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  1. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Vix nodded, perhaps a bit more enthusiastic than she intended. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Maybe we could spar after, meditating usually leaves me kinda stiff. Which... is probably what you'd expect from a chandelier, right? But it's pretty uncomfortable." "But... in a few minutes," she requested...
  2. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Some may believe it coincidence, but as soon as Vix felt Owen grab her with his tail, her flame suddenly sparked back to life, and he jagged smile was more wavy and unfocused. It was cozy, snug even. Honestly, Vix felt pretty safe there. Aside from her mind racing for whatever unknown or...
  3. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Vix had the faintest twitch of the eye, but gave Owen a grateful smile and a nod. "I'd love to," she said, then froze for a moment. "I mean, that sounds good! Er, I-I mean, uh... thanks." Can someone kill me again... I'd even take another moon laser canon at this point... maybe Giovanni could...
  4. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Y-Yeah," Vix said, nodding. She still felt unsure about it, but it was either that or sulk forever wondering if Soda was alright or not. But who could she bring? Someone strong enough to beat her if something happens? Someone close to her? Should she try and figure out type advantages or... no...
  5. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Vix nodded, a somewhat cocky look in her eye. "I think you're pretty naturally great at this kinda thing anyway, so it might not be as rough. As for me, well, even if I remember how to do all of this, I'm not entirely sure how to find my other selves to reconcile with them. Kane was... well, I...
  6. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Vix blinked, listening to every word and making sense of it in her own head. Owen... had a point. A pretty clear one too. Whether Kane turned into Vix the Void Shadow when he died, or they were two completely different entities the entire time, Vix was, at some point, till Kane... and whoever...
  7. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Vix returned Owen's smile with one of her own, as shaky and uncertain it was. She watched as the flames he made around him came to life, and all the personas they seemed to represent. All of them were Owen, aside from the obvious Wishkeeper, who was still basically Owen, but still. Obviously Vix...
  8. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Gods... being your present self while remembering your past selves is such a drag," Vix groaned. "But, as far as I know, Kane's the only one I remember. If there's more... oh gods I don't wanna go through remember all of them too. Trying to settle with just Kane was stressful enough." She let...
  9. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Vix fell back and looked up at Owen. If she didn't know who he was, she'd actually have been intimidated by him. "Yeah, I'm..." she cut that lie short, grimacing slightly. "...not. The picnic was fine, honestly, it was fun. I'm just..." How to put it... "My head's doing that thing where it...
  10. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines
    Threadmarks: R16 ~ Candlelit Dragon Consultation

    "Uhhggg..." Vix grumbled to herself, sitting in the middle of the woods. It was hard to tell if she was meditating or sulking, but the frown on her face and the groans she made pointed to the latter. Her body was physically... well, she was pretty much back to normal on that end. Perhaps a tiny...
  11. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle was surprised by Cola's quick turn around about Pop, and while it wanted to object to just marching up to Pop so soon... that was clearly what Cola wanted. "We'll... see who we can get. Everyone's pretty busy with stuff, but I'm sure someone'd be free enough to help us out." That...
  12. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle remained silent, although a glare did fall on its face. Were they... wrong, about Pop? Really? In all honesty, Pop could be saying anything he wants to get what he wants... he is Cola after all, somehow. If anyone knew how to get in Cola's mind it would be Pop... But even that didn't...
  13. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Anyone would be," Puddle muttered, also staring at the messages on the screen. "He's just tryin' to seem relatable to you, I think. It's a lot harder to tell from just words." "Try askin' 'im if he's really not scared about becomin' a part of you?" Puddle shrugged. That was really the only...
  14. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Yeah... if he made this place, why the hell does he have to reflect them?" Puddle asked, tilting its head. "Is... Is Pop not from Sibus?"
  15. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "That's..." not something Puddle knew how to refute. Deep down, it hoped that wasn't true, but it felt hard for Puddle to find anything that could say the opposite. Instead of letting its mouth run off, Puddle looked to Rocky to say... something comforting, at least.
  16. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    A decade was a long time, wasn't it? Gods, Puddle just realized that it was only a month or so old... but that was beside the current whatevers going on. "Well, he's some big god, right? A decade's real long, but it's, like, not for 'im. I think? Gah, How the hell should I know..?" Puddle shook...
  17. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Ask 'im... uh..." Puddle hummed, thoughtful. What did they wanna know from Pop? It felt like Puddle forgot about whatever it was for a bit, but it did eventually come back. "Ask 'im if he means it when he says he ain't gonna take you by force. Like, actually means it."
  18. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "And you're sure Pop ain't gonna pull somethin', right?" Puddle asked, holding its elbows. Talking with Pop at all felt dangerous, but Puddle trusted Rocky enough to at least try this whole thing. But the second things turn sour, Puddle would... try to do something about it.
  19. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    "Good luck, Rocky!" Puddle waved. Everyone seemed to be all hyper about something, 'cept Soda and Cola. "We'll be able to get our own team base after once this is all over, Cola. It'll be the best damn base out there!" Puddle looked back at Soda, staring for a moment, then saying, "Ya know...
  20. Fusion

    Mystery Continent ~ Northern Pines

    Puddle's grin grew as Cola stepped into it, snickering like a doofus. Tiny, almost unnoticeable, golden specks rose off its body, and despite the cold everywhere, Puddle felt a tad warmer than usual. Not that it cared. "Awesome! It'll be like a sleepover! We can do whatever we wanna until it's...
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