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  1. Inkedust

    Pokémon Inkedust's Drabble Collection
    Threadmarks: Intro Post

    Heya! Inke here. Recently, I decided to have a look back on some of my old drabbles that I wrote for drabble bingo for the TR anniversary events. After having a read through all of them, I thought that it'd be cool to give them all a proper punching up while also making an effort to hit up the...
  2. elyvorg

    Pokémon The Meaning of Strength [Kieran Drabbles]

    Hello! For the fifth anniversary Drabble Bingo, I decided to continue my Kieran fix by getting a card of prompts related to my boy and his Many Issues. For some bonus fun, I also challenged myself to make each of the drabbles exactly 100 words. White Lie The Meaning of Strength "Just You...
  3. canisaries

    Pokémon Canis's Bingo Drabbles

    hi! these are my drabbles for the fifth anniversary bingo! i specifically made myself take the challenge to practice casual, less-than-perfect writing, so they may be rough, but i do think they have neat ideas. this first one's prompt was: it's also the most gruesome of these with... well, i...
  4. canisaries

    Pokémon Miscellanous Fiction of Canisaries

    Hey there! It's me, Canis, back with another thread, this time for drabbles and low-effort oneshots. Now, historically, I have not been a drabble person, but I've been thinking, and it seems like some shortform writing exercises with less worry about quality is what I need. It's entirely...
  5. ShiniGojira

    Pokémon Dabbling in Drabbles

    A collection of dabbles, whether canon to any of my preexisting stories, random things I thought up or bingos that may or may not be expanded upon later on. Just a Normal Day Stark Difference A King's Journey Random Things
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