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Search results

  1. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Owed Return [Poké-Centric] [OS]

    Hello dear readers. Last year I published this thingy for a contest, which was the first story built under the banner of what came to be the Worlds of Nrafhal. However, as things went on, somehow I didn't crosspost it to THIS one community - which is weird, because it was here where I dedicated...
  2. Venia Silente

    Worldbuilding thread to Fic Discussion?

    Hey everyone, staff in particular. Wondering if this thread, Worldbuilding June, would better suited if moved over to the Fic Discussion area? It's currently sitting in General Chat. I can see arguments for and against, and the thread *has* sat (sit? sut?) comfortably on GC for a good insert...
  3. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Venia May Drabble [TR5A Drabble Bingo]

    Hey everyone. Don't mind me I'll be around posting some drabbles and stuff I am writing for the Fifth Anniversary. The card was originally posted here by @windskull and is reproduced here: Prompt: Card: Separated during childhood, reunited as adults. Too nervous to eat before battle...
  4. Venia Silente

    Pokémon wuv in, well, Pokémon

    Owing to the special date of yesterday, but also today because love should last all year long~ It's easy to write romance and stuff between humans, but other species also need that special feeling (not to mention a reason to breed, otherwise how do we get specimens with cool abilities). And...
  5. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Tricks of the Love Fast [Valentine's Nidorans]
    Threadmarks: 1.1 — Berrywinner

    uwu wat's this? a story with bnuuys? Yes it is. This is a project that started as a oneshot (I swear) but that kinda grew into a plot because Nidorans are cute. It's a bit more of slice of life stuff (for now) with my couple of Inka and Baluarkos from that other story about blue doors, but...
  6. Venia Silente

    What do you expect to see in a lore doc?

    S'up everyone. I've been working for a while on a new setting for Pokémon stories. It's going to, in general, be a Pokécentric / "PMD‑without‑the‑MD" world. Don't want to bossrush you with the details (who am I kidding, ofc I wanna) but the thing is, besides the obvious that I'm going to...
  7. Venia Silente

    Pokémon The Marks of a Leader [2023 Drabble Bingo]

    Hello everyone, this is my first time taking part of the drabble bingos and the result will be... well... not drabbles, since I write kinda long, but hey I'm trying! So here, I'm gonna leave you with three (3) short stories for a right-hand column bingo. The prompt is "leadership / ruling" and...
  8. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Tastes Anew [two-shot]
    Threadmarks: 1/2

    Hello my readers, it's been a while. How about some writing featuring canon characters now? Also food, because why not. Here I bring to you some bits of worldbuilding and a bit of writing some canon characters. This will be a two-parter but let's start with Part Numero Uno. Enjoy! Tastes...
  9. Venia Silente

    Pokémon As They Were [OS]

    Hello there! I want to present you with a former contest entry for another community, now shared here. Written originally under the prompt "nostalgia" (ya know, prompts are not like they used to be) it is now available for the Thousand Roads community as a freestanding story, about a creature of...
  10. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Playfield [10yr Anniversary Edition]

    As per the current Saturnalia and Estival Solstice celebrations, I'm legally authorized to cross-post this story ft.: two of your favourite characters! Enjoy Playfield The normal routine of the bushland and the meadows was interrupted by a threat of a nature surprising to its inhabitants...
  11. Venia Silente

    [RFE] Provide the button for the subforum index's Atom feed

    Currently, Thousand Roads forums offers two RSS/Atom link feeds: One is for the whole-site feed (forums.thousandroads.net) and another one is for the current subforum's index: <!-- in the <body> --> <li><a href="/index.php?forums/-/index.rss" target="_blank" class="p-footer-rssLink"...
  12. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Auld Foundations [OS]

    Hello everyone. Presenting here Auld Foundations, a fic I actually wrote recently instead of having it in the drafting stage and revisionism hell for six months. Furthermore, this is a story about a good doggo, and how we can protect her job. Enjoy! Auld Foundations Sorento waited under the...
  13. Venia Silente

    Feedback wanted: Pilot Episodes

    Hello everyone. I've been wondering, as a writer in the last time I've been strongly focused on oneshots, in the best case something like miniseries-style two-parters. Not that that's bad, I mean it seems to work. *But*. At some point, you just need to tell a bigger story, right? The thing is...
  14. Venia Silente

    Pokémon A Case of Winging it [preliminary]

    Greetings everyone! This is an older story I posted for a contest and by popular request I've decided to bring it to this site as well. It's about a bird doing what he can without the aid from Social Services. A fair warning, since this was originally written under contest constraints, some...
  15. Venia Silente

    FYC: More typographical effects in BBcode; render fixes

    Hello everyone, here with a few requests. Currently the page on BBcode codes (https://forums.thousandroads.net/index.php?help/bb-codes/) lists the codes that are supported. However, a few codes are not working correctly (in particular for the print preview or Save As... renders) and a few other...
  16. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Dangerous Upgrade [GtI]
    Threadmarks: Act Ⅰ-Ⅱ

    Hello everyone, I'm here with a new story about a game that deserves more love. That's right: some more new content for the average Gates to Infinity enjoyer! This is yet another "Special Episode" of sorts that I have been working on for a good while and has had quite an... accidented...
  17. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Beyond Today [PMD] [OS]

    Per popular request, I'm crossposting one of my award-winning one-shots to this community since it's admittedly been stuck at PC and AO3 for a while. As such, for your consideration: "Beyond Today", also my first foray into the world of PMD writing. This was originally posted in 2018 for...
  18. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Silly Human, Romance is for Nidoran~!

    Hello everyone! Here's your virtual pen pal Venia Silente. You might remember me from works such as Overlord and Making the World Go 'Round. This time however, I'm in full cuteness mode general. This being Valentine's Day, I'm contractually allowed to cross-post my Valentine's story featuring...
  19. Venia Silente

    Pokémon Forever Catch [two-shot]
    Threadmarks: 1/2

    Hello everyone. I'm here with a new crosspost from my archives. This I wrote back in 2019 (before hte pandemic! imagine!) as a celebrational. In this story set in the past of a fanon region, Cobalion (not the same Cobalion as in the movies) investigates rumours about humans and one of their new...
  20. Venia Silente

    Pokémon A Good Year to Rawr

    Hey everyone, am here bringing one of the newest stories I have written Elsewhere. This time featuring best pseudo, Dragonite Goodra Tyranitar Salamence!. This was originally written for PokéCommunity as a contest entry under the prompt "contentment / frustration”. I kinda sorta picked...
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