known PalMoto racers. Jules knew his favorites; Aubry, Hachimura and Castro. The latter hailed from Zapapico in east central Paldea and often was a favorite when the Grand Prix had their home circuits in Levincia and Mesagoza.

Jules took the opportunity to look around the boutique next door. Like the helmet shop, this one had a dull pastel coloring interior with sterile lighting overhead. A saleswoman greeted Jules, who waved her off for any assistance. Though the help was appreciated, sometimes she just wanted to peruse the wares for herself on her own time. Upbeat music wafted from the speakers in the ceiling, the catchy tempo causing her head to subtly bob along.

Basil squeaked from her perch on her shoulder and she reached up to gently stroke his face. While large pokemon were prohibited from entering the stores, trainers had to instead holster them in their poke balls. Smaller ones that could be carried were acceptable under the condition that their trainer was liable for any damages caused, so it was done at their own risk.

So pretty. And nice. Jules examined a strapless evening gown with a rich lilac color that was incredibly soft to the touch. The label showed that it was within her size range and she could tell the material was that of snom silk. Made from the incredibly high quality material, it was prized for its ease of wear and lustrous appearance made so that viewed in different angles and lighting could produce a band of different colors. Snom silk was also known for keeping the wearer comfortably cool in warm temperatures.

This was definitely a garment made for formal occasions. One of which at their new school came to mind.

Baile de Finalistas. The Academy's famous school dance that happened the week after final exams. She had heard of it from her parents, her mother even citing it where she met their father after her original date had inexplicably left. He had gone alone with a group of friends.

Perhaps one day. It'd be nice to find someone to go to the dance with.

Jules' own fantasizing kept on going until she found the dress' ink tag which also displayed its designer and pricing.

Mierda. That's way more than what I'm willing to spend. At least something like this is just for a special occasion.

Basil nudged his trainer and gestured a paw towards the dress.

Jules laughed. "I wish. But I can't afford that." Her pokemon cocked his head quizzically at her response.

She moved to the more casual line of clothing, adjacent to the men's to continue browsing. The items were were cheaper and impeccable taste, but the price was still just high enough where she'd be stretching her budget for them. Maybe she just needed to win more battles and then she could buy the things she wanted comfortably.

Admiring a nice henley, she was interrupted by Basil sensing movement to her side. Jules glanced over at the group of people passing by and her previous happy mood began to sour.

It was a trio of girls, all wearing identical gray polos and dark purple shorts like her as fellow Uva Academy students. Two of them, she didn't recognize at all.

The third girl who was at the front of the group had been the big reason for Jules' dampening spirits. Alexis "Lexi" Pearsall had been a former classmate of theirs for years coming from the Unova region before she had gotten an early acceptance into Uva Academy three years ago. Thanks to her long full blonde hair, trim figure and dimples as she smiled, it didn't take her long to be incredibly popular at their old school even before she had left.

Though she wasn't outright unfriendly, Jules remembered that she often had a haughty attitude and it was more than enough for her to steer clear when Lexi hadn't displayed mutual interests in being friends with just any one when they were younger kids in grade school.

On the other hand-

"Oh you must go to the Academy too! I haven't seen you around before!"

The voice caught Jules off guard as she glanced up to see the one of the other girls having spotted her and walked over to initiate a conversation. A small blue and white bird pokemon stood on her shoulder with a long orange bill and thin folded wings.

"Oh…uh. Hi." Jules waved awkwardly, not expecting to have to talk to anyone. "Yes. Me and my brother have our first day today."

"Well it's gonna be great to see you around! I love your braid!" The girl reached out and eagerly shook her hand. She had auburn colored hair and alabaster skin with grayish eyes. "I'm Audrey!"

"Juliana." The words left her mouth before she could even figure out what to say. Audrey seemed friendly enough. Her voice had an accent from somewhere up north. "It's nice to meet you."

As Audrey smiled, Jules' RotoPhone detected a new pokemon and hovered in front to show off the added information. Scanning...match found. Wingull. Seagull pokemon. Water and flying type. It carries food tucked in its bill, soaring high in hte sky riding on updrafts like a glider. In the winter, it hides food around its nest.

They noticed the other girl making her way over and Jules resisted the urge to groan out loud when Lexi first caught sight and looked at her with the mild disinterest as she had years ago.

"Oh hey Juliana." Jules felt her annoyance flicker as her formal name was said in a blood-boiling flippant manner. It wasn't that she hated it. "I certainly didn't expect to see you here."

"Hi Lexi." The greeting came out a lot more curt than when she was greeting Audrey. "It's nice to see you."

"Same." She smiled and casually twirled a lock of her hair that definitely had an envious amount of time dedicated to its care. "So, you finally made it to the Uva Academy. Much better than the quietness from our other place right? A lot more better beach towns out there."

More irritation bubbled in her throat, but she forced herself to stomach it. Basil sensed her unease and gently rubbed his trainer's neck with the top of his head to successfully calm her down.

That other place is where I'm from…that's home. And here she was saying it was unremarkable.

"And a visit to this place will do you some good too." Jules forced herself a nod at the rather scalding passive aggressive comment. It was then when Lexi noticed Basil on her shoulder.

"Oh, so you finally have a pokemon?"

"Yeah. This is Basil. I've officially had him since yesterday."

"Oh how adorable." Lexi reached out and gently pat Basil's head. The sprigatito tensed for a moment before relaxing to the girl's touch. Traitor. "Better late than never. It's incredible how much your opportunities open up after getting your own pokemon."


Audrey stepped forward. "Hey, we should be getting ready to head back up to class. Jules, you should come with us! If you're a new student we can help you get situated. Show you around and everything!." Lexi's mouth twisting into a slight frown did not escape her notice.

Jules was surprised when the auburn haired girl shook her hand again. If it weren't for a someone who was silently voicing her protest, she'd take her up on that. "I'd love to, but I'm still waiting for my brother. We're going to head up in a second."

"Audrey, is that really necessary? Jules is more than able to take care of herself."

Is that really necessary? She felt the tension start to thicken and a snarky comeback was almost halfway out of her mouth when Rian had finally had enough of the helmet shop and came in looking for her. She silently thanked his timing.

"Hey sis, the shop said all those white retro open helmets got sold out crazy fast. They must be popular with students, but they never see them there!" Rian was a little winded from running over as he took a second to catch his breath. Like Basil, Baron was on his shoulder.

How does he not notice? Jules saw his eyes go to the other two girls, settling on Lexi and taking a rather dreamy look on his face for a second. "Oh. H-hi Lexi."

"Hello Florian." The blonde's smile widened, showing off her dimples. Like with Jules, Lexi was well aware of their preferential nicknames, but chose to say their full ones instead. "I figured you were close by when I ended up running into your sister here. Heard from her that you both finally got into the Uva Academy? About time. You both have so much potential."

"Y-yeah." Rian's normal calm demeanor took on a little flustered as he suddenly fidgeted with his clothing in trying to smoothen out wrinkles. "We got accepted yesterday. And it's pretty...uh awesome."

Desesperado, I swear. Jules thought to herself. Ever since they had first met in earlier grade school, Rian had the biggest crush on her like a number of fellow boys. It wasn't hard to deny then and much less now. Both Lexi, Audrey and the third girl were very pretty.

"I take it you're going to enter the gym circuit like you talked about?" Lexi reached into her pocket and unfolded a tin badge case that had the signet of the Unova League. "I'm registered back home, but I might try my hand here and see how Paldea stacks up." Rian and Jules saw badges earned in the top two slots; the Basic and Toxic badges. "I'm hoping I can get further than I did over the summer."

"Two badges." Rian murmured to himself. "Y-yeah, I think I can do that."

"That's the spirit!" The third girl was grinning from ear to ear as her RotoPhone floated back to her pocket after she paused whatever it was she had been watching. On her shoulder was a small white and blue rodent pokemon. "Lexi you go girl!"

Scanning...match found. Pachirisu. Elesquirrel pokemon. Electric type. A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity. It shoots these charges from its tail at foes.

"That's Eveline. She likes a lot of streamers like the Iono Zone and keeps up tabs with a lot of the professional battling. Even runs her own streaming channel called Eveline Eats." Audrey explained matter-of-factly. "Well hey, if you see any of us up on campus or in class, feel free to say hi! It's great meeting new people!"

Wow, they're direct for sure. Rian thought to himself. He nodded his head, but he still had to sneak a glance at Lexi. She had caught him again and flashed another smile that made his heart flutter.

"See?" The blonde had told him and Jules, who visibly winced. "You've got friends already to help you two out with such a big change to school! And you're a trainer yourself hmm Florian?"

"This is Baron." Rian frowned, but gestured to the quaxly sitting on his shoulder. The little duckling had puffed its chest out proudly to show off his well kept coif. "He's my…partner."

"He's so cute!" Eveline gushed, the pachirisu scurrying up on her shoulder. "Both him and Basil!"

"Yeah thanks to Nemona, we've been enjoying our journeys so far." Jules felt a little awkward with the conversation, seeing that Lexi's expression had turned to a bit of boredom while both Eveline and Audrey were listening with a lot of interest.

The blonde however, did perk up at hearing Nemona's name being mentioned. "Oh, so Nemona is helping you both? Must be very nice of her!"

"You mean the Nemona?" Eveline was much more enthused at the name drop than either of the other girls. "Inegável?"

"Undeniable?" Rian asked. Inegável meant undeniable in west Paldean.

"Yeah! She's got it all from being super pretty, to having lots of money and such a big prodigy, one that the school hasn't seen in like ages! The greatest pokemon battler on campus since…a really long time! She's just so good! There's all these matches where she pulls wins from the jaws of a loss or straight up looks unbeatable. So yeah, a lot of students basically call her Nemona the Undeniable, sort of like Leon's Unbeatable title before he got toppled."

And she beat me in my very first one. I've got such a long way to go.

"Impressive that Nemona sees something in both of you." Lexi said plainly as if to feign more indifference. She tossed a familiar black obsidian sphere in her hands that was the same as one Nemona had held. "Let's hope she's right and you'll get the privilege to have one of these."

"Either way," Rian said. "I'm just glad to finally be a trainer. Something I've dreamt of my whole life."

"Hmm, you're such a sweetheart. I remember how cute hearing how much you liked me when we were in the same class as tiny little kids." Lexi almost appeared to enjoy Jules' discomfort at hearing that. Audrey and Eveline giggled at that. "I'm so glad you haven't changed since then Florian. You just stay the way you are."

Jules was about to say something else when her RotoPhone buzzed with a chirp to notify she had gotten a message. Rian's also floated in front as well. Nemona had messaged them both to be ready to meet her at the entrance to the Academy.

"And speaking of which," she had been most grateful for the interruption before Lexi might say something else pedantic to further irritate her. "Guess who's calling us to the entrance? Has something important." Maybe it's the tera orb. Please be the tera orb. I want to see that stupid grin on her face disappear.

"Then you better get going." Audrey said as she and Eveline exchanged a knowing smirk. "It's best not to keep someone who's known as the Undeniable to sit around and wait."

That is a good point and not too soon. "Okay Rian, let's go. It was really nice meeting both you girls!" Jules found that she liked…or at least had far less animosity to them than to Lexi. The pretty blonde stopped at hearing her bid farewell and she was certain that she had caught onto what Jules had hopefully meant.

Eveline seems a little…I dunno. But Audrey I'd definitely love to hang out with again. She had just made it out of the store with Rian in tow after bidding the other girls farewell and a promise to exchange contact info when glancing back.

Lexi was watching her leave, holding up a familiar henley top in her hands and giving her a rather saucy smile before making her way to the counter.

She's so insufferable sometimes. I have no idea how or what Rian sees in her that makes her so endearing. Jules grumbled to herself as she and her brother made their way to the bottom of the first set of stairs that led up to the Academy. Though still public grounds on the north end of Fundador Plaza, the abundance of benches, tables and close proximity to food stands, restaurants and the high end shops made it a popular hangout for students. Uva Academy also had its own Lombriz station that was accessible from the sides with quick metro rides to the rest of Mesagoza.

"You never cease to amuse me." She said to him while starting up the short set of stairs. "I almost thought I'd have to wipe some drool out of your mouth if you stared at Lexi any longer."

Rian gave her a sheepish grin and avoided meeting the eyes of his sister. "Sorry. She's just…really pretty. And I didn't know if we were gonna see her again."

It doesn't help her on and off flirty attitude makes it so unfair. Go ahead and buy that top. It's not like I was gonna afford it anyway.

"She got transferred out to Uva years ago and has been here ever since. Should've known we were going to run into her sooner or later."

"Jules, I dunno. Maybe try and see if she'll want to be friends?"

I tried a long time ago and she wasn't interested. No sense in it now either. "Yeah well that's what happens when your dad is a Vice President for that Solari company. Of course you're going to be loaded."

Rian narrowed his eyes as he glanced back at her. "Come on sis, you know the kind of school we're going to has a lot of people who come from rich parents and backgrounds. Look at Mom and Dad, their jobs paid a lot and had to have a say in getting us accepted here."

He was right. Jules decided to let it go for now, but she wasn't sure it'd be comfortable knowing there was an entire class of students who might share Lexi Pearsall's mindset.

That's not true. Audrey was pretty cool, for someone she supposedly befriended and is not outright nasty.

But what had intrigued her was how dropping Nemona's name caused a bit of a reaction. While she knew the older girl was Student Council President and a champion ranked trainer, her reputation appeared to be just as intense among other students. And she knew that the best source of what would be the most hip gossip was from the popular kids. Something wasn't relevant if they were not talking about it.

Nemona, the Undeniable. Not gonna lie, that's badass.

The first steps weren't so bad, but after the tenth and making it less than a third of the way up was already starting to wind her. Rian led the way, keeping to the side and a hand on the metal rail on the side barricade in case he had to steady himself. She almost groaned out loud at seeing the second flight of stairs that were nearly twice as tall as the one they were climbing by now. A couple other students were heading up or down on the longer flight above them and they were too distant for her to make out any features at all.

At the top was another stone foundation that branched off to another upper level with more buildings on either side. However the base where the Academy sat upon gave it much more appearance of a keep. Even from the bottom of the longer flight of stairs, the building looked absolutely massive.

I bet the view up top is worth it.

"Hey what the hell is going on?" Rian's own wondering out loud brought her out of her thoughts and she saw him sprint up the last few steps towards where a commotion was happening. Jules shook her head before she followed him.

Upon reaching the top, the twins spotted a half dozen boys and girls their age, all wearing identical gray and purple uniforms of the Academy that had been gathered at the base of the stairs, looking at three more confronting a lone girl standing in the middle.

"Is it because you can't handle the awesomeness?" The question came from the middle of a trio of other students who wore the same uniforms as the Uva students, but additionally they wore white retro cycling helmets with an elaborate pattern of gold and silver stars adorning the top. The leader in the middle put his hands on his hips proudly and flashed a cocky grin behind gold rimmed sunglasses with star shaped lenses. Rian could tell that the smile was forced and fake.

The girl they were talking to looked to be doing everything possible to avoid further conversation. Her head was turned away, her eyes pointed down and they could see her shaking slightly. Possibly out of fear or anxiety. Either way, the trio of students' upfront haggling was enough to where she gave off the sensation of being seriously uncomfortable.

"Don't you get it?" One of the two girls next to him gestured to her cohorts. "If you join Team Star, you can shine bright as anybody!"

Rian and Jules watched the other girl give them a blank stare and said nothing in return. As they got closer opposite the growing crowd of other students, they could see that she wore a gray hoodie with a colorful illustration of an anime character that Rian was vaguely familiar with. She had close cropped hair that was dyed a combination of sky blue and dark red with wide rimmed glasses that almost looked comically too large. She carried a big backpack over one shoulder that they recognized was that of an eevee. Like pikachu, the eevee line of multiple different evolutions branching out made it a popular and sought after pokemon.

"Seriously what's with you?" The guy in the middle shook his head in disbelief. "Are you mute or something? Don't you wanna burn bright with awesome friends like us?"

"N-not really." The girl's voice slipped out timidly. She continued to look at the ground and away from the boisterous students. All three of them recoiled in shock, likely not used to being turned down in such a quiet and ignorant manner.

The third person in the group stepped forward, her expression a lot less pleasant than the other two. "Look, we've got a quota we're supposed to fill for new members, so just sign up already!"

"P-please…leave me alone. I'd…um, rather not."

That accent. Rian blinked in surprise. Galarian. So she wasn't from around here.

Murmurs rose in the crowd of students as they sensed a confrontation brewing. The shy girl kept her eyes on the ground, silently hoping for something, anything to make the people from Team Star go away.

Rian could see that none of the other students seemed interested in intervening. Many of them were rather wanting a fight or something worth seeing to break out. He could tell right away that the patience of all three Team Star members was starting to wear thin.

If she said no, she means no. There's nothing you're going to do with changing her mind. It's also not helping your case when you can't take that for an answer.

"I wish you'd stop being such a stubborn bit-" Her words were cut off and he glanced to his side to see that Jules was gone.

Instead of standing next to him, she stood firmly between the Galarian and the Team Star trio. Her brown eyes glared fiercely at them and it was evident she was much less open on solving things peacefully if it escalated.

"I think it's time to move on." Jules said calmly, but Rian could tell the undertone held swaths of restrained anger. "She's already said no. Stop wasting your time."

A collective gasp rose from the other students that were watching, followed by even more murmurs. Since neither him nor his sister had been spotted at campus as newcomer students, he figured that some of the talk was about that fact.

"Huh?" The confusion on the boy's face made Rian want to laugh out loud. "Girlie, you want in on this too? If you're here to sign up, we'll get to you next! We've nearly got this one in the bag!"

"Yeah!" The girls stepped up and gave Juliana a pose of hands on their hips to act tough. "We're Team Star! We burn so bright, it hurts to look at us. But you knew that right?"

Jules didn't miss a beat. "Actually no. And I couldn't be bothered."

"Ugh, it's another ignorant little nobody!" The girl on the left stamped her feet in frustration. "Here I'm finally part of Team Star after weeks of training and still I get no respect? I gotta work my way up the ranks."

The boy stepped forward. "Hey now we can't let something like this just slide off the end! The honor of our team's on the line, so we've got no choice but to battle and show these freshies who they're really messing with yeah?!"


"That's true! You keep watch on that little four-eyes over there!"

Jules bristled as both the Team Star girls turned to face her. The one on the right put two hands under her eyes to mock crying. "Oh no, it's two on one. That's too bad. Should've thought twice before messing with us! You fresh faced freshie gonna go seein' stars!"

"Two on two."


More murmurs and excited talking as Rian quickly made his way to Jules' side. The small glare in her direction told her he wasn't overly wanting to step in the situation, but it was another case of having to since she had a tendency to jump in headlong.

"Now I think we're evenly matched." He smirked at the surprised emotions of the two Team Star grunts who thought they had a numbers advantage. "Come on now. Bring it."

"Oh no, it's a boyfriend." One rolled her eyes while the other made a gagging noise. "Are you trying to put on a big hero act?"

Hero? Rian scoffed out loud, causing the girls to scowl at him further. "First off, that's my twin sister and second, maybe have some class? Or were you just dropped repeatedly as a baby?"

This prompted a round of laughter from the surrounding students and even the boy that was the leader of the Star trio had to fight to stifle a snicker.

"Y-you take that back!" She growled at him and brandished a poke ball. "Alright, looks like we got ourselves a pair of twin freshies to crush! Stars of the Navi Squad guide me!"

Freshie? Rian saw the ball sail through the air and open up, releasing a small creature that was purple and blue in color with wide eyes and a pair of sharp pointed fangs protruding out of its front snout. A small tuft of white fur was neatly formed on top of its head.

"We'll destroy you together and make an example of anyone else who thinks like you! Stars of the Ruchbah Squad guide me!" The second girl threw a poke ball of her own onto the ground, showing a small circular balloon pokemon that had large red eyes and an odd spiral pattern on its forehead.

Rian's RotoPhone flew out in front as he threw out Baron. Next to him, Jules was calling out Basil. Though he paid attention to the description of the new pokemon registration, he felt a huge sense of excitement…this was the first time both of them were going to battle alongside one another as teammates.

Scanning…match found. Shroodle. Mouse pokemon. Normal and poison type. Though usually a mellow pokemon, it will sink its sharp, poison-soaked teeth into any that anger it. To keep enemies away from its territory, it paints markings around its nest using a poisonous liquid that has an acrid odor.

The 'Dex flickered to the next pokemon. Scanning…match found. Igglybuff. Balloon pokemon. Normal and fairy type. Its body has a faintly sweet scent and is bouncy and soft. Once it starts bouncing, it cannot stop.

"Time for a real showdown!" Though they were ready for battle, Jules looked over at her brother who assumed a slightly hunched stance that was faintly similar to Nemona's when she battled her earlier in the day.

"Rian, what's the plan?"

"Follow my lead. We'll each take one of them." He saw Baron looked back at him for guidance and knew that his pokemon was ready. They may not have gotten along as well as her and Basil, but he knew that battles were something he was passionate about.

So maybe this was the start to finding that common ground.

"Baron, use wing attack on the shroodle!"

Jules thrust her hand out, "Basil, scratch the igglybuff!"

The twins' pokemon jumped into action. Basil was the quicker one, being able to swipe his claw and send the igglybuff hurtling back. The shroodle jumped at Baron with its short stubby claws. He managed to avoid the first of the fury swipes, but the small pokemon continued its attack and raked him twice before a wing attack forced it to break off.

"Oh no!" The girl cried seeing Baron redouble his efforts. Whatever plan they had was starting to fall apart. "Quick, I need help!"

While she switched targets, Rian had Baron go back in with another wing attack. As he closed the distance with the shroodle, he never saw the igglybuff quickly jump and rejoin the battle. Basil was too far away to help him.

The small balloon pokemon had jumped in between, protecting its teammate and taking Baron's wing attack. Though it had done a fair amount of damage, Rian was immediately alarmed when his pokemon stopped moving and fixated the igglybuff with an enamored stare. Huh?

"Baron?! Baron! What's wrong?"

"Ooh! I think someone's in love!" The Star grunt that was the igglybuff's trainer jeered. "Next time, you better stay away!"

Rian growled under his breath. Jules saw that the battle was starting to shift to the other side even further when the igglybuff used a disarming voice that sent both their pokemon tumbling back. Both Basil and Baron were quick to get back up on their feet, but the latter continued to hold a lovestruck expression, blissfully unaware of much of the action going on around him.

I have to help him somehow. Maybe if I can get the igglybuff to faint, he can regain control. If it's attracted or what, that means it's female.

"While that takes that stupid duck out of play, I have a great type advantage!" The second Star grunt said while holding up a triumphant fist. "Poison fang!"

The shroodle was surprisingly quick when it lunged for Basil, however he had sensed it coming and jumped out of the way. While about to have him use scratch, Jules suddenly remembered the tactic they had used to cause Baron to become infatuated. Since Basil was also male, she didn't put it past them to try it twice if the attraction could be activated just by making physical contact. There's an ability that does that. I bet it's what the igglybuff has got.

Her instincts were spot on when the Star grunts noticed Basil getting ready to counter attack. The igglybuff had kept Baron from acting and bounced its way over towards Basil, intending to take another hit meant for the shroodle.

Perfect. Time to trap them this time. "Basil, leafage!"

The look of the Star grunts immediately turned to surprise as the grass cat summoned a flurry of glowing leaves that pelted the igglybuff just as it had gotten into position to intercept Basil's original attack. It squeaked loudly and fell over.

"No way!"

"Great job Basil!" Jules cheered, immensely proud of her pokemon. Basil purred softly, enjoying the praise but the battle was not finished. The girl with the shroodle had taken the chance to try and get him again with another poison fang.

Jules was in the middle of shouting a warning to Basil as it opened its mouth, intent on clamping down with the toxic infused teeth when a perfectly aimed blast of water struck it from the side, blasting it to the ground next to its defeated partner. He spun around, seeing that Baron had snapped out of his lovestruck trance and finished the shroodle off.

"Basil okay?" Rian asked as she breathed a sigh of relief. Baron turned around, now able to safely celebrate and puffed his chest out proudly. He had to admit that them being able to effectively battle together was starting to show signs of improvement.

"Y-yeah. Thanks."

"How come I'M the one seeing stars?!" The Star grunt recalled their pokemon and shook their heads. The one with the igglybuff balled her fists at them. "Urk, why are a couple of nobodies like you so good at battling anyway? That's not right!"

"No way he beat you?!" Like his two cohorts, it had taken the notice of the group's leader. The teenage boy's bravado from before was gone and he held his hands in front to stave off any stigma the crowd might've hurled at them. "Does this mean I have to battle them too now since I'm higher up in Team Star's ranks?!"

Rian smirked, but was abruptly cut off by the sound of someone running down from the higher flight of stairs.

"Pero bueno! What do you think you're doing?!" Nemona's voice was sharply heard over the commotion of the other students as she jumped the last couple of steps and strode towards them with a much different gait than her relaxed, fun loving self from earlier.

Her eyes narrowed at Rian and Jules as she neared and the twins couldn't help a nervous swallow. Suddenly he realized why none of the other bystanders were going to take action. Because we'd just get in trouble like this. Dammit. We're so busted.

The color of the Star grunts drained from their face as soon as they recognized Nemona walking through the group of students that automatically parted for her. The murmurs and talking amongst themselves hadn't diminished and he swore he heard "Inegável" said in hushed tones. Nemona looked unaware, her stern expression focused directly on them.

"Ugh, it's that student council dweeb again!" One of the female grunts said. Her companion nodded, similarly nervous. "She's gonna report on us if we don't book it!"

Jules thought it was amusing that Nemona's reputation was being put on full display on widely different ends of the spectrum.

"I can't believe you Rian!" She went up to him first, still scowling and completely ignorant of the Team Star perpetrators just a few feet away. The boy held up his hands, immediately launching into an explanation that came out of his mouth so quickly, it sounded as if he had said one single long word.

"Nemona wait!" He caught his breath as Baron jumped up and down to try and help his trainer convince her. "I'm sorry if I broke the rules! It's not what it seems, I swear! They were pickin-"

"You don't have to go find randos to battle! You'll have all the battles you'll ever need…with me!" Her frown suddenly disappeared and she smiled at him. "Don't be silly now!"

Both Rian and Jules blinked in surprise and suddenly everyone had gone silent. Now THAT was not what I was expected to get scolded about.

"Nemona, that's not really what happened." Jules scooped up Basil and made her way over to them. "It was those Team Star punks, they harassed that girl over there." She found the Galarian in question and pointed. Behind her glasses; she had seemed to shrink farther from Nemona's added attention.

Nemona listened to them explain their side of the story. "Wait, they picked a fight with both of you? Wow, I really did read that wrong. I'm so sorry!"

"So…we're not in trouble for battling them?"

Nemona shook her head. "No. Did you at least win?"

We're here thinking we're in trouble with her and the first order of business is asking if we won the battle? "Yes."

"Oh good!" She clasped her hands together. "That's the important part."

"I get it now. You three have got Team Star written all over you!" The Champion ranked trainer had then pivoted to face the three Team Star grunts who were all shaking with the same nervousness as the girl they had harassed earlier. "I bet you were trying to pressure people into signing up again, weren't you?"

"Uh hi." The male leader gave a nervous laugh. "We weren't…um…not doing that."

"Well that explains it." Nemona gave an exasperated sigh and turned back to the twins. "As the head of the student council, stopping this type of disparates would normally be my type of job. However, I think it's the perfect chance for you to try my amazing and ultra-rare gift to you!"

Gift? They saw Nemona had reached into her backpack and hand them each an obsidian sphere that was identical to the one she had used when she battled Jules.

"Is that?"

"Woah, a tera orb?"

"They can terastalize now?"

Nemona ignored the conversations of the students behind them and smiled at the twins. "With that tera orb, you can terastalize your pokemon in battle! So let's see…after it terastalizes…Rian, your quaxly will beeeeee a water type!"

"And you just happen to know?" The boy asked her.

"Normally you've gotta take special classes to be able to get one, but I put in a good word for you!"

"Uh huh."

"Now give it a whirl!" Nemona ran to the middle. "You'll learn to use it faster in battle than if I explain it to you!"

"Okay then." Rian shrugged and smirked at the Team Star grunts, with the male leader now being wordlessly called to a challenge. There was no way he was going to look good if he was to back down after this.

"Wait what?" He held his hands up in protest to plead with Nemona. "You want this kid to practice whaling on us with his tera pokemon?"

"Got a problem with that?" Nemona flashed a dangerous smirk back at him without missing a beat. "You wanna battle me instead?"

Oh my. Rian again saw the grunt recoil in barely concealed fear. She's really that bloodthirsty for battling.

"Ugh…never mind! On second thought, I think I'll take my chances with the new kid!"

"Good!" Nemona clasped her hands together. "You and Rian take your places…and battle!"

"Here goes nothing I guess." He sighed, pulling out a poke ball. Though his female companions tried to cheer him on, he seemed to be aware that this was an unwinnable battle. Rian had to guess that his pokemon might be a little stronger than the other two he had faced alongside Jules.

"Stars of Segin Squad guide me!" He waved his hands together in a series of movements that Rian had recognized as the outline of a star shape before tossing out a poke ball to reveal a yungoos.

"Come on Baron!" He summoned his quaxly into battle, who flapped his wings and took up a battle ready stance next to his trainer. "You ready for this?"

Rian held the tera orb in his hand, finding the mechanism that he could push in with his thumb. Almost immediately the ball began to kick against his palm and he nearly lost grip in the surprise. A huge amount of light coalesced out of thin air, swirling around until the orb finally pulsed to indicate it was primed.

Now throw it! With a grunt, he heaved it towards Baron where it exploded into a shower of sparks above and completely obscured him from view. Gigantic crystal spikes sprouted from the ground to encase Baron inside before it cracked and shattered.

"Holy sh-" Jules gaped, with Rian having a similar expression. Nemona didn't say anything, but was very clearly amused. Baron glittered like an incredible gemstone that was a deep azure that shimmered in the sun as if the inside was made of pure clear water. On the top of his head was a crystallized crown of a geyser that spouted in multiple directions.

"Tackle!" Though the leader of the Star grunts was a bit demoralized, he continued the fight with a head-on attitude.

"Let's see how this goes!" Rian thrust a hand out from his analytical battle stance. Nemona said that moves that match Baron's water tera type will be more powerful. "Use water gun!"

The yungoos was already in the midst of throwing its entire body weight into its attack. Baron squeaked in surprise as he went down, but was able to quickly recover back on its feet. Upon understanding Rian's instructions, the tera crown rippled with an intense aura of power before Baron thrust his head forward to expel a blast of water.

It wasn't more than a normal water gun attack, but the speed and velocity was several times faster. In the middle, the yungoos only had time to blink and cry from getting startled before the blast of water struck it like a missile and flung it as easily as a thrown toy. The loitering pokemon spun through the air uncontrollably before hitting the ground with a wincing impact and tumbling to a halt. There wasn't much of a need for an officiant; the pokemon had been instantly knocked out.

"Your pokemon burned so bright." The male Star grunt gave a defeated sigh and recalled his yungoos. At his defeat, there had been a collective cheer from the other spectating students. Jules could see some of them had brought out their RotoPhones for recording the confrontation. No doubt that's gonna blow up.

"Nice, Rian! You pulled off terastalizing no problem!" Nemona smiled at him and shifted her attention to his sister. "And I'm sure you'll get it in no time too Jules! Moves of your pokemon's tera type will hit even harder when its terastalized, y'know!"

"That's crazy." Jules said. "Rian, you were amazing with that!"

"Sometimes you'll find a pokemon whose tera type is totally different from its usual one! But any pokemon can be any tera type! A difference like that can really open up your strategic options! But you gotta charge your tera orb at a pokemon center after every use by healing up your team."

Rian examined his orb, seeing the glow was significantly weaker than when he had first gotten it. "So the terastalization works once and then it gets depleted?"

"Yeah." Nemona sighed wistfully, but shrugged. "It's not a big deal. All centro pokemon in Paldea have the healing machine that's capable of restoring them. Plus the service is free, so go sawsbuck wild on it to your heart's content!"

Okay. Good to know. I could see a lot of different ways to find pokemon with some other tera types and how they'd be useful in battle.

The Star grunts used the uproaring distraction of praising the twins responsible for their defeat to make an exit before the school's staff took notice. "Well I'll be on my merry way then! Hasta la vistar!"

As the male leader dashed down the steps, fleeing towards Fundador Plaza, the two female companions of his were quick to follow suit. "Me too! Hasta la vistarrrr!"

Nemona, Rian and Jules watched them go until they disappeared into the plaza. Odd bunch of people. He thought to himself as he rubbed the side of Baron's head. Over the time they had spent together, the right side had been his personal favorite. Baron happily quacked in his arms and he couldn't help but feel like somehow they were beginning to improve from their rocky start.

"So yeah, Team Star is basically a group of students that like to kick up trouble all the time." The student council president shook her head and sighed with a bit of weighted relief. "They hardly ever show up to class and when they get together in groups, they can be a real headache. Even the teachers aren't sure what to do with them…or so I hear."

"Um, 'scuse me!" The Galarian had finally decided to speak up as she walked over to them. As she stood in front, her stare was still glued to the ground, avoiding eye contact with any of them. During the battle against the Star grunt leader, Jules swore she saw her looking at both of them with an increasing level of curiosity. "I…uh…I just…Well, thanks for helping me. So yeah…I'll see you around."

She smiled back, glad to have been in a spot to step up in her defense. "You're,"

Dashing footsteps cut her off as the Galarian unexpectedly began a sprint up the staircase before she could finish.

"Welcome?" Another odd one. Just what other types of characters are here at our new school?

"Aww, look at you two. Already being big heroes around campus!" Nemona gushed at them. She glanced back up when the girl had just vanished out of sight at the top of the stairs. "I don't think I've seen that girl around before. Maybe she's a new transfer like you guys? But that eevee bag. Love that fluff!"

"A peculiar one." Rian noted. Going from his tone, Jules knew that he was picking up and observing just as much as the other way around. If her brother was this quiet; it was a dead giveaway on what he was usually doing.

Nemona shrugged and gestured up to their new school at the top of the big foundation. "Anyways, seems like the trouble's died down. So we'd better book it up to school! Get ready to climb the worst staircase in the world!"

Whew, what a day! Introduced some of the other OC students I plan on creating, beat up some Team Star nuisances and saved the day for a very important character! Most importantly, Terastalizing! How 'bout that?! Now let's get on up to school and get this thing rolling!

Logged 'Dex Entries
  • Wingull
  • Pachirisu
  • Shroodle

Spanish Translations
  • El Foro - The Forum
  • Disparates - Nonsense/tomfoolery
  • Desesperado - Desperate/Hopeless
  • Pero Bueno! - How dare you! (said when reacting to something offensive or surprising)

Portuguese Translations
  • Inegável - Undeniable

Food and Drink
  • Tapas - Literally means "to cover/top" in Spanish. Tapas are small plates of appetizer food that consist of a variety of dishes. Can be served at hot or cold temperatures as snacks or appetizers. It is very common for them to be combined and served together to make a full meal.
  • Huevos rotos - Literally means "broken eggs" served as Spanish tapas. Eggs pan fried in olive oil cooked "over easy" runny yolk over either fries, chips or some kind of meat such as beef, pork, ham or sausage. While not done here, the potatoes underneath serve to soak up the runny yolk when the egg is "broken"
  • Patatas bravas - White potatoes cubed and fried in oil. Served as Spanish tapas with bravas sauce that is paprika and/or tomato based. Bravas means "fierce" in Spanish, alluding to the spicy pepper condiment.
  • Agua con/sim gas - Mineral water. Mineral water and carbonated "sparkling" is popular in most of Europe, especially Germany and Italy. Most countries will have both carbonated "with gas" (con gas) and flat "without gas" (sim gas) Bottled water is often preferred over from the tap.

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing! You give my writing purpose.
Chapter 9: Uva Academy


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello readers and bienvenidos to the next chapter! I do apologize for a little longer than normal wait, but I hope everyone had a good 4th or Canada Day or any of the other. Over the little break I had, I turned the dirty 30. So here's to more shenanigans in the next decade along with some awesome writing.

Now let's get to it. I'm itching to write Uva Academy.

Chapter 9: Uva Academy

"Who…who designed these stairs?!" Rian huffed out loud as he led the way up with Jules and Nemona behind. By the time they made a third of the way up, he was already starting to pant heavily. Yet he kept soldiering on and kept his eyes at the top. It was almost as if he were to look back and see his progress, he'd be sorely disappointed.

Luckily for them, the top of the staircase was right before them and they finally took the agonizing last step with a sigh of relief. Nemona leaned against one of the columns that lined the metal school gates, visibly wheezing and out of breath.

"Hah…heh." She could hardly speak. "Yeah…they're the worst."

Juliana shook her head and turned around to admire the view. As grueling as it felt like scaling an entire mountain, the reward was a near picturesque sight of all Mesagoza around them. They could see all the way to the Narixa and the canals that joined it, much of the downtown and even in the distance to the northeast was the wide flat area of the ever bustling Balthazar Airport.

Okay, this makes it a little worth the effort.

The amount of students here was far more than what they saw within the city. Most of them were teenagers around their age, but some looked to barely be ten. The gigantic building of the academy was preceded by a beautiful cobblestone lined courtyard with well manicured lawns and trees. Benches and lamp posts lined either side, the latter waving purple banners that had the Academy's seal in the center. Just in the middle where all the paths met was a large brown and teal colored tesselation that had an odd mesmerizing pattern. Jules noted that the path all the way to the big double doors was long and wide enough to have a full functioning battle.

Two students were passing by, giving Nemona a wave and nodding to the twins. "First time with the escalara el infierno is never an easy climb. But congrats on making it!"

Rian and Jules were still trying to catch their breath and only managed a thumbs up in reply.

The building was even more impressive up close, with a rich brown coloration that spread into multiple wings on each side that was several stories tall. On their left the frontmost wing had a large column that held up what appeared to be a treehouse while the one on the right had a dome shaped observatory. The four main spires formed the largest section with an even taller center. Just above the main entrance was a third floor and then a large open area with a ceiling that was big enough to fit three of their houses stacked on top of one another.

"Pretty great isn't it?" Nemona put a hand on her hip after spending the minute recovering and admired the building before them proudly. "I love seeing how new students see it, it's not only going to be where you're going to school, but it's gonna be home."

"Home. Home for the next few years."

"Yup. Come on, let's get inside before it gets any warmer."

No argument here. Rian thought as he and Jules followed Nemona. More students passed by, excitedly chattering amongst themselves and pokemon trailing closely behind. Several blinked and eyed the twins with curiosity, but he did notice that many of them seemed to give Nemona a bit of a wide berth when coming across her.

"The main entrance is accessible every day from oh seven hundred to twenty one hundred to all students and visitors. After hours though," Nemona fished her student ID card out of her pocket to hold up to a reader. "You'll have to use the card reader to access any of the entrances, whether it be the main one here or the shortcuts to the commons or dorms."

Rian and Jules nodded and watched the upperclasswoman push on one of the stained mahogany double doors to creak open just wide enough for them all to slip through.

"Woah," they had said at the same time.

While the exterior was no doubt impressive, the interior kept its old charm with beautifully tiled floors and tan brick walls. A cool front of air conditioning inside the building was most welcome after spending almost the entire day out. Tasteful lamps and trim on the columns around gave the impression that the building was indeed quite old, but the presence of computer kiosks just next to the main desk and off to the side doors that led deeper into the academy were reminders that contemporary technologies of today were still very much in use. Rian saw that the level above was a mezzanine with even more desktop computers and desks that served as private study areas.

The entrance also doubled as a library, with an enormous shelf just behind the receptionist's desk. Off to either side were more shelves in both lines and circles. Each section was given plenty of space so three people could walk abreast and though the main foyer was bound to create a lot of noise with daily traffic, it was quiet enough to the librarian's satisfaction. Comfortable looking couches, tables and furniture were set in central locations in what looked like a busy class day. Students were everywhere; browsing books, at the study tables and all busy socializing or with their own tasks.

"Here we are!" Nemona made sure to keep her voice to appropriate levels and gave the twins a welcoming wave. "Rian and Jules…welcome to Uva Academy!"

She gestured to the grand foyer. "This here is the main entrance hall! You can sign up for all kinds of classes at the desk behind me and the halls lead to different parts of the school! It's all a lot to take in, but the Programming Club added a feature in the Academy's RotoPhone App where you'll be able to program it to almost any location like on the Maps feature! No more getting lost in such a big building like a confused freshman!"

"Wow, it's massive." Jules and Rian were still looking around in awe. Initially, they had only seen pictures and went off from what their parents had recalled from memory. Now it was the real thing with their very own eyes.

"It's totally big enough to let loose and battle in here, but for some reason they banned pokemon battling in the main entrance."

"Isn't there other places where you can battle anyway?" Rian asked. "Surely you can battle elsewhere and be less destructive."

"Yeah, but gotta try new environments!" Nemona pumped a fist and gave a wistful sigh. "Something about an incident involving a hydreigon…or something. Ah well."

"Master Rian, Miss Jules, Miss Nemona." A revered voice sounded to their right as the trio turned to see Director Nicolas Clavell approaching with a slight smile. His hands were clasped behind his back as he gave them a thoughtful nod. Like when they first saw him, his dark purple tasteful jacket was clean and pressed, sharp enough to slice cheese. The white shirt underneath was freshly starched and stiff. The Director clearly took a great deal to make himself presentable and dignified at any given moment.

"Director Clavell."

"How did you find your first school commute?"

Uh what? Rian was the first to answer, "Well, I mean…it was tough." He had to add the second part when the director raised an eyebrow in sudden concern. "Other than that, I can't complain. Nemona's been super great and helpful."

"Oh dear, was it really? I suppose Miss Nemona must've led you on quite the adventure."

"It wasn't even Nemona." Jules added in. "We almost died trying to climb those stairs…not literally mind you."

"I see." Clavell straightened his glasses. "There's no need to exhaust yourselves next time. The Academy does have elevators and escalators from the courtyard that can access the Lombriz station and there's pads right next to the front gate for flying taxis to land and take off should you need them. Not that I was expecting any less from our champion-class student council president."

He cleared his throat. "Reliable as ever, Miss Nemona."

"Gracias! I know how to look after my friends! Right guys?" As the twins nodded in agreement, another thought came to her mind. "Oh, but speaking of which…we saw some of those Team Star kids in town, Director!"

"You did?!" Clavell's mouth fell open and he visibly reacted with a little bit of shock, placing his right hand on his glasses. "Where?!"

"It was down the escalara el infierno from the front gates." Nemona had used the same nickname from the other student they encountered earlier, which caused the older man to raise another eyebrow. "They were hassling this kid with an eevee backpack."

"That's quite the news. Are they still to be found out there?"

Nemona shook her head. "Actually both Rian and Jules here flexed on 'em and ran 'em off."

Clavell cupped his chin, deep in thought. "You don't say…of course it's a fine thing to try and help a fellow student, Master Rian and Miss Jules…but you might wish to show a bit of restraint as you find your feet here at our academy."

"Uh right." Rian said. Nemona had given approving nods, but the Director's reaction to the news was conflicted. He remembered the other students recording their battle against him and his sister and wondered if Clavell was already privy to how he thought they were standing up for someone who couldn't do so herself.

"And Miss Nemona, do remember that the school's staff is here to resolve any such troubles."

"Uh right! Yes sir Director!"

"A child with an eevee backpack you say…I suppose that might have been Miss Thornton. I'm relieved to hear Penny's come to class, at least." Clavell said while he tapped his glasses again.

A few more thoughtful seconds of silence later, he straightened his posture and clasped his hands behind his back again. "Ah and Miss Nemona? If you'd be so good, do report to Mister Jacq about this Team Star business. As your homeroom teacher, he should be kept apprised of all such goings-on."

"You got it sir!"

The prim Director glanced at his wristwatch. "Ah, but look at the time. You three had better hurry along. Classes will be starting soon for the day."

"You got it. We're in class 1-A. Come on you two! I'll show you the way!" Nemona waved farewell to the Director and quickly went down through the library further into the building.

Nemona had led them through the hallways, up a flight of stairs. After the library's foyer, the central building held most of the small classrooms and three large auditoriums for upper grade classes; each of these could be accessed from the three floors. Combined with the dorms and other classrooms; Uva Academy had roughly two and a half thousand students across all grades. Most popular was the "high" curriculum that was held for students between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. Rian was surprised to hear that even adults attended the Academy for college level courses, although theirs was strictly to virtual online. Many of them were busy with work, families and other affairs, thus didn't even have enough time to be present on campus.

"Wait here." She instructed the twins and pushed the door open. The twins saw a young man with spectacles, tattered lab coat and dyed hair in desperate need of a comb standing at the front, busy on the chalkboard. Nemona and the teacher spoke for a couple of seconds before he nodded in understanding and she took a seat.

"Hello and good day class!" He said, greeting everyone.

"Hello Mister Jacq!" They heard a similar greeting in unison from the rest of the students.

"Nemona just got back and she has some exciting news for us! Who wants to hear it?"

"Ooh! Me! I wanna hear the news!"

"Is school canceled?"

"Maybe it's starting early this year!"

Mister Jacq raised a hand up to quell the rising murmurs, but he did laugh at the end.

"An interesting question, all of you…and no Harry, I don't have lung cancer." Despite the morbid implication, it had caused a round of laughter to erupt from the students sitting inside. "I suppose I should've told you all this sooner, but here it is! We have a new student…actually two new students joining our happy homeroom today!"

"Ooh that is good news!"

"I wonder what they're like?"

"Alright." Jacq finally turned to the door and gestured to Rian and Jules. "You can come on in now."

Here goes. Rian led the way, opening the door and holding it for Jules as they both stepped inside.

The classroom was average sized, big enough to fit roughly thirty students and judging by how there were only two desks left in the middle, they'd make it up to capacity. The murmurs started as they stood next to their new teacher, causing them to tense. Jules tried her best not to look nervous. Right at the front in the middle row, Nemona flashed them a warm smile sitting behinder her desk in hopes to try and ease the apprehension.


"Cool! One boy and one girl!"

"They look so much alike! Are they twins?"

"Welcome!" The teacher waved a hand to the other students sitting and watching. "Could I trouble you for a few words to say introducing yourself?"

Oh no, on the spot. Rian and Jules froze, suddenly a bit uncomfortable with all the attention they were getting. While uncertain, he knew he had to just go with the new experiences, some of which might not always be in his own comfort zone.

"Right! I'm um…Florian." He said, thanking his own brain for not causing him to stammer. "And this is my twin sister Juliana."

Jules nodded and pointed to her brother, following his lead in gaining back the calm confidence. "I liked to be called Jules and him Rian."

"Did you hear that? Twins!"

"They sound so friendly and awesome!"

Jacq leaned forward. "See that? Looks like everyone is eager to get to know the both of you!" He turned back to the class. "Who wants to ask your new classmates a question?"

A half dozen hands shot up. Rian and Jules couldn't decide, so he randomly nodded to one of the boys on the right.

"What is your favorite thing about pokemon?"

"Oh man." Rian racked his brain. He was expecting something else. The first thing that came to mind was what he answered. "Battling. Definitely battling."

"Really?" The boy's eyes lit up and he saw that something flickered behind Nemona's eyes. "Awesome! I'm totally the same! You should take a ton of Miss Dendra's Battle Studies classes!"

"Good plan."

Jules picked the next question from another student. "What's your favorite pokemon?"

Damn, this one stumped me just like it did Rian…I bet. She tapped her chin. "I'm actually not sure, don't really have a favorite so to speak. Lucario is pretty cool. I use it when I play Pokken with Rian."

"Great choice! Lucario are badass, but sometimes it and riolu can be hard to find."

"Does anyone else have a question?"

"Me!" The twins nearly gasped in surprise when it was Nemona who had raised her hand and stood up. "I have a question!"

She could've asked us this at any time between when we met and now. So it must be something important.
"You went through all the trouble of enrolling here. So spill you two," Nemona smirked at them. "What do you hope to get out of it? You must have some kind of dream, right?"

Oh wow. As if the questions couldn't get any harder. Rian thought to himself. Next to him, Jules remained silent and she couldn't come up with an answer that was to her satisfaction. As if it couldn't get any more pressure, the entire class had been leaning forward with all eyes on the pair in anticipation.

Finally it was Rian who spoke first.

"I want to be a strong trainer. Like many of you, I grew up watching the greats of our time. Leon the Unbeatable, Brendan Maple, Elio Northstar and so many other great champions. I got posters of them in my room and PalMoto guys like Aubry, Castro and Hachimura. Being a strong trainer feels like something I could maybe do."

Way to lie about that. Can barely get along with my own first pokemon.

"Ooh, don't you worry Rian. You will be! Oh I just know it! You and me…we're going to get so strong battling together!"

Nemona's smile nearly forced him to turn away to hide the creeping blush that formed on his cheeks. "L-looking forward to it!"

"And what about you Jules?" The kid that asked her about her favorite pokemon had piped up again.

She actually had a bit more time to think about it whilst Rian had been answering.

"Actually, I don't know. I grew up hearing how great of a place this was to make new friends, learn new things and see what kind of opportunities are out there. I'd love to be a strong trainer or maybe be a 'Dex completionist, but I'm not completely sure. Or it could be helping others in need. Maybe I'll find it while I am here like how my parents did."

Jacq gave a thoughtful nod. "That's a good way to put it. And you both are second-generation students! Incredible!" Rian and Jules nodded back, though they weren't completely sure if the whole second generation students thing rang true or not. Their parents hadn't said much about each of their parents' childhoods or early life.

"Thank you for telling us a bit about yourself Rian and Jules. I'm Mister Simon Jacq. I teach biology here at the academy and I'm also your homeroom teacher. I've got your seats ready, so please take them and we'll continue on with class."

"Okay." The twins gave another wave to the rest of the classroom before quickly taking their assigned spots. Rian was one row behind Nemona in the second row and Jules was in the third on the right side.

"All right you little ragamuffins! Be good to our new classmate!"

"We will!"

The class session passed by much quicker than expected. Jacq had handed out a packet and was in the middle of explaining his class' syllabus when Rian and Jules had arrived.

The actual school period was not set to start until the beginning of next week, so they had a couple of days to get acquainted with their new campus with the yearly opening assembly next Monday. Classes would resume for a couple more weeks until it was time to begin the annual independent study assignment.

Surprisingly, attendance policy was a lot less rigid than either expected. It sounded like the independent study assignment everyone kept talking about meant that students would be absent for a great deal of time. Jacq explained how all of his lectures and notes for the class will be posted online in the academy's app for easy access when students aren't on school grounds. Any homework assignments could be completed online or papers scanned and submitted. Instead of it being immediate, he had set the homework due dates to when he was actually going to be grading assignments. If he hadn't gotten it in by that time, then that person was out of luck.

However there was a certain credit requirement that Jacq said was needed as an absolute minimum among all classes. This independent study assignment gave a great deal of freedom and the staff had constantly reminded them that it was to further educate and enlighten and that it was not a vacation or excuse to skip class.

Though each teacher ran theirs differently, Jacq said that most of them had three to four tests a semester before midterms and each one required the student to be present to take them. That was also flexible in that each test could be taken the day issued or a student could wait and take multiple exams at once. Both options had their pros and cons.

The bell chimed as he finished explaining other expectations as the majority of the students had stood up and walked out with their bags in hand. Several of them made sure to pass by one of the twins, giving them a warm welcome to their home classroom. The intermediary period between each class session was seven minutes long.

"Oh, I very nearly forgot!" Jacq shook his head and handed them both a sheet of paper. "I have your class schedules! Today's basically just orientation week, so after we have the opening assembly, that's when the classwork starts for real! Good luck out there!"

Rian and Jules thanked him and made their way down the hall that was now bustling with students as they walked to and from the various classrooms and staircases. Chatter was a lot noisier than normal, but it remained at a tolerable level. They found an empty spot by the wall to step to the side and take a look at their schedules.

Jules read hers out loud. "Biology first. After that it's foreign languages, math, the lunch break, battle studies, history, art and then home economics."

"Woah." Rian looked at her sheet and then his. "We've got the same homeroom obviously, same lunch period and we both finish at home economics."

"What did you get?"

He looked back at his schedule. "Biology first like yours, math, battle studies, lunch, foreign language, art, history and we'll see each other at home economics."

His sister nodded in satisfaction. "Pretty good."

"Hang on." Rian looked around. "Where'd Nemona go?"

He spotted the girl that Nemona had been sitting next to at the front of Jacq's class and flagged her down.

"Hey, 'scuse me. You uh?"

"Looking for Nemona?" The girl must've read his mind. "Yeah, I think she got called into the staff's office." She jerked a thumb down the hallway to help point out its location.

Rian thanked her and was about to leave when Jules stopped him.

"Don't we have other things now to worry about than finding her?" She felt her stomach growl. "Like maybe food or the other classes?"

"It's just the orientation period. I don't think they'll care. Besides, Nemona had slipped out during Mister Jacq's lecture."

She rolled her eyes as her brother took off down the way the other girl had pointed. The things he does half the time.

Well I guess this where she must've gone. Rian thought to himself, standing just outside a door to a large room that read "Facultad" He hadn't given Jules much time to react before he had sprinted in the direction given.

"I hope they are cool with students coming in and all." He said to nobody in particular and pushed the door open.

The room was much larger than a classroom, with several cubicle desks situated close to the walls, each one cordoned off to give a little bit of privacy. The middle table had chairs and four microwave ovens, likely the area where the staff would eat their meals. A refrigerator and sink were at the far end and to the right were rows of tall lockers and three large photocopier printing machines.

Seeing a couple other students talking to a couple of the adults made him feel more at ease. Students were allowed in…or at least not openly discouraged to be in the staff's break lounge.

He easily spotted Nemona to the right just past the lunch table where she was speaking to another woman. Though her back was turned, Rian didn't recognize her at all.

"Very well, Champion Nemona. I trust you to handle this in my stead." As he approached, he saw that she had long wavy black hair with hints of yellow accents. She wore a finely clean and pressed suit that was dark blue and black with gold trim along with matching pants. The woman was quite tall, possibly six feet or more. As her hands motioned while speaking, he saw she wore an elegant pair of gloves that had the exact same emblem of La Liga.

Just what was Nemona talking about with someone who clearly had a high position in Paldea's own league?

"Sure thing!" A grin escaped Nemona's face and she pumped a fist in her usual excitement. "You can count on me! In fact, I bet this is gonna be muy alegria!"

"I'm glad to hear it." The other woman nodded just as a RotoPhone rang and he saw her press what he had to guess was an earpiece on her right side. "Hello? Si. Of course. I'll be there shortly."

Her voice was a mix of crisp and rich, one that was refined of both class and professional. That along with the aura of authority was enough to make him deduce that she was very important not just to La Liga, but to Uva Academy as well.

"More business?" Nemona asked

"Unfortunately. All the more why I need to count on you. Good day, then."

The woman turned around and nearly bumped into Rian as he made his way over to them. He finally got a good look at her, but was unable to pin down her age. Maybe late thirties? She had a dark umber skin tone that was more common in the southerly part of Paldea. Her dark blue eyes were nearly a match as that on her outfit. With her high cheekbones and overall appearance, Rian almost thought she looked more like a runway model than the businesswoman she sounded like.

"Oh. Pardon me." The woman noticed the teen and he felt her stare almost as if she had run him through with a sword. He froze, but willed himself to meet her gaze for just a moment.

"Siento." He muttered under his breath, scooting aside. The woman held her gaze at him for just a couple moments longer before a slight smile and an interested "hmm" had escaped her mouth as she walked past, clasping her gloved hands behind her back.

That almost feels worse than getting caught by the Director with your phone out or something. Rian shook it off and made his way over to Nemona, who waved at him from her spot in the corner of the room.

"Oh Rian! Hey! Just in time!"

"Hey yourself." He couldn't help but smile, Nemona had a way of putting him at ease which was a big help after the woman she had been talking to was almost sizing him up. The urge to ask about her came up. "Who was that by the way? That lady you were speaking with. She looked awesome!"

"Oh her?" The grin came back. "Piqued your interest huh? That lady is…uh…well, they call her La Primera! She's strong, she can pretty much do anything and she got cool practically coming out of her ears!"

Rian chuckled, seeing how starstruck someone like Nemona got. If that was the case, the woman definitely commanded a lot of respect like he had suspected. And she'd be an incredibly strong trainer. Makes sense if you're going to be called The First.

"Basically everything I wanna be…or that any pokemon trainer would wanna be, really!" Nemona paused and had to take a breath after talking nonstop. Rian almost let it slip that he had tuned her out for a couple of seconds, but imagined with the amount of praise the upperclasswoman showered on this La Primera, he didn't miss much.

"A Champion. Or someone strong enough to stand up to them."

Nemona gasped. "Oh! Which reminds me! Remember in homeroom when I asked you what your dream is?"

"To be a strong trainer?" He replied, still a little confused at the direction she was taking the discussion.

She smiled at him again. "Correct! Well, since your heart's already set on becoming a really strong trainer, I just happen to have the perfecto proposition idea for you!"

Okay, I'm listening.

"You…should try to reach Champion Rank like me!"

"C-champion rank?!" Rian was not expecting that. "I don't know…I just became a trainer yesterday."

"Aww, but talent like yours deserves to be used!" Nemona's face fell and he felt a little bad. Still there was something kinda adorable seeing her slight pout. "At least hear me out?"

He nodded and she immediately brightened again. "Trainers here in Paldea's La Liga have several ranks you climb up depending on how many gym badges you earn by defeating the gym leaders. Not unlike a lot of other regions in how their own leagues are run."

She stuck her hand out to list the ranks on her fingers. "First up is Novice if you have anywhere between none to two badges. Second is Proficient with three to five badges. Then it's Adept with six to seven badges! After that, you have Elite with all eight badges!"

"No Champion?"

"Not quite finished! We finally have Champion! The trainers who reach Champion are the ones who raise and battle their pokemon to be really strong. They're pro-tier battlers. Their moves keep crowds absolutely on the edge of their seats! You have to prove yourself to La Liga to officially be recognized and get the title of Champion!"

"Oh, so it's just like the leagues in other regions!" Rian felt a shiver of excitement as if getting Champion Rank was something that was easily attainable. But he did have one question. "So if you're Champion Rank, but not the Champion of Paldea, how does that work?"

"Champion Rank. Wording my dear Rian. It's not like Galar or Kalos where only one person in their entire league holds the title. Paldea has multiple champions, but just because there's more than one doesn't mean it's any easier!" Nemona cupped her chin in thought. "I think on average, La Liga maybe has one or two people who attain Champion Rank a year. Not completely sure, but it's still a rarity!"

Great! I'm screwed!

"And to do that, you have to do more than take classes here. You've got to take on all eight gyms in Paldea and win against all the gym leaders so you can collect the badges and rise in your Trainer Rank! Once you've done that, all that's left is a special test with La Liga called the Champion Assessment."

"Sounds like a lot." Rian said.

"Oh it is! But once you pass that, then at long last, you'll have that sweet sweet Champion Rank! It's every pokemon trainer's dream! The coolest title anyone could ever hope to get!"

She leaned forward. "You wanna know the best part?" He nodded in reply. "The Champion Rank stays with you for life! No more of the whole having to defend that title! Once you've earned it, it's yours!"

Her hand moved up and gently took off the ring on her finger and held it out to him. He took it, examining the fine piece of jewelry in his hands.

"Pretty neat huh? Each person who attains Champion Rank in Paldea gets their own ring to commemorate the journey and how long and hard of an effort it took them to finally get there! Not to brag or anything!"

Rian laughed as he handed her the ring back. "Hey, honestly if you're that good enough to pass something like that…you've more than earned the right to walk around with your chest puffed out a little."

"Heh, yeah I know what you mean."

His face turned serious. "But Nemona, are you sure I'm the person to try and shoot my shot on this? I just became a trainer yesterday, haven't caught a single pokemon and I can barely see eye to eye with the one I have now."

"What's stopping you?"

"I…I," Rian's voice trailed off. "I don't know! Maybe it's that I haven't been able to grasp how to be a trainer as fast as Jules. Honestly, I think she'd be better at this."

"Really?" Nemona asked him. "Because from what you said in the homeroom sounds like you're telling me the opposite here. You can't write yourself off as a failure if you haven't even tried."

Fair point. Nemona had laid the grounds of how to attain the Champion Rank for him. Beat the eight gyms in the La Liga circuit and then pass the assessment exam. On paper, it seemed like it was a trivial task. However, given the few trainers attained the rank each year, he knew that things were far more convoluted and battles difficult than imagined. Could he really be a strong enough trainer to go that far? The perks were definitely something to be noticed. Famous champions like the ones on the posters in his room were but a result of the grueling blood, sweat, tears and painstaking effort they each had to put in order to be at the top of their games. The idea swam in his mind. If he were to get there to Champion Rank, he'd be remembered as one for life with the incredible achievement so few ever attained.

"I reached Champion Rank during our last Treasure Hunt, y'know!" Her face suddenly stopped as she had spilled some sort of secret. "Oh yeah, the Treasure Hunt is a special independent study thing we've got here. Should happen soon! Our last one started not long after the first couple weeks of the school year!"

"Treasure Hunt?"

"It's great!" Nemona said. She pumped another triumphant fist. "You get to leave school and go have an adventure and learn however you want!"

So that's the independent study assignment I kept hearing about. Also why Mister Jacq had such a lax attendance policy. It's to account for this. Interesting. I wonder if Mom and Dad had this when they were attending Uva.

"I guess you could say my journey to becoming Champion Rank was the treasure I found? Maybe? So this year? I dunno yet if that's the answer I'm looking for. I guess I'm like Jules. I'll figure it out as I go!"

"And there's nothing wrong with that."

"Anyway, I've got a feeling I'd be able to get even stronger if both you and I were working on it. I'll go ahead and save the gym locations in your map app in case you decide to go for it!"

Both their RotoPhones flew out of their pockets, hovering in front of one another. Nemona's pulsed first, followed by Rian's.

He grabbed it and looked over the map of Paldea, showing eight new icons on the screen, showing the cities where each one was located and the gym leader's profile picture. It also included the pokemon type of their specialization.

Medali Gym is normal, Casscarafa is water, Cortondo is bug, Alfornada is psychic, Montenevera is ghost, Glaseado is ice, Levincia is electric and Artazon is grass. Hmm.

There was also something Nemona hadn't mentioned that Rian noticedon the gym leader icons. "Hey, so some of these have a numeral of one to three. What's that about?"

"Oh that's a tier system. See here in Paldea, there is no certain order you have to defeat the gyms in the circuit! You can go for any gym you want to start, but the tier system is just a recommendation for trainers with gradually increased difficulty. Tier one gyms are best taken on as novice, tier two as proficient, tier three as adept and so on. Really there's nothing stopping you from say taking on the Medali Gym first, but it might be a wee bit harder than if you were to say take on all the tier ones and a couple tier twos beforehand." She leaned close and cupped the side of her mouth to a whisper. "Just between you and me, the Medali Gym should be tier three. The gym leader based there is no laughing matter."

Rian tried not to look blanched. A normal type gym gave Nemona a hard time? What kind of normal type specialist are we dealing with?

"Give it some thought! I really think you'd be an awesome trainer once you've found your groove and you know I'll be pulling for you the entire way!"

"Y-yeah. Thanks Nemona." Rian said. "Actually, did you want to compare class schedules? I know you and my sis all have biology together, but do we have anything else?"

She shrugged and reached into her pack to pull out a piece of paper similar to his. They held up the sheets so they could see the other.

Huh. She's got just as busy of a schedule as myself. Biology, History, Battle Studies, Foreign Language, Lunch, Home Ec, Art and Math. Not bad.

"Oh look!" Nemona's face broke out into another smile. "Look! We have the best class together! Battle Studies with Miss Dendra! You're gonna shoot for that Champion Rank for sure! No slacking or saying no while I'm around!"

Okay, I'm starting to see why she's called Inegável.

"I guess I can't say no if someone like you is gonna be pulling for me and helping me in Battle Studies." Rian said. He took a deep breath, though he had made up his mind long ago. "Alright. I'll do it."

"YES!" The older girl's fist pump and exclamation drew a few indignant stares from the other staff members present. "It's gonna be great! We're gonna battle so much and you're gonna get crazy strong! And don't worry about you starting slow! There's no deadline or race to the finish…not unless you want one!"

"With your help? I feel better about it already." Rian knew that the road to the top wasn't going to be an easy feat. But if someone like Nemona could not only make it herself, but believe that he could as well…What is there to lose?

She pumped another fist while whispering a yes to herself before saluting and running off, promising to catch up with him later.

Alright. Time to shape up, get stronger and get going. I'll show you.

"Just you wait, Nemona."

Leave it to my brother to go chasing after girls again. Jules thought to herself as she walked alone to the cafeteria. A passing student was more than happy to point her in the direction of the mess area and she easily found the largest of the three eateries. The main cafeteria was spacious enough to fill a half dozen tables with enough room for three students to walk down the middle side by side. Another half dozen were at the far end, situated to where ten could sit abreast, making for the total of a maximum of a hundred and twenty. More seating was also available in the other room and on nicer days, there were even more tables outside.

This was the largest of the three eateries and the main one for meals. Since each student enrolled had an unlimited meal plan that was included in their tuition, they were allowed as little or as much food as they liked. Jules learned of this while she stood in line by the main counter, where she saw a plethora of options to choose from. There was everything from a salad bar, soup and stew pots, sandwiches, pizza ovens and more. Though the staff worked like a well oiled machine and the line had gotten a little long, it moved quickly and Jules nearly felt overwhelmed at how many options. For those who didn't wish to wait as long, she spotted several snack boxes, wrapped sandwiches and an impressive bakery section that had could have any foodie salivating their guts out.

But of course the ready-made food was not without its rules. Depending on the teacher, some did not allow food in their classrooms while others were tolerant provided the student did not make a mess or distraction while eating. Additionally, while the options were plentiful, they had done their best to accommodate all possible diets such as gluten-free and vegan. Students were allowed only one take-out disposable container from the freshly made area of cafeteria per day. According to the lunchroom staff; several students had started taking full advantage of the unlimited meal plan's lax policy causing stricter measures to be implemented. While it was encouraged to do so with the near-limitless food available, the student body was constantly reminded to only take what they planned to eat and minimize excessive food waste.

The availability of it was vast, opening as early as six in the morning and serving food until midnight. And for those who preferred something else, there were also the hundreds of food options in Mesagoza. Food delivery from outside sources was not allowed on campus, however students were permitted to wait and accept delivered meals just outside in the courtyard where "school grounds" wasn't wholly constituted. Anything bought outside the campus were at the student's expense.

"You'll have to try the sandwich station and the grill." One boy told Jules with a grin as she stood in the line, still a bit confused at how it worked. "There's some amazing combos and they'll make it fresh for you!"

Jules took his advice and ordered a serranito, watching the cook quickly toast the bread and grill the ham and fried peppers before neatly sliding them all between the toasted buns and slicing it in half. The entire process took only a couple of minutes.

Damn. She could already smell it and the aroma was stimulating her stomach which growled hungrily. That looks really good.

The drink station was equally as impressive, though most of it was bottled. She spotted milk, fruit juices, flavored water, agua with both con and sim varieties. Soda was absent and alcoholic drinks were prohibited despite the upperclassmen at eighteen years and above allowed in the legal limit to purchase and consume the beverages in public. Jules chose a bottle of milk and made her way to lining up at the checkout station. A scan of her student ID on her RotoPhone toned green to indicate the transaction and she was free to choose a table. Nobody particularly looked familiar or inviting, but she noticed that a few people were staring at her as she passed by.

Don't worry about it. It's not the first time they've seen a new kid. She made sure that there was at least one seat for Rian if he could find the cafeteria. While pokemon weren't out, she did wish that Basil and Dani could see all of this for themselves. Though she had caught the fidough just that morning, the little puppy was more than affectionate and had devoured her lunch eagerly from earlier. Plus she found eating alongside her pokemon helped her bond a little bit better with them.

A tray setting down had snapped Jules out of her senses and she looked up to see Rian grinning at her. He too, had found the sandwich station with a hot steaming serranito and a bottle of juice on his tray.

"Rian, I thought you were,"

"Talking with Nemona? All done."

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow as she took a bite of his sandwich, making an approved face at the flavor. "Just a friendly chat huh?"

Rian didn't take the bait. "Well she kinda asked me about my answer back in Mister Jacq's room. When I said I wanted to be a strong trainer."

"Yeah she seemed very excited to hear that coming from you." Jules took another bite and then a swig of milk. "So what did that have to do with anything?"

"She suggested that I try and shoot for Champion Rank like her." Rian said.

His sister blinked at him. "Champion Rank? Right after we barely just started as trainers?"

"Those were the words straight out of her mouth. She thinks I have potential and just need to see and believe it for myself. Since we have Battle Studies together, I'm sure that it might be something worth going for."

"That's good and I'm glad it is for you, but we're students at Uva Academy." Jules reminded him. "When are you going to have enough time to go out and take on these gyms?"

Rian's eyes gleamed. "The same way Nemona did when she got her own Champion Rank last year. The Treasure Hunt or whatever she called it."

He finished another bite and continued. "It's some independent study thing that everyone's been talking about. Where you can actually leave campus and have an adventure or learning experience on your own."

"I see." Despite sounding a little indifferent, Jules was more than curious. "I wonder if that's the whole thing about student discounts with train tickets, hostels and on Céuflota? Well, I mean if that's something you want to do, go for it. You know I'll support you either way."

"Thanks sis. You're more than welcome to try it too. Nemona isn't just making it exclusive for me."

"I'll think about it. There isn't much about this Treasure Hunt thing that I know of yet and we just started our school year. But…you only have one pokemon."

Right. Baron is my only one.

"Well there's tons of pokemon out there waiting to be encountered. Billions, trillions, I'm sure I'll be able to find at least some that'll like me enough to where we can be a half decent battler. That's probably a better focus, learn on being good at battles before thinking about being Champion tier."

If someone like Nemona can make it, I'm sure I can give it a hell of a run too. Rian nodded in satisfaction as they returned to their meal. Both were taking the final bites and he collected their trays to set on a moving belt that whisked them to an automated dishwasher at the end of the kitchens. As he sat down, his eyes went wide and he leaned close to Jules.

"We got company."

She made the mistake of glancing behind, meeting the gaze of a familiar blond haired boy they had encountered yesterday. Cursing under her breath and biting her tongue of the habit, she turned away hoping he hadn't seen them.

Oh fantastic. She was wrong.

"Hey, so we meet again!" Arven's voice was much more cheery in contrast to his dour mood when they met him yesterday with Nemona. Rian tried to hide his annoyance and Jules' own mood immediately soured. Completely oblivious to their earlier interaction, Arven had sat down next to Rian and smiled at them.

"You remember me, right?"

The twins were silent for a moment before Rian was the first to speak. "From the Luz Sur right?"

"Yeah, exactly! That's my little know-it-all buddy! Got a mind like a steel trap, eh?"

Little buddy? "It's kind of hard to forget someone who just leaves some weird dragon pokemon for you to take care of and then runs off." Jules groused from the other end of the table. Arven ignored her and focused on Rian, who seemed to be the more amicable of the two.

"No need to tell me either of your names. Rian and Jules, right? Whole school seems to be talking about you. The new kids who showed up with the president of the student council and stood up to some Team Star goons at the front of campus."

And yet nobody's really reached out to us. Either he's trying to butter us up or he's lying.

"What do you want, Arven?" Jules asked, trying to keep her mood as neutral as possible. Rian knew better and could tell his sister was just tired of this other boy being around.


He held up a hand to stop her from saying anything else that might instigate a spat. "Look man, we left on some pretty bad terms when you literally shoved Miraidon into our hands and took off, telling us it's now our problem. You then told Nemona, me and my sister to shove off in the process."

Arven blinked at him.

"So color me completely dumbfounded that you're coming up to the both of us talking and acting like we've been friends for years. Pretty much a complete one eighty from yesterday morning. Why are we talking again?"

That got a sigh out of him. "Okay, okay. I wasn't really in the right spot and seeing Miraidon just brought back some bad memories."

"That doesn't give you the excuse to lash out at it the way you did." Jules said. "Or any of us for that matter."

Arven sighed again. "Yeah I know. Look, I'm sorry for that and you both caught me at a bad moment. I normally wouldn't even bother showing up for class, but I came all the way to school today just to talk with you two, the school's newest celebrities."

"Uh huh."

His face turned serious. "You've gotta help me out so I can finally make my dream a reality!"

Jules narrowed her eyes at him, still unconvinced. "Okay, but what's this dream first? And how do I and Rian fit into this?"

"Hehe, caught your interest, have I? You want to hear all about my dream right?"

"Only because it'll make you leave us alone quicker."

"Well this might come as a surprise, but fact is, I'm all about picnic life." Either Jules' snark was ignored or he was unaware of it entirely as he went on to further explain. "The great outdoors, perfectly prepared sandwiches, all of it! Not half bad at cooking either, I can tell you."

Arven reached into his rather large backpack and removed a worn purple and gold book from the main compartment. He flipped it open, skimming through the pages while wetting his fingers. "Right now I'm researching new recipes that'll help pokemon feel better. Real health food that tastes good. I found this book the other day and it had a section about something called herba mystica. Basically they're some sort of special herbs that heal up any pokemon as soon as they're eaten!"

He stopped at one part in the book. Upon closer look, they could see it had small sticky black bookmarks that protruded out from the middle pages. "So there are a total of five different types of herba mystica based on what I've read. Sweet, spicy, bitter, sour and salty. Just taking a lick of them once they've been dried and powdered will get your blood flowing, provide nutrients, prevent aging and it'll even boost the immune system. These herbs seem like they're the real deal. Only found here in Paldea and extremely rare to boot!"

Now that had piqued the twins' interest for sure. Rian and Jules glanced at one another, hardly able to conceal their surprise of such powerful herbs and medicine. Jules almost thought he was making things up as he went. If these things are so miraculous, then why haven't we heard of them before?

"So you're wanting to go foraging for some plants." Rian said. "I'm still a little confused at why you need us. Neither of us are exactly expert trackers. A lechonk would probably do you better good than us."

"Ah! But the book says these herba mystica are all guarded by Titan pokemon, meaning that it's gonna be pretty tough to try and grab just a few sprigs. 'Cause see, Titans are…well they gotta be things like this!"

Arven stopped at one of the bookmarks and turned the book over, letting the twins read over the "Monsters of Área Cero" section.

Jules peered at the text and the illustration. "As we descended further into Área Cero, we began to catch glimpses of mysterious never before seen pokemon. Though we wondered if these huge ferocious beasts were indeed pokemon at all. One of our team suffered a brutal blow from such a beast and was mortally wounded, forcing us to retreat for a time." She read softly to herself. She saw the sketch and faded image on the next page, seeing a pokemon that had a smooth metallic body and its entire body was taut with aggression like a coiled snake. The plating seemed to resemble the armor of a main battle tank. For some reason, seeing such a fierce abomination made her involuntarily shiver. Could something like this exist?

"A member of the survey team captured this photograph by chance. I noticed a passing resemblance to the pokemon known as donphan, yet differences such as its sheer size and the shape of its back set it apart as do its treads of iron."

While frightening, I don't see any evidence that links them with Área Cero.

"I really want to get those herbs for myself, but I'm not good at pokemon battles as Jules rightfully proved." Arven sighed wistfully. "I don't have any friends…or know anyone with strong pokemon willing to lend me a hand either and that student council prez would never let me hear the end of it if I went crawling."

Rian shot him a look. "Oh come on, Nemona isn't that bad once you get to know her."

"But then here you waltz up! You've got to help me out with this! We'd be fast friends, you're not as uptight as the student council prez and you're strong enough to stand up to Team Star. With the three of us working together, we'd crush those Titans! You'd be perfect!"

Three? Oh no, that's not happening. Jules thought to herself. She was about to decline her interest when Rian stood up and gave him a thoughtful nod.

"Okay, you've sort of made it sound like it could be a fun adventure! I'm already set on Nemona's suggestion to take on the gyms in Paldea to reach Champion Rank. But if the Titans are around in the area, I'll definitely lend a hand. Anything to get stronger!"

"What do you think?" He turned to his sister, who still held Arven in a distrusting look. Her arms were folded in that same posture she always had when she was judging someone.

Jules' expression remained unchanged, but she unfolded her arms. "I'll think about it." She glared at Rian, sending an unspoken message that the two of them would discuss privately.

Arven on the other hand, looked a bit more thrilled than before he had approached them earlier. "Wait, I don't need an answer yet! I'll just register the areas where I've done research where it seems there might be Titan pokemon in the MApp." It took them both a second to realize the map app on their RotoPhones was what he had been talking about. He had said it like the "M-app."


Both of their RotoPhones flew out and Arven's met them in midair, flashing as it transmitted information over. Jules saw his had a stylish flabébé case.

"Let it stew a bit and we can get more into the details later on. I've also got my class schedule and number, so be sure to save it!"

"Sounds good. I'll uh…see you around Arven?"

The older teen grinned back at him. "Oh count on it for sure! Give the idea some serious thought! Please!"

Jules was about to ask another question before Arven had turned and already dashed off to the cafeteria's entrance and gone before her mind could even process it. She turned to glare at Rian.

Her brother withered under her staring. "What? Can't be that bad?"

"Idiota. The boy who dumped all his earlier drama on us, not to mention a Miraidon thing and now he's roping us into helping him find miracle plants? Are you sure he's not on some herbs of his own?"

"Jules, just give the guy a chance."

"No. Absolutely not." Her brow furrowed. "He's a jerk to Miraidon…which saved your life and is hiding more about it than we know. That's something I can't take lightly."

"And I'm not saying you shouldn't." Rian hissed back, noticing that Jules' rising voice was catching the attention of nearby students. He leaned closer so that it would be harder for anyone else to listen in. "I agree. Arven and Miraidon share a history that he clearly isn't willing to share. But…maybe we can learn a bit more about him and why he hates it so much if we help him out with this dream."

Jules stopped, staring at him with barely concealed surprise. She hadn't thought of it that way. How did Rian start to think like this?

"So let's do it. Go kick some Titan pokemon teeth in. Grab this plant if it exists. Maybe we'll get some answers. Maybe not. Either way, I'm sure he'll find a way to help us out like we'd help him or we'd get a lot stronger with our pokemon by beating something like that iron treads thingy."

Though she didn't particularly fancy spending more time around Arven, she did want answers about why he didn't like Miraidon and what exactly it was. Like Nemona had said yesterday, the more they spent around the mysterious dragon, the more questions she had. The ball containing it remained dormant and silent in the pocket on Rian's backpack.

"We both have classes with him. His schedule says he has foreign language, art, math then lunch. We have the same lunch period together. Biology, battle studies, I got history with him." Not literally, mind you. "And home ec to round it out. You'll have battle studies with him and we'll all be in home ec together too."

"Battle studies, where I can kick his rear again? All right." She smiled at the thought and finally agreed after a few moments of thinking it over. "I'll help."

Rian's smile disappeared when Jules balled her hands into a pair of fists. "But if he ever tries to be a jerk to Miraidon again, I'm giving him a piece of my mind!"

Yeah and you have my permission. I'm pretty sure he'll learn that well before he crosses that line.

"I dunno sis. Maybe cut him some slack? Give him a chance? I get that he said he had a bad day…I mean we all have those."

"Oh I'll give him a chance all right." She stood up with that same fierce look in her eyes. He knew that if she was going to stand up for something or someone, there was little he could do to stop or change her mind. "Come on, let's see what next class we can visit."

Satisfied with their meal and making notes of things to have readily made or to take on the go, the twins made their way to the exit of the cafeteria.

About halfway there in a clearing where there weren't many students, Rian swore he heard Jules' phone ringing. She hadn't changed it to a custom ringtone either, but he could just pick it up very faintly.

"Your phone, is it?" Jules noticed his concern and looked down. Her mouth curved into a scowl.

"Ay por dios, if that jerk is already calling us for this help, I swear I'm walking back on agreeing to it all!"

To their surprise, the RotoPhone ignored her and flew out of her pocket, hovering in front, to display a blank bit of text and the timer as an indication to an open line.

"Wha-I didn't even hit the answer button!" She exclaimed. Rian knew she wasn't lying. Her hands hadn't made contact with the device at all since it had began to buzz. The RotoPhone had answered the incoming call on its own.

The Rotom couldn't have done it. I read it only does that when we're in distress and can't physically answer ourselves. We are not. So how did the phone pick up like that?!

And that'll do it for this chapter! I would have another character make their debut here, but I'm afraid a lot of it constrained down where I'd be easily writing a 14k word long chapter or so. Therefore, it's been pushed back to the next one where we'll have even more crazy things happen on the very first day of school! As much as Rian and Jules want to stop and relax after finally reaching Mesagoza and Uva Academy; it's not quite over yet!

Spanish Translations
  • Escalala del infierno - Stairway to Hell
  • Facultad - Staff
  • Muy Alegria - A lot of fun
  • Idiota - Idiot
  • Por Dios - Oh my God

Portuguese Translations
  • Inégavel - Undeniable

Food and Drink
  • Serranito - A warm sandwich popular in Seville. Fillings include grilled chicken or pork, cured ham, fried green peppers and tomato slices. Often served with a spread of mayonnaise.

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose. I'll see you all next chapter!
Chapter 10: Calling in a Favor or Two


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello readers and bienvenidos to the next chapter. This one and the next are a bit on the shorter side, but I'm hoping to get the next one after this out fairly quickly. Let's get to it.

Chapter 10: Calling in a Favor or Two

"This is Juliana Almeida-Araújo, correct?"

Jules' drew in a sharp breath and she turned around to stare at Rian in disbelief. The voice on the other side of the call was distorted, syncing perfectly as if several men and women were speaking at once. No doubt it was some sort of software to disguise their true identity.

How does this person know who we are?

She was hesitant to answer. While it could purely be a coincidence, either someone knew a lot about them or something else had been compromised.

Her first guess had to be that someone stole her number, but aside from her parents, brother, Arven and Nemona, nobody else really knew. The look of surprise Rian shared with her automatically ruled him out as a prank call.

"Are you still there?" The voice asked. "Hello?"

When Jules didn't say anything, they continued. "I am assuming you are there, considering you're staring at your phone in the middle of the cafeteria. Do me a favor, tell your brother Rian to stand on your left so I can speak to you both."

Immediately instead of doing as he had been asked over the phone, Rian scanned the cafeteria in a subtle sweep of his head. Everyone was focused on their food or chatting with other students sitting close by. Amazingly, nobody else was on a RotoPhone except for the two of them.

So how did?

"I hacked your smartphone so I could speak to you. Hope you don't mind." Whoever it was had taken great lengths to talk to them and casually flaunted that skill.

"Hack?" Jules asked, speaking for the first time.

"Ah, so she does speak. Good. And Rian; I applaud your effort. You've got some tact, but you'll have to search a whole lot more than out in the Academy's cafeteria if you ever hope to find me."

What the hell?
Rian blinked, feeling called out and thoroughly embarrassed. Can this thing read my thoughts too?

"To answer your question Juliana, hack as in I'm basically in control of your phone right now. I can call and answer it whenever I want. I can also see everything else you've done. Who you've texted, your list of contacts…and yes that includes your internet search history."

"Well I kind of do mind." Jules grumbled, clearly displeased she was unable to do anything to get rid of the distorted voice of the individual speaking to them. "I'd like a little privacy."

The voice snorted. "It's always the lot that complains the bloody loudest about privacy that has something to hide. You happen to be in luck that even though I could take a look at that; I have no interest to delve into either yours or your brother's personal life."

"As if that makes me feel any better."

"My name is Cassiopeia." The voice continued, ignoring her last remark. "But never mind that. It's the two of you I want to talk about. I hear you both are some trainers with serious potential. If that's accurate, there's something I'd like to ask of you."

"Huh?" Jules glanced back at Rian who had an equally perplexed expression on his face. "We just became trainers yesterday."

"And suddenly we're being called prodigies?" He stepped up to his sister's side. "First off, Nemona wants me to shoot for Champion Rank and we just had haircut ask him to find something that probably doesn't exist. We're already in demand enough as is…and now someone else wants something from us?"

"I just wish we could have a normal school life." Jules gave a sigh and shook her head. "Guess that isn't happening. Okay, Cassiopeia. Shoot."

"Tell me Juliana or you can as well Rian. You know about Team Star, right?"

"Team Star?" So that's what this is about? Rian thought to himself. Though they had run into a trio of grunts at the front of the school, he had assumed it was just a handful of students role playing or putting on an exaggeration of how they hated school life. Are they really that big of a problem like Nemona said? "Yes. Yes we ran into a couple of them harassing a girl earlier today."

"Great." They heard Cassopeia sigh with relief. "I appreciate you being up-front here."

"I mean, you did hack Jules' smartphone and probably know everything about us down to our blood types. You'd see right through us lying if we denied it."

"You'd be correct." Cassiopeia said. "Team Star is a group of troublemakers formed by some academy students a while back. They cause headaches for the school here and try to bring other students down to their level. And I refuse to sit idly by and let them get away with it!"

"Okay, it's not a bad story. You're a one person hacktivist that hates muckraking students." Rian folded his arms. "You're probably not the only one either. I can't believe I'm saying this for the second time today, but why is it that you need us or rather…why are you telling us this?"

"I've come up with a plan to bring down Team Star and force them to disband for good. I call it…Operation Starfall!"

The twins exchanged a look and Jules had to fight the urge to smack Rian upside his hat. Her brother had covered his mouth while trying his damndest not to laugh.
"But I'll need allies to carry out this operation. I can't do this alone." Cassiopeia explained further. "And I'd like you both to be two of them."

"Hang on just a second," she said. "Just because we ran into some Team Star and beat them in a battle doesn't make us qualified trainers and if it's really a problem what about going to the school's st-"

"There's no need to reply right this second. We can discuss the details some other time. 'Till then, I'll leave you to it. Bye." The line clicked dead and Jules' RotoPhone clicked back to a locked screen before it zipped back into her pocket.

For a second, neither twin spoke as the entire conversation continued to get processed in their heads. From the unexpected call that answered on its own to the warped voice calling themselves Cassiopeia to wanting their enlisted help in an operation that probably only they knew about.

"Starfall?" Rian shook his head, still trying not to laugh. "Team Star? What kind of a name is that? That's like Babydog."

Jules nearly groaned out loud at her brother's joke. Oh not that game again.

"Ah Miss Jules." Both twins were interrupted as they saw director Nicolas Clavell step into the cafeteria, just passing them and stopping short. His face remained expressionless as he tapped the side of his glasses and straightened the spotless collar of his shirt. Both of which seemed to be ingrained habits. "Please do try to keep your voice down if you're going to be making calls within the school, won't you?"

"Of course sir." Jules' cheeks suddenly felt hot and she shook her head. "Sorry, I'll be more careful."

"And do remember that phone calls are prohibited while class is in session. If it's something urgent, step out into the hall so it doesn't disrupt others."

"Got it." She and Rian each gave a nod in understanding.

"Hmm. You don't want anyone else overhearing any personal information, after all." Clavell waved a hand. "Honestly…there are so many things we need to be careful about in this day and age, especially with private information."

Didn't Ca-

"Off you go then." The Director dismissed them with a nod and watched the twins as they briskly exited the cafeteria into the main hallway. He cupped his chin and swore he had heard them talking about something familiar…that had been discussed in the main entrance hall earlier when they had first arrived. In an earlier meeting, he had been asked about these newest twin students and now even more business concerning them. There were a lot of pupils enrolled at Uva Academy from all walks of life, Paldean or foreign born, rich and poor.

Somehow, these two were shaping to be unlike any he had hosted.

"Team Star, you say?"

"Well I'd say we've had more excitement here going on in one day than a full year back at Cabo Poco." Jules said. She and Rian were back at the main entrance in the middle of an intermediary period. They had visited nearly all the teachers and slowly began to develop an idea of how a typical school day would work.

The only teacher they had yet to meet was for art. When they and other students had walked to the directed room on their phones to where the class was held, the doors were all locked and a note had been taped by the handle that due to other matters; the art teacher was presently not at school. In neat handwriting, the note also stated that they would be back in a couple weeks' time and the expected date for the classes to resume. The period would be theirs to do as they wish until further notice.

"From Nemona asking me to take on gyms to Arven saying we need to go after gigantic Titan pokemon to this…Cassiopeia wanting us to go after Team Star. I guess we're destined for a school life that's anything but normal. I wonder if Mom and Dad had to deal with this type of stuff when they went?"

Jules shrugged. She had no idea. As they sat and continued to chat, more students happily greeted them as they passed by. Some of them even gave the twins thumbs up of encouragement and one commended them for standing up to Team Star, saying he had been in the crowd when they battled the grunts from earlier. Rian got an ovation from him about how well he terastalized with Baron after using it just once. The Paldean teen sheepishly tried to downplay it, still knowing how rambunctious his pokemon was, but his attempt to stay modest only increased the amount of respect being given out.

The school's intercom bell chimed from speakers overhead before a professional sounding woman's voice came through. "Calling Master Rian and Miss Jules Almeida-Araújo to the Director's office. Once again, Master Rian and Miss Jules to the director's office, please."

Ugh. "Does everyone want to talk to us on our first day? Or is this just a coincidence?"

He and Jules finally stood up from their chairs, using a computer terminal to send directions for the Director's office to their RotoPhones. Long free of Cassiopeia's hacking, the devices quickly programmed them the turns and path that would take them directly to their destination starting just past the library and entrance foyer.

The walk took just a few minutes and after checking in with a pretty blond haired secretary named Miss Neves, they were waved into Clavell's office.

He greeted them both with a warm smile sitting behind his desk. "Ah, Master Rian. Miss Jules."

As they approached, they took a look around, seeing that it was far different than what a headmaster or principal's office would normally appear. While the walls and support columns were made of the same stone, it was painted in warm brown colors. Close to the entrance sat a multitude of strange white and gray machines that likely belonged in a laboratory while the rich violet carpet in the middle extended to a long antique stained wood desk. Behind Clavell were several bookshelves containing thick volumes and a trophy case that held some well polished gold awards. On the top of his desk was a stylish green banker's lamp, potted plant and a speaker with a numpad that served as a phone line and an intercom.

"Gracias for coming so quickly. Have you been enjoying your time here at Uva Academy?" Clavell asked politely in greeting. He gave a thin smile seeing them both nod and gestured for them to sit in the chairs on the other side of his desk. While neither seemed wanting to talk about details, they couldn't deny it had been eventful to say the least.

I'd probably wish for some excitement if it was boring. So I'll take it.

"That is most wonderful to hear." As the Director watched them nod, he leaned back in his chair that hardly made a sound. "Now, you may be wondering why we could not have simply conversed in the cafeteria. But let me assure you there was a reason I asked you to meet me here in my office."

He folded his hands together. "It seems that a dear friend of mine has a rather serious matter they would like to discuss with you."

"Okay? But uh, where's your friend?" Rian asked. He walked in fully expecting they'd be there to talk about them nearly getting caught speaking to the Cassiopeia individual. "They're not here…unless they want to play hide and seek or something."

"Ah no. I'm afraid they aren't actually here in this room with us. One moment please."

Clavell gestured to the television in the corner as the twins scooted their seats so that they faced the screen. "Just allow me to connect us."
He turned around and fished a remote from his pocket, hitting a button to activate the device. It didn't take long to connect to a video call that had been established for some time. On the other end of the line was a man in what appeared to be part of another lab.

"Hello Florian. Juliana. It is nice to meet the both of you." The man greeted them both politely in a deep, cultured and sophisticated voice. He appeared to be late thirties or early forties, roughly the same age as their parents, with light brown eyes, high cheekbones and a well maintained fade haircut. While not a fully grown beard, his facial hair was trimmed in designer stubble.

Rian saw Jules shift in her seat. Though he was nearly twice their age, no doubt she had briefly considered him attractive. Like the woman he saw talking to Nemona in the staff room earlier, he was pretty sure the man could've had a career in modeling.

"My name is Professor Nestor Turo." He continued with a nod. The lab coat he wore was over a dark gray and black undersuit with bright purple lights flashing with occasional pulses like a wire circuit. It took Rian a second to realize it was at the same pace of a heartbeat. "I carry out pokemon research within the Gran Crater de Paldea at a site known as Àrea Cero."

THE Professor Turo? The guy that's been one of the biggest names in pokemon research for the past decade? "Woah, so you're actually in the Crater?"

"That is correct." Professor Turo replied, giving another fluid nod of his head.

"The professor is in fact, a graduate of our fine academy as well as a splendid researcher." Clavell explained. "His rapport speaks for itself. He had contacted me to speak with you both about something. Nestor?"

"Well allow me to get straight to the point." Turo stroked his stubble as Clavell's gesture had given him the floor. "Florian Joaquim Almeida-Araújo. Student ID number 805C393. Juliana Renata Almeida-Araújo. Student ID number 805C394. You are the students who travel with the unusual pokemon that is known as Miraidon correct?"

"Yes." Though they hadn't mentioned it to anyone else, neither twin saw any benefit to lying. Nor had they been sworn to any secrecy regarding Miraidon in their possession.

"Thank you. I appreciate you were honest in confirming the facts."

"You're uh…welcome?" Rian and Jules were still a little confused at what this was all about. Clavell hadn't shifted since they had started talking, but he kept a respectful silence.

"Ah not that I…I do not mean to offend you. In fact, I wish to ask for your assistance."

"My…our assistance?" Rian asked. "With Miraidon or what?"

(Trainer detected. Remote activating poke ball opening mechanism.)

Rian and Jules gasped in surprise as Miraidon's poke ball suddenly sprung open and the large creature deftly landed on the ground with the silence of a liepard stalking its prey. It finally revved and suddenly took the attention of everyone in the room.

"Oh. Cuprementos." Turo was unfazed as he greeted Miraidon. Its head drew back in apparent recognition through the screen. "How good to see that you are well. It has been quite a while since we last met."

(Trainer detected. Protocol One enaction possible. Proceed?)

(Protocol One enaction incomplete. Error code: Tynamo. Protocol One link already established. Authorization to transfer link not received.)

He turned back to the twins and Clavell. "Miraidon was once in my care, you see. Its poke ball was also originally mine, registered to my name. I assume that you received it from a young man named Arven."

"I know. We met." Rian said, ignoring the scowl that had begun to grow across Jules' mouth. Remembering what Nemona had said about Arven being the son of the famous professor Nestor Turo suddenly whipped up more questions in his mind. Before he could answer them, the professor had begun to speak to them again.

"I am no longer in a position to be able to manage that pokemon myself." He said, tentatively. "This is what I'd ask of you; will you continue looking after Miraidon on my behalf?"

"Uh." Rian sighed, still a bit unsure. "We just became pokemon trainers yesterday. I don't know if we're ready to handle a pokemon as powerful as Miraidon apparently was just yesterday."

He glanced at Jules who had a similar hesitant look on her face, but an unspoken moment of eye contact between the two facilitated an understanding.

"But we'll do it." Both siblings said, giggling as the dragon in question had stepped forward and stuck its elongated head between them to rest on shoulders. "Miraidon seems to like us already." Jules added.

If Turo was going to show emotion at the display, he did an impeccable job at hiding it. His face remained unchanged in nearly the entire conversation. "I do appreciate your agreement. Miraidon has been greatly weakened and is currently incapable of battle. It can however, take on a form specialized for mobility. In all likelihood, it will require some time to fully regain the capabilities it once had."

Some time? We fed it a sandwich and turned it into its true form. At least that's what Arven had said. Should we mention that?

"Any idea what could help? Or what caused it to be like this?" Jules asked.

"There is nothing for certain. Many factors involved could be possibilities and any one of them make it rather convoluted. Miraidon is one of the few pokemon that has programming built into its functions that I've managed to decipher during the time it was in my possession. As with most machines, they can multiple faults and from my monitoring of it, Miraidon's error code of sneasel has come up frequently. I have deduced that Error code: Sneasel refers to its inability to return to its optimal battling form."

"That actually makes sense. So it's a machine? An artificially created pokemon?" Jules asked the professor.

"No." Turo shook his head. "Or rather I should say it's complicated."

Artificial pokémon aren't unheard of. Rian thought to himself. The porygon line from scientists of ages ago and there's the President of the Aether Foundation who has the one called Silvally which was built to fight creatures from another dimension.

"I will provide you with my contact information. And I will send an exception form to you, Director so you can submit it to the Paldea League. This will allow both Florian and Juliana to be able to carry Miraidon as an acceptable seventh pokemon for transportation if they opt to carry the maximum six. If you would please get out your phones?"

Rian and Jules did so. The devices floated in front of the screen and pulsed upon receiving new information before slipping back into their pockets.

"I will be in regular contact going forward to keep tabs on your status as well as that of Miraidon's. Until then." The professor gave them a casual two fingered salute before he smoothly walked out of the camera's line of sight. Moments later, the screen winked off as the call ended.

Neither of them first heard Clavell sigh off to the side as he mused on some of his thoughts out loud. "Could this pokemon have its origins within Àrea Cero? Nestor…don't tell me that you…you actually did it."

Did what? Rian had caught the last part, but couldn't question it any further when Miraidon revved and nuzzled Jules again.

"Okay buddy, back in your ball." She said, taking it from him and returning it. This time she kept it in her backpack instead.

Clavell cleared his throat after appearing to be deep in thought. "Well it seems that the professor is asking quite the favor of you. But of course the academy is always here to support you in any way that we are able. I do hope that you'll continue to enjoy your school life, together with that Miraidon."

"Of course sir." Rian said. "We will let you know if we need your help."

"Excellent. That will be all."

Rian and Jules had just gotten up from their chairs when the door to the office suddenly flung open and Nemona was already bounding inside.

"Buenasssssssss! 'Scuse me!" She gasped upon seeing the twins. "You're both still here? What did you do getting called into the Director's office? How'd you land in that much trouble already?"


"Nah, kidding! I know it wasn't that. If it was, the Director wouldn't look so relaxed over there." Nemona pointed back where Clavell had sat back down at his desk, busying himself with paperwork. It was like he had never noticed Nemona's presence. "Anyway, Mister Jacq wanted me to show you your way to your room in the school dorms. Your very own private rooms! Let's go and check it out!"

"And home for the years ahead." Jules smiled. "Okay Nemona, lead the way."

The school dorms were located in the side sectors of the Academy. There were six of them in total and though each one was co-ed, two of the four floors was dedicated to one gender. Nemona explained that while students of the opposite gender were allowed, a curfew was put in place where one would have to be on their assigned dorm floor two hours prior to midnight and actually in their rooms one hour. Sector V was the location of both theirs and Nemona happed to let them know she was the dorms' resident advisor. Any problems they'd defer to her.

At the beginning before the hall was a wide area that served as a lounge. Multiple coffee tables, lounge chairs were arranged on one side. A pair of vending machines that were well stocked with various options such as snack boxes, pocket sandwiches, cup noodles, candy, snacks and drinks sat in the corner. Close to the other side were a few desks and cubicles for students opting to study in private.

This was the second floor, which seemed to be one for boys. After showing Rian his room outside, Nemona and Jules took the stairs to the third floor which was one for girls. It was also where her own room was assigned. Though she had still felt a little nervous about settling into a new place, she was also excited. In a way, it was a different set of rules, but the benefits slowly revealed themselves. Said rules were nonexistent in the home she lived with Rian and her parents, except for the ones she'd establish for herself and the ones the Academy had set forth. While staying in the dorms, the resident students were expected to keep it clean and presentable. There weren't inspections like the ones her mother had to prepare for in the Armada and privacy was highly respected. Students who attended and had residency in Mesagoza were not permitted a dorm.

Jules followed Nemona's lead as she took out her student ID and held it close to the reader. Upon recognition, the device beeped and the light above the handle turned green while an audible click was heard inside the satin stained metal door. It reminded her of the electronic lock of an upscale hotel room.

She turned the knob and pushed it open to show off an inviting room that was the perfect size for a single person. Dark wood flooring covered all except for the area ahead and to the right where a full size bed was against the wall. A wide desk sat opposite the bed, encompassing the corner. It had a second layer above, where books or other things could be stored above the main working area.

The kitchenette was small, but inviting. A single hot plate was stored in the corner alongside a microwave and toaster oven. Jules noticed a lot of usable electrical sockets, perfect for adding other appliances such as a coffee maker or those new air fryer appliances. The sink was a dual basin stainless steel. Cupboards mounted above served as a small pantry and she spotted a fridge at the counter's end. Directly to her right past the entrance door was a single bathroom sink, toilet and bathtub with a railing to mount a curtain for the shower.

"Ta-ta-tachán!" Nemona pumped another fist. "From today on, this is your room Jules!"

She looked around. "Actually, it's as new to me as it is to you. Never been in here before."

"I like it." Always from watching those home designing shows on television, the possibilities of decorating just to her own preference swam about in Jules' mind. The simplicity had some homeyness to it that was alluringly inviting. Immediately she knew where she'd want a snake-wired lamp.

"Maybe check out your new bed? Looks comfy. And you and Rian must be pretty worn out from all this stuff happening on your very first day huh? A quick rest on a bed is all you need to get yourself and your Pokémon healthy again! Best way to test out a brand new room is by giving the bed a good ol' flop."

"If I know my brother. He's probably already done that…or all the more happy to be in the shower."

"Yeah I bet. It was a pretty long journey and a lot of stuff happening." She went to thinking for a second. "Oh, that does remind me. There's a checklist in the school app that needs to be signed by you. Tomorrow, make sure you've checked off everything in the dorms that it's all working properly, from each of the lights to the garburator and everything in between. We've got dorm maintenance on call one hour after curfew ends until one hour before it begins. Anything that isn't checked off has to be addressed before the school year starts."

"Okay. Honestly Nemona," Jules sighed. "I'm quite tired. I'd like to get to that right away, but I think I just need to have a good night's sleep."

"Yeah yeah, no rush as long as you get it done by then! I'll see you tomorrow when you've rested up. We can take a look around more classes and maybe check out the society and club fair that happen over the weekend!"

"Sounds good." Jules smiled at her. Nemona was definitely growing on as a friend. "I'm excited to see what it's all about!"

"Perfect! Then we can battle even more! Take care! I gotta go and let Rian know what I just told you!"

Jules shook her head and laughed as Nemona quickly walked out the door, giving a half wave as she closed it behind her.

I wonder what Rian would feel if Nemona was coming back for him again?

The next few days flew by as Rian and Jules got settled into their new life at Uva Academy.

Their father Tavo had made the drive up to Mesagoza with the family car loaded up with boxes of their things, from new appliances, mirrors, toiletries to familiar reminders of home. After class orientation had finished up over the weekend, they had spent the better part of the afternoon moving the majority of their stuff into the dorms. With their father's help, both had comfortable study areas and most everything else set up. What wasn't available was readily ordered online and set to be arrive in the school's delivery holding area in a few days.

Both twins were eager to show their father around, who looked at the hallways and classrooms with a longing familiarity. It was an adorable display of both kids dragging their father along with Baron, Basil and Dani in tow around them.

Tavo's expression brightened as they got to the schoolyard, a large wide open cloister that was on the upper floors. Four large stone columns with floodlights on each corner held up the central spire that could be seen from nearly all of Mesagoza. The ceiling was high enough where flying pokemon were able to move about comfortably with a slight breeze wafting through the open air. Though sunlight was filtering down from above, there were plenty of trees and awnings that were around to keep those lounging cool. The schoolyard had three full sized battle courts surrounded a quarter mile track in the middle. When needed for a larger event such as a school assembly, the courts and track would have other segments joined in to create a large floor area instead of the softer grass.

"This is where we're going to have the yearly opening assembly and the society and club fair over the weekend." Rian explained.

"And it's also where the school dance is held." Jules added.

"Oh yes, I remember that very much." Tavo was still going down memory lane. "Including when I had asked your mother."

"Woah," her expression suddenly became more enamored. Rian resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how much of a romantic his sister could be...sometimes. "Really?"

Their father chuckled and gestured to a half moon terrace veranda that overlooked downtown Mesagoza. His smile grew fonder. "I made out with her on that balcony right there."

"Dad!" Rian cried as Jules' eyes widened and she faked a gagging noise. "Way to kill the moment."

"I'll never forget that one."

Before long, the day had passed by where they had busied the afternoon setting things up in their rooms. Jules' chair, Rian's gaming systems, the television screens and other posters or knick knacks to help make their new home feel like home away from home. Tavo compressed the remaining cardboard boxes and stored them in the corner of the closets where they'd be available and ready to be used again once it was time to move out.

The Almeida-Araújos finally celebrated a job well done with a dinner at a restaurant known as Seafood Fresco where the specialty seafood pasta had caught their eye. With the outdoor seating friendly to pokémon, the twins and their father enjoyed a delicious meal while Basil, Baron, Dani and Hector munched on food themselves. Conversation was lively and the sun finally set on the horizon for a fantastic evening. Their father was delighted to officially meet Dani and looked very proud of Jules for catching her very first pokemon. Rian was thankful that the subject wasn't brought up with him. He didn't want to go further into a conversation about how he was less successful at the same thing.

I'll catch something. Soon enough.

Unfortunately the bad news came when Tavo said he was going to have to make the drive back home after dinner.

"You really have to go Dad?" Rian asked as they returned their pokemon and made their way back to the Academy. Tavo's car was parked on the school grounds on a guest pass, but neither twin was really ready to accept the reality that they were on their own. It had only been three days since they last saw their parents.

"Unfortunately yes." He sighed and put his hands on his hips. "I understand your reluctance and how much you're going to miss home. But this is very big for the both of you. You're finally setting off on your life's next and greatest chapter. Enjoy it to the fullest. Before you know it, you'll be fine young adults and you'll wish you were younger again."

"Yeah, true." Rian had to agree with his father on that. "But there are some benefits to adulthood."

He cleared his throat. "I know we've shown you a lot around school Dad, but there's uh…one more thing Jules and I have kinda been entrusted with that we haven't been told anyone." A look at his sister who gave a slight nod told him that she too, was okay with them letting their father in on the secret.

Tavo nodded and they stopped at a small park where there weren't many people around. Though the Academy was in sight at the top of the hill in front, the walk back was still going to be daunting.

Not to mention we get to climb the stairway to hell again.

"The source of that noise from the day back. We figured out what it was."

"Really?" Tavo's face turned to surprise. "Cabo Poco policia couldn't figure it out for the life of them."

Jules threw Miraidon's poke ball, causing the large purple dragon to stretch its back and rev its motors. Their father shook his head in clear surprise.

"So…this was what caused the disturbance. How curious."

"It's called Miraidon." Rian explained, choosing to leave out his near death experiences of falling off the cliff and getting attacked by a pack of houndour. "We found it at the beach by the Inlet Grotto and couldn't really find anything to help…until it ate Mom's sandwich."

Their father laughed. "So we're not the only ones to enjoy your mother's cooking."

(Accessing Paldea La Liga Trainer database files. Match found. Gustavo Angeles Almeida-Araújo. Age 45 years. Trainer Rank: Proficient. Inactive competitor. Identified as father of Trainer Rian and Trainer Jules.)

Tavo held his hand out as Miraidon craned its neck to carefully sniff it. Rian and Jules immediately saw that its body posture relaxed and it happily nuzzled the offered hand.

"Did you get any more insight on where it came from?"

"Yes we actually did." Jules patted Miraidon's head as it sidled up to her and sat on its hind legs like an obedient dog. "We actually got tasked by Professor Turo himself to watch over Miraidon. He says that it's incapable of battle and we'll be helping him out by gathering data to see about how it can recover."

"Huh." Tavo gave it a thought and nodded in agreement. "The Treasure Hunt hasn't even started and you're already roped into a bunch of adventure. As your parent, I'll fully support whatever it is you do."

"Thanks Dad. But we're not gonna sit around."

"I would not advise that. Not when you get an opportunity like this that so few do."

Miraidon whined sadly when it saw Rian pull its ball back out. The boy almost bought into the act, but brushed it aside.

"Sorry bud. When we know it's okay to have you out and about, we'll do it more often."

(Understood. Entering dormancy.)

In a flash of light, Miraidon vanished inside and Rian tucked the ball back into his backpack. The three of them then made their way back to the school where Tavo had his car parked in the visitor's lot.

"We're gonna miss you Dad." Rian felt a little homesick, but surprisingly less so than he imagined. Maybe it was the excitement of a new life at the Academy and the upcoming Treasure Hunt.

"And I'll miss you both too. So does your mother. We'll see you once the winter break starts."

Ready for this damn tutorial part of the story to be done.

You may have also noticed that I've made another major change into Miraidon thoughts/processes are now bold, italicized and in parenthesis. This will hopefully help to distinguish it from others. I was going to have the Treasure Hunt start put in here, however there's just a tad too much in that one which would make this an even bigger chapter and I'd like to get the story going past the start. However there wasn't a stopping point where I'd be inherently satisfied.

However once the next chapter is done, I will likely be shifting focus to AHHK to get another chapter done and dusted. It's long overdue for an update and I'd like to be one step closer to finally closing the book on that. As soon as it's finished, this story will have my undivided attention when it comes to my writing.

As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose.
Chapter 11: Treasure Hunt


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! Not much to say on here, so let's get to it.

Chapter 11: Treasure Hunt

It happened to be the day prior to the opening assembly. Classes were starting to ramp up and over the weekend, the Academy's activity nearly doubled. By then, all students that were set to attend and in the dorms were expected to be settled in. Schedules were distributed and all of the students that were assigned in classes at least had the syllabus for their teachers for the year. Routes of where they needed to go and routines established. The twins found themselves so busy at times, it wouldn't be until almost the evening when there was finally some time for peace and quiet to where they could just spent what little they had with their pokemon.

Rian was glad for the most part that his reluctance to picking Baron had waned. The little duck was still its normal hyperactive self and itching to go out and battle. For now, he was actually a bit glad that he didn't really have a second pokemon to care for. Otherwise he'd be constantly up and at it trying to calm down two pokemon with rocket feet.

If there was a silver lining to all that, it was that Baron slept soundly in his ball when night fell. All the running around meant it'd tucker itself out. Jules had a little bit less of a pleasant sleep sometimes since Basil and Dani had curled up by her feet. Being close to the pokemon made her legs hot and she sometimes tossed and turned.

The big event of the weekend was the Academy's society and club fair. A few dozen different organizations within the school would be out in the schoolyard at the beginning of the year to entice people interested in signing up. Nemona had explained to them that it was also a place where people could socialize with a lot less pressure than whilst in class.

With nothing else to really do for the day, the twins opted for a walk through it. Jules knew that a lot of the school's sports teams would also be present to help schedule tryouts. All of football, lacrosse, swimming and golf were huge among Paldeans and most likely some of the most popular clubs on campus.

When they entered the schoolyard, they found Nemona and a few other upperclassmen close to the entrance assembling folding tables. After passing by and seeing them all laid out in preparation, Jules found it odd that they were being tended to now.

One of the council members shook her head when they were asked what was wrong.

"Team Star." She said with a fair amount of disgust in the name. "Last night, they came through the entire schoolyard and took out all the pins that held the tables upright. When the clubs came to put their things up, many of them collapsed immediately."

"I feel bad for the one with the pottery at the art club." Another member piped up next to her. He slotted in another pin and with Nemona's help, propped it back up on its legs. There were dozens more that still had to be fixed. "It fell and the pottery she had been working on for hours shattered into a million fragments. She was practically in tears."

Jules felt a knot in her stomach hearing that. Clearly Team Star knew a lot less boundaries when it came to causing trouble for students.

Maybe Cassiopeia was right. These Team Star people need to be put down.

She could tell Rian was thinking the same way by how he similarly glowered at hearing the news. While neither of them had seriously discussed their conversation with the mysterious person, they felt as if more merit was being held. Not only that, but Cassiopeia's caller ID hadn't been picked up by the RotoPhone's call log despite their searching. They vanished into cyberspace as if they were some phantom.

Nemona waved them off after Rian suggested they help, so they instead passed the rest of the student council busy at work reassembling the tables and headed into the schoolyard.

Damn. Rian thought to himself. Despite Star's best efforts to sabotage the fair, the entire area was bustling and thriving. Dozens of repaired tables neatly lined up in rows, all having eager students excitedly chatting to visitors about their clubs. Over past the main fair floor was the large field of the schoolyard where even more people were playing with their pokemon or sitting in the shade. Not that he blamed them, it was late summer and one could get quite hot being in direct sunlight in a short period. Because the schoolyard was one of the few areas in the academy that trained pokemon were allowed out of their balls, many student trainers had their faithful partners walking and staying close.

"See anything you like?" Jules asked him. Rian had been scanning the booths and no sooner had she asked him when he managed to pick Lexi Pearsall out at one of them. Of course she says that right as I spot her.

Amazingly, she somehow had caught sight of them and flashed a breezy smile with her blonde hair in a swish. Rian snapped his head to look away, but it hadn't escaped his sister's notice.

"Rian, I'm not stupid."

"Y-yeah. Look, we're here to check out the other stuff. I'm not gonna stare at her all day. That's creepy."

Desesperado, I swear. Jules thought as she finally left Rian's side. Miss Perfect that one over at the dance club.

She perused several of the booths, seeing that there were more opportunities than just classroom stuff where one could meet likeminded people who shared similar hobbies or passions. Several of them piqued her interest such as tabletop gaming, anime and swimming clubs. Further down was another booth for the cross country and track team. Being one of the faster runners in school when she was younger, she made a note to stop by and see the time for tryouts.

One of the other booths caught her eye and she spotted Audrey, the auburn-haired amicable one of Lexi's "entourage" eagerly talking to another pair of students that had wandered up.

"Raiding club." She whispered to herself, seeing the banner at the top. "It's worth a look."

Audrey waved to the two as they had walked away and turned to see Jules approaching. Her smile broadened, leaving her to wonder why she was always so darn perky.

"Hey! Juliana! Great to see you!" While she would've preferred a handshake, Jules was taken by surprise when Audrey gave her a brief tight hug. "I was hoping you'd be one to stop by!"

"Hi Audrey." Man is her energy inexhaustible. But she's actually kinda nice to hang around. How the hell did Lexi make friends with someone like this? "Same. I didn't know you headed a club."

"Oh actually I'm the club's vice chairman…or chairwoman…whatever." Audrey giggled at her own joke. "The actual chairman got sick and couldn't make it."

Jules looked around the booth, seeing the usual souvenirs the clubs handed out like pens and keychains, but she also saw an array of small sky blue colored cubes in various shapes. Another tray had several jagged crystalline shards on display in a rainbow of colors.

"And hello to you too Basil!" Audrey patted Basil on Jules' shoulder which earned a delightful purr from the grass kitten. A nice welcome change compared to him easily won over by Lexi.

She gestured to the wingull perched on her own shoulder. "Sorry for not introducing him before. This is Kite. He's been one of my longest partner pokemon and a big part in helping get people to join up."

"Hello." Jules scratched the bottom of the beak, getting a similar reaction to Basil. "So what's this raiding club all about?"

Audrey straightened. "Well…I loved raids when I was kid. My older brother played a game that had a mode called the same thing and I found out that raids are where you and several other people have to work together to solve a complex puzzle or defeat a powerful boss that is too strong for any one person by themselves. His favorite was one where you could have superpowerful people who either ate crayons, wore capes and wizards all fighting against an giant robot in city ruins. Enough of that though, I'm getting sidetracked. Here in Paldea, there's something called Tera raids! And of course I had to be a part of that!"

"Tera raids?"
"Yup! I saw there was a video on Festival Plaza of you and your brother standing up to Team Star at the bottom of the steps before Nemona jumped in. Crazy stuff by the way. Whole school is talking about it." At hearing that, Jules felt her face heat up. She did not expect to be this popular right away.

"Anyway, you remember when Florian and his quaxly terastalized together to defeat that one person from Team Star?" When she nodded, Audrey flashed another smile. "Well, there happens to be some strange phenomena where the terastalization power over the past ten or so years that can seep out of the ground and crystallize into what we call a den. For some reason, wild pokemon often get drawn into these dens and they get so pumped with so much power and energy that it starts to become a problem."

She had to stop and actually take a deep breath. "From what I've heard it's been an ongoing problem with La Liga. And that's where we come in! The Raid Club has people all over Paldea on our Treasure Hunt scouting out and forming groups to take on the powerful pokemon before it escapes and causes more trouble. For those people who wanted to get a Tera orb, this was one of the fastest ways to get it besides those special classes."

"Oh." Jules did find it fascinating. She had yet to try her hand at terastalizing either Basil or Dani, but did see in her 'Dex app on her phone that there was an indicator for a tera type alongside the pokemon's original type. On the latter, they were grass and fairy respectively.

"The coolest part is that you can find some wacky tera types on different pokemon." Audrey pulled a second ball from her belt and tossed it on the open ground. The ball burst open to reveal a small brown creature with small pinkish antennae. Its ovoid head cocked to the side and it jumped up and down happily.

"Is that a wooper?" Jules wondered, taking out the 'Dex app and scanning the pokemon.

Scanning…match found. Wooper. Poison fish pokemon. Paldean subspecies. Poison and ground type. After losing a territorial struggle, wooper began to live primarily on land. This pokemon changed over time, developing a highly noxious film around its body.

"Yup. Wooper actually has a different form in Paldea compared to my home region. This is my other pokemon, Mire." She explained. "All pokemon have an inherent tera type that they'll become. Most of the time, you'll have single type pokemon take on the tera type same as their original. Dual types such as Mire here will have one of its two. However…he's a bit special."

Audrey drew a tera orb and activated it, causing tendrils of light to swirl around and coalesce within, catching the eye of several other students close by. When it indicated it was primed, she tossed it over Mire's head. The orb showered and covered the wooper in a harsh light before several spiked crystals formed together and shattered.

Like she had seen Baron before in the confrontation against Team Star, Mire was covered in the same bright glow of the terastal energy. Instead of it shimmering like water, the pokemon's body had striation bands as if it were made of compressed layers of some kind. The crown on the top of its head featured a decrepit ruined structure that had long since crumbled. Flared around its edges were rounded boulders.

"I found him in a tera raid. It's up to you, but you're free to catch any pokemon you've defeated in a den. However you can find ones like these, pokemon that can have completely different tera types. Some even have different moves and abilities too that you wouldn't normally get!"

Kind of like what Nemona had said. Any pokemon can be any tera type. "I…wow. That's amazing."

Audrey nodded in earnest as she thanked Mire and returned him to his ball again. "It is! We're one of the few clubs that gets some extra help from La Liga. Help us with taking down these tera dens and we'll bag you some awesome rewards they set us up with! Like these things here are XP candies! They'll give your pokemon a well earned boost in experience and make them stronger!" Audrey took a couple and handed them over. "Here. A couple for listening to everything I had to say! Tell Florian to get his butt here and I'll give him some too!"

Yeah actually I think this would be something Rian would be interested to try.

"It'd be great to have you along! Here, let's exchange numbers and I can send you the map we use as well as the time and place for our club meetings! Best part is that we don't have to worry about getting you assigned a tera orb!"

For the first time since arriving and feeling uneasy about meeting new people, Jules smiled and agreed. Their RotoPhones jumped out of their pockets and pulsed, showing a new reception of data obtained.

Jules made a note to bring Rian over since maybe finding a pokemon in a tera raid could be his ticket to getting over that hump of not catching a pokemon. Plus if they were stronger than normal ones found in the wild…

She spotted him a few booths away in the next row, slinking away. The older boy that was in the booth did not look happy with him at all. At first, she wondered if he had said something. That suspicion was quickly dismissed, Rian wasn't the type to openly antagonize another person. Not unless someone did it to him first.

Plus the guy doesn't look friendly at all.

Hearing a groan, she turned to see that Audrey had followed her gaze and spotted them both. "Him again?"


"Bryce." The other girl rolled her eyes. "From the golfing team. One of the best. He's also very good at pokemon battles. If there was a second strongest behind Nemona in the school, I'd probably say it's him. A lot of us here already think highly of you after standing up to Team Star in the courtyard, but I bet he's not going to be that impressed. He's…kind of a prick. Someone who's like that to anyone he doesn't think is worth his time. Between you and me; steer clear of him."

"Yeah." Jules sighed as she saw Rian shake his own head, trying to regain his composure. She had already made up her mind about that herself.

Her brother? Less so.

"That's the plan."

At least the golf team looks interesting. Dad has some clubs, so maybe I can see about borrowing them and trying out. Rian had been around multiple other clubs, some catching his interest while others less so. The goal had been not to join every single one, but see what else in the school was worth seeing since it was just as important to socialize on the downtime. After all, what better way to lament about the obscene amount of classwork than with the peers who had to do the same?

True to his word, he steered clear of Lexi and the girls in the dance team while seeing what else was out there. Jules was deep in conversation with one of the other girls that had accompanied Lexi in the boutique they had stopped at before first making their way up to the Academy. Audrey. As he had recalled.

One of the other tables was a free to enter raffle that he discovered was for the annual school trip that featured joint parties from a sister school called BB Academy in a far off region. Though the current one was already underway in the Alola region, a new raffle was being held for next year's with the exact dates to be determined at a future time. Since there was nothing to lose by not putting a ballot, he took a pair of paper slips and scribbled out all the proper information, including his name on one. He was nearly about to do the same for Jules, but stopped short. Noticing the two boys running the table weren't paying him any attention from the amount of ballots he had grabbed, he quickly added a second one with his own info again and then a third with Jules' after asking if he could add her and getting a nod of permission.

There was only one boy casually leaning back in a folding chair with his feet propped up on the table for the golf team. His dark hair was neatly groomed and his Uva Academy uniform was tidy and maintained. He recognized the shoes on his feet as a very expensive designer brand and wondered if he really was bored or did that as a subtle way of showing them off.

As Rian approached, he immediately felt a weighted and annoyed gaze upon him.

"Uh…hi." The other boy's annoyance faded just a little, but he remained silent with the corners of his mouth still kept in a scowl. Rian felt as if his blue eyes were studying him for some sort of weakness. "Is this the golf team? I'm uh…interested in joining."

"Maybe." The response was flat and borderline disrespectful with what constituted an eye roll as if he was bothering him with his mere presence. It was just enough where he'd look bad if he called the older boy out on it. "You have eyes, the form on the table has all the info for when and where we host tryouts. Bring your own clubs. 'Cause if you haven't got any, don't bother showing up."

The sudden flippant attitude caught him off guard as he reached down. Baron scrambled on his arm to grab a sheet and hand it to him. "Uh, okay. Thanks?"

"A Tera orb?" He saw the other student staring, having ignored his gratitude. Now realizing that by lifting his arm to grab the paper, he had allowed a clear view of the Tera orb Nemona had given him set in its cradle on his belt. "Hmph. You must be a pretty special trainer if you're allowed to carry one."

"I haven't for very long. Nemona's been great at helping me get used to the Academy." Though things remained a little tense, he thought of maybe trying something else to help break the ice. "My name's Rian."

Instead of the desired effect of a lighthearted introduction, the scowl returned and the boy's eyes narrowed in recognition of the name. Word must've traveled fast.

"Nemona huh? So…you're the new twin kids that everyone here in this school's overrating. Consider yourselves lucky someone loaded as her has taken you and your twin sister on as her little protégés. Guess that's what happens when you're a trust fund baby."

Is he trying to insult Nemona or something?

"I see." Rian felt his mouth go dry and he wanted to move on, more on to avoid the pugnacious student who clearly had a problem with them. "My dad has some clubs that I can borrow. I'm still kind of new, but I'd like to learn."

The narrowed eyes returned and it was enough for the boy to take his feet off the table and stand up. He was easily a head taller and his handsome face was fixed in a permanent scowl.

"This isn't for beginners who don't know shit about golf. It's the real deal. And don't go around thinking you're such a hotshot at anything new just because you're Nemona's bright idea. Doesn't make you any more special. Every trainer has a weakness." Rian thought that was the end and he was more than ready to take his leave. He held up the paper and was about to thank him when the other boy spoke again.


He blinked, still a bit aghast someone could be this openly disrespectful and talk to him with such scorn. While there had been teasing at the younger grade school level, it had never escalated like this before. The teen knew how his name was pronounced, yet still chose to say it wrong…most likely to get under his skin. "It's Rian."


Okay, I have no desire to hang around this guy any longer. The teen decided against thanking him for the paper, but it was clear that his presence was no longer welcomed. He walked off, nearly bumping into another pair of boys after not watching where he had been going.

What did I do wrong? Was it something I said? He knew that it was going to be a complete longshot that he was going to be well-liked by everyone, but different personalities and cues meant that opinions were going to vary. His cheeks burned hot with embarrassment.

Didn't ask for it, but I guess that's one thing of apparently being famous in school. Not everybody is gonna like you.

Any interest he had in golf was now squashed and as he walked away from the booth of the arrogant student, he found a wastebasket and tossed the paper in. It had been done in direct sight of the golf team and he didn't care one way or another if the shitstain happened to see it.

Baron quacked softly and rubbed his head against his chin in an attempt to console him. He waved his wings and moved his body rhythmically which caused him to chuckle softly. For once, he was grateful for his pokemon's support as he tried to dance. Even if he's sometimes a pain in my rear.

"Rian!" He heard his sister's voice and saw her running up to him, Audrey trailing right behind. Both looked especially worried. "Rian, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He replied bitterly, taking a second to likely realize that they had probably witnessed the whole thing. "Guess I'm not gonna try golf out then."

"Hey don't take it personally." Audrey reassured him. "Bryce is a jerk like that to people he thinks aren't worth his time."

Is he? "A jerk that mocks my name?"

The other girl's face fell, hearing that tidbit. "Oh. Rian, I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd do that. Wow, that's messed up. He must really not like you or something. Probably because you and Jules are like the newest school celebrities."

"It's okay. My feelings aren't hurt…much. I'm just surprised and have no clue on why it was that bad. You explaining it helps though."

"Hey, if he does it again he's more than welcome to deal with me." Jules said.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Audrey told her. "Bryce is very good at battles. Besides Nemona, I don't think anyone's ever beat him."

"Wow." Rian was even more impressed. He'd hear that Nemona wasn't just an incredibly strong trainer, it was enough to knock Bryce down. For some reason, he felt as if this was not the last he'd see of the guy.

Either way, he wasn't going to let one bad experience ruin everything. Jules had told him about the booth Audrey was running and how he might find it particularly interesting.

"Okay, I'll bite." He laughed, seeing Audrey bubble with excitement at wanting to bring him over to show off her club. The encounter with Bryce had already faded to a distant memory. "I didn't know you were into raids too! So there's ones involving Tera pokemon?"

The day of the school year's opening assembly was upon them at last. As Jules stirred awake, refreshed herself in the bathroom and began to put on her uniform, there was a soft chime of the school's PA over the speakers.

"Attention all students. Today marks the beginning of an important new assignment as well as the annual school year opening assembly. Please make your way to the schoolyard, where I will explain in more detail."

That was the Director. Must be that Treasure Hunt thingy that everyone keeps on talking about.

She quickly woke up Basil and Dani, who were curled up sleeping next to one another on a couple of cushions that were brought from home. Though tense, both pokemon had given it a sniff and caught onto her familiar scent, settling in comfortably as if it was part of their home for years. Dani in particular noticed her trainer's excitement and cocked her head in curiosity.

"It's just another beautiful day!" Jules spread her arms out and spun around. "Just like Mom always said to the task. Focus. Plan. Attack."

A knock on the door interrupted her morning and she quickly returned her pokemon. No sooner had she peered through the peephole and unlocked it when Nemona practically threw it open.

"IT'S TIME!" The older girl was practically bouncing on her heels. The rest of the dorm was already abuzz with activity, with several of the other girls in her sector already leaving their rooms and headed to their left. "Let's go already! I've been waiting forever for this! C'mon, let's get to the schoolyard!"

Jules couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, okay! Just let me finish up here!"

She had just finished up the braid in her hair when Nemona nearly whisked her out of her room and down the hallway. A lot more lively chatter was in the air this time around.

"We gotta go and get Rian!"

Jules shook her head, finally locking her door and following Nemona one floor down. She was at her brother's own room still knocking on his doorframe.

"I'm up! I'm up already!" She heard him yelling. A few seconds later, a bleary-eyed Rian stepped through, quickly smoothening out his shirt that was hastily tucked in. Jules gestured to his hip and he glanced down, seeing that he had missed a belt loop.

"We gotta get to the schoolyard! Director's orders!"

It took an orderly fifteen minutes for the majority of the student base to arrive in the assembly grounds that had been set up in the middle. The tables and booths of the fair from the other day had been put away, replaced by tall moveable metal bleachers that were more than enough to fit the Academy's couple thousand students. Compared to assemblies in their previous school, Uva Academy seemed to be much less strict on segregating by grade and age. Still, it was often a given that the younger and shorter students be given sections closer to the front as to avoid being behind someone much taller.

Director Clavell stood at the center stage, just in front of a purple backdrop curtain with his hands clasped behind his back. Close by were several other members of the teaching staff. They recognized several such as their foreign languages teacher Mister Salvatore, math teacher Miss Tyme and battle studies instructor Miss Dendra. Another man stood by Dendra that was dressed in a purple athletic jacket and matching pair of joggers. Catching onto some of the students talking amongst one another, Jules picked up that the man was coach Zurena, the Academy's gym teacher and head coach of the association football team.

"Excellent, it looks like everyone is here!" Clavell cleared his throat and approached the podium, giving the microphone a tap to ensure it was working. "Uva Academy! Cuprementos!"

"Cuprimentos Director!" The students had echoed back.

"It's very good to see a lot of familiar faces with us once again…and many new ones as well! I am very much looking forward to this being another year of excellence and fulfillment."

He turned to the football coach, who nodded back. "And I do believe that we are most definitely eager for some payback in our rematch with Entente Academy."

At that, a loud round of cheers erupted from the stands. Rian saw a group of older boys waving their hands in a rallying motion to further energize the crowd. Must be the football team.

"Well then, I think it's time I explained your independent study assignment. As usual, the theme will be a Treasure Hunt! I ask each of you to travel the world in search of your own treasure. You have all learned so much within the walls of our fine academy and will continue to do so! But now, it is time to turn your eyes upon the wider world and deepen your understanding."

Hold on, our independent study assignment is to find treasure?! Rian thought to himself and shook his head. Did I hear that right?

"Explore Paldea's abundant nature, soak in its rich culture, discover the pokemon that live here…and get to know the people too."

"This is so awesome!" Nemona whispered. She sat between both twins and was practically rocking her shoulders from side to side in excitement. The two freshmen kept silent and focused on the Director.

"Where will you go? Who will you meet? And what will you achieve? Of course…your pokemon partners will be there to help you. You will journey together, learn new things together and share each others thoughts and feelings…and find something you will always treasure!"

Clavell brought his hands close to his chest, smiling lightly. The older students started a round of applause that quickly spread across the bleachers.

He allowed it for just a few moments before holding up a hand to further quiet the celebrations. "I know the Academy has changed for many of you that have been here for years. Long has Uva been kept in tradition…and as important as it is to remember our roots and where we came from, it is also imperative that we seek to change and conform to something structured for the future ahead. School when I was of your ages was far different and it's a much different world compared to back then. I have seen that students learn differently, grow differently and its on everyone to be the person that holds the key to their destiny. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for everyone and to welcome you back after your independent studies. When you all return to us as fine young trainers. With this, I officially declare the school year underway! Let the Treasure Hunt begin! Onward!"

The students and staff burst into applause once again. Taking the lead, the older ones had stood up to enthusiastically show off their support, with many quickly joining in. Rian and Jules didn't want to feel left out and followed suit when Nemona was among the first up.

Clavell chuckled. "It truly warms my heart to see how this is something everyone looks forward to. I suppose it's time to wrap up formalities. As such with every opening assembly; we shall conclude today with our Uva school song and the annual bell ringing by each and every one of you to commence our journey through the school year together."

Rian and Jules saw people shuffling, nearly jumping in surprise when they felt arms wrapped around their backs. Nemona had put one of her own behind both of them as the rows of students swayed slightly when the school's anthem began to play from the speakers. Rian had to hide the blush that crept on his face.

The singing was a little out of sync at first, but everyone's voices quickly merged into a lovely harmony that sent shivers down the spine. Though neither of them knew the lyrics by heard, there was a banner over the backstage behind the Director that was an easy reference. Before long, Rian and Jules found themselves joining along with their fellow students. Nemona's energy kept up from before as she smiled and sang along as if nothing else mattered.

"Over grand Mesagoza stands our dear Uva,"

"Where we enter as seeds and leave in fruition,"

"Our minds as wide as the crater, for wise educators,"

"To fill with individual spirit and future ambition,"

"Teach us well, O grapes of Paldea!"

The school song ended and the students all burst into a final round of applause before starting to file back out. This time around, a lot of people seemed to be pumped full of that same inexhaustible energy that Nemona possessed. And now instead of the exits, they all began to form a line that led up to a beautiful brass bell that was wheeled into the center. Each student approached, one by one and rang it with the rope cord.

Rian and Jules included.

"Toma ya! It's time for the great outdoors!"

"Come on bud! We're riding out!" Rian and Jules saw a large quadruped lizard pokemon kneel down as they walked out into the courtyard. The cyclizar growled happily as the student deftly swung her legs over the mounted saddle. A tap on its side and the large reptilian pokemon launched forward, accelerating through the courtyard and disappearing down the stairs.

The energy was contagious. While things had begun to settle into a little bit of mediocrity and routine, the announcement of the Academy's signature activity seemed to inject something that gave it a vibrancy that was unmatched as people packed, made plans and some were already getting a head start. A glance to one another at witnessing the upbeat morale and excitement had told the twins that this was going to be unlike anything they'd ever experienced in their earlier years in school.

"Take care everyone!" Many heads turned to the tall door entrance to see Clavell stepping out, a stern look etched onto his weathered face. "And remember…the Gran Crater de Paldea is exceedingly dangerous! Entering it is a direct violation of school rules!"

The heads nodded, Rian and Jules among them as Nemona emerged from the door and nearly blew past them when she had noticed, almost toppling over from going too fast.

"Rian! Jules! What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!"

Without thinking, the twins took off after her waiting for them at the front of the courtyard.

Clavell inhaled deeply and despite his smile, he felt a hint of concern. "Hmm, do you think everyone heard my warning?" He wondered aloud. "With all these students full of vim and vigor, I find it hard not to worry."

"Rian! Jules! The Treasure Hunt! It's finally starting!"

"I mean…this sounds cool and it's really gotten the school jazzed up." Jules looked back where another half dozen students were already passing by with fully packed bags and backpacks to head out of the Mesagoza metro. "But I'm still confused at what're we supposed to do?"

"Yeah, fair question, since it's both of your first time!" Nemona gestured to the stairs. "C'mon, let's walk and talk."

"The Treasure Hunt is a huge part of the Uva Academy school year. The point isn't to get us all looking for some actual hidden treasure, necessarily. We're just making our own adventures to see what experiences Paldea's got to offer!"

"You could try to beat La Liga gyms, you could help out people in need, You could hunt for some real capital T treasure if you wanted! There's just all this stuff you'd never learn sitting in a classroom, y'know. This is our chance to learn it!"

By now, the trio had made their way to Fundador Plaza and stopped just short of the central court. Though no battle was currently taking place, people had kept to the outside and avoided crossing it directly.

"Plus there's so many chances to battle, which is obviously perfect for me!" She flashed a grin at Rian. "You and me for sure gotta battle if we run into each other out there. Hope you're ready!"

Jules saw the competitive fire light in his eyes. After telling her that the older girl finally convinced him to pursue the Champion rank, she knew that it was something he was dead set on achieving after breaching that initial hesitancy.

"Yes. You bet Nemona."

"Oh, the battling can wait. I forgot to tell you. Did you know your RotoPhone's map app lets you set yourself destinations? You can try setting one of the gyms as your destination that I gave you the other day! That'd get you on your way easy!"

A scoff from behind caused all six eyes to turn up. "Tch! How's that for a student council president! Giving your own friends an insider advantage?"

Immediately Rian thought it was Bryce, but he was surprised to see Jules' posture tense when they spotted Arven making his way over to them with a frown on his face directed specifically towards Nemona.

"Ay! Arven?!" Nemona gasped. Between the three of them, her veneer had slipped the most. She shook her head and furrowed her brow at the accusation. "Insider advantage? Sheesh…you make it sound like we're cheating or something! All I did was suggest that he check out the gyms. It's up to Rian and Jules whether or not they go."

"Actually I'm not really sure if the gyms are my thing." Jules said, trying her best not to look at Arven. "That's more Rian's alley."

"Oh good. Because Rian and Jules are gonna have their hands full searching out the titan pokemon with me. Rian doesn't have time to waste on something like chasing after the Champion rank. Me and him are gonna be too busy visiting the lairs of titans and nabbing their herba mystica."

"En serio? Don't go filling his head with all these weird stories." Nemona groused at him. "Besides, if you really wanted to get your hands on sprigs of maría, there's plenty of dispensaries around."

That last suggestion caused Arven to glare right back. "Hey! All I did was invite him along. It's still up to Rian and Jules whether they go right?"

Definitely not going with haircut. Jules thought to herself as she heard Nemona making a growl of disgust. I'll sit through Rian's gym matches any day.

"Hey Jules," Arven turned to her. "Your RotoPhone's ringing."

It is? She reached down to answer when the call was automatically answered and floated in front of her face. The screen was blank for a second before incomprehensible green numbers and letters in a random pattern quickly began to flash in a downward cascade.

"Hey Jules. Cassiopeia here." It was the same garbled and distorted voice of the mysterious individual that had answered their own phone call while they were in the cafeteria.

Oh perfect.

"It's about Operation Starfall. Remember what I told you before? Team Star is made up of five individual squads and each one's got their own base. I need you and your brother to go to each base…all five of 'em and beat the squad boss there. Team Star's rank and file grunts might try to get in your way, but I'll be helping you out from a distance."

"Woah slow down there." Rian said. "We never said that we were agreeing to help."

"So you won't? That's fine by me. I just figure someone like you, Rian would be a bit more wanting to hit back on bullies. That was a nasty little spat you had with Bryce in the schoolyard. He's very good at battling and winning as basically one of the strongest trainers at Uva Academy. Now I like to call myself an equalizer of sorts. Wouldn't you like to kick him to the curb and have him eventually eat those nasty words?"

Rian blinked in surprise and he saw Nemona's mouth drop open.

"To be honest, not really. I'd be more than happy to never talk to the guy again. Besides, he's not part of Team Star…I think."

"Ah, well I bloody tried." Cassiopeia audibly sighed. "But if you do change your mind, I want to warn you that the bosses and base crew each specialize in a different pokemon type. Just remember the crews' names and you'll figure it out."

"Who is that?" Arven asked, having tuned into the conversation. He and Nemona had remained silent, trying to deduce who was on the other end of the line.

"Still, no need to worry. With your skills, I'm sure you both are more than up to the task. I'll just go ahead and add the bases' locations in your RotoPhone's mapp for you."

Jules saw her screen pulse and temporarily deactivate from its code background to show the mapp with five new points of interest. Five Team Star crews.

Dark, fairy, fighting, poison and fire.

"Good luck with those bosses. I'll be sure to hook you up with some nice rewards every time you defeat one."

"Alto! One second!" Nemona exclaimed, stepping forward with a scowl. "Who are you supposed to be?! And Team Star, those cabrons are a serious hazard! They're not Rian's problem…or Jules'!"

"Yeah that's right!" Arven added. "Because they got more important things to do, like searching out awesome ingredients with me!"

The twins saw Nemona give him an incredulous stare, but whatever argument that was gonna ensue died on her lips as Cassiopeia spoke again.

"I thought it was up to Rian and Jules to decide whether they go or not. Wasn't that what you said Nemona Ozuna-Guerrero? And Arven Turo? Or did I not hear right?"

This time they could see the blood drain from their faces. Nemona's eyes widened to nearly double their size. "How do you know my name?"

"I'm a bit of a clairvoyant." Cassiopeia replied, a little hint of prickly smugness present. "You all look stellar gathered in Fundador Plaza. And maybe this is just showing a tiny bit to let you know I have eyes and ears everywhere. You're not gonna find me, so don't you bloody try. Anyway, Rian…Jules, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can pull off. Bye."

The call disconnected and Jules was granted control of her phone again. She saw the screen return to her lock wallpaper before it zipped back into her pocket.

Okay, we really need to talk next time about just butting in on someone like this.

"What was that all about?" Arven put his hands on his hips and Jules had to guess that he was more irritated that he had "competition" for their attention.

On their right, Nemona gave a heavy sigh. "Rian, Jules…I'm glad you're making a lot of friends here, but try not to get dragged into anything dangerous. We could report that to the staff."

"It's fine Nemona." Rian told her. "Jules and I will take care of it."

She nodded and then broke out into another cute smile. "Anyway! No more weird vibes! We've got the big adventure to start! I'm gonna battle every single pokemon trainer I meet! If I just keep training my butt off and try to become the strongest, I bet that experience will be the thing I treasure! Guess I'll start by heading to a gym!"

"Wow already?" Arven rolled his eyes.

"Well…I know we've been running our mouths, but I meant what I said. It's your guys' call what you do. You don't have to stick together. Go where you want and do what it is you really wanna do the most!"

"A treasure of…our very own." Arven's thoughts manifested out loud. "For me that's gotta be Ma…er…my big dream of finding those herba mystica. Once we get our hands on those, I'll make you the absolute best sandwich you've ever tasted in your life!"

(Key word sandwich detected. Remote activating poke ball opening mechanism.)

Everyone yelped in surprise as a flash of light emitted from Rian's backpack. Miraidon stood up straight and revved happily at seeing everyone together.

"Argh, what did you come out for?!" One of them wasn't particularly happy about it.

Nemona instead burst out into laughter. "Qué gracioso! Did it really just pop out 'cause you said sandwich?!"

Arven shook his head. "Well you're not getting one."

Miraidon didn't seem discouraged, instead it walked up to the twins and nudged them with its head. As Rian brushed it off, he heard the clanking of metal and machinery as the mysterious dragon stretched its back, bending down. He now could see that the middle section of its back was curved and grooved in a saddle perfect for a rider…or two.

(Ride mode engaged. Ready to transfer controls to Trainer.)

"It seems like it wants to start moving. Is it telling you guys to get on?"

"Professor Turo did say that Miraidon was able to use a mode that was meant for transportation." Jules said. "Maybe this was what he was talking about?"

It's worth a try. Rian slowly approached, placing his foot on one of the prongs and swinging his right foot over to nestle nicely in the middle. Though it felt a little uncomfortable, he felt the seat shift until it felt as it it were a perfect fit when he leaned forward like a racer. Almost like he'd been riding for years.

(Engaging Ride mode. Controls are relinquished to you, Trainer Rian.)


A slot began to blink and he realized it was the perfect height and size for a RotoPhone to fit. Carefully he removed it from his pocket and gently pressed it into the socket.

(RotoPhone detected. Syncing data associated with Trainer Rian. Accessing necessary functions. Access complete. Adjusting seat and controls for optimal performance.)

"Woah, it totally transformed! Now it really does look like a weird cyclizar!" Nemona beamed in amazement. "Such a cool pokemon! Well since you both have Miraidon, you can go pretty much anywhere! Paldea's your cloyster!" Off to the side, they heard Arven huff in agreement.

"Well, if you're going to search for those Titan pokemon, I'd say set out from the Puerta Este!"

Nemona shook her head and sighed. "But since Rian is actually headed to take on some gyms, I'd say go for the Puerta Oeste! Besides, the badlands are too easy to get lost out east!"

Arven made another annoyed huff. "Man, this is why I can't get along with you. I'm outta here! Catch up soon, little buddy!"

"Again with this little buddy thing?" Jules whispered to her brother as she took up the seat behind and put her arms around his waist. He looked back and could only offer a shrug. Neither of them had a chance to ask Arven what that meant before he had already taken off, heading eastbound.

Nemona watched him go and shrugged. "Ah well. I'll head to a gym! See you two around!"

Then just like that, she was gone.

Rian sighed and smiled. The true journey was at hand. The Treasure Hunt. Our independent study assignment. It's ours how we see fit.

"Well?" Jules asked. "What now?"

"I…I don't know. I didn't think having this amount of freedom would mean that I'd have a hard time deciding on what to do. Illusion of choice I guess."

Rian shrugged. "I want to take on the gyms, maybe see if Arven could use some help with those titans."

Hearing the latter, Jules frowned. "You still think he deserves the help after how he treated us and Miraidon?"

"I feel like that one remains to be seen. Arven knows something about the big guy that he isn't telling us. Get his trust and see if we can fish it out of him." He glanced back at her. "And I know you've got your eye on that Team Star stuff."

"Pfft. As if. It's not our problem."

"Yeah, keep on lyin' sis. I've seen how you've reacted to Team Star's deeds since we got here. Sure, they can't be that much harder than the ones we stomped in the courtyard. But they'll be back for revenge. That's something I feel like is something you don't take on alone."

Jules smiled at him. "So you're saying you'll tolerate me along on your Treasure Hunt? We don't necessarily have to stay together."

"Yeah I know." Rian said, giving their ride an affectionate pat. "But if I don't, you'll just steal Miraidon for yourself. And we both know who the better driver is. Isn't that right big guy?"

(Undetermined. I will not know the full extent of your driving capabilities until we have established a record.)

Jules groaned out loud. "Rian, watching clips of Hachimura and Castro on PalMoto's circuits doesn't make you a pro at driving cyclizar or its robot lookalike."

"Well, there's no time like the present to learn! Treasure Hunt, here we come!"

Finally. This goddamn tutorial in the game took forever. Now the actual interesting part of getting this journey started! The twins getting pulled in multiple different directions with the whole region of Paldea open for them to explore! Let's gooo!

However that will have to wait. Next chapter may be a while before it comes out as I will be likely switching gears to finish up a couple of AHHK chapters and get those finished before the end of the year and hopefully wrap that up in early 2025. It won't be a huge hiatus, but I'd rather wait a little bit to give this more attention while not having the pressure of writing two massive fics at the same time.

Logged 'Dex entries: Paldean Wooper

Spanish Translations
  • En serio?- Oh really?
  • Alto!- Stop!
  • Cabrons- Assholes
  • Qué gracioso!- How funny!
  • María - Cannabis. While María is a feminine name derived from Mary, it is often used as a Spanish slang word for marijuana.
  • Puerta Este - East Gate
  • Puerta Oeste- West Gate

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose!
Chapter 12: Hives & Hammers


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello and bienvenidos to another chapter! I do apologize for the big hiatus in between this update and the previous. I have just returned from a long trip abroad in Japan, so this one was considerably shortened but at an okay stopping point where I think I'll be able to continue it on.

I hope everyone enjoys. Now we're finally ready to get this story into gear.

In all of their time of having Miraidon in their possession, neither twin ever thought they would end up riding it.

Yet here they were sitting upon a wide saddle on its back as the draconic mount kept all fours planted on the ground as Rian blinked in confusion at the controls, or lack thereof. Miraidon's back featured a pair of side mounted handles for him to grab and steer with the right one able to crank forward for acceleration, much like a modern motorcycle. A wide plate that expanded into a screen remained blank and as he slowly twisted the throttle, Miraidon lurched forward.

This thing is more sensitive than it looks! It took him a couple of seconds to find the balance and tune to muscle memory, but they were coasting along the main road and into traffic of the lane where ride pokemon could move alongside mechanical automobiles.

Okay, now just to see where on this we can plot a course to Cortondo. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be on your RotoPhone while driving.

(RotoPhone sync complete. Settings saved for Trainer Rian. Awaiting directions to proceed with plotted course.)

Interestingly enough, the slot just in front at the base where the device could be fitted had slid the phone so that it was flush with the smooth outside surface. That same screen that he wondered what it was for begun to light up, projecting a forward facing point of view map, with displays of a speedometer, compass and a faint map of the road ahead. Cars and people passed them by, picked up and moving across as smoothly shaped icons, giving a soft warning if something were to pass by too close.

This is like a car, but unlike any car I've seen before.

He eased the throttle, moving Miraidon with the rest of the traffic. The trio continued to head south as he looked through the map. Not only did it contain a view of what was ahead, but the RotoPhone's map synced with it to destinations and suggestions appeared from restaurants, businesses to nearby pokestops and centros. All options had directions, along with distance, time it would take to reach and even accessing online reviews.

(Course plotted to destination. Items vital to enacting Protocol Three acquired. Awaiting directions to proceed with plotted course.)

"Huh?" Rian looked in confusion as the screen panned away to show a bird's eye of the newly acquired destination, a shop that was a few blocks away.

"What's wrong?" Jules looked over her brother's shoulder and gasped with surprise at all the new features on their mount. "What in the world?"

"I have no idea. This is all new to me." Rian held his hands up as if to shift blame away from his doing. As he moved forward with the traffic, the next turn started to take them further south, bypassing the main street that would lead to the western gate and towards Cortondo. Both of them began to wonder where exactly Miraidon was taking them. They hadn't programmed a course anywhere within the city.

(Proceeding the route to destination. Estimated time of arrival is seven minutes.)


Jules sighed. "I guess. The Treasure Hunt's only started and I don't really know exactly what to do despite us being pulled in different directions by Nemona and Arven. If you're wanting to take on the gyms and see about trying to get Champion rank, sure I'll support you the best I can."

"Aww thanks so much sis."

He got a smirk in return. "Only because you'd start to look like a fool dreaming on and on about roleplaying."

Why you! She gasped as he tried to turn around, but unable to fully while facing forward. Jules playfully smacked aside his vain attempt to grab her and laughed. In spite of the threat, it felt like they were their younger rambunctious selves, chasing one another around their home.

"But really. I'll do what I can to help you achieve your dream." Jules told him softly. "And keep you out of trouble. It's my duty as your sister."

"What? I'm the older one here."

She was about to retort something when the screen on Miraidon's display lit up, highlighting a building on their left. It didn't take them long to figure out where they were going.

Rian glanced at it from where they were. "A cyclizar ride gear store?" Well I guess it makes sense since Nemona said it looked like one earlier.

He steered Miraidon off to the side away from traffic and slowed to a stop. Automatically, the mysterious dragon pokemon's legs extended down and made contact with the ground, immediately stabilizing and preventing it from falling on its side. As they dismounted, Rian returned Miraidon to his ball.

The store was virtually empty, save for a couple of employees working at the counters. Judging by the logo and lack of accessible merchandise on shelves, they had to guess that this was one of the higher end boutiques with it more evident that anything available was behind glass barriers. Mannequins were on both static and rotating displays with angled lights. Jules saw Rian caught notice of a Joavany Castro poster advertising his endorsed popular line brand of protective gear for cyclizar riding.

One of the saleswomen greeted them and asked if there was anything that had caught their interest.

"Well, uh…no?" Rian said. "Look to be fair this is where our navigation thing took us, but neither me or my sister have any clue why."

"Oh." The woman looked puzzled. "You two have Uva uniforms, so you must be Academy students, I'll go and check to see if maybe there's an order that came in for you. What are your names?"

"I'm Florian or Rian Almeida-Araújo. This is my sister Juliana or Jules."

"Perfecto. Give me a moment and I'll be back." As the associate went to the storage, Jules looked at some of the displays showing off suits, helmets, saddles and other gear. Clearly there was a lot more investment into cyclizar riding than she expected. It made her wonder what else about it she was missing out.

"I still don't know why we're here in the first place." Rian said quietly. "I didn't touch anything and only thing that's been driving besides us is Miraidon."

"Could it?"

He shrugged. "I guess we'll see. There's still so much we don't know about it, so I reckon it's a possibility. The only other people who seem to know about it are Arven and his father."

He saw Jules' lip purse as she processed the information. Clearly her thoughts to Arven and the way he continued to belittle Miraidon proved evident that he did not favor it at all and that both the pokemon as well as his famous professor father were sore subjects he wasn't comfortable at all talking about. As much as she didn't want to hang around him as much as her brother, she knew that he was right in that maybe helping him and earning his trust would get them more information on Miraidon and why he despised it so much.

Still. Gives him no right to be a jerk like that and I'll jump in front if that's what it takes. Not on my watch.

Before she could say anything else, the saleswoman had returned and placed two large cardboard boxes at the central checkout counter.

"Would you look at that?" She gave them a smile. "Looks like a shipment came for you two just a half hour ago. The Pelipper Post Service is quick with their express delivery today."

The twins watched as she unboxed a pair of full-face helmets, putting the packaging aside and turned it so that they could inspect the gear.

"Woah." Upon closer inspection, they were definitely high grade riding helmets, featuring sleek curved visors and a matte material that was smooth to the touch. On either side close to the temple were riveted sockets meant for attaching accessories. It reminded him of a mix between a helmet worn by a professional driver and a military soldier. Both of them were in distinct colors; the one he found himself drawn to was a dark purple with silver trim while Jules seemed interested in the other one with an burnt orange and white pattern.

"Oh?" The woman's curiosity caught their attention as her eyes widened with surprise. "You two must be quite special! I've never seen these before!"

"What do you mean?"

"These helmets," she gestured up to the Joavany Castro advertisement that Rian had spotted earlier. "They're the latest model developed by ATX Riding for the PalMoto Grand Prix." The twins saw a flash of disbelief across her features.

"This can't be right…not only are they the latest model, but only drivers on the Grand Prix and their teams have access to these. They aren't expected to be for commercial sale for at least another year and they're...a lot of money!"

Rian and Jules glanced at each other, completely puzzled over their budding excitement. How was it possible they had gotten their hands on such rare and valuable pieces of gear?

We didn't order anything. So how?

"N-never mind that! Let's get you two fitted and on your way!"

The process to get the helmets fitted didn't take long. Rian and Jules received a crash course in donning and taking the helmet off, which turned out to be a little more of a complicated process. The visor would slide into the mold so that it was flush with the helmet's outer shell. To lift the faceplate, there was a release button roughly at the spot of the temple they would press to break the seal. The sockets provided a mount for devices such as the helmet cams the racers wore as well as a rangefinder which would provide distance along with other readings back to the driver's crew. Since the helmet was snugly fit on, the twins opted to carry their wide brimmed school issued hats strapped to their backpack.

Three sets of speakers were situated in the helmet as well, two on either side close to the ears and one centrally located right at the back of the head. The acoustics were fine tuned to be as accurate as normal hearing without the headgear with incredible clarity in picking up and receiving sound as if someone was speaking to them inside their head.

The woman had shook her head as the twins thought how they were going to have to pay off for such an expensive item, but she had to clarify multiple times that the helmets, shipping and services had been all-expenses paid. They were even shown the bill, but neither one recognized the purchaser on the details.

That only made things stranger as Rian and Jules mumbled a thanks and made a bewildered exit back onto the Mesagoza streets. He tossed out Miraidon again, who quickly stretched its back and bent down, assuming its ride form and steadying itself with its four legs.

(Ride mode engaged. Ready to transfer controls to Trainer.)

"Okay then." Rian was quick to jump onto the front seat with Jules behind him. As he did, Miraidon shifted to the established configuration in preparation to move out.

(Trainer Rian detected. Transferring controls to Trainer. Adjusting ride settings to preference.)



(Compatible protective helmets detected. Syncing and associating with proper Trainers. Sync successful.)

The RotoPhone that had been placed into the device socket had given clean directions out of Mesagoza. Rian maneuvered Miraidon deftly through the traffic, sticking to the rider lane that was separate from the automotives and pedestrians. While it was still relatively new, he felt a welcoming sense of freedom that being able to drive a pokemon-machine hybrid brought. Being in command and the entire Paldea region at his fingertips through steering, accelerating and braking. He was open to go anywhere he wanted.

"So how is it controlling Miraidon?" Jules asked. So far the ride had been in relative silence since she didn't want to distract him while he was still getting the hang of the controls. While he would have never heard her voice over the rushing noise of air, the microphone picked it up from her helmet, wirelessly transferring it to the speakers for the quality clarity that ATX was known for. If he hadn't known better, his sister might've asked him that question in a dead silent room.

"Harder than it looks." They were moving on from the ground level traffic onto an elevated overpass that ran above the ground level. The inner city of Mesagoza had limited space before spilling out to the suburban areas beyond the gates that separated it with the Rio Narixa so the Ministerio de Transporte had opted to build ramps above the smaller roads to be able to efficiently have car traffic enter and exit without all the hassle of having others slow down to take exits on the less busy streets.

Miraidon hardly slowed down as it easily summited, but Rian was disappointed the speed didn't improve as he tried to gun the throttle. Wait, this is the fastest it can go?!

"When we get out of the city and on the roads to Cortondo, I…I'd like to try and drive."

He nodded. So far, Jules hadn't really shown an interest in driving the mysterious pokemon ever since they were aware it could be ridden. Just a smidge of it had been enough for him and it was technically her Treasure Hunt too.

As the West Gate was sighted, Rian's phone began to ring. At first he thought it might've been Cassiopeia, but found himself pleasantly surprised and smiling when Nemona's face popped up on the caller's ID. Upon answering, it transferred the call to the bluetooth in his helmet.

"Hey Rian! It's me Nemona!" His smile stayed at hearing her cheery voice on the other end.

"Hey Nemona, it's great hearing from you…even if it's just been what," a glance at the phone's clock. "An hour since we last saw each other?"

"Yeah! You decided to set out heading west from the school right, Rian? Starting from there you'll be pretty close to Cortondo. That's where you'll find the bug-type gym! You can go take on the gym leader if you want! In fact I recommend it since it's usually the first one in the circuit!"

Rian raised an eyebrow. "First one, so for newer trainers? You sure you're not pulling my arm?"

That earned him a laugh out of the older girl. "Nah never! I'm just glad you decided to spend your Treasure Hunt the right way!"

The right way. Oh she means going to find maría with Arven. Ah.

"Well, uh…always take the prettier friend's advice?"

"Ha! You're really funny! But you go and get 'em! I'm sure you can beat her Rian! Good luck, I'll call ya soon!"

The line clicked dead before he could utter a reply.

He felt Jules' shift in the saddle behind him. "Was that Nemona?"

"Uh, yeah."

He heard what sounded like a chuckle of amusement. "Bro, I think you might actually have a shot with her after all."

Yeah fat chance. Maybe an aipom might fly out of my ass while we're at it too.

Jules had been around him long enough to know that his lack of an immediate reply meant he was thinking on her words. While it had been a bit of a stab, she sort of sensed that maybe Nemona could've had a hint of a thing for her brother. Either way, it was enough to get his thoughts back on her.

"What makes you say that?" He finally asked. They had passed through the West Gate, quickly joining the traffic outgoing to the suburban areas.

His sister paused for a moment. "Well, all things considered. She's been awfully perky in the morning, especially when you've come around. Then to top it off, she decided to call you and not me."

"Oh. Yeah, that does kinda make sense."

Even with the helmet concealing her face from him, the body language showed his sister's unbridled amusement of the interaction. "Advice from the prettiest person huh? I'm pretty sure Lexi Pearsall was the one who said that to you one time. I'm surprised you still remember it."

They made it out of Mesagoza well in the early afternoon to perfect weather after stopping for a brief lunch. Sun hanging in the sky with just a few clouds to occasionally pass in front for some much needed shade to cool off from a mildly humid day.

Mesagoza's suburbs quickly gave way to the Paldean countryside as traffic lightened considerably. Outside of the city, cars were less common but often the only means of efficiently going to the next town over. Trains and travel by air with commercial flights and flying taxi services were also available. The road stretched out and before long, the large capital city was gone over the horizon.

Rian was still a little irritated that Miraidon's top speed wasn't as fast as he had liked, going just under the hundred fifteen kilometer speed limit. However it was still fast enough that it made him nervous. Some of the accidents that occurred in PalMoto were stomach wrenching.

(Accelerators deployed…failure. Diagnosing failure. Accelerators offline. Error code: Zebstrika. Hadron Engine functionality 55%. Trainer status: Secure.)

(Trainer Rian. The intensity of your grip on the controls and your rising heart rate indicate you are under distress. There is no need to panic. I will not lose balance. Both you and your sister are bound to my prerogative of Protol Three. Calmness and a positive attitude will improve our driving conditions.)

Much of the central part of the Navarro Province was hilly, with winding slopes and rare flat surfaces. Since the climate was warmer and rainfall was more frequent on its west side, much of the land was devoted to farming and agriculture. A steady source of water trickled in from a half dozen springs located to the west, expanding as it approached Mesagoza as the Narixa. A portion of their drive west had the riverbank on their right.

Though it was just like how they had seen in pictures of Paldea's diverse landscape, there was something liberating as official pokemon trainers and fulfilling the same dream as countless before them. The freedom to go anywhere and do anything they wanted.

Jules made sure to use a moment to take it all in. Best part had to be forgetting the worries of schoolwork.

Now fully out in the wilds of Paldea, the entire environment came alive as pokemon of all sorts began to appear on the sides of the trails. Many of them were visible just a few meters into the grass, vanishing as the twins and Miraidon drew close. Overhead there were flocks of the familiar fletchling birds and hoppips twirling their leaf antennae lazily in the light winds.

"Say, if you're going to take on the Gym Leader in Cortondo," Jules started after an hour of silence while driving. "You might want to catch another pokemon. You've been awfully stingy since trying to catch that ralts when we first started."

Rian said nothing, but he pondered what she said. While many trainers often enjoyed the thrill of finding new pokemon and catching them on sight, he felt that having more and more options meant it'd be hard to pick favorites and assemble a team he could use to take on Champion Rank.

"Maybe I just haven't found the one yet?"

He could practically see Jules rolling her eyes behind her helmet's visor. "It's a pokemon, you're not looking for a wife."

"I know. I'll think of something."

"Maybe look at the type matchups? See the gym leader's specialized type and get yourself a pokemon that has an advantage."

That certainly was an idea. Once he was finished driving, he'd certainly take a moment to study his future opponent. Knowing your enemy helps a lot when you gotta deal with them.

He slowed Miraidon down as they spotted a distant centro pokemon just a half kilometer away and took the exit off the highway to stop. Multiple other walking dirt paths branched out away from the roads, allowing easy access for those that were traveling on foot.

While Jules asked the staff for help and directions, Rian brought out Baron, watching as he was busy engaging in the game of tag with Dani and Basil. Miraidon stood alert, glancing around as if trying to pick out potential threats.

I gotta figure out and catch something if I'm going to take on the Gym Leader. It's not gonna be good if I walk in with one pokemon. What if they have six? Opening his RotoPhone, he checked up on the information on the MApp market that Nemona had dropped for him over Cortondo.

"This bug-type gym is a recommended first stop for anyone considering taking on La Liga. Though sweet as a treat, this baker of bug-themed pastries shows a bold streak in battle. Gym Tier One."

"Bug types. Huh." Since Rian only had Baron, a water type that had an electric and grass weakness it wasnt a big need to worry about his current pokemon being weak to the gym leader's specialty type. Bug was neutral against water. During the introduction to the Battle Studies course, the rather energetic instructor had distributed out the current type charts that was recognized by La Liga and other Pokemon Leagues around the world. Rian made it a priority to start studying and memorizing it as soon as he could. Sure there was the common knowledge that fire was strong against grass which was strong against water which was strong against fire. But each type was unique, with no two having matching characteristics for different strengths and weaknesses.

"We're about maybe a little less than an hour away from Cortondo." Jules said as she joined her brother at the table, sliding him a blue agua sim gas bottle. "They said that there's multiple ways, but one of the Diez lugares de interés de Paldea is not too far away called the Gran Campo de Oliveiras. Could be worth a look if it's not too late. If we go off the beaten path, we might find some pokemon we wouldn't normally see out in the fields. If you're gonna shoot for La Liga and get that Champion Rank, it's a good start to see all your options."

Rian had to agree with her and used the RotoPhone's MApp to look up the location, spotting it to the east of Cortondo, situated on a hill that overlooked the basin where the city was located. While not a major detour, it'd put them behind a half hour at the very least.

The Diez Lugares de Interés de Paldea or Ten Sights of Paldea were big significant landmarks around the Paldea region that were among its most popular tourist attractions. Some were close to major cities while others were a bit of a trek. Rian recalled one booth at the club fair where it included tour groups that took other students on a multi-day trip to hit all ten sights back to back. Often, the first one that people would go on their journey was the Gran Campo de Oliveiras which he saw had been marked by a certain icon.

(Calculating route. Estimated travel time for Gran Campo de Oliveiras is forty two minutes.)

"Shall we?"

The route that Miraidon calculated and laid out for Rian to follow was a bit complicated to say the least.

It wasn't long after leaving the area of the centro pokemon when the hills began to give way to flat fields. The Narixa was much narrower and shallower as the spring pushed water eastward, providing the irrigative fuel that drove Paldea's demanding agricultural industry. Though the uneven terrain surrounding the basin made the amount of available fertile land even smaller, the rich soil with minerals and nutrients made it ideal for farming a variety of crops from berries to vegetables, all combined with a fairly consistent rainfall that was almost year round.

What amazed him was just how vast the fields appeared. They stretched for miles on end with varying stages, no two alike. Some were barren while others had just the beginning of saplings and fully matured plants with whatever fruit, root or product was ready to be harvested. Because of Navarro's lower, but consistent rainfall during three of the four seasons and the fresh water from the springs that fed the Narixa, the agriculture industry for Paldea was alive and well, more than enough to feed both the region as well as exporting it off.

The Gran Campos de Oliveira was said to be one of the oldest plantations back when the cultivating was in its infancy. In contrast to the rest of the active farming fields, the elevated plateau must've given it some meaning.

Miraidon's speed decreased as Rian had to almost drive past the entire east end of Cortondo and around towards the riverbank where another stream fed into the Narixa. To access the old orchard, slopes had been dug out close to the stream in ramps. There was no dirt road, but Miraidon struggled a bit as its front wheels reached the grassy patches.

(Engaging off-road mode. Hydraulics activated.)

Rian felt the pokemon's frame flex out and moved his seat back slightly so that he wasn't so hunched over. The relaxed posture helped him feel more comfortable when Miraidon was going over bumpy and uneven terrain. The wheels changed to a rougher and more grippy texture, providing far better traction but sacrificing the speed from before.

"You know, from the look of it. I would've never expected Miraidon to be able to do that." Jules said in amazement and Rian had to agree with her. Just adding on another thing the twins didn't know Miraidon could do and they had a feeling they barely scratched the surface.

The remnants of the Gran Campos de Oliveira came into sight at the far end of the plateau without any hint of what kind of buildings they formerly were. All that remained were brown, misshapen sections of rubble that looked ready to crumble and disintegrate at any time. A few decaying posts that likely were that of a fence dotted the area and the fields of the orchard had long been overrun with grass.

Now time to see what kind of pokemon we can find around here. Rian thought to himself, scanning the field and watching for movement. Almost immediately he spotted flocks of hoppip and fletchling flying together in the sky. On the ground, there were groups of skwovet and he even spotted a shroodle before it quickly vanished into the thicker grass as they approached.

He brought Baron while dismounting Miraidon. Even if they wouldn't catch anything, the best thing he could do to prepare for the gym leader was to get his pokemon stronger.

The first new pokemon that he spotted were group of small gray and white avian creatures with large wings of brown feathers. Upon sensing their presence, many of them scattered while one chirped rather noisily and swooped down.

"Here we go then!" Rian's mouth twisted into a grin, knowing a challenge when he saw one. "Let's get after them Baron!"

As his starter made quick work of the bird, he had opened up his Pokedex App to log the new entry.

Scanning…match found. Starly. Starling pokemon. Normal and flying type. They flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug pokemon. Their singing is noisy and annoying.

Though Rian did lament a little at losing an opportunity to catch a flying type, as it would prove helpful against a bug type gym leader, he knew that there were still plenty of others.

Jules followed him as they explored more of the old decrepit plantation. Without the posts to indicate where the field formerly stood, it was just as part of the natural landscape as it had likely been before it was settled.

Further away, she spotted a group of sheep pokemon that were covered in thick coats of cream colored wool. They each had a striped black and yellow tail with a red bulb at the end. Like the starly, they bleated loudly enough to be heard from quite the distance away.

Scanning…match found. Mareep. Wool pokemon. Electric type. Its fleece grows continually. In the summer the fleece is fully shed, but it can grow back in a week.

"Careful Baron," Rian was in the middle of warning his pokemon when Jules looked up. Electric types are strong against water an-"

Baron quacked in protest and took off, running quick enough to startle the flock. Luckily, they had all scattered upon hearing the loud duckling. However many of them unleashed blasts of electricity that arced his way.

To Rian's surprise, the quaxly dodged several of the thundershocks, jumping up and over as they landed in front of his feet. He hit one with a pound, knocking it out and then used water gun to take another down.

However the mareep in its own instinct had gotten the better of him once he turned it on a third one that made the decision to stand and fight.

He readied a poke ball, sensing that it could be his opportunity. "Baron, water gun!"

But as he fired the stream of water, the brazen mareep launched a thundershock at the same time. Like a magnet to a sheet of metal, the jolt of electricity quickly joined through the water stream, abruptly cutting off Baron's attack. The quaxly was thrown back with a surprised painful yelp.

"Baron!" Rian cried. Before he could command his pokemon to get back up, the mareep was blasted with a flurry of leaves. To his right, Jules had stepped in, Basil in front crouched low and scanning the area in case something else came to challenge them.

Baron quacked softly as Rian gently picked him up and set him on his feet. Though still energetic and raring to go, he looked a little somber, maybe even a little embarrassed.

"It's okay." Rian reassured him. If he was going to make this work as a trainer, there were going to be lessons he and his pokemon were going to have to learn some lessons through the difficult ways.

Perhaps the first one was to take caution when facing off against a pokemon that held a type advantage.

"Thanks sis." He breathed out, setting Baron on the ground and standing up.

Jules gave him a reassuring nod. "Of course. If you're gonna get some training in, I might as well too."

The twins recalled Miraidon and crept closer to the ruins. There weren't other trainers around and the cries of pokemon were abundant carried through the air. Rian definitely began to understand where the reputation of a starly's annoying incessant chirping came from.

A closer look allowed them to see a small plaque that was inscribed at the end towards the drop. As they made their way over, they were able to see the clusters of buildings that made up the town of Cortondo.

"The Gran Campos de Oliveira one of the Diez Lugares de Interés de Paldea." Rian read out loud. Below the title was a little description of the history, the plateau where the Grand Olive Orchard was located had been among the first major plantation established, dating back nearly a millennium and had been chosen to be the exclusive source of olive products for the Paldean Royal family, from its beginning all the way to the Figueiredo Dynasty, the present ruling family of Paldea for the past four centuries. It was so important that there was a tall spire of a guard lookout still standing to protect it from attackers.

Just a couple hundred years ago, the field was decommissioned and the supply instead came from other orchards. Since then, it had been a very popular tourist attraction for its historic significance and spectacular view of Cortondo and the valley it sat on.

Other pokemon were lurking in the ruins as they got closer, several of them fleeing upon seeing the humans. Rian and Jules caught sight of a bipedal gold and brown pokemon with a short trunk and triangular ears.

Scanning…match found. Drowzee. Hypnosis pokemon. Psychic type. It remembers every dream it eats. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are much tastier.

"That's not creepy at all." Jules remarked sourly as she glanced around. The two drowzee that they spotted had since fled. She quietly hoped that they didn't wander into Cortondo at night.

Rian's eyes went over the fields again by the ruins, seeing some movement close to the flowers that had begun to grow. A strand of hair that was a pale magenta color was wagging around as whatever pokemon remained busy in its task.

"This is it. I can feel it." Rian said to himself. At his gesture, Baron stepped forward and puffed his chest out, ready for the fight ahead. The pokemon didn't seem to notice them just yet. He still held the element of surprise.

"Alright, ready?" He whispered, getting a nod back from Baron. "Water gun."

Baron's approach was a lot less stealthy than he would've liked, but it was enough where the target had let out a gasp of surprise as he vaulted into the air to spray it with a firm blast of water. The attack tossed the creature against the wall, but it had recovered with a surprising amount of quickness and jumped out to confront Baron with an angered growl.

Now he could see it clearly, it was a small bipedal pokemon that was pink in color with milky gray eyes and short stubby limbs. Upon seeing the trainer and his pokemon, it raised and pointed a small object at them that resembled a rattle.

I've never seen that pokemon 's something about it that just…feels like maybe I could catch this one. He took out his Dex App and scanned it while readying a poke ball with his free hand.

Scanning…match found. Tinkatink. Metalsmith pokemon. Fairy and steel type. Female exclusive species. It swings its handmade hammer around to protect itself, but it is often stolen by pokemon that eat metal. It will remake the hammer again and again until it's satisfied with the result.

"We're catching this one Baron!" Rian told his pokemon. The quaxly brushed his coif, carefully eyeing the tinkatink as its expression finally turned to one of aggression. It raised the hammer rattle up and leveled it at Baron before rushing forward in a burst of speed that surprised both twins. As it got closer, the creature suddenly emitted a loud startling shout that was powerful enough to send a visible wave of sound that caused Baron to shudder and get knocked down to the ground. Even Rian and Jules jumped from it and the boy was barely able to look and see that the move was registered as astonish.

The tinkatink closed in, raising its hammer that gleamed in the sun and swatted Baron with it. Rian felt a prick as the first bits of sweat began to bead on his skin. He had to think of something.

This tinkatink is not afraid to fight up close and we won't win by dodging forever! Let's get some offense in!

"Baron, water gun!" Thankfully he had gotten his bearings after getting hit from the astonish and tracked his incoming opponent. The tinkatink was about to swing its hammer again when Baron let loose a stream of water from his bill. With no time to dodge, the small pink pokemon was again pushed back into the ground soaking wet with a pained cry.

"Good! Close in and use pound!" Rian shouted. "Let's see it fight up close!"

Baron shot forward, raising his wings and slamming them on top. The tinkatink paused before it started to wail and wave its arms about in an upsetting tantrum. As it did, the hammer began to glow and it abruptly switched to its other hand in preparation to bring it down on top of Baron's head.

Thankfully, Rian had assumed his stance to closely observe the battle. The sleight of hand passing as the rather young pokemon had assumed the behavior of a petulant toddler was nearly enough to fool him. Clever.

"Baron watch out!"

His pokemon reacted with a hiss of surprise and only had enough time to shoot a water gun at the hammer wielding hand to avoid getting bludgeoned. Though hastily aimed, the timing was perfect in hitting the closed fist. Tinkatink yelped and opened its hand on the hammer's handle in surprise after the water gun struck.

Causing it to fly out into the air where it landed in the field in a bed of yellow and white flowers.

For a second, both pokemon were stunned at the outcome, glancing to where the hammer had dropped and then to one another.

The same thought had crossed Rian's mind just from the time he spent observing. Tinkatink needed that hammer.

The shout was halfway out of his mouth when both pokemon made a mad dash to the flowerbed where the hammer had fallen. They ignored one another in their pursuit. One for its weapon of choice, the other to prevent them from acquiring it.

"Rian!" Jules exclaimed from his side. She had been trying to get his attention and snap him out of his fixation on the battle. "Catch it while it's distracted!"

Of course, I can't believe I didn't think of that! Rian cursed himself as he quickly brought out a poke ball from his bag. He thumbed the capture matrix and cocked his arm back to throw right as both Baron and the tinkatink had reached the flowerbed. The two pokemon engaged one another right away in a tussle as Baron lashed out with a pound, knocking the tinkatink back just out of the reach of its small hammer.

Rian lost sight of them and quickly sprinted after them, squinting to see if he could get a bead on the wild pokemon so that he could throw the poke ball.

The hammer had landed in one of the flattened flowers and as he had gotten close, there were small pokemon that scattered from the commotion, floating on lightweight white feathers. He paid them little attention, but Jules had her pokedex app scan it as she followed her brother close behind.

Scanning…match found. Flabébé. Single bloom pokemon. Fairy type. White flower form. Female exclusive species. When evening falls, it searches out a place blooming with flowers of the same white color as itself, and then it goes to sleep.

Rian had reached the flowerbed and the poke ball was in hand as he prepared to throw when something else caught his eye. The fighting had stopped as another pokemon had flown in from above and swooped down to snatch the hammer from the ground.


Tinkatink had halted its attack on Baron, glancing up to see multiple small black and gold buglike pokemon that were hexagonal in shape with stubby wings that made a loud distinct buzzing noise. Several of them descended on the flowers, but Rian could see one carrying the tinkatink's hammer. As it flew up and out of their reach, fine dust trailed off through the air.

The hammer was covered in flower pollen. That's why that thing stole it.

More of the bug pokemon were gathering around the flowers. Each one was a triple hexagonal shape with the individual ones appearing to be an entity of its own. Two small antennae were located on the foreheads of the upper two while the lower one's head observed both the flowers and the trainers with curiosity.

Scanning…match found. Combee. Tiny bee pokemon. Bug and flying type. At night, combee sleep together in a group of about a hundred, packed together closely in a lump. The trio has been together from birth, it constantly gathers nectar from flowers to please vespiquen.

Baron quacked softly by his trainer's side and he glanced down from his phone to see the duckling tugging on his shoe. Nearby, the tinkatink had sat down on the ground, looking skyward at the multitude of combee that were gathering.

Something tugged at Rian's mind that told him not to capture the pokemon he was after. After losing its hammer, the last thing it probably wanted was to belong to a trainer.

We could always make a new one. If it works at it over and over until it's happy with the finished product, then maybe it's something we can work together on. But something tells me it kinda likes the old one.

Jules opened her mouth to say something, but stopped as Rian slowly walked forward and crouched down next to the creature.

"I wanted to catch you, as my first pokemon." He softly whispered. To her amazement, the tinkatink turned its head to glance at him. "But I saw how important that hammer is to you and it's kinda our fault. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to lose it."

Baron went to its other side and the three of them sat down to keep watching the combee buzz around them, going to and from the different flowers. It must've been normal since they also saw the drifting flabébé start to return from hiding.

"You were still really strong without the hammer. Kept me and Baron on our toes with that astonish."

Say, how would we get it back?

"Rian…I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Nah don't be. I'll get the hammer back."

Jules blinked at him. "You're gonna what?"

"Get the hammer back. Combee gather nectar. And they go back to their nests. We find out where the one who took tinkatink's hammer, we find out how we can take it back." He shrugged. "I'm pretty sure the combee didn't intentionally take it. Just happened to be covered in pollen and nectar."

"Yeah, but we don't even know where to start."

"Hmm," Rian put a hand to his chin and tried to think. Both Baron and the tinkatink had stopped to look up at him in curiosity. "Wait, you've got pokemon that might be able to help."

"Me?" Jules looked at him. "You mean Dani or Basil?"

"Maybe both. Dani might not have the nose of say a yamper, but I bet she'd be able to pick up some sort of scent and at least lead us there."

It's worth a try. She thought to herself while tossing out both her pokemon. Basil immediately nuzzled her ankles with his nose while Dani shook herself. They greeted Baron and gathered around the tinkatink. Interestingly enough, the creature was far less aggressive and not minding the humans or new pokemon when the hammer wasn't in hand.

The girl crouched down to her pokemon. "Dani, do you think you can see if there's a trace of this tinkatink's scent?"

The fidough paused for a moment before taking a second to sniff the tinkatink's side. She moved left and right before finally staring off in the distance.

Rian and Jules followed her gaze which was pointed at multiple taller trees that were close to another face of rock up the next hill. What worried them a little was that it was away from the direction of Cortondo.

"Okay, if it's in that direction then we might need a faster ride." Rian dug into his backpack and summoned Miraidon again. The large purple dragon creature greeted both twins happily before starting his transformation into ride capability.

(Ready to transfer controls to Trainer.)

"Alright vamos!" Rian quickly leapt on Miraidon's back, barely settling in as the driver's settings adjusted to his preference automatically. To their surprise, the tinkatink had climbed up step by step until settling just behind them. "We've got a lead, so let's get to it! We find the hive, we find tinkatink's hammer!"

(Inquiry. Accessing public Survey Corps files. Access complete. Searching for relevant information on combee. Narrow down to information regarding combee data recorded in Paldea.)

Miraidon's processes took less than a half second before it had obtained the relevant information it had sought. Rian steered and accelerated along with the off-road mode that cut through the taller blades of grass. Dani sniffed the ground every few meters and bounded forward while repeating the process. Each one gradually continued towards the distant hillside and trees ahead.

(My analysis indicates that there are thirty seven hundred and fifty three different combee hive sects with recorded presence in Paldea within the past one hundred and fifty years. Of that number; twenty one hundred and twenty four are exclusive to the region. Scanning…immediate presence is in the area of several dozen hive sects. Require further information to conduct analysis to render assistance to Trainer.)

"So say we find this hive," Miraidon had detected a big degree of uncertainty in Jules' voice. "What are you going to do then to get the hammer back? Ask politely?"

"Either that or we sneak in, grab it and get out before anyone notices."

(Trainer Rian exhibiting an unusual amount of confidence, however I calculate his plan to "sneak in, grab it and get out" has an eighteen percent chance of a resounding success. Accounting for other variables.)

Dani led them to the right end of the treeline where she stopped and showed that the trail must've gone cold. Around the closest gathering of trees, they could see one or two combee heading into what looked like a small gap in the middle. Rian moved so that they were out of sight and hopped off, crouching behind a large trunk to look. The tinkatink squeaked and sprinted up behind him.

It's wild how passive a wild pokemon is trusting of us.

Rian let out Baron as the two of them moved closer, using the crush as cover. Combee filtered in and out, one at a time and he could see that the gap in the rock was just big enough for Miraidon to squeeze through.

"Rian, you're not thinking that,"

"It has to be here." He corrected her. "Unless you doubt Dani's nose."

"Well…no, but are you sure it's the best idea to go in there alone?" She craned her head to look at the size of the rocky cliffs as they had gotten closer. "There's no telling how far down this cave could be."

"That's why I have you and Miraidon."

(I did not make this decision on his behalf.)

"We go quietly and maybe we can reason with the other combee that it took tinkatink's hammer by mistake. It just wants it back. Not like these are beedrill."

Jules had to admit that he was right. While not found in Paldea, beedrill were more common to the north in Kalos. Highly territorial and notorious for mercilessly attacking opponents with potent stingers, it was often the stuff of nightmares in woodlands and prairies of inexperienced trainers running into beedrill hives unexpectedly. Disturbing one often caused the entire hive to attack in a frenzy.

Combee might not be as aggressive as beedrill, but it still didn't make what Rian was going to attempt any less dangerous.

"Just…back me up?" He pleaded, still watching the hive's entrance. Activity hadn't slowed since they had arrived. "Look, I sort of made the mess of losing tinkatink's hammer and I feel really siento about it. I'd like to at least make it right if anything."

"Don't you think that's a little much? Isn't the whole risking your own business to help others a little bit excessive?"

"Jules, just say so if you don't want to help. I'll do this alone if I have to."

If he thinks this is what's gonna win that pokemon over…I swear there's no putting sense into him when it comes to trying to impress other people.

Rian waited just a little longer before he finally made his move, creeping across the open ground and putting his back to the rock wall. Behind him, both the tinkatink and Baron mirrored his actions. All of the combee continued without so much as a pause in their activity and they had yet to see any of them glance towards them.

Jules held her breath as he slowly and quietly slipped through the mouth of the cave and disappeared from sight.

Miraidon remained unmoving next to her, but it somehow must've sensed that she was quite uneasy about the whole thing. Raising its head, the data analysis had fully run its course.

(Scan complete. Sect identified based on match of wing and flight patterns…origins from Survey Corps data trace sect's ancestry to Ramanas Island, among the rarest for combee to be found.)

There was just so much data for it to sift through, but for one person to take days, weeks or even months, all of the public records and relevant information Miraidon needed to know was accessed within nanoseconds.

"I know Miraidon." Jules whispered, gently patting it on the side. "I'm worried too."

(Data unsatisfactory. Many variables remain unaccounted for. Acoustic signature less attuned compared to other common sects. Accessing database for protective countermeasures involving combee incidents. Access complete. Threat level raised. Be careful Trainer Rian. Protocol Three enaction possible. Awaiting further situational development to determine corrective action.)

"Mierda." Rian whispered. "It's kinda dark in here."

He had underestimated how quickly the lack of lighting had hampered his vision just a couple of meters in the crevice. It sloped up to an even narrower opening where he'd have to crouch down to proceed further. That wasn't an issue with the small hexagonal bugs as they effortlessly floated up, but he had to get on his hands and knees as the ceiling began to slant down.

Within the close walls of the cave, the buzzing noise of the worker combee had began to intensify more and more from deeper within. Rian kept quiet, still moving forward and taking out his RotoPhone's flashlight to help illuminate the way ahead. Parts of where his hands had touched didn't have the coolness of stone and he wondered if it was part of the actual hive material called propolis.

Oddly enough, many combee seemed to have easily spotted them, but made no attempts to attack or interact with the newcomers. Rian didn't want to overstay their welcome, but figured that one attacking would make their problems much much worse.

The tinkatink spotted something ahead as it crawled past him and Baron, jumping up and down in joy while running towards the bigger cavern.


His eyes had taken the time to adjust to the darker conditions and he could see that tinkatink was focused on a small object placed on the ground in the middle. The small creature climbed over rocks, scurrying to the object and picking it up.

Tinkatink giggled and smiled, waving it. While doing so, Rian saw that the thick coat of pollen that had covered its metal surface billowed off like fine dust, picked up by his phone's light.

"Okay," he whispered. "We got the hammer. Let's get out of here before things get bad."

No sooner had the words left his mouth when things did indeed get very bad.

Tinkatink was so joyous in that it had finally gotten its long lost hammer, it never noticed an even larger shape at the far side of the cavern rotating around. Giant wings sprouted out of the creature's back and the glow of angered ruby eyes made Rian's stomach lurch.

The creature made a loud hiss of fury as suddenly the combee began to fly into a frenzy all around them. Many buzzed into the holes at the top of the cave while others came to stand between them.

Tinkatink yelped and tried to run, but it had dashed its foot against a raised section of the rock and tripped over in the haste to escape. The first couple of combee moved on the attack, one slamming into the small pokemon's side in a tackle.

Rian knew he had to intervene and was already jumping into action when a second one flew down in an attempt to make a second tackle attack.

"Baron, water gun!"

Just like when he fought the tinkatink originally, he shifted the aim in his bill to lead the diving combee so that it flew directly into the path. Baron waited for just a moment before launching a quick blast of water that had been a textbook shot. The combee cried out, fainting from the impact and was knocked off course into the ground.

"C'mon let's go!" Rian was on his feet and he ran over to scoop up the tinkatink before anyone else could react. The larger insect pokemon was watching him intently and he saw another glow from the center of its forehead.

Oh mierda. I'm starting to have it for caves because it's always something that's trying to kill me!

Hugging the tinkatink close to his body, he bolted for the way they came just as the bigger bug launched whatever attack it had been charging. A flash of light nearly blinded him before a teeth-jarring detonation caused the entire cave to shudder. Rian gasped, losing his footing just as he crested the top of the slope, but he had made it through. Baron jumped after him just as the big pokemon came in sight in pursuit of the intruders.

Now with a little bit more light, he could see the more defining features. It had the same coloration as the other combee with yellow and black patterns, but the body was bigger with a wider abdomen that resembled a dress. The wings on its back were much larger than a regular combee's and it had two limbs that ended in claws.

Rian blinked as his RotoPhone with the light still activated had picked up the new pokemon's signature. Scanning…match found. Vespiquen. Beehive pokemon. Bug and flying type. It is the evolved form of a female combee. Female exclusive species. It houses its colony in cells in its body and releases various pheromones to make those grubs do its bidding. Only intervenes if its hive is directly threatened.

"Look Your Majesty, it's a big misunderstanding." Rian said. "One of your worker combees took Tinkatink's hammer here and it just wanted it back."

The vespiquen hissed angrily and raised its arms to draw a pair of sharp claws. As it lunged down, Baron jumped to meet it, slamming his wings into the bigger pokemon's side. Vespiquen's slash was interrupted, though Baron was visibly shaking with unease as the queen rounded on him. Her forehead began to glow to fire another power gem.

"Baron, wing attack straight forward!"

Through his initial fear, Baron had nodded and spread his wings out, rushing to meet the vespiquen head on. She was again knocked off course and the power gem attack hit the ceiling, causing another thunderous explosion that sent head-sized chunks raining down. Several of the combee flying were struck by the falling debris. Baron jumped out of the way of another slash, rushing to rejoin his trainer.

"Go!" Rian took advantage of the distraction. Back from the depths of the cave, he could hear the buzzing noise of more combee as they began to grow in volume in response to being summoned to their matriarch's aid.

We've woken the hive!

So! A chapter I originally planned to have a bit longer is gonna come to a close here! There's still plenty to go and this would've been a much longer wait if I had kept this incomplete. I wanted to get at least something out before being gone again. Once life calms down and I'm back from my trips, then updates will start rolling again. Appreciate everyone's patience who reads.

Logged 'Dex Entries: Mareep, Starly, Drowzee, Tinkatink, Flabébé, Combee, Vespiquen

Spanish Translations:

  • María - Cannabis. While María is a feminine name derived from Mary, it is often used as a Spanish slang word for marijuana.
  • Diez lugares de interés de Paldea - Ten Sights of Paldea
  • Gran Campos de Oliveira - Grand Olive Orchard

Food and Drink
  • Agua sim gas - Mineral water. Mineral water and carbonated "sparkling" is popular in most of Europe, especially Germany and Italy. Most countries will have both carbonated "with gas" (con gas) and flat "without gas" (sim gas) Bottled water is often preferred over from the tap.

As always, thank you all for reading and reviewing! You give my writing purpose.


Spiteful Murkrow

Busy Writing Stories I Want to Read
  1. nidoran-f
  2. druddigon
  3. swellow
  4. lugia
  5. growlithe
  6. quilava-fobbie
  7. sneasel-kate
  8. heliolisk-fobbie
Heya, so I admittedly actually already skimmed over this first chapter of this story a few months back, but even back then, I thought that it was pretty fun, so I decided to revisit it with a proper look under the microscope:

Chapter 1

It was the landscape of another world. Situated in the very center of the large historic Paldea region was an area that few ventured into and fewer emerged from alive.

The stories of the place passed down for generations were fascinating as far as the history books could go and there was the very possibility that many tales of both the former and the horrifying didn't receive the chance to grace the archived records.

Paldea was vast as it was mysterious; a peninsular large region that jutted out to the southwest of the continent it was situated. The defining features were many marvels of nature from rolling hills, wide grasslands, an enormous desert to the west to Glaseado; the region's highest point atop an icy summit of bitter winds, it had been the cradle of one of the oldest continuous civilizations with an incredibly rich history. Like all everything else in the world, it was teeming with an incredible biodiversity of the creatures known as pokemon.

The anomaly was situated in the center. Theories were cast around ever since getting around the ring of nearly impassive foothills and cliffs spanning a circular shape that was more than twenty miles in diameter was arduously difficult, due in no small part from steep cliffs lined with sharp rocks as if they were jaws of a gigantic mouth. Anyone who had gotten to the top of the ten thousand foot altitude peak was greeted by the sight of a thick soup of fog that spanned the entirety of the bottom as far as the eye could possibly see. There was no telling the mysteries and secrets lay at the bottom.

Some small odds and ends suggestions for your opening here. Though I kinda wonder if your first two paragraphs at the very top work better coming after the fourth paragraph, since right now your opening goes from focusing on the Great Crater, to Paldea as a whole, to the Great Crater once again. e.x. the very lazy option that doesn’t take into account any of the story context after this point would be:

Paldea was vast as it was mysterious; a peninsular large region that jutted out to the southwest of the continent it was situated. The defining features were many marvels of nature from rolling hills, wide grasslands, an enormous desert to the west to Glaseado; the region's highest point atop an icy summit of bitter winds, it had been the cradle of one of the oldest continuous civilizations with an incredibly rich history. Like all everything else in the world, it was teeming with an incredible biodiversity of the creatures known as pokemon.

The anomaly was situated in the center. Theories were cast around ever since getting around the ring of nearly impassive foothills and cliffs spanning a circular shape that was more than twenty miles in diameter was arduously difficult, due in no small part from steep cliffs lined with sharp rocks as if they were jaws of a gigantic mouth. Anyone who had gotten to the top of the ten thousand foot altitude peak was greeted by the sight of a thick soup of fog that spanned the entirety of the bottom as far as the eye could possibly see. There was no telling the mysteries and secrets lay at the bottom.

It was the landscape of another world. Situated in the very center of the large historic Paldea region was an area that few ventured into and fewer emerged from alive.

The stories of the place passed down for generations were fascinating as far as the history books could go and there was the very possibility that many tales of both the former and the horrifying didn't receive the chance to grace the archived records.

Which is still a coherent opening when ordered that way. Something for you to consider, anyway.

As the land of Paldea came to be, through unions, dissolutions, and the forging of an empire two millennia ago; the desolate uncharted lands that nobody recalled entering was called the Great Crater of Paldea or Gran Cráter. Around the time it had been officially dubbed as that had been when such, the Paldean Empire had continued its growth to the surrounding lands, islands and throughout the world. Through the rise of the Paldean Empire; the Age of Enlightenment to the Trade Wars into the modern period; the Great Crater had stood virtually untouched, unblemished in the region's center, remaining one of the few places that man dared not to venture.

>multilingual antics

Mon sembable, mon frère!

That said, while that is indeed how you’d say ‘Great Crater’ in Spanish, the official Spanish language localization for S/V actually goes for a nuance closer to the original Japanese name by naming the place ‘El Foso de Paldea’, or roughly “The Hole of Paldea”. I’ll leave it up to you whether to have some fun with different localizations or stick to your guns there, since I’ll admit, ‘Gran Cráter’ does have a bit of a ring to it.

There were numerous attempts to explore it. As the Age of Exploration progressed; Paldeans in the world became known for their fearlessness in journeying out to distant lands, establishing colonies in the name of their beloved empire, many had sought to go into the mysterious zone in their region's center. Gathering their best and brightest, the many emperors and empresses of Paldea funded many such expeditions to learn the secrets of the newly named Área Cero. While fascinating discoveries were made, many of the explorers who had gone never returned, with the survivors recalling outlandish hallucinations and vividly detailed experiences that were deemed as heresy in the eyes of the deeply religious aligned Paldean populace and the dynastic monarchs who ruled it with iron fists.

Ah yes, sounds like Paldea was a lovely place back in the day. /s

Though in the time of as the Paldeans turning eventually turned their eyes and minds to much of the outside world, the mysterious Gran Cráter continued to remain an enigma for centuries. A forbidden land far too dangerous for the average man to enter. Still, its whose mysteries continued to fascinate. Fueling the people's thirst for adventure, wonder and understanding of what secrets lay within the impenetrable pit.

Some minor suggestions here and there for tweaks. They admittedly slightly change a couple nuances, so I’ll understand if you stick to your guns here.

"I'm sorry! This is too much for you! You must run! Seek safety! Hurry! GO!"

Oh, hi Turo. And I see that you’re echoing that line from S/V’s endgame.

The lab was a scene of chaos and carnage. Klaxon alarms wailed, overhanging lights flickered in an erratic pattern. Thick layers of dust and smoke choked the interior, covering every surface in a chalky white and gray. Large heaps of twisted metal, plastic, damaged by a mixture of sharp claws and scorch marks from white hot lightning littered the tables. A massive set of ghostly blue crystals had shattered into tiny shards. It had happened so fast, the attacker again wandering from its normal territory and expressing outrage at its presence. While the Trainer and his assistant that often accompanied it were able to defuse the situation, the assailant was not to be deterred.

That’s one hell of a territorial dispute there. Though I’m guessing that Turo’s brilliant plan after noticing his two robozards weren’t getting along was to assign them to watch different facilities in Area Zero

Protocol One and Two upheld. Protocol Three enacted.

It was not meant to be like this. The creature's attacker had shown no regard or remorse after the unexpected happened. It had no choice or urgency to move, even when its Trainer urged it to run. The human had been its longtime pokemon trainer, taking it in, caring for it, teaching it about its mysterious world and looked at it not just as something from a distant time or place to be studied, but as a dear friend.

Variables unknown. Objective failed. I have failed. I am the cause for failure.

Oh, so the italics is Miraidon’s internal thought process. A small nitpicky tweak if you feel like turning up the “computerese/machinese” a bit, but otherwise this is pretty cromulent as-is.

It had been told…no, ordered to run away as fast as possible. To escape immediately and seek safety.

Situation critical. Unable to abandon Trainer. Unable to stay due to directive issued. Conflicting directives to proceed. Blatant direct violation of established Trainer's Protocol Three. Status: Calamitous.

I actually forgot whether or not this was before or after Turo jumps in between his robodergs. Guess we’ll find out shortly.

The serpentine creature had to willfully force itself to ignore the mounting chaos below where its attacker in the midst of launching another attack towards it before vanishing inside a tiny purple and white capsule sphere. Another passing moment and it was gone. It spread a large pair of yellow white wings, using its aft legs to launch itself up. Each one doubling as a pair of maneuvering engines that produced shimmering vortexes of invisible thrust.

Directive: Seek safety. Protocol One upheld. Protocol Two enacted. Protocol Three incomplete, currently in conflict with Protocol Two due to circumstances.

Make that ‘after’. A little surprised that there wasn’t any foreshadowing of the AI being a thing, but I suppose that will come out in due time in this story.

The ascent within the Gran Cráter took less than a minute, the creature's turbine devices attached making a soft, but noticeable droning roar that had still disturbed the wildlife from the bottom caves to the upper levels. Several beings turned to the source of the rare sound, seeing the small object that was distant in the distance and scanning it with a mix of both organic and artificial optical organs.

The Gran Cráter's entire perimeter was surrounded by near-impassable jagged mountain peaks that stretched almost as high as the region's famed Glaceado Mountain that had formed whenever Paldea came to be. They stretched impossibly into the sky, covered by a thick dense white fog that hung just underneath the peaks that obscured what could be seen on the other side.

Ah yes, here’s the part of the opening cutscene that we’re all familiar with, just from a different angle.

Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Unable to abandon trainer companion, direct violation of Protocol One and Three. Unable to stay due to Protocol Two directive issued of seek safety. Conflicting directives to proceed.

Yet every instinct despite the processes had told it to run. To escape and never return to Área Cero and re-experience this whole thing all over again.

Oh, so that’s the explanation you’re rolling with for Miraidon’s canonical “nope nope nope” reaction when it comes time to glide back down into the Great Crater later on. A bit different from what I’d reflexively expect, but it still works.

Safety from hostile threats advised. Sternum sustained extensive damage. Mobility of limb R1 impeded by 44%. Structural exoframe damage extensive. Recount of incident inconclusive. Functions impeded in location. Offensive subroutine execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.

Oh, so he has like five hit points right now and is unable to enter Ultimate Mode. I’d object as a programmer and say that it’s more likely that the error code would be some random number (e.x. “0215”/”215” if keeping the ‘Sneasel’ reference), but given that the future paradox Pokémon are strongly implied to have either come from another world or else were outright imagined into existence, I suppose I can’t judge too hard if roboderg’s inner computer works differently than how one would expect IRL.

The creature continued to rocket out of the depths of the crater, passing the open underdepths. Its mounted engines sputtered and whined, straining to keep it going.

Adjusting for wind resistance and humidity increase. Weight 240 kilograms. Trims centered and locked.

Huh. So that is indeed how much Miraidon weighs in its non-US Pokédex entries. Duly noted.

The dense cloud overhangs were quickly upon it and to anyone that would have been looking at it ascending, it was as if it had merely disappeared into the cover. The only reminder of its presence was a low roar of the jet engines.

It had no idea how long it was in the dense clouds. Winds changed rapidly, forcing it to constantly adjust its wings and pivot its aft thrusters to avoid a midair stall.

Visibility unsatisfactory, switching to instruments.

Can’t tell if that’s supposed to be its eyes, or if Miraidon has built-in radar somewhere in that biomechanical mess inside.

Soon enough, the fog parted and gave way to an azure sky with the sun hanging overhead.

Syncing with internet sources…Sync complete. Date: 19th of August. Time: 0655 hours. Location:..triangulating new position. Gran Cráter de Paldea. Directive unchanged by trainer. Protocol One is no longer attainable. Upholding Protocol Two. Protocol Three is no longer attainable.

Setting aside any electronic compatibilities with non-Area Zero devices, he can get reception from the place that’s an almost literal black hole in the region and been so for forever? .-.

Seek safety. It had to find somewhere safe. Seek safety.

Navigation functions impaired. Error code: Cabbage. Unable to follow directive "seek safety" without established "safety" destination. Status: Calamitous.

Searching databases. Match found for "safety" Luz Sur. Source: word of mouth from trainer companion and records associating Luz Sur and safety in 249 instances. Unable to set navigation course to Luz Sur. Error code: Cabbage.

Recommended action: acquire Luz Sur visually.

Okay, so I admittedly did a double-take at this since I’m much more used to formulations like ‘Luz del Sur’ or ‘Luz Sureña' for the concept you’re going for here, but a quick sanity-check online appears to confirm that this is indeed a valid way of saying “South Light” in Spanish.

That said, ‘Luz’ as far as I know is not usable to refer to lighthouses (which from what I can recall of my initial readthrough was where this ultimately went) in the same way ‘Light’ is in English. In that case, it’d be a bit more likely that Turo and those other records Miraidon is referencing would’ve referred to ‘Faro (del) Sur’, which is pretty unambiguously ‘South Lighthouse’.

Though as an aside recommendation from personal experience, for foreign language content, unless it is very, very deliberately meant to be "impenetrable foreign jumble of words" to your viewpoint character, you should consider adding hovertext over the relevant loanwords/phrases. Since I've got a long and storied history of readers on Serebii and FFN complaining about how scrolling down and back between a translation key took them out of the experience for reading, thus why for platforms like this one that support it, I generally include it as a QoL thing.

All of the processing occurred in nanoseconds as the creature changed its flight path and zoomed down, turning left. It accelerated in a swoop just over sweeping green fields.

Ah yes, the part where bikederg almost gets bird striked by a couple Wattrel and then runs with the bulls. I see we’re doing all the moments from the opening cutscene right now.

Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30%. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"

The low altitude allowed it to pass just over a rumbling herd of quadruped bovine pokemon that were moving east.

Pokemon identified: Tauros. Paldean variant. Current status docile. Avoid interaction due to records of species' possible hostility. Uphold directive "seek safety"

So should I imagine the opening cutscene music playing in Miraidon’s head at the moment?

Though while the fields and rolling grasses teeming with other pokemon were inviting, it wasn't in its current interest at the moment. [ ]

More warnings of multiple problems continued to echo in its processing drives. As a bit in the navigation became functional for just a moment, it had realized that its own vector was este and not sur. It executed a ninety degree turn, tilting its right side down and getting a small visual on the next group of buildings. One in particular in the center stood out, still too far to discern any of its defining features.

It might make sense to explicitly reiterate what Miraidon’s present objective is, especially if it’s affecting his thought process at all. Also, huh, I actually completely forgot that this 90-degree turn does indeed happen right next to Uva Academy’s tower. Impressive attention to detail there. That said, if intend you intended to go all the way with novelizing the opening cutscene, you glossed over the tree that Miraidon crashes through just before the Tauros sequence, the near-ground impact among said Tauros, almost clipping the windmill in Artazon, and then the near-ground impact with those Flamigo in Area 5-ish, all of which presumably would’ve made Miraidon’s onboard nav system have the electronic equivalent of an tachycardia.

A bit nitpicky, since the parts from the opening cutscene you did focus on are still well-done, but I think you could’ve gotten some decent mileage out of those moments for selling the idea of “I’m not doing well, something’s really wrong” versus the frantic “must keep going to the lighthouse” a bit harder.

Visual of Luz Sur acquisition possible. Continue course to determine possible destination.

It took a few more minutes of steady flying until more visible landmarks could be acquired. The creature was approaching a town that was vastly spread out along the eastern grasslands, a large windmill situated in the center.

Oh well, nevermind that nitpick then. You did include those other moments after all.

Luz Sur match negative. Building match identified in city of Artazon. Triangulating position. Heading due east at one hundred fifteen. Course change advised to two seven zero due west.

Protocol Two upheld. Directive of seek safety remains unchanged. Locate Luz Sur.

And this is why you should’ve mentioned ‘Faro Sur’, Turo. It’d make your buddy’s navigation problems quite a bit easier to resolve at the moment.

At the lower altitude, the creature swooped low over Artazon, passing mere feet above a gigantic windmill and causing its slow and steady spinning to abruptly rotate. The few people outside on the ground only had a chance to blink and see an oddly shaped object zip right across the sky with the roar of jet engines being an only reminder.

Whelp, looks like we’re going to see Miraidon’s collision sensors have that electronic tachycardia in a little bit after all.

The creature's altitude gained as it ascended once more and moved on its new heading.

Navigation functions offline. Unable to restart. Error code: Cabbage.

Location estimated. Southern Paldea. Navarro Province. Luz Sur location determined east of Cabo Poco, Navarro Province.

Oh, so you gave the provinces actual names beyond cardinal directions in this localization. I’ll admit, I’m a little surprised that you didn’t just yoink names of bigger cities in the province from the Spanish localization (e.x. “Meseta/Alforno Province”), but I’m guessing that there was a reason why these names were rolled, so it’ll be interesting to find out what the backstory there is.

Adjusting orientation. Landmark sighted.

The creature's flight took it next to a larger city, multiple times bigger than the one known as Artazon. Nearly five times as many notable landmarks stood out among the different brown and tan shades of buildings in an urban sprawl that stretched over the winding canal that encircled the metro area. In the center were several taller buildings, all with unique shapes.

Its eyes scanned the mass of buildings clustered together as far as they could see. Luz Sur match negative. All landmarks match identified in city of Mesagoza. Adjust heading to one eight zero. Cabo Poco location determined.

Hello, Mesagoza. Though I guess I got the timing of that 90-degree turn a bit off after all and still no moment scaring those Flamigo.

By now, the low altitude and quick speed of the creature flying over had spotted another building of interest. Standing on top of a grand hill and visible for miles in the city was a structure with a worn gothic exterior and gigantic spires that spread out into hallways and dorms at its base. It was incredibly majestic as it was rustic.

Building identified. Known to Trainer. Source: notes and artifacts of personal value. Cannot determine exact number. Uva Academy. Trainer's former base of operations.

Adjusting heading to one eight zero. Course for Cabo Poco charted.

I suppose that having an active internet connection would help with finding that out, since you’d think that in a vacuum, that Miraidon’s reflexive assumption would be that the lighthouse would be Turo’s old stomping grounds since if I remember my plot deets right, that’s where Miraidon spent more or less all of its time before it brutally wrecked the day of some unfortunate wild Pokémon.

Now this time around, even more onlookers were hearing the mysterious noise and looking up to find the source, likely some kind of aircraft. The creature's low pass less than a hundred feet up was strong enough to kick up dust and a blast of wind that nearly took the hat off a man's head.

Warning: flight actions exceeding current capability safety limits. Flight capabilities limited. Hadron Engine functionality 30% and decreasing. Protocol Two upheld. Directive "seek safety" remains. Uphold action to locate "Luz Sur"

Miraidon: “Also, note to check integrity of memory unit after successful completion of directive. Lack of recallable visual reference in spite of internet access indicates potential damage.

Flight options increase by reverting to Ultimate Form "God Mode" Offensive subroutines offline…execution failed. Error code: Sneasel.

I was going to criticize this and say that ‘Superuser’ or ‘Admin’ would be more likely “computerese” way of saying “souped up form that can do anything”, but then I remembered that I’ve basically never touched a Windows PC outside of Steam gaming for like a decade now, and this is apparently a thing in Windows OSes, so cute nod there.

The flyover was long gone, but the presence of a mysterious flying object was about to cause a lot of buzz. Even the air traffic control center operators had been puzzled with the blip unexpectedly entering Mesagozan airspace, circling around the north section of the city before disappearing and heading south.

I’m surprised that he’d show on air traffic control radars given that roboderg’s been within 300 meters of the ground for a huge chunk of his flight so far and presumably does not have an ADS-B transponder… maybe. I suppose if he can link with contemporary Paldean internet, I shouldn’t rule that one out.

Reaching the area of Cabo Poco didn't take long. As it scanned the horizon for the Luz Sur, it had spotted an object of interest out of its field of vision. When it had begun a turn to the left, there was an abrupt rumble from the engines, followed by multiple alarms.

Warning! Aft engine L2 compromised! Engine failure contained. Airspeed decreasing! Error code:.

Wait, but doesn’t Miraidon only have two engines? Or are you assuming that there’s multiple that share the same thrusters for output?

The creature's current airspeed was still too fast. Bringing itself around; it finally settled its sight on a tall white tower with a wide brimmed observation deck and two red stripes at the base, just above a wider building on the ground. A nanosecond to search through its databases gave a ninety nine percent confirmation on the structure's shape, color and position based on images on the internet that this building was the Luz Sur.

Location confirmed. Extensive history of time spent in area. Exact amount is indeterminate.

At last. It could follow the directive it was given by the trainer that it was ordered and forced to abandon in that damned crater.


I mean, we’ll get there eventually, I suppose, but yeah. I know how this sequence goes both here and in the games, just saying. >:V

Directive: seek safety.


Even as the creature felt a bit of satisfaction that despite its immensely weakened and impaired state, it had managed to still complete the assigned task. More processes went through its mind, wondering if the trainer companion would eventually be reunited with it.

As powerful of a being it was, the creature had been distracted long enough to ignore several other alarms that were beginning to crop up.

Oh, so Miraidon’s onboard nav system does freak out whenever he’s about to crash. That actually makes me wish we’d gotten to see a bit more of that a bit earlier on since canonically there’s a few opportunities to do so, but eh. Your story, your rules, especially since most novelizations don’t strictly 1:1 their source material in all places.



Altitude decreasing! Stall imminent!



Pull up!


Brace for impact!

Hadron Engine functionality 22% and decreasing. Fatigue levels significantly exceeding normal limits. Energy reserves fully depleted. Reverting to emergency standby mode.

Okay, not that Miraidon exactly takes long to fall out of the sky canonically, but I do wonder if this would’ve been more impactful to show stuff like his visual feed sputtering or just general signs of his flight wobbling while passing the lighthouse intermixed with these messages to better get in the head of Miraidon as his consciousness is fading.

The exhaustion from the flying and the wear and tear from before was beginning to catch up at long last. Digital eyes slowly faded away and the emergency standby mode had detected its lapse in consciousness, automatically engaging the still active reverse thruster in its undamaged aft engine due to it sensing that it was still airborne. The cowling split open, redirecting airflow through the other direction of the engines while it was still in midflight to decelerate. This caused a loud roar to reverberate in the area, rolling over the sleepy town of Cabo Poco.

Okay, not that the narration didn’t acknowledge this from the mention of things like one of Miraidon’s limbs being messed up in his internal error feed, but I wonder if it should’ve been dwelled on a bit more, especially if Miraidon’s condition was actively degrading during the flight.

Under normal circumstances, it would only need to do this process for a couple of seconds to be able to glide for a smooth landing.

Not this time.

Cue the splashdown in 3… 2..

Shutting down all nonessential functions. Remaining airborne with an estimated uncontrolled drop of 15 feet. Margin of survivability with maximum favorable circumstances 56%.

The creature hit the water just before the shoreline with a loud crash, tumbling end over end in the wet sand. Most of the velocity and speed of its uncontrolled descent was cut when it broke the ocean's surface, entering into a roll that splashed everywhere, sending nearby fish pokemon scattering. The spin almost looked as if the creature was thrashing on its own agonized death throes. Only a few seconds had elapsed from the crash landing, but had felt like an eternity when it finally screeched to a bone crunching halt that left a scarring of skid marks along the sandbar right where the edge of the calm waves lapped against the beach.

Huh. I’ll admit, the official cutscene leaves it ambiguous as to whether Miraidon made it onto the beach directly or got washed ashore, but that does seem to make sense given that it’s not as if Miraidon would be able to trigger Aquatic Mode in its present state.

Weakly raising its purple and gray head, it scanned the surroundings, having crashed in an enclosed bay that was below the ground of the Luz Sur. Nobody else was nearby, it detected no close proximity of humans or pokemon observing. Seeing that the building of interest was meters away on an above elevated cliff, the creature judged that the distance was satisfactory.

Everything was hurting, needing repairs, needing rest.

But at least it was safe.


Essential functions compromised. Hadron Engine functionality 14%. Hadron Engine unable to sustain essential functions. Directive override. Attain energy source to regain Hadron Engine functionality to restore basic essential functions.

Separated from Trainer. Reunite again? Reunite?

Shutdown initiated.

Miraidon: “Need rest. Entering sleep mode.

With the final command issued; the creature's sensors dialed down to the bare minimum in an effort to conserve as much energy as it could.

All it could do was hope that something would be able to give it enough aid. Or someone.

Directive: Seek safety.

Directive Status: Completed.


Well, that was quite the opening there. I’ll admit, I usually don’t pay much attention to novelizations since a lot of them fall into the trap of just retelling things that you can play/watch from the source material, but you did a really good job at adding to the base experience to put a unique spin on things, especially with the added beginning that canonically players don’t find out about in the broadest of terms until like 20 hours of gameplay. The characterization of Miraidon was also fun to see, like it leans fairly heavy on the ‘machine’ end of the scale, but it does feel like a plausible take on ‘yeah, a Miraidon would have this thought process’ and it was a lot of fun to see play out. I was also a sucker for the multilanguage content and the expansion of the official fluff you did in this prologue, which I’m sure is a good sign for where things will go in future chapters.

There were a couple parts where I thought you had some wording that was a little iffy here and there, and in the very opening, the ordering of your paragraphs felt like they could’ve been reshuffled entirely. Most of my other criticisms were basically a step removed from “if I’d been the one writing this” territory, which is ultimately a matter of authorial preference. If there was one of them that I’d encourage you not to reflexively dismiss (which granted, I wouldn’t blame you if you did anyways, since rewrite-itis has a nasty tendency of killing fics), it’d be to expand the novelization of the opening cutscene from Miraidon’s perspective to depict a couple bits you glossed over to have a bit more fun with his inner thought process and his onboard sensors and computer going full:


in live time. But what’s there already is genuinely quite well done.

Kudos @BraviaryScout . I admittedly don’t know if I’ll have time to come back to this story during Review Blitz since I’ve already got quite a full plate, but your story’s on my radar, and one way or another, it won’t be the last time I cross paths with it.
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Chapter 13: Crucial Catch


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! I do apologize for the longer than normal wait, but life got busy and I am a bit disappointed in myself with the story being out for this long and only barely getting to the first objective. It is a rather lengthy tutorial and I did have quite a bit going on off the side.

I might be able to squeeze in another update before the end of the month, but this may end up being the final update for the year. I'm hoping to get this back on track in 2025 with a lot more progress to show for it.

Let's get to it. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Jules failed to notice that Miraidon had stood up, paying rapt attention to the entrance of the hive in front of them. She paced back and forth, her impatience evident at the fact her brother had been gone for longer than she would've liked.

"C'mon Rian," she had mumbled under her breath. Miraidon had noted that it was the fourth time in the last three minutes. "What's holding you up?"

(Trainer Rian has been proven he is capable enough despite his inexperience. Trainer Nemona's encouragement has improved morale.)

Jules stopped her pacing, looking back up at the hive and then resuming a moment later. Nearby, Basil and Dani glanced up at their trainer with concern.

(Trainer Jules does not appear to understand reassurances. Attempt to communicate verbally failed. Error code: Chatot. Searching for other methods of possible communication.)

"Where are yo-" The young Paldean stopped as something nudged her shoulder. Miraidon had quietly approached and gave her a reassuring bump with its smooth snout. Its eyes flickered while sitting upright and staring at her with the same curiosity as it had done with Rian when they had first met.

"Miraidon." She breathed. "Do…do you think Rian will be okay?"

(Undetermined. However Trainer Rian's determination proves detrimental to his success.)

However, despite the reassurances, the sensation of increased hive activity further within the cave's warrens. A few combee had hastily entered since, but none had exited.

(Change in worker combee flight patterns detected. Behavior matches that of active combat. Potential hive queen issuing directives towards fighting off external threats. Trainer Rian endangerment probability raised to fifty five percent. Protocol Three may be required to ensure Trainer Rian's safety. Hadron Engine functionality 51%. Status: Calamitous. Satisfactory for transportation needs.)

Miraidon raised its head, sensing further change.

(Pheromone electrical impulses detected. Signature matches that of Ramanas Island sect combee colonies. Warning, significantly outnumbered. Satisfactory data gathered to conclude that Trainer Rian is in imminent danger. Protocol Three; Protect the Trainer enacted.)


The girl's head snapped up to see Rian emerging from the mouth of the narrow cave, an arm cradling both Baron and the tinkatink. The small pinkish creature clutched the tiny metal hammer in its hands with a death grip.

"We gotta go!" He shouted as both Jules and Miraidon reached him. As they grabbed their ATX rider helmets and jammed them on, Jules wanted to chastise him for recklessly going in there alone. However as her mouth opened, they heard an ominous buzzing and the big vespiquen angrily burst out, a swarm of combee behind it that was thick enough to blot out the light from the treeline behind.

"Oh this is not good!"

"Did you try and reason with it?" Jules asked, suddenly seeing it turn towards them and fly over with a far more aggressive gait than before. Next to her both Basil and Dani tensed at the approaching threat.

"Pretty sure that's not making much of a difference!" Rian retorted. They quickly scrambled back on Miraidon just as the vespiquen's hand sharpened into a glowing white scythe and launched it downwards.

"Baron, water gun!"

The quaxly had just a couple moments and jumped aside to dodge the oncoming air slash. He opened his bill and blasted back the vespiquen with a firm stream of water. The bug hissed in anger and had been caught off guard yet again, but the attack didn't appear to do any serious damage and only further drawn its anger.

Combee filled in from the sides, forming a loose bubble around their queen as it retreated. Rian and Jules counted maybe a dozen, but more were on their way…possibly hundreds of them.

"Use leafage Basil!" Jules called out. Basil jumped forward and spun a flurry of glowing leaves. The vespiquen was too slow to dodge with its heavier bulky abdomen slowing its flight and raised its arms in front of its face in an attempt to shield it. Multiple combee immediately jumped in, forming a living barrier in front of its leader. Each one glowed a bright green in similar to color to Basil's leafage before loosely parting. The vespiquen emerged, looking refreshed and healed from what little damage Baron and Basil had previously dealt.

"That thing just healed itself!" Jules cried, watching as Basil narrowly dodged another air slash. Baron jumped in with his wings spread out for an attack, but several worker combee again had coagulated together to form a wall to take the brunt of his wing attack. Several were knocked out instantly from the blow, but their queen had been unharmed.

Jules knew that Rian and Baron couldn't keep their battle on forever if their weaker attacks failed to do significant damage. She had to at least try to help.

(Combat diagnostics and checks complete. Disabling safeties per Protocol Three. Initiating offensive subroutines per Protocol Three. Ultimate Form "God Mode" inoperable. Drift Core offline. Attempt failed. Error code: Sneasel. Running diagnostics…fault inexplicable. But it is not always…successful. Failure is possible. Calculating alternate means to enact Protocol Three.)

A cry brought the twins out of their focus as tinkatink had jumped down when more combee began to dive bomb it from above. Her hammer rattle suddenly began to glow and she swatted at the closest one right as it was about to reach her. The blow crushed its wing and sent it careening into the brush. Tinkatink's efforts in joining the fight caused a lot more attention drawn towards it as more combee began to swarm in her direction. She growled in defiance, swatting down two more, but a third one had lunged and found purchase on her hammer.

The two small pokemon were locked in a tug-of-war for the crudely crafted tool. Tinkatink growled in defiance, however the combee was quick to call for aid from its peers in the hive.

Baron was dodging another slash from the vespiquen as Basil and Dani circled it from behind to try and find an opening its underlings had left exposed. The enormous flying bug was crafty in constantly shifting its attention so that it was fully aware of its opponents' location. On Jules' command, Dani had butt in for a tackle, but was quickly deflected by a slash. He took advantage of her being distracted by Baron using wing attack. Spreading them wide, he waited until the underlings on orders to protect the vespiquen had quickly relocated to her front where Dani was located before striking the heavier abdominal section. Vespiquen hissed angrily and turned around for another slash at Baron, but another leafage from Basil had sliced in to disrupt its counterattack.

Something caught Rian's eye and he turned his head just slightly to see the tinkatink still in an effort to dislodge the tenacious combee from trying to steal its hammer. As much as he wanted to help it, the vespiquen was the ruler and commander of the hive. If it was in more serious trouble, there was a chance the combee workers would have to instead prioritize defending it.

But something was off, tinkatink's gray hammer looked like it was covered in dust.

Mierda. That's not dust. It's pollen. That's why they're so attracted to it!

He wasn't really sure if a direct solution like this was going to work, but he had to try. "Baron, water gun on tinkatink's hammer!"

Luckily his pokemon did without hesitation. Baron's accuracy was on-par, hitting the metal tool with enough force to rip it out of both grips of the grappling pokemon. The hammer flew through the air, landing in the grass. To his relief, no other combee paid it further attention, furthering his belief that it had been the grains of pollen attached to its surface drawing them in.

The boy dashed for the hammer, ignoring Jules' cry of disbelief as he went to retrieve it. She glanced up just as vespiquen launched another air slash that caught Basil midair as he was beginning to attack again. The supereffective strike knocked him out instantly and Dani had to jump to the side to avoid being struck by his tumbling body.

"Basil!" Jules cried. Dani immediately leapt back in to protect her own trainer, glaring at the bigger bug. The vespiquen abruptly turned and its reddish compoundeyes locked onto Rian before it flew swiftly after him.

He didn't need to hear Jules' warning to know that he was next on its shit list. Heart pounding in his chest, he scooped up the clean hammer with Baron right behind. The vespiquen had closed the distance far faster than he anticipated and he only had enough time to glance up to see its claws raised to deliver a slash that would likely bisect him like wrapping paper.

(Protocol Three: Protect the Trainer)

Neither of them noticed that Miraidon had rushed over, pushing itself to its upper limits in order to maximize the probability of being able to intervene in time.

(Drift Core offline. God Mode inoperable. Error code: Sneasel. Hostile pokemon's point of attack identifying, preparing countermeasures. Pheromone impulse standby.)

Miraidon shifted forward, raising its forelegs up with its claws outstretched. Eyes calculated the vespiquen's trajectory giving it enough data and time to perfectly lash out itself and intercept the attack.

Rian and Jules gasped as Miraidon shoved back with tremendous force, causing the large beehive pokemon to reel back and shake its head in utter disbelief.

(This is not a threat…but a warning. Our incursion into the hive was unwarranted, but purpose is not for destruction.)

Though brief, the twins hadn't known of whatever exchange took place between the two bigger pokemon, but the vespiquen appeared to be further ired by Miraidon's sudden appearance. With a loud buzz of its wings and flick of its arms, a dozen combee flocked over and surrounded their queen, all ready to lend their assistance.

(Choice made. Preparing countermeasures. Pheromone impulse activated. Tuning signal to match Ramanas Island sects.)

"Oh this doesn't look good!" Rian blanched. Next to him, both Baron and tinkatink had tensed, firmly standing in between it and him. Miraidon stayed unmoving as vespiquen had rounded on it, forming another scythe blade in its claws and preparing to swing it down.

Just as it was about to unleash the attack, it stopped in its tracks and hovered in a catatonic manner in place. Like their queen, the combee had done the same with none of them making any unusual noises. The angry buzzing had subsided as if someone had flipped off the switch for a fan.


Miraidon's eyes narrowed as the vespiquen's stance immediately became more passive. It hovered and glanced up at its combee workers that had suddenly showed a revert of behavior back to their previous docile state.

(Intervening on behalf of Protocol Three to ensure Trainer Rian's safety. A pokemon's object that it values was mistakenly obtained by a worker combee.)

Rian and Jules watched as the vespiquen shifted and rested its gaze on tinkatink. It hovered forward, eyes glaring down at the smaller pokemon as it shifted uncontrollably.

Miraidon matched it, moving so that it continued to stand in between the beehive pokemon and its trainers.

(Hostile vespiquen displaying familiar behaviors of anger and aggression among species. Trainer Rian and Trainer Jules have no intention of endangering your hive and would have been on our way once the object in question was retrieved.)

The cybernetic dragon's eyes flashed. (Control of the worker combee hive established to ensure that they are no longer a threat. Similarly, you will not be able to issue commands to them. Relinquishing your hive back to you once we have a guarantor of safe passage to exit your established territory.)

The large vespiquen hissed angrily and approached, claws still reared back in a threatening stance. Though Miraidon held its ground; Rian and Jules quickly ushered their other pokemon in for backup.

He kept an eye on the surrounding combee, each one flitting about and keeping a distance from both Miraidon and their queen-in-exile. The larger bug's head constantly darted around and the twins could tell that it was growing irritated that its own colony was refusing to follow her commands to likely attack them. Each of the smaller workers had passive expressions, showing they were calm and unlikely to become aggressive.

For the time being.

(Threat from hostile Vespiquen has been noted, ruled irrelevant. Hostile incapable of using subordinates to attack Trainer Rian and Trainer Jules. Electrical impulse remains active.)

"Look here." Rian reached down and his fingers grasped the tinkatink's hammer. Upon seeing her prized tool about to be taken away, the creature looked ready to sob, but allowed him to take it. He gently held it up in his hands. "One of your workers accidentally took this tinkatink's hammer. It was covered in pollen and an honest mistake. I didn't want to come and disturb your hive, but I couldn't stand by and not do anything!"

Amazingly, the vespiquen had heard him. She slowly rotated and fixated her red compoundeyes on him.

Rian tried not to flinch or back away, but met the queen's gaze as best he could. He had no idea if it was considered a direct challenge by making eye contact.

"I'm really sorry for all of that. It's just a misunderstanding." He gently patted Miraidon's head with his free hand. "It won't happen again."

The silence that followed was long and pregnant, save for the muted buzzing of the other workers that had surrounded them. Vespiquen stared at him for only a few seconds that felt like an eternity before its black claws retracted. He dared to let out a sigh of relief of a breath he had no idea he was holding.

(Hostile vespiquen aggression levels decreasing. Trainer Rian's explanation appears to be successful.)

Slowly, they saw that the queen backed away from the group towards the direction of its hive. The swarm of combee parted as it passed through, but remained still in following Miraidon's holding order.

(Hostile vespiquen appears to agree to terms and allow us to depart peacefully. Recommend we move due west for the shortest distance to the edge of their established territory. Strongly recommend that we do not overstay our welcome.)

"Wow." Jules breathed, her own expression in complete shock at how the hyper aggressive beehive pokemon had such a huge shift in behavior. "What…no way you did all of that."

"No?" Rian shook his head. "I guess I'm not as charming with the ladies as I thought."

He saw his sister's eyes narrow, knowing that it was another one of his lame attempts at humor. "No, it's definitely not that."

A soft whine from Miraidon caught their attention and a glance at each other caused the twins to come to the same conclusion.

"Miraidon?" They glanced at the dragon, who offered them nothing but a look of equal curiosity.

(Suggest we egress to the west to leave before the vespiquen begins to investigate on why the remainder of its hive has not returned.)

"You were the one who helped?! Wow!" Jules patted Miraidon's head. "Thank you so much!"

(Trainer Jules expresses gratitude. Fulfilled my obligations to Protocol Three. Gratitude of having friends and Trainer Rian, Trainer Jules safe and appreciation is accepted. Trainer Jules and Trainer Rian appear to be unaware of issued warning. Searching for other methods to make evident threat has not subsided. Combee colony holding steady. Pheromone impulse connection nominal. Severance prepared.)

"Miraidon being the uns-" Rian's next words were cut off when the dragon in question began to nudge him with the tip of its snout away from the combee. Though he could see none were poised to attack, he had a feeling that Miraidon had something to do with it and probably meant they should be leaving.

"Good idea." Rian laughed as Miraidon nudged him again. He scooped up Baron and the tinkatink before leading the way. "I think it wants us to get out of the hive's territory."

"Oh right." Jules knelt down and grinned as Dani scampered over into her arms. "You were amazing out there girl!" The fidough yipped and made sure to return the affection with a sloppy kiss on her trainer's cheek.

It took them just a minute to reach the edge of what Miraidon had established as the hive's boundary before it stopped and turned around.

(Severance complete. Pheromone impulse connection terminated. Control of the hive is yours once again in honor of the agreement.)

In unison, the combee's buzzing had returned to an idle level as each one shook off the effects of their involuntary hijacking. Less tightly packed together, they began to scatter back in the direction of their hive beyond the treeline. Only a few remained, flying between the flowers and shrubs in mild interest, but paying the group little to no attention at all. It only took a few minutes before all activity normalized.

Jules couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at that. "I'm just glad they saw some reason. Not sure how much longer we could've lasted."

"Yeah. I know." Rian noticed tinkatink jumping up and down, its arms outstretched towards him. For a second, he wondered why and then saw that he still held the hammer in his hand.

"Oh, siento my friend." The small creature babbled something happily as he gently handed the tool back. "That's a fine hammer you've made. Take good care of it, you hear?"

(Tinkatink appears to express gratitude for Trainer Rian and Trainer Jules in helping it retrieve the stolen hammer.)

"And thank you Miraidon." The boy gave the creature's neck an affectionate pat. "Thank you for having my back."

(Trainer Rian expresses gratitude. Merely fulfilling obligations to Protocol Three. While it is in place to safeguard all Trainers that are linked, it is not meant for reckless endangerment. Enact Protocol Three to the best of abilities. But it is not always…successful. Failure…is possible.)

Miraidon looks down for some reason.
Jules thought to herself. She swore that there was almost a hint of sadness in the cybernetic creature's posture…or what had constituted as remorse. Any further curious thoughts were negated when Miraidon raised its head again.

(The battle and situation were difficult scenarios and Trainer Rian handled them well despite being faced with overwhelming odds. Combat efficiency increased greatly. Trainer Nemona informed.)

"Well, be sure to stay out of trouble." Rian knelt down and gave the tinkatink a pat on top of its head. The small creature squealed in delight and happily waved the hammer in front of him.

It watched as he grinned, stood up and turned around to walk back to Jules and Miraidon. The latter quickly had transformed into its Ride Mode as Jules climbed onto the drivers' seat while strapping on her helmet. She tossed his to him.

(In the face of danger, it appears that Trainer Jules and Trainer Rian have had quite an adventure that they enjoyed. Much time has elapsed and arrival into Cortondo is now scheduled in the evening if we leave immediately.)

Tinkatink watched the boy go, glancing back at the hammer in its hand. One would've guessed that it found the adventure just as enjoyable as their other pokemon. He bravely faced down a creature much larger and stronger, just to help a complete stranger.

If he was willing to brave that, then it wanted to be a part of that too.

A decision was made.

(Tinkatink detected approaching.)

"Hey look," Jules' voice was again muffled under her ATX helmet as she climbed on Miraidon's back, but Rian saw her point to something in the grass. A familiar pink creature ran up to Miraidon's side and waved its hammer excitedly.

"What's the matter? Did you forget something?"

(Tinkatink expresses willingness to travel alongside Trainer Rian. Trainer Rian exhibits signs of extreme naïveness and appears to not understand its desire.)

He watched as it pointed the end of its hammer towards him, waving it down in a chop again and again.

"I might not understand it's babbling," Jules had said at last after a few seconds of careful observation. "But I think the tinkatink wants to join you."

No way. His heart suddenly raced as the possibilities came to mind. Remembering how hard it had been for him to catch the other pokemon and then making the decision to help retrieve the hammer after it had been lost.

Could it be that all this time, I was just being redirected to a crucial first catch that was worthwhile?

"I-I…yeah! Okay!" Rian's face broke out into a huge smile and the tinkatink again jumped for joy. "Okay, I'll catch you. But we gotta do it properly in a battle!"

He dismounted Miraidon and found an open space off to the side of the road they had come from while handing Jules his helmet for her to hold onto. Tinkatink followed him and took its place on the other side.

Okay. First capture. Remember what Nemona taught you.

"Baron!" Rian tossed his first partner pokemon's ball into the air, snapping it open and depositing the quaxly in front. A hint of recognition flashed in its eyes and it glanced back at Rian with a bit of hesitancy.

He knew what he was thinking and gave his pokemon a reassuring nod. "A battle is a battle!"

With that, the fight began.

Tinkatink wasted no time in charging forward, holding the hammer high as it gleamed in the afternoon sun.

Metal claw.

Baron's eyes narrowed and he jumped to the side to avoid the attack. Tinkatink kept on him, raising the hammer again and swung down. Though he kept dodging, the pink pokemon finally got a hit in that sent him reeling back. Baron rolled onto his feet, dodging another metal claw swing.

"Water gun!"

Tinkatink's hammer was brought up as Baron blasted it point blank, sending it tumbling back with a screech. Though it had fought the combee off just a few minutes earlier, the creature's feistiness was apparent as it flipped back on its feet and lunged forth again.

Rian's eyes went wide at how quick it was able to close the gap.

Mierda! He was barely able to have Baron meet it with a pound attack. His wings blocked the next metal claw strike, but the two pokemon remained in a deadlock tussle.

Then tinkatink broke it a moment later. Its mouth opened and it unleashed a bursting scream that jolted even Miriadon out of its thoughts. Adrenaline shot through Rian's veins. Though unexpected, it filled him with that same thrill he got when watching battles on television. The same trainers he wanted to be himself.

I gotta do something. Baron had to backpedal, but still clutched his ears with his wings while trying to get over being temporarily deafened. Tinkatink took the advantage by swatting him with the hammer again and sending him crashing into the dirt.

If he knew how the other pokemon fought by now, it wasn't going to let up. So neither could Baron.

"Get up!" He had no idea if his command could be heard, but he had to try. "Use water gun again on the hammer!"

Baron was a little slow in getting up, but his eyes locked on as tinkatink jumped and lunged yet again with that surprising speed. Though he moved a bit later than Rian would have preferred, his bill spat a fine stream of water again that struck the tinkatink's hand holding the hammer. The small pokemon was caught off guard and in its surprise, the grip on the tool loosened enough that the pressure took it straight out of its grip. Though it lost its hold, Rian was assured this time that there would be no errant combee that would snatch it up again. This scenario was quite familiar.

Tinkatink stood there in stunned silence as it contemplated its new situation before abruptly getting up and dashing towards where the hammer lay. Baron saw it move and went after it, both small pokemon in a race to get there first. Tinkatink was closer, but its smaller limbs and trouble walking somewhat equalized the odds as Baron was much faster to close the distance.

To his surprise, the creature turned around as it ran as if expecting Baron to be right on its heels. The duckling pokemon spread his wings out, striking Tinkatink just as they reached the hammer and both went down in another tussle.

"Rian, now's your chance!" He heard Jules shout to him. "Get a poke ball!"

Oh right! He dug into his backpack, grabbing the first empty poke ball he could find. The mechanism was undone and he primed the capture matrix, cocking his hand back to throw.

"Okay…here goes." With a grunt, he slung the ball over towards the tinkatink as it finally managed to push Baron off and scoop up the hammer. It was in the middle of hoisting it above its head proudly when Rian's thrown poke ball struck it on the forehead. The capture matrix locked onto the wild pokemon's signature profile and it was drawn inside with a flash of light.

Rian held his breath as the ball settled on the ground. Baron stood by, ready to jump back in action. The red and white capsule bobbled as the tinkatink inside struggled to break free.




He heard the release button snap as the ball settled upright and ceased moving. Letting out a breath, he couldn't help but break out into a huge smile at the conclusion. His very first capture.

Baron quacked softly, picking up the poke ball and handing it proudly to his trainer.

"Thank you." He ruffled the quaxly's coif as it enjoyed the praise from his trainer. "You did great out there."

Jules stood by him as he turned the ball of his newest pokemon over in his palm. "Congrats Rian! You did it! Your first pokemon capture!"

"Yeah." Though somehow out of breath, he smiled again. "My first pokemon capture."

He took out his Pokedex App on the RotoPhone, seeing that tinkatink had automatically been updated onto his roster, taking up a second pokemon slot. Four remained empty.

Pokemon roster updated. Tinkatink. Fairy/Steel type. Gender: Female. Available moves: Metal claw, Baby-Doll Eyes and Astonish. Ability: Own Tempo. This pokemon's current Tera type is Fairy.

Rian couldn't believe it. His own perseverance paid off despite having trouble at the start. Looking back on all those shortcomings and failures to see where he had come now. It had been as if all those were just steps or opening other doors that would eventually lead to some success.

He gave the ball another toss, summoning his newest addition to the team at his side. Tinkatink raised her hammer and ran to Rian's side, throwing her arms around his leg in a tight affectionate hug.

Both twins laughed at the display. Baron even joined in to hug his other. "Welcome to the team. I'm glad you wanted to come along."

"Are you going to give it a nickname?" Jules asked him.

He paused in thought for a second. Nicknames are kinda hard. I want one that both of us are gonna like.

"Yeah. Gotta give it one proper. How does the nickname…Scrump? What say you like to be called Scrump?"

Pondering the new name, Tinkatink stared up at him in curiosity before giving him a short nod. She had accepted it after all.

He smiled at that. "It's settled then! Scrump it is!"

While Rian celebrated his newest catch with Scrump, Baron and Jules, Miraidon observed them from its spot. The two companions it was now linked to were beginning to grow even more from their journeys. With Cortondo on the horizon, the very first of Rian's gym challenges he'd need to defeat to become Champion rank was within their reach.

(Trainer Rian has obtained a second pokemon. Appears to have an increase in confidence from success after repeated failures. It is good to see them grow and learn.)

First pokemon caught for Rian and now it's off to Cortondo to take on the very first gym! It took a while, but since the teams are already planned out, this was about the earliest I could get a member of Rian's team on his roster in terms of where in-game I'm able to find them in the wild.

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose!

Chapter 14: Paldea's Breadbasket


Connoisseur of Memes
Hello guys and bienvenidos to the next update! Looks like I'll be able to fit in that one last update for the year. It's been a great holiday for me, even if I'm working most of it. I'll take some time off to be with folks at the beginning of the new year. Besides, I've got a Black Rayquaza to catch. Let's get to it.
Happy New Year everyone!

Chapter 14: Paldea's Breadbasket

Many years ago...

"I don't know what else to tell you."

Head of School Cabral folded her hands together and frowned at the parents. Waiting for a reaction or response took some time and she subconsciously smoothed out a wrinkle on her blazer.

The Head of School's office felt smaller and more suffocating than normal and the Mesagoza sun filtering through the half drawn blinds made the room temperature. Both parents sat with unreadable expressions, neither one wanting to meet her gaze. Like her, the father habitually glanced down at his tailored suit to look for smudges or anything amiss. The fitting for it alone had likely cost more than her monthly salary.

The mother leaned forward, the first to speak after the pregnant silence. "Our daughter is almost ten and we've considered moving her to Uva Academy within the next two years. The Director is an old friend of ours and he's assured me the board will ensure a seamless transfer."

"I'm glad to hear it." Cabral smiled. "Give my regards to Harrington the next time you do speak. I am, however, a bit surprised that you're holding off such a transition this late. If I recall, you had her sister already set to transfer over to Uva at this time."

"Of course."

She saw the father now lean forward. "We're concerned that even with the later enrollment than usual that it could further worsen her habitual isolationism. From what I remember, this is that stage where connections with others are to be made. Networking. She's acquainted well enough with her classmates, yet we know very little about her social life."

That statement and those similar to it wasn't all that unfamiliar. Cabral's institution offered more of a hands-on and free thinking approach to schooling compared to the rigidity of a standard educational system. A preference over tailoring education to a student's preferences over their results from standardized tests. With a location in the affluent neighborhoods of the city, many of the students came from high profile and wealthy backgrounds that fed into the pipeline of the world famous Uva Academy. Cabral had known this particular family ever since the elder sister had been enrolled and the parents dressed well to an appearance worthy of being on the red carpet of the Hammerlocke Film Festival.

"That's not entirely uncommon. Children can be quite secretive and I assure you that it tends to not improve once they are teenagers. Even with that, your daughter scores very high in the exams and material we give to her. I see no reason to change anything and she does talk with her peers and tutors enough where I don't think a transition to Uva is going to be that difficult."

She saw both parents had pursed their lips, so she took a deep breath before continuing.

"The recess and time where we let the children play in the jungle gyms shows something a bit different compared to the learning classroom. Your daughter is far more regimented, but spontaneous at the same time. She'll visit and spend time with others, both boys and girls her age and then be off somewhere on her own away from the others to be reading books or on her school issued tablet."

"And this is bad?" The father asked. The Head of School couldn't tell how the parents were taking this kind of news.

"Not bad, as you might say…but rather a bit unusual." Cabral answered. "Normally at this age, children are busy being children and burning off the seemingly inexhaustible energy they'd have at the age. With the strict regimen that she has, it's an excellent step towards independence when she does grow up and leave the nest. Most kids are constantly talking incessantly over pop culture, but she's got quite a different taste."

The Head of School produced a library slip, a receipt to verify checked out books and slid it over. The mother took it in her well manicured hands as she and her husband looked it over.

"Basic maneuvers of pokemon battle, Galar: A History, the autobiography of ex-Champion Wallace Rain." She exchanged looks with the father.

"Your daughter's been studying professional pokemon battling nearly to the point of fixation. While on her own, the tablet's history shows footage of Pokemon League battles that have been televised."

The father narrowed his eyes. "Senora Cabral, are you insinuating that she-"

"No, I am not. Believe me when you're not the first set of parents that's made such a foregone conclusion. The only way to find that out is to have an official statement by a licensed psychiatrist. I could refer you, but I'm sure you're well connected and know someone you'd take for their word."

Cabral looked at both parents again just as they heard the school bell chime over the intercom to signify the end of class.

"If she's not, then how can you explain that she isn't turning out like Luis-"

"You know as well as I do that children can be just as unpredictable as they are predictable. It is unfair to compare her to her elder sister. Your daughter's habits and tendencies are prone to changing as she gets older, especially when it's more prominent in the teenage years and when puberty occurs. Otherwise, it's your best course of action is to ensure that she has all the resources she needs to pursue her interests. She'll need it from you both more than ever even if she's already displaying a high level of independence."

"Do you think that it's her makeup? Her sister has the same alterations."

"I can't say. That part is still relatively new despite what the Ministerio de Procrear might approve. You never know what other surprises might happen, even if the person is completely unaltered." Cabral's lips turned up in a thin smile. "For example; once she does become a teenager and boys come into the picture…or girls if that happens to be her particular taste."

The glass door to the Head of School's office opened and a young girl stepped through. She was dressed in the institution's maroon red and white uniform with a neatly pressed polo and a skirt. Her jet black hair was neatly combed and tied into a simple ponytail. With them side by side, Cabral couldn't see any visible alterations this early in the child's life. However it would become a bit more pronounced as she got older.

The presence of the child brightened the mood in the room, taking the conversation a bit more lighthearted.
"Ah Miss Nemona. Glad you could come so quickly."

"You're welcome!" Nemona flashed a bright, easy smile before returning to her tablet as she took a seat in the empty chair between both parents. "I came here as quickly as I could when I found out Mother and Father were going to be here!"

The father took the lead in discussions after giving his daughter a gentle hug as she took a seat in between them, but Nemona had already tuned it out as her mother glanced down, managing a peek at the tablet's screen.

"Awesome right?" Nemona pointed to the small brown and white wolf pokemon that relentlessly attacked a much larger armored draconic creature. Given that there were two trainers on opposite ends of the floor and a sea of spectators, it had to be an official League match. "This is the battle where Elio Northstar won the title of Koa against Professor Kukui! It's Alola's first champion."

"That's wonderful," the mother smiled at her. "You love the thrill don't you?"

"And I'll be just like them when I grow up! I've got a whole big notebook filled with notes on how rough and tough these pokemon are! Can we go to Alola one day so I can see and catch a kommo'o for myself?!" Nemona kept her eyes focused on the larger pokemon, which her mother deduced to be the one she had been talking about.

Instead of listening to her husband's further discussion with the Head of School, she watched next to young Nemona as the screen showed the kommo'o raising its arms to deflect a barrage of rocks fired by the lycanroc opponent. Nemona's smile never faltered, nor did she tear her eyes away from that thrill of the battle…even if it was behind a digital screen.

"Perhaps one day."

Present day...

"Buenos dias Jules." Rian greeted his sleepy sister as she made her way to where he sat at the breakfast table. A cup of cafe con leche was in one of her hands and a plate of pastries in the other. She sat on the other end of the table and picked at her desayuno like a zombie.

He chuckled at her sluggish behavior. "Seems like it's the opposite of when we first started. I'm up bright and early and you're still booting up like your computer."

"Shut it." Jules groused while in between nibbles of the pastry. Rian just chuckled to himself and the pair ate in silence.

The albergue they had booked for the next couple of nights was just on the outskirts of Cortondo and both twins were relatively tired from the long journey that took them the remainder of yesterday just to reach town. They had checked in, ate a quick dinner from the centro pokemon vending machines available and clocked out for the evening.

Jules had thankfully perked up a little now that she had some caffeine and food in her system. Rian himself had breakfast a little while earlier and was sifting through assigned homework that had been issued since they had first left Mesagoza.

Not even a day after the Treasure Hunt started and there's already homework assignments in Biology, History and Math. He thought bitterly to himself. Why can't we just enjoy a journey with pokemon without having to worry about any of this?

It was already a stressful morning between looking up notes on various teachers' lectures to having to rein in his newest capture.

Surprisingly enough, Scrump was already well adjusted. She was happy to be around him and got along decently with Baron. Along the way to Cortondo, he began to use her in battles against wild pokemon such as flabébé and starly. The former went down especially quickly thanks to him remembering that Scrump's metal claw dealt super effective damage to fairy types. For the most part, she was obedient and the two of them synced up quickly.

He decided to keep pushing forward, challenging a couple of trainers along the way as the lights of Cortondo came in sight before an evening sky. Scrump had taken a couple of super effective ground type hits from an opponent's wooper, but she was able to power through and knock it out. Jules battled a couple of other trainers herself, winning both times with Basil and Dani each.

The morning after and getting ready for the day had been where Scrump's more rambunctious tendencies began to show.

Most albergue allowed pokemon of proper size and behavior to be out and about with their trainers. Those of larger size were not permitted inside, but most places had a designated area where they could also be let out to socialize with their trainers and other pokemon. For the most part, Scrump was well behaved.

Until she saw the flatware and cutlery in the line of the breakfast table. All of her previous commendations on the good behavior were defenestrated upon sight of the metal tools.

Scrump broke the line and rushed straight for the drawer, already snatching handfuls of forks, teaspoons and butter knives before anyone could react.

Rian should've figured she'd go crazy for spare metal lying around and he had to embarrassingly yank the flatware out of her arms, much to the indignant stares of the other guests and staff. The small mischievous pokemon wasn't happy her prize was being confiscated and begrudgingly surrendered her plundered goods.

He made sure she ate next to Baron outside and waited until they were finished before getting food himself.

Jules continued to eat her breakfast as he poured over the lectures in his classes he had been absent. A few homework pages and assignments were completed. Each assignment in every class was compatible in the Academy's app on both the RotoPhone, computer and on the school issued tablets. Upon finishing a few pages of the basic math that his teacher had put forth, he clicked a box down at the bottom and typed in his account password as an authentication signatory that he was the one to have done his homework.

Caught up for now. Rian sighed as he looked through the rest of his daily routine. Cortondo meant sightseeing and it was also the location of a gym in the circuit for La Liga. With a second pokemon, he felt as if he had a better chance to win and start his path to becoming Champion class.

There was also a text message from Nemona that she had sent to the both of them late last night.

Nemona: Hey Rian and Jules! I got great news! My parents had something go on and they couldn't make it out to the football game this weekend! I've got two extra tickets and was wondering if you wanted to go! LMK

Football? Wait a second… Rian closed his messages and looked up the Uva Academy's athletics schedule.

There. His mouth dropped open, seeing that it was the week that Uva Academy was to play against Entente Academy, its Kalosian counterpart and historic rival. In the days leading up to the Treasure Hunt, that had been among the biggest things talked about among the student body.

Rian didn't mind football, his sister was a much bigger fan. Unovan football was more exciting to his tastes. However, hearing the stories of his parents when they attended the big rivalry game of Uva against Entente in Lumoise City made it sound electric no matter where they were playing or who won.

Jules would definitely go and if Nemona's offering the tickets…why not?

"Hey sis, check this out." She glanced up from her breakfast, wiping her mouth with a napkin and staring at his RotoPhone's screen.

Her eyes narrowed as she mumbled under her breath. "Parents couldn't make it out, football? Us?"

"Yeah." He nodded and she gasped. "Well?"

"En serio? Come on, of course we're going! You know how much those tickets cost?"

I'm afraid to ask now.

"And come on. Downtown Mesagoza, huge game in front of thousands of people? Tickets from Nemona? I'm surprised you're not jumping on this."

"Well if we can't make it back in time then-"

"Oh whatever." Jules waved her hand to dismiss his concerns. "We spend a couple days here in Cortondo, you get your gym challenge done and we're back at the Academy right before the weekend. Not to mention, maybe one day of classwork?"

The thought of a short week in the classes did sound appealing to Rian. While unafraid of learning, he found it difficult to sit still at a desk for an hour to listen to the teacher drone on and on.

Rian finally gave a nod. "Okay, let's do it."

His thoughts came drifting back as Jules finished up her breakfast and she quickly fed Basil and Dani. Not only was it the biggest football match of the Academy's storied history, but Nemona was offering to take them along. Were they just lucky or was it Nemona looking out for them?

It was late in the morning when the twins left the albergue and began to stroll down the street. Much of the place was asleep when they had arrived in the late evening, but it seemed that Cortondo was much earlier of a riser than their home in Cabo Poco. Shops and businesses lined the main street that stretched for nearly a mile. Like in Mesagoza, it was lined with colorful bricks of stone that gave the town a fresh feeling.

Cortondo's main industry was agriculture with its location being a rare combination of fertile soil and warm climate for the majority of the year. Rainfall was hard to come by, unless it was the winter months, so much of the irrigation was gone from a feeder stream that trickled down from snowmelt on the Camões to the west.

"Bienvenidos a Cortondo." Jules read aloud as they passed a sign. "Paldea's Breadbasket. Guess that makes sense given so much food is made and shipped here."

"Not just here, but around the world." Rian said. "Everything from tomatoes, grains, spices, beans, you name it. Flour and wheat made here are also famous, hence why it's also called that."

"But most famously, olives."

"Most famously olives!" The twins turned to see a man waving at them from a few steps down. A large beetle pokemon stood faithfully at his side. It had a wicked looking horn and despite the thin arms covered in a hard blue shell, they knew the type belied its incredible strength to throw and topple opponents multiple times its own size.

What's that pokemon? Jules stood back as Rian returned the gesture and jumped into conversation with the stranger.

Scanning. Match found. Heracross. Bug and fighting type. It loves sweet nectar. To keep the nectar to itself, it hurls away rivals with its prized horn and incredible strength.

She hoped this wasn't one of the types of pokemon Rian would have to go against on his first gym match.

"And that's Cortondo! Got a nice round soundin' name to it huh? Like a lovely olive!"

"Si. Well I appreciate you telling us where to go."

"Anytime! I love seein' new students of Uva out and about takin' advantage of their Treasure Hunt!"

Rian bid the man farewell and backpedaled to Jules. She put her RotoPhone away as he approached.

"What was that all about?"

"Oh he was just telling me about the stuff to do here and whatnot. Places to see and eat." He shrugged. "There's a lot since he said they put a lot of emphasis on farm to fork, so a lot of the ingredients are locally sourced to help boost the town's identity."

Pointing down the street, he continued. "The Cortondo Gym is just that way, it's tall enough that we can't miss it. Across the street from it is the Patisserie Soapberry, the bakery the town's gym leader owns. There's also cafes, sitdowns and of course places that make sandwiches."

(Key word sandwich detected. Remote activating poke ball opening mechanism.)

The twins gasped as Miraidon sprang out of its ball and sat in front of them on the street. Its eyes scanned their hands expectantly.


(I detect a lack of sandwich presence. Question as to why the key word sandwich was uttered. Running diagnostics.)

"Maybe Nemona is right." Rian mumbled. "It only pops out when we say sandwich." His deduction was further hypothesized when Miraidon swiveled its large ovoid head in his direction.

"Arven too. It's kind of inconvenient."

A low whine escaped Miraidon as it lowered its head down, but continued to sit obediently.

"No, it's not you." Jules pat it on the head. "You just love sandwiches, don't you?"

She heard the dragon grunt in an affirmative.

"How about we take a look around and then get some lunch later?"

That proposition seemed to brighten Miraidon just a little as it stood back up and did a full rotating scan with its head at their surroundings.

(Panoramic survey complete. No immediate threats detected. Protocol Three is not necessary at this time.)

The twins just laughed, clearly not expecting it to take the question literally to a T.

(Trainers Rian and Jules appear to be preparing for transport. Initiating Ride Mode transformation. Ride Mode engaged. Ready to transfer controls to Trainer.)

They spotted the League's Gym a few minutes after riding down Cortondo's main street. Most of the businesses lining either side were located in single or double story buildings, each one made from brick and mortar that gave it a colorful backdrop. Much of the businesses were that of agricultural equipment and produce. Wine produced in the Cortondo Valley region was especially famous, often contending with Kalos as a premier vintner location.

Miraidon revved happily as Jules eased the throttle to a comfortable cruise. As they passed by, people couldn't help but notice and stare at the strange looking creature that carried two helmeted riders. While there had been a garage specifically for cyclizar at the south end of town, there were few other riders about. Most of the handful of vehicles on the road were automobiles.

Rian pointed out the Cortondo Gym as they saw the gleaming building that was a story taller than the others surrounding it. The white and glass facade could be seen for miles around.

On the opposite end of the busy main street was another building with an open entrance. Contrasted from the gym, whatever was inside was worth seeing because the line of people had wrapped around the corner behind. The storefront was covered by an awning supported by a trio of hewn tree tunks behind.

One particular store next to the bakery caught their eye, a specialty place that sold various kinds of sweeteners. Sugar cane and honey were apparently quite popular, especially with a famous bakery across the street.

Rian browsed the display glass, seeing the featured products as different combee honeys and appletun syrups. Many of them had labels indicating where they originated. He wondered if the sect they had tangled with yesterday had honey sold here. It wouldn't surprise him.

Movement caught his eye as he saw a small brown furred pokemon with a cream colored belly carrying an open jar of honey. It set it onto a table with the label of free samples and placed a second jar full of single use tasting spoons. Glancing around curiously, it set its gaze on the twins before dipping a huge paw into the open jar and savoring a lick off its fingers.

"Thanks for your help Muscovado!" A voice called from somewhere inside the shop. "Always great to have you around."

Huh, the PokeDex app didn't pick that one up? Rian blinked in confusion, unable to get a firm lock on the pokemon before it vanished back behind the checkout counter.

He felt Jules tap his shoulder and followed her finger as she pointed to the wooden sign that hung over the main entrance adorned with colorful webbing decorations. "Patisserie Soapberry."

That's the bakery the gym leader runs.

"Mierda, look at the line." Rian grumbled. "No way we'll get to meet the gym leader at a reasonable hour."

"I actually agree." Jules said. "Sitting out this long while having to smell that is straight up torture."

She was right. Rian caught a whiff of something caramel, which suggested dulce de leche or a similarity. Right by the front facade of Patisserie Soapberry was a viewing through a glass screen where the twins could see lines of pastries lying in pans awaiting approval. The display and assortment was enough to make their mouths water.

Wow, there's everything. Queijadas de leite laranja, alfajores and…wait…are those PASTEIS?

Jules could only stare in amazement as a baker placed yet another metal tray of the mouthwatering delicacy right in full view on the other side of the window.

Widely considered to be the national confectionary of the Paldea region, the pasteis de nata was an egg based tart with a flaky and buttery crust with a custard filling made from eggs, heavy whipping cream and sweetened. They were then dusted with cinnamon and baked until they began to brown and bubble to create a perfect harmony of textures.

First believed to have been made hundreds of years ago by religious leaders in the western part, over time its popularity had grown and was commonly sold at bakeries and cafes all across the Paldea region. Two of them eaten alongside a coffee drink of preference was often looked at as the quintessential breakfast even though they had been made to be consumed at any time.

Never too late for a pasteis. Was the common saying.

"As much as I'd like to get some, I feel like we'd be in line all day." Rian grumbled, casting an eye at the line. It had hardly moved since they arrived despite the staff's best efforts to help customers.

"I guess when your bakery is world famous and you run the town's pokemon gym, everyone wants a piece of the pie." Jules said. "We could go and check out the gym, maybe the crowd's will clear out?"

That's true. I wanted to see if maybe I could get a gym challenge battle scheduled.

"Are you sure you're ready?" His sister asked him. "I know you've done just a handful of battles, but a gym leader is likely going to be a notch up."

Rian paused at that. She was right. Though it was a challenge, if he had any hopes or aspirations to reach Champion Rank like Nemona had urged him to attempt, he had to start somewhere.

Cortondo Gym is the lowest Tier one anyway. It's not like I'm going to take on the higher ones.

He had no real concrete strategy and though it worried him, it was a bit relieving in a sense. If he couldn't figure out his own plan…neither could the Gym Leader.

"Yeah. As ready as I can be." He turned on his heel, making for the La Liga gym across the street.

Jules hoped he was too.

The doors to the gym opened upon sensing their presence and the twins were welcomed with a much welcomed breeze of air conditioning from the warm summer heat outside. Inside, they spotted a marble desk at the far end along with a screen and comfortable lounge chairs. Aside from a suited receptionist on the other end of the desk, they spotted Nemona.


The upperclasswoman turned around, hearing the door opening and her expression immediately brightened at seeing the twins.

"Oh hey Rian, Jules!" She was practically bouncing with energy as she skipped over to them, putting an emphasis on landing with her two feet directly in front of them. "Came to see this gym huh? That can only mean one thing."

Her eyes drifted to Rian, who tried to hold his composure.

Just act normal. Don't stare.

"You're out here to earn some gym badges and take on the Pokemon League, aren't you?"

"Yes." The boy took a deep breath and nodded firmly.

"Yesss! I knew it!" Nemona's face broke out into a huge smile as she clasped her hands together. Jules noticed her brother's cheeks reddening as she pat his shoulder. "I'm sooooo glad I asked you to do it! But before you can battle the Gym Leader, you've gotta pass a certain challenge set by them, it's called the gym test."

"Okay." Rian blinked out of his half smitten stare and listened to the older student. "What's that?"

"Every Gym's test is different. If you ask the lobby staff about it, they'll tell you what's up!"

"So once we pass the gym test, we get to battle the Gym Leader for the badge?"

"Yup! Ahhh, I'm soooo glad that you're aiming to be a Champion too Rian! This is the best news, like ever!"

"Gracias. One step at a time right?"

"Yes, quite so! I once began, same as yourself!"

"By the way Nemona," Jules spoke up for the first time. "Rian told me that you have a couple of extra tickets you were willing to share for the football game against Entente."

The older girl's expression fell slightly. "Yeah…my parents bought them and said that we could all go together. Then plans changed."

Both twins immediately sensed a bit of remorseful disappointment, which was quickly replaced by her sunny optimism. "But the tickets are for me to use and give to whomever I want!"

She smiled at them again. "So I figure my two newest freshie friends are the perfect ones to bring along! Football games are soooo much fun and it's against our rival school!"

Rian and Jules glanced at each other before nodding in sync. Nemona nearly squealed out loud seeing it happen.

"Sure. We'd love to come along. It'd be really fun!"

"I know! We got such good seats."

"Are you sure Nemona?" Rian asked her. "I know it's your parents and all but,"

"Ah don't worry about anything. No sir!" She stuck her finger out and waved off his concern. "As far as they're concerned, I could give them to two randos and they wouldn't care."

"But you're offering us." Jules finished. While she was most vocal about wanting to go, she didn't want to overstep and take advantage of their friend's offer. "And honestly, I'm in. I know Rian is too."

"Yes! Let's goooo! Consider it a congratulations if you manage to beat this gym Rian! I guess I'll have to go battle every trainer I run into while I wait! Good luck!"

"O-okay," Rian barely had time to utter that word before Nemona whirled on her heels and practically bolted out of the gym's door.

The twins sighed at the same time. "Mierda, she's inexhaustible. I swear."

Rian shook his head. "But hey, tickets to the football game and we get to hang out with Nemona? What's not to like?"

"I know you would like that."

I'm gonna wipe that smirk off her face if she keeps this up. As much as he wanted to manifest that thought, he figured it was best to be addressed another time. There was a gym battle he had to take on.

Jules saw him drop the subject, ignoring her in favor of walking up to the receptionist that was busy working behind the front desk. The man looked up from the computer he was at from behind the desk and smiled as the boy approached.

"Welcome to the Cortondo Gym! Are you here to participate in the gym circuit?"

Rian took a deep breath and nodded. "I am."

"Let me get you registered, your name is Rian si?"

He must've been listening when we were talking to Nemona in the lobby.
"It's actually Florian, if you need the formal one." When the receptionist nodded to confirm, he went on. "Florian Joaquim Almeida-Araújo."

A few moments of quiet passed as he tapped rapidly in the keyboard. "Okay. I've got your Trainer ID here and it's synced to your La Liga profile! In order to face the Gym Leader, you'll have to pass the gym test here!"

"Okay." Rian gave a nod. "Nemona did say that each gym has sort of a puzzle or thing you have to finish before battling the gym leader. So what is this test?"

"Here at the Cortondo Gym, it's to partake in the Olive Roll!"

The Olive Roll?

"What's that supposed to be?" Jules asked. She had been standing next to him, listening intently.

"Olive production is very big here." The receptionist explained. "We just finished our Olive Festival last weekend. All of the main street is closed off for Saturday and Sunday where we celebrate the end of the olive harvesting season and move it to the reduced wintertime. Lots of stands, games, prizes and a grand ol' time! The Olive Roll event is part of the festivities. So to keep it year round, you'll have to roll an olive shaped ball all the way to the goal. Your efforts should help ensure that we get a great olive harvest next year too!"

"All we have to do is roll a ball?" Rian shrugged, looking a little perplexed at the challenge. "Doesn't seem like much of a test, but okay. Let's get it!"

"When you're ready to start, head to the olive rolling field just to the north of town. The staffer over there will explain the rules to you in further detail."

"Rian, you know the moment you say something like that, it's going to be nothing like you expect?"

The twins had left the gym and crossed the main street at a pedestrian crosswalk, following the given directions on their RotoPhones that led them towards the field where the Olive Roll took place. A light flashed on the sign allowing them to cross. Though automobile traffic wasn't close by, the twins were taught at a young age to avoid jaywalking. Their parents said that it was the polite thing to do.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that was a shitty thing to say." Her brother said as they finished crossing the street. Glancing back at his screen, it was just another couple of blocks down the road at the edge of the town. Leaving the congregation of businesses behind them, it gave way to homes and stables where the plantations kept and maintained the machinery that contributed to the ever-increasing demand of Paldea's food supply.

I'm nervous, but I'm excited. I've always wanted to start battling and maybe be as good of a champion as those I watched on TV. Just gotta remember, they all had to start somewhere. This is mine.

"You got this big brother." Jules put a hand on his shoulder. "I know you do."

"Thanks sis."

Before long, the field came into sight. Rian saw a massive red basket laying on its side at the end of a large fence that perimetered open loamy ground. More fencing was established as walls inside and the concept of the gym test began to take shape.

So it's a maze.

Another gym staffer, this time a woman had waved them over. The receptionist at the lobby had likely informed her they were on their way over. "Welcome to the olive rolling field! You must be Rian!"

She went on when the boy nodded in affirmation and pointed to the opposite end of the field. Now able to see more of the fenced in area, he saw that it was placed in staggering lines and sharp angles with a couple wooden ramps that would go over some parts of the fences. It looked more like a kids obstacle course than something for a pokemon gym.

"This gym test is all about stamina, you'll need to push with all you've got to get a large olive ball rolling and make it all the way to the end. Get the ball over various obstacles, then push it into the basket goal to clear the course."

Rian followed her gesture and saw that there was a large round oval shaped object that was colored light green with a red pit to resemble a giant olive. Though he nodded in understanding, he bit back a curse. Jules was right. He shouldn't have said anything like it was no big deal. The giant olive looked heavy and if the staffer said the test was all about stamina…

"Now that you're all filled in, are you ready to begin the gym test?" She smiled when he nodded and headed over to take his place at the starting block next to where the giant olive lay on a stand. "Great! Put in a wish for a good olive harvest and roll, roll, roll away!"

Rian waited until the staffer blew a whistle before he tried his hand at moving the olive. The surface felt like it was made of some kind of hard form that was colored over with acrylic paint. Gripping it wasn't hard, but the olive barely moved when he tried to shove it with his hands.

"Okay, try again." The second go, he threw more of his weight into the side. Again, the olive remained mostly still, but he felt it budge and tip. Grunting and straining, he put his hands at the sides with one final heave and the giant olive finally tipped over to roll and tumble down the wooden ramp and came to a stop about halfway across the field.

"Don't hurt yourself kid." The gym staffer was watching outside the maze and smirked at him. "The gym leader can't battle a trainer if they are exhausted like you."

Thanks for that. Rian sourly thought to himself. He glanced at the basket on the other end of the field. Rolling this thing by myself is gonna be rough and I don't want to be doing this all day. Maybe I can use one of my pokemon to help?

Neither Baron or Scrump would probably fare better than him in moving the ball, but Miraidon.

Yes. Miraidon could.

The gym staffer had said nothing when Rian summoned Miraidon out of its ball. It stretched its forelegs by leaning backwards in the same posture as Basil.

(Initiating startup. Ride mode enabled. Ready to transfer controls to Trainer.)

Rian walked over and quickly mounted the dragon, grabbing his helmet from the stowage and slipping it on. As he fastened the straps underneath, the HUD lit up and he felt the seat move back so that he was in his favorite driving posture; slightly forward leaning.

(Controls are handed to you Trainer Rian. What is our course of action?)

Okay, let's give it a little shove.
He rotated Miraidon easily through the tight space and gave a little extra room for a running start.

Miraidon struck the olive and sent it up into the air effortlessly as if it had weighed as much as a beach ball. It sailed down to the ground and bounced with a muted thud nearly all the way at the other corner of the field.

Mierda. Rian's breath hitched in his lips. I didn't realize Miraidon was THIS strong.

(Object mass, forty one kilograms. Trainer Rian appears to be taking obstacle course to hit round forty one kilo object into goal at opposite end of field. Accessing golf database. Cross referencing
weight with golf stances and swings to calculate best trajectory to move object to goal in fewest shots. Calculations complete.)

Jules couldn't help her mouth from dropping open at Miraidon's display of strength. For something that was bulky and difficult for her brother ended up being nothing more than a paperweight.

Basil squeaked beside her and she felt Dani rub her head against her ankle. They could sense her surprise.

"I'm okay." She knelt down and scratched her pokemon on top of the head. "Rian and Miraidon are full of surprises aren't they?"

(Trainer Rian doesn't appear to understand positioning to use the fence as leverage to launch object to midfield. From there it can once again be hit in a straight arc towards the goal and finish objective.)

Rian hit the throttles, but Miraidon had been sluggish to respond. They moved slowly as they circled the olive and the boy did not appear to pick up his ride pokemon's clue to move between the olive and the corner fence by simple gestures of its head or the passive silent protests.

(Attempt to communicate verbally failed. Error code: Chatot. Searching for other methods of possible communication.)

"Miraidon, c'mon man you're embarrassing me in front of everyone." Rian whispered harshly, glancing around and seeing puzzled expressions on the few people that had stopped to watch. Jules hadn't said anything, but she had frowned at knowing something was amiss.

Miraidon revved its engine and once again bobbed its head towards the object, tilting it sideways to try and imitate a serpent slithering around.

Wait a second, is it actually trying to tell me something?

"Hey, you know how this works?" The violet dragon had rotated its head so that a single brightly lit blue eye focused on him. "Nod if yes. Shake head if no."

He performed the gestures and watched for Miraidon's reaction. A few seconds later, its head bobbed up and down.

"Yes? Wait, you do understand what I'm saying!" Another nod. "Perfect! Then I'll follow your lead!"

(Primitive form of communication appears to be a common ground. Other forms appear to be obsolete at the moment. Running diagnostics. Searching for other methods of improved communication. Establishing link to Trainer Rian's synced ATX rider helmet. Link establishment failed. Error code: Currant.)

Miraidon shook its head and Rian watched the movement closely.

Wait a sec, it's saying to go around the olive to the other side? With no other ideas of his own, he decided to go with the plan and maneuvered them so that they were between the heavy olive and the corner of the fence.

(Hydraulics activated.)

Rian was about to speak when he felt Miraidon pitch forward, shifting so that the weight rested on its forelegs. He had to look backwards and down seeing that its rear legs had planted onto the two posts by the corner.

(Calculating object trajectory. Adjusting for wind resistance.)

Miraidon revved.

(Trainer Rian, I suggest you hold on tightly.)

"What are you do-"

Miraidon lunged forward, hitting the olive and nearly causing Rian to fall off. Half cursing, he barely had enough time to tighten his grip to avoid a rather embarrassing spectacle. The olive went in the air and arced down to land right in the center of the field.

Rian grinned in delight as Miraidon settled back into its original mode. The single hit meant that the next one to make it to the goal was a textbook shot straight ahead. "Wow Miraidon, you are full of surprises."

(On the contrary. My three primary composition materials are fabricated nanolaminate built to withstand 154% excessive stress, graphene and SIVA radiolarian nanites. There is no physical material or object that is called surprises that comprise my structural integrity.)

While the next shot would finish the gym test, the young Paldean was blocked by a single trainer and a barricade of small bulbous green pokemon that stood anxiously in a line.

"If you can beat me," the gym trainer drew a poke ball and held it out for Rian to see. "I can give you a shortcut straight to the goal basket!"

I might actually take him up on that. Rian glanced at the line of pokemon that he deduced were the ones called smoliv. He drew his Pokedex app and scanned them.

Smoliv. Olive pokemon. Grass and normal type. It protects itself from enemies by emitting oil from the fruit on its head. This oil is converted from nutrients and has a bitter astringent taste enough to make someone flinch.

(Trainer Rian. Defeating the gym trainer will allow what is called a chip shot. It is a common term in superior football that is a short ranged kick into a net for a field goal.
Analyzing opponent gym trainer's pokemon. Win probability of 79%.)

"Hmm, it's tempting." Rian did want to battle and he figured that it was as good of a time as any to see how well he'd stack up against the gym, even if it was to fight a junior trainer.

"Okay," he drew Scrump's ball and tossed her out from his position on top of Miraidon. "You're on."

The other trainer deployed his own pokemon on the field, a tall orange and brown insect that had long folded wings and sharp claws.

What's that pokemon? He opened up the Pokedex app and scanned yet another.

Kricketune. Cricket pokemon. Bug type. It is the evolved form of Kricketot. By allowing its cry to resonate in the hollow of its belly, it produces a captivating sound.

"Sure is captivating." The boy agreed, seeing Scrump glance back at him for guidance as the kricketune trilled in a melodic cry that sent shivers down his spine. "Defeatable all the same."

"Okay, the smoliv are out of the way, let's get this ball into the basket and get the gym challenge kicked off."

(Your sense of humor is improving Trainer Rian.)

He wheeled Miraidon back and turned around to get as much of a full speed running start as possible. They closed right in on the olive, Miraidin's front wheel impacting the heavy object's side to send it sailing through the air and right into the center of the basket.

A round of applause came from the people watching and streamers on the side of the basket erupted in a blast of confetti. Rian raised a triumphant fist as Jules and the gym staffer walked up to the fence to meet with him.

"And here I thought you were gonna actually not use your brain and try to heave that all the way to the other end." His sister smirked at him. Rian rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her, but it couldn't be seen behind his ATX helmet. He hit the release and stowed it, slipping on his hat once more.

"Nice job though."

"Thanks sis."

"I've never seen a cyclizar look like it came from Shifters." The staffer stared curiously as Miraidon's head perked up and its wheels folded back inward to its walking mode. "With that performance, I'm sure we can look forward to a great olive harvest next year! I'm happy to declare your gym test officially cleared! Congratulations!"

(Well done Trainer Rian. All that remains is a victory against the Gym Leader.)

"Please report your result to the lobby staffer at the Gym! Good luck in your battle against Katy!"

And that is where I'll close the books on the year. I'm looking forward to what next year brings and hopefully get updates cranked out a little quicker. Big thanks to everyone reading and tuning in so far!

Logged 'Dex entries:
  • Smoliv
  • Kricketune

Spanish translations
  • Desayuno - Breakfast
  • En serio? - Oh really?

Portuguese translations
  • Procriar - Procreation

Food & Drink
  • Alfajores - A popular confection made of honey, flour and nuts found in Spain as well as regions with Spanish colonial influence with a very light crunchy texture. (Latin America, Philippines) It is very similar to the French macaron.
  • Queijadas de leite laranja - Sweet chewy milk tarts with orange zest. Eaten at any time of the day as breakfast, snack or dessert often with coffee.
  • Pasteis de nata - Portugal's most iconic pastry. Flaky crust with a carmel brown creamy egg custard center. Eaten at any time of day as breakfast, snack or dessert often with coffee.

Stay tuned for the next update! As always, thank you for reading and reviewing. You give my writing purpose.

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