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Search results

  1. Negrek

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call

    All right, the vote is now closed, and ultimately Daily Life in the Pokémon World is a narrow victor at 27 votes! The official contest thread will be up later today; good luck, everyone, and I hope you enjoy writing for this year's theme!
  2. Negrek

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call

    Thanks so much for volunteering, Kandykorn and lisia! I'll reach out to you about judging shortly. And with that, we've reached the final countdown to determine our theme for this year, and the race remains red hot! Be sure to cast your vote if you haven't already; it's still anyone's guess...
  3. Negrek

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call

    Thanks to everyone who's cast a vote so far! It's been a close race the entire time, and we're tied up again at the moment--be sure to get your vote in if you haven't already. If we end in a tie, it's the randomizer who gets to decide our final theme! Also, a brief reminder that I am looking...
  4. Negrek

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call

    Yes, for that theme, the main character(s) can be heroic or noteworthy as long as what actually happens in the story illuminates what daily life is like in their world.
  5. Negrek

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call

    If we end up with a tie, I'll randomize the final theme from among the top choices.
  6. Negrek

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call

    One-Shot Contest 2024 Theme Poll + Judge Call It's that time of year once again! We'll be hosting our fifth annual one-shot contest this June, and that means to kick things off we'll first need to decide what everyone's most excited to write about. Thanks to everyone who offered up potential...
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