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  1. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: I.p. Corinthians 15:10, Part 6

  2. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Review reply can'

    well, you are following along pretty well. So, go me? Yeah, Gio is in a mix match of nightmare/punishment land via the legends that (seemingly) is based off of Alola. Lillie has been pernamently altered to twist the "remember Grace" knife but found a way out of her punishment so can see...
  3. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Review reply chapter 6

    Review reply chapter 6 I headcanon that Rockets mainly poachers....so of course the Madams an animal wrongtivist and uses cats for shooting practice to make a "man" out of her kid and make him learn not to cry. Shes really lucky gio didnt snap and smoother her in her sleep. Lus' is...
  4. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Review reply 5

    5 reply. Skulls level of threat varries based off the medium... Here and in game verse they're a more powerful social pressure threat than a physical one. An under the table warning to those who fail, and dont get absorbed into aether, that this is what happens to you. But beyond that...
  5. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Corinthians 15:10 part 5

    Corinthians 15:10, Part 5 Don Marchetti was no strategic genius. What he was was old. Which meant experienced and with enough resources to be a problem. The Capos and Sangerie of the Matrons sect had ignored the advice of their Kantoian peers. Sneering at the half-bloods and slant-eyed...
  6. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Corinthians 15:10 part 4

    Corinthians 15:10 part 4 The ride was made in silence, Surge pulling out and prepping his guns while Giovanni stared out the window, watching the world roll by. It wasn't much of a view, a smokey grey landscape courtesy of tinting and Reflect and Lightscreen being imprinted over the glass...
  7. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Corinthians 15:10 part 3

    Part 3 Persian snuggled against Grace's chilly feet. Insulted at the request that slippers be fetched. What was her trainer, some stinky, sooty, Arcanine? Nothing needed fetching, Persian was right there. She could be warm and purr to help circulation along. Pinned in place by protective...
  8. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: MATURE Corinthians 15:10 part 2

    Corinthians 15:10 Part 2 At twenty he'd killed the Capo dei capi of the Johto region. The lesser heads had dickered amongst themselves for weeks, assassinations ran rampant as treaties broke down, and alliances were rewritten. And if the police and Interpol were anything like competent they'd...
  9. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: MATURE Corinthians 15:10 part 1

    Corinthians 15:10 part 1 As many a working man had learned before him, Sakaki was starting to discover how much a petty bastard Don Machetti was. Having left the car with Grace at the doctor's he'd considered catching a cab but decided against it. The Don was not subtle in his distaste...
  10. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: MATURE Corinthians 15:10 part one

    Corinthians 15:10 Introduction The carpet had been rolled up and away as the two familgias were, if not content with the middleground reached, were willing to uphold it. A few murmured words, handshakes, and things were wrapping up. Standing at the old Don's side, black eyes a mystery, he...
  11. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: In ogni caso necessario part 3

    Finding adolescents to swell the ranks of Rocket grunts had been disgustingly easy. The culling of various programs by the powers that be had been a win for Rocket. Idle hands were prone to mischief. He'd snapped some of the more malicious and entrepreneuristic children of Viridian over the...
  12. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots

    Review reply. (Btw i'll be replyong line by line to.your review) Funny enough right after you reviewed i got some grammerly time and was able to brush up some of the typos. Its still a w.i.p. but if you ever revisit i hope at least some of the chapters are a little easier on the eyes. Well...
  13. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: In ogni caso necessario part 2

    It became a sharing game because the give and take softened the blows, allowing them time to breathe. Giovanni went first. He'd had felines ripped from his arms, thrown to the floor, and shot before they could recover and bolt. Sometimes when the Madam was feeling playful it wasn't a...
  14. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: In ogni caso necessario (lillie giovanni)

    (Italian title translated into English means "by any means necessary) It'd been a disaster, from start to finish. A skull grunt trying his hand at extortion was doing a mugging in broad daylight. The victim garishly dressed in all white, saw it coming and screamed like a banshee. There...
  15. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Gio: The chowder part 2 (Nona, various sakakis, and cats)

    He wasn't allowed a mon, after all, there were laws, and there were laws. The ones that incited scrutiny were memorized and doled out over each Sakaki's cradle in place of lullabies, and clap games wheeled and dealed so the workarounds were touch close. Whether they developed the wit to optimize...
  16. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Giovanni: The Chowder (meeting the Madam and Nona)

    A gathering of cats, of families nestled together in an urban setting was called a chowder. Sometimes they were called other things. Colonies. Mousetraps. Nuisances. The last the madam spat, wading through the morass of semi-fluid, coiled bodies. They boiled around her feet, a cream carpet that...
  17. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Giovanni: Plots and family part 1

    He hadn't meant to stay in the business. In all honestly, he hadn't meant to get in it either. But his hands were never really clean and his family made sure of it. When he was a boy he delivered packages, the type you didn't ask questions from even when they oozed red. The type that you...
  18. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots
    Threadmarks: Giovanni: Grace's final fate (allusions)

    It was two in the morning. That special time when insomnia was at its peak, and the aches and rigors of travel were persistent enough that he couldn't sleep through them if he wanted to. And experience had taught him he shouldn't sleep through them if he wanted to have full mobility say...
  19. K_S

    Pokémon Transversal headcanons and oneshots

    My Transversal Headcanon Home Summary: as it says on the tin this my storage spot for headcanons, one shots, notes, ect from late game or spoiler heavy segments of Transversal. Some tales will make sense only with reading the home tale but most should require no extra reading at all. The...
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