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  1. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Poison 7.6

    Poison 7.6: Ecohazard Pixie Sitrus never felt threatening before. None of her kind ever had. Now? She feels powerful. Like she could and would break you in half if you crossed her. Her movements are quicker and anger flows off of her like cold flows off of you. Once you’re far enough away from...
  2. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Xatu (Natu) Vidensavis chilensis Overview Xatu are among the most well-known precognitive pokémon. They are less well known for retrocognition, their other major ability. Xatu have also managed to avoid the stigma around absol, despite being far less inclined to help humans. It was only in...
  3. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Poison 7.5

    Poison 7.5: In The Heart Kekoa July 24, 2020 The ghost looks straight at you as her army rips through the cops. For a minute or five or fifty you were huddled up with Machoke behind his gigalith. You noticed at some point that he was bleeding from his stomach but seems to be ignoring it. Did...
  4. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Trevenant (Phantump) Dominisilvarum putrida Overview Even by the standards of ghost-types, trevenant have gained a bad reputation. It is often said that they intentionally target children and those who would help them, leading them into the forest to die of starvation or decay. Many cultures...
  5. P

    Pokémon Broken Things

    Holy crap it's that time of year where the fic comes to life. @Negrek stop making replies while I'm typing out responses :([/SPOILER]
  6. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Poison 7.4

    Poison 7.4: Bloodstains Genesis July 26, 2020 “We can’t stay here,” Lyra says. You’re still hunkered down in a guest room at the Battle Tower. The first night was chaos as no one knew what was going on and Cuicatl was a wreck. You could barely follow a thing she was saying. You’re not judging...
  7. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Tyranitar (Larvitar, Pupitar) Edaxmontibus silicea Overview Most mineral pokémon are chemosynthetic or photosynthetic. They eat rocks as fuel but usually see other mineral pokémon as being too much effort to bother with when their usual diet is abundant, completely sedentary, and doesn’t fight...
  8. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Poison 7.3

    Poison 7.3: Apotheosis Nocitlālin July 24, 2020 I’m being told Cuicatl Ichtaca didn’t get her Class V. Vote was unusually heated. @justinofalola lol did anyone think the Aztec was gonna get it @commodus14 She had @drkarashina backing her. It seemed possible. @justinofalola...
  9. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Aurorus (Amaura) Chorislux regina Overview One moment the world was normal. The next, a meteor struck off the coast of Anahuac. There were tsunamis, earthquakes, and a firestorm hot enough to ignite flesh on fire across the globe. Almost anything that couldn’t swim or burrow would have been...
  10. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Poison 7.2

    Poison 7.2: Catalyst Cuicatl July 24, 2020 You feel weak. Like your muscles all went on strike at once. Like you haven’t eaten in days. Your heart hammers in your chest like it wants to tear itself out as a second offering. Air enters your lungs but refuses to stay. You almost drop the dagger...
  11. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Tyrantrum (Tyrunt) Tyrantrum rex Overview Tyrantrum. The rampaging tyrant king. The most famous dinosaur, and perhaps the most extinct creature, of them all. It was inevitable that scientists would attempt to revive them, no matter how many warnings they received from science fiction. Reality...
  12. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Poison 7.1

    Arc Seven: Poison "If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?” -William Shakespeare Poison 7.1: Corrosion Plumeria 2016 “You can’t do that.” Your voice is calmer than expected. If you...
  13. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Carracosta (Tirtouga) Testudinesrex coriumtesta Overview Carracosta is an ancient sea turtle that was once the king of the North American Interior Seaway. Their status as one of, if not the, largest turtles to ever live made them a top priority for scientists to revive. Unfortunately...
  14. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex
    Threadmarks: Indeedee

    Per a bonus entry poll on my discord... Indeedee Lares miltonii Overview Indeedee have long worked alongside humans as household or personal servants. They are true psychics that feed in part off of gratitude and other positive emotions. This leads to them helping an intelligent creature...
  15. P

    Pokémon Broken Things

    LOL okay best payoff of the code names ever. The chapter was scheduled for Saturday but I figured, hey, why not? Going to be on vacation then, anyway.
  16. P

    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Fairy 6.22

    A response before the chapter; Fun fact: I once read the first chapter of a web serial, then skipped to its most recent and read every other chapter in reverse order, then read the remaining updates as they were posted. It was definitely not meant to be read that way but it was very fun. Maybe...
  17. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Archeops (Archen) Archeops primafuga Overview Archeops played a major role in establishing a scientific consensus in favor of macroevolution. Early theorists could suggest that life radiated outwards from common ancestors in favor of more specialized forms and provide anecdotal evidence in...
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    Pokémon Broken Things
    Threadmarks: Fairy 6.21

    Fairy 6.21: Peer Review Sina 2016 “Sina, Dexio, have a seat.” Dr. Platane always looked young, even for his age. The last three years changed that. Bags droop where there were none before. His hair and attire are haphazard more often than not. His eyes often bore into nothing with a...
  19. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Bastiodon (Shieldon) Ambulanscutum montaneises Overview As the predators of the Mesozoic reached record sizes and strengths, their prey were forced to adapt or die out. Some opted for the speed to outrun larger predators or camouflage to avoid confrontations altogether. Others decided to...
  20. P

    Pokémon The Alola Pokedex

    Rampardos (Cranidos) Lacertacarpa fractiligno Overview Of all the pokémon species lost to time, the dinosaurs have always commanded the most attention. The first fossils to be revived were invertebrates with modern counterparts. After that research shifted to the reptiles of the Mesozoic...
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