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Search results

  1. IFBench

    Villains Pub [Information & Signup]

    Name: Kyute Age: 27 Appearance: Think Klara from Pokemon SwSh, but buff. Personality: Very cutesy, even more passive-aggressive. He will take your insults with a sickeningly sweet smile, and tell you everything he thinks is wrong with you back. He is also very, very discriminatory. Backstory: A...
  2. IFBench

    Villains Pub [Information & Signup]

    Name: Lusamine Age: Supposedly 45. Appearance: Personality: While she retains many of the personality traits she has in canon, a new addition is her being...unsettling. She sometimes crawls around on all fours, has her head near-permanently in a tilt, and has a habit of repeating stuff over and...
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