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  1. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    To that, she smiled, then sighed. "Right. You Dark Warriors really are something..." She started to leave, knowing that she'd been away from the Guild for a little too long by now. "Thanks again, Mellow. I'll see you soon at the infirmary." <><><>
  2. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    Zinc nodded. "It would be... strange and very roundabout for Red to be working for Giovanni after what he did. I think we can trust him, at least." She sighed. "Still, everything else is so uncertain..."
  3. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "Mm, okay." Zinc nodded. "He was so polite. And quiet. Mysterious, too. There's no way someone like that could be so, er... well. He was under that Giovanni's control, wasn't he?" She sighed. "It must have been awful. And now he's making so many claims about spies being here--do we really know...
  4. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "I wish I could help more," Zinc admitted, arms crossed. "But I'm just the medic. I guess all I can say is that Silver seemed to be... a little strange, but amnesia can do that to you. I never really god much out of him. He didn't seem to like talking about himself. Oh, and your leader, Diyem...
  5. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    Zinc frowned at that, looking over at Mellow as she carried the next batch of supplies where Mellow had asked to set them. "He's bring practical," she said. "He didn't like saying it. But he told us the same thing. It's awful, really..."
  6. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "What was it?" Zinc asked, tilting her head. "S'more has been a little nervous about the whole spy thing lately, actually... I feel bad for him. It must be hard not knowing who you can trust when you're at the top. He doesn't really have... anyone to turn to aside from Pop himself. And he...
  7. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road
    Threadmarks: R11 - Mellow & Zinc

    "Well, here we are," Zinc said. "This was going to be your home, right? At least... well, one of them. It's hard to tell since it seems like a lot of you have been... slow to move out of the Guild." The Goodra searched for a good place to set it all down.
  8. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "Guess that's everything," Owen said, nodding. "See you, Maple! And, uh, nice true form!" "Thank you?" Maple said, not sure if that was meant to be a compliment or something else. "...Do you really think Cibus would accept this?" "Doesn't everyone know what Flesh really looks like?" Owen...
  9. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    The serpentine bug-dragon's face seemed to twitch into a smile, though without any pupils it was hard to tell what she was looking at. "I mean, that's true," Owen said. "You definitely look mighty." And it also explained why her home had to be so big. Would she fit through the door anymore...
  10. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "Why did you go for Smeargle, anyway?" Cal asked. "Smeargle are unique in that they can replicate any move at all with enough practice," Maple said. "It was a convenient cover." "Oh." Cal figured that made sense, looking at Owen, who seemed contemplative. "Dad?" "I... can't tell how strong...
  11. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "...This is the smallest I'm capable of when not using a suppressing form."
  12. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    A cold breeze, one a little chillier than most of the others that went through Destiny Village, washed over the street. With it came Owen, who flew in from the south after switching shifts with Bahamut on tree duty. "I see," Maple said as Owen landed next to Cal and she caught him up...
  13. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "Hmm... I could," Maple said. "But doing so is always a risk, you see." "Because you'll terrify the natives and get driven off?" "More or less." Cal hadn't expected to be right. "Uh--I mean, Cibus is friendly, right? And after having literally Dark Matter and Joule around--who, by the way...
  14. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "I don't believe it has a name," said Maple, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Joule says it's cute, though." "That... that could mean literally anything," Cal pointed out.
  15. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road

    "Well... my true form," Maple replied. "Ever since I'd been infused with light thanks to Joule, well, my true form has taken on something more tangible than the ethereal cloud that Buffet is. And part of that is..." Maple gestured vaguely around her. "Well. I'm quite large. Larger than Joule...
  16. Namohysip

    Destiny Village ~ Rocky Road
    Threadmarks: R11 - True Form

    Adjacent to Parfait Way was another, smaller street that had several vacant houses soon to be occupied by Team spectrum. The lawns were all uniformly square in their little lots, and the homes were incredibly basic, with white walls, a snow-proof roof, and simple glass windows. Some were bigger...
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