Chapter 14: Cypress
As I approached I called out "I know you are there behind the chair. What have you done with my Gentleman?! Show yourself!"
A voice both familiar and unfamiliar called out "Your Gentleman has yielded to me and now serves me."
The voice replied "Perhaps he shall return to you if you defeat me in a duel, but know this: You cannot win against me. Oh, I
have heard of how powerful your deck is and must admit I am
impressed. My ascension will be more complete if I have a powerful ally like yourself. I offer you to share in my greatness as my second in command. Should you accept, only
I will be above you. I would
even be willing to entertain ideas you may have for the changes to come to our world. You and I will be like gods. To show your devotion, simply drop to your knees and bow your head in respect. Then, I will approach and take your hand. I will allow you to walk beside me to share in my destiny."
I replied "You're
insane if you think I would do
that! You're going to
PAY for what you have done to our world!"
The voice began laughing called back, "Oh how you amuse me, my dear Mint! Very well, perhaps you will change your mind after this..."
The figure emerged from behind the chair and stepped into the light. I froze in horror as I realized the voice belonging to the man in front of me was the same as the one from behind the chair: Mr. Gentleman!
My reply came out so easily it was like I wasn't even controlling my own mouth "What... have you done to him!"
He replied with the voice of the man I loved "I replaced his brainwaves with my own of course. I'm sure you were expecting that I had already incarnated to this world once more. In truth, I set aside specific instructions for the religion of Lugia following my most recent demise. Seth, the leader carried out my plans prior to my awakening. Once all the pieces were in place I arranged for one of the two of you to enter this place which led to my re-awakening."
I could barely speak "But.. how! How did this happen?!"
The man replied again "I set the MindMaster prototype to
automatic activation."
He smiled and continued "Once your
gentleman passed by, he became my
vessel! I needed time for the effect to take full hold, thus the need to delay you."
My throat felt like it was closing in on me as I replied "Who.. are you??"
He promptly replied "I was originally known as Professor Cypress but I have outgrown that archaic title. You may now address me as
Master Cypress as all my subjects do. I am the current Grand Cardinal of the Lugia religion. Not that it is a real religion. It is simply a tool to keep a tight control on a focused group of individuals. After all, preparation for my return is rather difficult when I am not always inhabiting a vessel. Your gentleman will not return to you. I am far beyond him. I already have the man you love and I will have
far more. Offer yourself to me and I will allow you to share in some of my power and glory. I have even decided to allow you the honor to serve my needs for companionship as you are not only powerful, but quite
beautiful as well. Should you need love, I will bestow it upon you. You would be my most precious subject. Indeed you are the best in every aspect, the only one worthy to serve me in this way. You need only pledge your eternal loyalty to me here and now
without resistance. Come Mint... kneel to me and bow!"
Axel was keeping silent, probably not wanting to give away the fact to Cypress that we could speak.
My thoughts and emotions raced it was like many voices in my head all vying for control! Everything came tumbling out in less than a minute of thought: "He already has my gentleman! If I can't get him back, Cypress is all that remains! If I give myself to him, I can have everything I could ever want! Maybe I could even live forever at his side? Even if i can beat him and my gentleman returns to me, we will both eventually age and die! Look at how smart he is to have arranged all this! He called me beautiful and strong. He acknowledges me! He hasn't shown me any hostility and will let me rule with him! What lies beyond the nexus? What future will he weave? It would be so easy if I accept. Isn’t my sense of power just misguided? He can beat this deck I have even though it should lose to nothing! If I yield to him, he could handle and direct everything. He would take charge and I would only need to serve him. Life as a pet of a man that smart and powerful could be a paradise..."
My thoughts continued "NO! A future with a man who murders peoples minds? Could I really love a man like that? Could I really tolerate him elevating himself above me with me as his mere pet?! What if his plans are bad? What if everything suffers from it? I don't know if its already too late, but if I don't try to stop him, I may as well be murdering my love myself! Is his deck truly invincible? I can’t just give up without a fight! I must oppose this monster… with
all that I AM!"
My thoughts subsided as I felt determination well up from within me. I stared him down as I spoke "I refuse. Your plans are going to
end here by
MY hands!"
He smiled and replied "Though I offered you the easy way out to serve me directly, I was hoping with
every fiber of my being that you would refuse!"
He smiled even more and continued "So willful! Breaking you will be
most exquisite!” He exclaimed with a wild look in his eyes and a large smile.
He continued “I see we will need to duel to solve this! Very well! I will demonstrate to you that it is pointless to resist me. Once you understand, you will give yourself to me.
That is how I prefer to have you!"
Anger. That is what I felt toward the man in front of me. Rage! How dare he?! This will not stand! I will bring him down! I must for my love, for the world, and for
ME! I quickly took my seat and slammed my deck down, coldly staring directly into his eyes. He merely looked back at me amused.
He then remarked "Perfect... everything is so perfect... Now you shall experience what it is to duel against the inevitable. To duel against
With that he took to his seat and placed his deck upon the mat and said "It doesn't matter
what deck I use against you, actually. The result will be the same."
He smiled and continued "My duel requirements is that you use a deck comprised of 1 Shellder Lv8 and 59 Fire Energy."
Fear gripped my heart as I involuntarily replied "WHAT??!"
He maintained his smile with his eyes closed as if he had just stated the most normal thing in the world.
He continued "Oh don't worry, its just a little
duel requirement."
I replied "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"
He simply replied "Oh but I
can and I
have my dear, Mint. It was simply a matter of adding an exception to myself for the global default range of duel requirements."
I replied in anger "I REFUSE THOSE CONDITIONS!"
I then began to draw my cards as Cypress looked confused.
He replied "How can you do that?"
Axel then chimed in unknown to Cypress: "AH! It must be the device Clair gave us to attach to the Progenitor! Oh MAN that was close!"
I simply replied to Cypress "Oh you don't
like that? Well my decree overrides yours.
Too bad!"
He then gave the first annoyed expression I had seen from him before replying: "I'm not sure what you did, but its
still not going to help you." He then began to draw his cards and the duel to determine the fate of everything began!
Very early on I realized that he is playing with MothZapper! How DARE he use
my gentleman's deck against me!
Axel commented "Hey Mint, I'm going to continue speaking sometimes, but its probably best not to give away that we are communicating. So I'll speak and you can just listen. If I ask you a question, it will be yes or no and you can signal to me with short yes or no whispers.”
Axel continued “I'm shocked to see Cypress use a deck this weak! It IS the best
all-common deck as far as I can tell, but its hardly the
BEST deck! We already thwarted his deck restriction plan! Why is he still so confident?! Play carefully, Mint, we don't know what tricks he may have up his sleeves and we can't afford to lose here if we are going to save Mr! What's more is that
Mr has the SealedStar deck we crafted! Without it we will be defenseless to Shadow Lugia! If we lose this duel here, we lose
e v e r y t h i n g!" Axel was right, everything is on the line here!
This should be an easy victory for me, but if I mess it up its the
As we played I quickly built up my bench but Rocket's Sneak Attack wasn't very effective against common trainer cards in his hand. His Pokemon of course have low HP.
Many things could take his Pokemon down in a single hit. We traded some energy removals as maintaining energy early on was a struggle for both of us. After 3 Energy Removal all targeting my double-colorless energy, he found an opening to KO 2 of my Pokemon! Not only can he use Mr's deck, he can use it to its
maximum capabilities! After a few more turns I was finally starting to take back control. Once I had enough momentum built, I began sweeping his team. Each KO left his expression totally unfazed. Is he really that good at bluffing?! As the turns progressed I was making strides on claiming prizes until there was only a single prize left. Cypress then looked at me and smiled confidently.
I now stood next to the card table with Cypress no where to be seen. Our cards were no longer on the table.
"What just happened?" I said aloud.
Cypress then stepped out from behind the chair and spoke. "My dear Mint.. I didn't think I would actually need to use it, but you forced my hand! Well done! I was
right to select you to share a portion of the throne of my ascension!"
Cypress merely smiled and replied "Oh I have done nothing with them. You will find them right there in your pocket in fact!"
I immediately checked my pocket and confirmed he was right!
I then replied "Then were did our duel go?!"
Cypress replied again "Ah, that duel we were in? I didn't think it was going to well,
so I erased it from existence."
If it weren't for the confident smile he was wearing and the strange circumstance, I never would have believed him.
Starting to feel a profound sense of anxiety I hastily replied "Duels don't just vanish! Since you forfeited, fork over Lugia NOW!"
Cypress replied while smiling "You wound me with your lies, Mint! Why, you and I have never even dueled before! I am under
no obligation to turn Lugia over to you."
With anxiety mounting I shot back "Yes we have! We were in a duel! Put the cards back up so I can finish you off!"
He replied "But that would be against the
rules! You
do know how to play the Pokemon trading card game
don't you? You need to play from start to finish after the cards have been shuffled."
At this I grew angry "YOU CHEATER!"
He replied "Surely I did not
cheat, for if I
had, I would be forced to surrender Lugia to you as the Progenitor would impose it upon me the
same as anyone
"FINE THEN!" I retorted as I stormed ahead right towards him. Lets see how he likes a punch to his smug new
I charged him but was quickly knocked back hard by some unseen force! I tried to step back to keep from falling but found the edge of the bridge was too close! I was FALLING!!
Suddenly I was standing on the bridge again. I was going to die! I collapsed to my knees unable to stop my eyes from leaking some tears.
Cypress loomed as he stepped out from behind the chair again spoke "Well that's not quite what I had in mind for my anti-gravity repulsion defense... You see, it prevents anything from passing beyond a certain point on this bridge. The deactivation level is naturally on this side of the bridge only. I designed it as a contingency, and a good thing that I did! Somehow I doubt this body would deal well with physical attacks from you. Do not worry my dear, I have saved your life. Perhaps you are now grateful enough to belong to me?
I shot him an angry look and retorted "Its YOUR fault I was falling to begin with!"
At this he cringed a bit and replied "A partial truth. You were the one who actually tried to attack me, after all. I didn't have to save you, you know. Are you saying you are ungrateful? Should I have let you fall to your death?"
As much as I hated to admit it, I certainly would have died right then had he not done whatever he did to get me back on the bridge again. I calmed myself and replied.
"Under normal circumstances, I would surely thank someone for saving my life, but these are
not normal circumstances. You only saved me because you want to claim me as a prize!"
Cypress replied back with a confident smile.
"And what of it? Do I not deserve the best of prizes? With this power, you can see I can and
will keep you safe. That's not all I can do either. There are so many paths available to me now..."
If it weren't for who he was, I might have felt flattered.
I replied "What are you even talking about and what happened to our duel?!"
Cypress calmly replied "For some reason, this gentleman had a very curious book on his person. A ...
diary." Cypress explained with a sinister grin.
I replied "
So? What's so special about
Cypress continued "During my time as a researcher, I conducted various studies on the Progenitor. I am something of a prodigy and was able to make considerable progress on learning its functions. Of course, i kept most of that knowledge to myself. I was also involved with the development of the MindMaster prototype. It was to be the most important invention of our time! We could have kept the best scientific minds alive for the advancement of society! Those fools at the academy were unable to put aside their petty morals to achieve greatness! Who cares if you wipe out the brain of a criminal or homeless person! They are just going to rot and use up valuable resources! I suppose more than anyone, they were simply afraid of its potential. Not only that but they issued a warrant for my arrest on crimes against humanity they said!"
Cypress's expression changed to disgust as he continued.
"But no... even starting small with the minds of homeless and criminals those imbeciles STILL rejected my wondrous proposal! Once it became clear they would not listen to me, I uploaded my mind to the machine and staged a robbery to make it appear as if the machine had been stolen. Having no way to escape the fate of my original body, I was arrested and put to death. Unbeknownst to them, I had already found my first vessel and uploaded my mind to its brain. It was at that moment that
I, Master Cypress, was born. I saw what they did to my original body, and I hated them for it. From then on, I would use my knowledge to strike back at those fools while furthering my own ambitions. As time went on, so-called heroes would arise to duel me with
disgusting levels of success! Unfortunately the MindMaster prototype may only be used every 100 years. Attempting to redesign it would be beyond even my superior intellect on its own, so I had to made do with what I had. Once each vessel that served its purpose, I would then upload my new current mind and then copy it to another vessel. I had the Lugia card from the beginning and learned what its full capabilities were. It was easy to create a religion around it. The desperate are always hungry for some belief to cling to you see..."
Everything he said made me want to vomit, but I realized that more information was unlikely to make things worse so I listened while he continued.
"One of the things I learned from the Progenitor during my time as a researcher was of the existence of a seemingly simple
book that the Progenitor references to
render our entire world at the time of the last entry! I have hunted for it for
centuries and
finally I deduced its location via the use of the Lugia religion! I knew there was something strange about Mr Gentleman when he did not appear to have a name, yet he could duel! He was not an immigrant from NEO, after all. One of the things I was able to learn about the diary is that its owner has the ability to
name themselves It then stood to reason that they would have to exist for at least some time without a name! Unfortunately when the world of NEO became connected, there were many immigrants with no names! I did not realize they would translate in that way upon reaching our island! My hunt became far more difficult with them here. Part of the instructions to the current leader, Seth as it turned out, was for him to locate the owner of the diary and to arrange its owner to fall into the trap! I could not simply just steal the diary, because I learned that the progenitor only accepts entries from its owner. Upon my upload to this vessel, I am now considered its owner! Admittedly, this plan was
highly risky, but the rewards of success were simply to great to ignore! Seth used prophecy to help guarantee his success. Otherwise he would have attempted a more direct approach. Indeed he was the perfect tool for the job!"
I deigned to pose a question "Is that all people are to you? Just tools?"
He replied "Not all people, but certainly the vast majority of them. Don't worry my dear, as my valued pet, you will be so much more than a tool."
I stopped to think a moment and replied "If you keep treating people so far below you, how will you ever have respect from peers or mentors? How will you form friendship? Have you never felt lonely?"
Cypress looked at me confused and replied "Loneliness is a weakness. I guarantee you that society spits upon it. The only way to feel valued is to establish superiority and use power to get what you want. Playing a rigged game only leads to despair. Instead, you need to redesign the game and make everyone else play that. One good way is to harness the ability to change
Assuming he was now getting close to his point. I listened intently.
He continued "Speaking of fate, the diary by itself is useless, but combined with the signal device I invented, I only need to press a button and our
entire world resets to the time of the last entry!"
At this my mind started racing at the implications.
He continued "The device is coded to my specific brainwave pattern, so don't get any funny ideas about trying to use it. As you might have deduced, the last entry was just prior to me revealing myself. Do you understand your position yet?"
He smiled and continued as it began to dawn on me "Upon reset, my memories are kept. There is no limit on the number of times I can reset our world, that means there is no limit to the number of duels you will have to win in order to stop me! What's more, you cannot reset the duel,
but I can. If you will win, I will simply reset. If you will lose, the duel will continue to its completion! Tell me, dear Mint, how many games in a row do you think you can win against me? 5....10....50...100....
5,000? Ah, I've waited centuries for this moment! There is no limit to my patience at this juncture!"
With this I felt walls closing in around me on all sides I could barely breath! My thoughts imposed themselves upon me as my expression changed. Hes won! There is no way of stopping him! And he's insane! There won't be anything resembling our world left when he is done!
He continued "Ah! Good! I can see from your face that
reality is starting to set in. Don't worry, I've allowed you and the ghostmasters to retain your memories upon resets. Its
so much more
satisfying when you know what it
is I am doing. I know they are watching." He said as he smiled and waved at the camera on my device.
He smiled "So my dear Mint, are you ready to give up yet?"
I fought back against the creeping hopelessness welling up inside me and shot back at him with all the will and anger I could muster "NO! I'll STOP YOU THIS TIME!"
He then began to laugh as he clapped his hands together "Excellent! Oh, Mint, you don't disappoint
do you?! Even faced with the
impossible, you
STILL want to try to win! I shall savor every last
drop of your hope until there is
nothing left! Once you are empty you will fill with acceptance and
pledge yourself to me! If you do not, I can find
infinite ways to abuse the power to reset the world! Perhaps you might not like me at first, but I'll have
all the time it takes to win you over and I don't
care what I have to do to
get it either! Eventually you will break!"
I wanted so badly to cry, but I MUST focus! I can't LET him win! I took my seat at the table and he took his. Our 2nd first duel began!
From this point on, I played fast and focused on hitting him with everything I had! Maybe I can convince him I'm too strong to ever beat! This game is going well! He only took one prize and he is now down to 2! Another KO, just one mo-.
The world reset again. I started to feel claustrophobic in my own body. I yelled "AGAIN"
He came back out and we went to our third first duel. No prizes for him this time! Now only ONE more prize!
Another reset. I was now having a hard time breathing but did my best to conceal it.
This went on for 9 more duels before I paused and added "Fine! I won't duel you then!"
I started to feel relief, but it was short lived.
He simply replied "That also works. Once I take my seat and enough time elapses, I will simply win by default. I think that would be a real shame to allow me to win so easily though, don't you?"
I could feel the cracks begin to form in my expression as it began to give in to despair.
He continued "Don't worry Mint, I won't take the win for myself just yet. Perhaps I can be reasoned with! We can take as much time to talk as you wish."
I hated that his words started to comfort me, but right now it was the only hope I could cling to!
Axel chimed in "Mint, I know this is bad, but continuing to duel him puts us at risk. We can't get through his ability to reset. Unless we deal with that first, there is no way to stop him! I need time to think. I'll see if I can come up with a solution, for now, try to get him to keep talking"
Clair said I should explore all avenues to victory so I decided to take Axel's advice and keep him talking.
I inquired "The ones who ended the life of your original body are long gone. Why do you continue your hatred for the world?"
Cypress replied "Now this is the part of our interactions I was looking forward to! The more we speak, the better acquainted we shall become with each other after all! Ask any and all questions you like my dear! As for your first question; I do not hate the world. I merely see it as stagnant. I hated the individuals who ended my original body, but as you mentioned they are gone now and every minute I live is a constant passive revenge against them. Simply being alive is enough to make me feel wonderful knowing that they are all gone and will stay gone!"
Talking felt so much better than dueling right now. I could feel some of the tension release that had been gripping me.
He continued "There have been so few scientific breakthroughs since I had my original body. I had the solution to it and they ignored it! Its a shame really. The Pokemon trading card game has also been stagnant. Its like we had living cards originally and we kept using them over and over again until they died. After that, we
still used them and continued to the world of today where we play with the
bones of the dead cards! We need change.
Tension continued to decrease, I started to feel that I could breathe again.
He continued "The deck you currently wield is proof. A defacto best deck? Such a thing in a healthy card game environment should be a state of temporary being, not a crowning achievement to last for
all time. The more you wield that deck, the less fun it will be for your opponents. Fun is what drives our world. If you take it away, all that is left is a grave. Even our original world line has been stagnant. Whatever created it has ceased! This is why the only way for us to have a real future is by tying other worlds to ours. The nexus is a curious thing but it contains many wonders. You see? I am generous to you with my information. Ask what else you may like!"
I felt ashamed as I realized I was grateful to him for being so accommodating with his willingness to speak instead of dueling.
Axel chimed in "Great Mint! Keep him busy, I'm discussing the situation with the other Ghostmasters. We will see if we can find a way out of this!"
Axel's comment made me feel a mixture of hope and anxiety in equal measure. What if they can't find a way?
Setting aside those thoughts for now, I asked my next question: "Why did you sacrifice yourself to seal the ghostmaster's fortress?"
Cypress replied "Sacrifice myself..? OH! Hah! That was not actually me. I'm embarrassed to say that something must have gone wrong in that century and I wasn't able to use the MindMaster to download my mind into a new vessel at that time! As long as the Lugia religion properly indoctrinates its members and leaders though, I do not strictly need to be active as they will act as my proxies. I am troubled that I was stopped before I could even get started there, but at least the current leader at the time did his job by sacrificing himself. If only the fort had been able to
remain sealed..."
I continued to focus and proceeded to my next question "Why do you have knowledge of recent events if your mind was only just recently downloaded into your current body?"
Cypress replied "Ah, one of the functions of the MindMaster is to accept knowledge uploads from the various members of the Lugia religion. As such, I am aware of all that has transpired recently. Interesting, no?"
I asked my next question "Do you know why is Doduo the only Pokemon card that walks around as a Pokemon?"
Cypress replied "Actually... yes! I do! During one of my incarnations where I had partially succeeded, I was
actually able to tap into the nexus of Pokemon! I was afraid of the full implications of its use, but I wanted to test it, so I selected a relatively weak and non-threatening Pokemon to bring forth: Doduo. Its very strange though, because it can take attacks from Pokemon cards. This seems to only occur when it is being used in the deck, however. Curiously, it does faint, but as far as I am aware, it never dies!"
At that, Doduo looked immensely pleased with itself.
I then asked "The changes you make are very large. Aren't you worried about the stability of our world?"
Cypress replied "Yes, you do have a point Mint. There IS such a thing as too much. Its why I didn't delve too deeply in the Pokemon nexus and have stayed close to the Pokemon Trading Card Game nexus instead. My earlier attempts yielded some.. unsatisfactory results.
Still, I
am the one best equipped to navigate these waters and I
owe it to our world to do so!"
I asked "The Ghostmasters told me of your philosophy to never lose duels and that your ultimate goal is to obtain a play set of cards to construct and ultimate deck. Why?"
Cypress replied "This one is more simple than the other questions, but I don't mind answering. We have all the time we need. If we get hungry or tired, I can simply reset so we can continue! To answer that, I will start by stating the obvious: to make things happen in our world, you need to win duels. If you don't want your plans disrupted, you need to win duels!"
As he spoke I thought to myself. Good, keep talking.
Cypress continued "If you
never want your plans
disrupted, you need to
never lose! Although you have won all the game we have played so far together, I am not
truly losing because my plans are
unaffected by it. Though I can now just reset, its simply more straightforward if I don't
need to. I like all my plans to have
Better planning makes for
better results.
I found myself wishing our own plan had more to it as I continued to feel the pressure of the overall situation even though talking helped some.
He continued "One only need to look at my deck requirement plan and how it was somehow circumvented to understand the need for contingencies! I still don't understand how you did it, though I am sure you are not prepared to tell me yet. No matter. Once you have pledged yourself to me, you will happily tell me
all I desire!"
I felt a bit numb at his last comment. If we fail, what if he is right?
I then re-focused myself and asked "So, you don't care about some Pokemon Cards being left behind as the influx of new cards flow or the effects of power creep?"
Cypress replied "As I mentioned, these cards have been used too much already. As for power creep, I suppose you could try to create your own cards, but why do that when so much content in the nexus exists already? Whatever created the original world line has abandoned us. We are left to our own devices. The only way to move forward is if we do it ourselves!"
I asked "What about the people who live here and are happy? What if they don't want to change?"
Cypress answered "Most people are not qualified to make decisions for society. To put it simply, most people are too
stupid to be allowed opinions. Just look at the Doduo Alliance! Everyone in it wanting to impose their restrictions on everyone else! Its not just mob rule, its
stupid mob rule!"
I replied "But what about the ways it forces others to experiment with their cards and craft new decks?"
Cypress answered "I admit there is some merit in that, but the better solution is
my solution to introduce big changes and new cards."
I replied "Is there not some compromise that can be reached between what you want and what others want?"
Cypress replied "
Compromise? Why should I reduce myself to the level of the stupid masses? Their opinions are worthless
and they get in the way of
mine which makes them
less than worthless!"
Feeling angry from his last comment, I asked another question "What makes you more qualified than anyone else to do what you are doing?"
Cypress replied "I'm the only one willing to do it. I admit there are others with the intelligence or the ambition to do it, but not both. For that, I am the only one."
Axel chimed in as I continued to ask basic questions to Cypress to keep him talking. Axel then filled me in on a final effort plan to break free of the time loop Cypress was keeping us in, but explained that its risky and can likely only be attempted once! Once Axel was finished speaking, it was time to get to work.
Once Cypress stopped talking again I spoke "Well, if we are in a time loop, I'd like to speak to some of my friends and such with my phone here. Do you get reception down here Cypress?"
Cypress responded "
Mint, you
really need to learn to address me as
master, and I
don't see how talking to anyone other than me is
relevant since they won't
I replied "It matters to
me because
I remember! I thought you were going to
care about what I
Cypress replied while rolling his eyes "There will be time for these things
after you have pledged yourself to me."
I then replied "No, I want them now!"
Cypress replied again "I don't approve or permit this. I'm going to sit down now. You should have less than 5 minutes before you must duel me. I will
not be ignored while you do such
meaningless things."
With that he sat down. I took out my phone and called Bill.
Bill picked up and answered "Yo! Mint! Nice of you to ring! You looking for an update on my
secret mission here at the game center?"
I replied "Actually, I was going to recommend that you take a look at the black box. Its the most
interesting thing in there!"
Bill replied "
Oh?? You should have mentioned that sooner! Lets see! Oh.. oh
wow! This is far more complex than I thought! I'll have to be careful not to disturb anything in there!"
I replied "Well hey, as long as you know how to put stuff back, it should be fine right?"
Bill replied "I don't know about that! You have to be careful with sensitive equipment after all."
I replied "You know, the most interesting parts about it are
inside you should probably take the cover off to take a peek!"
Bill replied "Ooo nice
idea Mint! You're like my special ops!"
I then replied "If you are there then were is Timmy?"
Bill replied "Well.. I brought him with me. Its ok though, if he unplugs things, I'll just hook them back up later on"
I replied "Oh ok, that sounds good. I'll leave you to it then, have fun!"
Bill replied "I sure will! Over and out!"
I knew the 5 minutes were probably getting close so I put my phone away and went to sit.
Cypress spoke "
Really, Mint, its rather
insulting to have you
ignore me like this for such
pointless stupid banter. Oh well, I suppose it gets me one step closer to the game that brings my destiny to me."
With that, our next duel and the
final chance to save the world began!
This duel I was intent on playing differently. I needed to toy with my opponent, but not in a way that would be obvious. As we played, I pretended to be distracted and to make subtle misplays. It wasn't hard to do given what my mental state was only 10 minutes ago. I needed to drag this out as long as I could to maximize the chances of the plan working and even then this was a long shot with no guarantee! I took one of his prizes, he took one of mine, I took two of his, he took another of mine, I took another of his, so on and so forth until we both had 2 prizes remaining. Putting it off as long as I could, I then took another prize. Now it reached the point where he had to take a risk to win which he went ahead and took but the result failed. Right after that, I saw for the first time on his face: worry! It then came back around to me, and I took him down!!!