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Search results

  1. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    The MinistryGovernment has fallen. The (Prime) Minister is dead. Does Merywether inherit Rufus' secretary? Because if so, that'd be the second instance of a famous primarina having a vaporeon as their assistant in PMD fics that take place in a variant of the canon world. [insert Doofenschmirtz...
  2. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    omg he just like me fr 😭 Just evolve then. #SkillIssue A moment of silence for the inky contents of Archen's bag. o7 As opposed to sad business, angry business, etc. Oh, they're totally dead. Okay, Dialga. But first, lemme take a selfie. F. Unsure what this is supposed to be a void...
  3. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    It's now occurring to me that the previous chapter is basically your take on Harry grabbing the Portkey Triwizard Cup and getting yeeted to the site of Voldemort's revival. I should've put two and two together from the get go. So, uh, when's the chapter depicting Tricky spreading flees to...
  4. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    Waaaaaaaaaaaait a tic. Isn't that just— Yeah, okay, this is the anime version of the Rescue Team plopped into the gameverse. I guess I took the name and applied it to the duo from the Rescue Team manga, so I'll let you off the hook for the royalties. A team of all cats? Wait. Okay, this has...
  5. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    Okay, time to get caught up for realz. 1-12 -The classic nightmare chapter start. I think this is an introduction to Dark Matter. It even messes with the formatting a little bit in what I can only assume is a nod to its aLTeRNAtiNG CaPs talking style. (One that's easier on the eyes, at least.)...
  6. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    Merry blitzmas! Disclaimer: My blitz reviews are stream of consciousness styled rambles. Let me know if you have any questions. 1-6 (I feel like I'm shorthanding Ace Attorney case numbers here) -Do people even still have lawn flamingos in this day and age? -I'm willing to bet that, even with...
  7. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    Okay, yeah, I can see the very "Harry goes to Diagon Alley" vibes of this chapter. I mean, you're linking HP music at the end of the chapter but for me my go to for clearly British set pieces is now the Great Ace Attorney. This is Ampharos' theme; I accept no counterarguments. I would say that...
  8. Ambyssin

    Pokémon Do Psychic Cats Dream of Electric Sheep?

    As promised. This is, of course, a blitz review so it will be my more scatterbrained bullet points. So, let me know if you have any questions. Prologue -Now when you name a character Rufus I must immediately go into :absus: mode as someone who's played FF7 and its Remake. Though given the...
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