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Search results

  1. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    Anniversary post to wrap things up may not happen. If the abnination happens it wont be until end of october at earliest. Swapped to a new med, not doing well / havent been able to work
  2. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: Loose update hopefully soon

    hey there 💃 I've been busy in real-life and otherwise. The usual "life keeps going faster and faster" trying to keep up with any number of things. Questant definitely could've been paced better, and the track I'd wanted to get things on by the 1 year anniversary were a bit different than the...
  3. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: Reading Order

    Whether here for Catnip or not, let me give you an idea of 'where to start' New readers are encouraged to choose one of three options: start with Questant itself start with Questant Prologue start with some Oneshots in this setting when I start "act 1", new readers will be invited to start...
  4. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    Depressive episode seems to have passed, kinda frustrating that I'll be pretty deep in it until suddenly I'm just not, but hey, I got some work done today. This is a test post. The actual content is an animated webp I'm testing out on both forums, but I'll be redacting it due to update...
  5. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    hey there, I'm unlikely to get an update out this week due to a mixture of factors. Due to existing plans for next week, I dont think I'm going to get an update out next friday either. Due to my pacing issues, I'm not confident I'll be able to get things to where they need to be before the 1...
  6. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Threadmarks: NER Exploration - The Desert - 3

    🛑 This update contains animated glitch distortions. 🛑 This update contains music. Music is playing Vaer starter is a bit heavier than vae had expected... but once they were overhead it became a matter of stamina holding the position while they got a grip. Their tail swung back and forth...
  7. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: Abattoir

    This oneshot involves a loose pov of experiencing delusions brought on by psionic causes. All three are gonna of these are gonna be along the lines of horror theme-wise, and I'm doing my best to tag them appropriately. Feel free to let me know if something else would have been a better tag 🛑...
  8. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: In-Group Out-Group Bias

    This oneshot involves a loose pov of experiencing delusions brought on by psionic causes. All three are gonna of these are gonna be along the lines of horror theme-wise, and I'm doing my best to tag them appropriately. Feel free to let me know if something else would have been a better tag 🛑...
  9. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: Delusional Parasitosis

    This oneshot involves a loose pov of experiencing delusions brought on by psionic causes. All three are gonna of these are gonna be along the lines of horror theme-wise, and I'm doing my best to tag them appropriately. Feel free to let me know if something else would have been a better tag 🛑...
  10. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: ner exploration 2.5 and 3 rolls, update delayed

    Upd8 Voting Results the following is largely copied and pasted from the prior update. unfortunately some BBCode content is unable to be properly mirrored aside from screenshots. I may try that at some point.. but the text wouldn't be able to be copy-pasted. I'll try and post some of it in quote...
  11. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Extras: In-depth Response to Murkrow's Liveblog - Guest Starring Allium!Korite

    Hello to SM, I'd meant to respond to your review (I'd been hyped for it, wasn't sure how much or little you'd read, I know this is a bit hard to gauge scope for as a work), but also wanted to get my update out on-time as I could. I'm gonna spoiler my responses by update Onion AU Korite is now...
  12. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    I know with some prior updates it was a Choose One, but folks are welcome to submit multiple commands (unless I specifically specify on an update otherwise, like a majority vote / plan vote). I was just listing out different things from the update that could be collected, when anything in a...
  13. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Threadmarks: NER Exploration - The Desert - 2

    🛑 This update contains animated glitch distortions. Midway through towards the end. 🛑 This update contains music. Music is Playing. As Klevas considers how to proceed, Zippi begins to investigate the new environment. Whether getting a closer look at the camp grill or the flowers they seem...
  14. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    dw, it's not too late at all! I'm currently working on the next update, hoping to get it out for Friday or Saturday I'll either work it into this update, or the one after this. EDIT: It will have to be saturday, I don't expect to complete today due to something coming up, and the likelihood...
  15. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    Investigate where? (A general direction / thing.) As a result of @Nonakin 's command on SV, I'll also be appending "[X] Investigate: Rest Stop Doorway" as a decision of Klevas's as a result of the examine command for the rest stop. why yes it is >83c
  16. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom
    Threadmarks: NER Exploration - The Desert - 1

    Zippi fidgets as they patiently wait while Klevas drops item after item into the portal to store away their excess items.. and it amazes Klevas a little as they seem to just vanish into that portal. Vae can see them drop neatly onto one of the tables, or neatly as they can with the bottles...
  17. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    I was part of the juror group who were dismissed rather than selected for the trial, and my 'cohort' was told we've completed the duty and will not need to come back tomorrow. Today's probably not gonna be one I get work done, but I wasn't certain of that to begin with.
  18. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    regrettably I will not be getting the update out today. between some depressive moments that cut work yesterday short, and sleep irregularities trying to be ready for jury duty, and errands I need to run this evening, I don't think I'm going to get things done today. I'm at the tail end of this...
  19. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    re: End of Early Post(s) I've been considering doing a bit in the opening post for a while now, thankfully. what I put down was a more-final rough draft of what I've been toying with. A bit of it's taking cues from Dexworks' works, such as Terrene Spire, and the current Conscryption (which is...
  20. Meridian

    Original Questant - Interactive Fiction - Exploring a Non-Euclidean Reflection, Traipse your way to the SafeRoom

    Late Update Still On The Way I did just get done with the next background. I kind of went a bit too overboard with the idea, but I got used to more fundamentals with photobashing and collage work. The next ones should be easier. Most of the NERs state right now is mapped out behind the QM...
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