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Sand Continent ~ Sand Dune of Spirits

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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"Ignorant child!" Bahamut stomped a foreleg down in front of Saltriv. "If she's destabilizing, then there's the possibility she could explode from her radiance. Healing her only makes that more likely. Are you trying to get us killed?"


A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa stared at Darkwhite in a moment of uncomprehending dismay. Was her corruption finally too much for her? Had something happened to her in the Isle of Light?

"Luz?" she called. "Can you help her??"

The zeraora-shade shook her head. "I don't have any more auxiliary moves than you, darlin'! We're better off takin' down that bird afore it makes the situation any worse!"

Brisa gnashed her teeth, but Luz was right. The best way the feline duo could help was to take the pressure off the rest of the team. The luxio erupted into a directed surge of electric fury as she charged at Ho-oh with all the power she could muster, with Luz right beside her as a silver bolt to her golden one.

Hang on, Darkwhite. We don't want to lose you.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
"Darkwhite!" Owen looked up toward Ho-Oh, who was preparing another set of attacks. "Guys, don't forget Ho-Oh!" It seemed like a lot of them were still gearing up for a big fight, and that was fair--there was a strong chance that Darkwhite might fight them if they couldn't calm her down.

"I--I'm just fine! H-ha... ha..." she clutched at the sand, a small but significant wave of relief washing over her from Saltriv's Heal Pulse. "S-Saltriv..." She wheezed again.

Brisa's Silver Spike dealt 498 damage to Ho-Oh!
Brisa's two Wild Charges (1 cheer!) dealt a total of 2626 damage to Ho-Oh, and she took 263 damage from the attack!
Cabot's Shining Rockfall dealt 1408 damage to Ho-Oh!
Cabot's three Stone Edges (1 from Bahamut) dealt 6340 damage to Ho-Oh!
Ho-Oh was knocked out!

With a defiant cry, Ho-Oh flew skyward, sunbeams cutting through the hazy clouds, before she descended to the ground. Owen shouted for a few others to rush over to break the fall, casting a quick Protect in the shape of a slide in an effort to angle the fall. Several others stood at the base of the slide to catch Ho-Oh, though it was still a rough landing. Bright shadows fell off of her feathers, the corruption rapidly draining from her system... She was starting to look normal again.

Darkwhite was coughing again, gasping for breath. A few were about to approach, but a sudden pressure in the air distracted them.

"Just in time, it seems..."

That Mewtwo was back, with that same cold, cruel smirk.

"Giovanni!" Cal snarled. "What did you do to Darkwhite, huh?!"

"Now, why would I tell you that?" Giovanni asked with a shrug. A Silver Spike flew toward him, but in a blur, he'd disappeared just to the left of it. "Perhaps it was you all who did this to her... Awakening the monster she truly is. Really, you shouldn't have played along with her hero act. All of that corruption, all of that power... She's been drawing it into her all this time, much like you all. I wonder, will the same happen to you one day?" Giovanni made a sweeping motion toward Team Spectrum, then at Darkwhite. His other hand, like a magic act, seemed to have pressed something without them realizing..

And suddenly, Darkwhite stiffened. She stopped sniveling, stopped coughing, it was like her chest had been grasped tight. Her eyes were wide and the red glow in her chest was brighter than ever. It looked like it burned.

And then Darkwhite screamed.

Five things sprouted from her back, triangular, faceless heads at the end of long necks. Bahamut would know the form well. Yet despite this, it seemed different--it was not violet like its usual armor, but black and amorphous. It almost looked like the same material that Cal and the other Ultra Shades were made of...

"I thank you," Giovanni said, "for getting Darkwhite just as I wanted her. That's really all I needed from you."

"You LET us steal those Legends?!" Cal shouted.

"Why would I lose something," Giovanni said, "unless it was to get something better?" He looked to Darkwhite, and then that Psychic pressure intensified again. Giovanni did something...

"Kill them."
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
"That form... it's just like Eternatus. She must be infused with its corruptive energy!" Bahamut was still by Saltriv, so he glared at them with every ounce of raw malice he could muster, before turning the glare on the people who had dared to talk him down about the matter: Luz and Pleo.

Esper's general disinterest faded. No longer was he comfortably lying on Bahamut's back. He didn't even make an effort to calm Bahamut's mood down. The necrozma felt Esper heading for his satchel. Visions flashed through his head. Purple beams searing a darkened sky. A poipole's body pustulating; purple turning to pink as smooth flesh replaced alien chitin.

He looked ahead, a blank expression on his face. "Mercy is truly for the weak." It wasn't clear who he was addressing. "The only way to stop this is to kill them. Might makes right."


House of Two Midnights
"Oh, motherfucker," Nate snarled when Mewtwo... what? Teleported? Popped right the fuck out of nowhere. But, yeah, that figured. All this had been entirely too fucking easy.

"It's that thing! The space dragon thingy Maple was talking about!" He made a snapping motion with his hand, like it was a mouth. Like what might be about to happen, once Darkwhite snapped out of the whole transformation thing and started in on "Kill them." The sky could start falling and Rocky would act like it was just another neat thing, fuck's actual sake.

What the fuck were they going to do. What the fuck were they going to do? They had to stop that fucking Mewtwo somehow, but it wasn't like they could just fucking ignore whatever murder shit Darkwhite was about to get up to. Nate couldn't stop looking between them. Nope, he had nothing. Head empty. What the fuck were they going to do?


PMD Writer
  1. sylveon
  2. weavile
  3. kommo-o
  4. noivern
  5. mothim
Cabot stared dumbfounded at Darkwhite, his own body still glowing bright with Radiance. One moment he was taking down Ho-Oh, giddy with excitement for battle as Radiance flowed through his body. Yet now he was watching Darkwhite mutate into... something.

As Darkwhite changed form, Pleo rushed past Cabot towards Giovanni.

"Stop doing this already!" the young Lugia shouted as he beat his wings to summon up a Whirlwind in an attempt to blow Giovanni away.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Giovanni was entirely focused on evasion; whirlwinds, tackles, embers, all of the attacks were too easily evaded by a few Teleports.

Eterna Darkwhite has awakened!

Owen and the others stood in quiet awe. Darkwhite was nothing but a small, limp figure in the middle of those five heads, which seemed to all share a link with one another at the base. The energy they gave off was incredible--a flurry of attacks from those would...

"Guys, do we run?!" Owen said.

"Oh sure, and let Giovanni get full control," Soda replied in a hiss.

"Soda is correct," Maple added, hopping away. "But now my attacks feel completely suppressed. We can't run away even if I wanted to. I'm... ngh--" Maple knelt down, looking winded.

Even Giovanni looked tired, though only those truly perceptive might notice it.

"Well?" Giovanni said. "You heard me."

The many heads that sprouted from Darkwhite's back all growled forward, waves of red energy flowing from its necks to its mouths.

"Darkwhite! You need help! Don't push yourself until we can really heal you!"
"You need help as much as they do, don't you? Let us help. We would be happy to have you, Sword, with us."

Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Celebration! Its Valor went up by 1!

"It's just... just a party, right? Ha ha... just a... party... we can still have fun! We can..."

Giovanni's cool smile faltered. He said nothing, but his eyes said, 'excuse me?' as he generated another wave of Psychic energy.

Eterna Darkwhite used Magic Coat, gaining +5 barriers!

"That is not what I ordered."

"I don't listen to anyone... Especially not a... l-lame idiot like YOU!"

Eterna Darkwhite used Protect, gaining +5 Barriers!

"This is your last warning," Giovanni said, disappearing again to avoid Team Spectrum's attempts at attacking him. He was too cautious to hit; it seemed like Giovanni was not here to fight, and would keep it that way.

"Or what?" Darkwhite taunted.

Eterna Darkwhite Lucky Chant, gaining immunity to critical hits for a turn!

"H-hey, guys, see? Safe... party! No... attacking! I'm..."

"...Very well." Giovanni said. "Then I'll get you when this is over."

Giovanni activated one last trigger, and then Darkwhite's five Eterna heads clamped shut. Red energy flowed up and down, getting stronger and stronger, until the core in Darkwhite's chest left noticeable cracks along her solidifying body.

A beam of horrible light struck Ho-Oh right as the team carried her, and she disappeared in a haze. The cloud floated upward, intangible, coalescing higher in the sky.

Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Resurrection!
Ho-Oh will rise again next turn!

"And so, the phoenix rises from the ashes..." Giovanni stepped back. "Darkwhite can't control herself anymore, you know. What will you do?"

And then, he was gone.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for this, I didn't know, I didn't... know! It... I c-can't breathe... feels like..."

The light intensified, and then the flash settled. "Help me..."

Sword called out to Saltriv... They gained +1 Valor!
Giovanni left the battle!

Victory condition: Defeat Ho-Oh and Eterna Darkwhite.

Special Condition: Call or assist Darkwhite 28 more times! (A Call only works once per person, per turn)
Ho-Oh: 0
Sword: 935
Eterna Darkwhite: 20,000
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa's entire body shook with fury and fear as Darkwhite's illness became a waking nightmare under the cruel gaze of that motherfucker.

A hundred useless thoughts flashed through her head—this is your fault for being in Spirit's Edge instead of helping in the Isle of Light—and she discarded them, her brain slamming through every tactic she could employ. But this required more than tactics. It required something that didn't come easily to her.

It required faith.

"Darkwhite!" she cried, charging forward with her whole body ablaze. "You can't let somethin' like this beat you! You gotta get through this so you 'n' I can have that throwdown, remember? Think of all you've—nngh!—done fer us! Don't waste that before you see it through!"

Brisa called out to Darkwhite!


Bidoof Fan
  1. sneasel-nip
  2. bidoof
  3. absol
  4. kirlia
  5. windskull-bidoof
  6. little-guy-windskull
  7. purugly
  8. mawile
  9. manectric
Nip clapped his paws together and light glowed from between them. He focused and summoned the tailwind that blew behind the team once again. Rushing forward, he struck out at the abomination that Darkwhite had become. And even as the Shining Rime began its work, he called out to her.

"You are better than this!" he hissed, baring his fangs. "You have the power of one of the creator gods in you. Pull yourself together and act like it!"


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Nip's Shining Rime dealt a grazing 143 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!
Shiron's Radiant Raindrop dealt 194 and then 242 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!

"I don't think it's working, guys!" Owen said.

"No, it is! It is! K-kind of?!" Cal curled up in Owen's palm, most of her body receding into her core. "Throw me!" her tiny voice said.

It didn't take much power; Cal provided most of it, slamming hard into the barrier before bouncing away.

"Darkwhite! Hang in there! We're going to try to attack that... that thing that's attacking you! Okay?!"

"P-please... just get a-away..."

Sword is begging for you to run away, but that simply isn't an option.

The five heads each seemed to be conjuring a different attack even while Darkwhite tried to helplessly suppress them. It was of no use, however, and a deluge of attacks went flying in all directions.

Eterna Darkwhite used Surf!
Astrid: Dodged!
Bahamut: A grazing 3!
Brisa: Cino blocked the attack for 132 damage, but the shield broke! He left behind a Protect!
Cabot: Dodged!
Dave: Protected!
Icetales: Dodged!
Nip: Dodged!
Owen: A grazing 42!
Saltriv: A grazing 16
Shiron: Dodged!

Eterna Darkwhite used Water Pledge, then Grass Pledge on Bahamut, Nip, and Dave!
Bahamut: 55
Nip: Dodged!
Dave: A grazing 55!

A marshy swamp overtook the field on the team's side, countering their Tailwind!

Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Dash, gaining 3 speed and evasion!

Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Prank on Bahamut, Nip, and Shiron, lowering their Speed and Evasion by a Misty 150!

Meanwhile, the corrupting force settled down onto Ho-Oh, and that darkened tinge returned. And Ho-Oh's first act... was to turn the remaining, black cherry blossoms around her into a horrible ash that seeped into the bodies of herself and Darkwhite.

Ho-Oh was revived! Ho-Oh used Blacklight Ash, healing Sword for 1500 HP, Eterna Darkwhite for 10,000 HP, and herself for 5,000 HP!

Ho-Oh used Sacred Fire on Bahamut, Dave, and Owen!
Bahamut: 24
Dave: 55
Owen: 68

Ho-Oh used Dual Wingbeat on Nip, Shiron, and Astrid!
Nip: A grazing 43, and then 57!
Shiron: 55
Astrid: A grazing 10, then 20!

The cherry blossom petals were gone.

"They're even stronger than before!" Owen shouted, hardening his stance even as he shivered from the freezing water. "W-we need to stop that momentum before they take us out!" Owen shouted. "Ho-Oh first?! We can't handle them both for long!"

Brisa suffers from a burn... everyone but Astrid, Icetales, and Nip take some damage from Hail...

Sword: 2439
Eterna Darkwhite: 29,421
Ho-Oh: 15,000

Assists remaining: 16
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Rescue Team Member
Pokemon Paradise
  1. chikorita-saltriv
  2. bench-gen
  3. charmander
  4. snivy
  5. treecko
  6. tropius
  7. arctozolt
  8. wartortle
  9. zorua
Saltriv stared in horror as they watched Darkwhite contort, deforming into a terrifying monster. That Mew-like Pokemon, Giovanni...how could he do something like this?!

There had to be a way to fix this, though, right? Right?

Sword called out to Saltriv...

Was she...asking them for help?

A determined look emerged on Saltriv's face.

They'd answer Sword's call.

Saltriv gained +1 Valor!

"Hang in there, Darkwhite, or Sword! We'll find a way to save you!" Saltriv Called out to Sword. "Just...don't give up!"

They fired off Heal Pulse after Heal Pulse at Darkwhite, as they returned a glare back at Bahamut, though there was little malice in their own glare. Simply anger.

They weren't letting her die.
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Jedi Shulk

Master Driver
Five things sprouted from her back, triangular, faceless heads at the end of long necks. Bahamut would know the form well. Yet despite this, it seemed different--it was not violet like its usual armor, but black and amorphous. It almost looked like the same material that Cal and the other Ultra Shades were made of...
"That form and light it can't be..." Fay said.

"That form... it's just like Eternatus. She must be infused with its corruptive energy!"
Fay perked up on hearing that name.


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Sword didn't look like she was entirely there. Her eyes had become vacant, occasionally darting toward the Heal Pulses from Saltriv. She heard the calls of the others to calm down, even as she felt weaker and weaker. Less ware of herself. She mumbled something, squeezing her fists, and laughed. She didn't know why she was laughing. That always happened. There were so many crazy thoughts in her heard that she wondered if she really was attacking them...

Shiron joins his Water Pledge with Owen's Fire Pledge, dealing 293 damage to Darkwhite!
A rainbow mist covers the arena, invigorating Team Spectrum and boosting their status effects!

Shiron's Silver Spike deals 165 damage to Ho-Oh!
Cabot's 4x Stone Edge dealt 8453 damage to Ho-Oh!
Nip's Silver Spike dealt 380 damage to Darkwhite!
Eterna Darkwhite dodged Icetales' Vile Seed, but was hit by Brisa's!
Astrid's Inspired Stored Power dealt a CRITICAL 3734 damage to Ho-Oh!
Astrid's Silver Spike dealt a CRITICAL 569 damage to Ho-Oh!
Astrid's Inspired Null Stored Power dealt 2390 damage to Ho-Oh!

Just like before, the team took down Ho-Oh, and this time she was down for good; Celeste and a few others were quick to take Ho-Oh as far as they could from the fight, making sure there was no risk of being revived again. Soda helped cover them as he could, but now, they could focused on the abomination before them. Sword seemed so much smaller compared to the tendrils that seemed to only get larger behind her. They occasionally twitched, shrinking and going back into Sword... but not for long.

Sword tries to withdraw the Eterna corruption, but fails. She's too exhausted to do anything.

Eterna Darkwhite used Heat Wave!
Astrid: Dodged!
Bahamut: A grazing 9!
Brisa: 87
Cabot: Dodged!
Dave: Dodged!
Icetales: Dodged!
Nip: Dodged!
Owen: Skara took the blow for 55 damage!
Saltriv: A grazing 33!
Shiron: A grazing 17!

Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Celebration, gaining another Valor!
Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Dash, gaining another 3 Speed and Evasion!
Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Devastation on Icetales, Astrid, and Nip!
Icetales: Dodged!
Astrid: Dodged!
Nip: Dodged!

Eterna Darkwhite used Spikes, surrounding herself in counterattacking thorns! Anybody who interacts with Darkwhite will take 100 counter damage!

Eterna Darkwhite used Miracle Eye! Eterna Darkwhite now ignores Evasion!

"Oh, that's good..." Owen looked at the deathtrap that Darkwhite had suddenly become. Sure, Ho-Oh was down, but now... "I don't know if we can dodge her moves all that easily anymore! We might need to change up our strategy! How many techniques does she KNOW?"

"I mean, she's a Mew, so, all of them?!" Cal's head went flying from a stray attack; she pulled a new one out of her shoulders. "Are we winning or losing?!"

Support Burst: 60/100

Assists remaining for Sword: 9

Sword: 2,435
Eterna Darkwhite: 29,041
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Brisa kept up her efforts unflinchingly, tag-teaming with Luz, with Cabot, with anyone she could to squeeze a victory out of what couldn't be a hopeless situation. It couldn't be. They'd dealt with divine titans. They'd dealt with shadow bullshit. They could deal with this. She knew.

"Darkwhite!" she cried. "Sword! You've never let anyone push you around before! I know y'ain't gonna let this fuckin' thing control you now! We're fuckin' countin' on you to shake this motherfucker! You have that strength in you!"

Brisa only looked like she was burning to death. The closer she got to her limit, the more furious courage she found. Maybe, beneath the spell of Eternatus, Sword would feel it too.


House of Two Midnights
With Giovanni gone, things were at least more straightforward. Only one target there... or two. But Darkwhite--Sword--wasn't what they were trying to defeat here, and whatever the fuck the Eternatus thing was sure as hell wasn't something they could ignore. But even as the attacks flew and the battle churned the dune into a storm of blowing sand, something kept nagging at Nate.

He had to pause after what felt like the thousandth hydro pump, grimacing and turning his face out of the worst of the wind. He was so fucking done with deserts.

"He said he'd get her when this is over," Nate growled. "Just like he did with fucking Joule. We can't let him do that. What's the point of even trying to reach her when that bastard's just going to show up and drag her off again to, I don't know, fucking upgrade or whatever?"

Rocky was naturally cheering Darkwhite on, leaping up and down and punching the air like if she just got a bit more pep she'd be able to shrug off the Eternatus thing that had fucking burst out of her skin, but after a few seconds he noticed his partner was standing around, muttering to himself. "Umm, shouldn't you be attacking?"

"We could set some kind of trap for when he gets back. All jump him at once, before he has a chance to figure out what's going on. He's so fucking fast, though. At least we have to do something about pokéballs. What the fuck have we got that can stop a pokéball?"

"Hello?" Rocky squatted down, peering at Nate. "We're supposed to be fighting, you know?"

"I'm thinking, fuck off!"

"Maybe you could try thinking... after the battle?" Rocky asked nervously. The ground rumbled, sand sifting away down the side of the dune as some attack touched down worryingly close.

"If we could stop him giving orders, whatever that device is. Or some kind of psychic bullshit?" Nate didn't even flinch as one of their teammates charged past, wreathed in a haze of energy. "Have to stop him from... reaching her..." A cold feeling was stealing over him as options withered and fell away under scrutiny, leaving behind the one he sure as fuck didn't want to think about.

"Okay, well, I'm going to keep actually helping Darkwhite over here," Rocky said when Nate had been staring at the ground in front of him for a solid thirty seconds. "I hope you're thinking really important thoughts! Even more important than winning the battle!"

Nate closed his eyes and took a deep breath, sinking further into the cold. The sounds of battle and Rocky's cries of You can do this! Fight them off you know you can! faded into the distance as Nate reached for the ball of deep shadow he knew was still down there somewhere. Somewhere he shouldn't have to look at it anymore.

Yeah, he could do this. No problem. He sure as hell hadn't forgotten how.

The air around Nate darkened, and Rocky paused. "Wait, what are you--?" The familiar yelped and jumped aside to avoid a coiling burst of darkness aimed at the thrashing Eternatus-creature.

Nate used Shadow Isolate!

"I don't think that even did anything," Rocky said after a moment, watching the weird finger-heads splayed out around Darkwhite hiss and blast energy beams in all directions, exactly as they had been before.

"Yeah, well, it usually takes some work to put fuckers like that down." Nate said, sliding into a lower stance so the sand was piled up around his knees. His shadow wavered, smoky black tendrils starting to rise from the sand around him. Nate smirked, and the expression felt too wide for his face. "But what do you know? I'm probably the most stubborn bastard on this whole shitty world."

Nate used Shadow Isolate!


Dragon Enthusiast
  1. flygon
  2. charizard
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. sceptile
  6. marowak
  7. jirachi
  8. meganium
  9. namo-rock
Having nowhere to run and everything to lose, Team Spectrum rushed forward with everything they had. They still needed some time to prepare for the big strike, and trying to help Darkwhite had, ultimately, slowed them down. Their attempts at calming Darkwhite only led to delaying the inevitable, but... could it still have helped?

Eterna Darkwhite dodged Icetales' Ultra Stone and Vile Seed!
Shiron and Owen's Water-Fire Pledge dealt 674 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!
Brisa's double Façade dealt 1012 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!
Cabot's two Silver Spikes dealt 652 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!
Dave's double Assurance dealt 704 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!

"What?" Owen jumped back, narrowly avoiding a sweeping slash from one of the heads writhing behind Darkwhite. "Guys! I don't think she's Psychic anymore, or... or any type! Is she just pure Blacklight--?!"

Nip's Silver Spike dealt 473 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!
Nip's Shadow Spikes dealt a total of 447 damage to Eterna Darkwhite!
Astrid's Blinding Meltdown hit Eterna Darkwhite for 472 damage! Icetales dodged the attack!

Sword whimpered, covering her eyes. This wasn't supposed to be happening. This wasn't the fun party she thought it'd be. Or was it ever? Was this always how it turned up? Maybe Celeste was right, maybe... she... was so tired. It was all so tiring.

Sword was healed for 300 HP by Saltriv's Heal Pulses!

Relief slowly washed over Sword. She was feeling... so much better, in a strange way. She squinted through the haze of her mind, squeezing her paws, and then tried to focus on the team that was trying to save her. Yes.. save her... Was that...?

Sword came to her senses! Sword regained her Valor!

"You're... trying to help... after everything I've done?"

"Sword? Is that--are you safe?" Owen called. "Sword! Hang in there, alright?! We'll get you somewhere safe, we just need to take care of that thing coming out of you!"

"No, it's... that's part of me! You can't... uhuhu, do you really think..." It was a laugh, but that was a nervous one. Her eyes were wide with terror and panic. "I--I feel it. It's going to attack, I... it's ME, it's ME, I'M going to attack! I can't... st-stop..."

Eterna Darkwhite used Earthquake!
Bahamut: 20
Brisa: Protected!
Cabot: Protected!
Dave: 48
Icetales: 30
Nip: Protected!
Owen: Skara took the hit for 32 damage!
Saltriv: 48
Shiron: 73

"Please, get away! Get away!"

Eterna Darkwhite used Lash Out on Icetales, Bahamut, and Shiron!
Icetales: 67
Bahamut: 67
Shiron: 218

"It's too much, it's too much! I w-want to... no, I don't, I can't attack, I can't, I can't...!"

Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Devastation on Icetales, Bahamut, and Dave!
Icetales: 327
Bahamut: 108
Dave: 358

Icetales' and Dave's HP remained at 1!


Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Combo on Icetales, Shiron, and Owen!
Icetales: 111, KO!
Shiron: 111, KO!
Owen: Skara took 111 damage and left behind a Protect!

Every single hit, Sword felt. It was invigorating, exhilarating, thrilling, and horrible. Barrages pummeled Team Spectrum into the ground, sending the vast majority of them sprawled on the ground with golden flashes returning them, just barely, to consciousness. And yet she was still aiming to fight.

"No, this can't... be happening... I'm... I don't want to be a villain anymore!" she cried over the roars of the five heads, which mirrored her own cries. "I--I don't want to be a bad guy! I don't want to attack... my friends! I... I want Shield! Shield! Please, Shield, where are you?! SHIELD!" But Shield had been kept away from them in case he'd interfere--still under suspicion back at Destiny Village. Her cries would be unanswered...

Eterna Darkwhite used Assurance on Bahamut, Dave, and Saltriv!
Bahamut: 68, KO!
Dave: 110, KO!
Saltriv: 155

Everyone took 100 damage from Eterna Darkwhite's Spikes!
Saltriv was KOed!

Everyone who got KOed was revived to 1 HP!

Heads thrashed on the ground, and amid the chaos, Saltriv was struck. Owen shouted their name and ran for the fallen Pokemon, even as a golden flash returned them to the waking world. But at the rate things were going, that would not last long.

"S... Saltriv?" Sword whispered, paws shaking. Even her heads paused momentarily, like she was trying to hold them in place. It wasn't working. "You... the one who... healed... the one... D-Dave..." But he, too, had fallen. "No... no, I..."

Eterna Darkwhite used--

Sword gained +6 Valor!


Sword used Psych Up on Owen, gaining +6 Magic!
Sword used Darkwhite Devastation on Eterna Darkwhite, dealing 3606 damage!

The massive, chaotic flurry came from the core of the five-headed beast, smashing under the triangular chins of every single one. The blast came from below, and Sword was screaming incomprehensively with every attack.

"Not again... not again not again not again NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN! I won't... let... you kill my friends! NOT AGAIN! GO AWAY, GO AWAY, GO AWAY!"

Sword used Darkwhite Prank on Eterna Darkwhite, lowering its Defense and Resistance by 300!
Eterna Darkwhite used Darkwhite Devastation on Sword, dealing 546 damage!

It roared again, drowning Darkwhite out, and then it curled around Darkwhite in a tight ball, where her screams were muffled. Yet she was still fighting. She punched out of her own coils and tried to break free, but they were too firmly attached to her body. The red core in her chest grew brighter as more energy flowed through them both.

"If I can't st-stop you... I'll..."

Eterna Darkwhite used Bide!
Eterna Darkwhite took some damage from Sandstorm.

Special Condition achieved!

Eterna Darkwhite is vulnerable!

Sword is preparing Explosion!
Sword looks afraid... Can she be persuaded?

Sword: 2,189
Eterna Darkwhite: 21,444

"Oh, crap, she's gonna blow!" Soda shouted.

"What?! But--Darkwhite, if she does, what will that do to her?!" Owen looked at the Mew. Her eyes were simultaneously filled with resolve and fear. Under this kind of stress, an Explosion like that, against something like whatever was coming from her... would she...?

"If you have any plans, do them now," Maple snarled. "We won't get another chance."
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A cat that writes stories.
  1. purrloin-salem
  2. sneasel-dusk
  3. luz-companion
  4. brisa-companion
  5. meowth-laura
  6. delphox-jesse
  7. mewtwo
  8. zeraora
Darkwhite (Sword?) was giving up. That's what this was. She didn't see a way to win, so she was gonna force herself to detonate. Only, unlike Astrid (goddamnit, Astrid! You better fucking survive this!!) Sword wouldn't get back up again.

Brisa was fucking damned if she'd live to see that. Not after everything that had happened. Not now.

That Radiance she'd felt coming into the fight... she hadn't known what it was, just felt it was the exhilaration of a fight for fun. But it was something else. Something new. The desire to connect with her opponent on the battlefield... to understand them through combat. That desire was now a shining wish.

Her eyes blazed gold as nine cables of pure light spun out from her body and made contact with Darkwhite, searing the tendrils where they took hold and tethering Brisa to the amalgamated mew. Time seemed to slow as she reached for the soul struggling within...

Terror. Panic. People, trying to save her, even now. Confusion. Doubt. She didn't want to hurt them, but she did nonetheless. Was it always like this? Was she going to kill her friends?

...and poured out her own heart.

"Darkwhite! Sword... I know you're scared! I know what it's like to be afraid of hurting my friends. I know how hard it is to feel like a danger to folks. But this ain't the answer! There's still a chance for us to save you! You have to have faith in us, you have to let us help you! Please, Sword! Trust me, like I trust you! PLEASE!"

Brisa used Shining Whiplash!
Brisa called out to Sword!
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Gotta go back. Back to the past.
Residency hell
  1. silvally-dragon
  2. necrozma-ultra
  3. milotic
  4. zoroark-soda
  5. dreepy
  6. mewtwo-ambyssin
  7. vulpix-ambyssin
Bahamut was so tired of all of this. All around him, his teammates were expending energy trying to get through to something that had been taken by a parasite, rather than just trying to take both out and be done with it. He, in turn, had spent up almost all his energy trying to keep them fighting fit. And this was how he was being repaid? The parasite's host was giving up. In an effort to take out the parasite, it would take the whole team down. Not a bad strategy, if Bahamut had to be honest. He welcomed such a thing.

Diyem was missing. The reviver seed was used. Perhaps... perhaps... perhaps...

"If Maple can't teleport you all, then just run as far as you can," Bahamut stoically said. "Let her explode. I'll stay and make sure it happens."
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