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Search results

  1. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon Different Eyes
    Threadmarks: Chapter 8: A Change of Course

    Author’s Note: Hey, folks. Still alive, still writing. Since the last chapter, I’ve been seriously ill, I’ve had to move house, and I’ve been running a ridiculously high-effort forum RP that’s consumed all my spare creative energy. I’m not quitting this fic, though! Not ever. I’m honestly...
  2. unrepentantAuthor

    Blitz 2024: Prize Claim Thread

    Level of Prize: Level 1 Type of Prize: Art Preferred Method of Contact: Discord
  3. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon The Quest for the Legends

    Time to do another round of backtrack reviewing! Chapter 27 was a cute one. I enjoy that after a fairly asocial dynamic between Mark and his team so far (besides Char', obviously), he finally sits down with them and hears their angsty backstories. One of the things I enjoy about TQftL is all...
  4. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon Pathways to Arcadia

    Hi, Inke! Making good on my promise to leave you an actual review. ❤️ I'll begin by saying that it's clear you're doing a hell of a lot to evoke a particular ~fantasy vibe~ and I think you're doing pretty damn well at it! There are plenty of little effortful details such as those unown-esque...
  5. unrepentantAuthor

    Blitz 2024: Hype and Rec Thread

    Weekly Fic Rec! Aight, so the other day I read @elyvorg 's Three Heads Are Better Than One, which is a delightful oneshot featuring an unusual POV – the middle head of a dodrio. I've not seen a lot of polycephalous POVs before, but these one was certainly well-executed, and did a great deal to...
  6. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon Three Heads Are Better Than One

    Hi, ely! I loved this one. It's weird in such an endearing way! First up, the prose and dialogue is solid. I especially enjoyed the drip-feed of physical and emotional whump, and the oppressive and inescapable sense of darkness, confinement, time pressure, being a goddamn bird under the fucking...
  7. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon Gathering Moss [Magical but Mundane 2024 Contest One-Shot, Pikachu Flight 1st Place]

    Okay, so, I loved this. That win was well-deserved, bud. I'd like to start off by saying that I read this aloud to Chibi and near the end I very nearly got properly choked up a couple times and had to regain composure to press on. I think that added something to the experience for me, actually...
  8. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon Wild Horses in Winter (one-shot)

    Hi there! My first time reading anything of yours, anon – and it was an absolute pleasure to. First off, I love the premise, the setting. I'm fond of IRL-adjacent pokéfic with really good verisimilitude, and you achieved that splendidly with everything from the little details in the prose, to...
  9. unrepentantAuthor

    Pokémon Pathways to Arcadia

    Good fic pls update
  10. unrepentantAuthor

    Exquisite Corpse 2024

    I'm up for Grimdark. No particular availability troughs. Don't mind opening.
  11. unrepentantAuthor

    Fifth Anniversary Banner Collab

    Here's my solo submission for the banner!
  12. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[Sind you should have used this flavour for the game:]]
  13. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[If EDLatios is to be believed, they are a doc who saw one person claim doc, then another person counterclaim, and then both people plus someone else post identical role DMs at the same exact time, and figured that clearly none of these people are docs. Surely not...?]]
  14. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[Chibi thinks there are a ton of docs and a ton of paranoid gun owners. The docs ought to hit the gun owners and die pretty often. Like the pc gane minesweeper where if you click a blank square you risk blowing up.]]
  15. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[You can't, I'm afraid. The whole point of simultaneously posting on the dot of 2:20 GMT was to prove that we didn't copypaste the other person. You missed the opportunity and it can't be replicated.]]
  16. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[My one worry is that if this is a minesweeper setup and pasting DMs is legal that non-Doc players might have received copies in order to be able to fakeclaim. Holy shit, this is nefarious.]]
  17. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[We're supposed to believe that EonDuoLatios/Victoria had an identical Doctor PM, but didn't counterclaim earlier, and also doubted that ours were real? That doesn't make sense. They should have done as FauxFox did.]]
  18. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[The three people who all posted an identical role PM at the same time. Me, Flyg0n and Fox.]] [[This is meaningless, as you could have copypasted what one of the three of us posted earlier.]]
  19. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[ @Flyg0n @FauxFox I'm healing Tetra tonight, Tetra you heal Fox, Fox you heal me. Scum will strongman kill one of us but we're safe from other kill sources. Fox, you wanna reveal who you healed last night?]]
  20. unrepentantAuthor

    [MAFIA WIN] Team Skull Recruitment Mafia (5th Anniversary Mafia)

    [[Right, none of your posts make any sense. Voting for you now.]] Vote EonDuoLatios
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