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  1. Raindropcroptop

    Pokémon Forsaken Catalyst
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    In the center of the world, a woman perishes and leaves behind her greatest treasure. Unfortunately, only tragedy will befall her son. The Great Sage laughs as the pieces fall into place, a hand steadily guiding the Prince to his destiny. His sisters watch in horror, and give up everything in a...
  2. kyeugh

    Pokémon Interloping
    Threadmarks: Interloping

    Interloping One-shot / 4.6k words / Rated T for major character death and graphic violence - - - The final actions I took in my world are seared into my brain forever. I was only seventeen. It was a late shift that night. I had an essay due the next morning, but the sight of my binder on the...
  3. kintsugi

    Pokémon the bonepicker [oneshot]

    ‘Pick clean the bones of Pokémon caught in the sea or stream. Thank them for the meals they provide, and pick their bones clean. When the bones are as clean as can be, set them free in the water from which they came. The Pokémon will return, fully fleshed, and it begins anew.’ - Sinnoh Folk...
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